E100 Midterm

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Yuan Dynasty and Mongols

(13th century) Yuan dynasty was established by the Mongols in 1279, utilized existing governments to establish their form of government, has different forms of class,has different forms of class. four hierarchical ethnic categories, with mongols on top, western and central asians in the next position, then northern chinese and Jurchens, finally the southern chinese. Chinggis Khan built up Mongols and attacked Song and Russia. Yuan was established based on Mongols. And the King of Yuan unified China.


221 to 206 BC. In eastern Eurasia (China). Bureaucratic empire, no longer a hereditary line. Developed a standardized writing system, legal codes, coins, and weights and measures. Ideology-- Legalism: emphasized techniques of government based on written law- clearly codified and strictly enforced. Ruthless penalties: minor crimes=cruel punishment.

Yamato State

3rd-5th century; time when there were other rulers in China, but they acquired great wealth by trading with China and Korea


790-1185. The capital of Japan after Nara (710-784). Two critical Heian developments include a centralized imperial aristocracy and the rise of a new class known as Samurai. Later known as Kyoto.

Commercial Revolutions

An efficient transportation network, by both water and land, along with increased agricultural production, population growth, and the expansion of markets were key factors in the commercial revolution of the Song Dynasty.The daily material lives of people were transformed by the expansion of commerce, which brought new goods and products to eat, wear, and use, and by developments in technology, such as printing and metalworking. Some technologies are: printing by the carved woodblocks technique, gunpowder, and iron.

settled empires and nomadic societies

Chinggis Khan originally avenged his father to gain more power in Mongolia. Conquered parts of scattered dynastys in China. Kahn died but wars went on as they proceeded to take over the Song dynasty in the South. Took over the Yuan Dynasty but kept Chinese style of ruling, but with 4 different "castes" of people: Mongols, western and central Asians, Northern Chinese and Jurchens, and finally Southern China


Collection of sayings and ideas from Confucius that were canonized by Confucius' followers after his death. Originally, the Analects were seen as a "commentary" on the 5 Classics, but later became a central text of Confucianism.


Confucianism is the complex system of moral, social, political, and religious teaching built up by Confucius and the ancient Chinese traditions. Confucianism goal is making not only the man virtuous, but also making him the man of learning and of good manners. The perfect man must combine the qualities of a saint, scholar, and gentleman. Confucianism is a religion whose worship is centered in offerings to the dead. The notion of duty is extended beyond the boundaries of morals and embraces the details of daily life.

Hong Xiuquan & Taipings

Early military success inspired Hong Xiuquan to declare open rebellion against the Qing dynasty in 1851. Hong pronounced himself the Heavenly King of a Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace (Taiping tianguo). The starting point in the far south, Taiping armies smashed their way through encircling imperial forces and marching north. The Taiping soldiers maintained discipline - they were forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol, loot, or have sexual relations. The Qing imperial armies seemed unable to resist them. By 1853, the Taiping had captured Nanjing and made it their capital.

Opium War

First War: Early 1840. Opium was illegal in China, but not in Britain. Britain sold China opium, illegally, through India (EIC). Chinese confiscated the opium supplies and demanded that any foreign merchant wishing to do business in China must sign an oath, on penalty of death, never to bring opium into China again. British refused to sign the oath and shots were fired on China. War ended with the Qing Dynasty signing the Treaty of Nanjing in Aug 1842. Second war: The British joined by the French (who were provoked to war by the execution of a French Christian Missionary). in 1860 a large british and french army landed on the northern coast near Beijing, the chinese coastal defenses were stormed, and British and French troops marched into Beijing. The imperial summer palace in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing was burned and looted, and the emperor fled to Manchuria. A 5 year old boy, known as the Tongzhi Emperor ascended the throne of a dynasty that appeared on the verge of collapse.


Flowering of the civil service examination system during the time of the song dynasty. These were the appointed people of the emperor to do straineous tasks


Hereditary, originally referred to as a household guard, two families Taira & Minamoto, considered civil servants who collected taxes.

"noble men" and morality

Idea in Confucianism that one is not born noble, but anyone can achieve nobility by demonstrating proper Confucian morals. Families and individuals demonstrating this nobility were celebrated, even having their doorways marked to signify their Confucian way of living

Confucius 5 Classics

Mainstream of Chinese, and East Asian tradition. 5 classics. 1. The Book of Documents: Book of history (speeches, announcements, etc) 2. The Book of Odes: Early Zhou songs or poems 3. The Book of Changes: Handbook for divination, the practice of discerning the hidden significance of events and foretelling the future, based on a set of 64 hexagrams 4. The Rites: Collective name for 3 separate books. 5. The Spring and Autumn Annals: History of Confucius's home state of Lu. Examined for profound moral judgements. Confucianism (con't): Filial Piety: showing proper respect to parents and ancestors Humanity: the ability to empathize with other people


Manchus entered China taking over Ming Empire. Established Qing empire Eighteenth century (1644-1912).


Military head of state in Japan. Name first coined with the rise of the of the Kamakura Shogunate in 1192, literally meaning "Great General Pacifying the Barbarians." While the Imperial family has always been the "divine head of state," it really only functioned as a figurehead with the shogun holding the real power. Every Shogun had vassals, many of which were daimyos themselves with their own vassals. These vassals and daimyos were all samurai, but not every samurai reported directly to the Shogun, even though he was, in essence, the leader of the samurai.>Kamakura Shogunate (1192-1333)- The first shogunate, founded by Minamoto no Yoritomo after his final victory in the Gempei War, between the Minamoto and Taira families. >Ashikaga Shogunate (1336-1573)- After the fall of the Kamakura Shogunate, Ashikaga Takauji was given the title of Shogun and ushered in what is called the Muromachi period. >Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1868)- In 1600 Tokugawa Ieyasu seized power and began the Tokugawa Shogunate, and established a government at Edo (Tokyo). This began the "Edo" period of Japan and is the period in which Musui's Story takes place. >End of Shogunate System- The shogunate system ended with the Meiji Restoration in 1868 under Emperor Meiji. This "revolution" was responsible for the modernisation of Japan.

Katsu Kokichi

Musui's Story is the autobiographical account of samurai Katsu Kokichi, who lived in the early 1800s during the height of the Tokugawa period in Japan. He took on the name Musui after he officially retired. Musui lived an adventurous life, full of swordfights, family squabbles, thievery, prostitution, and get-rich-quick schemes. Musui hopes that his story might help others, especially his ancestors, avoid the mistakes he made.

Lotus Sutra

One of the most important and influential pieces of scriptures of Buddhism, highly valued in Mahayana tradition, the actual Indiana origins of this sutra are obscure, but it was claimed that this lotus sutra contained the final sermon that the Buddha had preached on Vulture Peak before he attained Nirvana. In this piece of literature, the Buddha explains that what he had said previously about Nirvana was not exactly the whole truth but merely an expedient intended to elevate the consciousness of his listeners. The ultimate truth is that Nirvana is not real extinction. Because the Buddha nature is already present in all things, you need only awaken to it to be saved.


One of the three kingdoms during the three kingdoms period of Korea, originally in the southeastern part of Korea, eventually formed an alliance with the Tang and defeated the Koguryos, eventually threw out the tang and the Silla "Unification" was formed which lasted from 668 to 992.


The Confucian canon was first officially defined by Han Wudi, who was the sixth Huangdi of Han dynasty, in 136 BCE. He assigned masters to teach Five classics and established imperial academy. Over centuries of Han dynasty, officials should be scholarly gentlemen. nobles encourage their children to study in the academy for career advancement.


The native korean alphabet was also officially promulgated by King Sejong in 1446. Unlike the japanese kana syllabaries, this is a true alphabet, with 28 symbols, and it is furthermore an entirely independent invention, not derived from chinese characters like the Japanese kana

Canton System

Trading pattern that developed between Chinese and foreign merchants, especially British, in the South China trading city of Guangzhou (Canton) from the 17th to the 19th century. The major characteristics of the system developed between 1760 and 1842, when all foreign trade coming into China was confined to Canton and the foreign traders entering the city were subject to a series of regulations by the Chinese government.

Examination System

Used by the Song dynasty, by 1200s 400,000 individuals had taken the exam, used for civil jobs, 1 in 333 chance of getting a high power job, This test was used to find the correct people to be assistants to the emperor


Vassals below the Shogunate, but above the samurai, apart of the Shoen estates

tributary state system

When one empire or dynasty pays another group of individuals in goods, money, women, etc. in order to keep peace. Example: The Song and Liao dynasty.


a form of social stratification where people are broken into different groups based on their occupation and ways of life. Your caste is determined before you are born as it is past down generation to generation.


a large group of people in the same geographical location under one persons rule


a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force


community of people who share the same culture, ethnicity, or language. It can also refer to the peoples who share a common territory or government

Genpei War

conflict between the taira and minamoto clans. After the 5 year war minamoto took victory and started the establishment of the shogun

shoen estates

land not under emperor's control, powerful local landlords with own militias, buddhist temples, tax-free, erodes power of emperor

Treaty Port System, Unequal Treaties

ports for trade that were forced among the Chinese after England's military movement in China


this is the state of being exempted from the jurisdiction of local law; When the British disregarded China's laws and claimed to be simply permitting their own laws, 3 things happened.

Oracle Bones

used during the Zhou dynasty, Upon the oracle bones pyromantic divinations were performed. The king od his diviners would address an oral change such as Will we receive a good harvest? Then, a hot poker or a mbrand would be applied to the oracle bone and this would produce a series of heat cracks in the shell or bone. They would then interpret these cracks as auspicious or inauspicious, and the king would deliver a prognostication such as "Auspicious. We will receive a good harvest"

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