EDTP 3301 Pre/Post Assessments

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This 1974 Supreme Court case resulted in perhaps the most important court decision regarding the education of language minority students. Students were placed in mainstream classrooms despite their lack of proficiency in English, and left to "sink or swim." The district argued that it had done nothing wrong, and that the students received treatment equal to that of other students.

Lau v. Nichols

Jordie has a learning disability that interferes with his reading comprehension and ability to generalize. He has difficulty completing assignments in all subject areas in the sixth grade. As a result of his learning problems, he usually makes a moderate effort and then quits trying. When he actually completes a task and demonstrates proficiency, he attributes his success to luck. Jordie exhibits which of the following?

Learned helplessness

Describes students who are native speakers of the standard language variety spoken by the dominant group of a given society. In the United states, the term covers students who speak standard English

Language majority students

An elementary school ESL teacher gives her students the following directions: "We are starting a unit on folk stories- stories that you learn from your parents and that are well known in your culture. A lot of times, stories like these are supposed to keep you from doing something dangerous. Or they might explain how or why something happens." Question: When the students bring in their folk tales, the teacher hands out construction -paper booklets in which the students will write and illustrate the stories they brought. The teacher creates a folk story gallery where the students post their booklets. When all the booklets are done, the students read each other's booklets and then have a class discussion about similarities and differences they found in their own stories and in their classmates' stories. As an ESL teaching strategy, this activity

creates a culturally responsive learning environment.

Identify the statements that best describes transitional bilingual education (TBE) programs in the United States

They use native language instruction in conjunction with ESL instruction to help keep up academically and expedite into English mainstream.

Why is the term limited English proficient (LEP) a problematic way to refer to students who are culturally and linguistically diverse CLD?

This label refers to Ells as deficient and reinforces a deficit view of ELLs.

Parental involvement is linked to improved student achievement, student motivation, student attitudes toward language learning, and persistence in the ESL program. A fourth-grade teacher wants to increase parental involvement opportunities. As an initial attempt to involve parents in their children's school activities, the teacher should...

work with students every two or three weeks to help them create a "Classroom Stories" booklet, which the students take home to show their parents.

Who typically has the most detailed, day-to-day knowledge of the student's academic, social and physical needs within the classroom?

General education teacher

How do students with special needs benefit from the use of grading rubrics?

A rubric helps students judge the quality of their own work

6. Which of the following descriptions defines two-way dual-language immersion education?

An educational approach that integrates native speakers and ELL students in a context that provides language- and content-area instruction in L1 and English

When do students with low-incidence disabilities usually begin to receive special education services?

Before kindergarten

A school district is establishing an ESL program for the first time and must do so in compliance with established criteria. The district first puts into place a mechanism that will determine the program's effectiveness in achieving its instructional goals for ELLs. The evaluation ensures that the program will primarily fulfill requirements established by

Castañeda v. Pickard.

In a classroom of students with diverse levels of skill in reading, what aspects of a lesson might the teacher need to adjust?

Content, process, and products

Students with learning and behavioral disabilities have two major types of reading problems. What are these major types?

Decoding and comprehension

Special education teachers typically carry all of the following responsibilities EXCEPT:

Develop a psychological report of a student's strengths and areas of need

Sam and Mateo are different ages, but both boys have autism. Which of the following characteristics do they most likely have in common?

Difficulty with social relationships

Which TWO of the following are federal requirements for education of ELLs?

ELLs must be given opportunities for English- language development. ELLs must have access to the core curriculum.

Students whose primary language is not English, i.e., English learners (ELs) or limited English proficiency (LEP), are sometimes considered at risk. How is this risk factor usually addressed?

English as a second language services (ESL)

At parent orientation for the school's ESL program, teachers give parents a 3X5 card and ask the parents to write una caritta (a little letter) = a few lines describing their child, in English or in Spanish. The teachers tell the parents that those notes will be important in helping them get to know their students. The teachers also say that every three weeks, she will send a little letter/ cartita home with a few sentences about their child's classroom experiences. The little letter will include a blank card so that the parents can write a return note to the teacher. This activity best addresses which of the following essential components of ESL instruction?

Establishing communication and collaboration with parents.

Students with receptive language problems may have difficulty with which of the following?

Following directions that are given orally

Mr. Larson stated orally the steps that students needed to perform with a new math skill. He assigned five problems for the students to complete independently. As he monitored their work, he discovered that many students, with and without special needs, were unable to do the problems. What mistake did he make in teaching the skill?

He didn't provide enough direct instruction and guided practice.

Which of the following represents a problematic, chronic pattern of behavior?

Hector is withdrawn and never interacts in small group or whole class discussion

What measure or measures are used to establish eligibility for special education services?

High-stakes achievement tests, standardized achievement tests, and psychological tests

Ryan was identified recently as having a learning disability. According to IDEA, what provision is made for the school to document Ryan's progress systematically and address his learning needs?

Individualized education program

Nathan has multiple disabilities. If he is like most students with multiple disabilities, he has which of the following?

Intellectual disability and physical or sensory impairment

When proposing solutions in shared problem solving, collaborative teams often use brainstorming. True brainstorming follows which of the following principles?

Judgment of ideas is suspended

According to IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), students with disabilities should be educated in a setting as similar as possible to that for students without disabilities, one in which they can succeed with the provision of appropriate supports. This principle of IDEA is known as which of the following?

Least restrictive environment

The federal government, in the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, refers to ELLs as ______ students defined as those: whose difficulties in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language may be sufficient to deny the individual- (i) the ability to meet the State's proficient level of achievement on State assessments...; (ii) the ability o successfully achieve in classrooms where the language of instruction is English; or (iii) the opportunity to participate fully in society.

Limited English Proficient (LEP)

The following disabilities fall under the category of low-incidence disabilities EXCEPT:

Mild intellectual disabilities

Students with special needs often lack organizational skills. Being organized requires the skills of executive functioning, which include the following EXCEPT:

Monitoring what other students are doing

Which of the following focused on funding Math, Science and Foreign Language education?

Natural Defense Act of 1958

Federal policy for language minority students learning English changed dramatically with the passage of ...

No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001

The federal definition of gifted and talented students is stated in the Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act. What services for gifted and talented students are specified in federal legislation?

No required services specified or funded

Micah's teachers use a co-teaching approach that maximizes students' participation in the lesson, giving each student twice as many opportunities to respond during discussions. What approach are they using?

Parallel teaching

Parents are key participants in all decision making related to their child's suspected or documented disability. Their rights as parents include all of the following EXCEPT:

Parents have the right to demand special education for their child even if assessments indicate no need.

Consider how inclusion compares with mainstreaming of students with disabilities. Which of the following settings applies to inclusion?

Physical, social, and instructional integration with nondisabled peers

What term identifies the research-based approaches to preventing behavior challenges and addressing common and intense behavior problems in the classroom?

Positive behavior supports

Mr. Gomez is a new teacher and has no experience using manipulatives. He knows they should have a positive learning effect on his students with disabilities but needs guidance. Which of the following suggestions offers the best advice?

Present clear guidelines for handling the manipulatives.

Which of the following statements most accurately represents the primary goal of Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973?

Prevent discrimination against individuals with functional disabilities who are not eligible for IDEA services.

Josh's reading problems make test taking difficult in every subject. Among the adjustments his fourth-grade teacher makes, which adjustment helps Josh before the test?

Providing a study guide

As part of a functional behavior assessment of a student's serious behavior problem, teachers are likely to do which of the following?

Record when and where problem behavior occurs

Behavior contracts involve all of the following features EXCEPT:

Rewards based on obedience

Mr. Conrad asked a series of questions during a lesson review. In order to involve all students in answering, he drew names from the stack of cards with one student name per card. One of his students who struggles gave an incorrect response to a question. What should Mr. Conrad do to increase support for this student?

Scaffold with additional questions

Mr. Getty wants to determine whether Mia's math skills are different enough from the skills of others in the class to require in-depth assessments. What type of assessment is most likely to help him make this determination?


Gabby doesn't ask for help when she needs it. When she faces obstacles in completing a task, she gives up easily and turns in incomplete work. Which type of skills does she need to learn to help her ask for help when needed?

Self-advocacy skills

Students need to learn their strengths and weaknesses in different skill areas and learn the impact of these on their performance. This level of self-awareness helps students advance toward what aspect of independent learning?


One core principle of IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) states that students with disabilities are entitled to "free appropriate public education (FAPE). This right includes the following specifications EXCEPT:

Special education services as needed at a cost to parents

Which of the following is a primary characteristic of teaching ELLs using the sheltered English instruction model?

Students are provided with content adapted to their level of proficiency to facilitate comprehension.

Research has shown that in addition to promoting bilingual proficiency, an additive bilingual language-minority student also has which of the following benefits?

Students gain a sense of self- confidence and self-esteem related to their cultural identify

The goal of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is to ensure that all students have equal access to high quality education. ESSA mandates which of the following?

Students with disabilities should make academic achievements at a level comparable to that of most students.

Section 504 accommodations may include all of the following provisions EXCEPT:

Study skills class taught by a special education teacher

Additive Bilingualism: When learning a second language dos not interfere with learning of a first language. Both languages are developed. This can be contrasted to:

Subtractive bilingualism

Students with special needs should progress in independence in many areas. How might general education teachers directly enhance these students' independent learning abilities?

Teach strategies that help students advocate for themselves

Transitional bilingual education (TBE) is the program of choice for most school districts in the nation. The program is identified as a subtractive and early-exit program. Identify the rationale for the popularity of this program.

The program allows for the mainstreaming of students in a relatively short period of time.

An elementary school ESL teacher gives her students the following directions: "We are starting a unit on folk stories- stories that you learn from your parents and that are well known in your culture. A lot of times, stories like these are supposed to keep you from doing something dangerous. Or they might explain how or why something happens." Question: To explain what a folk story is, the teacher reads Tomie DePaola's Legend of the Bluebonnet, which offers a native American explanation for the apparent overnight appearance of bluebonnets in Texas in the spring. Which of the following statements best explains how this activity will help students understand the assignment?

The teacher is creating a multicultural learning environment by showing students how folk stories reflect different cultures' beliefs.

Students with learning disabilities have problems learning for which of the following reasons?

They have trouble processing and organizing academic information.

English language learners are those students from whom English is not their first language. There are a variety of English learners, they differ in terms of location and purpose for learning English, these include all of the following, except:

U.S children enrolled in dual language programs where both the majority and minority languages are learned.

Shay has serious behavior problems and frequently disrupts learning in the general education classroom. Recently Shay shoved another student and caused the student to fall and sprain a wrist. Shay faces possible suspension. Based on IDEA provisions related to discipline, how long can Shay be suspended this year for such behavior?

Up to 10 days

Report card grades are calculated and communicated once each grading period. What might teachers do to supplement report card grades and provide formative data about student progress?

Use a daily scorecard of student achievement

Teacher activities related to behavior management include the process of establishing classroom rules. Which one of the following guidelines is recommended to help teachers establish effective rules in an inclusive classroom?

Use positive wording.

Ms. Navaro helps her students learn their spelling words by taking the following steps: (a) saying the word; (b) spelling it out loud three times; (c) covering the word; (d) writing it down from memory; and (e) comparing their spelling to the correct spelling. Ms. Navaro is modeling what strategy to help her students succeed?

Verbal rehearsal strategy

Sawyer has a hard time following the steps involved in cleaning up his area, packing his books, and copying his homework assignments each day before the closing bell rings. Executive functions for this series of steps relate most directly to which of the following?

Working memory

The development of proficiency in two languages at the same time is known as ...

simultaneous bilingualism

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