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As I lay Dying by William Faulkner

5 inches

There are no spaces before or after ellipses.

Ellipsis marks show that you have omitted words from Angelou's quote.

Which of the following is an example of post hoc reasoning?

The simpsons & Teenagers

American Association for Artificial Intelligence. 17 Mar. 2001, http://www.aaai.org/.


My sister asked Grandma to bake her some chocolate chip cookies.

1, 2, 4 C.S. Lewis's The Voyage of the Dawn

High demand for ivory tusks has led to poachers killing elephants, which in turn has led to the danger of elephants being extinct

A thesis that contains a causal chain.

The picture on the wall fell down when its frame came loose.


Mary Shelley wrote the novel Frankenstein during a gloomy summer in Switzerland.

Bartleby the Scrivener & I would prefer not to.

Mark the sentence below that is incorrect and needs revision.

Branson, Missouri is currently on the top ten list for world-wide vacation destinations according to the Travel Channel, that is quite the feat for such a small town.

Choose the correct sentence.

Bright blue skies could be seen over the distant horizon.

Which sentence below is incorrect and contains a comma splice?

Courage and persistence are ingredients for success, without those two qualities a person is not as likely to succeed.

Which is incorrect? Choose the sentence fragment.

In the same class at school

Which sentence below is incorrect and contains a comma splice?

Joining the SFCC Theatre Club was a wonderful decision for Jill, it helped her mature and get over her stage fright.

In the 2012-2013 College Basketball Season, MU struggled to win basketball games after losing players like Denmon, English, and Dixon.

Shakespeare writes, "A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool".

Choose the correct sentence.

Shasta and Tristan came up with a plan

Choose the correct sentence.

The television series Friends aired on television between 1994 and 2004; although many fans consider it to be the best series in TV history, the editors of TV Guide ranked it twenty-one on their list of best television shows.

Millie was all ready to give her speech when the sound system beside her collapsed.

Too many cooks in the kitchen can spoil a good pot of soup.

Childhood obesity is a result of genetic factors, unhealthy eating habits, and a lack of physical activities.

Thesis with a focus on causes.

Choose the correct sentence.

They had a lot of softball games.

Barro's thesis is "One of the factors that keeps car theft going in the United States is the reliability of the old Hondas"(336).

This is not the thesis.

Each source cited on a works cited must directly cross reference to a citation in the essay.


Which of the following are the effects the author believes happen as a result of conspiracy theories? There may be more than one answer

conspiracu theories can leave.... it can lead people to..... conspiracy theories can lead to apathy


site, an

In MLA style, the long quotations (more than four typed lines) should be enclosed in quotation marks and single-spaced indented one inch (all lines) and written without enclosing quotation marks double-spaced, indented half an inch, and have no quotation marks indented one inch (all lines) and single-spaced

double-spaced, indented half an inch, and have no quotation marks

What other pattern of writing that you have learned does Barro use?


Indirect sources are cited by

using qtd. in in parentheses followed by the author who used the quote, and the page number: (qtd. in Doe 25)

Which passage is not a correct sentence?

Austin "Chumlee" Russell, often the brunt of ridicule on the History Channel's popular show Pawn Stars, has a net worth allegedly estimated at $600,000, he is believed to earn $25,000 an episode.

Which of the following statements best states Barro's main idea?

Auto theft has declined because technology in cars is more sophisticated which has led to criminals not have the proper tools to steal the cars.

A student has copied and pasted an essay off the internet. The essay doesn't have any in-text citations, but at the bottom of the essay, the student has provide a works cited entry for the essay that was copied and pasted. Choose the answer that best explains why this is plagiarism.

Copying and pasting an entire essay off the internet is plagiarism because the student is passing the work off as his own. The student is stealing someone else's words and ideas. Putting a works cited entry at the bottom of the essay doesn't make it research. That just makes it easier for the instructor to find the original essay that the student copied

When documenting one author by name in a text, which is correct?

Frye has argued this point before (197).

Which of the following uses the word effect properly. There may be more than one correct answer. Choose all that are correct.

Though hurricanes develop in coastal areas, their effects reach inland as well


New York and New Jersey residents are facing higher flood insurance rates because Hurricane Sandy caused so much damage there.

Which of the following sentences is incorrect and contains a comma splice?

The Chiefs have not won a Super Bowl since 1969, hopefully Mahomes and Reid can bring Kansas City another Super Bowl win in 2019.

Choose the correct sentence.

PEW Internet advisor Joanna Brenner reports that as of May 2013, 91% of adult Americans have a cell phone; of those, 56% have a smartphone.

Koerth-Baker's title suggests she will focus on the causes of conspiracy theories. However, she also discusses effects. In what paragraphs do you see her providing effects?

Paragraphs 13 and 14

"Beyond The Barriers Of Space And Time"

Parentheses are used when you add your own words to quotations in academic essays.

If Penny reads some information in an article on the web, and wants to use that information in her essay, what must she do to avoid plagiarizing that information?

Provide an in-text citation as well as a works cited entry to fully cite the article.

Read the following passage and decide which student incorrectly cited the quote within a quote. Original Source:

Rebecca Rosen writes "Shortly after works are created and proprietized, they tend to disappear from public view only to reappear in significantly increased numbers when they fall into the public domain and lose their owners."

Which of the following does Barro use to support his thesis? Choose all that apply.

Statistics evidence from experts in car their evidence from experts in law enforcement

Brendan Nyhan of Pediatrics Journal for Medicine published a study in which doctors clearly showed that childhood vaccinations were without risk with the exception of extremely rare circumstances. As a result of the study, those who distrusted vaccines became less likely to vaccinate their children

The backfire effect

We ate out last night because the stove was broken, and it's going to be a while before the repairman can fix it.

The ball was there before recess, so it belongs to anyone who finds it.

What do the psychologists mean when they say "a conspiracy theory isn't so much a response to a single event as it is an expression of an overarching world view" (339).

The belief in conspiracies is a result of temperamental and psychological tendencies to attempt to understand reality.

Benjamin Franklin famously wrote, "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days."

"Eeek!" the girl screamed, as a mouse dashed over her foot on his way out the door.

My Dad always takes us to see a movie for Christmas.

(Help!) I have been planning an essay on deforestation, and I cannot find the proper sources.

In Evelyn Pellicane's essay on pages 328-29, how many immediate causes does she address?


Which of the following passages commits plagiarism?

A student's commitment to online education needs to be very focused because if you hope to acquire a broader swath of knowledge for some larger purpose, you will need a directed,organized approach to be efficient and effective, especially in the absence of a formal degree program or traditional academic advisor.

While the Revolution presented women unprecedented opportunities to participate in protest movements and manage their family's farms and businesses, it ultimately did not offer lasting political change, excluding women from the right to vote and serve in office

A thesis that focuses on effects.

The chapter titled "Three Orthodox Christians" in the book The Faiths of the Founding Fathers is the best chapter.

According to Jason Kehe's article "The 9 Best Books Made Into Films in 2014," the novel Gone Girl is a "rare literary thriller so hot its journey to the mulitplex was inevitable."

Read the original source material and then determine which passage has been plagiarized.

Adolescents live in media-saturated worlds. Children have way too much exposure to all types of media, whether it's phones, televisions, music, or the Internet. A study proves this because adolescents on average were using some form of media more than 7.5 hours a day, much more time than spent in school or with parents.

Select the sentence below that is correct and contains no comma splice.

After selecting Despicable Me 2, the couple had a wonderful evening, and they enjoyed each other's company.

Choose the sources that need to be cited in order to avoid plagiarism

All of the above

Choose the correct sentence.

Although each Friends cast member earned a salary of $22,500 the first season, their earnings increased substantially by seasons eight, nine, and ten; then, the final year the series aired, each actor and actress earned a reported one million dollars an episode.

Which passage below is an incorrect sentence?

Although his reputation as a comedian has made him a household celebrity. Conan O'Brien's upbringing was very conservative. His father is an epedimiologist, his mother is an attorney, and Conan himself graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard University with a degree in history.

Why are French children better behaved than American children and why are fewer French children diagnosed with ADHD?

As a therapist who works with children, it makes perfect sense to me that French children don't need medications to control their behavior because they learn self-control early in their lives. The children grow up in families in which the rules are well-understood, and a clear family hierarchy is firmly in place. In French families, as Druckerman describes them, parents are firmly in charge of their kids—instead of the American family style, in which the situation is all too often vice versa. Wedge, Marilyn, Ph.D. "Suffer the Children: The Case Against Diagnosing and Medicating Children and Alternative Ways to Treating Them. Psychology Today, 8 March 2012, https://www.psychology today.com/blog/suffer-the-children

Which of the following is true about the works cited in MLA? Select all that apply.

B. The Works Cited page is part of the essay but it has its own page. C. The Works Cited page is arranged in alphabetical order by authors' last name, but if no author is named, then then by title. The words a, an, the are not part of the alphabetizing criteria

How does Barro explain the difference between a drop in auto theft in New York at about 96% and the 62% drop nationwide?

Barro links the persistence in car thefts in California to Mexican organized crime

Which is incorrect? Choose the sentence fragment.

Because of the recent school shootings.

Pick the sentence below that is incorrect and contains a comma splice.

Benedict Cumberbatch has starred in Star Trek: Into Darkness, The Hobbit, and in the British TV series, Sherlock, he always impresses audiences with his multi-faceted characters.

Henley, Patricia. The Hummingbird House. MacMurray, 1999.


Which is true of the cause-and-effect essay?

Cause and effect analyzes why by examining causes, describing effects, or both

Read the original source material and then determine which of the passages below has not been plagiarized. Original Source Material: Studies likewise have provided considerable evidence linking alcohol media exposure to behavioral outcomes. A recent longitudinal study, for instance, found that early adolescents who had not had an alcoholic drink before but who watched more alcohol-depicting movies were more likely to start drinking within 2 years than their peers who watched less alcohol-depicting movies (Sargent,Wills, Stoolmiller, Gibson, & Gibbons, 2006). Brown, Jane D., and Piotr S. Bobkowski. "Older And Newer Media: Patterns Of Use And Effects On Adolescents' Health And Well-Being." Journal Of Research On Adolescence (Wiley-Blackwell) 21.1 (2011): 95-113. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Aug. 2013.

Certainly media have a strong influence on the habits and attitudes of teens. For instance, Jane Brown and Piotr Bobkowski cite a 2006 study which determined that "early adolescents who had not had an alcoholic drink before but who watched more alcohol-depicting movies were more likely to start drinking within 2 years than their peers who watched less alcohol-depicting movies."

Mark the following sentence below that is incorrect and contains a comma splice.

Colorado Springs offers some of the best hiking trails in the country, fifteen miles of trails around the Garden of the Gods provide breath-taking scenery for the hiker.

Which of the following might serve as thesis statements for Koerth-Baker's essay

Conspiracy theories and theorists may seem insane, but most people, even the most sane, share a tendency toward conspiratorial thinking and even paranoid beliefs.

Mark the sentence below that is incorrect and contains a comma splice

DC and Marvel character movies are the top fad, the American marketplace is inundated with Spider-Man, Hulk, Thor, Joker, Batman, Superman, Iron Man, Wolverine, and Green Lantern paraphernalia.

When the girl spoke in front of the class, she surprised them by saying, "Oh, no! I forgot what I was going to say!"

Ernest Hemingway's short story "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber" is much better than his novel The Old Man and the Sea.

Even the most rational may come to believe in conspiracy theories because

Even those.. knowing the truth... when people face threats...

Pick out the sentence below that is incorrect and contains a comma splice.

In Sweden, thirteen-year-olds take a mandatory Minecraft course, the course fosters critical thinking, planning, and computer skills.

In an article explaining how Humans of New York book author Brandon Stanton helped a New York City school raise one million dollars, the editors of The Washington Post write a clever analysis.

In the essay, "Shakespeare in the Bush," anthropologist Laura Bohannon's humorous discussion of Shakespeare's play Hamlet reveals many similar customs and rituals between the Tiv and the characters in the play.

Why does Barro focus on the Honda Accord?

It is the most stolen car, but more than that, using this example supports his point: the vast majority of Accords that are stolen are the models from 1997 and earlier because after, Honda made cars with immoblizers.

Which of the following properly uses in-text citation for a smoothly integrated direct quotation which came from a hard bound book written by Joe Green?

Joe Green claims that zombies "enjoy the taste of cow brains for a change of pace" (156). Zombies "enjoy the taste of cow brains for a change of pace" (Green 156

Which of the following sentences is incorrectly punctuated?

Many coffee lovers have made an unfortunate discovery, caffeine may be just as addictive as alcohol and narcotics.

Identify the correctly punctuated sentence.

Missouri was the 24th state admitted into the union; it became a state in 1821, followed by Arkansas in 1836

Which of the following is correctly formatted for an MLA citation?

Mother-infant attachment has been a leading topic of developmental research since John Bowlby found that "children raised in institutions were deficient in emotional and personality development" (Hunt 358).

Which of the sentences below is incorrect and contains a comma splice?

Ms. Smith asked students questions about the book, she stopped part way through to remind students to avoid interrupting others when they are talking.

Identify the sentence that is correctly punctuated.

Multiple studies in the past five years suggest a disturbing revelation; many children are not developing essential social skills because their parents spend too much time on their cell phones.

Choose the correctly punctuated sentence

My favorite television show is The Middle; the characters are so believable.

Which is the incorrect sentence? Choose the fragment.

Reading books and sitting by the fireplace.

Which piece of information does not fall under the "Common Knowledge" category and must be cited to avoid plagiarizing?

Regulation golf balls have 336 dimples

When adjectives such as several and that are in a title, do not capitalize them.

Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets

Mark the sentence below that is incorrect and contains a comma splice.

Sherlock is a television show from the BBC, viewers adore the talented lead actor and the imaginative script.

Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow, www.ehow.com/how_10727_make-vegetarian-chili.html. Accessed 6 July 2015.

Short work from a website

Which is incorrect? Choose the sentence fragment.

Since she knew it was dangerous

Choose the correct sentence.

Sleeping will be difficult because it stays light so late.

Ellipsis marks show that you have omitted words from Angelou's quote.

Spell out numbers that are in dates.

Which of the following are strong thesis statements for cause and effect essays? Select all that apply.

Studies show that cell phone use during times designated for other key activities, such as studying, socializing, and sleeping, correlates with other struggles typically associated with adolescence, such as focus and retention, poor self-worth, and fatigue In John Steinbeck's novel The Pearl, the biggest reason Kino and his family suffered so much was due to Kino's increased greed after finding the pearl, which caused him to become obsessed with wealth, act violent, and lead to the eventual destruction of his family.

Which of the following does Koerth-Baker use to exemplify conspiracy theories? There may be more than one answer.

The Boston Marathon bombings were perpetuated by Saudi high level connections with a rogue government. The belief that G.W. Bush was part of the September 11 attacks. The Boston Marathon bombings were perpetuated by Saudi high level connections with a rogue government. The belief that G.W. Bush was part of the September 11 attacks.

Which sentences below is incorrect and contains a comma splice?

The Broadway play Wicked is going to come to Kansas City in the fall, I want to see it.

In Arthur Conan Doyle's autobiography Memories and Adventures, he recounts some of Sherlock Holmes' methods of deduction.

The New York Times recently ran an article titled "A Stranger's Campaign."

Which of the following does Barro believe is the main cause for why stealing cars has gone "out of fashion?"

The engine immobilizer systems.

You are revising an essay for Ms. Perfection's English course. What sentence below will you have to revise before Ms. P flunks the essay?

The flight to Florida was enjoyable, however, the turbulent, bumpy landing made me wonder if the pilot had been a bull rider in his youth.

Which piece of information does not fall under the "Common Knowledge" category and must be cited to avoid plagiarizing the information?

The largest milk producing country by volume in the whole world is India.

"Keep your hands off my pie," snapped the customer, glaring at the waiter over his copy of The San Francisco Chronicle.

The movie Love in the Time of Cholera is better than the book Love in the Time of Cholera.

Is Barro's sole purpose to inform, or does he also have a persuasive purpose

Though the primary purpose is to inform, Barro also attempts to persuade the readers that technology has been a key reason car thefts have declined

When citing a source within a source what information should be included in the works cited entry in order to avoid plagiarism?

Use "qtd in." to inform the reader that you are using a source within a source. It's also better to go directly to the original source and quote that, if possible.

Which sentence below is incorrect and contains a comma splice?

We sat and read the book together, Liz pretended to read the words with me.

Purdue University has an excellent online writing lab.

When adjectives such as several and that are in a title, do not capitalize them.

Choose the correct sentence.

When biking and jogging, use caution but enjoy the outdoors.

Which is incorrect? Choose the sentence fragment

When they were young.

Bernstein, Barton J. "Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Nagasaki." Diplomatic History, vol. 28, no. 4, Fall 2011, pp. 126-29. Academic Search Premier, www.ebscohost.com/academic/academic-search-premier.

Work from an online database

The fall of the Bastille was the cause of the French Revolution, which was ultimately caused by the peasants' suffering in the decades leading up up to that event."


Pick the sentence below that is incorrect and contains a comma splice.

Zombies are currently a popular trend in marketing, games such as Left for Dead, The Walking Dead, and Dead Island are being sold.

In Evelyn Pellicane's essay on pages 328-329, what focus does her thesis reveal?

causes and effects

What is the correct order of items in an MLA heading?

student name, instructor, class, date

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