अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

________ are not used for querying and analyzing data stored in data warehouses. A) Word processing programs B) OLAP tools C) MOLAP tools D) Dashboard tools

A) Word processing programs

A researcher trying to explain why sales of garden supplies in Hawaii have decreased would be an example of ________ data mining. A) explanatory B) confirmatory C) exploratory D) laboratory

A) explanatory

One major source of data for analytics is: A) government. B) index cards. C) search engine data. D) newspapers.

A) government.

Application of statistical and computational methods to predict data events is: A) predictive analytics. B) descriptive analytics. C) prescriptive analytics. D) comparative analytics.

A) predictive analytics.

________ tools commonly load data into intermediate hypercube structures. A) OLAP B) MOLAP C) ROLAP D) TLAP


Allowing users to dive deeper into the view of data with online analytical processing (OLAP) is an important part of: A) predictive analytics. B) descriptive analytics. C) prescriptive analytics. D) comparative analytics.

B) descriptive analytics.

Devices which collect personal health data are: A) cool. B) outdated. C) wearable. D) never going to be used.

C) wearable.

The oldest form of analytics is: A) predictive analytics. B) descriptive analytics. C) prescriptive analytics. D) comparative analytics.

B) descriptive analytics.

When online analytical processing (OLAP) studies last year's sales, this represents: A) predictive analytics. B) descriptive analytics. C) prescriptive analytics. D) comparative analytics.

B) descriptive analytics.

Companies learn a lot about customers because they leave clues in all of the following ways EXCEPT: A) actions taken when navigating a company website. B) how they write code. C) searches with search engines. D) making comments about the company on social media.

B) how they write code.

First-degree or complete price discrimination relates to: A) the minimum price customers are willing to pay. B) the maximum price customers are willing to pay. C) the preferred product based on personal preference. D) the number of products customers are willing to purchase.

B) the maximum price customers are willing to pay.

________ is arguably the most common concern by individuals regarding big data analytics. A) Saving money B) Taking up large amounts of computer storage C) Personal privacy D) Processing time

C) Personal privacy

The goal of data mining related to analyzing data for unexpected relationships is: A) explanatory. B) confirmatory. C) exploratory. D) laboratory.

C) exploratory.

Descriptive, predictive, and ________ are the three main types of analytics. A) adaptive B) comparative C) prescriptive D) decisive

C) prescriptive

When an organization must decide on optimization and simulation tools to make things happen it is using: A) predictive analytics. B) descriptive analytics. C) prescriptive analytics. D) comparative analytics.

C) prescriptive analytics.

One of the best known uses of data analytics in business is: A) overdue bill collection. B) hiring employees. C) targeting market communications to specific customers. D) hiring consultants.

C) targeting market communications to specific customers.

________ are examples of Business Intelligences and Analytics 3.0 because they have millions of observations per second. A) Administrative systems B) Web-based interaction logs C) Web-based customer platforms D) Smartphones

D) Smartphones

All of the following are applications for big data and analytics EXCEPT: A) business. B) science and technology. C) security and public health. D) personal finances.

D) personal finances.

All of the following are categorizations of human activity affected by big data analytics EXCEPT: A) business. B) science and technology. C) security and public safety. D) trash collection.

D) trash collection.

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