EESC Ch. 24 Sun, Wind and Water energy

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1 exajoule is a ______ joules

1 exajoule is 1018, or a million trillion, joules

What are 2 ways solar energy can be harnessed?

1) Active tech 2) Passive tech

World Renewable Energy Production by Source 2008:

1) Biomass 79% 2) Hydro: 17.8% 3) Wind: 1.6% 4) Geothermal: 0.8% 5) Active Solar: 0.8% 6) Tidal: 0.02%


1) Biomass power plants 2) Wind turbines 3) Water heated by solar panels 4) Solar energy 5) passive solar energy houses 6) conserving resources

What are economic benefits to renewable energy? (2)

1) Diversify the economy 2) Creates jobs

Total Energy Consumption in Canada by type, 2005:

1) Oil: 31% 2) Natural Gas: 24% 3) Hydro: 25% 4) Coal: 12% 5) Nuclear: 7% 6) other renewables: 1%

1) Which energy source is growing fastest? 2) Of them, which type is fastest? 3) What is a problem with renewable energy and money?

1) Renewables are growing at much faster rates than conventional sources. 2) Wind power is the fastest growing 3) They take time to profit

1) inland are $__ million apiece 2) offshore turbines rang up at $__ million apiece

1) inland turbine are around $1 million 2) offshore turbines rang up at $5 million apiece

____ Million square feet buildings ____% reduction of energy costs Power Sense Conservation Award for saving an estimated 1.125 MWh per year.

1.2 Million square feet buildings 49% reduction of energy costs Power Sense Conservation Award for saving an estimated 1.125 MWh per year.

____% of US energy comes from oil, coal, and natural gas


What is a simple example of a passive solar system? How?

A greenhouse is a simple example of such a system: it captures heat without any electronic or mechanical assistance.

geothermal heat pump:

A system that actively moves heat from the underground into a house to warm it or removes heat from a house to cool it.

What is the growth of electricity generation from fossil fuel, nuclear and renewables?

All are growing, fossil is most, renewables 2nd and nuclear least. Renewables are growing the fastest tho.

photovoltaic (PV) cells:

Also called solar cells, PV cells convert solar energy directly into electricity.

solar thermal system:

An active technology that captures solar energy for heating.

2) Any vehicle will run well on a ___% ethanol mix.

Any vehicle will run well on a 10% ethanol mix.

Which of the following renewable energy sources contributes the largest proportion of energy worldwide? -wind -water -solar -biomass


Why is the average mph of both cars and trucks going down when cars is up and trucks are stagnating.

Because SUVs count as trucks, trucks make up a larger share of the motor vehicle market and thus the average mph is decreasing.


Biodiesel: a fuel produced from vegetable oil, used cooking grease or animal fat


Biofuels: biomass sources are converted into fuels to power automobiles


Biomass: organic material that makes up living organisms


Biopower: biomass sources are burned, generating heat and electricity


Carbon Dioxide

Each year, Earth receives more than ___ million exajoules from the sun

Each year, Earth receives a staggering amount of energy from the Sun, more than 4 million exajoules

Effective energy conservation could save __ million barrels of oil a day.

Effective energy conservation could save 6 million barrels of oil a day.


Efforts that reduce waste and increase efficient use of resources.

wind energy:

Energy contained in the motion of air across Earth's surface.

sustainable energy:

Energy from sources that are renewable and have a low environmental impact.

solar energy:

Energy harnessed from the Sun in the form of heat or light.

renewable energy:

Energy that comes from an infinitely available or easily replenished source.

____________ branded appliances are better.

Energystar appliances are better.

1) How is ethanol used in the US?

Ethanol is widely added to U.S. gasoline to reduce emissions.


Ethanol: produced as a biofuel by fermenting carbohydrate-rich crops (corn)

True or False: Thermoelectric cells convert solar energy directly into electricity.


Which renewable energy source has the greatest impact on the local environment? -geothermal -biomass -hydropower


If just ___% of the world's deserts were covered in PV cells, it would supply all of the world's electricity needs.

If just 4% of the world's deserts were covered in PV cells, it would supply all of the world's electricity needs.

N/A World Energy Production by source:

Oil: 35% Coal: 25.3% Natural Gas: 20.7% Biomass: 10% Nuclear: 6.3% Hydro: 2.2% New Renewables: .5%

__________________ cells convert solar energy directly into electricity.


geothermal power plants:

Power plants that use the heat of hydrothermal reservoirs to produce steam and turn turbines to generate electricity.

Pros and Cons of building wind turbines offshore

Pro: -less noise -more wind Con: More expensive

Swanson effect: the cost of photovoltaic cells falls about ___% for each doubling of manufacturing capacity.

Swanson effect: the cost of photovoltaic cells falls about 20% for each doubling of manufacturing capacity.

payback time:

The amount of time it would take to save enough money in operation costs to pay for the equipment.

passive solar technologies:

The capture of solar energy (heat or light) without any electronic or mechanical assistance.

The entire human population uses somewhere between ____-____ billion BOE per year, about ___% of that energy comes from renewable resources.

The entire human population uses somewhere between 50 and 70 billion BOE per year, and only about 18% of that energy comes from renewable resources.

geothermal energy:

The heat stored underground, contained in either rocks or fluids.

active solar technologies:

The use of mechanical equipment to capture, convert, and sometimes concentrate solar energy into a more usable form.


They use solar energy and also electricity from the wind turbines to heat their water.

Wind farms globally cause ___-___ bird fatalities per GWh while fossil fuel-powered electricity generation causes ____ per GWh.

Wind farms globally cause 0.3 to 0.4 bird fatalities per GWh while fossil fuel-powered electricity generation causes 5.2 per GWh.

1) Wind power grew ___% per year globally between 2000 and 2005. 2) _____ nations account for 80% of the world's wind power.

Wind power grew 26% per year globally between 2000 and 2005. Five nations account for 80% of the world's wind power.

Wind speeds are ___% greater over water than over land.

Wind speeds are 20% greater over water than over land.

about ___% of the electricity that powers an incandescent bulb produces heat - only ___% goes to light. ____ and ____ lights produce much more light than heat and thus need less electricity to produce the same amount of light.

about 95% of the electricity that powers an incandescent bulb produces heat - only 5% goes to light. CFL and LED lights produce much more light than heat and thus need less electricity to produce the same amount of light.

between 2005 and 2010, use of geothermal power worldwide increased by ___%, according to the International Geothermal Association, and is expected to grow even further through 201__.

between 2005 and 2010, use of geothermal power worldwide increased by 20%, according to the International Geothermal Association, and is expected to grow even further through 2015.

The largest segment of renewable energy is ____________________.


The ultimate goal of the IDDP:

drill into a high-temperature geothermal system (the Krafla volcano, in this case), penetrate twice as deep as conventional geothermal wells (which are usually less than 3000 metres deep), and reach supercritical fluids, substances with temperatures above 370°C that are confined by such intense pressure they exist in a limbo state between liquid and gas. The resulting superheated steam could generate 10 times the electricity of most geothermal wells.


excess heat produced during electrical generation is used to heat buildings and produce other types of power -Improvements in home design reduce energy required to heat and cool them. (eg. LEED program) -Appliances have been reengineered to increase energy efficiency. -Consumers need to vote with their wallets by buying energy-efficient products.

Using __________ (two words) as an electricity energy source is least expensive for the consumer.

fossil fuel

Hydroelectric power is an example of a source with _________limitations.


Incandescent bulbs use more electricity than CFLs because they produce more ___________ than _________.

heat than light

The majority of geothermal sites are located in _________ and the western part of the ____________

iceland, United States



Both solar and wind power suffer from issues of ____________.


lighting typically accounts for about ___% of the average home's electric bill,

lighting typically accounts for about 20% of the average home's electric bill,


lighting your home with compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) or LEDs (light-emitting diodes), which consume less electricity.

Power tower:

mirrors concentrate sunlight onto receivers to create electricity: ACTIVE THERMAL

Can geothermal projects release toxic fumes from within earth?


Is burning biofuel carbon neutral?

no. All burning releases carbon.

Solar cookers:

simple, portable ovens that use reflectors to focus sunlight onto food ACTIVE: THERMAL

__________ is currently the most expensive form of energy from an economic standpoint.


When in the day is wind power best? When in the day is Sun?

solar is productive in daylight hours, whereas wind tends to blow harder at night


solar, wind, biomass (not geothermal)

Swanson effect:

the cost of photovoltaic cells falls about 20% for each doubling of manufacturing capacity.

T/F There is less air turbulence over water than land.


T/F solar energy is attractive in developing nations


True or False: Geothermal projects can cause earthquakes.


T/F geothermal energy is a good option for Canada

true. Canada is cold.

How does geothermal technology work usually?

underground remains a constant 12.5°C. Engineers bury fluid-filled pipes, bringing the fluid to that temperature. They then pump the fluid into homes, essentially providing people with year-round 12.5°C temperatures.

underground remains a constant ___°C.

underground remains a constant 12.5°C. Engineers bury fluid-filled pipes, bringing the fluid to that temperature. They then pump the fluid into homes, essentially providing people with year-round 12.5°C temperatures.

What would be the best way to reduce energy dependence?

use less of it dummy.

When external costs are added, what is the least expensive method of energy?


What is a problem with wind energy?

wind is intermittent—it stops and starts irregularly, not producing a steady stream of power. And wind turbines are not cheap.

_______ and ________ energy sources are considered an indirect form of solar energy.

wind, water

True or False: A sustainable energy source is one that is affordable to the consumer.


Wind farms are opposed because they may be far from populations and may need more energy to transport energy.


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