Econ 102 Midterm 1 (part 2)

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how are economic resources allocated in a market​ economy?

by the decisions of households and firms interacting in markets

The U.S. Postal Service​ (USPS) charges Amazon about​ $2 to deliver a package. The USPS argues that its contract with Amazon allows it to reduce the loss it suffers on its overall operations. A business writer for the Washington Post​ observes: ​"Looked at from the standpoint of incremental revenue​ (huge) minus these incremental expenses​ (modest), the Postal Service could very easily have come to the conclusion​ that, even at​ $2 a​ package, the Amazon contract was likely to be highly​ profitable." ​Sources: Eli​ Rosenberg, "Trump Said Amazon Cost The the USPS​ 'Billions.' But the Post Office Has a Different​ Explanation." Washington Post​, May​ 11, 2018. What does the writer mean by​ "incremental revenue" and​ "incremental cost"? Why would he focus on incremental revenue and incremental cost rather than on total revenue and total​ cost? ​"Incremental" means the same thing as?

"marginal." If the marginal revenue exceeds the marginal​ cost, the​ USPS's profit will increase. If the marginal cost exceeds the marginal​ revenue, the​ USPS's profit will decrease

Which of the following areas of economics studies issues such as whether government intervention is capable of reducing the severity of​ recessions?


Which of the following areas of economics studies issues such as ways to reduce teenage​ smoking?


Productive efficiency means that?

a good or service is produced at the lowest possible cost

Which of the following statements is​ true?

all individuals face a scarcity of time and need to make choices how to allocate it.

The grading system plays an important role in student learning. In their book Effective​ Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment in College​, Barbara Walvoord and Virginia Anderson state that ​"grading infuses everything that happens in the​ classroom." They also argue that grading​ "needs to be acknowledged and managed from the first moment that an instructor begins planning a​ class." ​Source: Barbara E. Walvoord and Virginia Johnson​ Anderson, Effective​ Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment in​ College, 2nd​ edition, San​ Francisco: Jossey-Bass,​ 2010, p. 1. The grading system used by a teacher can affect the incentives of students to learn the course material by?

altering the payoffs to achieving success on the various components of the course

If a market system functions​ well, which of the following is necessary for the enforcement of contracts and property​ rights?

an independent court system

Which of the following statements is​ correct?

an innovation is the practical application of an invention

According to the FBI Bank Crime​ Statistics, there were more than​ 3,900 bank robberies in the United States in 2017. The FBI claims that banks have made themselves easy targets by refusing to install clear acrylic​ partitions, called bandit barriers​, that separate bank tellers from the public. According to a special agent with the​ FBI, ​"Bandit barriers are a great deterrent.​ We've talked to guys who rob​ banks, and as soon as they see a bandit​ barrier, they go find another​ bank." ​Sources: U.S. Department of​ Justice, Federal Bureau of​ Investigation, "Bank Crime Statistics ​2017"​; and Richard​ Cowen, "FBI: Banks Are to Blame for Rise in​ Robberies,"​, March​ 10, 2009. Despite this​ finding, many banks have been reluctant to install these barriers.​ Wouldn't banks have a strong incentive to install bandit barriers to deter​ robberies? Why,​ then, do so many banks not do​ so?

banks have no economic incentives to install the barriers

In a market​ system, how does society decide what goods and services will be​ produced?

consumers, firms, and the government determine what goods and services will be produced by the choices they make

Any attempt to determine whether or not this is a good system must focus on its?

costs and benefits

If teachers put too little weight in the grading scale on a certain part of the​ course, like readings outside the​ textbook, students might respond by?

de-emphasizing that part of the course

When an employer offers a wellness program to its​ employees, the health insurance premiums the employer pays on behalf of the employees are likely to?


Consider the following​ statement: ​ "The problem with economics is that it assumes that consumers and firms always make the correct decisions. But we know that everyone makes​ mistakes." What is the most correct response to this​ statement?

economics assumes that consumers and firms are​ rational, not that they always make the right decisions

Which of the following statements about economics as a social science is​ correct?

economics studies the actions of individuals

In a paper written by Bentley College economists Patricia M. Flynn and Michael A.​ Quinn, the authors​ state: ​"We find evidence that EconomicsLOADING... is a good choice of major for those aspiring to become a CEO​ [chief executive​ officer]. When adjusting for size of the pool of​ graduates, those with undergraduate degrees in Economics are shown to have had a greater likelihood of becoming an​ S&P 500 CEO than any other​ major." A list of famous economics majors published by Marietta College includes business leaders Warren​ Buffet, Donald​ Trump, Ted​ Turner, and Sam​ Walton, as well as former presidents George H.W.​ Bush, Gerald​ Ford, and Ronald Reagan. ​Sources: Patricia M. Flynn and Michael A.​ Quinn, "Economics: A Good Choice of Major for Future​ CEOs," Social Science Research Network​, November​ 28, 2006; and Famous Economics Majors​, Marietta​ College, Marietta​ Ohio, May​ 15, 2012. Why might studying economics be particularly good preparation for being the top manager of a corporation or a leader in​ government?

economics teaches us how to look at the tradeoffs involved in every decision

Which of the following statements is​ correct?

economists use the terms​ firm, company, and business interchangeably

What role do they play in the working of a market​ system? Private property​ rights:

encourage a significant number of people to be willing to risk funds by investing them in business and encourage firms to spend money on research and development

Scarcity is central to the study of economics because it implies that?

every choice involves an opportunity cost

Allocative efficiency means that?

every good or service is produced up to the point where marginal benefit is equal to marginal cost

What do economists mean by the word​ "marginal"?

extra or additional

Economists assume that the only reason people take the actions they do is in response to economic incentives?


b. Why would the columnist argue that the act was more likely to hurt than help​ low-income families?

firms that might otherwise have hired a​ low-wage worker may now be reluctant to do so because the firms could be liable for paying the tax

An opinion columnist in the Washington Post argues that the Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies Act is​ "virtually guaranteed to hurt the very​ low-income working families its sponsors want to​ help." Source: Catherine​ Rampell, "Tax Bezos. Help Workers. But Not Like​ This." Washington Post​, September​ 6, 2018. a. What was the main provision of this​ act?

firms whose employees received assistance from government​ benefits, including Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program​ (SNAP), would be required to pay a tax equal to cost of the assistance

Suppose that France is currently producing 1 bottle of wine and 6 pounds of cheese and Germany is currently producing 3 bottles of wine and 6 pounds of cheese. ​ Then, assume instead that France and Germany specialize by producing only the good for which they have a comparative advantage and then trade 3 bottles of wine for 8 pounds of cheese. After specialization and​ trade, France gains by consuming the same amount of wine and _____ additional​ pound(s) of cheese and Germany gains by consuming the same amount of wine and____additional​ pound(s) of cheese.

first _____ is 2 second _____ is 1

According to Adam​ Smith, which of the following is necessary for the proper functioning of the market​ system?

for markets to​ work, people must be free to pursue their​ self-interest

Suppose that France and Germany both produce wine and cheese. The table below shows combinations of the goods that each country can produce in a day.Who has the comparative advantage in producing wine and who has the comparative advantage in producing​ cheese?

france has a comparative advantage producing wine and Germany has a comparative advantage producing cheese

In the United​ States, to receive a medical​ license, a doctor must complete a residency program at a hospital. Hospitals are not free to expand their residency programs in a particular medical specialty without approval from a Residency Review Committee​ (RRC), which is made up of physicians in that specialty. A hospital that does not abide by the rulings of the RRC runs the risk of losing its accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education​ (ACGME). The ACGME and the RRCs argue that this system makes it possible to ensure that residency programs do not expand to the point where they are not providing residents with​ high-quality training. ​Sources: Brian​ Palmer, "We Need More​ Doctors, Stat!" Slate​, June​ 27, 2011; Sean​ Nicholson, "Barriers to Entering Medical​ Specialties," Wharton School​, September 2003. This system may help protect consumers by ensuring that?

future doctors receive​ high-quality training

If a country has a comparative advantage in the production of a​ good, then that country?

has a lower opportunity cost in the production of that good

Microeconomics is the study of?

how households and firms make​ choices, how they interact in​ markets, and how the government attempts to influence their choices

Scarcity implies that every society and every individual face​ trade-offs because scarcity means that?

human wants are greater than what available resources can produce

Late in the​ semester, a friend tells​ you, ​"I was going to drop my psychology course so I could concentrate on my other​ courses, but I had already put so much time into the course I decided not to drop​ it." Is your​ friend's reasoning correct or​ incorrect? Your​ friend's reasoning is?


As part of his 2016 federal budget​ proposals, President Obama recommended significant changes to the federal student loan programs. Given your answer to the previous​ question, do you think President Obama was likely to have recommended changes that would​ increase, or changes that would​ decrease, the payments that borrowers would have to​ make? President Obama was likely to have recommended changes that would?

increase the payments that borrowers would have to make so that the government would be paid back sooner

The federal government subsidizes some loans to college students.​ Typically, the more students who participate in these programs and the more they​ borrow, the higher the cost to the federal government. In​ 2011, President Barack Obama convinced Congress to pass these changes to the federal student loan​ programs: ​(1) Payments were capped at 10 percent of a​ borrower's discretionary​ income; ​(2) any unpaid balances for people working for the government or in the​ non-profit sector were forgiven after 10​ years; and ​(3) people working in the private sector had their loans forgiven after 20 years. ​Sources: Allesandra​ Lanza, "What​ Obama's 2016 Budget Proposal Means for Student​ Borrowers,"​, February​ 11, 2015; and Josh​ Mitchell, "Student-Debt Forgiveness Plans​ Skyrocket, Raising Fears Over​ Costs, Higher​ Tuition," Wall Street Journal​, April​ 22, 2014. As a result of these changes in the federal student loan​ program, you would predict that the total amount​ students' borrowed under these programs would have?

increased because the terms of repayment have been made more generous

What is the outcome of enforcing contracts and property rights in a market​ system?

increased economic activity

Teachers often wish that students came to class prepared having read the upcoming material. A teacher could design the grading system to motivate students to come to class prepared by?

increasing the grade weight assigned to being prepared

What does increasing marginal opportunity costs​ mean?

increasing the production of a good requires larger and larger decreases in the production of another good

today, which of the following countries has a centrally planned​ economy?

north korea

The effect of higher income taxes on the total amount of consumer spending. This is a?

macroeconomic issue

The reasons for the economies of East Asian countries growing faster than the economies of​ sub-Saharan African countries. This is a

macroeconomic issue

Which of the following statements about microeconomics and macroeconomics is​ correct?

macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole

The effect of higher cigarette taxes on the quantity of cigarettes sold. This is a?

microeconomic issue

The reasons for low rates of profit in the airline industry. This is a

microeconomic issue

A primary difference between macroeconomics and microeconomics is

microeconomics examines individual markets while macroeconomics examines the economy as a whole

Which of the following statements about microeconomics and macroeconomics is​ correct?

microeconomics involves the study of how households and firms make choices

According to Adam​ Smith, which of the following is the instrument the invisible hand uses to direct economic​ activity?


The incentive of employees to improve or maintain their health once they obtain health insurance may be?

negatively impacted

The late Nobel​ Prize-winning economist Kenneth Arrow of Stanford University once wrote that the argument that the outcomes in a market​ system, "may be very different​ from, and even opposed​ to, intentions is surely the most important intellectual contribution that economic thought has​ made." ​Source: Kenneth J.​ Arrow, "Economic​ Equilibrium," Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences​, 1968.​ (May 23,​ 2015). It is possible for the outcomes in a market system to be different from what firms and consumers intended them to be because?

neither firms nor consumers are directly interested in increasing economic efficiency or the standard of living of the average person

The federal government should spend more on AIDS research. This represents?

normative analysis

The price of coffee at Starbucks is too high. This represents?

normative analysis

Which of the following statements about normative analysis is​ correct?

normative analysis is concerned with what ought to be.

A​ 50-cent-per-pack tax on cigarettes will reduce smoking by teenagers by 12 percent. This represents?

positive analysis

Rising paper prices will increase textbook prices. This represents?

positive analysis

Which of the following statements about positive analysis is​ correct?

positive analysis is concerned with what is

Absolute advantage is the ability of an​ individual, a​ firm, or a country to?

produce more of a good or service than competitors using the same amount of resources

A market system prevents people from getting as many goods and services as they want due to which of the​ following?

their income

Lawrence Summers served as secretary of the treasury in the Clinton administration and as director of National Economic Council in the Obama administration. He has been quoted as giving the following moral defense of the economic approach. ​"There is nothing morally unattractive about​ saying: We need to analyze which way of spending money on health care will produce more benefit and which​ less, and using our money as efficiently as we can. I​ don't think there is anything immoral about seeking to achieve environmental benefits at the lowest possible​ costs." ​Source: David​ Wessel, "Precepts from Professor​ Summers," Wall Street Journal​, October​ 17, 2002. It would be more moral to reduce​ pollution,?

taking the cost into account because money spent on pollution reduction is not available for other worthy activities

What is comparative​ advantage?

the ability to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than other producers

What is absolute​ advantage?

the ability to produce more of a good or service than competitors using the same amount of resources

Macroeconomics is the study of?

the economy as a​ whole, including topics such as​ inflation, unemployment, and economic growth

Which of the following statements about the idea that people are rational is​ correct?

the idea assumes that consumers and firms use all available information as they act to achieve their goals

This idea is an important intellectual contribution because?

the interaction of firms and consumers in markets produces outcomes that are economically efficient and that promote the economic growth that results in rising living standards

economists believe that an activity should be continued up to the point where?

the marginal benefit from the activity is equal to the marginal cost

When it comes to assessing how this system affects the financial interests of doctors and the well being of​ consumers, it may be that the former gain more simply because?

there are far fewer of​ them, hence each stands to gain much from supply restrictions

What are the implications of this idea for the shape of the production possibilities​ frontier?

the production possibilities frontier will be bowed outward

Suppose we can divide all the goods produced by an economy into two​ types: consumption goods and capital goods. Capital​ goods, such as​ machinery, equipment, and​ computers, are goods used to produce other goods. Is it likely that the production possibilities frontier in this situation would be a straight​ line: click on the icon for an example or bowed​ out: click on the icon for an​ example?

the production possibilities frontier would likely be bowed out because not all resources are equally well suited to produce both consumption and capital goods

What are private property​ rights? Private property rights​ are:

the rights individuals and firms have to the exclusive use of​ tangible, physical property and intellectual property

c. If the columnist is​ correct, why did the sponsors of the act in Congress write the act the way that they​ did?

the sponsors of the legislation may have hoped that firms would raise the wages of​ low-income workers, which would make it unnecessary for these workers to apply for government benefits

Suppose economists develop an economic model and find that​ "it works great in​ theory, but it fails in​ practice." Which of the following should the economists do​ next?

they should revise the model in light of its failure to explain or predict real world events

Economists assume that people are rational in the sense that?

they use all available information as they take actions intended to achieve their goals

Economists use models?

to answer questions and analyze issues

Why are independent courts important for a​ well-functioning economy? Independence is necessary for​ courts:

to make their decisions free of influence from other parts of the government, to make their decisions free of influence from people with powerful political connections, to make their decisions free of intimidation by criminal gangs, and to make their decisions based on the law

What is the role of an​ entrepreneur?

to take risks, to bring together the factors of production—​labor, capital, and natural resources, and to operate a business that produces a good or service

Many universities and corporations offer a health wellness program that helps their employees improve or maintain their health and get paid​ (a relatively small​ amount) for doing so. The programs​ vary, but typically consist of employees completing a health​ assessment, receiving a healthy living​ program, and monitoring their monthly health activities. Corporations and universities are willing to pay employees to take care of themselves because a healthier workforce?

translates into lower​ costs, in part by reducing​ illness-related absenteeism and premature retirements and performs more​ efficiently, thereby improving overall productivity in the workplace

The basis for trade is comparative​ advantage, not absolute advantage.?


The basis for trade is the comparative advantage, not the absolute advantage?


President Obama and his advisers have failed to correctly forecast the effects of the 2011 changes to the loan programs because they?

underestimated the number of students who would take advantage of the programs

Which of the following best describes​ scarcity?

unlimited wants exceed the limited resources available

Is it possible for a country to have a comparative advantage in producing a good without also having an absolute​ advantage? A country without an absolute advantage in producing a good?

will have a comparative advantage if it has a lower opportunity cost of producing that good

Leonard​ Fleck, a philosophy professor at Michigan State​ University, has​ written, ​"When it comes to health care in​ America, we have limited resources for unlimited health care needs. We want everything contemporary medical technology can offer that will improve the length or quality of our lives as we age. But as presently healthy​ taxpayers, we want costs​ controlled." ​Source: Leonard​ Fleck, Just​ Caring: Health Care Rationing and Democratic Deliberation. New​ York: Oxford University​ Press, 2009. Is it necessary for all economic systems to limit services such as health​ care?


According to Forbes​ magazine, in​ 2019, Jeff Bezos was the​ world's richest​ person, with wealth of​ $136 billion. ​Source: Noah​ Kirsch, "Jeff​ Bezos, World's Richest​ Person, Announces Divorce After 25 Years of​ Marriage,", January​ 9, 2019. Does Jeff Bezos face​ scarcity?

yes, because even though​ billionaires' financial resources enable them to afford a much greater array of goods and services than those less​ wealthy, their financial resources are not infinite

In discussing dividing up household​ chores, Emily​ Oster, an economist at the University of​ Chicago, advises​ that: ​"No, you​ shouldn't always unload the dishwasher because​ you're better at​ it." ​Source: Emily​ Oster, "The Wrong Person Is Probably Doing the Dishes in Your​ Home," Slate​, November​ 21, 2012. Even if you are better at unloading the dishwasher than your​ spouse, you​ shouldn't always be the one to unload it because?

you may be even better at some other household task and must consider the opportunity cost?

Suppose you were building an economic model to forecast the number of people employed in U.S. manufacturing in 2026. Should your model take into account the possibility of changes in economic policy enacted by the president and​ Congress?

​yes, the model should account for economic policy because it could affect employment in manufacturing

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