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How to calculate a ROI?

1. calculate the costs of the development and implementation of the training program $ 2. benefits of the training program $ (additional sales, more efficient workflow) .. ROI = net program benefit / cost of program

Which of the following is NOT a way for stimulus variability to be incorporated into a training program?

By using models that differ according to the experience of the trainees

Once the cost of a training program is known and so is the training benefit, what is the next step in determining the value of a training program?

Calculate the net benefit (estimated value of the benefit minus the cost)

What is the concept that looks at the process of creating, sharing, diffusing, and applying knowledge in organizations?

Organizational learning

What is the concept that refers to a formalized, structured, and systematic approach to on-the-job training that consists of four steps: preparation, instruction, performance, and follow-up?

Job instruction training

What concept refers to a training method in which trainees are exposed to different jobs, functions, and areas within an organization?

Job rotation

What is the concept that refers to the capability to provide learning and training opportunities when they are needed and where they are needed?

Just-in-time learning

Which of the following is NOT one of the skill sets that is required for emotional intelligence?

Kindness - motivation, self control, and empathy ARE

Which of the following is NOT one of the core managerial roles presented by Mintzberg in the textbook?


Which of the following is NOT one of the general categories of management skills?


One of the major advantages of computer-based training is flexibility because trainees do not have to leave work to attend training. What is another advantage of computer-based training?

Learner control

What is the concept that refers to the process of acquiring knowledge and skills, and a change in individual behaviour as a result of some experience?


In the Model of Training Effectiveness, what part of the model flows into Individual Behaviour and Performance?

Learning and Retention

Which of the following is NOT a principle of a learning organization?

Learning organizations are more profitable than other organizations.

What is the concept that refers to the way in which an individual gathers information and processes and evaluates it during the learning process?

Learning style

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of training and development?

Link business strategy to organizational strategy

What is the concept that refers to the acquisition of a broad range of managerial knowledge and general conceptual abilities?

Management education

What type of goal is process-oriented and focuses on the learning process?

Mastery goals

What is the concept that refers to a trainee's intended effort to utilize skills and knowledge learned in training on the job?

Motivation to transfer

What is the concept that refers to the process to identify gaps or deficiencies in employee and organizational performance?

Needs analysis

Which of the following is NOT related to a Person Analysis?

Obtain description

What is the greatest advantage to an organization of computer-based training?

Overall training costs are reduced due to the elimination of typical costs. Overall training costs are reduced due to the elimination of typical costs

Team task analysis

analysis of tasks of the job as well as the team competencies (knowledge, skills attitudes) - skills required for task coordinated and cognitive skills for interacting in a team must be identified

relapse prevention

anticipate transfer obstacles and develop coping skills

What is one reason that employers do not conduct training evaluations?

because they are believed to be too complicated

High Performance Work System

believes that work place training is not an independent activity and is influenced by a broader organizational and environmental context

What is the concept that refers to the use of a combination of approaches to training such as classroom training, on-the-job training, and computer technology?

blended training

lesson plan

blueprint that outlines the training program in terms of sequence of activities and events that will take place

What is the concept that refers to extensions of training programs that involve a review of the training material?

booster sessions

What concept refers to finding the value at which benefits equal costs and utility is equal to zero?

break even analysis

video conferencing used for?

bringing an expert in from another location, holding meetings with staff working in other places, communicate corporate info that needs to be rapidly disseminated

According to the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) the key roles for training professionals include learning strategist, project manager, and professional specialist. What is the last role for training professionals according to the ASTD?

business partner

What is the concept that refers to mentoring activities that include coaching, sponsorship, exposure, visibility, protection, and the provision of challenging assignments?

career support

What is the concept that refers to a training method in which a trainee receives instruction and training at his or her workstation from a supervisor or an experienced co-worker?


apprenticeship ?

combines on the job training and classroom instruction - used to better a company's reputation

What is the concept that refers to training that focuses on differences in values, attitudes, and behaviours of individuals with different backgrounds?

diversity training

What is the concept that refers to the ability to manage your own and others' emotions and your relationships with others?

emotional intelligence

What is the concept that refers to exposing an individual to different areas and experiences throughout the organization?

job rotation

technical skills training

job skills that all employees need to perform their jobs

Intrinsic benefits

knowledge and attitudes

There are four key dimensions of learning organizations. Three of these dimensions include vision, culture, and learning dynamics or systems. What is the fourth dimension?

knowledge management

What is the concept that refers to the creation, collection, storage, distribution, and application of compiled "know-what" and "know-how?"

knowledge management

Human Intellectual capital?

knowledge skills and abilities of employees

What is the concept that refers to the qualities and behaviours that shape the direction of the organization and which inspire others to pursue that direction in the face of obstacles and constraints?


Multilevel Systems Model of Organizational Learning

learning in organizations takes place at different levels: organization, group, and individual levels - each of these levels is connected to levels above and below : learning is influenced by other levels

Learning theories: conditioning theory?

learning is a result of reward/punishment contingencies that follow a response to stimulus 1. stimulus 2. behaviour 3. consequence (+ or -)

The pillars of lifelong learning cited by the composite learning index (CLI) include learning to know, learning to do, and learning to live together. What is the last pillar suggested by the CLI?

learning to BE

How can you speed up a Needs-Analysis to be considered a Just-in-Time Needs Analysis?

link assessment and delivery

What is the concept that refers to the process of getting things done, efficiently and effectively, through and with other people?


What is the concept that refers to deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or images that influence how we understand the world and how we take action?

mental models

informal training:

might involve pairing new hires with organization's best employees

organizational learnings goal?

more successful organization

formal training:

must be tailored to an organization's strategy and characteristics (service employees must have both the ability and motivation to perform EFFECTIVELY and PRODUCTIVELY )

individual learning practices

must have both formal and informal opportunities for learning, learning and transfer of knowledge must be rewarded

Types of transfer of training?

near, far, horizontal, vertical

Which of the following is NOT a main variable measured in a training evaluation?

needs assessment - behaviour, learning, reaction are

Total Quality Management (TQM) - programs to remain competitive

systematic process of continual improvement of the quality of products and services - teamwork and customer focus TQM - places training function in crucial position - this process requires changes in employees' skills and the way they work

Structural Intellectual Capital?

systems that allow employees to communicate / solve problems


tailoring instructional elements to meet trainee preferences and needs

In a needs analysis, there are three levels including an organizational analysis, and a person analysis. What is the third level of analysis?

task analysis

goal setting interventions

teach trainees about the goal setting process

Which of the following is NOT a typical level associated with organizational learning?

team level

TQM training includes?

team training, statistical tools used for problem solving and decision making processes

Some of the key environmental factors that drive human resources and training and development are global competition, the labour market, and change. What is the fourth item that affects these things?


Emotional intelligence:

the ability to manage your own and other's emotions and your relationships with others 1. self awareness 2. self control 3. empathy 4. interpersonal skills


the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform FUTURE job responsibilities - focuses on preparing the employee for future situations


the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities to improve performance on one's current job - deals with learning how to perform specific skills

strategic training and development

the alignment of an organization's training needs and programs with an organization's strategy and objectives

management development:

the complex process by which individuals learn to perform effectively in managerial roles - different from employee training because they are in charge of a mass amount of people and their work experiences where as employees are ultimately in charge of their own

on-the-job training is the most common approach to training but also the misused because?

the training is often not well planned and people assigned to train have no training to be trainers

Human Resource Management

to recruit, motivate, develop, and retain employees whose performance is necessary for the attainment of the organization's goals

What type of training requires a systematic process of continual improvement?

total quality management (TQM)


traditional approach to learning used to educate children and youth

Experimental designs: (trained group to untrained group)

trained group is compared to another group of untrained people (to see the differences)

Quasi-experimental designs: (trained group to untrained group) - but not random

trained group is compared to another group that does not receive the training, but when the assignment of people to the training group and non-training group is NOT random

job rotation?

trainees exposed to many jobs, and areas within an organization - objective of job rotation on the job training is to learn a variety of skills required for current and future jobs - improved knowledge - more opportunities

Baldwin and Ford's Model of the Transfer of Training process?

training inputs (characteristics, design) training outputs (learning and retention) conditions of transfer (maintenance)

computer based training? (word, excel)

training is delivered via the computer for the purpose of teaching job-relevant knowledge and skills (learning how to use a computer system properly)

instructor led training?

training methods that involve an instructor who leads and trains online

diversity training:

training programs that focus on differences in : values, attitudes, and behaviours of individuals with different backgrounds

Evaluating training programs requires knowledge about many fields. What is one area about which knowledge is NOT required for evaluating training programs?

qualitative analysis


qualities and behaviours that shape the direction of the organization and that inspire others to pursue that direction in the face of obstacles and constraints

Relationship Intellectual Capital?

relationships with suppliers / customers / competitors which influences how they do business

pragmatic barriers of training evaluations?

requires TIME to organize the collection of data and specialized knowledge to properly analyze

What is the concept that refers to the measurement of a training program's ability to meet managerial expectations?

return on expectations

What is the concept that refers to a process in which individuals or groups take the initiative and responsibility for learning and manage their own learning experiences?

self directed learning

organizational culture

shared beliefs values and assumptions that exist in an organization

physical fidelity?

similarity of the physical aspects of a simulation

psychological fidelity?

similarity of the psychological conditions of the simulation the actual work environment

training in WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System)?

so employees can identify hazards in their workplace - they can read symbols, work place labels, and apply the info on a material safety data sheet - understand how to safe handle products - safety training has found that it can have a significant positive effect on employee learning and safety performance

Informal learning

spontaneous, immediate, task specific, occurs naturally as part of work and is not planned or designed by the company, it takes place outside a designated learning environment


structuring the program so that the trainees feel that they are engaged in a convo with the program

What is the concept that refers to the provision of data about the worthiness or effectiveness of a training program?

summative evaluations

cross-cultural training: (graeme / cath may do this before travelling for work)

training programs that prepare employees for working and living in DIFFERENT CULTURES and for interactions with people from DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS

synchronous training? (smart serve test)

training that is LIVE and requires to be at their computer at a specific time

asynchronous training?(econcordia) - prerecorded

training that is PRE RECORDED and available to employees at any time and from any location (info on a website)

coaching and mentoring are the most common on the job training methods. true or false?


blended training

use of a combo of approaches to training such as classrooms, on job training, and computer technology

Transfer of training: generalization?

use or application of learned material on the job


use or application of learned material on the job over a period of time (repeated behaviour)

on-the-job training methods are?

useful for small businesses, and most common approach to training

What concept refers to a method of forecasting the financial benefits that result from human resource programs such as training and development?

utility analysis

Break even analysis?

value: benefits = costs (utility is equal to zero)

Which of the following is NOT a typical way to measure behaviours?

video recording

Which of the following is NOT a Web 2.0 tool?


self directed learning?

when individuals take the initiative for learning and managing their own learning experiences

cost effectiveness evaluation? cost of training $ vs benefit of training $

when the benefit is calculated in monetary (financial) terms - compares the monetary cost of training to the benefit of training in monetary terms

In order to maximize learning and retention with technology-based training, what should training programs include?

active practice


adult oriented approach to learning

transfer system

all factors in the person, training, and organization that influence transfer of learning to job performance

customer - service training

- provide employees with interpersonal service skills that are required for interacting with customers for providing quality service

What is the concept that refers to the type of motivation that stems from a direct relationship between a worker and the task?

Intrinsic motivation

Which of the following is NOT a purpose of group discussion?

It is a way for trainers to learn about what is important to trainees.

According to the textbook, when was computer-based training more effective than classroom instruction?

It was more effective when the instructional methods were different.

What did IBM do to counter-act the notion that self-assessment was an ineffective source of data for a Needs-Analysis?

Trained its employees to do self-assessments and analyze skills.

In Baldwin and Ford's model of the Transfer of the Training Process, which of the following is NOT a training input?

Trainee Knowledge

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of Off-the-Job Training Methods?

Training cost is much lower than On-the-Job Training (its lower on off the job training)

According to the textbook, what is the average annual cost to an organization for executive education?

$2 000 000

If training program benefits are $100 000, and training program costs are $25 000, what is the Net Benefit?

$75, 000

conceptual skills of management

(accomplish the control, organizing , planning leading functions of management)

Reasons why training programs fail?

- Failure to isolate the effects of training - Regarding training as an Event - Failure to recognize non-training solutions

Advantages of Technology based training?

- can learn outside the workplace - progress at own pace - flexibility and convenience - privacy - control over learning experience - reduced travel time and cost for learners - can train many learners across globe at same time

Return on Investment (ROI)

- compares the COST of a training program relative to its perceived BENEFITS to the company

4 ways in which individuals gain experience and learn? (KOLB)

- concrete experience - abstract conceptualization - reflective observation - active experimentation

The Learner Transfer System Inventory (LTSI)

- contains all the variables from COMA plus additional ones such as : LEARNER READINESS OPPENNESS TO CHANGE OPPORTUNITIES TO USE THE LEARNING

sources for needs analysis?

- employees / managers (self - assessments) - customers (Satisfaction ratings) - computer based analysis (analysis of business data)

advantage of packaged (to buy) training programs?

- high quality - immediate delivery -less expensive

NEEDS analysis outcome?

- identifies performance gaps - clarifies nature of these gaps - determines if T & D is necessary - identifies where, what, and for whom training and development is necessary

Cost analysis Worksheets (COSTING SHEETS)

- identify costs of training program - comparison of training program alternatives - helps in identifying cheapest option

Important roles of managers:

- interpersonal roles - informational roles - decisional roles

Technology based training? (EConcordia)

- involves the use of technology to develop, deliver, and manage courses / learning content

Tactic knowledge?

- known only by the individual - valuable wisdom - intuition, know - how, little tricks, judgement - people are not aware of the tacit knowledge they possess and how valuable it is to others

Disadvantages of Technology based training?

- less interpersonal contact - social isolation - computer illiteracy - loss of hand raising ability - loss of non verbal cues (trainers cant see who is understanding the info or not!)

calculating the benefits of a training program can be done in?

- monetary (financial) or non-monetary (non financial) terms

Types of Needs Analysis Methods?

- observations - questionnaires - print media - interviews - group discussions - tests - records and reports - work samples


- proposed 9 events of instruction that should be used in every training program in order to ensure its effectiveness:

organizational learning practices

an environment for learning and the acquisition and exchange of knowledge and info

What is the concept that refers to a process to assess the value - the worthiness - of training programs to employees and to organizations?

Training evaluation

Training Evaluation Variables = the measurement of different variables including:

- reactions ( affective - likes and dislikes, and utility - perceived usefulness) - learning (declarative - acquisition of facts and info, procedural - organization of facts and info) - behaviour - motivation ( to learn and apply skill to job - transfer of skill!) - self - efficacy (am i able to perform well?) - Perceived: degree to which trainee reports receiving support in attempts to transfer learned skills Anticipated: degree to which trainee actually receives the support - organizational perceptions (goal cues, positive or negative feedback) - organizational results (hard data - results measured objectively, number of items sold & soft data - results that are measured through judgements) - return on expectations (measurement in a training program's ability to meet managerial expectations)

sales training: relationship based?

- sales professionals are being trained to develop more strategic and complex relationships with clients - trained to become more knowledgable about their customers business needs

why conduct training evaluations?

- tells managers who should be trained and in what - determines cost and benefits of training program - has training achieved expected results? - streaks and weaknesses? - go back to ADDIE (analyze, design, develop, implement, evaluate) and see if it worked

Explicit knowledge?

- things you can buy - copy rights - documented - can be written into procedures or stored in databases

lesson plans should include:

- training objectives - trainees and instructor - time / location - classroom requirements / seating - training materials / equipment - supplies / handouts

E- Learning (Econcordia - need internet)

- use of computer technology such as the internet to deliver info or instruction to individuals - web based courses, desktop conferencing

advantages of designing an internal training program?

- uses organizations terminology - incorporates organization's values - understand audience

Frequently Cited Skills of Effective Managers

- verbal communication including listening - managing time and stress - recognizing, defining, and solving problems - delegating - motivating and influencing others - setting goals and articulating a vision - self awareness - team building - managing conflict - being a good mentor / coach

ADDIE process? - analyze - design - develop - implement - evaluate

1) Analyze the situation 2) Design the instruction 3) Develop the learning material 4) Implement the training 5) Evaluate the outcome

Benefits of Training and Development? (EOS) em, org, soc...

1) Employee benefits (greater knowledge and skills, higher self confidence + higher $) 2) Organizational Benefits (productivity, achieves goals) 3) Societal benefits (educated and skilled workforce, provides skills that also serves employees outside the work environment)

Performance Management process?

1) Performance goals 2) feedback 3) performance evals 4) employee development

5 disciplines of a Learning Organization?

1) Personal Mastery 2) building a shared vision 3) mental models 4) team learning 5) systems thinking

social learning theory? 1, 2, 3 ...

1) observation (learning by observing the actions of others) 2) self efficacy (judgements people have about their ability to successfully perform a specific task) 3) self management (managing one's behaviour through a set of internal processes .. setting goals, assessing, rewarding)

What is in the ISD Model? (instructional systems design)

1) training NEEDS analysis 2) training DESIGN and DELIVERY 3) training EVALUATION

4 key dimensions of a Learning Organization? (VCLK)

1) vision 2) culture 3) learning systems 4) knowledge management

NEEDS analysis process?

1. Concern 2. Importance 3. Consult stakeholders 4. data collection (from organization, task, and person / employee - are they meeting the standard desired level of performance?)

Gagne's 5 Learning outcomes? (verbal, intellectual, cognitive, motor, attitudes)

1. Verbal information (define the term learning) 2. intellectual skills (identify each instance as an example of procedural or declarative knowledge) 3. cognitive strategies (create and explain your own strategy to solve the following problem) 4. motor skills (hit a ball with the baseball bat) 5. attitudes (which learning theory do you prefer, and why? )

the nine events of instruction?

1. gain attention 2. describe objectives 3. stimulate recall of prior knowledge 4. present material to be learned 5. provide guidance for learning 6. performance practice 7. provide feedback 8. assess performance 9. enhance retention and TRANSFER :)

One study revealed that Canadian employers are not leaders in training and development. According to this study, what percentage of adult workers participate in job-related training?


In a Request for Proposal (RFP), an organization would typically have a pre-qualification check-list, detailed description of the opportunity, a description of the company and its culture, and the scope of the project. What additional information would the RFP have?

A detailed statement of work

To what is synchronous training similar?

A live classroom

The ISD (instructional systems design) model can be referred to as the?

ADDIE process

Employees trained in customer service must have two qualities in order to perform effectively. What are these qualities?

Ability and motivation

The Life Cycle of Knowledge?

Acquire Interpret Disseminate Apply Evaluate Retain

What is the concept that refers to a training method in which trainees accept the challenge of studying and solving real-world problems and accept responsibility for the solution?

Action learning

What is the concept that refers to ability to use knowledge and skills across a range of tasks, settings, and situations?

Adaptive expertise

Advantages and Disadvantages of Off-The-Job training?

Advantages: can use a variety of training methods, can control training environment, large numbers of trainees can be trained at once Disadvantages: more expensive, training environment differs from the workplace so there are challenges regarding the TRANSFER of training

Advantages and Disadvantages of On-The-Job training?

Advantages: lower cost, greater likelihood of application of training on the job Disadvantages: distractions in work environment during training, potential for damage actual equipment, potential safety issues

What is the concept that refers to reaction measures that assess trainees' likes and dislikes of a training program?

Affective reactions

What is the concept that refers to the adult-oriented approach to learning that takes into account the differences between adult and child learners?


Which of the following is NOT typically used in blended training?

Applied on-site learning

What is the concept that demonstrates when a training method has differential effects on trainees with different attitudes?

Aptitude-treatment interaction

Why is on-the-job training the most common and most misused approach to training?

Because it is not well planned or structured

Why does Delta Hotels and Resorts have a retention rate of 89%?

Because of its on-going training

What is the concept that refers to a training method in which trainees observe a model performing a task and then attempt to imitate the observed behaviour?

Behaviour modeling

COMA model? (improves on Kirkpatrick's 4 models of training eval) - greater precision

Cognitive Organizational environment Motivation Attitudes

What is the concept that refers to a set of procedures that focuses on understanding the mental processes and requirements for performing a job?

Cognitive task analysis

What does the COMA model represent?

Cognitive, Organizational, Motivational, Attitudinal

There are many ways of managing conflict in an organization including: avoidance, accommodation, forcing and compromise. What is one additional way to manage conflict?


What did Québec do to fight the apathy of Canadian organization's not wanting to invest in training?

Companies with payrolls over $1 million would have to spend 1% in training, otherwise pay a payroll tax

What is the concept that refers to practices based on the belief that every act has a consequence and if the consequence is a reward then the act will be repeated?

Contingency Management

What is the concept that refers to a comparison of the monetary cost of training to the benefit of training?$$

Cost-effectiveness evaluation

Lack of knowledge, skills, motivation and group norms are all human barriers to effective performance. What is the one remaining human barrier to effective performance?

Counterproductive reward systems

What is the concept that refers to training employees to perform each other's jobs?

Cross training

Which of the following is NOT a managerial function?

Decision-making: Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling ARE

Stages of learning a skill? (DKP)

Declarative: learning facts / info Knowledge: integrating tasks into sequences to simplify Procedural: learner has mastered task and performance is habitual / automatic

Role play is a training method in which trainees practise new behaviours in a safe environment. What are the three phases of role play?

Development; enactment; debriefing

What is the concept that refers to a computer-based system that provides information, advice, and learning experiences to improve performance?

Electronic performance support system

According to the textbook, what is at the centre of the new sales training initiatives?

Emphasis on relationship-based sales

What is one new way in which employees can add competitiveness to their organizations?

Employees can take technical skills training.

What are the influences of HPWS?

Environment - Organization - HR system - training and development - Individual Performance - ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS :) :(

What is the concept where the training explicitly encourages trainees to make errors during training and to learn from them?

Error-management training

What is the concept that refers to systematic thinking about the moral consequences of one's actions and decisions on various stakeholders?


What is the concept that refers to learning experiences that include skill practice exercises that actively engage and involve the learner?

Experiential learning

Knowledge grouped in 2 ways

Explicit knowledge and Tactic knowledge

According to Campbe What do most organizations do for training courses in basic skills?

Form alliances with educational institutions for trainees' benefit

What is the concept that refers to activities characterized by structure competition that allow trainees to learn specific skills?


Which of the following training methods will NOT influence the attitudes of the trainees?


Using Alderfer's theory, what is the need that is similar to Maslow's esteem and self-actualization needs?

Growth needs

extrinsic benefits


What is the concept that includes an interrelated system of HR practices and policies that usually includes rigourous recruitment and selection procedures, performance-contingent incentive compensation, performance management, a commitment to employee involvement and extensive training and development programs?

HPWS (high performance work systems)

Training is often the best solution to performance problems. Under which condition is training NOT the best solution?

If coaching is expensive

In the Model of Training Effectiveness what general category does NOT flow into Learning and Retention?

Individual Behaviour and Performance

The most sophisticated learning management systems have such features as assessments, course catalogues and communication tools. What is one additional feature found in a sophisticated learning management system?

Individual learning plans

Lack of tools and procedures, rapid change in technology and poor job design are all technical barriers to effective performance. What is the one remaining technical barrier to effective performance?

Ineffective feedback

What is the concept that refers to training programs that focus on the use of computers and computer systems?

Information technology training

What is the concept that refers to the techniques used to convey the training content within a training program?

Instructional methods

What is the concept that refers to an organization's knowledge, experience, relationships, process discoveries, innovations, market presence, and community influence?

Intellectual capital

Using Gagné's Classification Scheme, which learning outcome has to do with procedural knowledge?

Intellectual skills

According to Wenger and Lave, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a community of practice?


Each learning objective should contain three key components: PCC

Performance (what trainee will be able to do after training) Condition (where and when is the behaviour supposed to occur) Criterion (what is an acceptable level of performance)

What is the concept that refers to an agreement outlining how the newly learned skills will be applied on the job?

Performance contract

What is the concept that looks at the process of establishing performance expectations with employees, designing interventions and programs to improve performance, and monitoring the success of interventions and programs?

Performance management

What is the concept that refers to the process of studying employee behaviour to determine whether performance meets standards?

Person analysis

The Learning Transfer System Inventory (LTSI) consists of many specific factors including: opportunities to use, learner readiness, transfer design, peer support, motivation to transfer and supervisor sanctions. What is one additional specific factor for the LTSI?

Personal capacity for transfer

What is the concept that refers to structuring the program so that the trainees feel that they are engaged in a conversation with the program?


The following conditions are prepractice training conditions including attentional advice, advance organizers, goal orientation, and prepractice briefs. What is one additional prepractice condition not listed?

Preparatory information

What is the concept that provides the trainees with step-by-step instructions on how to perform a task and the rules, principles, and strategies for effective performance?

Proceduralized instruction

Studies have shown that companies that invest in training their employees will have higher revenues and profits. What else do these studies show that demonstrate the effectiveness of training?


What is the concept that refers to the similarity of the psychological conditions of the simulation to the actual work environment?

Psychological fidelity

What is the equation for return on investment for a training program?

ROI = (Benefits - Cost of the Program)/(Cost of the Program)

4 Models of Training Eval (RLBR)

Reactions: trainee perceptions of training program (smiley sheets) Learning: (trainee acquisition of material) Behaviours: (skills are applied to job?) Results: effect on the business by the trainee, good or bad?

Which of the following is NOT a learning style?


What is the concept that refers to an intervention that instructs trainees to anticipate transfer obstacles and high-risk situations in the work environment and to develop coping skills and strategies to overcome them?

Relapse prevention


Request for proposal: document that outlines to potential vendors an organization's training and project needs

What is one of the basic components of management development?

Self-efficacy (self confidence and pride)

What is the concept that refers to sets of actions that individuals perform and that lead to certain outcomes?


Which of the following is NOT a barrier to the transfer of training?

Skills are not inappropriate in our work unit.

Why should trainers calculate the costs and benefits of their training programs?

So they can demonstrate the financial value of their programs

What is the concept that refers to an approach to learning that emphasizes interactive learning environments?

Social constructivism

What is the concept that refers to a person who is familiar with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform a task or job?

Subject-matter expert

Which model regards errors as undesirable and detrimental to learning?


The objectives of a case study are to introduce realism into trainees' learning, deal with a variety of problems at the same time, and to teach trainees how to make decisions. What is one additional objective of the case study method when it is used for training?

Teach trainees to be creative and think independently

What is the concept that refers to training that involves the use of technology to deliver courses?

Technology-based training

The composite learning index (CLI) promotes lifelong learning as being beneficial to the success of the individual. What two other entities benefit from lifelong learning?

The community and the country

When estimating the benefits of training programs, professional assumptions and judgements are necessary. What else is a major issue when participating in this estimation process?

The credibility of the information source for the estimate

According to the textbook, there is evidence that the more interaction a trainee has with an instructor during computer-based training, the more motivation he or she will have. What else will occur when trainee interaction is high with the instructor?

The employee will have a more positive attitude toward learning.

What is the definition for far transfer?

The extent to which trainees can apply what was learned in training to novel or different situations from those in which they were trained

There are many approaches to On-the-Job Training including: on-the-spot lecture, viewed performance/feedback, following Nellie, and job-aid approach. Which of the following is another On-the-Job Training Approach?

The training step

Formal learning and informal learning differ on a variety of factors including control, relevance, structure, and outcomes. What is the final factor that is missing from this list?


What is the most effective way for organizations to prevent sexual harassment?

To develop policies and procedures for filing complaints on sexual harassment

QUIZ: Although the Conference Board of Canada found that one in five organizations invest more than 3% of payroll in training, many organizations do not consider training to be a high priority. Why are organizations not investing in training?

Training is first to go when there are cuts to discretionary spending

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of On-the-Job Training?

Training is more customized to needs of trainees.

What type of motivation focuses on the direction, intensity, and persistence of learning-directed behaviour in training contexts?

Training motivation

What is the concept that refers to what trainees are expected to be able to do after a training program?

Training objective

Upon what two things is the effectiveness of a training method dependent?

Training objectives; learning outcomes

What is the concept that refers to characteristics in the work environment that can either facilitate or inhibit the application of training on the job?

Training transfer climate

What is the concept that refers to the generalization of knowledge and skills over time?

Transfer of training

Which training method is least effective because it allows trainees to be passive absorbers of information?

Video conferencing

What is the concept that refers to a seminar that takes place live over the Web?


What is the concept that refers to whether training material is learned and practiced at one time or one part at a time?

Whole versus part learning

The following technologies are major types of technology-based training including intranet, extranet, electronic performance support system, and electronic simulation. Which of the following is NOT an additional type of technology-based training?


Utility Analysis

a method that forecasts the net financial BENEFITS that result from training and development

ISD (Instructional Systems Design) Model

a model that is a systematic approach to the creation of training and development practices


a senior member of an organization takes a personal interest in the career of a junior member

interpersonal skills

ability to interact with others in a constructive manner

What is the concept that refers to an approach to training that gives trainees control over their own learning?

active learning

What is the concept that refers to groups of people with common interests and concerns who meet regularly to share their experiences and knowledge, learn from each other, and identify new approaches for working and solving problems?

communities of practice

Which of the following is NOT an ethical topic suggested by the textbook?

company expense accounts

cost- benefit evaluation? cost of training $ vs benefits of training :)

compares the cost of training in monetary terms to the benefit of training in NON monetary terms (organization outcomes such as customer satisfaction, absenteeism, etc)

Non-experimental designs (standard - trained group to not another untrained group)

comparison is made to a STANDARD and not to another group of untrained people

Some of the key elements of a strong ethical program include responsibility, respect, fairness and honesty. What is one additional element of a strong ethical program?


electronic performance support sytem? (EPSS)

computer system that provides info, advice, learning, and experiences

In the Model of Training Effectiveness there are four aspects of Training Design including active practice, active learning, and error management training. What is the fourth aspect of Training Design?

conditions of practice (before and after training)

training bond

contract between employer and employee that states that the employer will pay for the employee's training as long as the employee remains with the organization for a minimum period of time following the program

formal learning

controlled by organization, delay between learning and use of knowledge acquired, highly structured, very specific

Managerial Functions (COPL)

controlling organizing planning leading

trainee compensation?

cost associated with the salaries + benefits paid to trainees while they receive training

What is the concept that refers to the process of identifying all the expenditures used in training?


overhead costs?

costs from the training department that are not associated with the particular program (heat / lighting in the facility)

development costs?

costs related to the design of a training program (audiovisuals, graphics)

direct costs?

costs that are DIRECTLY linked to a training program

indirect costs?

costs that support training activities but are not directly linked (trainer prep, marketing)

learning organization

creates, aquires, organizes, and shares info and knowledge and uses new info and knowledge to change and modify its behaviours in order to achieve its goals and improve productivity

knowledge management

creation, collection, storage, distribution, application of 'know-what' and 'know-how' - connects individuals based on expertise

Data collection designs in Training Eval

data collection is organized, how will it be analyzed? - all data collection designs compare the trained person to something else

training rigour

degree of mental involvement and effort that must be expended by the trainer and trainee in order for the trainee to learn the required concepts for transfer of learning

What is the concept that studies the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform FUTURE - development job responsibilities?


performance aid?

devices that help an employee perform his / her job with: signs / trouble shooting / flash cards / check lists

Which of the following training methods has a low probability of being transferred on the job?


Expectancy theory

energy or force that a person directs toward an activity is a direct result of 3 factors: 1. expectancy (probability they can achieve) 2. instrumentality (attainment of a first level outcome will lead to attractive consequences that are known as second level outcomes) 3. valence (attractiveness of first and second level outcomes EFFORT = expectancy x (instrumentality x valence)

Performance Management

establishing performance expectations with employees

net benefit : Value - cost

estimated VALUE of the benefit minus the COST of the training program

According to the textbook, team training is designed to improve the functioning and effectiveness of teams in areas like communication, coordination, compensatory behaviour and mutual performance monitoring. What is one additional area that is mentioned in the textbook?

exchange of feedback

What is the concept that includes those things that you can buy or trade, such as patents or copyrights and other forms of intellectual property?

explicit knowledge

2 forms of motivation?

extrinsic: factors in external environment intrinsic: stems from direct relationship between worker and task

What is the concept that refers to the conditioned response that occurs in circumstances different from those during learning?


adult learning theory?

how adults and children are different and the implications of these differences for learning

What is the concept that refers to providing trainees with training experiences and conditions that closely resemble those in the actual work environment?

identical elements

What is the number one barrier to transfer of training?

immediate manager does not support the training

Some of the benefits of apprenticeship training include: effective recruitment strategy, two-way skills development, higher-quality work, increased productivity and improved safety. What is one more benefit of apprenticeship training?

improved company reputation

coaching is beneficial to the?

individual - improves working relationships, job attitudes, salary increase organization - increases in productivity, decrease in customer complaints, costs

Most types of learning have the transfer of skills, knowledge and information. Which type of learning occurs naturally as part of work and is not planned?

informal learning

transfer of training interventions

interventions provided at the end of a training program to facilitate the transfer of training

orientation training programs

introduces new employees to their jobs, people they will be working with and the organization itself

What is the concept in research that refers to when the comparison is not made to another group of untrained people?

non-experimental designs

What is the concept that refers to programs designed to provide individuals with managerial learning experiences while working?

on the job management development

group learning practices

opportunity for groups to interact, communicate and share info

chain reaction

organization's business strategy has a direct impact on it's human resource management strategy

What is the concept that includes the shared beliefs, values, and assumptions that exist in an organization?

organizational culture

Intellectual capital?

organizations knowledge, experience, relationships, etc - source of innovation and wealth production - organization's most valuable asset

performance goals?

outcome oriented goals focus on performance outcomes

What is the concept that refers to the use of an external supplier to provide training and development programs and services?


What is the concept that refers to the degree to which the trainee reports receiving support in his or her attempts to transfer the learning skills?

perceived support

self management

perform a series of steps to manage transfer behaviour and establish performance maintenance and improvement goals

Need theory

physiological and psychological desire - motivational because people are motivated to obtain the things that will satisfy their needs

4 steps to the design and delivery of on the job training? PIPF

preparation, instruction, performance, follow up

methods: job instruction training?

preparation, instruction, performance, follow up

political barriers?

pressure from administration to justify costs

Cognitive task analysis?

procedures that focus on understanding the mental processes and requirements for performing a job

organizational learning

process of creating, sharing, and applying knowledge in organizations


process of getting things done efficiently and effectively through and with other people

mastery / learning goals?

process oriented goals that focus on learning process

sales training?

programs that are designed to upgrade sales professionals' skills and help them deal with new competitive challenges

Renewal (objects) Intellectual Capital?

property such as patents licenses copyrights etc

Formative evaluations

provides DATA about various aspects of a training program

Summative evaluations

provides data about the WORTHINESS of a training program

basic (essential) skills training

provides employees with critical literacy skills (reading) - required to perform the job

Descriptive evaluations

provides info that describes the trainee once he/she completes a training program

Casual evaluations

provides info to find out if training caused the post-training behaviours

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