EBI Ch 4 & 5

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Which patient information requires deidentifying in order to maintain privacy? (Select all that apply) a. E-mail addresses b. Full-face photographs c. State of residence d. Medical record numbers

A, B, D

A nurse researcher who wishes to use animals in a research study must include which elements in an animal use protocol? (Select all that apply) a. Animal living conditions and veterinary care b. Assurances that animals will be kept alive c. Justification for the use of animals over humans d. Procedures to minimize pain and distress

A, C, D

A researcher wants to study whether showing a video about car safety increases the likelihood of car seat use among a group of first-time parents. When obtaining informed consent, the researcher must include: (Select all that apply) a. an assurance of anonymity. b. a statement of the research purpose. c. consent to incomplete disclosure. d. voluntary participation

A, C, D

Which ethical principle protects human subjects from harm? a. Beneficence b. Ethics c. Justice d. Respect for persons

A, The ethical principle of beneficence encourages the researcher to do good and to do no harm.

An important initial focus of the Declaration of Helsinki, developed in 1964, was to: a. differentiate therapeutic from nontherapeutic research. b. define the concept of informed consent of research subjects. c. prevent the use of placebos during clinical drug trials. d.prohibit nontherapeutic research to protect subjects from harm.

A. The Declaration of Helsinki was adopted in 1964 and its major focus was to differentiate between therapeutic research and nontherapeutic research.

Which subject groups may feel especially coerced to participate in research studies? a. Children b. Institutionalized patients c. Pregnant women d. Terminally ill patients

B Persons confined to institutions may feel coerced to participate in research because they fear harm or because they feel that they may receive special benefits for participation.

A researcher makes an honest error when tabulating and analyzing research findings. According to the Office of Research Integrity, this constitutes: a. fabrication. b. falsification. c. misrepresentation. d. no misconduct.

D A researcher making an honest error is not guilty of misconduct.

Which type of variable is manipulated by the researcher? a. Demographic b. Dependent c. Independent d. Research

c. Independent

When obtaining informed consent from study subjects, the researcher will ensure that subjects freely choose whether or not to participate and will provide subjects: a. general knowledge and overview of the study. b. information about the study methods and design. c. reports about the study results and conclusions. d. the right to choose whether to be in the control versus the study group.

A Informed consent includes disclosure to the subject of essential study information, comprehension of this information by the subject, competence of the subject to give consent, and voluntary consent of the subject to participate in the study.

The greatest risk to a person confined to an institution who is a research subject is: a. diminished autonomy. b. discomfort. c. lack of information. d. lack of privacy.

A Persons who are vulnerable because of legal or mental incompetence, terminal illness, or confinement to an institution have diminished autonomy.

The statements in the introductory paragraphs of a research report that cite results of previous studies about a research problem represent the: a. problem background. b. problem significance. c. problem statement. d. research purpose.

A The problem background identifies what is already known about the topic. The problem statement is written after the research problem has been identified.

What type of hypothesis is the following? Children with cystic fibrosis who use a cough assist device will experience less anxiety about their disease and have fewer inpatient hospital admissions per year. a. Complex, directional b. Complex, null c. Simple, associative d. Simple, nondirectional

A Complex, Directional

According to the HIPAA privacy rules, which are covered entities that may use and disclose a limited data set to researchers for study? (Select all that apply) a. Health plans b. Health care providers c. Institutional Review Boards d. Researchers

A, B

A researcher has submitted a proposal to an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to evaluate the effects of a new drug on newborn infants. In this case, members of the IRB should include: (Select all that apply) a. an ethicist. b. a hospital pharmacist. c. a neonatologist. d. a pharmaceutical representative.

A, B, C

Which of the following represent some degree of risk of causing discomfort or harm to subjects in a study? (Select all that apply) a. Asking parents of children in a clinic waiting room to complete a patient satisfaction questionnaire. b. Assessing the number of males and females enrolled in nursing schools using enrollment data. c. Interviewing nursing home residents about their memories of the Great Depression. d. Using pathology reports from a hospital lab to gain data about the percentage of new patients who have anemia.

A, C, D

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study violated several ethical principles in which way? a. Coercion of subjects to participate in the study in exchange for treatment b. Failing to inform subjects about the purpose and procedures in the study c. Failing to inform in the Centers for Disease Control about the results of the study d. Not informing the subjects physicians that they were in the study

B In the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, subjects were not informed about the purpose and procedures of the study; some were not even informed that they were subjects.

If a health care provider discloses information about a patient to a researcher for a study, the provider and the researcher must have a(n): a. agreement about the studys purpose. b. data use agreement. c. limited data set. d. written study proposal.

B A data use agreement limits how data may be used and how it will be protected and must be in place for a provider to disclose data to a researcher.

When a researcher indicates that assent for participation was gained in a study involving 10 year-old children, this indicates which has occurred? a. The children gave informed consent to participate in the study. b. The children have agreed to be subjects in the study. c. The parents granted approval for their children to participate. d. The parents do not need to give consent because the children gave consent.

B Assent is gained from children who are subjects and represents their agreement to participate.

A researcher using a small sample of an easily distinguishable group of subjects wishes to use extensive quotes in the research report. This researcher risks: a. a loss of study validity. b. breaching confidentiality. c. losing objectivity. d. reduction of benefits to subjects.

B Breach of confidentiality is of special concern in qualitative studies that have few study participants and involve the reporting of long quotes

A special concern when conducting research using terminally ill cancer patients as subjects is: a. an inability to randomly assign subjects to study groups. b. an increased risk of harm with decreased benefits. c. difficulty enlisting subjects for participation in the study. d. poor control of extraneous variables.

B Participating in research may carry increased risks with minimal or no benefits for terminally ill subjects.

A researcher wishes to study the effects of antiseizure medications on adult subjects who have severe cognitive impairments. Which statement is true about using these subjects in research? a. Assent must be gained from the subjects and is sufficient for participation. b. A legally authorized guardian must give informed consent. c. These adults cannot be used as subjects for this study. d. The subjects physicians must give consent for participation in the study.

B Persons with mental illness or a cognitive impairment are incapable of giving informed consent. A researcher must gain approval from a legally authorized representative or guardian along with gaining assent from the participant.

A nursing researcher determines that there is little information about the use of complementary practices in treating obesity. This represents the research: a. design. b. problem. c. purpose. d. significance.

B The problem provides the basis for developing the research purpose and identifies gaps in knowledge needed for nursing practice.

A subjects right to fair selection and treatment in a study is related to which ethical principle? a. Beneficence b. Justice c. Privacy d. Respect for persons

B The right to fair selection and treatment of subjects is based on the ethical principle of justice, requiring people to be treated fairly and to receive what they are owed.

The statement in the introduction of a research study reportwhile children who have higher asthma control scores tend to have fewer emergency department visits for asthma exacerbations, it is unclear how nursing interventions can impact these scoresrepresents the: a. problem background. b. problem significance. c. research problem. d. research purpose.

B The significance for the research identifies how important the knowledge is to the discipline and to health care and the health of individuals and families.

Which is an example of falsification in research? a. Citing work by another researcher and claiming it as ones own. b. Making up statistics about the incidence of reactions to an intervention. c. Omitting data about a subject that disproves the researchers hypothesis. d. Using data gained without the consent of the research subjects.

C Falsification is manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results so that the research is not accurately represented.

Which unethical study in previous history involved withholding a treatment from subjects in order to study the effects of a disease progression on subjects? a. The Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital Study b. The Nazi Medical Experiments c. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study d. The Willowbrook Study

C In the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, penicillin was deliberately withheld from the research subjects and their families, in order to study the effects of the natural progression of syphilis.

The nurse researcher states that a research purpose is to measure the effects of bar code medication administration on medication errors. This is a study purpose for which type of research? a. Correlational b. Grounded theory c. Outcomes d. Quasi-experimental

C Outcomes studies are conducted to examine the end results of care.

A researcher will have greater success gaining approval for a research study involving pregnant women if which provision is put into place? a. Care is taken to maintain strict confidentiality of subjects. b. Consent is given by the pregnant womens significant others. c. Subjects may experience therapeutic effects from the intervention. d. Subjects receive financial rewards for participation in the study.

C Pregnant women are considered to have legal and/or mental diminishment of autonomy. Research involving such subjects is generally more acceptable if the research is therapeutic.

Which situation may allow waiving the need to obtain written consent for participation in a research study? a. The researcher is conducting an informal study about heart disease. b. The researcher is using questionnaires to collect data about suicide risk. c. The subjects do not want documentation linking them to the study. d. The subjects desire complete anonymity in the study.

C Subjects who do not want documentation linking them to the research who have received information and demonstrated comprehension of the information may have consent waived if they desire.

When conducting research to study medical devices for human use, the nurse researcher must comply with the Department of Health and Human Services human subjects regulations as well as regulations put forth by the: a. American Nurses Association b. Code of Federal Regulations c. Food and Drug Administration d. Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethics

C The FDA and the DHHS regulations govern most of the biomedical and behavioral research conducted in the United States. Drugs, medical devices, biological products, human dietary supplements, and electronic devices are all regulated by these two entities.

The ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice are considered essential elements in research involving human subjects. In which document are these principles identified? a. Declaration of Helsinki b. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare regulations c. National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects in the Belmont Report d. Nuremberg Code

C The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research was formed in the United States in 1978. This commission developed ethical research guidelines based on the ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice and made recommendations to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in the Belmont Report.

The most important initial step when developing a research study is to: a. develop the problem statement. b. explore the background for the research problem. c. identify the research problem. d. state the research purpose.

C The problem provides the basis for developing the research purpose and identifies gaps in knowledge needed for nursing practice.

When writing a proposal for a research study, the researcher includes a problem statement that serves to: a. define the specific focus of a study. b. describe what is known about the research problem. c. identify a gap in knowledge needed for practice. d. indicate the importance of the problem to nursing.

C The problem provides the basis for developing the research purpose and identifies gaps in knowledge needed for nursing practice.

A researcher makes every effort to ensure that subjects may benefit from a research intervention while taking measures to minimize potential harm. This is an example of protecting a research subjects right to: a. anonymity and confidentiality. b. fair treatment. c. protection from discomfort and harm. d. self-determination.

C The right to protection from discomfort and harm from a study is based on the ethical principle of beneficence, which states that one should do good and, above all, do no harm.

A researcher gives healthy adult subjects a handout explaining the nature of a study and then obtains written consent from those who choose to participate. Which statement is true about this process? a. Subjects have given informed consent for participation in the study. b. Subjects have not given voluntary consent for participation in the study. c. The researcher has failed to determine comprehension of the study by participants. d. The researcher has not disclosed information about the study to the participants.

C These subjects have been given written information, but have not stated their understanding, so informed consent has not been obtained.

Which statement in a study about preoperative education and postoperative recovery times represents a research question? a. What are the types of preoperative education materials that may be used? b. What are the constructs that facilitate adult learning among patients? c. What preoperative teaching will shorten postoperative recovery time? d. What is already known about preoperative teaching and postoperative recovery?

C A research question focuses on description of variables or concepts, examination of relationships among variables, and determination of differences between two or more groups regarding selected variables.

To safeguard the right to self-determination among research subjects, the researcher will ensure that subjects: a. are afforded anonymity to the researcher and the reader. b. are allowed to choose whether to be in a control or a study group. c. may choose whether or not to participate in a study. d. receive a large monetary reward for participating in the study.

C. Self-determination refers to individuals rights to knowingly become a subject in the study or not, and to do so of their own free will.

In a study about pregnant womens use of tobacco, the researcher is able to link individual subjects identities to their responses on a questionnaire, but does not share this information with others. This is an example of: a. anonymity. b. breach of confidentiality. c. confidentiality. d. privacy.

C. Confidentiality is the researchers safe management of information or data shared by a subject to ensure the data are kept private.

Which statement is a research purpose for a correlational study? a. This study will compare the effects of an oral antidiabetic medication to effects of a placebo on glucose control in groups of randomly assigned subjects. b. This study will examine whether pre-appointment telephone reminders increase show rate among patients in an ambulatory well-patient clinic. c. This study will use direct observation to identify methods parents use to discipline children in public places. d. This study will use questionnaires and school transcripts to examine the relationship of dietary habits to grades among school-age children.

D Correlational research is conducted to examine whether there is a positive or negative relationship among variables without attributing cause and effect.

A researcher combines data from another researchers study along with data from the reported study in graphs without noting the source of the data. This is an example of: a. an honest error. b. fabrication. c. falsification. d. plagiarism.

D Plagiarism is citing anothers research and claiming it as ones own.

A researcher conducts a study to evaluate the frequency of intimate partner violence among females treated for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). When collecting data, which action may be problematic when protecting subjects rights? a. Allowing subjects to decline participation in the study b. Approaching all patients who meet eligibility requirements c. Identifying subjects with numbers instead of names d. Instructing subjects to complete every item on the questionnaire

D Subjects who are told that they must complete every item on a questionnaire risk losing their right to autonomy.

Which federal agency was established to manage investigations of misconduct in research? a. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (DHEW) b. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) c. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) d. Office of Research Integrity (ORI)

D The Office of Research Integrity was developed by the federal government in 1989 to supervise the implementation of the rules and regulations related to research misconduct and to manage any investigations of misconduct.

In a research proposal, the researcher states that the proposed study will explore childrens feelings about chemotherapy side effects. This statement describes the: a. problem background. b. problem significance. c. research problem. d. research purpose.

D The research purpose derives from the research problem and identifies specific goals for the study.

Which is included in a statement of a research study purpose? a. A description of gaps in knowledge about the research problem. b. A discussion of the significance of the research problem. c. A review of what is known about the research problem. d. A statement about how the research problem will be studied.

D The research purpose derives from the research problem and identifies specific goals for the study.

After the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (DHEW) regulations were published in 1973, all research using human subjects was required to: a. avoid using subjects who were ill, mentally impaired, or dying. b. obtain informed consent from all subjects prior to enrollment in a study. c. review only studies in which risk of harm to subjects is especially high. d. undergo full institutional review to examine risks and benefits to subjects.

D The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare regulations were published in 1973, providing for the protection of human research subjects and requiring full institutional review of all studies involving human subjects.

Identify the independent variable in the following hypothesis: Mothers of infants born with spina bifida who participate in support groups report higher levels of confidence when caring for their infants than do mothers who do not participate in support groups. a. Confidence in caring for their infants b. Infants with spina bifida c. Mothers of infants with spina bifida d. Support group participation

D Support Group Participation An independent variable is a stimulus or activity that is manipulated or varied by the researcher to create an effect on the dependent variable. In this example, use of support groups is the treatment that is being used to manipulate levels of confidence in caring for their infants.

In a research proposal, a statement about expected relationships among variables is the: a. conceptual definition. b. operational definition. c. research hypothesis. d. research problem.

c. research hypothesis.

Which component of a research study is exemplified in the statement, This study identifies various themes associated with parenting children who have chronic disease? a. Aim or objective b. Hypothesis c. Research methodology d. Research problem

a. Aim or objective A research objective or aim is a clear, concise, declarative statement that is expressed in the present tense and which focuses on one or two variables, indicating whether they are to be identified or described

Which statement differentiates research variables from research concepts? a. Concepts are more abstract than variables. b. Concepts are usually studied in quantitative research. c. Variables are less subject to manipulation and measurement. d. Variables cannot be concisely defined or clearly described.

a. Concepts are more abstract than variables.

Which is an example of a conceptual definition of a dependent variable in a study evaluating the effects of home nursing on coping among patients with chronic illness? a. Coping is a set of actions and strategies used by individuals to reduce the stressors associated with chronic disease management. b. Coping skills were measured using a five-point Likert scale with higher scores indicating higher coping skills. c. Home nursing can include registered nurse and nursing assistant management of treatments provided at home. d. Home nursing was measured in the number of hours per week and the number of hours per day of in-home care.

a. Coping is a set of actions and strategies used by individuals to reduce the stressors associated with chronic disease management.

In a study of adolescent children using a group of high school football players and junior-high school cyclists, researchers compared the length of recovery from concussion between those wearing brand X helmets and those wearing brand Y helmets. In this study high school football players represent which type of variable? a. Demographic b. Dependent c. Independent d. Research

a. Demographic

Which type of variable is used in a summary of sample characteristics? a. Demographic variables b. Dependent variables c. Independent variables d. Research variables

a. Demographic variables

Which is an example of a directional, correlational hypothesis? a. Increasing hours spent in study groups is associated with an increase in GPA among nursing students. b. Increased use of study groups will result in an increase in GPA among nursing students. c. Nursing students who use study groups are among groups of students who have higher GPAs. d. Studying in study groups is related to GPA levels in nursing students.

a. Increasing hours spent in study groups is associated with an increase in GPA among nursing students.

Which is true about a causal hypothesis? a. It describes the effects of independent variables on dependent variables. b. It predicts a negative or positive interaction between variables. c. It proposes positive or negative relationships among variables. d. It states that a relationship exists between variables without indicating direction.

a. It describes the effects of independent variables on dependent variables.

Which is true about an operational variable in quantitative research? a. It is developed so that the degree of its existence can be measured. b. It is often derived from a theoretical definition of a related concept. c. It is specific to the time and setting of the research study. d. It provides the theoretical meaning of a variable.

a. It is developed so that the degree of its existence can be measured.

A researcher wishes to study the effects of a low-fat diet on self-esteem, weight, and energy levels among obese women over age 40. Which is the independent variable in this study? a. Low-fat diet b. Obesity c. Self-esteem, weight, and energy levels d. Women over 40

a. Low-fat diet

In a research proposal, the author describes what is already known about the research topic. This would be included in the discussion of the studys: a. background. b. feasibility. c. purpose. d. significance.

a. background.

During a study to measure the effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior, the researchers learned that a portion of the subjects lived in homes with one or more alcoholic parents. In this study, the presence of an alcoholic parent is a(n): a. confounding variable. b. dependent variable. c. independent variable. d. unrecognized variable.

a. confounding variable.

A statement about the significance of a study describes the: a. influence of results on nursing practice. b. relationship among study variables. c. study design and methods. d. validity of the study measurement tools.

a. influence of results on nursing practice.

All of the following aspects of a research proposal are part of the research hypothesis except: a. methodology. b. outcomes. c. population. d. variables.

a. methodology.

An examination of the researchers plan for using measurement tools to examine relationships among variables helps determine the: a. research hypothesis. b. research objectives. c. study feasibility. d. study purpose.

a. research hypothesis.

In a study comparing the effects of complementary therapies on pain scores and narcotic analgesic use in homeless women and women who own homes, which of the following is a demographic variable? a. Complementary therapies b. Homeless women c. Narcotic analgesic use d. Pain scores

b. Homeless women

In a qualitative study, which is true about the definition of research concepts? a. They are measureable variables that help illustrate theoretical concepts. b. They are often defined or described as a result of the study. c. They are written to provide a concise measure of theoretical concepts. d. They must be clearly described to proceed with the study.

b. They are often defined or described as a result of the study.

A reviewer assesses a potential researchers credentials and experience, the availability of funding and resources, and ethical considerations of a potential study. This represents evaluation of a studys: a. expertise. b. feasibility. c. purpose. d. significance.

b. feasibility. The feasibility of a study is determined by examining the researchers qualifications, the funding and resources available to conduct the study, the availability of subjects, facilities, and equipment, and ethical considerations.

Which type of variable is used in a descriptive study? a. Dependent variable b. Independent variable c. Research variable d. Treatment variable

c. Research variable

The statement, In this study, elevated blood glucose is a value greater than 110 mg/dL, is an example of a(n): a. associative hypothesis. b. conceptual definition. c. operational definition. d. problem statement.

c. operational definition.

To reduce or eliminate the influence of environmental variables on study results, the researcher may: a. completely describe all environmental settings encountered in the study. b. discuss these variables in the study results. c. use a research unit in a hospital or laboratory. d. use a qualitative study design to conduct the study.

c. use a research unit in a hospital or laboratory.

Which is true about a dependent variable in a research study? It is: a. manipulated by the researcher to test the research hypothesis. b. the cause of changes in other variables in a research study. c. the experimental variable in a research study. d. the outcome the researcher wishes to predict.

d. the outcome the researcher wishes to predict.

Which is true about a research hypothesis? a. It defines the various research variables and describes how they will be measured. b. It explains the relationship of the research purpose to theory development. c. It includes the research problem, purpose, and research questions. d. It links the research problem statement to the study design and data analysis.

d. It links the research problem statement to the study design and data analysis.

Which is true about a statement of the research purpose? a. It describes the background for the subject of the research study. b. It includes a discussion of the significance of the study. c. It includes the research problem statement. d. It provides a concise description of the studys focus.

d. It provides a concise description of the studys focus.

Which is an important feature of a testable hypothesis? a. It may differ from the variables and population identified in the research purpose. b. Methods of sampling, measurement, and data analysis are included in the hypothesis statement. c. Relationships among the study variables must be causative. d. Variables in a testable hypothesis are measurable or able to be manipulated.

d. Variables in a testable hypothesis are measurable or able to be manipulated.

The statistical (null) hypothesis in a research study states that there is: a. a causal relationship between variables. b. a statistically significant relationship between variables. c. an implied relationship between variables. d. no relationship between variables.

d. no relationship between variables.

The statement, Do patients who receive care in a Patient-Centered Medical Home have fewer emergency department visits than those who do not? is an example of a research: a. aim. b. hypothesis. c. method. d. question.

d. question.

The purpose of an IRB in a university or clinical agency is to: A. Approve Funding for studies based on ethical standards b. critically appraise ethical aspects of published studies. c. define ethical standards for the institution. d. protect the human rights of subjects in proposed studies.

d. Protect the human rights of subjects in proposed studies.

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