EMT Trauma Practice Questions Part 1

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A patient with a head injury presents with abnormal flexion of his extremities. What value should you assign him for motor response? A) 3 B) 5 C) 2 D) 4

A) 3

Which of the following interventions can be used to help reduce ICP? A) 30-degree elevation of the head B) supine with the legs elevated C) increasing patient's body temperature D) maintaining SpO2 at 90%

A) 30-degree elevation of the head

During your assessment of a patient with a head injury, you note that he opens his eyes when you pinch his trapezius muscle, is mumbling, and has his arms curled toward his chest. You should assign him a GCS score of: A) 7 B) 8 C) 9 D) 10

A) 7

In which of the following patients should you remove an impaled object? A) a pulseless and apneic patient with a knife impaled in the back B) an apneic patient with a shard of glass impaled in the abdomen C) a semiconscious patient with an ice pick impaled in the chest D) a conscious and alert patient with a fishhook impaled in the eye

A) a pulseless and apneic patient with a knife impaled in the back

Common signs and symptoms of a serious head injury include all of the following EXCEPT: A) a rapid, thready pulse B) decerebrate posturing C) widening pulse pressure D) CSF leakage from the ears

A) a rapid, thready pulse

Which of the following splinting devices would be MOST appropriate to use for a patient who has an open fracture of the forearm with external bleeding? A) air splint B) vacuum splint C) sling and swathe D) cardboard splint

A) air splint

In addition to severe bleeding, the MOST life-threatening complication associated with an open neck injury is: A) an air embolism B) nerve fiber damage C) a spinal fracture D) an ischemic stroke

A) an air embolism

Following blunt trauma to the face, a 21 y/o male complains of severe headache and decreased ability to move his eyes. This patient's clinical presentation is MOST consistent with: A) an orbital blowout fracture B) a lacerated globe C) a ruptured globe D) optic vessel compression

A) an orbital blowout fracture

A 48 y/o male has a suspected open-book pelvic fracture. He is conscious but restless, and his skin is pale and diaphoretic. His respirations are 22/min and his pulse rate is 120 bpm. There is no external bleeding. The EMT should: A) apply a compression device around his pelvis B) assess his blood pressure to detect hypotension C) stabilize his pelvis by placing him onto his side D) elevate his legs, keep him warm, and transport

A) apply a compression device around his pelvis

You have applied a dressing and roller-gauze bandage to a laceration on the arm of a young female. During transport, she begins to complain of numbness and tingling in her hand. You should: A) assess distal circulation and readjust the bandage as needed B) remove the gauze bandage and replace with an elastic one C) carefully manipulate her arm until the symptoms subside D) remove the bandage and dressing and apply another one

A) assess distal circulation and readjust the bandage as needed

An injury that separates various layers of soft tissue, resulting in complete detachment of a flap of skin is called a(n): A) avulsion B) incision C) laceration D) amputation

A) avulsion

A man jumped from the roof of his house and landed on his feet. He complains of pain to his heels, knees, and lower back. This mechanism of injury is an example of: A) axial loading B) hyperflexion C) distraction D) hyperextension

A) axial loading

You are assessing a man who has a head injury and note that CSF is leaking from his ear. You should recognize that the patient is at risk for: A) bacterial meningitis B) hypovolemic shock C) sudden hypotension D) permanent hearing loss

A) bacterial meningitis

The term "hyphema" is defined as: A) blood in the anterior chamber of the eye B) an acute rupture of the globe of the eye C) inflammation of the cornea, iris, and lens D) compression of one or both optic nerves

A) blood in the anterior chamber of the eye

An organ or tissue may be better able to resist damage from hypoperfusion if the: A) body's temperature is considerably less than 98.6 degrees B) heart rate is maintained at more than 100 bpm C) body's demand for O2 is markedly increased D) systolic arterial BP is at least 60 mmHg

A) body's temperature is considerably less than 98.6 degrees

When caring for a patient whose arm is covered with a dry chemical, you should: A) brush away the chemical before flushing with water B) quickly irrigate the arm with large amounts of water C) use forceful streams of water to remove the chemical D) deactivate the chemical with a 5% vinegar solution

A) brush away the chemical before flushing with water

You respond to a 71 y/o woman who is unresponsive. You try to get her to respond but have no success. Her airway is open, and she is breathing at a rate of 14 breaths/min. What structure on her neck should you locate to take a pulse? A) carotid arteries B) subclavian arteries C) cricoid cartilage D) hypothalamus

A) carotid arteries

The MOST common and serious complication of a significant head injury is: A) cerebral edema B) a hypoxic seizure C) acute hypotension D) a skull fracture

A) cerebral edema

The germinal layer of the epidermis contains pigment granules that are responsible for skin: A) color B) texture C) moisture D) temperature

A) color

A small compact car was involved in a rollover crash. As you are approaching the vehicle, you note that the roof is significantly collapsed. The patient, a 29 y/o male, is complaining of severe pain in his neck and to the top of his head, as well as numbness and tingling in his extremities. Witnesses who removed the patient from the vehicle state that he was wearing his seatbelt. What injury mechanism is MOST likely responsible for this patient's condition? A) compression of the head against the roof B) lateral bending of the neck during the crash C) impact of the head against the steering wheel D) whiplash injury to the neck during the rollover

A) compression of the head against the roof

The inner surface of the eyelids and the exposed surface of the eye itself are covered by a delicate membrane called: A) conjunctiva B) retina C) cornea D) sclera

A) conjunctiva

A construction worker fell approximately 30 feet and landed in a pile of steel rods. Your assessment reveals that he is pulseless and apneic, and has a 10-inch steel rod impaled in his left leg. You should: A) control the bleeding, begin CPR, stabilize the steel rod, immobilize his spine, and transport immediately B) remove the steel rod, control the bleeding, apply an AED, begin CPR, and transport to a trauma center C) stabilize the steel rod, control the bleeding, begin CPR, and rapidly transport to a trauma center D) control the bleeding, carefully remove the steel rod, begin CPR, and transport as soon as possible

A) control the bleeding, begin CPR, stabilize the steel rod, immobilize his spine, and transport immediately

Significant clues to the possibility of severe injuries in MVCs include: A) death of a passenger B) a deployed airbag C) a blown-out tire D) broken glass

A) death of a passenger

Burns are classified according to: A) depth and extent B) location and pain C) degree and location D) extent and location

A) depth and extent

When assessing a conscious patient with an MOI that suggests spinal injury, you should: A) determine if the strength in all extremities is equal B) rule out a spinal injury if the patient denies neck pain C) defer spinal immobilization if the patient is ambulatory D) ask the patient to move his or her head to assess for pain

A) determine if the strength in all extremities is equal

Bleeding from soft tissue injuries to the face is MOST effectively controlled with: A) direct pressure using dry sterile dressings B) ice packs and elevation of the patient's head C) pressure dressings and chemical ice packs D) digital pressure to an adjacent pulse point

A) direct pressure using dry sterile dressings

When a driver is in a car equipped with an airbag, but is not wearing a seatbelt, he or she will MOST likely strike the ______ when the airbag deploys on impact. A) door B) dashboard C) windshield D) steering wheel

A) door

The tough, fibrous, outer meningeal layer is called the: A) dura mater B) pia mater C) arachnoid mater D) gray mater

A) dura mater

Which of the following regarding penetrating injuries is correct? A) external bleeding may be minimal but internal injuries can be extensive B) the degree of internal injury can often be estimated by external injury C) it is important to distinguish between entry and exit wounds in the field D) the depth of a penetrating injury should be thoroughly assessed by the EMT

A) external bleeding may be minimal but internal injuries can be extensive

Two of the MOST common mechanisms of injury for blunt trauma are: A) falls and MVCs B) low-caliber GSWs and falls C) GSWs and vehicle ejections D) MVCs and stabbings

A) falls and MVCs

In which of the following situations would external bleeding be the MOST difficult to control? A) femoral artery laceration and a BP of 140/90 B) jugular vein laceration and a systolic BP of 90 C) carotid artery laceration and a systolic BP of 60 D) antecubital vein laceration and a BP of 138/72

A) femoral artery laceration and a BP of 140/90

A 52 y/o unrestrained female struck the steering wheel with her face when her truck collided with another vehicle. She has obvious swelling to her face and several dislodged teeth. A visual exam of her mouth reveals minimal bleeding. She is conscious and alert with a BP of 130/80, pulse of 110 bpm, and RR of 22/min with adequate TV. You should: A) fully immobilize her spine, attempt to locate the dislodged teeth, suction as needed, and transport B) apply oxygen via NRB, suction her airway as needed, disregard the dislodged teeth, and transport C) assist ventilations with BVM, immobilize her spine, suction her oropharynx for 30 seconds, and transport D) fully immobilize her spine, irrigate her empty tooth sockets, attempt to locate the dislodged teeth, and transport

A) fully immobilize her spine, attempt to locate the dislodged teeth, suction as needed, and transport

The skin and underlying tissues of the face: A) have a rich blood supply and bleed profusely B) swell minimally when exposed to blunt trauma C) are well protected by the maxillae and mandible D) contain a relatively small number of nerve fibers

A) have a rich blood supply and bleed profusely

Which of the following organs/systems cannot tolerate lack of blood flow for more than a few minutes? A) heart and brain B) skeletal muscle C) bone D) all of the above

A) heart and brain

The ability of a person's cardiovascular system to compensate for blood loss is MOST related to: A) how rapidly they bleed B) their baseline BP C) how fast their heart beats D) the part of the body injured

A) how rapidly they bleed

Functions of dressings and bandages include all of the following EXCEPT: A) immobilization of the injury B) prevention of contamination C) protection from further injury D) control of external hemorrhage

A) immobilization of the injury

Awareness of and concern for potentially serious obvious and underlying injuries is referred to as the: A) index of suspicion B) MOI C) general impression D) scene size-up

A) index of suspicion

In addition to external bleeding, the MOST significant risk that an open soft-tissue injury exposes a patient to is: A) infection B) hypothermia C) nerve damage D) vessel damage

A) infection

Which of the following breathing patterns is MOST indicative of increased ICP? A) irregular rate, pattern, and volume of breathing with intermittent periods of apnea B) increased rate and depth, with distinct odor of acetone on the breath C) increased rate with a normal inspiratory time and prolonged expiratory time D) slow, shallow, occasional gasps that progress to prolonged periods of apnea

A) irregular rate, pattern, and volume of breathing with intermittent periods of apnea

A 22 y/o male was walking on the beach and had sand blown into his eyes. He complains of pain and decreased vision to his right eye. Treatment should include: A) irrigating his right eye laterally B) flushing his eye starting laterally C) irrigating both eyes simultaneously D) covering both eyes and transporting

A) irrigating his right eye laterally

Bleeding from the nose following head trauma: A) is a sign of skull fracture and should not be stopped B) should be controlled by packing the nostril with gauze C) should be assumed to be caused by a fractured septum D) is usually due to hypertension caused by the injury

A) is a sign of skull fracture and should not be stopped

The cricoid cartilage: A) is the only complete circular cartilage of the trachea B) lies superior to the cricothyroid membrane in the neck C) is easier to see and palpate than the thyroid cartilage D) lies superior to the thyroid cartilage in the neck

A) is the only complete circular cartilage of the trachea

Once a c-collar has been applied to a patient with possible spinal injury, it should not be removed unless: A) it causes a problem managing the airway B) lateral immobilization has been applied C) sensory and motor functions remain intact D) the patient adamantly denies neck pain

A) it causes a problem managing the airway

The superficial temporal artery can be palpated: A) just anterior to the tragus B) slightly above the ear C) over the mastoid process D) at the angle of the jaw

A) just anterior to the tragus

A 29 y/o m ale has an anterior nosebleed after he was accidentally elbowed in the nose. He is conscious and alert with adequate breathing. The MOST appropriate care for this patient includes: A) leaning him forward and pinching his nostrils together B) packing the nasopharynx with moist sterile dressings C) applying a gauze pad in between his lower lip and gum D) placing him supine and pinching his nostrils together

A) leaning him forward and pinching his nostrils together

Which of the following skull fractures would be the LEAST likely to present with palpable deformity or other outward signs? A) linear B) basilar C) open D) depressed

A) linear

The _______ only require(s) a minimal blood supply when at rest. A) muscles B) lungs C) kidneys D) heart

A) muscles

While en route to a major MVC, an on-scene police officer advises you that a 6 y/o male who was riding in the front seat is involved. He further states that the child was only wearing a lap belt and that the airbag deployed. On the basis of this information, you should be MOST suspicious that the child has experienced: A) neck and facial injuries B) lower extremity fractures C) blunt trauma to the head D) open abdominal trauma

A) neck and facial injuries

Facial injuries should be identified and treated as soon as possible because: A) of the risk for airway problems B) bleeding must be controlled early C) the spine may be injured as well D) swelling may mask hidden injuries

A) of the risk for airway problems

Early signs and symptoms of intra-abdominal bleeding include: A) pain and distension B) bruising only C) significant hypotension D) widespread ecchymosis

A) pain and distension

A 43 y/o woman is experiencing a severe nosebleed. Her blood pressure is 190/110 and her HR is 90 bpm and bounding. Preferred treatment for this patient includes: A) pinching the patient's nostrils and having him lean forward B) placing a rolled 4x4 dressing between his lower lip and gum C) having the patient pinch his own nostrils and then lie supine D) packing both nostrils with gauze pads until the bleeding stops

A) pinching the patient's nostrils and having him lean forward

A 22 y/o male was kicked in the abdomen multiple times during an assault. He is conscious but restless and his pulse is rapid. Your assessment reveals a large area of bruising to the right upper quadrant of his abdomen. The MOST appropriate treatment for this patient includes: A) preparing for immediate transport B) applying oxygen via NC C) performing a focused exam D) a detailed assessment of his abdomen

A) preparing for immediate transport

When assessing a patent who experienced a blast injury, it is important to remember that: A) primary blast injuries are the most easily overlooked B) secondary blast injuries are usually the least obvious C) solid organs usually rupture from the pressure wave D) primary blast injuries are typically the most obvious

A) primary blast injuries are the most easily overlooked

The opening in the center of the iris, which allows light to move into the back of the eye is called the: A) pupil B) sclera C) cornea D) conjunctiva

A) pupil

When the speed of a motor vehicle doubles, the amount of kinetic energy: A) quadruples B) triples C) doubles D) is not affected

A) quadruples

A patient who cannot remember the events that preceded his or her head injury is experiencing: A) retrograde amnesia B) anterograde amnesia C) prograde amnesia D) post-traumatic amnesia

A) retrograde amnesia

Which of the following is considered a type of MVC? A) rollover B) ejection C) crush D) penetration

A) rollover

When assessing a patient with a head injury, you note the presence of thin, bloody fluid draining from his right ear. This indicates: A) rupture of the TM following diffuse impact to the head B) fractures to the internal structures of the ear following direct trauma C) a linear skull fracture and a significant increase in ICP D) significant pressure and bleeding between the skull and dura mater

A) rupture of the TM following diffuse impact to the head

Which of the following organs can tolerate inadequate perfusion for 2-3 hours? A) skeletal muscle B) brain C) kidneys D) heart

A) skeletal muscle

Significant facial trauma should increase the EMT's index of suspicion for: A) spinal injury B) basilar skull fracture C) displaced mandible D) airway obstruction

A) spinal injury

During your primary assessment of a 19 y/o unconscious male who experienced severe head trauma, you note that his respirations are rapid, irregular, and shallow. He has bloody secretions draining from his mouth and nose. You should: A) suction his oropharynx for up to 15 seconds B) pack his nostrils to stop the drainage of blood C) immobilize his spine and transport immediately D) assist his ventilations with a BVM

A) suction his oropharynx for up to 15 seconds

When stabilizing a large foreign object in the eye, you should first cover the eye with a moist dressing, then: A) surround the object with a donut-shaped collar made from gauze B) place an ice pack over the eye to reduce swelling C) irrigate the eye with saline D) apply tape around the object and then secure the tape to the forehead

A) surround the object with a donut-shaped collar made from gauze

If one or more occupants in the same vehicle are killed in a crash, the EMT should: A) suspect that all living occupants experienced the same serious trauma B) allow the survivors to refuse transport if they have no obvious injuries C) transport the survivors only if they have serious injuries or complain of pain D) rapidly assess only the survivors who have experienced obvious trauma

A) suspect that all living occupants experienced the same serious trauma

During an altercation in a bar, two patrons got into a fight. The first patient, a 44 y/o female, was struck in the mouth and refuses EMS care. The second patient, a 39 y/o female, has a small laceration to her left knuckle and also refuses EMS care. Which of the following statements regarding this scenario is correct? A) the 39 y/o female is at high risk for infection B) you should contact the police and have the patients arrested C) the 44 y/o female is at high risk for infection D) the patient struck in the mouth should be immobilized

A) the 39 y/o female is at high risk for infection

A young boy was riding his bicycle down the street when he hit a parked car. What was the second collision? A) the bike rider hitting his bike or the car B) the bike hitting the car C) the bike rider's internal organs striking the solid structures of the body D) the bike rider striking the pavement

A) the bike rider hitting his bike or the car

When immobilizing a patient's spine, the EMT manually stabilizing the patient's head should not let go until: A) the patient has been completely secured to the backboard B) the head has been stabilized with lateral immobilization C) the patient has been secured to the ambulance stretcher D) an appropriately sized c-collar has been applied

A) the patient has been completely secured to the backboard

Factors that should be considered when assessing a patient who has fallen include all of the following EXCEPT: A) the speed of the fall B) the surface struck C) the height of the fall D) the primary impact point

A) the speed of the fall

Which of the following regarding anterior nosebleeds is correct? A) they usually originate from the septum area and bleed slowly B) they are usually severe and require aggressive treatment to control C) they are usually caused by a fracture of the basilar skull D) they cause blood to drain into the posterior pharynx

A) they usually originate from the septum area and bleed slowly

A fall from more than _____ times the patient's height is considered to be significant. A) three B) two C) five D) four

A) three

The driver of an SUV lost control and struck a utility pole head-on. The driver was killed instantly. The passenger, a young female, is conscious and alert and has several small abrasions and lacerations to her left forearm. Treatment for the passenger should include: A) transport to a trauma center B) a focused exam of her forearm C) transport to a community hospital D) a secondary assessment at the scene

A) transport to a trauma center

A female patient with a suspected head injury has slow, shallow breathing. The MOST appropriate treatment for her includes: A) ventilation assistance to maintain EtCO2 of 30-35 mmHg B) ventilation assistance to maintain an oxygen saturation of 90% C) administering oxygen via NRB D) hyperventilating her at 30 breaths/min

A) ventilation assistance to maintain EtCO2 of 30-35 mmHg

An infant with a total blood volume of 800 mL would start showing signs of shock when as little as ______ of blood is lost. A) 150 mL B) 100 mL C) 200 mL D) 50 mL

B) 100 mL

A 21 y/o male was working in an auto repair shop and sustained radiator burns to the anterior aspect of both arms, and to his anterior chest. According to the rule of nines, this patient has burns that cover _______ of his BSA. A) 36% B) 18% C) 27% D) 45%

B) 18%

Significant vital sign changes will occur if the typical adult acutely loses more than ______ of their total blood volume. A) 10% B) 20% C) 15% D) 5%

B) 20%

What is the approximate blood volume of an 80 kg adult male? A) 5.25 L B) 5.60 L C) 6.25 L D) 6.50 L

B) 5.60 L

By what mechanism is a person injured when he or she falls from a significant height? A) as the person falls, the amount of KE is converted into work; work is then converted into KE upon impact B) PE is converted to KE; the KE is then converted into the work of bringing the body to a stop C) KE is converted to PE; the PE is then converted into the work of bringing the body to a stop D) PE is created as the person is falling; the PE is then converted to KE upon impact

B) PE is converted to KE; the KE is then converted into the work of bringing the body to a stop

Which of the following statements regarding c-collars is correct? A) once a c-collar is applied, you can cease manual head stabilization B) a c-collar is used in addition to, not instead of manual immobilization C) c-collars are contraindicated in patients with numbness to the extremities D) the patient's head should be forced into a neutral position to apply a c-collar

B) a c-collar is used in addition to, not instead of manual immobilization

A patient who is complaining of seeing flashing lights or floaters in her field of vision has MOST likely experienced: A) acute hyphema B) a detached retina C) conjunctivitis D) a blowout fracture

B) a detached retina

During your assessment of a 22 y/o male who was assaulted, you note widespread contusions and abrasions to his face, chest, and abdomen. His pulse is rapid and weak, and his skin is cool and clammy. You should: A) perform a focused physical exam of his abdomen B) administer oxygen and prepare for rapid transport C) place him in a sitting position and give him oxygen D) conclude that he is experiencing intracranial bleeding

B) administer oxygen and prepare for rapid transport

The MOST significant complication associated with facial injuries is: A) damage to the eyes B) airway compromise C) mandibular immobility D) c-spine injury

B) airway compromise

Which of the following is a severe burn in a 2 y/o child? A) any burn involving the arms, legs, or posterior part of the body B) any full-thickness burn, regardless of location on the body C) superficial burn that covers 25% of the BSA D) partial-thickness burn that covers 10% of the BSA

B) any full-thickness burn, regardless of location on the body

Which of the following injuries would MOST likely occur as a direct result of the third collision in an MVC? A) flail chest B) aortic rupture C) forehead lacerations D) extremity fractures

B) aortic rupture

A patient is bleeding severely from a severed femoral artery high in the groin region. Which of the following would MOST likely control the bleeding? A) apply chemical ice packs to the wound and transport B) apply a topical hemostatic agent with direct pressure C) position the patient with his injured side down D) apply a pelvic binder device to stabilize the pelvis

B) apply a topical hemostatic agent with direct pressure

When evaluating the MOI of a car vs. pedestrian collision, you should first: A) determine if the patient was propelled away from the vehicle B) approximate the speed of the vehicle that struck the pedestrian C) evaluate the vehicle that struck the patient for structural damage D) determine if the patient was struck and pulled under the vehicle

B) approximate the speed of the vehicle that struck the pedestrian

A short backboard or vest-style immobilization device is indicated for patients who: A) require prompt extrication from a vehicle B) are in a sitting position and are clinically stable C) are sitting in their car and are clinically unstable D) are found supine and have stable vitals

B) are in a sitting position and are clinically stable

A 38 y/o male was electrocuted while attempting to wire a house. Your assessment reveals that he is unresponsive, pulseless, and apneic. A coworker has shut off the power to the house. You should: A) fully immobilize his spinal column B) begin CPR and apply the AED C) begin CPR and transport at once D) assess for entry and exit wounds

B) begin CPR and apply the AED

An epidural hematoma is MOST accurately defined as: A) an injury caused by a damaged cerebral artery B) bleeding between the skull and dura mater C) bleeding between the dura mater and the brain D) venous lacerations that occur within the brain

B) bleeding between the skull and dura mater

Common signs and symptoms of an airway burn include all of the following EXCEPT: A) hoarseness B) chest pressure C) singed nasal hair D) soot around the mouth

B) chest pressure

A 30 y/o male experienced a crushing injury when his forearm was trapped between the back of a truck and a loading dock. Upon your arrival, the man's arm has been freed. Your assessment reveals that his arm is obviously deformed and swollen and is cold and pale. Further assessment reveals an absent radial pulse. You should be MOST concerned that this patient has: A) internal hemorrhage B) compartment syndrome C) a severe closed fracture D) damage to the radial nerve

B) compartment syndrome

A 39 y/o male accidentally cut his wrist while sharpening his hunting knife. He is conscious and alert with adequate breathing, but is bleeding significantly from the wound. You should: A) ensure the patient has a patent airway B) control the bleeding with direct pressure C) apply oxygen with NRB D) apply a tourniquet proximal to the wound

B) control the bleeding with direct pressure

Which of the following findings would be LEAST suggestive of the presence of high-energy trauma? A) dismounted seats B) deployment of the airbags C) steering wheel deformity D) intrusion into the vehicle

B) deployment of the airbags

In contrast to a Level III trauma center, a Level I trauma center must: A) be involved in trauma prevention programs B) have general surgeons who are in-house 24 hours a day C) have access to an emergency physician within 30 minutes D) be able to stabilize a patient before transferring to a higher level facility

B) have general surgeons who are in-house 24 hours a day

During your primary assessment of a semiconscious 30 y/o female with closed head trauma, you note that she has slow, irregular breathing and a slow, bounding pulse. As your partner maintains manual in-line stabilization of her head, you should: A) perform a focused secondary assessment of the patient's head and neck B) instruct him to assist her ventilations while you perform a rapid assessment C) apply 100% oxygen via NRB and obtain baseline vitals D) immediately place her on a long backboard and prepare for rapid transport

B) instruct him to assist her ventilations while you perform a rapid assessment

Bleeding within the brain tissue itself is called a(n): A) epidural hematoma B) intracerebral hematoma C) subdural hematoma D) subarachnoid hemorrhage

B) intracerebral hematoma

In contrast to a concussion, a cerebral contusion: A) results from a laceration to the brain tissue B) involves physical injury to the brain tissue C) does not cause pressure within the skull D) usually does not cause LOC

B) involves physical injury to the brain tissue

A factory worker was splashed in the eyes with a strong acid chemical. He complains of intense pain and blurred vision. Your ambulance does not carry bottles of sterile saline or water. You should: A) mix baking soda with water and irrigate his eyes with the solution B) irrigate both eyes continuously for 20 mins with plain water C) flush both eyes with an alcohol-based solution and transport D) neutralize the acid chemical in his eye with an alkaline chemical

B) irrigate both eyes continuously for 20 mins with plain water

When a light is shined into the pupil: A) both pupils should dilate together B) it should become smaller C) it should become larger D) the opposite pupil should dilate

B) it should become smaller

A hematoma develops when: A) small amounts of blood leak into the epidermis B) large blood vessels beneath the skin are damaged C) severe swelling compromises arterial circulation D) cells and small vessels in the dermis are damaged

B) large blood vessels beneath the skin are damaged

Approximately 25% of severe injuries to the aorta occur during: A) rollover collisions B) lateral collisions C) rear-end collisions D) frontal collisions

B) lateral collisions

A high school football player was injured during a tackle and complains of neck and upper back pain. He is conscious and alert, and is breathing without difficulty. The EMT should: A) remove his helmet and shoulder pads B) leave his helmet and shoulder pads in place C) remove his helmet, but leave his shoulder pads in place D) leave his helmet in place, but remove his shoulder pads

B) leave his helmet and shoulder pads in place

When assessing the interior of a crashed motor vehicle, you are gathering information regarding the: A) index of suspicion B) mechanism of injury C) kinetic energy D) potential energy

B) mechanism of injury

A 44 y/o male sustained a laceration to his left ear during a minor MVC. Your assessment reveals minimal bleeding. Appropriate care for this injury includes: A) applying a tight pressure dressing B) padding between the ear and the scalp C) packing the ear with sterile gauze pads D) covering the wound with a moist dressing

B) padding between the ear and the scalp

Which of the following statements regarding hemophilia is correct? A) hemophilia is defined as a total lack of platelets B) patients with hemophilia may bleed spontaneously C) approximately 25% of the population has hemophilia D) hemophiliacs take aspirin to enhance blood clotting

B) patients with hemophilia may bleed spontaneously

A 30 y/o male sustained a stab wound to the neck when he was attacked outside a nightclub. During your assessment, you should be MOST alert for: A) injury to the c-spine B) potential airway compromise C) damage to internal structures D) alterations in his mental status

B) potential airway compromise

A patient complaining of chest tightness, coughing up blood, and subcutaneous emphysema following an explosion may be suffering from a: A) myocardial blast injury B) pulmonary blast injury C) ruptured peritoneal cavity D) ruptured TM

B) pulmonary blast injury

A 6 y/o female was riding her bicycle and struck a clothesline with her throat. She is breathing, but with obvious difficulty. Your assessment reveals a crackling sensation in the soft tissues of her neck and facial cyanosis. In addition to the appropriate airway management, the intervention that will MOST likely improve her chance of survival is: A) quickly immobilizing her spinal column B) rapidly transporting her to the hospital C) careful monitoring of her vital signs D) requesting a paramedic ambulance

B) rapidly transporting her to the hospital

During transport of a 40 y/o female with acute abdominal pain, you note that she has stopped talking to you and has become extremely diaphoretic. You should: A) assess the quality of her pulse B) repeat the primary assessment C) begin assisting her ventilations D) perform a secondary assessment

B) repeat the primary assessment

An 8 y/o male was bitten by a stray dog. He has a large laceration to the back of his left hand, which your partner covered with a sterile dressing and bandage. In addition to transporting the child to the hospital, you should: A) administer oxygen via NRB B) report the incident to the appropriate authorities C) advise the child that he will need rabies shots D) ask the child's father to try and locate the dog

B) report the incident to the appropriate authorities

During your assessment of a patient who was shot in the abdomen, you notice a large entrance wound with multiple small puncture wounds surrounding it. This wound pattern is MOST consistent with a: A) .22-caliber pistol B) shotgun C) .357 magnum D) handgun

B) shotgun

You should be MOST suspicious that a patient has experienced a significant head injury if their pulse is: A) irregular B) slow C) rapid D) weak

B) slow

A 15 y/o female was struck by a small car while riding her bicycle. She was wearing a helmet and was thrown to the ground, striking her head. In addition to managing problems associated with ABCs, it is MOST important for you to: A) leave her bicycle helmet on B) stabilize her entire spine C) obtain baseline vitals D) inspect the helmet for cracks

B) stabilize her entire spine

When using a stick and square knot as a tourniquet to control severe bleeding from an amputated arm, the EMT should: A) cover the tourniquet with a sterile dressing B) stop twisting the stick when the bleeding stops C) twist the stick until the radial pulse becomes weak D) remove the tourniquet if the bleeding has stopped

B) stop twisting the stick when the bleeding stops

Frequent reassessments of patients with face or neck injuries are MOST important because: A) they lend credibility to your documentation B) such injuries can affect the respiratory system C) hospital staff require frequent patient updates D) rapid facial swelling may mask hidden injuries

B) such injuries can affect the respiratory system

Which of the following regarding basilar skull fracture is correct? A) they are typically the result of local, low-energy trauma to the head B) the absence of raccoon eyes or Battle sign does not rule it out C) in most cases, mastoid bruising occurs D) bloody CSF commonly leaks from the nose

B) the absence of raccoon eyes or Battle sign does not rule it out

You and your partner respond to a patient who had his hand nearly severed by a drill press. As you approach, you note that the patient is pale and there appears to be a lot of blood on the floor. The wound continues to bleed copiously. After applying a tourniquet, you write _______ and ______ on a piece of adhesive tape and apply it to the patient's forehead. A) the date and time; estimated blood loss B) the letters "TK"; the exact time applied C) the patient's name; tourniquet location D) your last name; unit number

B) the letters "TK"; the exact time applied

Patients with full-thickness burns generally do not complain of pain because: A) subQ vessels are usually clotted B) the nerve endings have been destroyed C) they are generally not conscious D) blister formation protects the burn

B) the nerve endings have been destroyed

You arrive at the home of a 50 y/o female with severe epistaxis. As you are treating her, it is MOST important to recall that: A) the patient may be significantly hypertensive B) the patient is at risk for vomiting and aspiration C) a detailed exam is needed to determine the cause D) many medications interfere with blood clotting

B) the patient is at risk for vomiting and aspiration

Which of the following findings would be the MOST significant when assessing a patient with possible internal bleeding? A) the patient has not eaten in 24 hours B) the patient takes Xarelto C) the patient has a history of HTN D) the patient had a stroke 5 years ago

B) the patient takes Xarelto

Whether you are using a commercial device or a stick and triangular bandage as a tourniquet, it is important to remember that: A) you should try to control the bleeding by applying pressure to a proximal arterial pressure point first B) the tourniquet should only be removed at the hospital because bleeding may return if the tourniquet is released C) bulky dressings should be securely applied over the tourniquet to further assist in controlling the bleeding D) the tourniquet should be applied directly over a joint if possible because this provides better bleeding control

B) the tourniquet should only be removed at the hospital because bleeding may return if the tourniquet is released

You respond to a house fire with a local fire department. They bring a 48 y/o woman out of the house. She is unconscious but her airway is open. Her breathing is shallow at 30/min. Her pulse is 110 bpm, strong, and regular. Her BP is 108/72. She has been burned over 40% of her body. The burned area appears to be dry and leathery. It looks charred and has pieces of fabric embedded in the flesh. You know that this type of burn is considered a: A) partial-thickness burn B) third-degree burn C) first-degree burn D) second-degree burn

B) third-degree burn

You are transporting an immobilized patient with severe facial trauma. As you are preparing to give your radio report to the hospital, the patient begins vomiting large amounts of blood. You should: A) quickly suction his oropharynx B) turn the backboard onto its side C) reassess his breathing adequacy D) alert the hospital of the situation

B) turn the backboard onto its side

In older patients, the first indicator of non-traumatic internal bleeding may be: A) diaphoresis and pale skin B) weakness or dizziness C) HR over 120 bpm D) a low blood pressure

B) weakness or dizziness

When caring for a patient with an open facial injury, the EMT's immediate priority should be to: A) consider MOI B) wear gloves and facial protection C) closely assess the patient's airway D) manually stabilize the patient's head

B) wear gloves and facial protection

Which of the following is NOT a sign or symptom of laryngeal injury? A) difficulty breathing B) wheezing C) hoarseness D) subQ emphysema

B) wheezing

Force acting over distance is the definition of: A) kinetic energy B) work C) potential energy D) latent energy

B) work

A fractured femur can result in the loss of _______ or more of blood into the soft tissues of the thigh. A) 250 mL B) 500 mL C) 1 L D) 2 L

C) 1 L

Following a head injury, a 20 y/o female opens eyes spontaneously, is confused, and obeys your commands to move her extremities. You should assign her a GCS score of: A) 12 B) 13 C) 14 D) 15

C) 14

A 5 y/o female pulled a pot of boiling water from the stove. She has superficial and partial-thickness burns to her head, face, and anterior trunk. What percentage of her body surface area has been burned? A) 18% B) 27% C) 30% D) 36%

C) 30%

A 67 y/o male presents with weakness, dizziness, and melon that began approximately 2 days ago. He denies a history of trauma. His blood pressure is 90/50 mmHg and his pulse is 120 bpm and thready. You should be MOST suspicious that this patient is experiencing: A) acute appendicitis B) an aortic aneurysm C) GI bleeding D) intrathoracic hemorrhaging

C) GI bleeding

Which of the following patients has experienced the MOST significant fall? A) a 4'8 patient who fell 12 feet B) a 5'0 patient who fell 13 feet C) a 4'6 patient who fell 13 feet D) a 5'9 patient who fell 14 feet

C) a 4'6 patient who fell 13 feet

An indicator of expanding intracranial hematoma or rapidly progressing brain swelling is: A) acute unilateral paralysis following the injury B) a progressively decreasing BP C) a rapid deterioration of neurologic signs D) an acute increase in the patient's pulse rate

C) a rapid deterioration of neurologic signs

Blood stasis, changes in the vessel wall, and certain medications affect the: A) systolic BP exclusively B) WBC's ability to fight infection C) ability of the blood to effectively clot D) ability of RBCs to carry oxygen

C) ability of the blood to effectively clot

When immobilizing a seated patient with a short backboard or vest-style immobilization device, you should apply a c-collar: A) after moving the patient to a long backboard B) before manually stabilizing the patient's head C) after assessing distal neurovascular functions D) after the torso has been adequately secured

C) after assessing distal neurovascular functions

A 17 y/o male was shot in the right anterior chest during an altercation. As your partner is applying oxygen, you perform a rapid assessment and find an open chest wound with a small amount of blood bubbling from it. You should: A) direct your partner to assist the patient's ventilations with a BVM B) control the bleeding from the wound and prepare to transport at once C) apply an occlusive dressing to the wound and continue your assessment D) place a sterile dressing over the wound and apply direct pressure

C) apply an occlusive dressing to the wound and continue your assessment

A young female was involved in an MVC. She complains of pain to her left eye, which appears to have a piece of glass impaled in it. Further assessment reveals a large laceration to her left forearm with active venous bleeding. As your partner manually stabilizes the patient's head, you should: A) stabilize the impaled glass in her eye B) administer 100% supplemental oxygen C) apply direct pressure to her arm wound D) carefully remove the glass from her eye

C) apply direct pressure to her arm wound

A young male sustained a GSW to the abdomen during an altercation. As your partner is assessing and managing his airway, you should control the obvious bleeding and then: A) auscultate bowel sounds B) apply a c-collar C) assess for an exit wound D) obtain baseline vital signs

C) assess for an exit wound

A young male was shot in the abdomen by an unknown type of gun. He is semiconscious, has shallow breathing, and is bleeding externally from the wound. As you control the bleeding, your partner should: A) perform a secondary assessment B) apply NRB C) assist the patient's ventilations D) obtain baseline vital signs

C) assist the patient's ventilations

When controlling bleeding from a scalp laceration with a suspected underlying skull fracture, you should: A) elevate the patient's head and apply an ice pack B) apply manual pressure and avoid applying a bandage C) avoid excessive pressure when applying the bandage D) apply firm compression for no longer than 5 minutes

C) avoid excessive pressure when applying the bandage

When treating a patient who experienced a pulmonary blast injury, you should: A) use a demand valve to ventilate the patient B) suspect an accompanying cardiac tamponade C) avoid giving oxygen under positive pressure D) administer large amounts of IV fluid

C) avoid giving oxygen under positive pressure

Which of the following would be LEAST suggestive of a head injury? A) one pupil larger than the other B) failure of the eyes to move in the same direction C) briskly constricting pupils when exposed to light D) failure of the eyes to follow movement of an object

C) briskly constricting pupils when exposed to light

While assessing a young male who was struck in the chest with a steel pipe, you note that his pulse is rapid and irregular. You should be MOST suspicious for: A) underlying cardiac disease B) a lacerated coronary artery C) bruising of the heart muscle D) traumatic rupture of the aorta

C) bruising of the heart muscle

In contrast to animal bites, the bite of a human: A) is usually less severe because the human mouth is cleaner B) typically results in a minor infection that is slow-spreading C) carries with it a wide variety of virulent bacteria and viruses D) is associated with a much higher incidence of rabies infection

C) carries with it a wide variety of virulent bacteria and viruses

The _____ contains about 75% of the brain's total volume. A) brainstem B) meninges C) cerebrum D) cerebellum

C) cerebrum

Which of the following is a severe burn in a 35 y/o patient? A) full-thickness burn to 5% of the BSA B) partial-thickness burn to 20% of the BSA C) circumferential partial-thickness burn of the chest D) superficial burn covering 50% of the BSA

C) circumferential partial-thickness burn of the chest

A 39 y/o female experienced a severe closed head injury. She is unresponsive with her eyes slightly open; her pupils are bilaterally dilated and slow to react. In addition to managing airway, breathing, and circulation problems, you should: A) secure her eyes open so you can reassess her pupils B) inspect her eyes and gently remove impaled objects C) close her eyes and cover them with a moist dressing D) irrigate her eyes with water to prevent mucosal drying

C) close her eyes and cover them with a moist dressing

Rapid deceleration of the head, such as when it impacts the windshield, causes: A) compression injuries and contusions to the anterior, posterior, and lateral aspects of the brain B) primary impact to the posterior aspect of the brain, resulting in compression injuries, bruising, or torn blood vessels C) compression injuries or bruising to the anterior portion of the brain, and stretching or tearing to the posterior portion of the brain D) stretching or tearing of the anterior aspect of the brain and compression injuries or bruising to the posterior aspect of the brain

C) compression injuries or bruising to the anterior portion of the brain, and stretching or tearing to the posterior portion of the brain

A 30 y/o female presents with redness, inflammation, and pain to her left eye. During your assessment, you note that she is having difficulty keeping her eyes open. You should suspect that she is experiencing: A) acute retinitis B) a detached retina C) conjunctivitis D) a corneal abrasion

C) conjunctivitis

Airbags are designed to: A) prevent the driver from sustaining head trauma B) prevent a second collision inside the car C) decrease the severity of deceleration injuries D) be used with or without a shoulder harness

C) decrease the severity of deceleration injuries

Which of the following would MOST likely occur as the direct result of the second collision in an MVC? A) intrathoracic hemorrhage B) caved-in passenger side door C) deformed steering wheel D) collapsed dashboard

C) deformed steering wheel

A partial-thickness burn involves the outer layer of skin and a portion of the: A) muscle fascia B) fatty layer C) dermal layer D) epidermis

C) dermal layer

In non-trauma patients, an early indicator of internal bleeding is: A) a rapid, thready pulse B) a decreasing BP C) dizziness upon standing D) rapid, shallow breathing

C) dizziness upon standing

A 12 y/o male jumped approximately 12 feet from a tree and landed on his feet. He complains of pain to his lower back. What injury mechanism is MOST likely responsible for his back pain? A) direct trauma to the spinal column B) lateral impact to the spine C) energy transmission to the spine D) secondary fall after the initial impact

C) energy transmission to the spine

Which of the following regarding electrical burns is correct? A) respiratory or cardiac arrest following an electrical burn is very uncommon B) the exit wound caused by an electrical burn is smaller than the entrance wound C) entrance wounds are small relative to the amount of internal tissue damage D) the size of the entry and exit wounds is a reliable indicator of internal damage

C) entrance wounds are small relative to the amount of internal tissue damage

Which of the following head injuries would cause the patient's condition to deteriorate MOST rapidly? A) cerebral contusion B) cerebral concussion C) epidural hematoma D) subdural hematoma

C) epidural hematoma

The MOST important immediate treatment for patients with a head injury, regardless of severity, is to: A) immobilize the entire spine B) administer high-flow oxygen C) establish an adequate airway D) transport to a trauma center

C) establish an adequate airway

It would be MOST appropriate to perform a focused secondary exam on a patient who: A) struck his or her head and is experiencing nausea and vomiting B) has blood draining from the ears following a head injury C) fainted and fell to the ground from standing D) was restrained during a high-speed MVC

C) fainted and fell to the ground from standing

A 39 y/o male sustained a large laceration to his leg during an accident with a chainsaw and is experiencing signs and symptoms of shock. You should first: A) perform a rapid head-to-toe assessment B) place the patient on high-flow oxygen C) follow appropriate standard precautions D) apply direct pressure to the wound

C) follow appropriate standard precautions

You respond to a 25 y/o man who has cut his arm with a circular saw. The bleeding appears to be bright red and spurting. The patient is alert and oriented and converses with you freely. He appears to be stable at this point. What is your first step in controlling his bleeding? A) elevating the arm B) applying direct pressure C) following standard precautions D) maintaining the airway

C) following standard precautions

Hyperextension injuries of the spine are MOST commonly the result of: A) falls B) compression C) hangings D) diving

C) hangings

A 70 y/o man presents with a severe nosebleed. His medical history includes COPD, depression, and a hemorrhagic stroke 3 years ago. His BP is 190/110, HR is 100 bpm, and RR is 24/min. His medications include albuterol, Zoloft, and multivitamins. Which of the following is MOST likely causing his nosebleed today? A) hemorrhagic stroke B) his prescribed albuterol C) high blood pressure D) diabetic complications

C) high blood pressure

A 45 y/o male was working on his roof when he fell approximately 12 feet, landing on his feet. He is conscious and alert, and complains of an ache in his lower back. He is breathing adequately and has stable vitals. You should: A) perform a rapid head-to-toe exam and immobilize his spine B) allow him to refuse transport if his vitals remain stable C) immobilize his spine and perform a focused secondary exam D) obtain a GCS score and give him oxygen

C) immobilize his spine and perform a focused secondary exam

Following a blunt injury to the head, a 22 y/o female is confused and complains of a severe headache and nausea. On the basis of these signs and symptoms, you should be MOST concerned with the possibility of: A) airway compromise B) a fracture of the skull C) intracranial bleeding D) spinal cord injury

C) intracranial bleeding

A tight-fitting motorcycle helmet should be left in place unless: A) the patient must be placed onto a long backboard B) the patient complains of severe neck or back pain C) it interferes with your assessment of the airway D) the helmet is equipped with a full face shield or visor

C) it interferes with your assessment of the airway

Which of the following statements regarding the vitreous humor is correct? A) it is a clear, watery fluid surrounding the eye and can be replaced if it is lost B) it is a clear, watery fluid that is located in front of the lens and can be replaced if it is lost C) it is a clear, jellylike fluid near the back of the eye that cannot be replaced if it is lost D) it is a clear fluid produced by the lacrimal glands and cannot be replaced if it is lost

C) it is a clear, jellylike fluid near the back of the eye that cannot be replaced if it is lost

Which of the following statements regarding the first collision that occurs during an MVC is correct? A) it provides the least amount of information about the MOI B) it has a direct effect on patient care because of the obvious vehicular damage C) it is the most dramatic part of the collision and may make extrication difficult D) it occurs when the unrestrained occupant collides with the interior of the vehicle

C) it is the most dramatic part of the collision and may make extrication difficult

Which of the following is LEAST important when initially assessing the severity of a burn? A) age of the patient B) past medical history C) known drug allergies D) area burned

C) known drug allergies

Lacerations to the scalp: A) bleed minimally because the scalp has few vessels B) uncommonly cause hypovolemic shock in children C) may be an indicator of deeper, more serious injuries D) are most commonly associated with skull fractures

C) may be an indicator of deeper, more serious injuries

As you approach a young male who was involved in an industrial accident, you note that his eyes are closed and he is not moving. You can see several large contusions to his arms, a laceration to his forehead with minimal bleeding, and a closed deformity to his right leg. You should: A) assess his pulse for rate, quality, and regularity B) apply high-flow oxygen and assess his injuries C) open his airway and assess his breathing status D) perform an immediate head-to-toe assessment

C) open his airway and assess his breathing status

Which of the following is a severe burn in a 65 y/o patient? A) superficial burn to 30% of the BSA B) second-degree burn covering 10% of the BSA C) partial-thickness burn to 20% of the BSA D) full-thickness burn to 1% of the BSA

C) partial-thickness burn to 20% of the BSA

Which of the following occurs after tissues are injured? A) RBCs separate from plasma B) RBCs become less sticky C) platelets collect at the injury site D) local blood vessels begin to dilate

C) platelets collect at the injury site

Which of the following interventions is the MOST critical to the outcome of a patient with multisystem trauma? A) elevation of the lower extremities B) IV fluid administration C) rapid transport to a trauma center D) early administration of O2

C) rapid transport to a trauma center

When assessing a patient with a closed soft-tissue injury, it is MOST important to: A) manipulate the injury site for signs of a fracture B) assess circulation distal to the site of injury C) remain alert for more severe underlying injuries D) recognize that the integrity of the skin is broken

C) remain alert for more severe underlying injuries

When a motor vehicle strikes a tree while traveling at 40 mph, the unrestrained occupant: A) is thrust under the steering column onto the floorboard B) will decelerate at the same rate as the vehicle C) remains in motion until acted upon by an external force D) will most likely be thrown over the steering column

C) remains in motion until acted upon by an external force

When caring for an occupant inside a motor vehicle equipped with an airbag that did not deploy upon impact, you should: A) realize that the airbag malfunctioned at the time of impact B) recognize that the force of impact was most likely not severe C) remember that it could still deploy and seriously injure you D) suspect that the patient may have experienced serious injuries

C) remember that it could still deploy and seriously injure you

A 56 y/o male has an incomplete avulsion to his right forearm. After controlling any bleeding from the wound, you should: A) carefully probe the wound to determine if the bleeding is venous or arterial B) thoroughly irrigate the wound with sterile water and cover it with a sterile dressing C) replace the avulsed flap to its original position and cover it with a sterile dressing D) carefully remove the avulsed flap and wrap it in a moist, sterile trauma dressing

C) replace the avulsed flap to its original position and cover it with a sterile dressing

Which types of MVCs present the greatest potential for multiple impacts? A) frontal and rotational B) rear-end and rotational C) rotational and rollover D) lateral and rollover

C) rotational and rollover

If a person is standing near a building that explodes, which of the following injuries would he or she MOST likely experience as a result of the pressure wave? A) severe burns B) fractured bones C) stomach rupture D) impaled objects

C) stomach rupture

A burn that is characterized by redness and pain is classified as a: A) second-degree burn B) full-thickness burn C) superficial burn D) partial-thickness burn

C) superficial burn

The severity of bleeding should be based on all of the following findings EXCEPT: A) poor general appearance B) clinical signs and symptoms C) systolic BP D) the mechanism of injury

C) systolic BP

Hypovolemic shock occurs when: A) at least 10% of the patient's blood volume is lost B) the clotting ability of the blood is enhanced C) the body cannot compensate for rapid blood loss D) the patient's systolic BP is less than 100 mmHg

C) the body cannot compensate for rapid blood loss

Internal injuries caused by GSWs are difficult to predict because: A) the caliber of the bullet is frequently unknown B) the area of damage is usually smaller than the bullet C) the bullet may tumble or ricochet within the body D) exit wounds caused by the bullet are usually small

C) the bullet may tumble or ricochet within the body

You are assessing a 30 y/o woman with multiple large bruises to her chest and abdomen that she experienced during an assault. She is conscious but restless, and her skin is cool and pale. You should be MOST concerned with: A) performing a detailed secondary assessment to locate all of her injuries B) assessing the bruises that overlie major organs in the chest and abdomen C) the fact that her clinical signs could indicate that she is bleeding internally D) obtaining a complete set of vitals to rule out the possibility of shock

C) the fact that her clinical signs could indicate that she is bleeding internally

Which of the following body systems or components is the LEAST critical for supplying and maintaining adequate blood flow to the body? A) an effectively pumping heart B) an intact system of blood vessels C) the filtering of blood cells in the spleen D) adequate blood in the vasculature

C) the filtering of blood cells in the spleen

The ideal procedure for moving an injured patient from the ground to a backboard is: A) the direct pattern carry B) the clothes drag C) the four-person log roll D) the use of a scoop stretcher

C) the four-person log roll

When encountering a severe bleeding emergency, the most pertinent finding during the SAMPLE history phase of assessment would be that: A) the patient last ate immediately before the emergency B) the patient complains that the cut on her foot is painful C) the patient states that she takes blood thinner medications D) the patient is allergic to certain antibiotics

C) the patient states that she takes blood thinner medications

Functions of the skin include all of the following EXCEPT: A) maintenance of water balance B) regulation of body temperature C) the production of key antibodies D) sending information to the brain

C) the production of key antibodies

The Adam's apple is: A) the small indentation between the thyroid and cricoid cartilages B) below the thyroid cartilage and forms the upper part of the trachea C) the upper part of the larynx that is formed by the thyroid cartilage D) the lower part of the larynx that is formed by the cricoid cartilage

C) the upper part of the larynx that is formed by the thyroid cartilage

Passengers who are seated in the rear of a vehicle and are wearing only lap belts have a higher incidence of injuries to the _______ spine during a rear-end crash. A) thoracic and sacral B) lumbar and coccygeal C) thoracic and lumbar D) lumbar and sacral

C) thoracic and lumbar

The index of suspicion is MOST accurately defined as: A) the detection of less obvious life-threatening injuries B) the way in which traumatic injuries occur C) your awareness and concern for potentially serious underlying injuries D) a predictable pattern that leads to serious injuries

C) your awareness and concern for potentially serious underlying injuries

When a patient has a chemical burn to the eye, you should irrigate the eye for at least 5 mins; however, if the burn was caused by an alkali or strong acid, you should irrigate for: A) 10 mins B) 15 mins C) 25 mins D) 20 mins

D) 20 mins

Which of the following statements regarding the cranium is correct? A) the skull is a subdivision of the cranium B) 30% of the cranium is occupied by blood C) the cranium protects the structures of the face D) 80% of the cranium is occupied by brain tissue

D) 80% of the cranium is occupied by brain tissue

Your patient has a GCS of 13, systolic BP of 80 mmHg, and respiratory rate of 8 breaths/min. His Revised Trauma Score (RTS) is: A) 11 B) 8 C) 10 D) 9

D) 9

Which organ or organ system has the greatest tolerance for lack of perfusion? A) kidneys B) skeletal muscle C) brain D) GI system

D) GI system

Which of the following destinations is most appropriate for a 41 y/o male patient who was involved in a rollover MVC and is unconscious and unresponsive, assuming that travel times to each is equal? A) a Level IV or Level III trauma center B) any designated trauma center is acceptable C) only a Level I trauma center D) a Level I or Level II trauma center

D) a Level I or Level II trauma center

Abnormal variations in pupil size and reaction would MOST likely be observed in a patient with: A) retinitis B) CL C) conjunctivitis D) a brain injury

D) a brain injury

Which of the following regarding the clotting of blood is correct? A) venous and capillary blood typically do not clot spontaneously B) bleeding begins to clot when the end of a damaged vessel dilates C) direct contact with the environment prevents blood from clotting D) a person taking blood thinners will experience slower clotting

D) a person taking blood thinners will experience slower clotting

If direct pressure fails to stop severe bleeding from an extremity, you should apply: A) additional sterile dressings B) a splint and elevate the extremity C) digital pressure to a proximal artery D) a tourniquet proximal to the injury

D) a tourniquet proximal to the injury

A 39 y/o male was struck in the head by a baseball during a game. He is confused and has slurred speech. He has a large hematoma in the center of his forehead and cannot remember the events preceding the injury. After manually stabilizing his head and assessing his airway, you should: A) palpate radial pulses B) apply ice to the hematoma C) perform an neurologic exam D) administer high-flow oxygen

D) administer high-flow oxygen

If applying a dressing to control the bleeding of a patient's arm, the EMT should: A) apply direct pressure first B) use large or small gauze pads or dressings depending upon the size of the wound C) cover the entire wound above and below with the dressing D) all of the above

D) all of the above

What mechanism(s) does the body use to control bleeding? A) clotting B) coagulation C) vasoconstriction D) all of the above

D) all of the above

Which of the following conditions might an EMT suspect as a possible cause of bleeding from the nose and mouth? A) a skull fracture B) high blood pressure C) a sinus infection D) all of these are correct

D) all of these are correct

What is the function of the sternocleidomastoid muscle? A) allows flexion of the neck B) provides respiration C) connects the scapulae together D) allows movement of the head

D) allows movement of the head

You are dispatched to a convenience store where the clerk sustained a laceration to the side of his neck during a robbery attempt. During your assessment, you note bright red blood spurting from the laceration. You should: A) apply direct pressure below the lacerated vessel B) circumferentially wrap a dressing around his neck C) apply pressure to the closest arterial pressure point D) apply direct pressure above and below the wound

D) apply direct pressure above and below the wound

Most cases of external bleeding from an extremity can be controlled by: A) compressing a pressure point B) elevating the injured extremity C) packing the wound with gauze D) applying local direct pressure

D) applying local direct pressure

A young female experienced a laceration to her left eyeball from flying glass when her boyfriend broke a soda bottle against the wall. There is moderate bleeding and the patient states that she cannot see out of the injured eye. You should: A) carefully examine her eye and remove any foreign objects if needed B) ask her to move the injured eye to assess the integrity of the optic nerve C) apply firm direct pressure to the injured eye and cover the opposite eye D) avoid applying pressure to the globe when you are covering the eye

D) avoid applying pressure to the globe when you are covering the eye

When treating a partial-thickness burn, you should: A) immerse the affected part in warm water B) rupture any blisters to prevent infection C) cover the burn with a moist sterile dressing D) avoid the use of creams, lotions, or antiseptics

D) avoid the use of creams, lotions, or antiseptics

A 50 y/o male was splashed in the eyes with radiator fluid when he was working on his car. During your assessment, he tells you that he wears soft CL. You should: A) leave the CL in place and flush his eyes with sterile water B) remove the CL and cover eyes with a dry sterile dressing C) leave the CL in place and cover both eyes with a dry dressing D) carefully remove the CL and then irrigate his eyes with saline

D) carefully remove the CL and then irrigate his eyes with saline

The phenomenon of pressure waves emanating from the bullet, causing damage remote from its path, is known as: A) congruent B) capitation C) conversion D) cavitation

D) cavitation

Which of the following statements regarding crush syndrome is correct? A) tissue damage that occurs in crush syndrome is severe, but kidney injury is unlikely because toxins are quickly eliminated from the body B) with crush syndrome, massive blood vessel damage occurs following severe soft-tissue injuries, such as amputation of an extremity C) provided that a patient with crush injury is freed from entrapment within 6 hours, the amount of tissue damaged is generally minimal D) compromised arterial blood flow leads to crush syndrome and can occur when an area of the body is trapped for longer than 4 hours

D) compromised arterial blood flow leads to crush syndrome and can occur when an area of the body is trapped for longer than 4 hours

Signs of a pulmonary blast injury include: A) multiple rib fractures B) vomiting blood C) an irregular pulse D) coughing up blood

D) coughing up blood

A 33 y/o male sustained an abdominal evisceration to the left lower quadrant after he was cut with a large knife. After appropriately managing ABCs and assessing for other life-threatening injuries, how should you care for his wound? A) irrigate with sterile water and cover with a dry dressing B) cover the exposed bowel and keep the legs in a straight position C) carefully replace the exposed bowel into the abdomen and transport D) cover it with moist, sterile gauze and secure with an occlusive dressing

D) cover it with moist, sterile gauze and secure with an occlusive dressing

A(n) ______ occurs when a great amount of force is applied to the body for a long period of time. A) hematoma B) contusion C) avulsion D) crushing injury

D) crushing injury

The MOST reliable sign of a head injury is: A) an abnormally low blood pressure B) a pulse that is rapid and thready C) decreased sensation in the extremities D) decreased level of consciousness

D) decreased level of consciousness

The frontal and parietal bones of the skull are especially susceptible to: A) basilar skull fractures B) linear skull fractures C) nondisplaced skull fractures D) depressed skull fractures

D) depressed skull fractures

Which of the following areas of the body has the thinnest skin? A) back B) soles of the feet C) scalp D) ears

D) ears

When immobilizing a patient on a long backboard, you should: A) follow the commands of the person at the patient's torso B) have the patient exhale before fastening the torso straps C) secure the torso and then center the patient on the backboard D) ensure that you secure the torso before securing the head

D) ensure that you secure the torso before securing the head

The GCS is used to assess: A) verbal response, eye opening, and mental status B) sensory response, pupil reaction, and heart rate C) mental status, eye opening, and respiratory rate D) eye opening, verbal response, and motor response

D) eye opening, verbal response, and motor response

_____ burns may involve subQ layers, muscle, bone, or internal organs. A) second-degree B) partial-thickness C) superficial D) full-thickness

D) full-thickness

According to the ACS-COT, an adult trauma patient should be transported to the highest level trauma center if he or she: A) has a bleeding disorder or takes anticoagulant medications and has any blunt or penetrating injury B) was involved in an MVC in which another patient in the same vehicle was killed C) has a systolic BP of less than 110 mmHg, or HR greater than 110 bpm D) has a GCS score of less than or equal to 13 with a mechanism attributed to trauma

D) has a GCS score of less than or equal to 13 with a mechanism attributed to trauma

You are assessing a 59 y/o male and note that his pupils are unequal. He is conscious and alert. When obtaining medical history, it is MOST pertinent to ask him if he: A) is allergic to any medications B) noticed the change during a meal C) regularly sees a family physician D) has a history of eye surgeries

D) has a history of eye surgeries

The cervical spine is MOST protected from whiplash-type injuries when the: A) rear end of the vehicle is initially struck B) airbag correctly deploys upon impact C) patient tenses up at the time of impact D) headrest is appropriately positioned

D) headrest is appropriately positioned

Which of the following statements regarding secondary brain injury is correct? A) signs are often present immediately after an impact to the head B) it results from direct brain trauma following an impact to the head C) because cerebral edema develops quickly, it is considered to be a primary brain injury D) hypoxia and hypotension are the most common causes of secondary brain injury

D) hypoxia and hypotension are the most common causes of secondary brain injury

Evaluation of the interior of a crashed motor vehicle during extrication will allow the EMT to: A) determine the vehicle's speed at the time of impact B) assess the severity of the third collision of the crash C) recognize if the driver hit the brakes before impact D) identify contact points and predict potential injuries

D) identify contact points and predict potential injuries

The effectiveness of positive-pressure ventilations when treating a head injury can ONLY be determined by: A) noting a decrease in HR during ventilations B) a neurosurgeon or ED physician C) reassessing the patient's BP after 10 minutes D) immediate reassessment following the intervention

D) immediate reassessment following the intervention

A driver involved in a rollover MVC will MOST likely experience serious injuries or death if he or she: A) remains within the vehicle B) is wearing only a lap belt C) experiences multiple impacts D) is ejected or partially ejected

D) is ejected or partially ejected

Following direct trauma to the upper part of the anterior neck, a young male presents with labored breathing, loss of voice, and subQ emphysema in the soft tissues around his neck. You should suspect a(n): A) esophageal tear B) crushed cricoid C) collapsed trachea D) laryngeal fracture

D) laryngeal fracture

With regard to the pediatric rule of nines, the: A) thorax is proportionately larger than an adult's B) arms are proportionately larger than an adult's C) head is proportionately smaller than an adult's D) legs are proportionately smaller than an adult's

D) legs are proportionately smaller than an adult's

When caring for a patient with a possible head injury, it is MOST important to monitor the patient's: A) pupil size B) BP C) pulse regularity D) level of consciousness

D) level of consciousness

What is the most common type of facial fracture? A) orbit B) mandible C) maxilla D) nasal

D) nasal

An abdominal evisceration: A) is most commonly the result of blunt force trauma B) should be covered with bulky dry, sterile dressings C) often causes severe hypothermia because of heat loss D) occurs when organs protrude through an open wound

D) occurs when organs protrude through an open wound

When assessing an elderly patient who fell, it is important to remember that: A) bilateral hip fractures usually occur when an elderly patient falls B) any fall in the elderly is considered to be high-energy trauma C) elderly patients who fall usually have a secondary head injury D) osteoporosis can cause a fracture as a result of falling from a standing position

D) osteoporosis can cause a fracture as a result of falling from a standing position

Which of the following is a sign of compartment syndrome? A) absence of pain at the injury site B) extreme redness to the injury site C) a bounding pulse distal to the injury site D) pain upon passive movement of the injury site

D) pain upon passive movement of the injury site

Burns to pediatric patients are generally considered more serious than burns to adults because: A) most burns in children are the result of child abuse B) pediatric patients are more prone to hyperthermia C) pediatric patients have a proportionately larger volume of blood D) pediatric patients have more surface area relative to total body mass

D) pediatric patients have more surface area relative to total body mass

After applying a pressure dressing to a laceration on the patient's arm, you notice that blood is slowly beginning to saturate it. You should: A) replace the dressing with another dressing B) apply a tourniquet proximal to the wound C) splint the arm and keep it below heart level D) place additional dressings over the wound

D) place additional dressings over the wound

When immobilizing a child on a long backboard, you should: A) secure the head prior to securing the torso and legs B) defer c-collar placement to avoid discomfort C) place the head in a slightly extended position D) place padding under the shoulders as needed

D) place padding under the shoulders as needed

A utility worker was trimming branches and was electrocuted when he accidentally cut a high-power line. He fell approximately 20 feet and is lying unresponsive on the ground. The power line is laying across his chest. You should: A) quickly but carefully move the patient away from the power line B) apply insulated gloves and assume manual control of his c-spine C) manually stabilize his head as your partner assesses for breathing D) rapidly assess the patient after ensuring that the power line is not live

D) rapidly assess the patient after ensuring that the power line is not live

The optic nerve endings are located within the: A) sclera B) pupil C) cornea D) retina

D) retina

Which of the following regarding severe burns is correct? A) severe burns involving the airway have a 100% mortality rate B) the majority of severe burns involve full-thickness burns only C) patients with severe burns are especially prone to hyperthermia D) severe burns are typically a combination of various degrees of burns

D) severe burns are typically a combination of various degrees of burns

Following blunt trauma to the abdomen, a 21 y/o female complains of diffuse abdominal pain and pain to the left shoulder. Your assessment reveals that her abdomen is distended and tender to palpation. On the basis of these findings, you should be MOST suspicious of injury to the: A) pancreas B) liver C) gallbladder D) spleen

D) spleen

Internal bleeding into a fractured extremity is MOST often controlled by: A) keeping the patient warm B) applying a tourniquet C) applying a chemical ice pack D) splinting the extremity

D) splinting the extremity

Which of the following statements regarding the rule of nines is correct? A) a child's head is equal to 14% of their total BSA B) the posterior of a child's leg is equal to 13.5% of the BSA C) the anterior arm in the adult is equal to 9% of the total BSA D) the anterior trunk of an adult is equal to 18% of the BSA

D) the anterior trunk of an adult is equal to 18% of the BSA

Which of the following statements regarding low-energy penetrating injuries is correct? A) internal injuries caused by low-velocity bullets are usually easy to predict B) exit wounds are typically easy to locate with low-energy penetrating wounds C) it is usually easy to differentiate between an entrance wound and an exit wound D) the area of injury is usually close to the path the object took through the body

D) the area of injury is usually close to the path the object took through the body

You and your partner arrive at the scene of a house fire where firefighters have rescued a 50 y/o male from his burning house. The patient has superficial and partial-thickness burns to his face and chest. His nasal hairs are singed and he is coughing up sooty sputum. You should be MOST concerned with: A) treating for hypothermia B) preventing infection C) estimating extent of his burns D) the potential for airway swelling

D) the potential for airway swelling

Which of the following regarding GSWs is correct? A) high-velocity bullets will cause less severe internal injuries B) low-velocity bullets will cause the greatest amount of trauma C) the size of a bullet has the greatest impact on the injury produced D) the speed of a bullet has the greatest impact on the injury produced

D) the speed of a bullet has the greatest impact on the injury produced

When transporting a patient with a facial injury, it is MOST important to be as descriptive as possible with the hospital regarding the patient's injuries because: A) most patients with facial trauma will need surgery B) it saves time on repeat assessments at the hospital C) they must make arrangements for an ICU bed D) they may need to call a specialist to see the patient

D) they may need to call a specialist to see the patient

According to the Association of Air Medical Services, you should consider air medical transport of a trauma patient if: A) the patient requires ALS care and stabilization, and the nearest ALS ground ambulance is more than 5-10 min away B) ground transport will take your ambulance out of service for an extended period of time, regardless of the severity of the patient's injuries C) he or she was involved in an MVC in which another occupant in the vehicle was killed, even if your patient's injuries are minor D) traffic conditions hamper the ability to get the patient to a trauma center by ground within the ideal time frame for the best clinical outcome

D) traffic conditions hamper the ability to get the patient to a trauma center by ground within the ideal time frame for the best clinical outcome

A 4 y/o female has a peanut lodged in the external auditory canal of her right ear. You should: A) use tweezers to remove the object B) thoroughly flush her ear with sterile saline C) remove the peanut with a cotton-tipped swab D) transport her to the ED

D) transport her to the ED

If you do not have the appropriate-sized cervical collar, you should: A) defer cervical immobilization and apply lateral head blocks B) place sandbags on either side of the patient's head C) ask the patient to keep his or her head in a neutral position D) use rolled towels to immobilize the patient's head

D) use rolled towels to immobilize the patient's head

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