edu 103 exam

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in the case of ____ the new jersey supreme court ordered funding equalized between the richest and the poorest districts in the state

abbott vs. berke

for any given teacher and subject, which of the following categories of time typically involves the least number of minutes per day

academic learning time

the philosopher who was disciple of socrates was noted for his theory of eternal forms or ideas that underlie the physical world, and was the founder of the academy in athens greece was


in the 1896 supreme court of ____, the court developed the doctrine of separate but equal providing for legally sanctioned segregation

plessy vs. ferguson

demographic forecasting predicts by 2020 ___ of the school population will be from non white ethnic groups


approximately ___ of children, ages 6 to 19 are overweight and obese


the ___ amendment states that: the powers not delegated to the united states by the constitution nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states, respectively, or to the people


in 2010 corporal punishments in schools was legal in how many states


school age children place more importance on peer groups than pleasing their teachers beginning around

2nd to 4th grade

approximately what fraction of the classroom time is taken up by the teacher talking


nationwide, about ____ percent of students graduate from high schooll


according to john goodlands classic study about __ of a typical school day is used for instruction


in 1979, president jimmy carter established the ____ raising federal involvement in education to cabinet status


which of the following is not true

a harvard study found that graduation tests will help decrease the number of high school dropouts

when responding to students answers, teachers generally use four types of reactions. the type of reaction that teachers use the most often is


the public wants to see academic progress for their tax dollars, an idea usually referred to using the term ____


one of four approaches to multicultural curriculum developed by james banks suggested incorporating often but not always during special week or month of the school year is called the

additive approach

admiral hyman rickover, developer of the nuclear submarine, and arthur bestor, a liberal arts professor, were two of the foremost critics of progressive education arguing that it

adopted a school curriculum that was not academically sound

according to bloom taxonomy, which of the following levels of questioning involves a higher level of thinking


in 1988, minnesota instituted open enrollment, which eliminated the requirement that students must

attend the closes public school

in the supreme court case of ______, the court concluded, unanimously, that "in the field of public education the doctrine of separate but equal has no place. separate educational facilities are ingerently unequal

brown vs. board of education of topeka

whenever all the teachers in a school district are able to bargain as one group to improve salaries and working conditions, this is referred to as

collective bargaining

an educational approach where teachers gauge a students prior knowledge then carefully design classroom activities and penetrating questions to push students to higher levels of understanding is called


in one approach to multicultural curriculum developed by james banks, the study of ethnic heroes is included in the curriculum. this is called the

contribution approach

the type of teacher reaction used the least often in response to student answers is


for a period of time, in colonial New England, well-respected women with an interest in education converted their homes into schools teaching reading, writing, and computation. their homes became known as

dame schools

after the civil war, segregation that occurred in the north as a result of segregated residential patterns was called

de facto segregation

the current trend to create smaller schools and smaller school districts is a process the textbooks call


the argument for the __ is that certain students do poorly in school because of their cultural or linguistic backgrounds

deficit theory

in a survey conducted by the NEA, which of the following reasons for teaching was the most popular

desire to work with young people

the gap between students who have technology at home and those who do not has been called the

digital divide

the author of cultural literacy: what every american needs to know is

e.d. hirsch jr

in san antonio vs. rodriguez the US supreme court ruled that

education was not a fundamental right under the us constitution

in the early 19th century, horace mann became the nations leading advocate for establishment of a common school open to all. today we know this common school as the

elementary school

the belief that each student must look within themselves to discover their own truth and purpose in life is held by educators whose philosophy is called


the influence of the business community in us schools can best be characterized as

extensive and growing

philosophers who believe that sensory experiences (seeing, hearing, touching, etc..) are the sources of knowledge are called rationalists


under certain circumstances, teachers may reproduce published material without written permission or payment under the legal principle called

fair use

based on educational research the only drawback to using the recommended wait time when asking questions is that fewer students participate in discussions


benjamin franklin established the franklin academy for the purpose of the training the brightest boys to be future government leaders


court decisions regarding the personal lifestyles of teachers have been consistent from state to state in favor of the teacher


courts have generally ruled that a student's constitutional right to due process is violated by zero-tolerance policies


epistemology deals with the origin and structure of reality


in most states, the law allows teachers to strike


in textbook adoption states, school districts and teachers are free to choose whatever textbooks they wish to use in their classes


only teachers of color can actually be culturally responsive to students of color


perennialists believe that students learn by doing, and that the curriculum should be flexible and centered around the needs and experiences of the students


phillip jackson has referred t0 teachers as the gatekeepers because they provide the knowledge that is the doorway to a students future success in life


progressivists believe in a common core curriculum composed of traditional disciplines such as math, science, history, foreign language and literature


teachers given salaries can vary greatly state to state, but are standardized within any given state


the colonial times, most elementary teachers had at least completed high school


the constitution clearly states that educating Americans is a federal government responisbility


today, the majority of elementary school teachers are men


when applying for a job, its legal for an interviewer to ask questions that are not directly related to the job requirements, such as questions about marital status, religion, and personal plans for the future.


___ developed three culturally responsive principles for teaching

gloria ladson billings

founded in 1636, but the puritans, ___ was the first college in america


the person who was instrumental in establishing the first state supported normal school was

horace mann

which of the following was NOT mandated by no child left behind

if schools failed to make adequate yearly progress for two consecutive years, they would be closed

when the __ is used with english language learners, teachers deliver lessons in a sheltered or simplified english vocabulary that attempts to familiarize students with english while they are learning academic content

immersion approach

the carnegie corporation published the report, turning points 2000. which of the following was not one of the recommendations of the report

incorporate tracking so teachers can better meet the individual needs of the students

the federal government manages to influence school funding through categorical grants. which of the following is NOT an example of such a grant

increased salaries for teachers and administrators

in___________ the supreme court ruled that physical punishment may be authorized by the states

ingraham vs. wright

in cases involving the academic freedom of teachers, which of the following is NOT considered by the courts when making their decisions

is the topic approved by the community

one criticism that has been given regarding tenure is that

it prevents some weak teachers from being dismissed

____ was an educator famous for his work in identifying the negative effects of racism on all american children, and was well known for his doll study that assessed black childrens self perceptions

kenneth clark

in the supreme court case of ___ the court declared that teaching students in a language that they did not understand was not appropriate education

lau vs. nichols

____ schools were created to draw diverse students to schools outside of their neighborhoods offering high quality education programs designed around a special theme or method


suppose that a teacher brought an illegal drug to school. an act like this would be classified as


cartesian dualism is the philosophical belief that reality is composed of both

materialism and idealism

____ are noteworthy because they were geared for different grade levels and paved the way for graded elementary schools

mcguffey readers

who is the current kentucky commissioner of education

mr. holliday terry

the largest professional and employee organization in the nation, with approximately 3 million members, is the

national education association

for young people between the ages of 15 and 24, ___ have the highest suicide rate of all the racial and ethnic groups in the united states

native americans

_____ was the author of the american spelling book which replaced the new england primer as the most common elementary textbook

noah webster

suppose that a teacher fails to show up for after school bus duty. this type of negligence would be classified as


a charter school is typically


educational institutions which began to appear in the 19th century for the sole purpose of training teachers were called

normal schools

when someone or some group decides that a topic is unimportant; inappropriate, or too controversially taught, then that topic becomes part of what is called the

null curriculum

the family rights and privacy act, commonly referred to as the buckley amendment, states that

parents and guardians have the right to access their children's educational records

researcher arno bellack analyzed verbal exchanges between teachers and students and discovered the four step cycle. what is the name of the cycle

pedagogical cycle

robert hutchins and mortimer adler were proponents of the educational philosophy known as _____ which recommends that students learn from the Great Books, works by historys finest thinkers and writers


in the reading that we did in class called the threat of stereotype, the authors research focused on the effect that stereotype threat had on a students

performance on tests

john dewey refined and applied the philosophy of pragmatism to education, establishing what became known as


critics of for profit schools are most concerned about how the schools

provide for their special education program

in john goodlands massive study, he and his collegues found four broad goals that define the purpose of schooling over 300 year history. which of the following is not given as one

reconstructing society

when teachers ask themselves questions like, "what teaching strategies did i use today? what might have been more effective? were my students engaged with the material? the teachers are engaging in what type of teaching?

reflective teaching

according to the reading that we did in class entitled, bullying among children, which of the following is not true

research supports the view that children who bully have low self esteem

in the case of ____, the california supreme court ruled that education was a fundamental right under the california constitution

serrano vs. priest

reformers who have won legal battles that took funds from wealthy school districts and redistributed them to poorer school districts have been called _______ reformers


the author of a framework for understanding poverty is

ruby payne

which of the following is not true of the virtual schools

some virtual schools have athletic teams that compete with other virtual schools

when one looks at the structure of a typical state school system, which of the four choices listed below is higher level in the structure of the other three

state board of education

whenever educators or parents quickly remove a book from the library shelf or a course of study in response to an informal complaint, or in order to avoid controversy, this is an example of what the text calls

stealth cencorship

____ are absolute statements applied to all members of a group, suggesting that members of a group have a fixed inherited set of characteristics


which of the following is not a characteristic of problem based learning

students typically work alone at a computer terminal or with individualized written materials

in 2010, high school graduation rates were highest in

suburban districts

when one looks at where the money for public education goes, about 35% of that money is used for

support services (transportation, school maintenance, nursing)

in the kalamazoo michigan case, the courts ruled

taxes could be used to support secondary schools

the national board of professional teaching standards has described effective teachers with five core propositions. which of the following is not one of its descriptions of an effective teachers

teachers are members of professional organizations such as the NEA or the AFT

researchers have found five characteristics that effective schools have in common which they refer to as the five factor theory. wich of the following is not listed as one of the five factors

teachers with advanced degrees

who determines a teachers salary

the local school district

which of the following is NOT a reason that is given for favoring statewide adoption textbooks?

the process results in books being written at a higher level

home schooled children outperform conventionally school students not only on standard tests, but also on tests of social skills


sociograms provide teachers with insight to

the social interactions between the students in the class

teachers license are issued by

the state department of education

when teachers allow more time when asking questions, which of the following is NOT true?

there is a decrease in student initiated questions

existentialism is an educational philosophy that places the highest priority on students directing their own learning


in one type of bilingual education programs, students are taught academic subjects in their native language where they are learning english. this is called the

transitional approach

a nation at risk called for greater academic rigor, higher expectations for students, and better qualified and paid teacchers


ability grouping allows teachers to work with students who are on the same level in a particular subject


according to the textbook, during the past two decades, the influence of local school boards has decreased


according to the textbook, participation in extracurricular activities has been connected with improved race relation, better SAT scores and higher self esteem


based on educational research, it is recommended that a teacher waits 3 to 5 seconds after a student has answered a question before responding to the students answers


based on educational researh, after a teacher calls on a student to answer a question, the teacher should wait 3 to 5 seconds for the student to respond


children not reading at grade level by the end of the first grade have a one in eight chance of ever catching up


classroom interaction between the teacher and the students tend to decrease as students advance to higher grade levels


emma hart willard was noted for opening the door of higher education to women and promoting professional teacher preparation


in owasso independent school district v. falvo, the supreme court ruled that students can grade their peers academic work and even announce the results in class without violating the privacy act


in todays schools, there is a great disagreement among teachers on the topic of assigning homework


merit pay is a salary plan that attempts to pay better teachers more money by linking teacher salary to teacher performance


pedagogy is a term used when one is referring to the art and science of teaching


teachers base more than 70% of their instructional decisions and as much as 90% of homework assignments on the textbook


the amount of money available for schools depends largely on the wealth of the community being taxed


the common core state standards for mathematics and english identify the skills and content a student should master at each grade level from kindergarten through grade 12


the land ordinance act of 1785 and the northwest ordinance of 1787 required townships in the newly settled territories bounded by the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and the Great Lakes to reserve a section of land for educational purposes


the majority of homeschooling parents have a college degree


the socratic method helps pupils acquire intellectual insight by the process of repeated questioning and testing of students thoughts concerning a specific topic


with a school wide mastery learning model, each student moves at an individual pace and focuses on becoming proficient in a number of specific academic areas; some students graduating at age 14, while others might not graduate until age 21


many people worry that bilingual education threatens the status of english as the nations primary vehicle of communication


edisons schools and advantage schools are two names associated with for profit schools

virtual schools

in the landmark case, tinker v. des moines school district, the court ruled that the students were entitled to

wear arm bands protesting the vietnam war

in which of the following situations would lower order questions not be recommended

working on problem solving skills

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