eas extra credit qs 3

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which of the following important metals is mined from a type of soil? a. chromium b. aluminum c. copper d. gold e. silver


which of the following is a measure of the amount of damage that occurs at a particular place due to an earthquake? a. focal power b. intensity c. epicentral distance, d. magnitude e. elasticity


which of the following is the best soil for agriculture? a. silty loam b. loam c. sandy silt d. clay-rich e. loamy sand


which of the following is the soil horizon right below the zone of leaching? a. partially altered rock b. zone of accumulation c. zone of mineral matter and humus d. layer of loose decaying organic matter e. regolith


imperceptibly slow mass wasting is called a. creep b. slump c. avalanche d. rock slide e. weathering


Based on the figure, which electron jump/drop would absorb/emit red? C-D B-C A-B A-C A-D


a type of downslope movement that occurs rapidly and with no, or very little, water a. rock slide b. creep c. solifluction d. mudflow e. debris flow


according to news reports, the areas that have experienced recent forest fires in California are now susceptible to "mudslides" (muddy debris flows). why do you think this is so? a. vegetation has been removed by the fires b. earthquakes happen in California c. fire has steepened slopes d. the heat from the fires will trigger heavy rain e. the heat from the fires softened the regolith


electrons are transferred or are shared between some atoms because: a. atoms want to have complete outer shells b. electrons repel each other c. the nucleus repels the electrons d. the temperature is high enough e. the electrons are unstable


if streams were the only agents of erosion, what would be the shapes of valleys? a. they would be steep-sided slot canyons b. they would be wide, V-shaped valleys c. they would be very wide and flat d. they would be wide and box-shaped e. they would be irregular


the table below gives the distances to the epicenter of an earthquake determined from three different seismic stations: W, Y, and Z. the figure below is a map with a scale and showing the locations of the three stations (black squares). which cross "+" indicates the approximate location of the epicenter of the earthquake?


what is a "laterite" soil? a. a soil in which the zone of leaching is enriched in iron and/or aluminum b. any soil that is good for agriculture c. any soil produced by tropical climate weathering d. a dry, cracked, desert soil e. a soil with a lot of expansive clay


which factor triggers landslides? a. heavy rains b. earthquakes c. over steepened slopes d. removal of vegetation e. all of the above


which of the following climate conditions would favor the least amount of weathering? a. below freezing and dry all year round b. hot and wet all year round c. a climate with four seasons d. a warm climate with wet and dry seasons e. a cold, wet climate with temperatures that fluctuate between below freezing and above freezing.


which of the following describes the relationship between wavelength and energy of the electromagnetic wave? the energy is independent of wavelength a. shorter wavelength corresponds to higher energy b. shorter wavelength corresponds to lower energy c. it depends on the color of the light d. a single wavelength can have a number of energies


which of the following elements was not on our list of those that commonly cause color in minerals? a. Al (aluminum) b. Fe (iron) c. Cr (chromium) d. Ti (titanium) e. V (vanadium)


which of the following is not a factor that goes into calculating the Moment Magnitude of an earthquake? a. maximum acceleration at the epicenter b. area of fault that slipped c. amount of fault displacement d. rigidity of the rocks at the fault e. none of the above


What is the type of load shown in the figure below? a. dissolved load b. bed load c. suspended load d. light-load e. chemical load


if you had a volume of 10 liters of good loam soil and you squeezed out all the air and water, approximately how much volume would the sample of soil now occupy? a. 10 liters b. 5 liters c. 2 liters d. 1 liter e. 0.5 liter


impermeable rock formations that impede/prevent groundwater flow are called ________. a. perched water tables b. aquitards c. springs d. aquifers e. laterites


in the figure below, a see-through block of the Earth's crust is shown with a fault cutting through the block that has generated an earthquake at point "c". which point is the epicenter? (a and b are on the upper surface; c and d are on the fault.)


the figures below show cross sections of a stream channel. the upper figure shows the stream during normal flow. the lower figure shows the stream during flooding. which of the labeled locations would have the highest velocity? a. b. c. d. e.


the weird shapes of rocks in Elephant Rocks State Park in Missouri is due to a. sheeting b. spheroidal weathering c. expansive soils d. landslides e. creep


what are the two most abundant elements in the Earth's crust? a. Fe and Mg b. O and Si c. Si and Al d. Fe and O e. N and C


why does the silica tetrahedron bond with other ions? because ... a. the van der Waals bond makes it possible b. it has an overall negative charge and can therefore bond to cations c. it has an overall positive charge and can bond with anions d. its electrons are attracted to its protons e. the relative size of silicon to oxygen makes a pyramidal shape that allows it to bond.


why is there an upper limit to the size of an earthquake? a. because there is an upper limit to what seismometers can measure b. because rocks/faults have an upper limit to their strength or frictional resistance c. because there is an upper limit to the speed that tectonic plates move. d. because rocks begin to deform by ductile deformation at a certain depth e. all of the above


you hear that an earthquake occurred in California where your grandmother lives. you want to know if her house might be OK. which of the following would be the best information for you? a. the magnitude of the earthquake b. the intensity of the earthquake where your grandmother lives c. the location of the earthquake d. the distance of your grandmother's house from the epicenter e. the cause of the earthquake


the process that creates V-shaped valleys is a. earthquakes b. stream erosion c. mass wasting d.normal faulting e. glaciers


If there is a really prolonged drought, what effect will that have on the water table? the water table ... a. becomes more like the topography b. maintains its shape but gets lower c. becomes flatter and lower, d. become flatter and slopes towards the ocean e. becomes flatter and slopes towards the land


a fault is discovered to be running through a neighborhood. they learn that you've taken an earth science class and ask you if the fault is dangerous in terms of earthquakes. what's the best answer? a. definitely dangerous b. very likely dangerous c. possibly dangerous d. unlikely to be dangerous, e. not dangerous


in the cross section figure below, a well at "X" is pumping out a heck of a lot of water from groundwater. which of the five other wells is likely to go dry first as a result of the excessive pumping at X? a. b. c. d. e.


in the map figure below, the level of the water table above sea level is given for 5 points (circles/dots). Which direction will groundwater likely flow (from the point where all the arrows meet)? a. b. c. d. e.


in which soil horizon is bauxite found (the ore of aluminum)? a. O - organic-rich layer b. A - mineral+organic mixed layer c. E - zone of leaching d. B - zone of accumulation e. C - partly weathered regolith


the loose, weathered, and partially weathered material near the Earth/s surface is called a. soil b. bedrock c. regolith d. soil horizon A e. laterite


the particle that carries the negative charge in an atom is: a. proton b. neutron c. electron d. atom e. nucleus


tropical climate is necessary to produce thick laterite soil, but is insufficient. what else is necessary? a. a lot of vegetation b. a lot of creep c. gently rolling topography d. a lot of groundwater e. occasional forest fires


typically, in the Earth's crust, how many O ions surround the central Si ion and what shape is made? a. 2, making a line b. 3, making a triangle c. 4, making a tetrahedron d. 6, making an octrahedron e. 8, making a cube


why are magmas that are high in silica (SiO2) also high in viscosity? because... a. tend to be colder b. they are hotter c. they are more polymerized d. they are more explosive e. they are higher in volatile content


why is clay common in soil? because ... a. clay is abundant in most rocks b. clay is produced by organisms in the soil c. clay is formed by weathering of feldspar, the most abundant mineral in the crust d. clay is formed in the zone of leaching e. clay is actually NOT common in soil


Hematite is one product of chemical weathering on Earth. which of the following is another product of chemical weathering? a. sheeting b. feldspars c. water d. clay, e. smaller fragments of the original rock


a lahar is an example of a. rockfall b. rockslide c. slump d. debris flow e. rock avalanche


below is a list of solids with their corresponding melting points. which substance is held together by the weakest bonds? a. ice = 0 degrees C b. solid CO2 = - 57 C c. lead = + 328 C d. solid argon = - 189 C e. quartz = +1650 C


if the water table at point A is at an elevation (above sea level) of 200 m and the water table at point B is at 100 m, and locations A and B are 1,000 m apart, the hydraulic gradient is a. 100 b. 10 c. 1 d. 0.1 e. 0.01


the figure below has both the P and S wave travel time curves. An earthquake occurs. If the P-wave arrived at station "A" at 9:32 AM and the S-wave arrives 9:40 AM, approximately how far away was the epicenter? (note the time scale on the y-axis is in 2 minute intervals!) a. 1,000 km b. 2,000 km c. 4,000 km d. 6,000 km e. 8,000 km


the figure below shows the same situation as above with the well at x pumping a lot of water. a toilet has been placed as shown with a septic tank below. which is the worst location to sink a drinking well due to possible contamination from the septic tank? a. b. c. d. e.


the series of figures below shows a map view of a fault (black line) with six markers that were placed in the year 2001 (leftmost figure). the next three figures show the points as they were surveyed the following three years. this fault has not produced an earthquake in a long time. should the people living near this fault be concerned? why? a. yes, because the fault appears to be locked. b. yes, because the fault has not produced an earthquake in a long time and therefore it is long overdue for one. c. yes, because all faults should be considered a threat. d. no, because the fault appears to be just creeping. e. no, because the last earthquake must have been a big one and will not recur for a long time.


the volume of water passing a certain point of the stream per unit time is called a. channel b. bed load c. suspended load d. discharge e. the velocity of the stream


which of the following bonds allows electrically neutral molecules to bond and eventually solidify? a. ionic bond b. covalent bond c. metallic bond d. Van der Waals bond e. none of the above


which of the following comes closest to the percentage of the US land area covered by the Mississippi River drainage basin? a. 0.1% b. 1% c. 5% d. 50% e. 99%


which of the following is an atom that has lost one or more electrons? a. nucleus b. proton c. cation d. anion e. electron


'Good soil' for agriculture contains... a. mostly clay b. mostly sand c. mostly silt d. clay and sand e. clay, sand, and silt


a common way to describe a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is Hertz. what is hertz ? a. a measure of wavelength (in meters) b. a measure of energy (in electron volts) c. a measure of speed (in fraction of speed of light) d. a measure of the intensity e. a measure of the frequency (in per second)


an earthquake happens and seismometers in all countries throughout the world record a first motion towards the focus of the earthquake. which of the following was the likely cause of the earthquake? a. a strike slip fault b. a reverse fault c. a normal fault d. an explosion e. a cave or cavity collapse ("implosion")


downslope movement of regolith driven by gravity wherein the material is not carried in some moving medium like air, water, or ice, is called a. creep b.landslide c. avalanche d. slump e. mass wasting


if you find a very widely scattered layer composed of a jumble of rocks without any muddy material in-between the rocks, the deposit was likely produced by a a. rockfall b. rockslide c. slump, d. debris flow e. rock avalanche


in a good loam soil, the role of sand and silt is to allow excess water to drain away. what is the role of the clay? a. to allow the water to drain away even further b. to allow the soil layer to expand c. to provide organic material to the soil d. to make the soil richer in oxygen e. to retain water in the soil


of all the surficial liquid freshwater, approximately what percent is groundwater? a. much less than 1% b. 10% c. about half d. slightly more than half e. almost all of it (~99%)


still referring to the figure above, which location has the lowest velocity? a. b. c. d. e.


the figure shows the same water table as above. If a septic tank (where sewage is dumped) is placed at X, where is the safest place to sink a drinking well? a. b. c d. e.


the following choices give the drop in elevation of a stream over a certain distance. other things being equal, which stream would have the fastest velocity? a. 1 inch per 0.5 mile b. 2 inches per mile c. 4 inches per 2 miles d. 10 inches per 5 miles e. all should have equal velocities.


which of the following colors has the highest energy? a. red b. orange c. yellow d. green e. blue


which of the following is a factor in soil formation? a. parent material b. time, c. climate d. topography e. all of the above


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