EDUC Chapter 2: Making the Most of Your Time
Which of the following questions are useful to ask when reassessing your priorities?
Am I expecting to much or too little of myself? Are my priorities appropriate for my strengths, weaknesses, and values?
Utilizing a master calendar, weekly timetable, and daily to do list reflects which of the following P.O.W.E.R. process steps
_________________ are task and activities you need and want to do, rank-ordered from most important to least important
To determine that your priorities are optimal for you, it is important to seek to answer what question?
What is important to me?
Which of the following is NOT an example of good time management?
You are up at 2 a.m. completing a paper that is due at 8 a.m.
Time management procedures can
allow us to harness time for our own ends, be easy to learn and but diffiucult to implement
The most important thing to do when choosing how to manage your time is to
be consistent
Your time log should account for
blocks of time in increments as short as 15 minutes
A master ______________ is a schedule showing the weeks of a longer time period, such as a college term, with all assignments and important activities noted on it
Which of the following activities are common time management "black holes" for students
checking Facebook, answering personal e-mails
Reflecting on your personal time management style provides you with an opportunity to
consider whether you may be doing to much - or too little, be sure you are attempting what is important to you
Which of the following could be effective for dealing with the demands of an older adult under your care that conflict with your study time?
encouraging as much independence as possible, asking for support from siblings and other family members
Which of the following is NOT true of setting priorities
hanging out with friends does not qualify as a priority
The goal of time management is to allow us to make ________ choices with our time
Which of the following are accurate statements about time management?
it involves following the schedules you have already prepared and organized, an taking control of your time
Checking off the activities completed on your to-do list is important because
it provides an objective record of what you have accomplished on a given day, it provides you with concrete reinforcement for completing the task
In order to have success juggling school and work demands, you should
keep in mind your priorities
Which of the following is the best approach to balancing your studies with your caregiver responsibilities
knowing your priorities
Learning to "make time an ally" means learning to
make the most of it
Which of the following could be effective for dealing with work demands that conflict with your study time?
making to-do lists for work, keeping in mind your reasons for working, using your lunch or dinner hour effectively
However you choose to manage your time, it is important that you
manage your time consistently
In general, people tend to need to sleep about ______________ of a 24 hour day
A realistic and typical daily to-do list should be
The two P.O.W.E.R. processes involved with creating and using schedules in managing your time are
prepare and organize
Which of the following are depictions of procrastination?
purposely scheduling (delaying) big assignments until it is too late to get them done completely, putting off tasks that must be completed
Which of the following might be a solution if you are consistently falling behind in your assignments?
reassess your goals, reduce your course load
Which of the following are appropriate responses when you find you have more time available than you expected?
reflect on what you want to accomplish and add activities to reach those goals, use the extra time to relax and enjoy an unhurried existence
Even when you have completed all items on your daily to-do list, it is still important to
rethink where you are
Which of the following allow you to evaluate your use of time?
reviewing your daily to-do list and checking off all items that you have completed, checking to see if you accomplished what you set out to during a specific period of time
A to-do list with a significant number of check marks is a reason to be
A time log includes
short and long interruptions, hours that you sleep, when meals are taken
The main issue in using your time well is recognizing
that you are in charge of your time
A __________ is a record of how you spent your time during a specific period
time log
an account of how you spent your time, in short increments and including interruptions
time log
The textbook describes a weekly ___________ as a mater grid with the days of the week across the top and the hours of the day along the side
It is important to discover the "black holes" in your time management, so that you can implement strategies to take control of your time
Sarita creates a to-do list nearly every morning while eating breakfast. Doing so provides her with a
way to focus on what she hopes to accomplish that day, protable guide that she can refer to regularly
Each of us has our own "prime time" based on an inborn body clock, that helps us know
when we most alert and able to concentrate
The basic organizational task of filling out a master calendar, weekly timetable, and daily to-do list
will take at least an hour each week, may be repetitive and tedious
A weekly timetable is a useful tool because
you can keep all your regularly schedules activities and one-time appointments together
The risk of consistently having more time than you know what to do with is that
you let the time slip away and it is gone forever
Knowing how you currently spend your time is essential to improving your time management because
you need to know where you're starting from to figure out where you want to go
Most importantly, a master calendar for an academic term has
every week of the term and seven days per week
Successful time management means always completing all the task on your daily to-do list
The first step in improving your time management skills is
figuring out how you're managing your time now
Which of the following could be a repercussion of poor time management?
you receive a failing grade on a test because you did not study long enough, you arrive to campus late and cannot find a parking place, so you are late for class