Drugs Exam 3

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The synthetic cannabinoid Spice binds more fully to brain cannabinoid receptors than does THC and may produce more intense effects


True or False, Asian and Black groups (identified socially) are the groups that use the least amount of use of illegal stimulants.


True or False, Spice, also called K2, is commercially available, but is labeled as "not for human consumption?"


True or False, The Dept. of Agriculture has research to indicate that fiber hemp grown during 4-6 months, has the same amount of paper as 4-5 acres as 20 year-old trees?


True or false, CBD stands for cannabidiol?


True or false, does the text say "During prenatal brain development, a fetus creates about 250 neurons a minute?"


True or false, drugs affecting brain functioning usually bind to receptors that are specific to certain neurotransmitters?


True or false, numerous studies of MDMA (ecstasy) in animal studies show that large doses of MDMA are neurotoxic to serotonin neurons?


True or false, the human body makes an endogenous form of THC?


True or false, the text indicates that the prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until about 26 years of age?


True or false, there are data to support that CBD is antioxidant, anti-convulsant, anxiety, antipsychotic and neuroprotective?


Uruguay was the first country in the world to legalize and regulate the production, supply, and recreational use of cannabis.


When cocaine HCl is separated from acid—when you free the base—it crosses the BBB easier.


When states legalize medical marijuana, their rates of opioid overdose deaths go down


With chronic use, the liver becomes able to metabolize opioids faster.


Z drugs such as Ambien bind to the GABA receptor.


On its own, cocaine is not particularly well absorbed into the bloodstream when taken orally, because it constricts the blood vessels of the mouth and is broken down in the acidic stomach


Once heroin reaches the brain, it is converted back into morphine.


Opioid pain relievers are responsible for more deaths than from heroin and cocaine combined.


Opioids cause constipation.


Opium was a common ingredient in many patent medicines in the 19th century.


Pseudoephedrine can be used to produce methamphetamine.


Repeated use of amphetamine over days or weeks can lead to a psychotic state that resembles schizophrenia


Students with drug charges are prohibited from receiving federal aid and student loans for colleges and universities.


The United States consumes 85% of the world's medically prescribed amphetamines.


The United States is one of the world's largest consumers of cocaine.


The blood brain barrier keeps most large, water-soluble substances out of the brain.


The dose response curve measures the magnitude of a drug's effects as a function of the dose given.


The likelihood of a fatal crash is about 8 times higher for a driver with a BAC over 0.1% than for a sober driver.


The liver is the most important organ for the metabolism of drugs.


It is best to take pills with grapefruit juice.


It is more expensive to treat drug users than to incarcerate them.


It is very difficult and expensive to synthesize amphetamine.


MDMA works mainly at GABA receptors


Marijuana decreases heart rate


Members of the Native American Church are legally able to use any and all drugs in their religious ceremonies


Mescaline is the major psychoactive substance in psilocybin mushrooms


Psilocybin is the major psychoactive ingredient in peyote


Receptors are most commonly located on the axon of a neuron.


Since alcohol and PCP work at different sites, it is safe to combine alcohol with PCP


Sublingual drugs are administered with a hypodermic needle and injected under the skin.


The Controlled Substances Act raised the blood alcohol content standard for a DUI from 0.01% to 0.08%.


The FDA drug approval process typically takes about 5-7 years.


The La Guardia Report of 1944 found that marijuana was not addictive, but the Shafer Commission of 1972 found that marijuana was both addictive and dangerous


The Opium Wars were when England went to war against China to try to make China stop smuggling their opium into England.


The capillaries of the brain and spinal cord are leakier than the capillaries of the liver.


The effective doses of all the hallucinogens are remarkably similar


The more punitive a country's drug laws, the less drug use there is in that country.


The non-medical use of prescription drugs is now the most commonly used illicit drug in America.


The placenta is a very effective barrier to drug distribution, keeping out almost all drugs from entering the fetus' circulation.


True or False, Canabis leaves and flowers of tiny, sticky, hairs contain about 40 chemicals, which about 30 are unique to the Canabis plant


True or false, morphine binds to GABA receptors?


Users do not develop tolerance to psychedelic hallucinogens which is why the risk of addiction is so high


When overdose to benzodiazepines occurs, it is usually due to seizure.


When taken with cocaine, alcohol forms a new compound in the body that essentially inactivates cocaine's actions.


Withdrawal from cocaine lasts for 2-3 months and is potentially life threatening.


Nine months after psychotherapy for alcoholism, one can expect that about _______% of those getting that therapy to be abstinent from alcohol (or to be drinking only occasionally and then only a moderate amount).


Which of the following increases neurogenesis? A. Learning B. Stress C. Physical exercise D. Alcohol E. A and C F. B and D G. All of the above

A and C

Which of the following is associated with long-term use of opioids? A. Constipation B. Cirrhosis C. Increased sensitivity to pain D. Lung cancer E. A and C F. B and D G. All of the above

A and C

An antagonist is

A drug which binds to a receptor without producing an effect except to block other substances from the receptor

Which is true about current drug laws in the United States? A. For a first offense of simple possession, judges are required to impose a minimum mandatory prison sentence B. A person may be charged with "intent to distribute" if the possessor has large amounts of drug, drug paraphernalia, packaging material, large amounts of money, or communications from customers C. The penalty for a drug misdemeanor is at least one year in prison D. Money must exchange hands to be charged with drug trafficking

A person may be charged with "intent to distribute" if the possessor has large amounts of drug, drug paraphernalia, packaging material, large amounts of money, or communications from customers

Which of the following is true about the crime of drug possession? A. A person may be charged with drug possession if they have a bong or syringe, even if the paraphernalia has never been used B. To be charged with possession, you must have the drugs found directly on your person C. A person may be charged with drug possession only if they have given any object of value in exchange for the drugs D. Possession of marijuana is deemed "simple possession" but possession of cocaine and heroin is called "possession with intent to distribute."

A person may be charged with drug possession if they have a bong or syringe, even if the paraphernalia has never been used

According to the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs, which of the following is in order of overall harm, from most harmful to least harmful? A. Heroin, methamphetamine, alcohol, marijuana, tobacco B. Tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, marijuana C. Heroin, LSD, cocaine, marijuana, tobacco, alcohol D. Alcohol, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, LSD

Alcohol, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, LSD

A synaptic vesicle is:

A tiny sac which holds a neurotransmitter in preparation for release into a nerve synapse

Which of the following religious believe adherents should abstain from alcohol? A. Islam B. Southern Baptists C. The Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) D. Judaism E. A, B, and C F. All of the above

A, B, and C

Drug mules are used to carry the coca leaves down the Andes mountains.


Drunk drivers are more likely to use peripheral vision.


Which of the following does NOT affect the metabolism of drugs? A. Genetic factors B. Age C. Mood or expectations D. Other drugs or foods taken at the same time E. A and B do not affect metabolism but C and D do affect metabolism F. All of the above affect the metabolism of drugs

All of the above affect the metabolism of drugs

Dr. Kinsey is studying the effect of marijuana on cognition. He wants to see the relationship between marijuana and the ability to solve math problems. One hundred and fifty male volunteer participants come to the laboratory. Half of them smoke a joint. The other half smoke a clove cigarette. Participants don't know which they are smoking. Twenty minutes later, they are brought into a room and take a math test. Which of the following is correct? A. The independent variable is how well the participants performed on the math test B. The dependent variable is smoking marijuana C. The control is Dr. Kinsey himself D. All of the above are true E. All of the above are false

All of the above are false

One of the following statements is the one given in class to characterize the efficiency of treatment programs with the goal of curing alcoholism A. Almost any kind of treatment, as long as it involves empathetic understanding of the alcoholic's problems, is apt to produce cures in most alcoholics B. All widely used treatment programs are of marginal benefit. C. Some treatment programs, when practiced by trained professionals, can get cure-rates as high as 80% (cure being a year without a relapse to drinking).

All widely used treatment programs are of marginal benefit

The statement "Marijuana has not been proven to cause neurological damage, therefore it is completely safe" is an example of which fallacy of reasoning?

Appeal to ignorance

Which of the following is true about REM sleep? A. Brain waves are very inactive B. The only stage during which dreams occur C. Associated with a loss of skeletal muscle tone D. The body sweats the most during REM sleep

Associated with a loss of skeletal muscle tone

Which of the following is true about the "Therapeutic Index" (TI) A. The lower the therapeutic index, the safer the drug is B. The TI is a measure of the lethal dose in 50% of subjects over the effective dose in 50% of subjects C. If 50% of a population is killed by a dosage of 10 mg, then the TI for that drug is 10. D. All schedule I drugs have a low TI

B. The TI is a measure of the lethal dose in 50% of subjects over the effective dose in 50% of subjects

Gram for gram, cocaine is considered to be one of the least expensive illicit drugs in the world.


If 2 drugs are taken concurrently and both are metabolized by the CYP450 enzyme system, large amounts of drug A will increase the metabolism of drug B.


If a person uses alcohol along with barbiturates, the GABA receptor remains filled and the effects of the two drugs cancel each other out.


Which is not one of the ways amphetamine increase levels of dopamine in the synapse? A. Increases release B. Blocks reuptake C. Inhibits MAO D. Binds directly to postsynaptic receptors

Binds directly to postsynaptic receptors

Which is false about drug laws and race?

Blacks account for about 14% of those in state prison for drug crimes

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism by which cocaine exerts its effects A. Blocks reuptake of serotonin B. Blocks reuptake of dopamine C. Blocks sodium channels in pain pathways D. Blocks reuptake of acetylcholine

Blocks reuptake of acetylcholine

If you inject the same dosage of two drugs, one of which is highly bound to plasma proteins and the other which is unbound, the drug that is bound to plasma proteins will have more of an effect on the body than the unbound drug.


Ingesting opium gives a rapid, more intense and more addictive high than smoking opium.


The best way to separate fact from fiction regarding information about a drug that has been reported in the popular press is to

Check out the primary source

Which is true about the demographics of drug use in the United States? A. Compared to other races, people of Asian descent report the lowest rates of illicit drug use B. For all drugs, male high school students have higher rates of use than female high school students C. Those age 16-17 have the highest rate of current illicit drug use D. Drug use is lowest among those who attended but did not finish college

Compared to other races, people of Asian descent report the lowest rates of illicit drug use

Which of the following is the generic name of the drug? A. C16H13ClN2O B. Valium C. Diazepam D. Benzos


Which of the following is true of PCP? A. Effects depend on dose, environment, and characteristics of the user B. A fairly simple drug with well-understood effects C. Users feel calmly centered and "at one with the all" D. Therapeutic index is over 1000

Effects depend on dose, environment, and characteristics of the user

Which of the following is an endogenous substance? A. Cocaine B. Endorphin C. Heroin D. Marijuana


A _________ is a term used to describe an argument that doesn't address the facts and instead focuses on irrelevant and unrelated matters

Fallacy of relevance

A drug that causes pain is called an "agonist."


A drug with a therapeutic index of 5 is safer than a drug with a therapeutic index of 500.


A short-acting benzodiazepines would best treat anxiety, while a longer-acting benzodiazepine would be better for insomnia.


A user can only become addicted to cocaine if it is smoked, not if it is snorted.


About 25% of the world's adult population reports having used an illegal drug at least once in the past year.


After prohibition ended, organized crime's involvement in drugs diminished enormously.


An agonist binds to a receptor without producing an effect except to block other substances from the receptor.


Barbiturates are addictive but benzodiazepines are not.


Blacks are much more likely than whites to use methamphetamine.


Cocaine increases the activity of GABA in the brain.


Which of the following is most directly involved with decisions, judgment, and reasoning? A. Parietal lobe B. Temporal lobe C. Frontal lobe D. Occipital lobe

Frontal lobe

Which of the following does not relate to pharmacokinetics? A. Distribution of the drug B. How well a drug binds to a receptor C. The route of administration D. The activity of cytochrome P450 enzymes

How well a drug binds to a receptor

What is the "observer effect?"

If participants know they're being observed, they may alter their behavior

Which of the following is true of cocaine? A. It slows heart rate and reduces blood pressure B. It is actually one of the least dependence-causing of all drugs C. It is a medically approved treatment for glaucoma D. Increases the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system E. Increases the amount of dopamine in the synapse

Increases the amount of dopamine in the synapse

Which route of administration gets a drug to the brain fastest?


Mendax Pharmaceuticals is trying out their new antidepressant. One group of participants took the new drug, another group received a placebo, and a third had a weekly meeting with a therapist. Midway through the trial, the therapist had to drop out, and was replaced by a new therapist. Because of this, the experiment may not be ____

Internally valid

Which is true about MDMA? A. It is structurally similar to dopamine and norepinephrine B. It works by directly inhibiting the release of serotonin C. Its primary precursor is oil from the vanilla bean D. Its psychoactive effects are stronger in men

It is structurally similar to dopamine and norepinephrine

Which is true about LSD? A. LSD must be taken intravenously B. It mostly works by affecting serotonin C. It has one of the lowest therapeutic indexes of all drugs D. About 3000 people overdose on LSD each year

It mostly works by affecting serotonin

What is the difference between khat and cat?

Khat is cathinone; cat is methcathinone. Methcathinone is more lipid soluble and more potent

Which of the following has the longest duration of action?


Which of the following is false about opioids such as morphine or heroin? A. Relieves pain B. Cough suppressant C. Causes constipation D. Local anesthetic

Local anesthetic

Which is true about the prevalence of cocaine use? A. Use by high school students is at an all time high B. Males are more likely to use than females C. About 4% of the U.S. population has used cocaine within the past month D. Blacks are more likely to use powder cocaine than whites

Males are more likely to use than females

Which of the following has the lowest number of deaths attributed to its use?


Which of the following is a type of opioid receptor? A. Muscarinic B. Mu C. Anandamide D. Beta


Opiod Receptors are to Heroin as Cannabinoid receptors are to _________.


The first pass effect occurs with which of the following routes of administration? A. Oral B. IV C. Transdermal D. Inhalation E. All of the above


Which of the following is NOT one of the 3 main dopaminergic pathways in the brain? A. Nigrostriatal pathway that helps control movement B. Pontocerebellar pathway that helps control sleep and appetite C. Mesocortical pathway that is important in problem solving and planning D. Mesolimbic pathway that is important in regulating mood, emotions, and addiction

Pontocerebellar pathway that helps control sleep and appetite

Which fallacy of reasoning is demonstrated in this example? "Many people claim that Mendax Pharmaceutical's new drug isn't effective, but the CEO of the company just gave $100,000 to charity."

Red herring

Which of the following is not true about the adverse effects of cocaine? A. Increased risk of heart attack B. Perforation of the nasal septum C. Reduced risk of seizure D. Increased risk of stroke

Reduced risk of seizure

Which of the following is not seen with opioid withdrawal? Selected Answer: A. Goosebumps B. Increased blood pressure C. Respiratory depression D. Pupil dilation

Respiratory depression

Which of the following does not have serotonin as its major mechanism of action?


Which is false about drugs derived from natural sources? A. The blood pressure drug Captopril was first derived from the venom of the Brazilian pit viper B. Antibiotics came from bacteria and mold C. Mescaline is a drug that is purified from the peyote cactus D. THC is more chemically complex than marijuana

THC is more chemically complex than marijuana

Which is true about the brains of chronic cocaine users? A. Have signs of reduced aging B. Show a loss of tissue in the prefrontal cortex C. Have lost the neuronal connections that run from the medulla to the heart D. Show more neuronal connections in the temporal lobe

Show a loss of tissue in the prefrontal cortex

Of the following routes of administration, which of the following choices is in order from fastest onset of action to slowest? A. Smoked, oral, snorted, injected B. Smoked, injected, snorted, oral C. Snorted, injected, oral, smoked D. Injected, snorted, oral, smoked

Smoked, injected, snorted, oral

Who decides whether a drug should be scheduled under the Controlled Substances Act? A. The President of the United States B. The Department of Health and Human services C. The FBI D. The FDA E. A and C F. B and D

The Department of Health and Human services and the FDA (B and D)

Which of the following is the current knowledge on whether MDMA is neurotoxic in human users? A. The data on human-use clearly confirms the effects (neurotoxicity) seen in animal studies. B. The data on human-use clearly supports the idea that MDMA is safe to use at usual recreational doses. C. The effects of using MDMA as a recreational drug are highly controversial.

The effects of using MDMA as a recreational drug are highly controversial.

Which of the following is false? A. The hypothalamus is part of the brain stem and is responsible for breathing, heart rate, and other vegetative processes B. The left hemisphere is associated with language C. The occipital lobe of the brain is for vision D. The pons helps control sleep and breathing

The hypothalamus is part of the brain stem and is responsible for breathing, heart rate, and other vegetative processes

Which of the following might best explain the surge in heroin use over the past decade? A. The increased use of prescription pain medications B. The decreased purity of available heroin requires people to purchase larger amounts C. The rescheduling of heroin from schedule I to schedule III D. The legalization of marijuana in some states

The increased use of prescription pain medications

Which is true about ionotropic receptors? A. Cause slow postsynaptic responses B. The ion channel opens or closes via activation of G proteins C. The receptor molecule itself is also an ion channel D. Most receptors are ionotropic

The receptor molecule itself is also an ion channel

Which is false about opioid receptors A. The two main classes of opioids receptors are endorphins and enkephalins B. Opioids act as neuromodulators and affect the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, GABA, histamine, and acetylcholine C. Opioid receptors are located both presynaptically and postsynaptically D. Opioid receptors are located in the cortex, but not the brain stem or spinal cord

The two main classes of opioids receptors are endorphins and enkephalins

MDMA may permanently damage serotonin neurons


What is the name of the Harvard professor who, in the 1960s, encouraged the use of hallucinogens and gave LSD to his students?

Timothy Leary

Most songs that contain references to alcohol or drug use portrayed positive consequences more than negative consequences.


Naturally occurring drugs, such as marijuana or peyote, cannot be patented.


"I had a bad reaction to the Pill, so birth control pills should be taken off the market" is an example of a hasty generalization.


5% of American adults, and 10% of Americans between the ages of 12 and 17, report using opioid drugs for non-medical purposes.


A larger, more bitter placebo pill would give a more effective placebo response than a smaller tasteless one.


A placebo is a pharmacologically inert substance that can sometimes elicit a significant therapeutic response.


Amphetamine has a longer duration of action than cocaine


Cannabis use is associated with a higher risk of schizophrenia


Children and the elderly are less able to metabolize drugs and are, therefore, more sensitive to them than are adults.


Cocaine blocks sodium channels in pain pathways.


Datura is an example of a deliriant hallucinogen


Fentanyl is highly lipid-soluble, and so it has a rapid onset and short duration of action.


Heroin use has increased significantly over the past years.


High school girls use alcohol and inhalants at a higher rate than do high school boys.


Ice is to methamphetamine as crack is to cocaine


If a heroin addict takes the same dose of heroin, by the same route of administration every day, but one day takes the same amount in a new environment, he or she can die of an overdose.


If you lend a drug-dealing friend your cell phone, and he uses it to make a drug deal, you may be charged with drug conspiracy.


If you were to block the reuptake of a neurotransmitter, it would increase that neurotransmitter's effects at the postsynaptic neuron.


In some counties of the United States, it is illegal to possess alcohol.


In the United States, more people drink alcohol than use all illicit drugs combined.


Injecting opioids is more addictive than ingesting them.


Ketamine was used as a surgical anesthetic on the battlefields in Vietnam


LSD is a schedule I drug


MDMA increases levels of oxytocin


MDMA increases urination


Which of the following may not occur if you are convicted of a drug offense?

University diploma is invalidated

Which is true about tolerance to hallucinogenic drugs? A. Once tolerance develops, it remains for upwards of 18 months B. Tolerance develops very slowly C. Chronic users never develop tolerance MDMA's enhancement of empathy D. Users of one hallucinogenic drug also become tolerant to the effects of other hallucinogenic drugs

Users of one hallucinogenic drug also become tolerant to the effects of other hallucinogenic drugs

Recreational use of which of the following is not a schedule I drug? A. Quaaludes B. GHB C. Valium D. All of the above are schedule I


In class, it was stated that perhaps the best example of intervention designed to prevent problems associated with addictions were those associated with ____.

cigarette smoking

A psychoactive drug is a _____ .

drug that affects brain sufficiently to be manifest in behavioral change

Which of the following anatomical structure is highly associated with memory? A. thalamus B. hippocampus C. basal ganglion D. pons


Compared to morphine, methadone A. Causes a more severe withdrawal B. Is significantly more potent C. Is not absorbed as well orally D. Is longer-lasting

is longer-lasting

Some countries for example, Switzerland, allow doctors to prescribe Heroin have ______ . A. greater criminal activity B. lower mortality rates, less illicit drug use, and higher rates of retention in addiction treatment programs C. die sooner D. have higher rates of retention in addiction treatment programs

lower mortality rates, less illicit drug use, and higher rates of retention in addiction treatment programs

A drug company wants to market a drug that gets about 20% of cocaine addicts to stop using cocaine for a period of a year or more. The company ______.

should not be allowed to market the drug, because it has not been shown to be better than no treatment

With regard to the training of therapists and councilors for drug abuse treatment, research has discovered that ___.

the variable of training of therapists and councilors does not account for any significant portion of the variance of indices of successful outcomes of treatment

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