ELEN 333 Midterm
FFs can be synchronously or asynchronously resettable
-Synchronously resettable FFs reset themselves only on rising edge of CLK -Asynchronously resettable FFs reset themselves as soon as RESET is TRUE
AD Converter Ranges
0 -> Vil = LOW Vih -> Vdd = HIGH Forbidden Zone: Vil -> Vih = unpredictable
1. Concurrent signal assignment statement Ex: [out <= (in0 OR in1)] 2. Statement - complete command Ex: [out <= a NAND b);] Expression: combination of operators and operands
Parts of VHDL
1. Library use clause 2. Entity Declaration: lists module name and I/O 3. Architecture Body: defines module's tasks TIP: I/O signals need type declaration Digital Signals - STD_LOGIC
Number Types
1. Unsigned: int is pos 2. Signed: int can be pos or neg 3. Sign-magnitude: Sign is indicated by msb or (+ or -) Ex: [-4]base10, [1000]bas2 [+4]bas10, [11000]base2 4. Two's Complement: Process: invert bits, then add 1 +2bas10=0010bas2 -2bas10=(1101)bas2 + 1bas10 -2bas10 = (1110)
rules of bubble pushing
1. begin at output and work towards inputs 2. push an output bubble back, putting a bubble on all inputs 3. if there is an input and output bubble on same line, they cancel 4. bubble pushing switches AND gates to ORs and OR gates to ANDs
1. minterm is a product involving all inputs corresponding to a 1 output: ABC (SOP) 2. maxterm is a sum involving all inputs corresponding to a zero output: A+B+C (POS)
rules of finding implicants in K-map
1. must be all 1's 2. must use fewest, largest circles possible 3. each circle must span a rectangular block that is a power of 2 (1, 2, 4) 4. circles can wrap around 5. a 1 can be circled multiple times
D Latch
2 inputs, D & CLK, and 2 outputs, Q & Q ̅
Binary weights
2^0 = 1 2^1 = 2 2^2 = 4 2^3 = 8 2^4 = 16 2^5 = 32 2^6 = 64 2^7 = 128
4 bits
measuring delay
50% point of the input signal to the 50% point of the output
8 bits
<= and :=
<= is a non-blocking assignment, evaluated concurrently, made to outputs and signals := is a blocking assignment evaluated in the order that appear in the code, made to variables (used in full adder, but p and g must be declared as variable and not signal)
Gray Code
A and B combinations in the top row are in a peculiar order: 00, 01, 11, 10
Techniques for Managing Complexity
Abstraction Discipline 3-Y's hierarchy modularity regularity
Bitwise Operator
Acts on a signal or bus Examples: binary logical operators (&, |, ^) binary shift operators (<<, >>, >>>)
Styles of Functionality
Behvioral: describes module's tasks Structural: describes modularity
Block of hardware with I/O
logic gates are built from:
CMOS transistors, which behave as electrically controlled switches
Complement - inverse of the variable (A')
amount of information measured in bits
D = log(base 2)N bits
Hardware Description Language VHDL & Verilog
Managing Complexity: ensuring uniformity among modules so that common modules can be reused many times
Managing Complexity: giving modules well-defined functions and interfaces, so that they connect together easily without side effects
Managing Complexity: hiding details when they are not important
Managing Complexity: intentionally restricting your design choices so you can work more productively at a higher level of abstraction
N inputs and 2^N outputs
dynamic power
P = 1/2CV^2f
static power
P = I * V
full adder equation
S = (A XOR B) XOR Cin Cout = AB + ACin + BCin
Sequential circuits that are not synchronous are called
Parts of Vivado
Simulation: catches bugs Synthesis: transforms text description into logic gates Idioms: specific ways of describing classes of logic
The size of a memory location expressed in bytes. The exact number varies by CPU model. Ex: [32-bit Arch]
AD Converter Key
Voh = Logic High Output Range Vol = Logic Low Output Range NMh = Noise Margin High NMl = Noise Margin Low Vih = Logic High Input Range Vil = Logic Low Input Range Vdd = Supply Voltage
NOT, AND, and OR gates
[NOT] inverts (input != output) : Y=A ̅ [AND] - if(both == 1) : Y=AB [OR] - if(either == 1) : Y=A+B
[XOR] if(odd value) : Y = A ⊕ B [NAND] inverts AND : Y=(AB) ̅ [NOR] inverts OR : Y=(A+B) ̅ [XNOR] inverts XOR : Y=(A⊕B) ̅
a <= (b and (not c)) after 4 ns;
:= appears in the process statement
a blocking assignment
illegal value x
a circuit node has an unknown or illegal value represented by x usually happens when a node is being pushed to high and low at the same time
bit swizzling
a collection of operations used to operate on a subset of a bus or to join together busses
resettable flip-flop
adds another input called RESET
enabled flip-flop
adds another input, EN or ENABLE, to determine if data is loaded on the clock edge
prime implicants
an implicant that cannot be combined with any other implicants to form a new implicant with fewer literals the implicants in a minimal equation must be all prime implicants
why do we use gray code?
because it allows adjacent entries to only differ in one variable
case statements
begin process (input variable) begin case data is when X"0" => output <= "11111110"; ... end case; end process; end;
if statements
begin process (input variable) begin if input(3) = '1' then output <= "11111110"; elsif input(2) = '1' then output <= "11111011"; ...else output <= "0000000"; end if; end process; end;
how to use an output as an input in VHDL
buffer v : buffer STD_LOGIC;
bundle of multiple signals
chooses an output from several inputs based on value of a select signal 2^N-1 mux size: N = number of inputs(a,b,c = 3)
complementary metal-oxide semiconductor provide both types of transistors, and are used to build the majority of all transistors fabricated today nMOS - if('1') turn ON pMOS - if('0') turn ON
SR Latch
composed of 2 cross-coupled NOR gates -2 inputs, S & R -2 outputs, Q & Q ̅
State variables
contain all information about the past necessary to explain future circuit behavior
critical path & short path
critical: the longest path; slowest determines expected circuit duration short: shortest path and fastest with least gates
structural modeling
describes how module built from different pieces: application of hierarchy
diagram of a digital circuit showing the elements and wires that connect them together
digital compared to analog
digital: all values in the system represented by a series of digits analog: represents data by measurement of a continuous physical variable, as voltage or pressure
dividing a system into modules, then further subdividing each of these modules until the pieces are easy to understand
powers of 2
find greatest 10th power, then find the constant with the remaining: 2^36 => 2^30 = billion 2^6 = 64 THEREFORE 64 billion
bistable element
has 2 stable states, is the fundamental building block of memory
complex systems are designed
implies that values in the system are fully represented by a series of digits
don't cares
indicated by x in a truth table can be either 0 or 1 output value is unimportant allow for more logic minimization
floating value z
indicates the circuit node is being driven neither high nor low node is said to be floating, high impedance, or high z not the same as logic 0
product of sums
look for 0's in final column (maxterm)
sum of products
look for 1's on final column (minterm)
cyclic paths
loops in which outputs are fed directly back to inputs
Inverters are cross-coupled
meaning that I1's input is I2's output & vice-versa
behavioral modeling
models that describe what a module does
<= in the process statement is called
non-blocking assignment
Sequential logic
output values depend on both current and prior input values -sequential logic has memory
calculating propagation and contamination
propagation: sum of prop. delay time x number of gates contamination: sum of cont. delay time x number of gates
process (a)
reevaluates the statements inside the begin/end process block any time a changes
static discipline
requires that, given logically valid inputs, every circuit element will produce logically valid outputs
rising/falling edge
rising - transition from low to high falling - transition from high to low
Synchronous sequential circuit composition
rules show that a circuit is synchronous sequential if it consists of interconnected elements s.t.:
VHDL process statements are used to describe __________________because they remember the old state when no new state prescribed
sequential circuits
specification details
bitstream generation
stages of digital design that the description of HDL module is transformed into logic gates
contamination delay
tcd, minimum time from when an input changes until any output starts to change value
race condition
that causes it to fail when certain gates are slower than others
the AND of >=1 literals
noise margin
the amount of noise that could be added to a worst case output such that the signal can be a valid input / how much noise it can tolerate 1st gate <= driver; 2nd gate <= receiver NMl = Vil - Vol NMh = Voh-Vih Vol < Vil Voh > Vih
True Form
the variable's original form (A)
to catch bugs / human mistakes
X values
to indicate an uninitialized value
propagation delay
tpd, maximum time from when an input changes until the outputs reach their final value
transforms textual description of an HDL module into logic gates
using a signal
use before begin in architecture signal p : STD_LOGIC;
variable or its complement
when a single input transition causes multiple output transitions can avoid glitch by adding another gate, circle another overlapping implicant in k-map
unity gain points
where the slope of V(Y)/V(A) = -1
synchronous sequential circuit
•(SSC) has a clock input, whose rising edges indicate a sequence of times at which state transitions occur
tristate buffer
•3 possible output states: HIGH (1), LOW (0), and floating (Z)
Timing specification consists of
•An upper bound, tpcq, & a lower bound, tccq, on time from rising edge of clock until output changes
•HDL module that is used to test another module •Tested module is called device under test (DUT) or unit under test (UUT)
Karnaugh Maps (K maps)
•are a graphical method for simplifying Boolean equations
Structural modeling
•describes a module in terms of how it is composed of simpler modules
complex systems are designed _______