Elementary Battle of the Books 2017-2018

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The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Can a character not imagine not seeing their parents everyday?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Can a character see things in people, like when they lose something and can understand them better?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

DId someone explain that "losing heart" meant losing the courage to do something?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a "general's start" lead to another clue?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a Brooklyn living room fill with men in suits?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a car stop in front of a home where an famous actress, a famous singer, and a famous boxer all used to live?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character accidentally call the poet Tennyson "Tennis Boy"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character and their brother have both a nanny and a guard during their childhood?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character click on the icon for a video game tutorial?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character climb, unknowingly, into a dumbwaiter and disappear?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character feel like he needed a dictionary to talk with another character?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character free a brass square from layers of paint using a pen to chip away at the paint?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character know that Scotch Tape was invented in 1930?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character lay on the floor with thousands of LEGO pieces around him, building a flat structure with spikes?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character read a note that her father had written to her many years ago?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character say, "...everyone who is to survive in this town, needs a place like this, a place to be alone."?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character say, "Holy knuckle-duster!" when he saw a picture for the first time?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character say, "I am too old to save the planet"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character say, "You know what our problem is? Every time we have a question, it gets answered with more questions."?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character say, "sometimes a poem can summarize so beautifully what others cannot hear you say"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character take his neighbors to "see the bowels of the building"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character tell another character to go play basketball in the hallway?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a character wake, with a flashlight pointed directly in her eyes?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a family go to a barbeque in their old neighborhood in Brooklyn?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a friend see someone going the opposite way from school and offer him a ride, which he rejected?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a grave read, "Erected to the Memory of an Amiable Child"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a kid skip school by going in one door, with his hat pulled down, and right out another door?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a man live first in a museum and then in a zoo?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a man throw a garbage pail against the wall in frustration?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a nanny tell someone that they were her responsibility and that they couldn't be trusted?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a person say, "I'm hungry, hungry for some oysters"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a president use a secret passageway to get from a train station up to his hotel room above?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a sibling run from a room, "as if his pants were on fire, waving his hands and screaming"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a student do his homework in the fire stairwell, an indoor fire escape?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a train stop, between stations, and then the lights went out?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did a waitress tell people that they had to leave because they were closing early due to the snow?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did an elderly neighbor ride the elevator up to make sure "a bomb hadn't exploded" in the apartment above hers?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did an elevator man have the day off and "relax" by being a chauffeur?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did characters agree to meet at the library to study some old books?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did characters get to ride home in a fire truck?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did characters make a plan to meet at a castle?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did characters open a door into a kitchen that was filled with books?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did characters pass a spectacular wall of graffiti that read "Power to Dominica," with a Dominican Republic flag?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did characters plan to meet at the Three Bears Playground in two hours?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did characters ride skateboards and scooters to meet someone?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did characters' mom wake up feeling ill but tried to make them breakfast anyway, spilling it all over?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did children agree to skip school to help out an adult?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did children make chairs, for themselves, out of snow?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did children tell their nanny they were admiring the tiles on a hearth?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did kids find an overdue book from 1937?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did kids get lucky with a snow day and not have to skip school?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Did losing a competition mean winning something else?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did older siblings include their brother in a "top secret investigation"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did one character collect art, sculptures, and rare manuscripts?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did people think that they were "missing something" so headed to Grand Central Station to find it?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did shadows from a window frame remind someone of bars from a jail cell?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did siblings have to pretend that they were disappointed about the babysitter that was coming but really they were finding it difficult to contain their joy?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did some kids pass "a kid in a tartan kilt" and "a gaggle of girls in pale blue tunics" and "girls in lime-green jumpers"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone decide to read each poem in a book three times each?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone discover that her neighbor was actually her brother?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone donate most of their jeweler to the Smithsonian Institution, including a 275-carat diamond ring that Napoleon the 1st had given to Marie-Louise?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone explain that a "white elephant" is an expensive possession that is a financial burden to maintain?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone fall asleep on the floor with their head under the fireplace flue and legs sticking out into the room?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone find a poem about corned beef?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone have a "manny", a male nanny?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone have smeared ink marks up the length of his arm where he had written words?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone have soot on their head making them look like they were wearing a black cap?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone leave their heirs a treasure hunt rather than a last will and testament?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone look scary but was really just nosey and liked to sniff around where he didn't belong?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone need to read poems and remember which buildings they reminded her of?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone not trust banks so hid his family's inheritance somewhere so safe that nobody ever found it?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone open a brown, paper package to reveal an oil painting?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone owe $76.28 in library fines?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone pour ginger ale dramatically into everyone's glasses?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone press a character's name on an electric panel and then speak to them in French?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone realize they were into something more dark and dangerous than they had bargained for?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone refer to an architectural and decorating style that used a lot of geometric designs, bold colors, and glass?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone say, "I think what we need this week is another Saturday"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone say, "Once Operation Mortar is launched, there is no going back"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone speak of the "Harlem Renaissance," a reawakening uptown?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone stand up inside of a chimney?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone suggest that maybe there was a ghost in the apartment because it had been such an unhappy place?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone suggest that the relationship between two families might not have been what it seemed?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone tell children that it didn't seem right to give them a package?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone think her inheritance had been found and sold off in secret?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone think his little brother might be smarter than any of them?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone think that the elevator man had been sleeping on the job?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone turn around "just in time to see a figure of a man darting down the hallway"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone turn on their headlamp, wave one last time, and disappear into the black water?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone use a dumbwaiter to move books around in his library?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone use their father's email to send a "sick" note to the school?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone wake up and sit up, looking confused, and shout "Baby!"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone wake up to "bright sunlight and the sound of his father's voice in the hallway"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone walk into the room wearing peace and love pajamas and holding a fuzzy stuffed elephant?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone's family seem to have disappeared from history after he passed away?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone's mom give them $90 to buy two school uniforms?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did someone's nanny aspire to be an actor?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did the frame of a metal heating grill crack and splinter when two kids tumbled into it?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did tile makers design fireproof buildings?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did two children practice raising and lowering another child to make sure they were strong enough to hold on to him?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Did two children show up at someone's door wearing church clothes and surgical booties?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Do characters hide under a table?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Do characters wonder if they are looking at the world's tiniest cell phone?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Do kids think their dad will find what they've been doing to be interesting rather than punishing them for it?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Do people put a little of themselves into what they make?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character ALWAYS give people the benefit of the doubt?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character apologize for whistling?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character enter a contest with the hopes of losing?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character give someone a peach cobbler?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character have their picture taken in front of a plate?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character keep another character from getting wet?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character know they wouldn't doubt themselves anymore after losing a competition?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character laugh so hard their eyes were glassy with tears?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character need a nudge to tell the others how they felt?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character not have a lot of experience lying?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character not have much practice lying to their parents?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character not know they have a brother?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character plan to break the rules of a contest?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character pull something the size of a pencil eraser out of their ear?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character rarely get presents?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character realize their grief taught them how to be more of a part of the world?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character replace sarcasm in their voice with respect?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character say, "I felt like I was a part of what I was making?"

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character say, "Some people have scars on the inside and other people's are on the outside?"

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character say, "The less we know about ourselves, the safer we'll be?"

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character say, "You'll always be you...it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside?"

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

Does a character scream out, "Stop, you're scalding me!"

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character show up wearing a Hawaiian shirt, long shorts, and tube socks to an outdoor event?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character surprise others with their knowledge of music?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character think the last person you suspect is often the person who did it?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character think, "the thing about leaving something for the very last time is that you rarely realize you're doing it?"

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character use a life preserver as a pillow?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character wear pajamas too big?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character's father make it impossible not to be happy around him?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character's mom bell them button their shirts?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does a character's mom say, "Just because you're good at something doesn't mean you have to do it. Maybe you have another path in life?"

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does everyone support everyone else in their business community?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Does one character explain to another character what a dumbwaiter is?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Does the arrival of a character's father mean everything would turn upside down?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Had Rafael gone missing?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Had a strange man with the wizened look of a teacher, just come out of a character's room?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Had things worth several million dollars each gone missing?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Has a character never made a sandwich before?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Has a character never met anyone without a mother before?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Has a character swam across an entire lake?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Has the quote, "We were so jolly, we were so merry, all night, we rode back and forth on the ferry"?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB are characters caught in a fishnet because of greed?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB are characters not allowed to leave the way they came in or by any fire exits?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB are characters reminded of one of the Ten Commandments: "thou shalt not steal?"

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB are children sacrificed to a green tiger?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB are corn cakes cooked in a shallow pan over a campfire?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB are folks huddling together at a railroad platform?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB are girls told not to play in the creek?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB are graves dug in the hard earth every morning?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB are holographic statues projected onto large pillars of a dome?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB are many families looking for a missing loved one?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB are mess buckets handed out to help keep an area clean?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB are monkeys caught in a fishnet?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB are paramedics, firefighters, and former Navy SEALS on call in case of an emergency?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB are people "compelled to seek refuge in some distant wilderness?"

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB are students kicking around a soccer ball in piles of snow?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB are the eyes left off the a character in a painting?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB are there characters who do not want to share their peaches?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB are there streaks of blood in the snow?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB are two friends separated because of their color?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB book did a character have the rule, "sometimes you've gotta work with what you've got"?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB book did a character love rules?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB book does a character have guinea pigs named Cinnamon and Nutmeg?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB can a character walk less than three minutes and "all traces of civilization vanish"?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB can you jam with Mozart and Metallica at the same time?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB could a character not find someone to deliver letters to her friend?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB could an essay get you into a lock-in?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB could mournful cries be heard from inside a stockade?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a book contain a chapter about hydroponics?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a chanter feel "as baffled as Alice in Wonderland?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character always make four sandwiches for lunch?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character ask a farmer if he had air conditioning in his house?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB did a character ask another if she burned the dog?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character assume that another had a boyfriend because they drew a picture of him?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character become upset that another character was "drawing him"?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character become very upset when a bee flew by?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character begin waking up in a cold sweat thinking, "Maybe today. Do I dare?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character blush a deep red at the mention of bras?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character break into a house by ripping the screen and breaking a window pane?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character chat on a computer?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character cheerfully line up boxes of crackers and bags of fruit?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character claim that she was an accomplished hacker?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character count people by making twenty eight scratches on the wall?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character disable an alarm system?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character draw a word card for a nonverbal character that read, "Stinks a big one!"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character dust her house for fingerprints?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character eat his meals sitting on the bottom step of the stairs?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character feel as if his brain had no control over what his body did?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character feel like some confused animal hibernating during nice weather?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character feel like, "the radio was as loud as an entire orchestra, like the smell of baking bread could fill three counties?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character feel proud that he remembered what a flashlight was?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character frantically search for a secret door?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character go to an auction to buy tractors?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character have a room that looked like a picture from a catalog?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character have hope that she would have new friend living in the house beside her when her old neighbor moved away?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character have to try ten times to catch a tennis ball before his dad would let him go inside and watch TV.?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character hear everything "extra loud"?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character hide muddy rags in the trash?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character hope his neighbor would get shot?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character hope to tell his parents how much he loved them before he was killed?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character insist that their mother come back and compliment a drawing that another character was making?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB did a character know where to find sassafras saplings and red-bellied mud snakes?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB did a character make a girl feel like a person in the Bible who had leprosy?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character move because their parents separated?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character not do much talking unless it was on the Net?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character note the differences in their house and the house of their new friend as they walked through?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character offer to make more picture words for a nonverbal character to help them communicate?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character only really know five people in the world?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character peer through a vent to watch a caravan of vehicles come up the road like a parade?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character picture his neighbors as having monster scales and fierce claws?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character picture the Government, "as a big, mean, fat person, two or three times as tall as an ordinary man, who went around yelling at people?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character pretend to be a runaway and was sent to a school for boys?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character read propaganda from both sides?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB did a character read the book Hatchet and not want it to end?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character receive a letter forbidding them from trying to grow anything indoors?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character say harshly, that his daughter was dead?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character say he once had a dog named Bootsy and a cat named Stripe?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character say he, "Wanted to make a difference in the world?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character say that shopping was more important to her than her daughter's life?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character say they were pretending to be a guerrilla leader?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character say, "For get that hiding-like-a-mole stuff. I'm your ticket out?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character say, "I got my work permit today?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character say, "I put special poison in one of the loaves that only affects fourteen-year-olds?"

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character say, "Why is it the minute that kids have free time, parents want to fill it up?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character say, "You hate walls as much as I do?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character say, "those hogs are our bread and butter?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character see a child's face in the window?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character set off the security alarm sometimes just for fun?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB did a character show another his injury that had been caused by a grenade blowing up?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character stare for hours at a house?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character study ugly ruts of dried mud where tractors and trucks had left their tracks?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character swear in the name of everything that was sacred saying, "I'm on your side?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character tell someone that a computer wouldn't bite you?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character think his friend was a show off because they had soda, potato chips and a computer?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character think it was sissified that his mother read bedtime stories to his six year old brother?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character think that soda and potato chips were illegal?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character think they might kill themselves coming up the stairs because they were so narrow?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character tilt his head to the side and raise his head up just enough so that his left eye was above the level of the windowsill?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character use a dictionary to look upthe words that he wasn't familiar with in a book he was reading?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character walk into his house, "silently as a shadow?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character wonder if he should keep his parents names secret?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character wonder why anyone would want an animal skin coat?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character wonder why the woods had to be sold?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character worry that someone might be starving because of him?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB did a character's brother build a clubhouse in the hayloft of their barn?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB did a character's grandparents retire and move to Arizona?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a character's heart give a jump when he discovers the shades on the windows are down?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a character's speech therapist yell even though he could hear fine...he just couldn't speak?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a child feel guilty about keeping a secret from his mom?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a child read books with titles like, "Diseases of the Porcine Species and Common Grasses of Our Countryside?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a confused and terrified character huddle under a blanket?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB did a dense fog delay crossing a river?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB did a farmer bring word of deer close by?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a father and son play rummy on his bed?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a father grumble about having to heat the attic?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB did a girl "know for sure" that her daddy was crying?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a girl organize a chat room?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a girl run across a room and knock someone down, pinning them to the floor and twisting their arms behind their back?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB did a great chunk of ice overturn a raft trying to cross a river?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a house have a twelve-thousand-dollar door?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a house have all the windows totally blocked, covered by heavy blinds?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a man say that there were forty kids gunned down?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a man say, "I ain't got no job, and I ain't et in three days... No, no, I can't do no farm work for my food."

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a man try to sabotage everything in the place he worked?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a mom take her daughter to a play group made up of "third" children?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a mother "freak out" when her young son touched a computer keyboard?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a mother call in sick at work so she could spend time with her child?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a mother look at her son as if he were deranged when he when he suggested she should go visit the neighbors?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a mother never speak of her son in the letters she wrote to her relatives?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a mother take her child's plate from the table and hide it in the cupboard?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a mother teach her son to read and do math?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a mother tell a story about a plastic glove that got stuck in a chicken?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a mother want to invite the new neighbors over for a cook out to welcome them to the neighborhood?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a nonverbal character want someone's name added to his book in order for him to communicate?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a parent ask permission to give her son a hug?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a radio station play weather reports, commercials for soybean seeds and lots of music?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did a sister pull her brother along when he was small and didn't want to do something?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a son think his parents should lock him in one of the trunks in the attic?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a system of mirrors offer a wide view of a yard?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB did a woman refuse to let someone use her phone?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did a woman wish to have four sons?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did blood flow into the rose bushes?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did characters have pained expressions on their face as they chewed?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did characters play the game of Monopoly?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did families live under a totalitarian Government?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did famine cause riots in the city?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did one character put another character's Barbie in the fish tank?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did people donate their children's name and identity card the same way people had once donated hearts and kidneys?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did police monitor chat rooms very closely?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did someone day, "Caught you with your pants down, eh, George?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did someone offer to get a boy a fake I.D.?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did someone say, "Turn around slowly. I have a gun. Who are you and why are you here?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did someone suggest they might need to take their parent's blood pressure medicine?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did the absence of trees look, "like a fresh haircut exposing a ban of untanned skin on a forehead?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did the boys scoff saying that housework was women's work?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did the cities put up posters with pictures of pregnant ladies on them?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB did the first day of summer vacation look nothing like a character had imagined? It was damp and overcast.

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB did the mc sleep in the imperial Garden?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did the rain prevent a character from visiting his friend?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did the words, "you don't exist," make a character feel funny?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did two brothers complain that it was unfair that they had to do their younger brother's chores?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB did two people communicate by writing notes instead of speaking?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB did white corn juice splatter all over a character's face?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do 1,400 people choose "to hide through the severe winter in hills and caves"?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do 2 characters meet while fixing a flat tire?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB do a boy and girl fight over a pretend feast of mud?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do a burp and squeeze toy squeak sound when a guest doesn't appear on stage?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB do a character and her mom get to spend some time together while he brother is in occupational therapy?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB do a mother and father follow footprints through the forest?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do banana shoes squeak to the tune of "Pop Goes the Weasel?"

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do boys taunt a character by pulling her braids?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB do characters always stare when another says something...the look always says, "What's wrong with this kid?"

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do characters answer questions about the Beatles, Doctor Doolittle, baseball, and presidents?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters break a lamp while fighting over a letter?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do characters chow down on puffy cheesy things called fromage tartlets and Anagraham crackers?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters earn Bible Bucks while playing Bible detectives?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters eat Vienna sausage and cold pork and beans for lunch?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters eat blackberry cobbler before supper?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters eat frozen Kool-Aid because it is so hot?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do characters encounter a life-size version of a board game?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do characters find George Orwell, Lewis Carroll, Dr. Seuss and Maya Angelou in the same place?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do characters fly space shuttles, drive a race car and swim with sea life in a tiny submarine, all without leaving their town?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters get ice cream at Dairy Freeze?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do characters get stuck studying the American family tree and ancestors?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB do characters go inside a house while its owners are away to use the telephone?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters have a picnic with pimento cheese sandwiches and sweet tea?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters laugh about a dog keeping the floor clean?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters leave black fingerprints in the kitchen?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters look at pictures from a shoe box?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters make a pool in the bed of a truck?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters make yarn bracelets to earn money to buy fish to put into an aquarium?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do characters not speak of those who have died?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do characters organize information using a chart like the FBI uses?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters own a lot of cats?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters paint their nails and tell jokes?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters pay workers with a bag of turnips?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters plan to catch a dog with a camouflaged crate?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters plan to move canning jars out of a room?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do characters plan to sneak into a meeting room?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters play Parcheesi?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do characters prefer corn flour to white flour?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do characters receive a message from someone who would be 110 if she were still alive?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do characters roll dice on a touch screen and move around concentric circles of desks?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB do characters see a moving van in front of a house?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters shop for Sunday dresses at Sears?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do characters sneeze from dust created by wagons, horses, and people?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters stand in a kitchen eating pieces of cake decorated with pink and purple flowers?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do characters talk through a crack in the wall?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do characters trudge through rain and mud for days?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do characters try to figure out a rhyme with dart and crackerjacks for Andy?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do characters try to use original blueprints for the Gold Leaf Bank building.

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters use bed sheets for tablecloths at a Sunday dinner?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters use crepe paper to make Joseph's coat of many colors?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB do characters watch dragonflies flying around marigolds?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB do characters whistle "bob-bob-white" to get each other's attention?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do characters whoop and jump around when it begins to rain?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do characters wish to bathe?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB do characters work by the light of a kerosene lantern to put pieces of paper back together?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do children clear a field to prepare it for plowing?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do clever thieves sneak into a bank from the building next door?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do descendants of people who escaped relocation now number more than 9,000?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB do girls put wisteria flowers in their history books?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do hunters come back with only some rabbits and turkeys?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do people believe that "the spirits of the dead go west, and they can never be happy because they're far away from home"?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do people drink from a common bucket?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB do people listen to a radio announcement at 12:45 that tells of an epidemic?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do people put all of their food together to share?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do people take refuge from the rain in an old barn with no doors?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do settlers cross boundary lines set by the government?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do several "super-secret covert crews" work on the finishing touches after all other crews were done?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB do the characters play with kites on a family outing?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do the flies buzz and bite all day long?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB do the people enjoy the sun forever?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB do the people think a beggar is a magician?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB do the police think a boy is running moonshine in a pickup truck?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do the seventh graders gather in the school auditorium for a huge announcement?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB do the words, "Frog, you are looking quite green" calm another character?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do thousands of people and their animals appear small and orderly from far away?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do three characters follow a shiny robot to watch it use its mechanical arm to retrieve a flat metal box?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB do three girls hide under hay in the back of a pick up truck?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do three old women weep and wave goodbye to their families as they pass by?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do travelers hold on to a rope to avoid tumbling into the swirling water of a river?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do two 1982 coins win a game?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do two characters find desserts in plain sight?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do two characters play tug-o-war with a crime book?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB do two characters team up over hieroglyphics and other languages?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do two children barely escape from a burning tent?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do two cousins share a secret?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB do two girl sneak out to meet in the rain?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do two sisters shriek with joy upon seeing each other?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB do two women catch flies off of a chamber pot?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB do women strap terrapin shells to their legs?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does "doing a deal" result in a clunker card?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does 0 + 27 + 0.4 equal something more than math?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does President Andrew Jackson sign a treaty approved by the US Congress?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a "dog card" in the Indoor-Outdoor Scavenger Hunt game mean Lose a Turn?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a blackbird wailing like a siren remind a character of chasing bandits?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a blind character put her hands on a child's face to see her laughing?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a bonus answer include "lodgepole, loblolly, and Rocky Mountain white?"

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a bookcase slide like it's on roller skates?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a boy blush as he reads a letter to his class?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a boy explain what an iron lung is?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a boy live in a shabby, rickety hut with a buffalo?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a boy put a dog in a blanket in his wagon?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a boy think a girl looks like a spider?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a boy walk four miles so he can save gas?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a building have a steel, round, front door that used to belong to a bank's vault?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a building undergo construction for five years?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character "stick his face right up against the fan and let out a Tarzan yell?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character act like she's cheated on an essay to trick another character?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character advise another to keep one hand connected to a wall at all times to find an entrance or an exit?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character always carry their bright red umbrella to school even when it's only cloudy?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character always have to babysit her younger autistic brother?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character ask if a man was wearing a black turban?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character ask that a letter be kept a secret?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character ask to hear a story before school?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character awaken to flies crawling on her face?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character bait a trap with bacon, biscuits and tuna casserole?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character bark and bite at water?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character believe it is improper for a boy and a girl to exchange letters?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character blow their chance with the statement, "Balloons. There might be balloons?"

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character buy a pony and rainbow lunchbox?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character catch a ladybug in the garden?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character claim that their brother scored higher than 800 on an SAT test?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character compare herself to a stray dog?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character compare his situation to the hedge maze in the triwizard tournament?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character compare life to the game Sorry to encourage a friend not to quit?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character complete extra credit even though school ends within a week?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character consider becoming a vegan?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a character crank up more than twenty buckets of water to fill a wringer washer tub?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character create a message from the names of several games?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character cross the border into a new land while sleeping?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character cry, knowing she and her cousin would never dance together again?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character cut the buttons off her sister's shirts?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character dance in an old barn and sleep under hay?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character daydream about a dog instead of listening to a story about the grocery store?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character decide that her stomach likes her food best?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character dig up vegetables left in a farmer's field?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character dislike her job working at Waffle House?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character do something that he knows is forbidden?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character double check a locked door to make sure no one sneaks into it?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character draw a map to help find a dog?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character draw pictures of the family instead of taking photographs?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character drop out of beauty school?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character eat bacon-wrapped shrimp at a Gala Grand Opening?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character eat coffee cake for an after school snack?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character eat crushed potato chips on the school bus?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character eat liverwurst and eggs each night for a week?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a character empty her goldfish into a river?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character enjoy playing Santa Claus for the whole family?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character feed cats leftover fish sticks?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character feel "out of place....with the noise and energy bouncing around and sheer goodness clinging to the walls of that house"?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character feel embarrassed by what she had sent to another person?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a character feel guilty for her brother's death?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character feel that being at a friend's house is uncomplicated?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character feel that he is "stuck between two girls"?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character feel that homework feels like an interruption that keeps her from doing what she wants to?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character figure out that "'we're following separate paths to the same goal?"

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character figure out that an addendum is a last minute addition?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character figure out that the eleventh hour is the last possible moment?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character find a penny in a gravel driveway?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character find a whole new bunch of numbers on the ceiling?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a character find out her friend is having to stay in a tent during her sickness?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a character find salt water and she is far from the ocean?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character finish all of her homework for the first time all year?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character get a red eyelash from a boy?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character get grounded for breaking a basement window?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character get into trouble after kicking someone?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a character give her President's rose to someone who did not get one?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character give the last of her bread to hungry old man?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character go into an empty gym and climb a wall?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character go the video store and always have to watch all of the previews and walk down each row of videos and read the backs aloud?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character go to a YMCA baseball camp?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a character go to find wood to build a coffin?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character go to the Waffle House in a limo?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character grow to fear icy water more than a huge snake?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character have a 5-minute video chat with his brother?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character have a bone shaped dog tag?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character have a cat burglar outfit with black pants, a turtleneck and a black beret?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character have a chalk bag hanging from her waist?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character have a difficult time staying inside at school when all she really wants to do is be outside?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character have a hard time tracking down an important uncle on a Sunday morning?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character have a job at his father's shop?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character have a neighbor that radiates "cool"?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character have a tattoo of a bird in a cage?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character have a tree house that looks more like a gorilla's nest?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character have and use a giant three-hour hourglass?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character have blue streaks in her hair?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character have envelope marked "First and Worst Idea Ever?"

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character help a friend with a game involving a bonus code?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character help stragglers at the end of a line?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB does a character hesitate when called into the house?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character hide a folded card about bandits in a shoe?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character hope the Little People are caring for an old man who is struggling to return home?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character intend to be a teacher in the same village for the rest of his life?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character keep "rules" in a sketch book for her brother?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character kneel in a video store isle and read the backs of videos in the hands of complete strangers?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character leave a $20 tip at the Waffle House?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character like to go to her brother's occupational therapy because they love the ride there and back?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character like to visit and antique store? One with things not quite good enough to keep, but not quite bad enough to throw away.

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character look out at a cornfield thinking it looked "like a smile from God"?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character make a pile of raisins after picking them out of a muffin?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character make a pinecone bird feeder with peanut butter at Vacation Bible School?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character make papier-mâché bowls?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a character make rice for monkeys?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character need rescuing from a treadmill?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character not like doing school work because she already knows how to do it?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character only accept "surefire" answers of yes or no....never "maybe" or "it depends"?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character pick dainty violets for her grandmother?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character plan to learn how to fry chicken while visiting family?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character polish off an essay with the word "athenaeum?"

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character ponder about 19 anniversaries?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character pretend to be ditzy, but actually has a very high IQ?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character pretend to write words in the sand because he wishes to be at school?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character promise to make changes?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character prop a mirror up so that they can see their younger brother that they are babysitting?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character put bulletin board items into the recycling bin?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a character put off cutting the wisteria?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character read from a document that has sloppy handwriting written with a dull pencil?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character realize it's more fun to play games with real friends rather than virtual ones online?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character realize that his sister had not answered some questions that she should have?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character receive a postcard from a former classmate?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character receive an auto-response email with a BONG?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character return with a basket full of food and bloody hands?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a character run away from home but leave her parents a note?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character run into a flagpole?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character say "He don't mind eating her meatloaf, but he don't want nothing else to do with her"?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character say "I married him for his brains..."?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character say, ". . .a boy. . .was hanged by the neck for having American money in his pocket"?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character say, "I am counting the days of misery."?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a character say, "I thought they gave me a crazy white girl for a neighbor"?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character say, "Wait, let me be your eyes."?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character say, "if I ever own my own piece of land here, I will add [this soil] to my garden"?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character scan a crowd of people for familiar faces, but only sees strangers?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character search for a four leaf clover?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character see a hamster cage, drum set, books and a tree in a house?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character see a yellow train car?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character send an email addressed "high priority" in hope of a second chance?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character shoot the tires of cars parked in the wrong place?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character sit by a bedroom window and watch heat lightning?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character skip food and drinks to read at a big party?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character sleep for over a week?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character slide across a marble floor with a battered boot box?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character spend a morning cleaning her bedroom?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character split a gift card five ways, for each member of his family?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character spray two dogs with a water hose?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character squeeze her mother's hand until her fingers hurt?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character suggest having Al Capone do the laundry?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a character suggest they pretend their going to Hollywood?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character switch from being a waitress to being a file clerk?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character talk in her sleep, saying, "Don't forget the bag. Don't forget the bag."?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character tell a story about a bear that eats hot dogs?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character tell a story about a man losing his false teeth at a picnic?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character tell a story about dressing a dog in a Girl Scout uniform?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character tell another that he has three thousand Facebook friends and two thousand Twitter followers?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character tell another that it is a pain have a "regular" little brother so it must be hard to have hers that is autistic?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character tell her parents she must talk to them about a "really bad problem"?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character tell others to race upstairs like the rats of NIMH?"

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character tell stories to help forget about her problems and overcome grief?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a character think "It was like I was her momma, instead of the other way around"?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character think Cinderella pillow cases are for little kids?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character think a house no longer looks sad after eating supper with a family?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character think a room needs a pink rug?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character think eating grits helps you feel better on a bad day?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character think he would never cry about not doing a good job?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a character think it's strange that there is laughing on the day of her brother's funeral?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character think someone is probably in bed during the day?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character think that "It was like every letter of each word had been drawn by an artist"?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character think that everything someone says is the truth?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character think that she doesn't get invited to people's homes because her brother struggles with behavior that isn't understood?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character think, "It must be hard to have so many masters"?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character try to rub away finger marks left on her arm?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a character understand the definition of a true friend--"someone who knows you might be dangerous to be around and they stick by you anyhow"?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character use a big blue book that looks like a photo album but has words to communicate?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character use a floor plan to find the Stacks?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character use a stick to write their name in the dirt?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character use cheese and bacon to train a dog?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character use geography to determine which country she will use for a project?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character use the word Pineapple to calm down?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character vomit after eating salty meat?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character want to know if there are big mountains in another country?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a character wear a flower to hide a knife scar?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character wear majorette boots to school?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character win a $500 gift card?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character win a laptop for sticking to a prior commitment: a soccer game at 2:00?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character win an evening in a luxury private suite?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character wish that someone would invent a pill that would help another character wake up from autism?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character wish to be able to bathe?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character wonder "why they were paying to be taken where they didn't want to go"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a character wonder if God even knows she is sick?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character worry about calling someone "a squirrel-eating hillbilly"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a character write a letter to the editor regarding segregation?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character write a poem about two eyes on a kite?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a character write words in the damp earth at the river's edge?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a character's best friend have to visit him in secret?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a character's father call her cell phone to tell her to go back inside the house?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character's great-great-great-grandfather and mother give advice to watch out for sneaky rascals?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB does a character's mother depend on them to help their autistic brother become more independent?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character's parents smile at him the same way as when his brothers win a football game or the science fair?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a character's walk look like the up and down of a pogo stick?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a character, who has nothing better to do, admit that it's "cloudy with a chance of meatballs?"

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a cheerleader promise to cheer for a character as he faces a solo challenge?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a conversation with a brother only end up the word "look?"

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a coughing sickness leave a character weak?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a dirt yard have patches of flowers?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a dog die of a broken heart?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a dog disappear while a character is having a "pity party"?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a dog eat meatloaf and French fries?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a dog follow a boy to the hospital?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a dog have a collar made from a belt?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a dragon take a large white stone and make a pearl?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a family get used newspapers to read?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a family go to another person's house to listen to the radio?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a family live in a house made from stone and mud?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a father and daughter argue over what color wisteria is?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a father come home to find his child scribbling in a notebook?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a father give his daughter a pair of overalls?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a father tell his daughters, "Now don't you be growing up while I'm gone"?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a flag make a student feel uncomfortable?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a friend save the mc from a tiger?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a game of Boggle

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a giant red boot on wheels arrive at a school?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a girl always get hit on purpose in dodge ball?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl bribe her sisters with the promise of making a cake?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl bring a quilt outside for a man to lay her dead brother on?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl declare all out war on a vine that's getting into the garden?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl explain to another about God putting tears into bottles?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl force her two sisters into a hearse?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a girl give away a heavy blue dress she has outgrown?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl have a "mansion" made of wisteria vine?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl have to sneak in to see her mother?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl hear her daddy talking in her head while she's in the outhouse?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl invite another girl to the movies without thinking about whether or not she will be allowed to go inside?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl look at the moon and ask, "What's happening to us"?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a girl make her brother feel terrible when she cries?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a girl receive two letters in one day?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl say, "My momma say she ain't never met a white person she can trust"?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a girl say, "Your little bulletin board here is nothing"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl see a man pushing his daughter in a wheelchair?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl see a poster that says, DO THE JOB HE LEFT BEHIND?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl see an article in the newspaper about her brother's dog?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl take her sisters to her secret hideout?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a girl tease her brother about liking a girl?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl tell her siblings, "We're turning into farmers in five minutes"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl think it's her best friend's job to make her feel better?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl think she is being punished for working her brother too hard?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl think that she caused her brother's sickness because she worked him too hard?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl try to convince a character to take her sisters to Georgia?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl unexpectedly get to ride from the hospital with her new friend?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl write a letter to her father about her brother's illness?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl's family have a colored maid doing the housework?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a girl's tears run down over the numbers on a telephone dial?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a government document address people in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and North Carolina?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a government enact a series of laws that annex lands, annul laws, close courts, and forbid political gatherings?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a group meet about the safety of girls going to school?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a lion family and a dragon become friends?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a magistrate intend to destroy an entire family?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a magistrate make people get on their knees and make deep bows to him?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a man give a kebab to a character?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a man give nickels so children can buy root beer?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a man say, "Go back to your mother, little girl. No one gets to bathe."?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a man sell goldfish from a cart?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a man tell a character that she might have a chance to visit Warm Springs?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a mechanical dummy advise that "it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game?"

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a mother say she cannot afford a coffin?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a neighbor give a stack of newspapers to someone?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a path of black stones lead you up to a city?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a rebus state a quote by Groucho Marx?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a river become too low to bathe in?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a school have just one room?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does a security camera keep a character from kicking something in frustration?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a stranger decide his family must give what they can spare to cold and hungry strangers?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a student think he might be recommended for a special honor?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a teacher assign Backpack Buddies?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a teacher bow to a student when he leaves?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a teacher encourage her students to keep reading, despite the school closing?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a teacher hold up an envelope with two pink butterfly stickers on it?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a teacher say the person who is most skillful at the English language should write a letter?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a teacher say, ". . .no second choices, no backsies"?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does a teacher tell a student to look at a globe to determine whether or not there are mountains in another country?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a tiger leave dying animals in a row outside doors?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does a town have "red dirt roads and hillbilly kids"?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a white cloth on a tall pole mark the grave of a leader?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does a white rabbit stand in a circular passageway?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a woman explain "drop foot"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a woman hand out candy at church?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does a woman put a mint candy inside a coffin?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does a young, barefoot woman kneel by a small grave and wail for her buried children?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does an epidemiologist visit a girl's house?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does an old man stumble and fall, his turban falling off his head?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does box #12 contain a lot of memorabilia and knickknacks?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does bread blacken on the outside before it had fully baked?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does character get a "super-dooper bonus clue" for helping another character?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does character look at chewing gum on a bus seat?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does dough have to be taken to be baked in an oven outside the home?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does extra hard work get a grounded character the reward of suspending punishment?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does it appear that a character is cleaning his ear in a fishbowl?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does it rain seeds that looks like pearls?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does it seem that more old people, babies, and children are dying every day?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB does it take two days in the snow and sleet to ferry everyone across a wide river?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does leaf water tea help hoarse breathing?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does one character get kicked out, while another quits her team and joins another team?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB does one character tell another, "One of these days your brain is going to crawl right out through your nose so it can get some time off"?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB does rain cause a bad hair day at a parade?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does someone receive V-Mail?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB does someone tell a girl to destroy her brother's toys?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the author visited Hong Kong, Taiwan and China?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the father tell stories?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does the game Family Frenzy begin with pocket book items including thimbles, thumbtacks and glue bottles?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the king appear at the Market of Green Abundance?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the king read this quote, "You only lose what you cling to"?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the magistrate order one of his servants to stab a girl with a knife?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the main character eat delicate pink shrimp dumpling with a king?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the main character eat fried bamboo shoots with a friend?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the main character follow a beggar through the city?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the main character sleep in a cave?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the mc have two copper coins in a white rabbit rice bowl?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the mc remove a ball from the head of another friend?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the mc ride on the back of a dragon?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the mc take her last coin to buy a beggar a peach?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does the mother feed a fish with chopsticks?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does the winner of a game earn the prize of starring in commercials, billboards, and print ads?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB does twins kill a tiger?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB does two plus two equal more than four?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB had a character been taught all his life to fear open spaces?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB had a character's problems "moved beyond worse--all the way to rotten"?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB had a girl never realized how much hard work it takes to get good grades?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB had a girl never seen a real mountain?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB had a six year old never sat in a real car?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB had a woman been married three times?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB had someone climbed a grain elevator and painted the word LIONS on it?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB has a character never seen her father so discouraged?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is Dragon's Gate located at the top of a waterfall?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB is Sunday School cancelled?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is a 2-year old treaty enforced?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a brother jealous of the attention his sister gets at school?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is a brother reunited with his sister?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a bus decorated with hundreds of bright aluminum pie tins?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is a character 868 years old?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is a character always thirsty and wishing for rain?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character bored by lunchtime on the first day of summer break?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a character called to the counselor's office?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a character careful as she is rock-climbing?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB is a character caught on tape bullying a teammate into stealing something?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is a character covered with a grayish green dust?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character dating a paint ball champion?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character embarrassed about wearing jeans to church?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character excited to see a blackbird feather in the leaves?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB is a character given a diaper at the hospital?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character glad to see 11:11 on a clock?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character glad to see 3 birds sitting on a wire?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a character grabbed by a man with sack slung over his shoulder?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a character happy when she finds no one at home?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is a character hesitant to accept an apple from a stranger?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character impressed that a friend knows the meaning of forlorn?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character invited to pick wild strawberries?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is a character looking for a borred line?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character making splashes by dropping rocks into a hole?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character not impressed with a town because it doesn't have a mall or theater?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character not pleased with a student's answer in math to a problem about pies?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character not pleased with her name?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB is a character only polite when around adults, or holographic images of adults?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a character referred to as "the finest student from our village"?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character thankful for deviled eggs during a prayer?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a character told how she can move on to seventh grade?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a character told she is going to be in sixth grade again?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a character told that there is no summer school for sixth grade students?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is a character told to hold a red thread until it is needed?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB is a character used to doing things by herself because her best friend spends her summers in California with her dad?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a character worried that she cannot miss a homework assignment for four and a half months?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB is a character's dad always late?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is a character's dress torn and stained with red mud?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character's father in jail for fighting?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a character's favorite activity fighting?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB is a character's legs and body wrapped in very hot cloths and covered with wool?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is a character's strongest desire the ability to fly?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a dog scared away by a speeding car?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is a doll kicked under a bed?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is a dragon brought to life from a painting?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB is a girl afraid to go to sleep for fear she will die?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB is a girl planning to plow a field and plant peas?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB is a girl surprised when her father comes to pick her up?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is a handmade doll decorated with beads and quills?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB is a hearse sent to a house instead of an ambulance?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is a home lit by a kerosene lamp?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB is a hospital equipped for forty patients but three weeks later has ninety patients?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a house standing on stilts on a mountainside?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is a jacket made from pieces of everyone's sleeve?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is a kite made from two borrowed lines and chopsticks?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a letter sent with stamps that look like small works of art?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is a medicine made from the leaves of a flowering tree?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is a nourishing stew fed to a sick boy?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is a page torn out of the Book of Fortune?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is a protest letter signed by 16,000 people?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a restaurant nicknamed Awful House?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a rock sent through the mail?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB is a soda pop called "dope"?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is a stew made from chunks of lamb, onions, and lemon slices?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is a story told about a huge snake with shining scales and horns on its head?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is a tobacco pouch kept dry in a dress?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is a treasure hidden through nine locked doors?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is a treaty signed in 1785?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is a watch ruined when a character jumps in a lake to save a girl that falls off a dock?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB is a young man told he has to leave his neighbor's house--only family members can be there?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is an entire family missing material from their sleeves?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is bravery "believed to come from the east, where the sun rose"?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is character sent to live with family members she doesn't know?

Wish Barbara O'Connor

IWB is character surprised that a friend is doing a crossword puzzle?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is corn planted by placing 5 kernels of corn in each mound of dirt?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is it decided that a character will help his sister write a letter?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is it possible for a fish to turn into a flying dragon!?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is it said that "the souls of the dead" go west and are "miserable because they can never return home"?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is land distributed through a lottery to white citizens?

Extra Credit Andrew Clements

IWB is mail carried by bus twice a week to the post office?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB is talking to one character like a treasure hunt? You have to look underneath the words to figure out what he's trying to say.

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is the Goddess of Weaving a friend to the buffalo boy?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is the color red an emblem of bravery?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB is the correct rhyme for Andy dandy instead of candy?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB is the football player Johnny Unitas, number 19, a helpful clue?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is the mc looking for Never Ending Mountain?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is the name of a city changed?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is the secret for happiness to be put in a box?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB is the way out the way in?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is there a bridge build using red string?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB is there a character almost 14 or 15 but in a wheelchair and non-verbal?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is there a character that can answer any question in the world?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB is there a flag hanging with a blue star on it?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB is there a hover ladder that used advanced magnetic technology?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB is there a life-sized statue on a lily pad in a 10-foot wide pool?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB is there a one-eyed black mutt?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is there a pocket sewn on a dress for "keeping things in"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB is there a shortage of ambulances?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is there a talking fish?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB is there magic string?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is there so little wood for coffins?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB is there the rule, "Looking closer can make something beautiful."?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB is there too much ice on a river for ferries to cross, but not enough for people to walk across?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB must characters surrender their personal electronic devices and refrain from texting and emailing?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB must people face brutal punishment if they do not bow to the magistrate?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB must two characters travel through a peach grove?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a butchered hog traded for a butchered steer?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character afraid he was going to be caught like a mouse in a hole?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character amazed when they see someone dial on a telephone?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character asked if he might want to play checkers?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character bitter because he was unable to bury his child in the family plot?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character called "a shadow child?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character called out for misspelling the word sarcastic?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character invited to attend a rally where protesters would march to the president's house?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character not allowed to watch television?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character pale because they hadn't been out in the sun for awhile?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character relieved to find out it wasn't wrong for them to exist, it was just illegal?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character suddenly picked up and thrust into a closet?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character terrified to see someone cut their hand on purpose?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB was a character tied up while he was sleeping by a bunch of monkeys?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB was a character to die on his 19th birthday?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character unhappy because he wasn't allowed to invite his friends to his house?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character wearing a listening device?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character willing to sacrifice herself to help others?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a character's name changed but the initials remained the same?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a deck overflowing with soccer balls, baseball bats, tennis rackets, basketballs, hockey sticks and apparatus from other sport activities?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a farmer told he could no longer raise hogs because of the offensive smell?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a hand plunged through a screen door in order to unlock it?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a house bugged?

SOFT RAIN Cornelia Cornelissen

IWB was a language once only spoken?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a property tax bill three times what it was last year?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a room full of furniture described as "pristine?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was a sliding glass door left open on warm days?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB was an announcement made that farmers could donate food to a hospital?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB was an entire family moved while they were out on a picnic flying kites?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was an old tire rim nailed to a barn, used as a basketball hoop?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB was everything in the village a dull color of dried mud?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was flipping a light switch used as a signal?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was food rationed which allowed people to only have 1500 calories a day?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was it against the law to have more than two babies?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was it said that Government leaders were the worst ones for breaking the laws?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB was one child different from all others in her village?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was the Government never to be told, no?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was the Government trying to force everyone to become vegetarians?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was the enter button jabbed so hard it made the computer shake?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB was the mc only allowed to ask one question?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was the penalty for breaking a certain law, five million dollars or execution?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was the word "free" used as a password?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB was there a bad storm, but no homes were destroyed?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB was there a character that could change how they felt about something by drawing it?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB was there a character that could never be satisfied with his life--she always wanted more--nothing was ever enough

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB was there a character with a famous fortune-telling grandmother?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was there a custom built car, with the back seat hollowed out?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB was there a family famous for their happiness?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was there a harsh knock on the door followed up with, "Population Police! Open up!"

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB was there a mountain where nothing grew and the birds and animals did not rest there?

Rules Cynthia Lord

IWB was there a rule that said, "Not everything worth keeping has to be useful?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was there a sign that read, "Give me liberty or give me death?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was there a toy train that had belonged to a boy's dad when he was a little boy and his own father before him?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB was there an entire page with the word "thankfulness" written?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was there three pinpoints of blood on the carpet?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was twenty eight the magic number?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB was under the couch a good hiding place because the maid was too lazy to clean under there?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

IWB were "all public meetings closed to children twelve and under"?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB were Barons, people who were unbelievably rich?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB were a group debating ID"S?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB were a group of people kept in poverty because they seem to work harder when they're on the edge of survival?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB were children dressed up with hair bows and suspenders and other geegaws?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB were guns outlawed for every one except Government Officials?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB were junk food factories turned into health food factories?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

IWB were people trying to reunite a family?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB were pregnant women not allowed to go out in public?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

IWB were there two lopsided and pathetic loaves of bread in the center of the table?

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library Chris Grabenstein

IWB would you find Huckleberry Finn under The Cat in the Hat?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book a character find a friend that makes him feel 'ten feet tall'?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book a character learns how to solve conflict by "taking the high road"?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book are people described as "careless", using the land for their own benefit and killing animals without regard?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book are people described as being "war-sick"?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book are there marionettes that have realistic eyes, made from a jet necklace?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did a Jewish family invite a Christian family to join them for the first night of Hanukkah?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did a boy grow up with Jewish friends in a Jewish neighborhood and never knew the Christmas traditions of a Christian family until he was in 4th grade?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book did a character abandon another character on an access road that led to ruins of an old rope mill?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did a character did someone receive a used baseball mitt as a prized gift?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did a character get arrested because he did not move seats on a bus that was segregated?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did a character think that fourth grade was tougher and had more homework than 3rd grade?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did a class write a thank you letter to someone?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did a community mourn when Babe Ruth died?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did a dad dream of building a model airplane with his son from the moment he was born?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did a family light a menorah on the first night to celebrate peace?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did a husband write letters and send flowers to his wife when he was out of town?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did a neighbor buy a Christmas tree for their Jewish neighbors not knowing they didn't celebrate Christmas?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did a teacher think that a friend was having a positive influence on the main character?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did building a model airplane take most of the summer?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did children play in the snow until they could no longer feel their fingers and toes?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did students go sledding after school was out?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did the main character's model airplane get admired by people?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did the parents think their son asked someone for a Christmas tree?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did the schools remain open even though their city was 'stilled under mountains of white powder'?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did two characters join a softball that was mainly comprised of older kids?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book did we learn that Jim Crow laws that were in place in the many southern states did not apply on an army base?99

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book do characters discuss a phoenix, saying it fills its nest with its favorite stuff and the nest ignites, burning the bird's old body?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book do characters lure a coyote away from an injured character?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book do characters play a game of fetch with a small, plastic soldier toy?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book do characters say they have no family because of the humans?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book do characters work on marionettes?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book do two friends have frequent disagreements about whose favorite team is the best?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book do two friends talk about how discrimination is wrong at a candy shop?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a Jewish boy help a family decorate their Christmas tree?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character and his father listen to games on the radio?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character and his friend push his teacher over a hedge of bushes?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character and his mom clip cherry blossoms to take to a neighbor?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character and his mother take a pot roast over to new neighbors?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character ask his dad to make a custom shoe?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character bait a rabbit trap with a carrot so the animal will not eat red tulips?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character bloody a classmate's nose because he was calling him names?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character break his foot after catching it on a root and falling?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character break off a corner of his sandwich for a pet that isn't there?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character bring another worms to eat and then quail eggs?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character carry a charm bracelet that belonged to his mother?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character catch a pass thrown by a semi-professional football player?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character change the plot of a puppet show to reveal a truth about another character?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character chase off a challenger with a bark?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character chew through a wire in a fan because it was potentially harmful to another character?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character create a picture of a fox, using his own blood?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character curl up around her sister, who was much smaller, but she still dies in the night, in the snow?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character decide to take a nap under a bench in a baseball dugout?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character describe herself as a grenade, because she is an unpredictable, deadly weapon?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character describe the feeling he gets on the baseball field as "holy" and "calm", but neither is exactly right?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character destroy his mother's blue gazing globe with a baseball bat in a haze of fury?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character dig into concrete floor when anxious, shredding his feet?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character discover his father had a dog when he was younger?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character dream of going to Ebbets field for opening day of his favorite team's season?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character earn a surprise because he improved his attitude and is getting good marks from his teacher?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character eat mouthfuls of clover to try to fill his shrunken belly?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character explain that sometimes she is the master and sometimes the wood is the master when she carves things?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character explain the concept of nonduality or the term "two but not two"?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character fear that a younger member of their group has lost his hearing permanently?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character feel "a baseball field was the only place where he felt he was exactly where he was born to be."?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character feel shame for killing an enemy soldier in war, even though she is a medic?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character feel the pull of home strongly, to the south?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character feel thrilled that his favorite player is going to live only a 30 second sprint away from him?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character feel tortured waiting to see who his new neighbors are?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character find a Sunshine Biscuit tin with another character's personal truths in it?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character find a copy of The Seven Voyages of Sinbad in the pocket of a dead enemy soldier?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character find a fox run over in the road and looks for a place to bury it?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character find out a player from his favorite team is moving in his neighborhood?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character forget what kind of food she likes, after serving in the military?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character get a note sent home by a teacher for having missing homework?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character get angry when someone says only Jews should live in their neighborhood?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character get caught playing stickball at school which causes his teacher to plan a home visit?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character get struck speechless when he meets two famous people?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character get stung by a bee just as he is trying to catch a ball?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character get suspended from school for ten days plus is punished at home too?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character go with his dad to the opening game of his favorite team?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character have a rough wooden post instead of a leg, made of solid heart pine?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character have a smile that 'would warm the North Pole'?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character instruct another to do pull ups from beams in the ceiling?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character like a phoenix because it meant no matter how bad things seem, you could always make yourself new again?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character like playing baseball because a fence clearly lets him know what is his responsibility and what isn't?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character link with another character's dying memories, seeing his life flash by?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character list three conditions for helping another?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character make another character crutches out of lumber?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character never want to disappoint his father?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character not want to leave the spot he was left, but didn't want to remain outside during a thunderstorm?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character nudge his nose in a baseball mitt, even though he doesn't like the smell?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character own a charm bracelet with a red, gold, and purple phoenix on it?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character pick blue glass from white roses with bloodied fingers, saying "You've got to tame that temper. Don't be like him."?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character promise to come to the library twice a week to show kids how to use marionette puppets?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character put her prosthetic leg on her scarecrow, rather than wearing it?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character realize it took him a year and sixteen days to not think about his mother for a full day?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character recall sneaking out of the house at night and eating peaches until the juice ran in her ears?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character rip up a quilt to provide cushioning for a cast?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character say "Do you think anyone in the history of this world ever set out to fight for the wrong side?"?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character say "I'll always leave the porch door open, but you have to go."?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character say "Just wondering. You staying out here on the porch. What do you suppose that makes you? Wild or tame?"?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character say "My country pays me a little blood money every month in exchange for my leg."?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character say "Now, this leg. Oh, this leg is heavy, boy. Solid heart pine. But I carry it around, don't I."?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character say "People should tell the truth about what war costs."?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character say "When he is hurt in other places, his eyes shed water. It streams down his face. I think the pain is relieved by the flowing water. But his breath- he gulps for air, as though this pain-water may be drowning him."?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character say "You wouldn't make it two miles now. You'd be nothing but bear bait out there- that is if you didn't die of hypothermia the first night."?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character say "You're going to do this no matter who tried to stop you? Because it's the right thing for you, at your core? Your core."?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character say "that's what my father calls him, 'just a fox' as if he's not as good as dog or something."?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character say she has three conditions for helping another character, including helping her with an unnamed project?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character say that the draft is for 18-20 year olds, so anyone older than that volunteered to fight in the war?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character see an animal in a block of butternut wood?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character see men laying mines, but he does not understand what they are?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character share a porch with a raccoon?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character sit on a front stoop to watch his neighbors?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character smell the sharp odors of pine, clover, and wild garlic, and know they are passing through a forest?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character start a fight that he can't finish?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character stay put although a strong urge tells him to head south to his home?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character steal a jar of peanut butter from a trash can?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character steal a joint of ham and bury two large hunks for later?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character swear after breaking the end of a crutch?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character swim for the first time, making it across a river only on instinct?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character teach a famous person to play stoopball?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character teach another character how to catch mice by pretending to be asleep?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character tell another character "One night only, Human-Stinker"?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character think a day when his team lost was still the most exciting day of his life?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character think the stink of fried onions is so strong, the house would probably still smell bitter generations later?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character tie a window shade cord to someone's pants that causes his pants to rip in half?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character try to get another character to play whenever he smells a grief-yearning scent?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character use a baseball bat to repair a crutch?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character using at atlas realize that he could cut straight across the foothills to reach his destination quicker?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character wake up to a woman standing over him, tossing a baseball into a baseball glove?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character wind strips of old tire rubber around the top of crutches, to act as cushions?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character write a letter once a week, to be delivered by a bus driver from different spots along the route?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character write a letter to someone who is living through a war?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character's grandparents flee Russia to escape terrible treatment for being Jewish?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character's grandparents immigrate from Europe?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character's mom explain how some people are afraid of change when things have been one way for a long time?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character's mom like to read the Archie comic strip?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a character's mom make pancakes on special occasions?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character's mother urge her to go to the farm, where there are always fat mice in the barn and eggs in the chicken coop?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does a character's name mean "peace"?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a characters favorite team train in the Dominican Republic?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a family ask their child to give up a gift so that they can donate money to people caught in the middle of a war?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a father and son jump up and down with joy when a player steals home?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a father leave work early to pick up his son because he got in trouble at school?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a father make his son promise not to be a pest to their new neighbors?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a father think that the fact that people of different races can stay at the same hotel is making progress?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a fist fight occur because of a missed catch and an insult?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a friend get a character's attention by screaming so loud it made his ears pop?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a group of neighborhood kids play stickball?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a minister come into someone's life when they are young and help them turn their life around?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a mother try to explain to her son what living in a war zone can be like?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a person dream of having enough land for his son to have a dog?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a son love to talk to his father about their favorite team?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a tree in someone's house shock the main character?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a whole class get tickets to game for a character's birthday?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does a woman refuse to sign a petition keep an African American family from buying a house in their neighborhood?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does an animal trip a mine wire, causing several people to search for the cause of the explosion?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does answering fan mail overwhelm a character so a neighbor offers to help him out?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does discrimination against someone because of the skin make him feel mad and frustrated?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book does instinct tell a character that erect tail and ears mean the other character expects submission?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does it explain that "hit for the cycle" means to hit a homerun, triple, double and single in one game?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does it talk about having will power and self-control so you don't act out of anger?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does playing in the outfield remind a character of herding goats in the African grasslands?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does prejudice against Black Americans compared to how Jews were treated in Russia years earlier?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does someone explain what barnstorming is to his son?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does summertime mean everyone basically lives out doors?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does the main character have a best friend that is a girl?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does the main character not know that it is Christmas Eve?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does the main character play stoopball where you hit a ball against the corner of your steps then try to catch it?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book does the main character's town get record snowfall and cold temperatures?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is Hanukkah celebrated by the main character's family?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is President Truman working to integrate the armed forces so that black and white soldiers are not separate?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is UNICEF described as an organization that helps families whose nations are at war get the supplies they need to live?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book is a baby rabbit found untouched, but dead in a trap, probably frightened to death by coyotes?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book is a character amazed at a log cabin, at the fact that the trees were grown there and the logs were used for the cabin?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book is a character determined not to feel anger because he feels it is too dangerous, too like his father?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is a character eight years old in 1948?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book is a character give cider with willow bark, referred to as "aspirin in the wild"?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book is a character haunted by the memory of a baby rabbit dying in a trap, unable to help save it?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book is a character named for a word sewn on a backpack, where that character had crawled in to sleep?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is a character so obsessed with meeting his neighbor he is annoying his family and friends with his eagerness?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book is a character stopped and then allowed through a checkpoint by a soldier, when he tells the soldier he is returning for a pet?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book is a character trapped by the leg in a trap made of steel jaws?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is a character worried about his hero getting fired because he is overweight?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book is a character's leg destroyed by a mine?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is a character's mom a nurse?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is a character's mom nervous about meeting a famous woman?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is a family moving away which causes the main character to act out of anger?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is it discussed that discrimination is something Jews and black Americans have in common?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is the Arab-Israeli War during the season of Hanukkah?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is the grandmother called bubbe?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is the main character's hero and neighbor moving away to purchase their own home?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book is the quote "Sometimes the apple rolls very far from the tree."?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book is the saying "The Gulf Stream will flow through a straw, provided the straw is aligned to the Gulf Stream and not at crosscurrents."?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book is the story taking place at a time that there are still laws that keep blacks and whites separate in public places?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book is there a mythical bird called the Roc, so large it could snatch up elephants?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book is war described as something that "causes them to abandon their ways, to attack strangers. War is a human sickness like this."?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book was a character a riveter which is someone who made sure metal pins where properly in place inside a plane during World War II?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book was a character disappointed by his team finishing in 3rd place?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book was a character feeling like he was part of the family as he rode in a cab with them?

Pax Sara Pennypacker

In which book was a character nickname "Ti Poul" because she reminded her parents of a bird?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book was a character so excited about his day he couldn't sleep the night before?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book was subway fare going up to 10 cents?

The Hero Two Doors Down Sharon Robinson

In which book, does an off-key orchestra play the song ' Three Blind Mice'?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Is 14 the magic number?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Is a character always pretending to be someone else?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Is a character hungry at an inappropriate time?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Is a character threatened to be sent to a real school with standardized tests?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Is an "It girl" a cool person or celebrity type person?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Is someone planning to buy something not for sale?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Is there a "driver's race" where everyone's chauffeurs race against each other?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Is there a girl in the men's restroom?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Is there a quiet two hour drive?

The Candymakers Wendy Mass

Is there a secret tradition passed on with each new employee?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

Iwb are a needle, a chopstick and a rice bowl taken on a trip?

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin

Iwb is there a secret door to the Inner City?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was a cleaner attached to Mercury by his work belt?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was a dad grumpy because he was going to have to travel to China for work?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was a kitchen blackboard so filled with a collage of messages, phone numbers, and artwork that it made finding something very difficult?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was a nanny struggling to get a bulky stroller up the enormous stairs of a museum?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was it a hot August day, the kind you can taste, when the smells of the city linger in the mouth and nose?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was one child hiding behind a bathroom door and another under an overturned sofa?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was someone being chased up a dark stairwell then fell and the person following tripped and fell on them?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was someone building a model of Grant's Tomb with LEGOs?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was someone hugging a bone-white, headless statue of a woman?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was someone so speechless that she didn't even reach for her pink notebook to write anything down?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was someone wearing two, thick, wool blankets, leather gloves, and a dark, brimmed hat pulled down on her head?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was someone worried that someone else had heard something in the wall?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was someone's forehead sticky with blood?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was the answer to a code to skip every seven places?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was the following etched in the wall, above a desk? "The thief left it behind: the moon at my window."?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was the word HEARTH written in long, stretched out letters?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a 15 foot map, with symbols rather than street names?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a Tierra that had belonged to Catherine the Great?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a book containing ornately scripted poems?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a building where if you whisper into one corner of the room the sound was heard from the other side of the room?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a building with constellations painted on its ceiling?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a code where people used a newspaper and put a dot under the words they wanted people to read?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a fountain with dancers , holding hands and dancing joyously around the water?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a kitchen with "oozy liquid dripping from stainless steel countertops"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a library with enormous lion statues named Patience and Fortitude out front?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a mom "on a big-time, healthy eating kick"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a padlock, on a roof panel, that appeared locked but wasn't?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a plan to use a little robot with a camera to look for something?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a poem about "huddled masses"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a room called the "silver room"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a room lined with gold colored tiles?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there a story about a man who was hired to go buy "pygmies" in the Congo to bring them to a fair in the United States?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there an area nicknamed "Sugar Hill," named after the people who used to live there, striving for the "sweet life"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there an elevator man with thick eyebrows that touched in the middle, "as if someone had drawn a hairy gray line above his eyes"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there an expansive ceiling that looked golden in the afternoon sunlight?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Was there something called a "homework-helper", a college student who would come by to assist the students with their studies?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Were characters playing football in a large living room with tall ceilings?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Were children fed baked potatoes slathered in butter, rather than their usual lunch?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Were children going to visit a tomb in Manhattan?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Were children throwing things at their packing boxes, trying to tip them over?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Were kids in a station that had been closed since 1945?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Were kids staring a Winnie the Pooh stuffed animals?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Were lines around someone's eye filled with tiny letters?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Were nannies helping toddlers up the massive steps of a castle?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Were people eating chocolate covered pretzels while looking at old photos of trolleys and trains?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Were people going to see the "Kissing Post"?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Were servant's quarters now used to store things in?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Were there numbers inscribed in the shape of a circle, inside of a chimney?

Walls within Walls Maureen Sherry

Were there stained glass sky-lights letting in a faint morning glow high above?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

a character describe his job as a "devil-dispatcher" and "scourge-remover"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

a character do a fake stretch and yawn before settling back down because he had just gotten comfy on a cool spot of grass and was trying to sleep?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

a character dress in pots and pans as makeshift armor for protection?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

a character surprised that a visitor hasn't brought any food or drink?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

a character taunted by his classmates while giving an oral presentation in science class?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

a character think that he can fix an old upright piano that was found in a barn?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

a character use floor wax to improve his complexion?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

a hillside transformed into an amphitheater overnight?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

a nervous character accidentally step on a guest's foot and singe off his eyebrows?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

are a character's parents farmers?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

are a character's two best friends pitted against each other in a battle to the death?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

are a girl's cries for help ignored as she was tied to a tree?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

are avocados called alligator pears?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

are characters asked to give a performance for the royal court?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

are characters welcomed back to town with a hug homecoming parade?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

are dead sharks unloaded on the docks at the waterfront?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

are fairy tales and natural history a character's favorite topics?

Rules Cynthia Lord

are friends dared to bring a handful of muck up from the bottom of a pond to prove they actually touched the bottom?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

are government people not allowed in a chat room?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

are hogs called bread and butter?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

are rats looking to stay high and dry in a storm?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

are rocks arranged to form the seats of an amphitheater?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

are runt pigs stepped on by their strangers siblings?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

are sea turtles kept in kraals until they're butchered?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

are soda and potato chips illegal?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

are some pages filled with pictures of animals and at the bottom have the saying, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite"?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

are the black blobs on a boat described as gold, but are actually sponges?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

are the characters told to shape up "because they won't put up with your nonsense" at a place where they might be sent?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

are the marks of a shield compared to the marks on a frying pan?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

are the mosquitoes so bad they clog a character's nostrils?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

are the sheep all huddled and quiet of the far side of a hilltop because something had spooked them?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

are the sights, sounds, and colors new and completely unfamiliar to a character?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

are the words "WILL WORK FOR CANDY" painted on the side of a child's wooden wagon?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

are the words "muddy river" and "bridge" used as a code?

Rules Cynthia Lord

are there pet hamsters named Cinnamon and Nutmeg?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

are workers paid in candy?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

arrive the night before a fight in hopes of getting a good seat?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

ask another character to donate vegetables to the hospital?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

character's ears grow warm at the sight of a kiss on the cheek?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

character's philosophy "live and let live" that is until he was trapped?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

could a character only go into the kitchen if the shades were pulled?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

did a character ask, "Am I supposed to just sit in this room for the rest of my life?"

Kenny & the Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

did a character drink lava and eat firestones?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

did a character have sled races in the same garbage can lid that he used as a shield?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

did a character realize that his father's tale involved some sort of encounter with a carnivorous animal?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

did a character receive kewpie dolls from her mother for her mother for her birthday?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

did a character remind her father that the penalty for harboring an illegal was 5 million dollars or execution, depending on the judge?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

did a character say her mom wanted a frilly little girl she could put in lacy dresses and sit in a corner like a doll?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

did a character say, "It's better to discover than be discovered"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

did a character sleep under the earth for years and years?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

did a character slug a boy when he tried to throw her cat in a well?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

did a character think that little kids had to stay out of sight?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

did a character try on dresses that scratched, pricked and poked?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

did a character want a chance to ride to town in the pickup truck, a chance to go to school and a chance to play in the front yard?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

did a character's heart beat fast thinking about running through the yard?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

did a little brother go to Miami for an operation?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

did people say of an old-time sponger that he spent so much time on the water that he had webbed feet?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

did the Great Depression cause a town to declare bankruptcy and eventually become a tourist attraction?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

do 800 kids have contact through a chat room?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

do audience members edge in closer to get a better view in spite of the danger?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

do berries make a character's lips numb?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

do characters argue about who would win a fight between Dracula & Frankenstein?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

do characters celebrate the performance of a lifetime?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

do characters chant, "Off with his head! Off with his head!"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

do characters drink birch beer?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

do characters fool an entire town?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

do characters have an ongoing chess game?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

do characters huddle around a newsboy?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

do characters need "Kenny packs"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

do characters perform for standing-room-only crowds?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

do characters revel with the court, visit the royal library, and taste a variety of delicious food?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

do characters taste Austrian Lattice Pie?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

do conveniences make a character feel good and bad at the same time?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

do kids spend the night in a mosquito-infested shack?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

do people bet on who was going to win a fight?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

do people say it is a shame the president didn't live to see the war end?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

do sisters argue over a blanket?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

do some characters put the famous saying "The only thing you have to fear is fear itself" at the bottom of a bulletin board?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

do the police get some ridiculously big reward for every illegal they find?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

do two characters become friends because they were stuck with each other, but they were glad they did?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

do two characters jump over a ditch, but in their minds it was a deep ravine with serpents and giant spiders spilling over the top?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

do two characters realize that they have a lot in common because they are both well-read?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

do two perceived enemies have dessert and discuss Beowulf?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does Momma come to visit on a warm sunny day?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does a Barbie doll become Queen of the Fishes in a fish tank?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a blue star on a flag show that a house is a soldier's house?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a boat float away because a hook wasn't dropped?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a book smell musty and old?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a bookshop owner get "all gussied up" while townspeople chanted his name and carried banners?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a bow break and injure a character's face?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a boy chant to himself "easy say, hard do"?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does a boy communicate by tapping on a communication book?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a boy dream about a friend starting a fire in a grill?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a boy learn to steer a vehicle by pulling and pushing on the wheel until getting the desired result?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does a boy receive a motorized wheelchair for his birthday?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does a boy wish his therapist understood that he can't talk but he can hear just fine?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a cat fall through a crumbling, termite-eaten piano top?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character "aim to find out just who he is, where he came from, and what his intentions are"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character all of a sudden feel good--like she had climbed a mountain?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character always do his homework?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character always get the first piece of apple pie?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character always have his head buried in a book?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character ask for paper and pencil to write a letter?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character bathe four times a day to try to remove an odor?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character become more observant?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character begin playing an ominous melody on a piano in order to get the crowd's attention?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character believe that a "full stomach allows the brain to be hungry for common sense"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character believe that caterpillars turning into butterflies is true magic?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character build a shelf to hold food?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character call another character a bantling?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character call someone's name real quick before "I could change my mind"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character carry another character piggyback style?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character cause a tower to topple?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character change from feeling helpless to feeling strong and independent?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character consider himself a poet?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character consult a book to study a picture while he was standing in front of an actual specimen?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character create a vehicle and call it Brushpile One?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character create an opening by cutting material away, one small triangle at a time?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character cry, "Then let the battle begin!"?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character cut a hand so drops of blood can be squeezed onto the carpet?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character decide to put a letter in a cedar chest?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a character discover the real treasure is a home?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character dislike smiling lawyers?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character dive and strive to go deeper in the water?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a character dream of living in The Bellwood, Model #3304, a Sears mail-order house?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character dream of roast beef, turkey and pork chops?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character drink three packages of orange drink and call it "just fine"?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character drop a tax bill, in shock over the amount?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character dust the TV for fingerprints?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character eat lunch with a family by placing his head through the window because he is too large to enter their house?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character eat raw eggs?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character eat tart, chewy berries without removing the pits?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character experience a "river-stone stomachache" when his friend is the topic of conversation?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character explain about "God's bottle collection"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character explain that his name is like a cracker but with an 'e' on the end?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character feel as baffled as Alice in Wonderland?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character feel it necessary to hide in the Johnny house to get a minute without another characters?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character feel like she was home when she gets taken outside?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character feel like somebody had put a knife in her stomach.

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character feel like the author of a book has not done enough research or taken the subject seriously enough because the book is not entirely accurate?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character feel they would rot in the attic?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character find another character laying under the truck in the driveway with wrenches and car parts scattered around?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character find that wood smoke repels mosquitoes?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character flex his back muscles like a cat?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character fly on a Cessna 406?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character forget to make a wish when blowing out birthday candles?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character frequently learn by making mistakes

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character get the feeling of a frozen river when he holds actual weapons?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character give another character a few recipes?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character give his pickup truck to the seventeen year neighbor?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character gradually become more careful and thoughtful?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character hang onto a sack of sugar like it was daddy?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character hardly ever leave his literary sanctuary?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character have "more responsibility that I could handle"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character have a feast day and eat only fish?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character have a hard time looking directly at a shop assistant because she had such big, bright, sparkly eyes?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character have a prized "snow saucer" with the scrapes and dents to prove it?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character have a river-stone-stomach feeling?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character have a shield blotched with scorch marks?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a character have a weak heart due to rheumatic fever?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character have an idea about writing a letter to the Open Forum?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character have big, bright, sparkly eyes?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character have large chest with a huge padlock?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character have many "First Days"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character have mixed feelings when holding a rifle?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character have no foes?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character have ravenous appetite for soufflé, glazed carrots, mashed potatoes, and of course, crème Brule?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character have to destroy some toys by burning them?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character have to go down to the post office to sign for some mail?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character have to shove her sisters into a truck?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character help another character out his armor?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character her clamp hands over two others' mouths?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character hold a knight's shield and lance as the knight dismounts his steed?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character hold her breath when she sees headlights slowing down?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character hold his breath while his two best friends met for the first time?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character holler, "First one in the garden gets to pick the bedtime story"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character imagine bringing a living dinosaur to class for the science fair?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character inadvertently step on another character's foot?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character joke a loaf of bread was poisoned?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a character kill a scorpion with a rolling pin?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a character know, "that charm only gets you so far. You gotta have smarts, too."?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character land with a jolt and a crunch on the dirt at the end of a ramp?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character laugh because she had a new friend?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character learn to play "Chopsticks"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character let all her pain come out against a beloved plant?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character like painting sunsets, listening to classical music, playing piano, reading, and crème Brule?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character like to read, recite poetry, and eat crème Brule?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character like turtle eggs better than chicken eggs?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character list off all the good things about visiting their grandparents?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character lose 17% of his body weight?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character make a four-foot rope from a tattered windbreaker?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character make a purring noise?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character make a spear for fishing?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character make an unsuccessful call 17 times?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character make crème Brule for a king?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character make fun of himself for being a city boy?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character make her family's favorite, corn chowder?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character name a berry "gut cherries"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character need another character's help, but hated to admit it?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character not know any of the people that go to a church less than a mile away from home?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character not know what "once upon a time" means?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character not understand how another character can love a that wraps itself around every limb on a tree like it wants to choke the life out of it?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character not want a book burnt because it did not belong to him?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character not want others to know that he plays with a toy train?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character panic about leaves falling from the trees?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character picture themselves as a baby left in a cardboard box by the side of the road?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a character play the bolita, or Cuban lottery, each week?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character prepare a freeze-dried beef and potato dinner?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character pretend to like potato chips only because it seems a parent wants them to?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character quickly put the lid on the chamber pot, hoping some women wouldn't notice?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character read The King's Royal Bestiary?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character read in a newspaper that he is to be exterminated?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character read the newspaper in the evenings after finishing the clothes washing, cooking, and working in the garden?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character read with glasses "the size of dinner plates"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character realize self pity doesn't work because it accomplishes nothing?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character realize that his father was wise because of experience rather than reading?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character receive a B-plus on a book report for his effort and imagination?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character receive a large, ornately sealed scroll?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character receive orders from the king?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character received official orders for one final task even though he has been retired from the king's service for many years?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character reckon she is trying to escape t a place that is free of trouble?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character refer to flies and mosquitoes as vampires?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character remark "Aches and pains-must be getting old"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character remember a teacher saying "you are your best asset"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character say "Oh God, my chest is coming apart"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character say another one was "sure enough out of your head when the brung you in"?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character say that all their mom's husbands were lawyers?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a character say, "I'm no sucker. I know there's no such thing as giant apes climbing skyscrapers or mummies walking out of tombs."?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a character say, "Mama's head is so high in the clouds, I'm surprised she doesn't bump into Amelia Earhart."?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character say, "Why, I'd just as soon burn my own tail as burn a book."?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character say, "lots of women are doing men's work now that the men are gone"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character scream into a microphone for help?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character see a beaver lodge?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character see a large chest with a padlock for the first time after visiting the same place for years?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character see a waterspout on a lake?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character seem disappointed because town folks are more worried about their crops than telling stories?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character set a box in the corner of the kitchen and tell two other characters not to touch what is in the box?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character shout, "Encore! Encore! Encore!"?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character spend the next 3 days either reliving a secret visit or planning another one?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character spend years catching up on beauty rest and dreaming of life?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character state, "Farming don't make nobody a millionaire"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character suddenly realize he is hungry when he imagines eating a burger and fries?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a character talk of buying a nice piece of land in Georgia with peach trees and a little brook?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character tell another character tell another "You're the best friend I've ever had."?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character tell another, "You're the first person I've met who wasn't a Baron"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character think "Have rest. Have rest forever"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character think God is punishing her?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character think an animal has run off somewhere to grieve?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character think every word that comes from her daddy's mouth is pure gold?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character think he hears growling in a long, low tone before realizing that it's really a purring sound?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character think that his poetry scared someone rather than his appearance?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character think that in the movies you don't have "aching bodies and thirst that tore at the hero until he couldn't think"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character try to cheer up some children by playing a game of pretend?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character use a garbage can lid as a shield?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character use mirrors to look outside?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character use the "I-am-pretending-to-fall-asleep-but-I-am -really-wide-awake" move?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character wait for another character on his doorstep?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character wake up from a dream kicking her legs?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character waste a big part of the day putting off a job she didn't want to do?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a character watch others get on a school bus?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character wiggle his way through a crowd in order to get a glimpse of a knight standing on a bar?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character wish she had worn her brown dress instead of her light blue Sunday one?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character wonder what dying felt like?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character worry about a secret?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character worry about running out of fuel?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character write, "My eyes are sore for the sight of women and children"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a character' thinking, breathing, and almost his heart stop from terror?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character's father agree to meet with his son's new friend as long as it's not a plan to eat him, his family, or his sheep?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character's father calm down after having eaten?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character's head hurt so bad she doesn't want to read?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a character's heart sink to her toes when she reads her father's answer in a letter?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character's mother require him to complete his homework and do the dishes before he is allowed to set of on an adventure?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a character's visit to a book store usually include a game of chess and stories of past adventures?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a crook steal a family's dreams?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a family not get the newspaper but sometimes read the neighbor's newspaper?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a father believe that his son's judgment can be trusted on matters concerning nature and fairy tales?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a father say, "That's okay. I'm not sure I'd want any son of mine getting too good at baking, anyhow"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a fur buyer make an unexpected but welcome appearance?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a game called klee-klee look just like the game of tag?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does a girl dream of being an artist and have people gasp when they see her paintings?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does a girl hope she and her new neighbor can send midnight messages from their windows using flash lights and Morse Code?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does a girl keep a list of things her brother needs to know on the back of her sketch book?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does a girl wish she could reach through the perfect top of her brother's head, find the broken places in his brain, and turn knobs or flip switches?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does a girl wonder, "Why is it the minute kids have free time parents want to fill it up?"?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a grandmother wear a royal blue hat with a peacock feather?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a king and his sons enjoy a performance so much that they requested an encore back at the palace?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a man seem to be part of a machine instead of human?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a man sell ice cream from the back of a horse-drawn wagon?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a memory cut like a knife, "slicing deep with hate"?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does a mom read Harry Potter books to her daughter in a waiting room?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a mother cling to her child, tight as a chigger?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a mother cover her child's ears because of what is being read out loud?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does a mother make a child stay in bed for two days, sing to the child, read Bible stories, and play with wooden animals?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a neighborhood have 28 people, 8 cars, and one school bus leaving every morning?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a newspaper headline ask if an area is cursed by a weeping ghost?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does a roasted bird taste better than anything a character has ever eaten?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a scorpion scuttle out of the ice box?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does a sword plunge into the top of a piano?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a tramp come to a characters house and beg for food?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

does a tree shudder and fall?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does a wheelchair bound teenage boy dream he can run?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does a woman demand her housekeeper only buy Waldorf toilet tissue?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does a young boy methodically do puzzles left to right, top to bottom?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does drinking too much water cause a character to throw up?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

does it seem like everyone has a funny nickname?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does it seem like it took forever for Daddy's answer to come to a character?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does someone need to be taught that a peach is not a fuzzy apple and having long hair does not mean you're a girl?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does someone say a character is "tougher than ever"?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does someone state, "No dancing unless I'm alone in my room or its pitch-black dark."?

Rules Cynthia Lord

does someone state, "That's a bad part of living in two places. I never have what I need at the right house."?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does the character meet an epidemiologist?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

does the front page of the newspaper show a picture of an iron lung?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does the owner of a book store allow a character to borrow books as long as they were taken good care of and returned in their brand-new condition?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does the scent of a skunk last for over a month?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

does the sight of a body make a character vomit?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

does the weight of a character's makeshift armor make progress difficult?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

had a character "never killed a thing in my life"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

has one character told another that his pictures are so good they should be put in a magazine?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is Annie the most famous orphan on the radio and in the funny pages?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is April 12, 1945 a date that a character will never forget?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is King Lear quoted?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is Spanish the second language because of all the Cuban folks?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is a cat "never scared of dogs, just kids"?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is a cat described as "good at being ugly"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a character attacked by an "insane" large animal?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a character blind for two hours?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a character body slammed by a wild animal and a storm in the same day?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is a character carrying a dog wrapped up like a baby in a blue striped blanket?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character commissioned by His Majesty to travel about the countryside revising The King's Royal Bestiary?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character compared to Arthur's Merlin?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character described as "kinda out there" by his classmates?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character described as "soft, round, huggable, and seemed to always be adorned in an apron with spoon in hand."?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a character disturbed by a secret?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a character embarrassed by a tool hanging form his belt?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a character excited about the possibility of getting a sleeping bag, knives, and matches?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is a character expected to be the man of the house while another character is gone?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is a character explained that they will train the mind and muscles to work together?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is a character given $5 for emergencies and told, "Everything's going to work out."?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character happy to be down wind as he approached a monster in the off chance that it would smell him and attack?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a character injured by a porcupine?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character more interested in buttercups than battles?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a character picked up and slammed into things by a storm wind?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character really a royal knight?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is a character saved from drowning?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character so excited about going to a parade that he offered to let his young son drive?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is a character so scared she thinks she stopped breathing?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a character sprayed by a skunk?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character suppose to do a book report on Stars and Their Constellations?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a character surprised to be alive?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

is a character thought to be sissified?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a character thrown into a fire by the wind?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character tied to a gnarled oak tree?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is a character told "you could be just the kind of person who'd go to Warm Springs"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character told to "get your head out of the clouds, put the book down for a minute, and set the table properly"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character told to "mind your manners"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is a character told to take some time to play ever' day?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is a character told, "you can't just stop living"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a character very pleased to have raspberries?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a character's home destroyed by a tornado?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character's life saved after an earthquake by lava and firestones?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character's mother described as "soft, round, huggable, and seemed to always be adorned in an apron with a spoon in hand"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a character's name like a cracker only with "e" on the end?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is a child said to have been "frolicking like a goat" one day and the next day she was flat on her back?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is a dog called "too smart for his mangy britches"?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

is a farmer told how much corn to plant?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is a fire called a "hungry friend"?

Rules Cynthia Lord

is a girl able to change how she feels about things by drawing them?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a girl used as bait to lure another character out of hiding?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is a home "built just like its people, to sway in a storm and not break"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is a kitchen described as spotless, cheerful, and quiet as midnight?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a knight's sword replaced with a pitchfork?

Rules Cynthia Lord

is a little boy's favorite book Frog and Toad are Friends?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is a mother working as a housekeeper for a mean, rich lady who hates kids and won't let her talk on the telephone?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is a mother's favorite song, "Life is Just a Bowl full of Cherries"?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is a movie about the character's hometown shown in New York City?

Rules Cynthia Lord

is a scratched, dusty guitar purchased as a birthday gift from an antique store?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is a sword plunged into a piano when it was accidentally dropped?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is a visitor asked if she is "a relation or a thief"?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is a windshield covered with spitballs?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is a woman loved by all the children because she keeps candy in a pocketbook and hands it out after church on Sundays?

Rules Cynthia Lord

is a young boy obsessed with reading parental advisories and ratings on video boxes?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is an event "just like a giant chess game"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is birch bark used to start a fire?"

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

is food stored in a room?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is getting something like "all the holidays in the world, all the birthdays there were"?

Rules Cynthia Lord

is going to a video store deemed better than going to a circus or a fair?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

is heating the attic like throwing money away?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is it "a long way from sparks to fire"?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is it Hollywood's fault that a character believes in happy endings?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is it asked "Who among us shall vanquish this menacing scourge from our land?"?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is it said that "the only difference between grown-ups and kids is that grown-ups go to jail for murder. Kids get away with it."?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is it said that there are no good babies?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

is population a big deal?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is secrecy of the utmost importance?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is shark oil spread out on the water?

Rules Cynthia Lord

is someone's computer password ANTHROPOLOGICAL?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is the largest hill in the area part of a character's family's property for as long as can be remembered?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

is the letter "C" carved into a stone?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is the quote "A friend of yours is a friend of mine."?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is the quote "He could not play the game without hope"?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is the quote "If you keep walking back from good luck, you'll come to bad luck"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is the quote "No booky books gonna bring the sheep in at sundown."?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is the quote "Nothing is that easy"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is the quote "You can't harvest corn with a book."?

Hatchet Gary Paulsen

is the quote "there were these things to do"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is there a book store that appears to be messy but in reality is quite organized because the owner knew where everything was?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is there a line of cars a mile long and every town they drive through, the cars all blow their horns?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is there a sales desk which was cluttered with stacks of books?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is there a sign that read "Closed on Sunday"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

is there an enchantificated pitchfork?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

is wearing britches so "I could take the place of my daddy" not the same as wearing them so "I could climb trees."

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

people leave an arena because the show was much more than they "bargained for"?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

there always a game of chess going on in a store?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

was a character asked if there was air-conditioning in the house?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

was a character considered a 'devil' and a 'scourge' to society?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

was a character safe and protected until the woods were taken away?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

was a character to be "exterminated"?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

was a character's family rushed in the morning because one needed to be at the factory by 7 am?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

was a character's plate often hidden in the cupboard?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

was a computer password "Free"?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

was it said, "Government leaders are the worst ones for breaking laws"?

Turtle in Paradise Jennifer L. Holm

was the story the inspired by the author's great-grandmother?

Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix

was there a closet with a panel of colored lights and buttons?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

were a character's best friends to be pitted against each other in a battle to the death?

Blue Joyce Moyer Hostetter

when a character smacks some nails, it is like being mad took the place of hurting?

Kenny & The Dragon Tony DiTerlizzi

would a character just as soon burn his own tail as burn a book?

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

Chapter 16: Alternative Evaluation & Selection

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Ch 44 Loss, Grief, and Dying PrepU

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Compensation Management Chapter 5

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