Elements of Style

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"running" is the subject of the sentence ; "dancing" is the direct object of the verb "enjoys" ; forgetting" is the object of the preposition "for".

Here are some examples of gerunds used in sentences: Running is good exercise. (In this sentence,________.) She enjoys dancing. (In this sentence,.) He apologized for forgetting the appointment. (In this sentence, "________)

A) uniformly compact and periodic B) loose sentence C) formal and gives reader a certain relief

A writer may err by making his sentences too _______ and an occasional _____ prevents the style from becoming too ______.

very tall

Adjective phrases: These phrases consist of an adjective and any words that modify the adjective. For example, "_____" is an adjective phrase.

quite slowly

Adverb phrases: These phrases consist of an adverb and any words that modify the adverb. For example, "_____" is an adverb phrase.

Set off by commas Ex.) —In 1769, when Napoleon was born, Corsica had but recently been acquired by France. —Nether Stowey, where Coleridge wrote The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, is a few miles from Bridgewater.

Clauses introduced by where and when are _____.

swimming in the lake

Gerund phrases: These phrases consist of a gerund and any words that modify the gerund. For example, "______" is a gerund phrase.

Gerund ; Participle

Gerunds and participles are very similar and can even be the same exact words or phrases. If the word/phrase is acting as a noun, it is a _______. If the word or phrase is acting as an adjective, it is a ______.

the big red ball

Noun phrases: These phrases consist of a noun and any words that modify the noun. For example, "________" is a noun phrase.

Not set off by commas Ex.) The candidate who best meets these requirements will obtain the place. (In this sentence the relative clause restricts the application of the word candidate to a single person. Unlike those above, the sentence cannot be split into two independent statements.)

Restrictive relative clauses are ______.

Enclose parenthetic expressions between commas. ex.) The best way to see a country, unless you are pressed for time, is to travel on foot.

Rule 3: (hint: parenthetical expressions)

Place a comma before AND or BUT introducing an independent clause. ex.) The early records of the city have disappeared, and the story of its first years can no longer be reconstructed. The situation is perilous, but there is still one chance of escape.

Rule 4:

Do not join independent clauses by a comma. If two or more clauses, grammatically complete and not joined by a conjunction, are to form a single compound sentence, the proper mark of punctuation is a semicolon.

Rule 5:

Do not break sentences in two. In other words, do not use periods for commas.

Rule 6:

Participle Because it is describing the noun right behind it.

The DANCING pandas caused a traffic jam. DANCING in this sentence is a _______.

A verb that requires an object to interact with Ex.) she CHASED the dog

What is a transitive verb?

A word describing a verb, adjective or another adverb

What is an adverb?

1. block quotation format, even if the passage from the paragraphs is less than four lines 2. indented an extra 1/4 inch to denote a new paragraph

When citing two or more paragraphs, use _____. If you cite more than one paragraph, the first line of the second paragraph should be _____

The interruption of the sentence is slight

When using a parenthetic expression, the writer may safely omit commas only if _____.

1. slash, ( / ), at the end of each line of verse. 2. space 3. double slash ( // ). Cullen concludes, "Of all the things that happened there / That's all I remember" (11-12).

When using short (fewer than three lines of verse) quotations from poetry, mark breaks in verse with a ___. (a ____ should precede and follow the slash). If a stanza break occurs during the quotation, use a ____.

Omit one comma and leave the other Ex.) Marjorie's husband, Colonel Nelson paid us a visit yesterday, or My brother you will be pleased to hear, is now in perfect health,

Whether the interruption of a parenthetic expression be slight or considerable, one must NEVER ______.

a noun in a sentence. ; "-ing" suffix to a verb, turning it into a noun

A gerund is a type of verb that functions as ________.It is formed by adding the _________. Gerunds can be used in a variety of ways in a sentence, including as subjects, direct objects, and objects of prepositions.

prepositional phrase

"In this perilous situation" is a _____.

participial phrase

"Owing to the disappearance" is a _____.

Gerund -because it's the direct object of the sentence, acting as a noun

All of a sudden, the pandas began DANCING. DANCING in this sentence is ______.

phrase or expression whose meaning cannot be understood from the literal definition of the words used. Instead, its meaning is figurative or metaphorical, often based on cultural or historical references, and can be unique to a particular language or culture.

An idiom is a ______.

because, before, since, while, although, if, until, when, after, as, as if. Example: Because doctors are concerned about the rising death rate from asthma, they have called for more research into its causes.

Examples of dependent markers are as follows:

therefore, moreover, thus, consequently, however, also. Example: Doctors are concerned about the rising death rate from asthma; therefore, they have called for more research into its causes.

Examples of independent markers are the following:

1. more than four lines of prose or three lines of verse 2. 1/2 inch from the left margin 3. after the closing punctuation mark 4. line breaks

For quotations that are ______, place quotations in a free-standing block of text and omit quotation marks. Start the quotation on a new line, with the entire quote indented _____ while maintaining double-spacing. Your parenthetical citation should come_____. When quoting verse, maintain original ____. (You should maintain double-spacing throughout your essay.) For example, when citing more than four lines of prose, use the following examples: Nelly Dean treats Heathcliff poorly and dehumanizes him throughout her narration: They entirely refused to have it in bed with them, or even in their room, and I had no more sense, so, I put it on the landing of the stairs, hoping it would be gone on the morrow. By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept to Mr. Earnshaw's door, and there he found it on quitting his chamber. Inquiries were made as to how it got there; I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house. (Bronte 78) .

place quotations in a free-standing block of text and omit quotation marks

For quotations that are more than four lines of prose or three lines of verse, ____.

adjectives, adverbs, and possessive pronouns, just like other nouns

Gerunds can also be modified by ________. Here are some more examples: Swimming laps in the pool is my favorite exercise. She loves reading books about history. They spent the afternoon practicing their singing. Overall, a gerund is a verb that functions as a noun by adding the "-ing" suffix. It can be used in various ways in a sentence and can be modified by other words.

informal or conversational contexts. They are often used to convey a message or an idea in a creative, humorous, or more memorable way. (Examples of idioms include "kick the bucket" (meaning to die), "break a leg" (meaning good luck), "hit the nail on the head")

Idioms are commonly used in everyday language, especially in _______.

Before the conjunction, not after it. ex.) He saw us coming, and unaware that we had learned of his treachery, greeted us with a smile.

If a parenthetic expression is preceded by a conjunction, place the first comma _____.

running down the street

Participial phrases: These phrases consist of a participle and any words that modify the participle. For example, "_______" is a participial phrase.

in the park

Prepositional phrases: These phrases consist of a preposition, its object, and any words that modify the object. For example, "________" is a prepositional phrase.

1. and, 2. but 3. for 4. or 5. nor 6. so 7. yet

There are seven coordinating conjunctions:

can smell

Verb phrases: These phrases consist of a verb and any words that modify the verb. For example, "______" is a verb phrase.

A gerund phrase It is the subject of the sentence and so is acting as a noun

WORKING NONSTOP can be unhealthy — moderation is key. WORKING NONSTOP in this sentence is ______.

A participle phrase -because it's acting more as an adjective, describing the noun(Victor)

WORKING NONSTOP, Victor missed his flight. What is WORKING NONSTOP in this sentence?

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