Emotional intelligence

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remark on the location or occasion when doing this, just look around and see if there is anything worth pointing out

should or shouldn't I _________ on the ___________ or ___________ but when doing this, you just ________ _________ and see if there is anything _________ __________ ______

don't attempt to teach,preacher,or impress

should or shouldn't you attempt _________,___________,or __________

share about your own family, then the person talking about there family for the whole conversation, you don't want to say like the FBI interrogating somebody so share about your own family two. (this is "Family/F" for Ford method)

should you let the other person talk about their fa_______ for the whole conversation or you talk about you fa________ for the whole conversation or both of you talk about each other fa_______ for the whole conversation, if chose, and why did you chose that for a conversation about fa_______

What you need to do instead is branch the conversation in a way so that the topic of family Naturally pops up. (this is "Family/F" for "Ford")

What do you need to do in conversation to bring up the topic of family?

It helps if you first make eye contact and see how they respond to that. If they respond with an "open" facial expression, smile, or nod, they're more likely to be approachable. If you can't even get their eye contact they're less likely to be open to new ideas or change.

What does an open facial look like for making eye contact; ____________, ________, or _____, they're __________ to be _____________? what does a close facial look like for making eye contact; If you can't even get their eye contact they're _______ ________ to be _______ to _____ ________ or _________?

How to stay focus: Meditate If the saying "practice makes perfect" is true, then meditation is a sure way to enhance focus because it takes a great deal of concentration. Scientific experiments agree. One study at the University of North Carolina, for example, revealed that students who meditated for just 20 minutes a day for four days performed better on certain cognitive tests.

When it comes to being focus, what does medi__________ do? and why? what way does it help improve your focus?

1. play "reminds me of(opening New conversational threads)" that just means that you look to the environment around you and say you know that reminds me of, it can also work as a follow-up when someone finishes telling a story. People are drawn to others who they feel are similar to themselves and related stories can build that bridge Just be sure Not to repeatedly make your story superior to theirs or else you can feel like one up.

What does it mean to play "r__________ me ____"? what are things to do, when trying to think of more, this "r_________ me _____"? what are people d________ to during a co___________? what you shouldn't do repeatly, when telling a s_______?

1. Examine your, so ask yourself: what make you scared about your fear? and what do feel when you have this fear? (add more question if you want to), this will help us because we will know were can we approach this problem

What is the first step to mastering your fear

look for someone approachable

What is the first thing to look before you start a conversation with someone

2. after that, ask yourself what's the worst that can happen? (ask more question if you want to), put your fear so when you answer that what's the worst that can happen, search up the odds of that actually happening.

What is the second step to mastering your fear

How to master fear: When you get that feeling to do something; so the longer you wait after you get that initial feeling, the more likely you won't do that thing that you really want to do. Why? Becuase your mind likes to over think things, make excuses and after excuses but here's the hack or tick: once you know what you want to do; count down from 5 seconds: 5,4,3,2,1, then go do that thing that you wanted to do. try your best to focus on count down, if you seen that you focus on the worries or/and bad thoughts.

What is the simplest way to mastering your fear? what is the steps of doing that? If you seen to focus on the worries or/and bad thoughts during the hack or tick, what do you do instead?

3.force your self to physicals relax to physically relax but right now, so do the breathing technique we talk about earner and then face your fear surface it again and again until it's not your fear anymore. p.s one breathing technique we have is: count 4 second example but when you feel comfortable then extend your breathing to six second

What is the third step to mastering your fear

look at their fashion sense or the way they walk or even the way they talk if you get the chance to hear them, I usually look for people with similar characteristics as I have, for example I like to wear jeans and a graphic tee, and when I walk it's more of a played back approach, as if I don't really care about stuff, and if I see somebody going at it in a similar way as I do I might talk to them, now if you are just trying to get over social anxiety or at least work with it, I feel this is my best approach to it considering I have it as well, and I approach it by making myself perform dumb stunts in public that are moderately embarrassing, although it starts off super terrible, you learn not to care about what the world thinks about you and you learn to only worry about what you think about you. And once you are able to do that, you will feel a great deal of peace dawn you, as I am striving for now. Now the greatest way to get yourself to do either of these in my opinion is the good old fashion 123 method, as in just count up to three and go for it, it gives me a sense of bravery in my own little way and it pushes me towards doing the things I oh so fear.

What things do you need to __________ for a ap______________; ________ at their ___________ sense or the ________ they _________ or even the ______ they _______ if you get the _____________ to _______ them, I usually _________ for people with ____________ _________________as I have

is to find a common ground

What to ____ a ____________ ground

No questions on money, no questions on salary. Even if you really want to know, you can't really ask that.(this is "Occupation/O" for the Ford method)

What type of question you shouldn't ask about, for the topic of Oc______________?

ask questions that isn't an open-end question but questions that has answers that is long not short.

What type of questions you shouldn't ask and should ask

2. simply asking "why" is a great way to get people to open up more so when someone mentions that there are consultant for instance you might ask why did you decide to get into consulting to be clear unlike three-year-olds you don't have to say the word "why" over and over and over but really down into their motivations will often get you a deeper connection in conversation.

What will happen if you ask "why" during a conversation? do you need to ask "why" over and over during a conversation? what does "really, down into their motivations", does?

don't be to curious to the point where you become annoying or make the people uncomfortable

What you shouldn't do during a conservation

when meeting a stranger, talking about occupation first is usually the best bet. this is because out of the four topics, occupation is talked about the most so they feel extremely comfortable talking about it. (this is "Occupation/O" for the Ford method)

When meeting a stranger, what topic is best to talk about? and explain why?

when you talk about family, make sure you keep it light and easy, you want to talk about things people are comfortable with. Don't ask them any private questions you like;"oh, is it true so-and-so cheated on so-and-so?" no,no,no. keep it light, simple, and easy. (this is "Family/F" for Ford method)

When you talk about family, do you keep it light and easy or what? and why? what type of questions you shouldn't ask?

Take breaks You might have heard that watching cat videos on YouTube can improve productivity. Well, that's true ... sort of. Whether it's watching cat videos, taking a walk, or closing your eyes for a few minutes at a time, it is critical to take the occasional break from work. In one study, 84 subjects were asked to perform a simple computer task for one hour. READ MORE Scientists figure out why people procrastinateThis website of ambient sounds will wash away distractionsWriting about emotional pain without being kind to yourself makes it Those who were allowed two brief breaks during that hour performed consistently for the entire time whereas those who weren't offered a break performed worse over time.

You need to ________ __________ to improve your focus?

keep throwing topics until something clicks but make sure keep up the clicking but if it stops clicking, then start throwing in more topics

_________ ___________ ________until something cl______ but make sure keep up the cl________. ( answer the first question before moving on the next question) what if it st______ cl_______, then what?

something about yourself

__________ about __________

be curious

be __________ to keep a conversation going

restates what you hear to show you are listening

do you __________ what you _________ to show you are ____________ or not

you want to have a conversation, each time they say something, you can say something about yourself so keep it kind of balanced. (this is "Family/F" for Ford method)

each time they say something, you.... A. you keep asking them questions B. you can say something about yourself C. you direct the conversation to you, for the whole conversation with your choice(A or B or C), what does this choice do has a result?

goals,seasons,holiday,education,food,and others

other topics to think about during the conservation: g________,s__________,h__________,e_____________,f______,and o_______

Question starters for family, but remember to build off of these questions: Where are you from originally? Where did you grow up? Do you still have family there? How did you meet your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/your partner/friend/ or anyone? Do you have any brothers or sister? Do you come from a big family or small family? (this is "Family/F" for Ford method)

fa________ questions, what do you do for every question? where are ____ ____ ______ __________? where did _____ _______ ____? Do you ______ _____ ________ _______? How did _____ ______ _____ ___________/___________/__________/_____/_____ __________/________/ ____ _________? Do you have _____ __________ ____ ________? Do you come _______ __ ____ ________ ___ _______ _______? (this is "Fa______/__" for the ________ method)

is to give compliment but when giving compliments make sure you transition the conservation afterward

give a ___________ then you ________ the conservation

Work offline If you can disconnect from the internet, there are fewer things to distract you from the work at hand. Experts think that every time you flip between tasks — whether it be responding to a friend on Facebook or checking your inbox — a little bit of your attention remains with the task you just left. Sophie Leroy, a professor at the University of Washington at Bothell, coined the term "attention residue" as the reason for why it's so hard to change tasks. Eliminating those online distractions can keep you from finding tasks to flip between and help you focus.

how does a _______ing o_______ helps you improve your focus? and why?

a second way is to make an assumption of someone having this and that, (assumption means something that you assume to be the case, even without proof.) in this situation, our assumption is about family, for an example:"you know, you look like you come from a big family", you accomplish two things, you make the person that you are talking, creates a sense of curiosity,for an example:uhm....why do you think I come form a big family? and the second thing, is that, it causes a listener to correct your statement: maybe they don't come from a big family and they start talking about it more details. maybe they do come from a big family and they go into more details about it. (this is "Family/F" for Ford method)

how to make the person you are talking curious? and why? what is two things you accomplish by doing this? what topic should you talk about when doing all this?

how to stay focus: Multitaskers might seem superhuman, but they pay a big price, according to a 2009 Stanford study. In a sample of 100 Stanford students, about half identified themselves as media multitaskers. The other half did not. The test examined attention spans, memory capacity, and ability to switch from one task to the next — and the multitaskers performed more poorly on each test. "They're suckers for irrelevancy. Everything distracts them," Clifford Nass, who was a researcher for the study, said in a Stanford press release.

howcome does mul__________ doesn't improve your focus? and why? name thee/3 reasons why? what is the results for those thee/3 reasons?

you shouldn't ask question after question that is called interview mode; it's very uncomfortable for the listener, what need to do is instead is add a comment before asking another question, this leads to a significantly deeper topics. (this is "Occupation/O" for the Ford method)

is asking question after question a good idea in the conversation? (answer the first question before doing second question) why is it bad idea to ask question after question? (answer the second question before doing third question) what do you do instead of asking question after question?


topics to think about during the conservation: m_______,b_______,___u____,a______,p________,s________,r_____________,t________,__e____________,c__________

Dream questions, remember to build off of these questions: what do you want to do in your life? what motivates them? what gets them up in the morning? what is their...? you know, what are their dreams? If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? what are your top three countries to visit? have you been to any countries before? is this your first trip? people really like talking about where they want to travel, what they want to see, and what they want to do. (this is "Dream/D" for the Ford method)

what do you do for every question that you or someone else ask? what do you wa____ to do in your li____? what motivates them? what gets them up in the morning? what is their...? you know, what are their dreams? If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? what are your top three countries to visit? have you been to any countries before? is this your first trip? people really like talking about where they want to travel, what they want to see, and what they want to do.

talking about people's dreams is a really great way to connect to people, and it wil make the conversation more interesting than just talking about the weather. (this is "Dream/D" for the Ford method)

what does talking about dre_____ do, as in social wise? what topic does dre_____ been more interesting to talk about?

is to smile

what is the first step to start a conservation

Establish a to-do list To-do lists not only help you prioritize what tasks you need to get done first, but they can also serve as a record of the loose ends. Cal Newport, a computer-science professor and author of the book "Deep Work," which comes out in January, told Business Insider that having a recording of all the things you still need to do can help you stay focused on the upcoming task. If not, he said, that incomplete work could eat away at your concentration. This stems from something called the Zeigarnik Effect, which is the tendency to remember incomplete tasks instead of completed ones.

what is two things that est________ a to-____ li___? how does est_________ a to-___ li___ helps you improve your focus? and why?

long answer but make sure you get important details and little more details after that.

when someone _________ you ______________ do you __________ with a _________ ________ or ________ __________

usually when we talk about occupation we're talking about jobs or careers, or sometimes even education. it's pretty much what you're doing to either make money or, you know, towards a career. although it doesn't always have to be. we like to talk about occupation because people know about what they're doing; they know about their job, they know about they're studying. it's good because it makes the person comfortable with a comfortable topic so; again, that's the purpose of small talk we're trying to keep the person feeling comfortable. (this is "Occupation/O" for the Ford method)

when we talk about occupation in a conversation, what does it mean? what is simpler way to figure out what does occupation mean in a conversation? why do we like to talk about occupation? has a result if talking about occupation? what is the purpose of small talks?

start a conversation about "family", you got to talk about your family first because when the other person talks about family, it can sometimes it usually come off very strong, if you ask someone about their family upfront (when people share family related matters with strangers they feel closer to them afterward.) (this is "Family/F" for Ford method)

who haves to talk about their family first and why? what happen when you share about family to a stranger?

the first way, is you talk about your family first so look around ( if you are with someone) and find someone or something that reminds you of one or some or all your family members but make sure that when you are talking to him/her that it's a direct conversation towards to family and the person ( you are talking to) an opportunity to talk about her/him family or sibling member woit hour feeling on guard , for an example: " you see that guy over there? he really remind, who's always energetic and not not afraid to let loose. I feel like older sibling area like that." Do you have any siblings? and if she/he doesn't have siblings then ask: Oh, do you ever wish you had one?" remember, you don't have to ask these questions but make sure your questions are a smooth transitioning. (this is "Family/F" for Ford method)

who talks about family first? during the conservation, what are you looking when your talking about the topic of family? with your answer, what is the result of doing that? NOT DONE!

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