Drugs and Society Test 3- ch. 6, 7, 8, 9

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alcohol sales during a given year.

"Apparent" alcohol consumption is based on:

engaging in a specific activity compulsively and repetitively, over and over again

"Punding" is a common effect of taking amphetamines chronically and abusively. What is punding?

the frequency of use—that is, less than once a day versus more than once a day.

A study compared controlled opiate users with narcotic addicts and found that the former differed from the latter in:


According to MTF, most high school seniors believe that the regular use of heroin is:


After 2000, the rate of use of club drugs:


Another term for "ice" is:


Between the 1990s and the year 2000, the use of club drugs:

Schedule II drug.

Cocaine is a:

In the more distant past, experts tended to underplay the dangerousness of cocaine use; today, they tend to exaggerate it.

Compare expert opinion on the dangerousness of cocaine use over the past generation, or the past 30 years or so.


Compared with most of the other drugs, the margin between the ED and LD for narcotics is:


Currently, the drug that causes the greatest number of deaths by overdose, in absolute numbers, is:

has decreased.

During the past 30 years or so, the number of years of potential life lost (YPLL) as a result of alcohol-related highway fatalities:


During the past decade or so, the use of methamphetamine has:

100 percent "absolute" alcohol.

Ethyl alcohol or ethanol is:

is largely regionalized to the West Coast.

Evidence indicates that the use of methamphetamine:


Evidence suggests that, currently, the majority of heroin used on the street in the United States comes into the country from:


For which of the following uses do many physicians today most frequently write legitimate prescriptions for amphetamine?


From interviews of arrestees, sociologists have discovered that among criminals born after 1953, the percentage who said that they had used heroin has:


From interviews of arrestees, sociologists have discovered that among criminals born after 1970, the percentage who said that they had used crack cocaine has:


From the early 1970s to today, the number of prescriptions written for the amphetamines has:

all drinkers of alcohol are drug users

In a psychopharmacological sense, ___________.

people are influenced equally by a given quantity of an alcoholic beverage—whether it is distilled spirits, wine, or beer.

In alcohol studies, the rule of equivalency is the principle that:


In the 1990s, several media sources reported that a new heroin epidemic had gripped the United States. Toward the end of the first decade of the 2000s, that epidemic had:

has decreased

In the past 30 years or so, the percent of all automobile fatalities that were alcohol-related:

the West Coast states of CA, OR, and WA

In which region of the country is methamphetamine most likely to be used?

The answer to the question depends on what one means by the term "addicting."

Is cocaine addicting?


Late in the nineteenth century, Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, wrote about and abused which of the following drugs?

Some writers have included marijuana as belonging in each of these categories.

No authors of texts on drug use have included marijuana in which of the following categories?


Of all the well-known drugs, evidence suggests, which of the following ranks dead last with respect to the percentage of the U.S. population who uses it?


On a dose-by-dose basis, which of the following drugs is most likely to cause death by overdose?

the narcotics.

Overall, the most effective and efficient analgesics are:

none of the above.

Psychopharmacologists classify Ecstasy (MDMA) in terms of its effects as a:

disassociative anesthetic.

Psychopharmacologists classify ketamine as a:

sensory overload.

Research has demonstrated that the use of LSD commonly causes:


Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde under the influence of which of the following drugs?

was a mythological figure who was neither an actual Chinese emperor nor a writer of a pharmaceutical treatise that included marijuana as a curative herb.

Shen Nung:


Since the late 1980s, according to the Monitoring the Future survey, the use of crack has:

has decreased.

Since the year that the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 21 was made illegal in all states (1988), alcohol consumption by persons under the age of 21:

induce drowsiness and sleepiness.

Soporific refers to the capacity to:

a bar

Statistically speaking, on an episode-by-episode basis, the setting in which alcohol-impairment injury is most likely to take place is:

speed up signals passing through the central nervous system (CNS).


positive—drinkers are more likely to use illicit drugs than nondrinkers.

The correlation between drinking alcohol and illicit drug use is:


The death toll—the total number of people who die as a result of a cause related to the use of the substance—is greatest for which of the following?

none of the above; the effects of the administration of marijuana continued to deteriorate the pilots' coordination, even after 24 hours.

The discussion in this chapter summarizing a study on the administration of marijuana to airline pilots followed by submitting them to coordination tests 1, 4, 10, and 24 hours after the administration of marijuana found that the deteriorating effects of the drug completely disappeared after:

they tend to be used recreationally by more or less middle-class persons.

The drugs and drug types that are discussed in this chapter are included together because:

the "natural" era.

The era during which marijuana's psychoactive effects were discovered and when it began to be used is:

any organ of the body is inconclusive.

The evidence indicating that the human use of MDMA (Ecstasy) damages:

the 1940s.

The first LSD "trip" took place in:

Europe, China, Russia, and Africa.

The heroin that is derived from poppies grown in Afghanistan is shipped mainly to:

shorter and more intense than from snorting powder cocaine.

The high or intoxication resulting from smoking crack cocaine is:

the late seventies to the mid-eighties.

The peak popularity of cocaine—when it was used most, according to surveys—for young adults and college students was during:


The principal psychoactive chemical in marijuana is:


The relationship between a driver's BAC (blood-alcohol concentration) and getting into an accident that kills someone is:


The relationship between alcohol consumption and being the victim of criminal, violent behavior is:


The relationship between alcohol consumption and engaging in risky, deviant behavior is:

positive—the greater a person smokes, the greater the likelihood that he or she will die prematurely.

The relationship between smoking and premature mortality is:


The relationship between smoking cigarettes and the use of illicit drugs is:


The relationship between the sale of alcohol in a given location and the likelihood that residents living in that location will be hospitalized for assault is:


The social characteristic that correlates most strongly with the use of marijuana is:

smoking it.

The swiftest, most efficient, and most effective route of administration of marijuana is:

the Western Hemisphere

The tobacco plant is indigenous to which of the following continents or regions?

none of the above.

The use of club drugs is:

Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia

Which of the following countries are the origin of the plant from whose leaves cocaine is extracted?


Which of the following drugs discussed in this text is not included in the category of hallucinogenic/psychedelic drugs?

All are effects of the narcotics, given the relevant dose or doses.

Which of the following effects is not an effect of the relevant dose or doses of narcotic drugs?

pharmacological school

Which of the following explanations for the "progression" of users from the use of marijuana to the use of more dangerous drugs focuses on properties inherent in the drug that cause this phenomenon? The:

distilled spirits (such as gin, vodka, tequila, or Scotch)

Which of the following has the highest concentration of "absolute" alcohol?

All are narcotic, opiate, or opioid drugs.

Which of the following is not a narcotic, opiate, or opioid drug?


Which of the following is not a narcotic, opiate, or opioid drug?

psychotic episodes

Which of the following is not considered one of the common effects of the hallucinogenic or psychedelic drugs?

all the other narcotics added together

Which of the following is used by a greater number of people—heroin versus all of the other narcotics added together?


Which of the following painkillers or analgesics are not narcotics?

emergency room episodes.

Which of the following statements is true? The amphetamines and methamphetamine are in the top five drugs with respect to:

are the most reinforcing, generate the greatest immediate sensual appeal, and produce the most powerful psychological dependence.

Why did a well-known pharmacologist refer to the recreational use of cocaine, crack cocaine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine as "the wild addictions"? Because, in comparison with all the other psychoactive substances, they:

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