Econ exam 3 ch 7-10

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The present value of ​$500​, three years in the future if the interest rate is 3 percent is


If the monetary base increases by​ $1 million and the quantity of money increases by​ $2.5 million, then the money multiplier is​ _____



A certificate of ownership and claim to a firm's profits

crawling peg

An exchange rate that follows a path determined by a decision of the government or central bank

fixed exchange rate

An exchange rate that's determined by a decision of the government or central bank

Flexible exchange rate

An exchange rate that's determined by supply and demand, with no direct intervention by the central bank

unit of account

Analogy: An inch is a unit of height

federal funds rate

Banks lend to each other at a special interest rate

Choose the correct statement.

Deposits are​ money, checks are not​ money, and credit cards are not money.

Fiscal policy

Government's attempt to influence the economy through taxes, transfer payments, and purchases.

debtor nation.

If a country has borrowed more from the rest of the world during its entire history than it has lent to the rest of the world

creditor nation

If a country has lent more to the rest of the world during its entire history than it has borrowed from the rest of the world

net borrower.

If a country is borrowing more from the rest of the world than it is lending to the rest of the world

net lender.

If a country is lending more to the rest of the world than it is borrowing from the rest of the world

Choose the correct statement.

Loans are funds committed for an agreed dash upon period of time.

currency in circulation

Notes and coins held by individuals and businesses

Which of the following statements illustrate monetary policy​?

The Fed has raised the federal funds rate by 0.3 percent.

lender of last resort

The Fed is the lender of last resort- depository institutions that are short of reserves can borrow from the Fed

Which of the following statements illustrate fiscal policy​?

The US government has proposed a hike in the corporate tax rate.

How can the change in U.S. wealth differ from U.S.​ saving?

The change in wealth includes changes in the prices of assets owned and saving excludes these items.

Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC):

The main policy-making body of the Fed.

Required reserve ratio

The minimum percentage of deposits that depository institutions must hold as reserves

Foreign currency

The money of other countries, including notes, coins, and bank deposits

Joe has a term deposit that pays 6 percent a year and its value after two years will be ​$2, 500. What is the present value of​ Joe's term​ deposit?

The present value of​ Joe's term deposit is ​$ 2224.99.

open market operations

The purchase or sale of securities by the Fed in the loanable funds market

aggregate demand.

The relationship between the quantity of real GDP demanded and the price level

above full-employment equilibrium

When the short-run equilibrium puts real GDP above potential GDP

below full-employment equilibrium

When the short-run equilibrium puts real GDP below potential GDP

mortgage-backed security

a debt security created by pooling together a group of mortgage loans whose periodic payments belong to the holders of the security

Examples of monetary policy that decrease aggregate demand include​ ______.

a decrease in the quantity of money and an increase in interest rates

financial institution

a firm that borrows and lends

A rise in the money wage rate with no change in potential GDP creates​ ______.

a leftward shift of the SAS curve and no change in the LAS curve

The United States is​ ______.

a net borrower and a debtor nation

Inflation results from​ ______.

a persistent increase in aggregate demand at a faster pace than that of the increase in​ long-run aggregate supply

loanable funds market

aggregate of all the individual financial markets.


amount of income that is not paid in taxes or spent on consumption goods and services

A macroeconomic equilibrium in which real GDP exceeds potential GDP is​ _____ equilibrium. And one in which real GDP is less than potential GDP is​ _____ equilibrium.

an above full​-employment​; a below full​-employment

Examples of fiscal policy that increase aggregate demand include​ ______.

an increase in government​ expenditure, a decrease in​ taxes, and an increase in transfer payments

If the U.S. exchange rate changes from​ $1.20 Canadian to​ $1.25 Canadian, then the U.S. dollar has​ _______ and the Canadian dollar has​ _______.

appreciated; depreciated

The Fed is the lender of last resort​, which means that if​ _____ is short of​ reserves, it can borrow from the​ _____.

a​ bank; Fed

Classical macroeconomists

believe that the economy does a perfect job of regulating itself

Monetarist macroeconomists

believe that the economy is self-regulating and will normally operate at full employment

bond markets

bonds traded here

store of value

can be held and exchanged later for goods and services

The functions of depository institutions include​ _____

creating liquidity

Depository institutions provide four​ benefits, which are​ ______

creating​ liquidity, lowering the cost of​ borrowing, lowering the cost of monitoring​ borrowers, and pooling risk

We call the leakage of bank reserves into currency the currency​ drain, and we call the ratio of​ _____ to​ _____ the currency drain ratio.

currency; deposits

Aggregate demand​ _______ when a decrease in the quantity of money occurs. Aggregate demand​ _______ when an increase in expected inflation occurs.

decreases; increases

A rise in the expected future exchange rate​ ______ the supply of U.S. dollars. An increase in the world demand for U.S. exports​ ______ the supply of U.S. dollars.

decreases​; does not change

A decrease in U.S. demand for imports​ ______ the supply of U.S. dollars. A fall in the U.S. interest rate differential​ ______ the supply of U.S. dollars.

decreases​; increases

In the long​ run, an increase in the quantity of money​ _______ the interest rate.

does not change

If the price level and the money wage rate rise by the same​ percentage, the quantity of real GDP supplied​ ______ and there is a movement up along the​ ______ aggregate supply curve.

does not​ change; long-run

The loanable funds market is the aggregate of all the individual​ _____ markets.


A depository institution is a​ _______.

financial firm that takes deposits from households and firms

Depository institutions

financial firms that take deposits from households and firms.

A financial institution is a firm that operates on both sides of the markets for​ _____: It​ _____ in one market and​ _____ in another.

financial​ capital; borrows; lends

A crawling peg exchange rate policy is one that​ _______. A crawling peg exchange rate is achieved​ _______.

follows a path determined by a decision of the government or the central​ bank; by central bank intervention in the foreign exchange market

financial capital

funds that firms use to buy physical capital....and that households sue to buy a home or invest in human capital

medium of exchange

generally accepted in exchange for goods and services.

The​ _______, the greater is the amount that a household decides to save.

greater a​ household's disposable income and the smaller a​ household's expected future income

A mortgage is a legal contract that gives ownership of a​ _____ to the​ _____ in the event that the​ _____ fails to meet the agreed loan payments​ (repayments and​ interest).

home; lender; borrower

An increase in expected future profits​ _______.

increases aggregate demand today

An increase in expected future income​ _______. An increase in the expected future inflation rate​ _______.

increases aggregate demand​ today; increases aggregate demand today

Starting from a​ full-employment equilibrium, an increase in aggregate demand​ ______, and creates​ ______ gap.

increases real GDP above potential​ GDP; an inflationary

A government budget deficit​ _______ loanable funds.

increases the demand for

A government budget surplus​ _______ loanable funds.

increases the supply of

Starting from a​ full-employment equilibrium, a decrease in​ short-run aggregate supply​ ______ the price level and​ ______ potential GDP.

increases; decreases real GDP below

if the price level rises and the money wage rate remains​ constant, the quantity of real GDP supplied​ ______ and there is a movement up along the​ ______ aggregate supply curve.

increases; short-run

A central bank​ _______. A commercial bank​ _______.

is a​ bank's bank; is a firm that takes deposits from households and firms

A flexible exchange rate is one that​ _______. It works​ _______.

is determined by demand and supply in the foreign exchange​ market; with no direct intervention by the central bank

A fixed exchange rate is one that​ _______. A fixed exchange rate is achieved​ _______.

is set by the government or the central​ bank; by central bank intervention in the foreign exchange market


legal agreement that lender will get the home if the borrower fails to make agreed payments

Net worth is the total market value of what a financial institution has​ _____ minus the market value of what it has​ __

lent; borrowed

When potential GDP​ increases,

long-run aggregate supply and​ short-run aggregate supply increase. The LAS and the SAS curve shift rightward

The quantity theory of money is that in the​ _______, an increase in the quantity of money brings an equal percentage increase in the​ _______.

long​ run; increase in the price level

A government budget surplus​ _______ the real interest​ rate, decreases​ ______

lowers; private​ saving, and increases investment

Keynesian macroeconomists

macroeconomists believe that the economy is rarely at full employment.

Monetary policy

means the Fed's attempt to influence the economy by changing interest rates and the quantity of money.

means of payment

money can be used to settle debt

Saving is the amount of income that is​ _____ in net taxes or spent on​ _____ goods and services.

not​ paid; consumption

Short-run macroeconomic equilibrium

occurs when Quantity of real GDP demanded = Quantity of real GDP supplied

Long-run macroeconomic equilibrium

occurs when Real GDP = Potential GDP

the aggregate demand curve slopes downward because​ _______.

of the wealth effect and the substitution effect

inflationary gap

output gap is positive

Wealth is the value of all the things that people​


A stock is a certificate of​ _____ and claim to the​ _____ that a firm makes.

ownership; profits

Starting from a​ short-run equilibrium, when the Fed increases the quantity of​ money, _______.

people enter the loanable funds market and buy bonds

An international substitution effect arises because when the U.S. price level​ rises, _______.

people spend less on the more expensive​ U.S.-made items and they spend more on the less expensive​ foreign-made items

Keynesian macroeconomists recommend​ ______.

policies that actively offset changes in aggregate demand that bring recession

Monetarist macroeconomists recommend​ _____

policies that keep taxes low to avoid disincentive effects that decrease potential GDP

Classical macroeconomists recommend​ ______.

policies that minimize the disincentive effects of taxes on​ employment, investment, and technological change

Net present value is the​

present value of all the future flows of money that arise from a financial decision minus the initial cost of the decision

The sum of​ _____ is called national saving.

private saving and government saving


promise to make specified payments on specified dates

If a shortage of U.S. dollars occurs in the foreign exchange​ market, the​ _______ and the exchange rate​ _______.

quantity of U.S. dollars demanded decreases and the quantity of U.S. dollars supplied​ increases; rises

If a surplus of U.S. dollars occurs in the foreign exchange​ market, the​ _______ and the exchange rate​ _______.

quantity of U.S. dollars demanded increases and the quantity of U.S. dollars supplied​ decreases; falls

When the real interest rate rises​, the​ ______ because the​ ______ is the opportunity cost of loanable funds.

quantity of loanable funds demanded decreases​; real interest rate

A government budget deficit​ _______ the real interest​ rate, increases​ ______

raises; private​ saving, and decreases investment

The defining feature of the Keynesian view of macroeconomics is that the economy is​ _____

rarely at full employment

The ​crowding-out effect is the tendency for a government budget deficit to raise the​ _____ and​ _____ investment.

real interest​ rate; decrease

Short-run aggregate supply (SAS)

relationship between the quantity of real GDP supplied and the price level when the following things all remain constant: The money wage rate The prices of other resources Potential GDP

Long-run aggregate supply (LAS)

relationship between the quantity of real GDP supplied and the price level when the two previous bullet points are true.

Aggregate supply

relationship between the quantity of real GDP supplied and the price level.

The risk that a​ borrower, also known as a​ creditor, might not​ _____ is called credit risk or default risk.

repay a loan

The demand for loanable funds increases and the supply of loanable funds increases. As a​ result, the equilibrium real interest rate​ ______ and the equilibrium quantity of loanable funds​ ______.

rises, falls, or remains the​ same; increases

The demand for loanable funds increases and the supply of loanable funds decreases. As a​ result, the equilibrium real interest rate​ ______ and the equilibrium quantity of loanable funds​ ______.

rises; increases,​ decreases, or remains the same

The price of a bond​ ______ and the interest rate in the short run​ ______.

rises​; falls

The supply of loanable funds is determined by the​ _________. The supply of loanable funds changes when​ _______.

saving decisions of​ households, which are influenced by the real interest​ rate, disposable​ income, expected future​ income, wealth, and default​ risk; disposable​ income, expected future​ income, wealth, or default risk change

quantity theory of money

says that in the long run, an increase in the quantity of money brings an equal percentage increase in the price level.

The defining feature of the classical view of macroeconomics is that the economy is​ ______.

self-regulating and always at full employment

The defining feature of the monetarist view of macroeconomics is that the economy​ is______.

self-regulating and that it will normally operate at full​ employment, provided that monetary policy is not erratic and that the pace of money growth is kept steady

stock markets

stocks traded here

The​ long-run historical evidence and international evidence show us that the relationship between money growth and the inflation rate​ ______.

supports the quantity​ theory, but the correlation is not perfect

State the financial decision​ rule: If the net present value is positive​ _______ and if the net present value is negative​ _______.

take the​ action; do not take the action

real interest rate

takes nominal interest rate and adjusts it to remove the effects of inflation.

crowding out effect

tendency for a government budget deficit to raise the real interest rate and decrease investment

When the price​ level, the money wage​ rate, and other factor prices rise by the same​ percentage, there is a movement along​ ______. Potential GDP​ ______.

the LAS curve​; does not change

When the price level rises but the money wage rate and other factor prices remain the​ same, there is a movement along​ ______. The quantity of real GDP supplied​ ______.

the SAS​ curve; increases

Net taxes are taxes paid to the government minus​ ____

the cash transfers received from governments

federal reserve system (fed)

the central bank of the US.

The main influences on the supply of U.S. dollars in the foreign exchange market include​ ______.

the exchange​ rate, U.S. demand for​ imports, interest rates in the United States and other​ countries, and the expected future exchange rate

potential GDP increases when​ _______.

the full-employment quantity of labor increases

The quantity of money that the banking system can create is limited by​ _______.

the monetary​ base, desired​ reserves, and desired currency holdings

recessionary gap

the output gap is negative

The demand for loanable funds is the relationship between​ _____ demanded and the​ _____ when all other influences on borrowing plans remain the same

the quantity of loanable​ funds; real interest rate

The supply of loanable funds is the relationship between​ _____ supplied and the​ _____ when all other influences on lending plans remain the same.

the quantity of loanable​ funds; real interest rate

When a shortage or a surplus arises in the loanable funds market​ _______

the real interest rate is pulled to the new equilibrium level

demand for money

the relationship between the quantity of real money demanded and the nominal interest rate.

monetary base

the sum of currency and the reserves of depository institutions.

quantity of real GDP demanded

the total amount of final goods and services produced in the US that people, businesses, government, and foreigners plan to buy.

quantity of real GDP supplied

total quantity of goods and services that firms plan to produce in a given period


value of things people own

The net present value is the​ _______ flows of money from a financial decision minus​ _

value today of all​ future; the initial cost of the decision

foreign exchange market

where Different countries' currencies are traded for one another constantly

If the annual interest paid on a​ $500 loan is​ $25, the nominal interest rate is​ _____ percent per year. If the nominal interest rate is 5 percent per year and the inflation rate is 2 percent a​ year, the real interest rate is​ _____ per year.

​5; 3

An open market purchase​ ______ the monetary base. An open market sale​ ______ the monetary base.

​increases; decreases

In times of​ recession, the Fed​ _______ the interest rate and​ __________ the quantity of money.

​lowers; increases

In the long​ run, the money wage rate​ ______, short-run aggregate supply​ ______, and the economy returns to a​ full-employment equilibrium.

​rises; decreases

In an​ economy, there is ​$150 million in currency held outside​ banks, ​$125 million in​ traveler's checks, ​$250 million in currency held inside the​ banks, ​$100 million in checking​ deposits, ​$800 million in savings​ deposits, ​$2 comma 000 million in time​ deposits, and ​$1 comma 000 million in money market mutual funds and other deposits. the value of M1 is​ ______ and the value of M2 is​ ______.

​​$375 ​million; ​$4,175 million

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