Education 2020 Final Exam Review

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The federal poverty level is approximately ________ a year for a family of four.


The National Education Association (2009) reported that the average teacher's salary was approximately ________.


By 2008, the total expenditure for public elementary and secondary schools in the United States was approximately ________.

$596 billion

It is estimated that the number of multiracial Americans is increasing at ________ times the rate of the white population.


Mr. Crowe, an elementary teacher, spends approximately 40 hours at school each week. According to educational research, he will spend approximately ________ hours each week on additional nonteaching


For this class, EDUC 2020, you must complement a minimum ____ hours observing ____ different teachers.

10 10

Short-term school suspension is usually defined as ________.

10 days or less

Today's tech-savvy students spend an average of ________ hours each day using some type of media.


According to the U.S. Department of Labor (2010), the total number of PreK-12 teachers is expected to increase from 3.5 million teachers in 2008 by approximately ________ percent in 2018.


Approximately ________ percent of the population of public school teachers in the United States are members of minority groups.


The founding year of the university was....


According to Bennett (2006), native nations hosting Native Americans have been recognized as independent, self-governing territories since the ________.


Team teaching, individualized instruction, the integrated-day concept, flexible scheduling, and nongraded schools were innovations of the ________.


One of the requirements to be accepted for teacher candidacy is a minimum GPA. Please select the minimum GPA from the items below.


According to a survey of 4,400 students in 37 schools in one district, approximately ________ percent of Internet-using adolescents revealed that they had experienced cyber bullying.


The National Gang Intelligence Center estimates that nearly 1 million gang members belong to more than ________ gangs in the 5 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.


You do not have to take the Praxis I and can use your ACT score as a substitute if your score is equal to or above which of the following numbers...


According to The National Gang Threat Assessment (2009), approximately ________ percent of public school students ages 12 to 18 reported that there were gangs in their schools.


By 2050, the Latino population in the United States is expected to be approximately ________ percent, or more than 100 million.


According to the text, most Native Americans consider a person with ________ tribal heritage to be a Native American.


The National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect reported that state Child Protective Service agencies investigated approximately ________ allegations of child maltreatment in 2008.

3 million

Between ________ is the most likely time for youth to engage in risk-taking or delinquent behaviors or to be victims of a crime.

3 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Research tells us that teachers may make up to ________ low-level decisions in a school day.


Teaching is the largest profession in the United States with Pre-K, elementary school, middle school, and secondary school teachers (not including special education teachers) totaling about ________ teachers in 2008.

3.5 million

Approximately ________ percent of teachers who instruct ELL students have received training to teach them.


Of the 43 states that include tests as part of their certification process ________ require completion of the Praxis Series: Professional Assessments for Beginning Teachers.


A report states that over ________ languages are spoken by LEP students with approximately 75 percent claiming ________ as their first language.

400; Spanish

About ________ percent of all homeless children do not attend school regularly.


The dropout rate among all migrant workers is 90 percent, and ________ percent leave school before finishing the ninth grade.


In addition to the NEA and AFT, teachers' professional interests are represented by more than ________ other national organizations.


Currently, all states require an average of ________ semester credits of supervised student teaching.


In 1869-1870, the approximate percentage of 5- to 17-year-olds attending public schools was ________.


Each year nearly 750,000 teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19 become pregnant. Approximately ________ percent of these pregnancies are unintentional.


A study of lesbian and gay youth reported that ________ percent of participants believed that their teachers had negative attitudes about homosexuality.


According to a survey by the American Association of University Women, the percentage of teenagers in school affected by sexual harassment is ________.


The 1983 publication generally recognized as beginning the "great debate" on how to improve schools in America was ________.

A Nation at Risk

Which of the following is not true?

A teacher's liability extends to any and all injuries that students might suffer.

________ is a website that allows collaborative work by various authors; it allows anyone or designated members of a group to create, delete, or edit the content on the website.

A wiki

________ is a professional organization interested in school improvement at all levels of education.


Organizing the Great Books of the Western World is attributed to ________.


________ schools are designed to meet the needs of students at risk of failure and dropping out.


________ programs are designed for people who have at least a bachelor's degree in a field other than education and want to become licensed to teach. These candidates tend to be older, diverse, and willing to teach in a variety of educational venues.

Alternative Teacher Certificate

The aims of education based on moral didacticism and pragmatism, relating to child development and child welfare, and emphasizing citizenship in a democracy are patterns of trends in ________.


Which of the following is appropriate to depict professionalism for an observation?

Business Suit

Most English Language Learners (ELLs) live in ________ and ________.

California; Texas

________ schools are independent public schools, often founded by teachers that are given permission to operate by a school district or by state or national governments; they are accountable for meeting predetermined outcomes.


The three largest Asian groups are ________, ________, and ________.

Chinese; Filipinos; Japanese

Which of the following statements does not represent a characteristic of collaboration?

Collaboration means that all give and receive the same amount

which are interrelated and complementary processes, involve higher-order thinking skills and include both the creation or generation of ideas, processes, experiences or objects and their evaluation. Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain remains the seminal tool in developing objectives, designing curricula, preparing instructional activities, and assessing student learning. However, additional taxonomies and scholarly works, such as Dimensions of Thinking and A Taxonomy of Learning, Teaching and Assessing, inform and enhance the model.

Creative and Critical Thinking

________ is the way of life common to a group of people consisting of their values, attitudes, and beliefs.


is selecting from options or alternatives with the intent of facilitating student learning. Substantial content and pedagogical knowledge are essential for effective decision making. In addition, the Unit emphasizes assessment-based decision making, i.e., decisions should reflect a continuous and ongoing assessment process to gather data about students through a variety of means. Decisions may be proactive, interactive (responding to situational events), or retroactive, where reflection becomes a key component of effective decision making.

Decision Making

_________is such an important factor in our immediate society that we must make concerted efforts to ensure that educators understand and respect differences and provide positive, effective learning experiences for diverse groups.


The education act passed in 1965 that allocated funds based on the number of poor children in school districts is called the ________.

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

________ is not a purpose of bilingual education.

Eliminating the use of home language

Recently, there has been a steady demand for those able to teach in the following subject areas except for ________.

English and Social Studies

________ refers to a shared feeling of common identity, based on a "common ancestry, culture, history, tradition, and a sense of peoplehood."


Which of the following statements is true?

Every person belongs to at least one ethnic group.

________ is not an expression of teacher collaboration.

Faculty unions

________ may be a physical indicator of emotional maltreatment.

Failure to thrive, or lags in physical development.

True or False: A form that you must include for each observation contains information such as the number of boys and girls, grade level, school name, and other pertinent information. This information is called the classroom count.

False The form that you must include is called the classroom data sheet.

The separation of church and state is addressed in the ________.

First Amendment

An influential and extensive federal education program signed into law by President Roosevelt in 1944 is the ________.

G. I. Bill of Rights

One of the country's first institutions of higher education for African Americans was ________.

Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute

A federal program designed to provide preschool experiences to poor children is ________.

Head Start

According to education data, the ethnic group that consistently has the lowest high school completion rate is ________.


________, which is based on 10 principles of teaching, consists of a consortium of more than 30 states; it has developed standards and an assessment process for initial teacher certification.


________ is not a dimension of multicultural education.

Immersion Programs

Black Academies have sprung up across the country in recent years, many supported by the growing number of African Americans who practice ________.


The idea that every individual first exists, and then decides what that existence means, is most closely associated with ________.

Jean-Paul Sartre

________ is one of the teacher's most time-consuming nonteaching tasks.

Keeping paperwork including detailed records of students' academic progress, attendance, and other required documentation

A 1999 report on "resegregation" reported that ________ attend the most severely segregated schools.


The NSU Conceptual Framework, Models for Learning, is based on the notion that all children can _____.


________ students have limited ability to understand, read, or speak English, and they have a first language other than English.

Limited English Proficient

What was the original name of the university?

Louisiana State Normal School

________ schools offer a curriculum that focuses on a specific area such as the performing arts, mathematics, science, international studies, or technology; they often draw students from a larger attendance area than regular schools and promote voluntary desegregation.


Stories such as "The Wolf," "Meddlesome Matty," and "A Kind Brother" are examples of the ________.

McGuffey Readers

The Conceptual Framework, ________________, reflects a centrality of affirmed principles, beliefs, and practices that guide the professional education Unit's work with candidates, schools, and communities.

Models for Learning

Which of the following represents an educational reform that grew out of the turbulence of the 1960s and 1970s?

More teachers received advanced training

Mr. Green is a tenured faculty member and is well respected by students. After a recent divorce, he moved in with Ms. Flowers, the secretary to the superintendent. At the end of the year, Mr. Green was notified that he was being dismissed because of immoral conduct; that is, living with a woman he was not married to. In order for this action to be supported by the court, it would have to be demonstrated that ________.

Mr. Green's lifestyle had a negative effect on his teaching

________ is committed to the goal of providing all students, regardless of socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnic, racial, or cultural backgrounds, with equal opportunities to learn in school.

Multicultural Education

________ is a set of beliefs based on the importance of seeing the world from different cultural frames of reference and on recognizing and valuing the rich array of cultures within our nation and global community.


Bob is finishing his teacher education program in Minnesota but wants to teach in Wisconsin. Bob needs to check to see if Minnesota and Wisconsin are members of the ________.

NASDTEC Interstate Agreement

________ is the most prestigious credential a teacher can earn.

National Board Certification

The legislation passed in 1958 that provides funding for research and development in science, mathematics, modern foreign languages, and guidance is the ________.

National Defense Education Act

A professional organization for teachers founded in 1857 is the ________.

National Education Association

All of the following are types of community-based partnerships developed by some schools to prevent social problems from hindering students' learning except ________.

No Child Left Behind teacher training workshops

The book that was given the name "the old blue-back" and sold over 24 million copies was ________.

Noah Webster's American Spelling Book

________ of the nation's public school teachers "moonlight" or hold a second job to increase their earnings.


________ is the joint product of wisdom about teaching, learning, students, and content.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge

________ is an arrangement whereby teachers grow professionally by observing one another's teaching and providing constructive feedback.

Peer coaching

You will complete 180 hours of field experience prior to student teaching in education courses. Which of the following IS NOT a category of field experience?


involves higher-order thinking skills and is a systematic, thoughtful approach to gathering information in order to make an educated decision or support a change. Numerous examples exist, but the Unit subscribes to a general problem-solving model—define the problem, develop a plan, implement the plan, and evaluate the plan. These steps may range from simple to complex, depending on the problem and context. Inherent to this general model and reflecting the Unit's commitment to assessment and data-driven decision making is the systematic process to find, use, apply, and evaluate information for specific tasks.

Problem Solving

The law established to provide children with disabilities equal access to educational opportunities is ________.

Public Law 94-142

________ is a subjective concept that is used to distinguish among human beings on the basis of biological traits.


Under the Obama administrations Blueprint for Reform effort, $4.35 billion was made available to states on a competitive basis as part of the ________ Program

Race To The Top

involves accepting ownership and responsibility for decisions and professional growth and development in order to become a life-long learner—a model for learning. In addition, responsible educators strive to help overcome biases and produce positive behaviors in a diverse society. Responsible educators engage in ethical practices to resolve conflicts or dilemmas, to make decisions, and to interact with others.

Responsibility Taking

The NSU Conceptual Framework, Models for Learning, has a prominent picture of an item related to school. The item is a


All of the following is tested and considered a component of Praxis I except:


Which of the following is not a guideline for selecting books for a multicultural classroom?

Selections should be politically correct.

________ conveys to students certain expectations about the way boys and girls are "supposed" to act.

Sex Role Socialization

________ teachers work with children and youth who have a variety of disabilities including learning disabilities, autism, and brain injuries.

Special education

________ is the process of attributing behavioral characteristics to all members of a group.


________ refers to differences among students in regard to gender, race, ethnicity, culture, and socioeconomic status.

Student Diversity

________ recruits graduates from some of the best colleges and universities in the United States to teach a minimum of two years in urban and rural school districts with severe shortages of science, math, and language arts teachers.

Teach for America

________ is developed by teachers in response to specific problems of practice.

Teachers' Craft Knowledge

What sparked the founding of the Normal School?

Teaching and Learning

________ refers to job security granted to teachers after satisfactory performance for a specified period of time.


In order for a person to receive a teaching certificate, thirty-five states require successful completion of ________.

The Praxis Series

Which of the following statements best describes application of the principle of "academic freedom"?

The U.S. District Court (Murray v. Pittsburgh Board of Public Education, 1996) ruled that a teacher could not claim academic freedom in using a teaching methodology rejected by the school board.

A research report for the NEA indicates that the most frequently cited reason teachers choose their profession is ________.

The desire to work with children and young adults.

Which of the following statements is true about the organizational structure of schools?

The larger the district, the more office administrators and support personnel are needed.

According to the text, which of the following statements best describes the school-based management experiences of the City of Chicago Public Schools?

The overall effectiveness of this effort has been mixed.

A federally funded program established in 1965 to improve the basic skills of low-ability students from low-income families is called ________.

Title I

The guarantee of equal educational opportunity for women was a result of ________.

Title IX

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance" describes ________.

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act

True or False: In 1884, the parish and city of Natchitoches acquired the property of a former plantation, and that same year the state legislature chartered the Louisiana State Normal School. It offered two-year degrees for the training of teachers.


________ teachers train students to work in fields such as healthcare, business, auto repair, communications, and technology.

Vocational education

One example of a metaphysical question is ________.

What is reality?

The expanded math, science, and technology programs for females is an example of the passage of the ________.

Women's Educational Equity Act

Thomas Jefferson believed that ________.

a country that wished to remain free had to provide an education for the people

When teachers view a home page on the Internet they are viewing a published copy of an original document and should remember that ________.

a fair use doctrine applies

Students usually attended dame schools no longer than ________.

a few weeks and only rarely for longer than a year

In the progressively oriented classroom, the teacher serves as ________.

a guide whose primary responsibility is to facilitate student learning

Sam is working to make his curriculum multicultural. According to Banks, he should focus on ________.

a range of groups that differ in their characteristics, experiences, and values

The current system of public and private education in the United States is a representation of ________.

a reflection of the country's historical foundations and values

During 1865-1920, the operating procedure in schools was primarily ________.

a scientific system of management

According to James Banks, multicultural education consists of all of the following except ________.

a series of events

According to the 2007 Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll, public attitudes toward school choice programs that would allow parents to choose a private school to attend at public expense revealed ________.

a significant majority in opposition

The authors purport that learning occurs when ________.

a student's personal experience leads to changes in thoughts and behaviors

A social reconstructionist curriculum would likely feature all of the following except ________.

a study of the Great Books

"It knows no distinction of rich and poor, of bond and free, or between those, who, in the imperfect light of this world, are seeking, through different avenues, to reach the gate of heaven." In the preceding statement, Horace Mann is referring to ________.

a system of universal free schools for all

For a person to receive a license to teach, all states require successful completion of ________.

a teacher education program with a bachelor's degree

In regard to the assignment of additional duties or responsibilities, it is most accurate to say that ________.

a teacher may be assigned certain responsibilities not outlines in the contract

A civil wrong that "arises out of a breach of duty that is imposed by law" is known as ________.

a tort

Ms. Tamarack was fired from her teaching position because of her political position on such issues as abortion, right to die, and gays and lesbians in the military. This case illustrates ________.

a violation of due process

Education during the Revolutionary period (1750-1820) was characterized by ________.

a waning of European influence

Leo is preparing to take the Praxis Series: Professional Assessments for Beginning Teachers for his initial teaching certification. This test will assess his ________.

academic skills, subject, and classroom performance.

The term that describes uneven education progress between White and Hispanic, Black, and American Indian/Alaska Native is called the ________.

achievement gap

In the 1950s and 1960s, humanistic psychology became the basis of educational reforms that sought to enhance students' ________.

achievement of their potential through self-actualization

The Supreme Court in Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education ruled that school districts can be sued under Title IX in cases involving student-on-student sexual harassment if the district ________.

acts with deliberate indifference

According to the text, your behavior as a teacher is strongly connected to your beliefs about all of the following except ________.


Our understanding of learning has been extended as a result of ________.

advances in cognitive science by neurologists

Courts have suggested that schools may have dress codes if they are ________.

all of the above

Frank has two Native-American students in his classroom. According to the text, which of the following classroom strategies may be difficult for Native-American children because of the differences in cultures?

all of the above

Under the provisions of educational laws, teachers are most likely to face professional challenge when ________.

all of the above

All of the following are true about home schooling except ________.

all states require regulation of home schooling

NCLB required that by the end of the 2013-14 academic school year public schools guarantee that ________.

all students be prepared to pass state proficiency tests

The AFT has been critical of the NEA for ________.

allowing administrators to join the organization

Kelly has a bachelor's degree in physics, served as a physicist for the last ten years, and wants to become licensed to teach physics at the secondary level. Kelly would be a good candidate for the ________ certification program.

alternative certification

A small, highly individualized school separate from the regular school is typically called a(n) ________.

alternative school

All of the following characterize American education in the 1960s except ________.

an assertive swing toward more perennialistic curricula

The parents of Britany are seeking $500,000 from the local school district because Britany graduated from high school with a fourth-grade reading level. This type of lawsuit is called ________.

an educational malpractice suit

An organization established by society to maintain and improve its way of life is ________.

an institution

A "site license" is a commercial software agreement that permits installation on ________.

any and all computers owned by the institution specified in the license

For initial certification, nearly all states require ________.

applicants to pass a test of basic skills, professional knowledge, and academic subject areas

Native-American children raised in traditional settings generally do all of the following except ________.

approach new tasks by asking questions

When a court considers a case involving tort liability, all of the following must be present except ________.

appropriate written documentation of the events that resulted in litigation

On average, teachers work

approximately 50 hours per week

The incidence of child abuse, poor health, underachievement in school, and attendance problems is higher among children who ________.

are homeless

Critics of school boards point out that school boards are best described as agencies that ________.

are reluctant to communicate a vision of educational excellence

Barb just graduated from a teacher education program. The ease with which she will find a job is closely related to her ________.

area of specialization

When schools face budget cutbacks or increased pressure to prepare students for high-stakes tests, often ________ teaching positions are eliminated.

art and music

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the relationship among minority group membership, social class, and academic achievement shows ________.

as socioeconomic status increases, academic achievement increases

During President Clinton's term of office (1992-2000), the federal government ________.

assumed a more active role in ensuring equal educational opportunity

One of the following is true about a professional code of ethics for teachers, specifically ________.

at present, the teaching profession does not have a uniform code of ethics

Title IX has had the greatest impact in ________.


Education of immigrants and minorities often included all of the following except ________.

attempts by educators to teach about all cultures

An essentialistic curriculum would most likely emphasize ________.

basic skills

According to tort liability law, an individual who is negligent and at fault in the exercise of his or her legal duty may ________.

be required to pay monetary damages

According to the text, all of the following are major philosophical orientations to teaching except ________.


John B. Watson (1878-1958) and B. F. Skinner (1904-1990) are most closely associated with the ________ branch of psychology.


Compared to 1971, teachers are/have ________.

better educated

Advantages of for-profit schools that proponents advocate include each of the following except ________.

better public relations

Jose is encouraged to be able to function effectively in two or more linguistic and cultural groups. The term used to describe this is ________.


Using two languages as the medium of instruction is an example of ________.

bilingual eduation

Marco teaches in a secondary school where subjects are taught in both Spanish and English. This curriculum is called ________.

bilingual education

Programs designed to meet the learning needs of students whose first language is not English by providing instruction in two languages are called ________.

bilingual education

The ages included in Pre-K education (also termed early childhood education) range from ________.

birth to age 8

Teachers may use multiple copies of copyrighted material if that use meets the tests of ________.

brevity, spontaneity, and cumulative effect

Ms. Lochwood, a high school principal, suspects that a student has a gun in his locker. According to law, Ms. Lochwood ________.

can search the student's locker without a search warrant

Nichie, the fifth grade teacher at Pine Elementary, goes to court to protest the fact that she was assigned by her principal to sponsor the high school chess club. Nichie's contract made no reference to this assignment. The court is most likely to decide that Nichie ________.

cannot be required to sponsor the chess club

State-appropriated funds to cover the costs of educating students with special needs are known as ________.

categorical aid

In most states, the head of the state board of education is the ________.

chief state school officer

When establishing home pages on the Internet, teachers should be careful not to include information that would identify ________.

children in the class

For a teacher's certificate to be revoked, the reason must ________.

clearly hinder the teacher's ability to perform satisfactorily

One characteristic of successful schools is ________.

close working relationship with parents

In ________ arrangements, two or more teachers teach together in the same classroom.


According to Joyce, Weil, and Calhoun, school faculties should be divided into coaching teams that regularly observe the teaching of others and learn from watching. They refer to this as ________.

coaching environments

Working together, sharing decision making, and solving problems is called ________.


The process through which school boards negotiate contracts with teacher organizations is known as ________.

collective bargaining

The professional goals a teacher sets are influenced by all of the following factors except ________.

college degrees

Schools that are characterized by purposeful adult interactions about improving schoolwide teaching and learning are called ________.

collegial schools

Horace Mann is probably best known as a promoter of the ________.

common school

Recruiting volunteers, providing financial support for special projects, and operating homework hotline programs are examples of ________.

community support

Education in colonial America reflected a ________.

concern for religious objectives

Psychological orientations to teaching are concerned primarily with understanding the ________.

conditions associated with effective learning

Essentialism is most accurately characterized as a ________ philosophy of education.


Perennialism views truth as ________.


Self-directed learners can be referenced as ________.


The role of the regional educational service agencies is to provide assistance directly to districts and includes all of the following except ________.

contract negotiations

Research indicates that teaching strategies that emphasize ________ often result in higher achievement among African-American and Mexican-American students.


All of the following areas of philosophy are of central concern to teachers except ________.


A superintendent unknowingly violates the constitutionally guaranteed right to due process of a student whom she expels for violating the rule against using alcoholic beverages at a school function. The superintendent ________.

could be held liable for expelling the student

Possible elements that might shape a person's ________ include customs, age, racial identity, exceptionalities, language, gender, sexual orientation, income level, beliefs, values, and customs.

cultural identity

A(n) ________ is passed on from generation to generation because of the increasing difficulty for children of the poor to receive adequate education and job training.

culture of poverty

Progressivism is based on the belief that education should be student-centered and adhere to all of the following assumptions except ________.

curriculum should focus on the enduring disciplines of knowledge

All of the following characteristics delineate a "good" ethical decision except ________.

decision comes directly from administration

Since 1990 the teenage pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates have ________.


According to the Indicators of School Crime and Safety (2009), the rate of victimization in U.S. schools has ________ since 1992.


Since the 1939-1940, the number of school districts in the United States has ________.

decreased steadily

The organizational arrangement whereby academic subjects are taught by teachers who specialize in those areas and students move from classroom to classroom for their lessons is called ________.


Jon is disturbed by the problems of contemporary America-the erosion of the family, the increasing violence in our cities, and the hardships of poverty. To make a difference, Jon has chosen to pursue teaching as a profession. His primary reason for this choice is the ________.

desire to serve others

The governor has the power to do all of the following except ________.

determine the cap on teacher salaries

Licensure requirements are ________ from state to state, and they are ________ modified.

different; frequently

Minorities are ________ among students who have not mastered minimum competencies in the "basics."

disproportionately represented

When material is published without restrictions on the Internet, teachers may assume that the author ________.

does not expect to be paid for using the work

To dismiss a teacher, a district must follow a step-by-step process known as ________.

due process

The arena of educational politics refers to how people use all of the following except ________.


A strategy for creating a gender-fair classroom is ________.

encourage more competition between boys and girls

Behaving ethically as a teacher is determined to be all of the following except ________.

enforcing rules at all costs

Supplemental programs to help meet the needs of special school populations are called ________.


Benjamin Franklin's proposals for educating youth reflected the philosophically of ________.


Jimmy has submitted a term paper that his teacher suspects was copied from the Internet. In deciding whether to give Jimmy a grade of "F" or have him attempt the assignment a second time, the teacher is confronted with a(n) ________.

ethical dilemma

Teachers often find it necessary to take action in situations in which all the facts are not known or for which no single course of action can be called right or wrong. These situations are often referred to as ________.

ethical dilemmas

A(n) ________ is made up of individuals within a larger culture who share a self-defined racial or cultural identity and a set of beliefs, attitudes, and values.

ethnic group

All of the following would be a function of the school board except ________.

evaluating probationary teachers

Knowledge based on "empiricism" is the same as "knowing" based on ________.


Students enter the school as raw material, move through the curriculum in a systematic way, and exit the school as a finished product. This is a metaphor describing schools as ________.


In 1976, Congress revised the Copyright Act by adding the doctrine of ________.

fair use

The effective school is a caring community of adults who attend to the academic, emotional, and social needs of the children and youth entrusted to its care. This is a metaphor describing schools as ________.


AAUW's (2008) Where the Girls Are: The Facts About Gender Equity in Education found that over the past 35 years that ________, not ________, is (are) most closely associated with academic success.

family income; gender

In analyzing the job market for teachers in the western and southern regions of the country during the next decade, the outlook is ________.


The Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 provided ________.

federal land for states to sell or rent in order to raise money for the establishment of colleges

The organizations established in the early nineteenth century to train women for higher education and public service outside the home were ________.

female seminaries

Measures of success for schools include all of the following except ________.

fewer numbers of children enrolled in special education

Most school-based management (SBM) programs have all of the following components except ________.

final decisions of major issues rest with the local school board

The offspring of pregnant teenagers are most at risk for all of the following except ________.

financial stability

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the education of girls ________.

focused on the duties of the home

Existential philosophy is unique in that it ________.

focuses on the experiences of the individual

Which of the following is considered to be one of the most controversial educational issues of the twenty-first century in the United States?

for-profit schools

An existentialist is most likely to believe that ________.

freedom has rules

All of the following are practical benefits of teaching except ________.

frequent promotions to administrative positions

________ is not an indicator of sexual abuse.

frequent upper respiratory infections

Programs in which states set the same per-pupil expenditure level for all schools and districts are called ________.

full-funding programs

Schools that serve their communities by integrating educational, medical, and social and/or human services are called ________.

full-service community schools

In progressive schools, teachers ________.

functioned as guides rather than taskmasters

Subtle favoritism or discrimination on the basis of gender is called ________.

gender bias

Sex role socialization conveys to students all of the following expectations except ________.

girls are to be assertive

According to the Buckley Amendment, parents do not have a right to examine ________.

gradebooks that belong to their children's teacher

As principals respond to increasing pressure to become more effective at facilitating collaborative, emergent approaches to leadership, teachers should receive ________.

greater degrees of self-governance

The ________ teacher has a bachelor's degree, full state certification, and subject matter knowledge.

highly qualified

Ms. Delayne has recently been hired to teach in a Afrocentric school. What would the focus of her school be?

history and culture for African-American students

The most definitive description of the Socratic method can be said to consist of ________.

holding philosophical conversations

According to the authors, critical pedagogy focuses on ________.

how education can promote social justice

Some guidelines for selecting multicultural instructional and technological materials were set forth to offset materials that might be considered all of the following except ________.

humorous in nature

An important part of a teacher's response to an ethical dilemma is ________.

identifying possible consequences of one's actions

Philosophy is concerned with ________.

identifying the basic truths about being, knowledge, and conduct

According to the textbook, students at Indiana University can choose to student teach in all of the following settings except ________.

in an inner-city school

Most of the court cases involving tort liability of teachers focus on all of the following except ________.

inadequate preservice preparation

Although growth across the United States will vary widely between now and the year 2018, enrollment in elementary and secondary schools is expected to ________.


Immediate warning signs of violence include all except ________.

increased absenteeism

According to the National Education Association, teachers' salaries have ________ since the 1990s to the present.

increased steadily

Self-expression, task orientation, self-determination, and self-esteem are characteristics of ________ cultures.


There is considerable evidence to suggest that corporal punishment is ________.

ineffective in changing behavior of students

In regard to the level of trust that the public currently extends to teachers, it is most accurate to say that it ________.

is mixed

Andrea is team teaching this quarter with two colleagues. She was forced to join the effort by her principal and has resisted the entire process. Andrea has, however, enjoyed getting to know her colleagues and sharing their ideas. However, the characteristic of collaboration that was violated was that it ________.

is voluntary

Some authorities suggest that academic freedom is a less powerful legal defense than it was in the past. When basing a defense on academic freedom, one of the following must be true if the defendant expects to prevail, namely ________.

it must be demonstrated conclusively that the teacher did not defy legitimate state and local curriculum directives

All of the following are true of education in colonial America except ________.

it supported the separation of church and state

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) designed the Philadelphia Academy, which featured all of the following characteristics except ________.

it was the first free and open-to-all school

Elementary school teachers usually teach one class, of about 25, from ________.

kindergarten through sixth grade

Epistemological questions focus on ________.


Constructivism is based on the notion that ________.

knowledge is constructed by learners

Because the majority of decision-making power is reserved for boards of education, teachers have had little or no say over what they teach, when they teach, whom they teach, and, in extreme instances, how they teach. This is an example of ________.

lack of participation in professional governance

Ethnic and racial minorities have traditionally ________ power in the public life of the United States.


All of the following are physical indicators of physical abuse except ________.

lags in physical development

In a recent synthesis of research on school restructuring, all of the following structural conditions were found to enhance a school's "professional community" and increase students' learning except ________.

large schools in which communications and trust are less important to students' lives

The Praxis Series: Professional Assessments for Beginning Teachers includes assessments of all the following except ________.

leadership skills

A constructivist teacher would expect all of the following learnings from students except ________.

learning how to ready themselves for work

In 2011, the Obama administration reauthorized ESEA and made changes to NCLB, one of these was the provision that all students would

leave high school "college or career ready."

Today, most states do not grant ________ teaching licenses.


During an interview with Mr. Fanning, he states that he is attracted to teaching because of a love of the teaching-learning process. Therefore, he enjoys the ________.

live, spontaneous aspects of teaching.

Under the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, the penalty for giving out personally identifiable information without prior written consent is ________.

loss of federal funds

The "horn book" was ________.

made from cow's horn

Having a clear educational philosophy can help teachers to ________.

make appropriate decisions in the middle of a lesson

Responses to the "great debate" of the 1980s included all of the following except ________.

mandatory all-day preschool for all students

survey, middle and high school students reported that it was "very easy" or "fairly easy" to obtain ________.


In regard to the rights of student teachers, it is most accurate to say that they ________.

may have legal rights depending on the state

Addressing computer software, the Copyright Act was amended in 1980 to state that teachers ________.

may make one backup copy of a software program

According to the text, the heart of collaboration is ________.

meaningful, authentic relationships among professionals

A significant difference between the NEA and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is that ________.

membership in the AFT is not open to administrators

Many in the NEA and AFT believe that the interests of teachers and students could best be served by ________.

merging the two organizations into one

Any group numbering less than half of the total population is called a(n) ________.


At the close of the American Revolution, literate Native Americans and Mexican Americans usually received their training from ________.


A national survey of the characteristics of school board members revealed all of the following except ________.

most members were poorer than the general population

All of the following statements concerning teen pregnancy are true except ________.

most teen mothers return to high school within two years of having their child

An increasing number of teachers teach in ________ classrooms, with students from different grade levels.


According to Oakes, and Lipton, gender should be a dimension of ________.

multicultural education

Ms. Bird has developed "cultural immersion" experiences within several cultures to develop an increased understanding and appreciation for others. This is an example of ________.


Doreen, a high school English teacher, filed suit to protest the fact that she was assigned by her principal to sponsor the high school newspaper and her contract made no reference to that assignment. The court is most likely to decide that Doreen ________.

must accept the assignment her principal has given her

According to the text, all of the following are accurate descriptions of regional educational service agencies except ________.

nearly all states have some form of intermediate or regional educational service agency

Prior to 1988, school officials could censor student literature before publication only if it was ________.

necessary to maintain order in the school

Those in favor of free common schools tended to be ________.


Among the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment is freedom ________.

of speech

"Individual racism" is the prejudiced belief that ________.

one's ethnic or racial group is superior to others

All of the following are true of the New York City school system except ________.

only the Los Angeles Unified School system is larger

Mr. Fineday teaches in an elementary school where students do most of their work independently, with a number of teachers providing individual guidance as needed. His teaching area is also large and has movable walls and furniture that can be rearranged easily. Mr. Fineday teaches in a(n) ________.

open-space school

The Goals 2000: Educate America Act funded ________ in each state plus the District of Columbia.

parent resource centers

All of the following are responsibilities of the state department of education except ________.

passing legislation related to education

Educational research supports the fact that those who become teachers are more influenced by their teachers as ________.


The Puritan view of the child included the belief that ________.

people are inherently sinful

The Great Books of the Western World curriculum is most closely associated with the philosophy of ________.


All of the following are characteristics of students at risk for dropping out of school except ________.

performance at or above grade level

Legal rights that concern teachers include all of the following except ________.

philosophical beliefs

The federal government initiative known as the Lanham Act provided funding for all of the following except ________.

postsecondary schooling for workers

Teachers can rely on identifying at-risk factors as good indicators of ________ in their students.

potential academic problems

Today's classrooms have teachers who are ________ and students who are ________.

predominantly white and female; culturally diverse

The primary purpose of the Latin grammar school was to ________.

prepare students for college

Teachers in ________ often have smaller class sizes and more control over determining the curriculum and standards for performance and discipline; often they are affiliated with religious institutions.

private schools

The fact that only lawyers may practice law, only physicians may practice medicine, and only licensed teachers may teach in the public schools are examples of how ________.

professionals institutionalize a "monopoly" of essential knowledge and services

The education reforms that grew out of the student protests of the 1960s and 1970s led to many positive changes, but also tended to alienate all of the following groups except ________.

progressive educators

The primary purpose of parochial schools was to ________.

promote religion and prepare children for further education

During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the diversity of America's school population increased dramatically. The goal of immigrant education at this time was ________.

promotion of the use of non-English languages in public schools

At the local level, most funding for schools comes from ________.

property taxes

Ms. Williams wants to create a gender-fair classroom whereby the girls in her third-grade class have the same educational opportunities and experiences as the boys. According to the general guidelines, Ms. Williams should do all of the following except ________.

provide special tutoring for the girls

The executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government influence education in all of the following ways except ________.

providing funding to schools when they fail to adopt federally endorsed programs, methods, or curriculum

In tort law, harm inflicted on the injured party may be the result of all of the following except ________.

prudent behavior by a reasonable person

John Dewey (1859-1952) believed that ________.

public school curriculum should derive from the students' interests and needs

Groups that see the school as a means of perpetuating their preferred way of life include all of the following except ________.

public schools

The prevailing view within our society is that teachers are ________.

public servants accountable to the people

Axiology highlights the fact that teachers have an interest not only in how much students learn, but also in the ________.

quality of life that comes from knowledge

Behavioral indicators of child abuse and neglect among students include all of the following except ________.

refusal to cooperate

In 1954, the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision provided ________.

rejection of the "separate but equal" doctrine

In regard to reporting child abuse, teachers are ________.

required by law to report any suspected child abuse

The National Defense Education Act of 1958 sponsored all of the following except ________.

research and innovation in social studies

All of the following are strategies for reducing the impact of gang activities on schools except ________.

retaining graffiti on school property as a symbol of gang destructiveness

Funding for schools has often been offset by all of the following except ________.

rising student dropout rates

Schools that are often the focal point for community life and reflect values and beliefs that tend to be fairly conservative are typically ________.

rural schools

At the state level, most funding for schools comes from ________.

sales taxes and income taxes

The membership of the National Education Association is open to all of the following groups except ________.

school board members

Research has documented that the characteristics of successful schools include all of the following except ________.

school boards with representation from the student body

A 1996 verdict by a U.S. district court awarding almost $1 million to a gay student was the first time a federal jury found ________.

school officials responsible for anti-gay harassment committed by students

Shared governance, administrative decentralization, teacher empowerment, professionalization, bottom-up policy-making, school based planning, and school-based management are all examples of ________.

school restructuring

Tyrone graduated from a high school known for the quality of its academic programs and for the number of students who go on to college. This is an example of ________.

school tradition

An approach to school improvement in which teachers, principals, students, parents, and community members manage individual schools and share in the decision-making process is known as ________.

school-based management

The Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision in 1954 declared that ________.

segregated schools were inherently unequal

All of the following are advisory functions performed by state boards of education except ________.

selecting state department of education personnel

Schools are legally bound to avoid discriminating against students on the basis of all of the following except ________.

sexual preference

Compared to other professions, the professional component of the teacher education program in many states is ________.


Based on interview data, all of the following statements about the impact of parental involvement on students are true except ________.

significant parental involvement results in slightly less participation in extracurricular activities

Over the past decade, corporate contributions to education have ________.

significantly increased

An intermediate or regional unit may provide all of the following services except ________.

site-based administrative services

Schools are places where the young learn to participate intelligently and constructively in American society emphasizing education for ________.


According to research, ________ contributes most strongly to students' achievement in school.

socioeconomic status

The multicultural curriculum should enable students to do all of the following except ________.

speak fluently in at least one second language

The majority of middle school teachers ________.

specialize in a specific subject and teach it several times a day

Bryan meets once a month with other science educators in the region to discuss educational research and practice. This is an example of ________.

staff development

The opportunity to meet with other teachers for the purpose of sharing ideas, strategies, and solutions to problems is an example of ________.

staff development

The three general patterns of trends in American education during the twentieth century include all of the following except ________.


Each state has mandated ________ to assess students' mastery of academic standards.

standardized tests

The Massachusetts Act of 1642 was significant in that it made education a responsibility of the ________.


The highest educational agency in a state is the ________.

state board of education

Within a state, the body usually charged with managing state monies appropriated for education is the ________.

state board of education

Within a state, the body usually charged with the day-to-day implementation of educational policies is the ________.

state department of education

Should a dispute arise within a state regarding a law related to education, the body charged with the power to decide on the reasonableness of the law is the ________.

state legislature

The body that determines how taxes will be used to support schools, what will or will not be taught, and the length of the school day and year is the ________.

state legislature

The Boston English Classical School, renamed the English High School in 1824, signaled the beginning of the struggle for ________.

state-supported common schools

The majority of funding for schools is provided by the ________.


The responsibility for maintaining schools is primarily a function of the ________.


In 2002, President George W. Bush signed into legislation the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, which mandated ________.

statewide testing in reading and math each year in grades 3-8.

All of the following are issues motivating the "new breed" of home schoolers except ________.

strict religious doctrine

Emergency certification is ________ by professional teacher organizations and several state departments of education.

strongly resisted

Which of the following is not a legal responsibility of a teacher?

student behavior to and from school

Constructivists believe all of the following except ________.

student knowledge is little influenced by previous experience

Without a doubt, your relationships with ________ will be the most important and complex you will have as a teacher.


All of the following are true of female and male involvement in suicide except ________.

students in grade 12 are the most likely to attempt suicide

The transmission view of teaching includes all of the following except ________.

students learn by applying thinking to projects

All of the following are procedures that most states adhere to in dismissing a teacher except ________.

students must be used as witnesses to demonstrate the effect of the behavior on teaching ability

In rulings on HIV/AIDS-related cases, the courts have stated that ________.

students with AIDS pose no significant risk of spreading the disease

A perennialistic curriculum should stress ________.

students' intellectual growth in the arts and sciences

The National Institute of Mental Health reported in 1999 that the third leading cause of death among youths ages 15 to 24 is ________.


Ensuring that schools operate in accordance with federal and state guidelines is the responsibility of the ________.


All of the following are responsibilities of the chief state school officer except ________.

supervising superintendents throughout the state

All of the following are influences on the culture of school except ________.

tax-based programs

Most high school teachers ________.

teach four or five courses within a single content area

All of the following statements about teachers' salaries are true except that ________.

teacher salaries vary little by states or regions

With the exception of parents or guardians, the adults who have the greatest influence on children are often their ________.


Skinner's operant (or type R) conditioning advances all of the following ideas except ________.

teachers should withhold reinforcers until students have reflected on their behaviors

All of the following are reasons why the "monopoly" of services in the teaching profession is weakened except ________.

teachers will accept wages that are not in accordance with their educational attainment

All of the following statements about students and teachers with disabilities are true except ________.

teachers with disabilities are rarely capable of being effective in classrooms

The widespread practice of "out-of-field teaching" weakens ________.

teachers' monopoly of services

In one of the nation's most dramatic education reform efforts, the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) required each of the state's schools to form a school-based management council to set policy in each of the following areas except ________.

teachers' salaries

As a result of the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA), ________.

teachers' salaries and student/teacher ratios improved compared to national averages

It is a general perception that ________.

teachers' salaries are steadily improving

A ________ is actually a license to teach.

teaching certificate

One major cause of teacher isolation is ________.

teaching children all day without adult interactions

Ms. Bradham has always enjoyed school and embraced the environment that encourages a high regard for education and the life of the mind. She probably chose teaching as a profession because of a passion for the ________.

teaching life

In ________ arrangements, teachers share the responsibility for two or more classes, dividing the subject areas between them.

team teaching

A policy that provides teachers with job security is known as ________.


According to the text, all of the following are groups that have a keen concern for shaping educational policies except ________.

textbook publishers

In regard to equal educational opportunity, evidence exists to demonstrate ________.

that certain groups are denied equality

A landmark report on Native-American education issued in 1928 proposed ________.

that school curricula be revised to reflect tribal cultures

An emphasis on using a prescribed set of materials and physical exercises to develop students' knowledge and skills is ________.

the Montessori Method

Students' language patterns became a topic of national debate in late 1996 when ________.

the Oakland, California, school district recognized "ebonics" as a primary language of some children

All of the following represent good advice for student teachers except ________.

the best time to learn emergency procedures is when an emergency occurs

An intervention approach based on a comprehensive service delivery network of teachers, social agencies, and health service agencies is ________.

the case management approach

In a classroom, the physical characteristics of the setting and the social dimensions of the group interact to shape ________.

the classroom culture

Teachers are afforded the greatest protection under the concept of academic freedom if ________.

the controversial content is related to legitimate educational objectives

All of the following are arguments in favor of bilingual programs except ________.

the cost of bilingual education is low, therefore the time spent is beneficial

Ms. Duckworth, the adaptive physical education specialist, runs two miles every afternoon after school. Jason, a young boy with mild cerebral palsy, has been watching Ms. Duckworth for the past several weeks as she works out on the track. This afternoon Jason jogged two laps with Ms. Duckworth. This is an illustration of ________.

the drama and immediacy of teaching

Kim is an Indochinese-American student in a California high school. She is doing well academically but her parents worry about the cultural conflicts that she is experiencing. All of the following may be cultural conflicts for Kim except ________.

the focus on academic performance in society

A "garden where children grow" described by Friedrich Froebel illustrates ________.

the kindergarten

A teaching certificate usually includes ________.

the level and content areas one may teach

When comparing teacher salaries state-by-state, higher salaries are frequently linked to all of the following except ________.

the number of private schools

Dame schools provided ________.

the only schooling for girls

When Dewey refers to the general theory of education, he is referencing ________.

the philosophy of education

Logic is the area of philosophy that deals with ________.

the process of reasoning

While there is widespread debate about what academic content the schools should teach, ________.

the public supports the teaching of prosocial views

In the 1980s, the report A Nation at Risk linked the strength of our country to ________.

the quality of its schools

A teacher who views knowledge conceptually might request that students learn all of the following, except ________.

the recitation of all fifty state capitals

All of the following statements are true about the relationship between school boards and superintendents except ________.

the relationship between the board and the superintendent is dependent upon the existing leadership style

All of the following are arguments opposed to bilingual programs except ________.

the research is clear that bilingual programs are not effective.

All of the following criteria are generally adhered to in expulsion cases except ________.

the right to a hearing by a jury

All of the following are powers of the states to maintain and support schools except ________.

the right to fire teachers within local bargaining units

For a contract between a teacher and a school district to be valid, it must have all of the following elements except ________.

the school board establishes clearly its criteria of employment, emphasizing those elements different from state requirements

Metaphysics has important implications for education because ________.

the school curriculum is based on what we know about reality

All of the following statements concerning the financing of education in the 50 states are generally correct except ________.

the states have similar regulations for funding schools

Mr. Norton loves English literature, has a strong desire to learn more about this discipline, and wants the opportunity to share that knowledge with students. He is drawn to teaching because of a passion for ________.

the subject

Students who spend a great deal of time learning by rote memorization likely have a teacher who views knowledge as ________.

the sum total of small bits of subject matter

Mr. Evans, a fifth-grade teacher in a suburban school, makes derogatory remarks to his class about inner-city schools. This shows that he lacks an understanding of ________.

the unpredictability of outcomes.

Teachers' beliefs about students are based on all of the following except ________.

their studies of the brain and cognitive changes

What teachers believe about students is based on ________.

their unique life experiences

All of the following are true of year-round schools except ________.

they are predicated on an agrarian economy and culture

All of the following are true of dame schools except ________.

they featured basic and advanced curricula

Concerning political interest groups, professional teachers recognize that ________.

they have much to gain from becoming politically involved

All of the following are true of "reading and writing schools" except ________.

they prepared students for the dame school

Most schools have a statement of philosophy, which is best described in all of the following ways except ________.

to guarantee full accreditation

An understanding of philosophy of education is important for all of the following reasons except ________.

to help you enhance your professionalism in teaching

Which of the following is not one of the explicit goals of unity agreed to by the NEA and AFT "Unity Discussion Teams"?

to push for higher teacher salaries

The transmission of knowledge refers to all of the following except ________.

to test the cognitive ability of students

The branch of law concerned with compensating an individual who suffers losses resulting from another's negligence is known as ________.

tort liability law

One of Mr. Brouse's seventh-grade students broke his arm while on a field trip to the zoo. The boy's parents claimed that Mr. Brouse was negligent and took the matter to court. In regard to a case such as this, the court would ________.

try to determine whether Mr. Brouse exercised reasonable care

Currently, ________ of states have passed some type of collective bargaining laws that apply to teachers; however, there is little uniformity among these laws.


In the landmark case Engel v. Vitale, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that recitation of a prayer in the presence of a teacher at the beginning of each school day was ________.


According to James Banks, teachers who create a curriculum that is truly multicultural ________.

understand that multicultural education is a way of viewing reality and a way of thinking

According to the tenure laws, a teacher may be dismissed for ________.

using obscene, racist language in the presence of students

The branch of axiology known as aesthetics is concerned with ________.

values related to beauty

Allocating funds according to legitimate educational needs such as low-income students or students with limited English proficiency is called ________.

vertical equity

Stress within the family can have a significant negative effect on students and their ability to focus on learning while at school. All of the following are associated with stress except ________.

vocational choices

An approach whereby parents are given money by the state to enroll their children in the school of their choice is called a(n) ________.

voucher system

To protect themselves from legal challenges brought on by searches, teachers and other school authorities should do all of the following except ________.

waive the requirement of a search warrant when police are in the school

The Philadelphia Academy, which opened in 1751, would say that its curriculum ________.

was broader and more practical than that of earlier Latin schools

According to the Metropolitan Life Survey of the American Teacher, 82 percent of the teachers who responded strongly agreed that they ________.

were passionate about teaching

Public elementary and secondary school enrollments are projected to rise in the ________ regions of the United States.

western and southern

Depending on the statutes in a particular state, a student teacher may act as a substitute teacher under all of the following conditions except ________.

when the student teacher is paid at professional rates

It has been suggested that professions in the United States will begin to look more and more alike. For example, doctors are accepting more regulation and school teachers ________.

will slowly break out of long-established bureaucratic hierarchies

To create classrooms that are truly multicultural, teachers must select instructional materials that are all of the following except ________.

written in several different languages

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