El Conditional Tense. Realidades 3 pag. 352 "You use the conditional in Spanish to express what a person would do or what a situation would be like"
yo solicitaría
I would apply/request
yo me asimilaría
I would assimilate
yo estaría
I would be (feeling)
yo compraría
I would buy
yo vendría
I would come
yo haría
I would do
yo lucharía
I would fight
yo daría
I would give
yo saldría
I would leave
yo diría
I would say
yo trabajaría
I would work
We would eat (conditional)
él adoptaría
he would adopt
él podría
he would be able
él conquistaría
he would conquer
él iría
he would go
él sabría
he would know (information)
ella sería
she would be (description)
ella vendría
she would come
ella daría
she would give
ella pondría
she would put
el jefe me despediría
the boss would fire me
ellos adoptarían
they would adopt
ellos estarían
they would be (location)
ellos podrían
they would be able
ellos invadirían
they would invade
ellos querrían
they would want
nosotros haríamos
we would do
nosotros lucharíamos
we would fight
nosotros tendríamos
we would have
nosotros no rebelaríamos
we would rebel
nosotros veríamos
we would see
nosotros querríamos
we would want
Uds. serían
you all would be (description)
ustedes dominarían
you all would dominate
vosotros pondríais
you all would put (Spain)
vosotros diríais
you all would say/tell (Spain)
tú dominarías
you would dominate
tú irías
you would go
tú tendrías
you would have
tú sabrías
you would know (information)
tú saldrías
you would leave
tú dejarías huellas
you would leave traces
tú dirías
you would say
tú verías
you would see