EB - Trivia Set 1

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In what year was Joan of Arc burned at the stake?


In which century was the black death?


In what year was Queen Elizabeth I Born?


In which year was the battle of Trafalgar fought?


In what year did the American civil war end?


What year was Queen Elizabeth II born?


The war in Vietnam ended with the fall of Saigon in what year?


In what year did Mikhail Gorbachev become the leader of the soviet union?


What year did the website Facebook launch?


What is the weight of a Gold Bar in Fallout: New Vegas?

35 lbs

Who long was the American Civil War?

4 years

How long is New Zealand's Ninety Mile Beach?

55 miles

What is the sum of all of the numbers on a roulette wheel?


How many colors are there in a rainbow

7 (including indigo)

According to Fair Works Australia, how long do you have to work to get Long Service Leave?

7 years

How many crusades were there?

8 (but some argue there were 9)

How many seconds are there in a day


How many keys are their on a standard grand piano?


What street was well known as the street the Beatles walked across?

Abbey Road

In America, what became the 49th state to enter the union in 1959?


Who Was The First Woman To Fly Solo Across The Atlantic Ocean?

Amelia Earhart

Virtual reality company Oculus VR lost which of it's co-founders in a freak car accident in 2013

Andrew Scott Reisse

Who was the second wife of Henry VIII

Anne Boleyn

In 1979 which English art historian was exposed as a one-time Soviet spy and stripped of his kighthood?

Anthony Blunt

Who taught Alexander the Great?


What were German'y WWI allies?

Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey

Where were the Hanging Gardens?


What was the original name of the search engine "Google"


What country is the Waterloo battlefield in?


What country has the most Trappist breweries?


Who had an 80s hit with the song 'Just the Two of Us'?

Bill Withers

What color is Santa Claus's belt?


What was Pepsi originally introduced as?

Brad's Drink

What name did the Indians give the black soldiers that were fighting against them in the late 1800s?

Buffalo Soldiers

What type of dog is "Handsome Dan", the mascot of Yale University


In public places in the state of Florida, it is illegal to do what while wearing a swimsuit? A. Juggle B. Gymnastics C. Sing D. Swim

C. Sing

In the movie Chucky, what is Chucky's real name?

Charles Lee Ray

The St. Valentine's Day massacre took place in what city?


Where was the ancient strip of Linear A and Linear B found?


The Charge Of The Light Brigade Occurred During Which War?


Spain ceded Florida to Britain in exchange for this territory?


Formed in 1955, with which island was the organization known by the acronym EOKA associated


In which city was John F. Kennedy Assassinated?

Dallas, Texas

Fames as a member of the Rat Pack, who died on Christmas Day 1995?

Dean Martin

The Nordic Countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway) tend to celebrate Christmas on which date?

December 24th

What Name Was Given To The Practise Of Killing Every Tenth Man In A Mutinous Roman Cohort?


What is Cynophobia the fear of?


Who was President of the USA from 1953 till 1961?

Dwight Eisenhower

Electronic music producer Kygo's popularity skyrocketed after the remix of what soong?

Ed Sheeran - I See Fire

Iceland diverted roads to avoid disturbing communities of what?


What was the name of the B-29 used at Hiroshima to drop the bomb?

Enola Gay

Which Italian automobile manufacturer gained majority control of U.S. automobile manufacturer Chrysler in 2011?


Nephelococcygia is the practice of doing what?

Finding shapes in the clouds

Which country blew up a Greenpeace ship in New Zealand?


Who was the President of the USA at the outbreak of WWII

Franklin Roosevelt

What did Temujin change his name to?

Genghis Khan

Which America president appears on a one dollar bill?

George Washington

Which country was split into two zones by the Yalta agreement?


Who was the last of the apache warrior chiefs?


What alcoholic drink is mainly made from juniper berriers?


What is the nickname of the US state of California

Golden State

What does the "G" mean in "G-Man"


Chartreuse is a color between yellow and what?


What color is the "Ex" in FedEx?


When one is "envious" they are said to be what color?


What became america's 50th state on August 21, 1959?


What was the father of Elizabeth I?

Henry VIII

On what Japanese City was the first atomic bomb dropped?


Of what tribe was Boadicea the head?


In what country did the "Sepoy Mutiny" occur?


Who shot Lee Harvey Oswald (the Assassin of John F. Kennedy)?

Jack Ruby

Who was the first First Lady to be received privately by the Pope?

Jackie Kennedy

What is the most ancient walled city?


Who led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979

Jim Jones

Who was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963?

John F. Kennedy

Who was assassinated on Dec. 8, 1980, in New York City?

John Lennon

In 1953, Stalin Died. Who ultimately succeeded him as the leader of the Soviet Union?


What is the unit of currency in Laos


Who is famous for historically riding naked on horseback through Coventry, England?

Lady Godiva

Peter Jackson is responsible for directing which famous trilogy?

Lord of the Rings

What was Marie Antionette's Husband?

Louis XVI (16th)

Who was assassinated on February 21, 1965

Malcolm X

Miles Standish was the captain of what ship?


Which's restaurant's mascot is a clown?


What planet was ALF from?


Corona beer comes from which country?


Who is the author of Jurrasic Park

Michael Crichton

Which Chinese dynasty lasted from 1368 to 1644?


Area 51 is located in which US state?


What was the British Prime Minister at the outbreak of the Second World War

Neville Chamberlain

In 1893, which country became the first to give women the right to vote?

New Zealand

Who gave John F. Kennedy a dog named Pushinka

Nikita Khrushchev

What geometric shape is used for a stop sign?


Which US state in 1907 was the last to declare Christmas a legal holiday?


What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet?


Which city did the allies liberate on August 25, 1944


Prior to 1935, what was Iran known as?


What pharaoh was the father of approximately 160 children?

Pharaoh Ramses II

What office did Churchill hold for the longest continuous period?

Prime Minister

Named after the mallow flower, mauve is a shade of what?


What is Fidel Castro's brother's name?


Who Had An 80's Hit With The Song 'Other Woman'?

Ray Parker Jr.

What is the world's most expensive spice by weight?


When Cook discovered the Hawaiian islands what did he name them?

Sandwich Islands

Who played bowls before engaging the Spanish armada?

Sir Francis Drake

Who brought back tobacco and potatoes from the Americas?

Sir Walter Raleigh

Where did the pineapple plant originate

South America

Where did the Mayflower set sail from in 1620?


Where in England was William Shakespeare born?


What country consumes the most chocolate per capita?


TRUE OR FALSE - In 2010, Twitter and the United States Library of Congress partnered together to archive every tweet by American Citizens


TRUE OR FALSE - The color orange was named after the fruit.


What is the name given to Indian food cooked over charcoal in a clay oven?


Which country did Idi Amin invade in 1979?


What is the most consumed manufactured drink in the world?


What was The Eldest Son Of Edward III Better Known As?

The Black Prince

Which 1776 American Affirmation Asserted The Basic Rights Of All To (Life, Liberty & The Pursuit Of Happiness)?

The Declaration of Independence

What was the war between Argentina and Great Britain over

The Falkland Islands

Which War involving the UK began in 1982?

The Falklands War

What famous protest took place in Britain in 1936?

The Jarrow March

In 1969 Richard Cawston made a documentary for the BBC about which famous family?

The Royal Family

In the MMO RPG "Realm of the Mad God", what dungeon is widely considered to be the most difficult?

The Shatter's

Which royal house ruled England between 1603 and 1714?

The Stuarts

Designed By Robert Fulton, Which Weapon Was Tested In The Seine In A: 1801?

The Submarine

In March 1979, where did a major nuclear accident occur?

Three Mile Island

Which language does NOT use gender as a part of its grammer?


What does a funambulist do?

Walk on a tight rope

Where was Napoleon defeated?


Who was crowned the King of England at Westminster Abbey on Christmas day 1066?

William the Conqueror

Which famous Arab / Israeli war took place in 1973?

Yom Kippur war

What is a dakimakura

a body pillow

The Flag of the European Union has how many stars on it?


On a dartboard, what number is directly opposite to Number 1?


What year was the Lego Group founded?


In what year was McDonald's founded


In Which Year Was The Boeing 747 Put Into Regular Service?


In which year did the Falklands conflicts begin?


In what year did the UK's lease on Hong Kong expire?


What year was the RoboSapien toy robot released?


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow

24 MPH

Who had a wife named Roxana and a horse named Bacephalus?

Alexander the Great

What is Earth's largest continent?


In the harbour of which city was the Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior sunk in 1985?


Who is depicted on the US hundred dollar bill

Benjamin Franklin

What is the Portuguese word for "Brazil"


What was the third country to get the atomic bomb?


If you were born on Christmas Day, what would your star sign be?


Who did Henry VIII first marry?

Catherine of Aragon

Which King Wore Two Shirts At His Execution So As Not To Shiver And Appear Frightened

Charles I

During Which King's Reign Did The Great Fire Of London Occur

Charles II

In 1962, for what reason did Britain and France sign an agreement to build together?


What was Byzantium renamed as in 330 AD?


What Was The 9th Century Tax Levied To Fight The Vikings?

Dane Geld

Which two countries have not missed one of the Modern-Day Olympics?

Greece and Australia

Which King Was Overthrown As A Result Of The French Revolution?

Louis XVI (16th)

Which musician has collaborated with American producer Porter Robinson and released the 2016 song "Shelter"?


Who banned Christmas in Britain in 1647?

Oliver Cromwell

before the 19th century, the "Living Room" was originally called the what?


What is the name of Poland in Polish?


What is the romanized Arabic word for "moon"?


Who Commanded the Confederate Armies During the American Civil War?

Robert E. Lee

Which country boarders 14 nations and crosses 8 times zones?


TRUE OR FALSE - On average, at least 1 person is killed by a drunk driver in the United States every hours


Which president is featured on the $2 of USA currency?

Thomas Jefferson

In flight systems, what does the initialism "TCAS" stand for?

Traffic Collision Avoidance System

If you planted the seeds of Quercus robur, what would grow?


Who invented the word "vomit"?

William Shakespeare

What was Mountain Dew's original slogan?

Yahoo! Mountain Dew ... It'll tickle your innards!

If someone said "you are olid", what would they mean?

You smell extremely unpleasant

What is the currency of Poland?


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