England Part 2The Canterbury tales, English 12 Unit 4 Test, Quiz 3 11-14, Nun's Priest Tale, Medieval literature 1-9, 11-14, 17, English 4 Unit 5, Canterbury Tales, Canterbury Tales Test, Medieval England, English Exam Characters, Final Test, English...

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Which of the following is not an example of direct characterization?

"Children were afraid when he appeared."

Which of these quotations from the Prologue is an example of direct characterization?

"He was an honest worker, good and true...."

list of characters and setting


why did the doctor make alot of money during the plague

"kept gold in pestchislances" he did alot of work for people then because it made him alot of money he didnt actually know how to treat the plague

c. (MLA doesn't include the year in the in-text citation.)

1. Which one is an incorrect example of an MLA in-text citation? a. Medieval Europe was a place both of "raids, pillages, slavery, and exertion and of traveling merchants, monetary exchanges, town if not cities, and active markets in grain" (Townsend 10). b. Others, like Jakobson and Waugh (210-15), hold the opposite point of view. c. Others, like Jakobson and Waugh (2001), hold the opposite point of view.

the 7 deadly sins

1. avarice - greed 2. gluttony - over eating 3. lust - sexual sins 4. anger 5. envy - jealousy 6. sloth - laziness 7. pride

How many syllables were in each line?

10 syllables per line unstressed and stressed

Chaucer was captured in the year ___ while fighting in the ____

1036 Hundred Years' War

The normans conquered Anglo-Saxon England in the year


When did Chaucer live?

1343 to 1400

The Black Death

1348 up to 50% of the population died

Peasants Revolt

1381 peasants stormed various royal institutions and killed representatives of the crown. Demanded an end of Serfdom better tax arrangements

How many mortal battles did the knight fight?


To become a sergeant of laws, a lawyer had to have at least_______ years' experience.


To become sergeant of law you must have at least

16 years of experience

How do you 19th century scholars order the Canterbury tales?

19th-century scholars put them into groups that creates consistent and continuous narrative

Elderly wife has ___ daughter


d. (In example A, the parenthetical citation should have been before the period. In example B, the "pp." symbol should not be in the citation.)

2. Which one is the correct example of an MLA in-text citation? a. One of the world's earliest air disasters was the destruction of the French dirigible Dixmude, which exploded in 1923 after it was struck by lightening, killing all fifty-nine crew members aboard.(Davis 11) b. The 1881 fire that destroyed the Ring Theater in Vienna, Austria killed 850 people and injured hundreds of others. The fire was even more tragic because it was caused by human error, and it escalated by inaction (Davis pp. 203-04). c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

How many stories were finished?

22 finished tales

How many pilgrims are mentioned in the "Prologue" besides Chaucer?


How many pilgrims were mentioned in the prologue beside Chaucer


The Tales

29 Pilgrims--2 tales to Canterbury, 2 tales on the return--Free dinner--The Tabard(host)--120 stories all together Canterbury: Thomas Beckett(Killed there)---Town, to visit church-Holy Place

summary of the pardoner's tale

3 rioters see a funeral procession of a man they knew go in search of death but find an old man instead the man yearns for death but cant find him the rioters are very cruel to the man and call him a spy of death ask the old man where to find death and he says under the oak tree the rioters find money under the oak tree and call it Fortune the money does eventually lead them all to death because they plot to kill each other they all die

What does the elderly widow own?

3 sows, 3 cows, some chickens (including Chanticleer) and a sheep

Chaucer's intentions was for each pilgrim to tell how many tails


Roman invasion

52 BC

How far is Canterbury Cathedral?

55 miles to the south east

Celtic invasion

700 BC

Which line numbers show Grendel's first recognition that he was facing an extraordinary opponent?

750 to 754

Which lines show Grendel first recognizing that he was facing a strong opponent


What lines explain why swords were useless against Grendel?

798 to 805

Which lines explain why swords were useless against Grendel


The danelaw was regained in the year AD ___ by followers of ___

954 and Alfred

which of the following best describes the relationship between paganism and Christianity during the time of the Anglo-Saxons A. Many pagan warrior traditions were kept and given Christian purpose B. Pagan warrior traditions were abandoned C. Christian traditions were abandoned



A Danish warrior who is jealous of Beowulf, he is unable or unwilling to fight Grendel, thus proving himself inferior to Beowulf.

what is the skipper

A PIRATE and makes people walk the plank


A ceremony in which the vassal declares his loyalty to his Lord and receives his fief

What are closed couplets?

A couplet that presents a complete thought


A demon descended from Cain, he preys on Hrothgar's warriors in the king's mead-hall, Heorot. Because his ruthless and miserable existence is part of the retribution exacted by God for Cain's murder of Abel, He fits solidly within the ethos of vengeance that governs the world of the poem.

The miller in the 14th century was generally considered

A dishonest man


A double metaphor usually hyphenated


A double metaphor, usually hyphenated.


A figure from Norse mythology, famous for slaying a dragon. His story is told in praise of Beowulf and foreshadows Beowulf's encounter with the dragon.

1. The prompt at the top of the outline. 2. A clear thesis statement that responds to the prompt. 3.Topic sentences (the main reasons) for each body paragraph that support the thesis 4. Supporting evidence under each topic sentence (in the form of a quotation, paraphrase, or summary that you plan to use to support the point you are making). - Citing from at least FOUR sources. 5. MLA-formatted in-text citations for each quote/paraphrase. 6. Works cited page

A formal topic sentence outline should include:


A funny tale popular in French literature

What is a framework tale?

A group of stories held together by the circumstances of the storytellers


A humorous tale popular in French literature


A journey to a place considered sacred for religious purposes.

What is not a common tradition in courtly love literary pieces

A man who suffers for love *A MAN BEING HIT BY AN ANGELS ARROW a lady whose appearance is perfect A man who must prove himself worthy


A noble holding a fief from another noble of higher rank

What is a pilgrimage?

A religious journey major shrine or holy place


A repetition of initial sounds in two or more words of a line of poetry

What was obesity a sign up during the middle ages?

A sign of success and affluence


A social and economic system in the Middle Ages

How did the Anglo-Saxons regard life

A transitory occurrence

Queen Modthryth

A wicked queen of legend who punishes anyone who looks at her the wrong way. Her story is told in order to contrast her cruelty with Hygd's gentle and reasonable behavior.


A writer's or speaker's choice of words

How long does the knight have to complete the task given by the queen?

A year and one day


A young kinsman and retainer of Beowulf who helps him in the fight against the dragon while all of the other warriors run away. He adheres to the heroic code better than Beowulf's other retainers, thereby proving himself a suitable successor to Beowulf.


A young man of Athens, in love with Hermia. His relationship with Hermia invokes the theme of love's difficulty: he cannot marry her openly because Egeus, her father, wishes her to wed Demetrius; when they run away into the forest, he becomes the victim of misapplied magic and wakes up in love with Helena.


A young man of Athens, initially in love with Hermia and ultimately in love with Helena. His pursuit of Hermia throws love out of balance among the quartet of Athenian youths and precludes a symmetrical two-couple arrangement.


A young woman of Athens, in love with Demetrius. She and Demetrius were once betrothed, but when Demetrius met Hermia, he fell in love with her. Lacking confidence, Helena thinks that Demetrius and Lysander are mocking her when the fairies' mischief causes them to fall in love with her.

Date of Beowulf's manuscript

AD 1000

date of Beowulf manuscript

AD 1000

Anglo-Saxon period

AD 449-1066

Possible time of the legendary King Arthur

AD 500

Death of hygelac

AD 521

death of Hygelac

AD 521

Latest date for original writing of Beowulf

AD 790-830

latest date for original writing of Beowulf

AD 790-830

Edward "the confessor" was king of England from


During ____ reign spelling became more standardized


The Roman Empire spread over most of the known world from northern Africa through most of

Africa through most of Europe, from the Middle East to Spain, and even to Britain in the west.


After the Normand conquest, royalty adopted French while commoners continued to use English. Christian Churche became powerful and comissioned 27 great cathedrals. Nationalism took root in this timeframe By 1250 industry was raising a middle class whith guilds to support them.

Chosen by charlemange


Who was not an early Norman king?


During ___ reign spelling became more regular


The us of repetition of initial sounds is called



Also known as Robin Goodfellow, he is Oberon's jester, a mischievous fairy who delights in playing pranks on mortals. His antics are responsible for many of the complications that propel the other main plots: he mistakes the young Athenians, applying the love potion to Lysander instead of Demetrius, thereby causing chaos within the group of young lovers; he also transforms Bottom's head into that of an ass.

the Dragon

An ancient, powerful serpent, it guards a horde of treasure in a hidden mound. Beowulf's fight with it constitutes the third and final part of the epic.

Folk Ballad

An anonymous song passed on through the oral tradition; several four-lined stanzas written in iambic pentameter

King Heremod

An evil king of legend. The scop, or bard, at Heorot discusses him as a figure who contrasts greatly with Beowulf.

The hero in an epic is

An ideal

Grendel's Mother

An unnamed swamp-hag, she seems to possess fewer human qualities than Grendel, although her terrorization of Heorot is explained by her desire for vengeance—a human motivation.

William invaded England in AD 1066

And became the next king

Courtly love

Andreas capellanus

From what language do most of our pronouns come?


Venerable Bede

Anglo-Saxon historian who wrote The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation

Folk ballad

Anonymous song passed orally several four lines stanzas written in iambic pentameter with many words


Appearance: bad acne, scabby brows, narrow eyes Important Facts: likes onions and garlic, drinks, and speaks latin, extorts $ from sinners Chaucer doesn't like him


Appearance: curly locks Why on the Pilgrimage? serve the knight Important Facts: likes to party, plays the flute


Appearance: dirty Important Facts: honest worker, faithful, poor=generous Reason why on Pilgrimage: accompany Parson


Appearance: fat, bald, greasy, wears fine fur Important Facts: monks=have fun, likes to hunt Chaucer likes him


Appearance: forked beard, motley clothes Important Facts: good negotiator, very poor


Appearance: grey eyes, danty eater, fat, unibrow, loves animals Important Facts: doesn't speak french, love conquers all


Appearance: lanyard with dagger, tanned and beard Important Facts: likes wine, and maudelayne


Appearance: long, greasy, stringy, yellow hair, no facial hair, and bulging eyes Important Facts: sells fake relic, fake pardons, good singer Reason why on Pilgrimage: sells more fake relics and pardons Chaucer doesn't like him


Appearance: modest dresser Why on the Pilgrimage? Render thanks Important Facts: fought 15 battles, virtous and brave Chaucer likes him

Sergeant Law

Appearance: multi-colored coat and silk belt Important Facts: busy guy, sometimes makes document

Weave & Carpet Maker

Appearance: nice gear, silver knives Important Facts: wants to be alderman, women=ambitious


Appearance: nut-shaped head, tan, green hood Important Facts: good with bow, wears St, Christopher


Appearance: red clothes, and silk too Important Facts: loves gold, smart, scam apothecaries Chaucer doesn't like him


Appearance: simple clothing Important Facts: humble, pleasant, generous, good shepard Reason why on Pilgrimage: religious reasons Chaucer really likes him

Woman from Bath-Wife

Appearance: somewhat deft, FAT, gap teeth, big hat Important Facts: promiscuous, youth, married five times, has a broken heart Reason why on Pilgrimage: been on many, looking for husband number 6 Chaucer likes her

Wife of Bath Tales

Appearance: somewhat deft, FAT, gap teeth, big hat Important Facts: promiscuous, youth, married five times, has a broken heart Reason why on Pilgrimage: been on many, looking for husband number 6 Chaucer likes her -Tells of how she sleeps around and enjoys mens affection


Appearance: stout, red hair, hairy wart on nose Important Facts: filthy mouth, bulgar, scams people on grain Chaucer doesn't like him

Oxford Cleric

Appearance: thin and pale, malnourished Important Facts: $ on education, quiet, talks well of virtue Chaucer likes him


Appearance: ulcer on knee Important Facts: good cook, can identify ales by flavor


Appearance: white beard-old and white silk purse Important Facts: generous, judges, sheriff Chaucer likes him

Friar (Hubert)

Appearance: white skin, strong neck, red hood Important Facts: $ for begging distinct gifts to girls-bribes Chaucer doesn't like him

In what month does pilgrimage take place?


When does the pilgrimage take place


How was Chanticleers crowing describes

As regular as a clock

What is indirect characterization?

Author allows me to discover what the characters like

Wiglaf was different from Beowulf's other retainers because he A. Deserted Beowulf B. Remained loyal to Beowulf until the end C. Took charge of the other retainers


A poem written in four line stanzas


The twa sister


Although military unsuccessful the crusades stimulated the growth of trade and ___ the growth of ___ and the rise of ___

Banking cities middle class

Which of the following is a kenning?


What caused feudalism to decline?

Because trade increased, cities grew, and a middle class was created, the system was no longer necessary.

What was Chanticleers dream

Being eaten by a dog like creature




Beowulf's childhood friend, whom he defeated in a swimming match. Unferth alludes to the story of their contest, and Beowulf then relates it in detail.


Beowulf's father, Hygelac's brother-in-law, and Hrothgar's friend. He is dead by the time the story begins, but he lives on through the noble reputation that he made for himself during his life and in his dutiful son's remembrances.


Beowulf's people of southern Sweden


Beowulf's uncle, king of the Geats, and husband of Hygd. He heartily welcomes Beowulf back from Denmark.

Animal allegory


What was the theme of the nuns priests tale

Beware of flattery



What does the cleric spend with all this money?

Books which were expensive because of the printing press not being invented yet.

Which of the following is not one of the five social groups represented by Chaucer's pilgrims

Bourgeoisie Military Merchant WRONG rascal Clergy

Which heroic quality was Beowulf not eulogized for having


Which was not a mandate of the chivalric code

Bravery Courtesy *COURTLY LOVE honor

The widow did not lack

Bread and milk

"Sir Orfeo"

Breton lay

Conquered by rome




Hadrian's wall

Built in AD 120

Which is not an accurate description of Grendel A. Crazed with evil anger B. Huge in his blood lust C. Three rows of teeth D. An ugly light shone from his eyes


Which of the following is true of English language A. It is funds mentally the language of the native jutes B. It's is the language of Normans C. it's is a combination of the native language and and invading people's language


Which of the following is not a low Germanic language A. Dutch B. Frisian C. Danish D. Flemish

C danish

A pause or break in a line of Anglo Saxon poetry



Ceremony in which the vassal declares loyalty to his lord and gets his fief

The Nun's Priest's Tale Who is the main character?


What is the rooster's name?


Nun's Priest Tale

Chanticleer- rooster 1. had a dream that he got attacked by a fox 2. Pertelote, his wife gives Chanitcleer a hard time, recommends laxatives 3. Chanitcleer gives examples where dreams are important 4. Fox tricks Chanticleer 5. Chanitcleer tricks Fox to release him

What is characterization?

Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of the character.

Book of the Duchesse


Book of the duchesse


Canterbury Tales


Hous of Fame


Hous of fame


The Book of the Duchesse


who wrote the general prologue


what does Chuacer think of the merchant

Chaucer cant remember his name so he is not important to him

What do we know about Chaucer's personal life?

Chaucer was born into middle-class family in London not long after the hundred years war. Early in his life, he became a page for and family, making him become attached to several noble patrons. He fought and was captured during the hundred years war by France. Later Chaucer married Phillipa and had at least two children. He was sent on several occasions throughout Europe as the Kings ambassador.

The Nun's Priest's tale

Chauntecleer the rooster dreams of his own death. He is tricked into crowing for a fox and is stolen away. He then tricks the fox and escapes

____ was an outgrowth of the feudal system


Chanticleer crows the hour more accurately than any _______

Church clock

When did Chaucer began the Canterbury tales?

Circa 1387


Citing an example; using an illustrative story, either true or fictitious

Which is not a position Chaucer held in his lifetime

Civil servants Diplomat *NOVELIST comptroller

Poor student


Proverbs of Alfred

Collection of wise sayings

A ____ is the relationship between a king (lord) and his retainers in Anglo Saxon time


What is Irony?

Contrast or discrepancy between expectation and reality

What was coral a symbol of during Chaucer's time?

Coral was considered defense against worldly temptations, as well as a love charm.

1: italicize - Issues & Controversies On File 2. italicize - Issues & Controversies (located after n.pag.) 3. "As long as you do the entry for a source correctly in the Works Cited, you don't need that long URL address or the http." (Susan Tucker)

Correct the citation example: "Nation Building." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 26 Mar. 2007. Web. 6 July 2012. <http://www.2facts.com.ezproxy.vccs.edu:2048/article/i0702030>.

What are the colors of Chanticleer?

Crest: redder than fine coral Beak: black as jet Nails: whiter than lilies Feathers: shine like burnished gold

Chanticleer then moves on to classical examples from the Greek accounts of the Trojan wars, speaking of , both of ______________________whom had dreams about death.

Croesus and Andromache

Chanticleer then moves on to Classical Greek accounts speaking of

Croesus and Andromache who both had dreams of death

Which is not true of Alfreda the great A. He was the king of Wessex B. He began the Anglo-Saxon chronicle C. He was a peacemaker D. He successfully kept the Danes out of England


Which was not a method used by scops to help them remember a story A. Alliteration B. Rhythms C. Phrases D. Kennings

D. Kennings

The _________ was a portion of England which the Anglo-Saxons ceded to the Danes to avoid more warfare.


Divine Comedy


Divine comedy


What writer is influenced Chaucer?

Dante, Petrarch, Giovanni Boccaccio

Pearl represents a vision of a mans

Dead daughter

Who is the old man in "The Pardoner's Tale"?


What kenning is used in the description of Grendel's end

Death sick

What were popular types of literature in the thirteenth century

Debates lyrical ballads didactic and religious poems

Pertelote was courteous and


Hrothgar's kingdom


Hrothgars kingdom


Where does the mains story begin?


In Chanticleers two stories both


What is the physiognomic interpretation of sow like appearance?

Dirtiness- Plowman

What does doctors in the middle ages believe?

Doctors in the middle ages believe that the 12 signs of the zodiac affect different parts of the body and that the human body contains four types of humors or fluids, also influenced by stars that dictated a person's temperament and physical appearance

What weird objects does the prioress own?

Dogs and a lot of jewelry

a list of property holders

Domesday Book

A poet fell asleep and had a dream that becomes a story

Dream vision

A ______ is a device used to tell a story usually an allegory within a story


When did the pilgrims in the Canterbury tales go?

During the spring

How many stories do each pilgrim tell during the Canterbury tales?

Each pilgrim would tell two stories on the way to Canterbury and two stories on the return

Chaucer's intention was for each traveler to tell how many tales?

Each traveler will tell four stories: two on the way to Canterbury and two on the return trip. (120)

What qualities do the parsoner, plowman, and clerk all differ?

Education and profession

conquered Wales

Edward I


Egeus's daughter, a young woman of Athens. She is in love with Lysander and is a friend of Helena. As a result of the fairies' mischief with Oberon's love potion, both Lysander and Demetrius suddenly fall in love with Helena. Self-conscious about her short stature, she suspects that Helena has wooed the men with her height. By morning, however, Puck has sorted matters out with the love potion, and Lysander's love for her is restored.

Poem written in an elevated style about a serious subject


What is the main setting of the story about the knight in "The Wife of Bath's Tale"?

England in the time of King Arthur

A heroic narrative poem about a national hero


What is the vernacular?

Everyday language spoken in London and East Midlands

What was the consequence of sexual relations outside marriage?


What is avarice?

Extreme greed for riches

A ____ is a humorous tale popular in French literature


A caesura is a primary accent


England had three dialects of Middle English. True False


England has 3 dialects of Middle English


Final E Is silent in Middle English


Final e is silent in Middle English. True False


Thousands of examples of Anglo-Saxon literature have been preserved to be studied


The danelaw gave the Danes all of England

False it gave them a part of england

What idea disappeared by Chaucer's time?

Feudal order with emphasis on chivalry

The status of workers was a measure to

Fix wages and prices

1. cite 2. summarize 3. evaluate

For an effective annotation you must do the following in order.

Why did pilgrims often travel in groups?

For companionship and protection


Form of literature in which the poet can tell a story within a story. The poet often falls asleep and has a dream, which becomes the story

Dream vision

Form of literature in which the poet tells a story inside of a story where the poets falls asleep and the story is about the dream

Newly rich


Norman French combined ___ and the Germanic language of the ___

French, Vikings



What qualities do the parson, plowman, and clerk all have?

General, spiritual, interested in wealth, and full of energy for the work

Who wrote the History of the Kings of Britain?


Who is the only pilgrim not described in the "Prologue"?

Geoffrey Chaucer

Who is the only pilgrim not described in the prologue

Geoffrey Chaucer

who was the author of the canterbury tales?

Geoffrey Chaucer

History of the kings of Britain

Geoffrey of Monmouth

The history of the kings of Briton

Geoffrey of Monmouth

The Anglo-Saxons were originally

Germanic, Angles and Saxons, a blended tribe

What is the allegory that the Pardoner teaches in "The Pardoner's Tale"?

Greed is the root of all evil.

Carried of a chieftan

Grendel's mother

carried off a chieftain

Grendel's mother

Trade associations were called


The other pilgrims knew that the five ___ were successful because they had silver rather than brass trim on their ____

Guildsmen knives

Romance of the Rose

Guillaume de Lorris

Romance of the rose

Guillaume de lorris

lost the throne to William


Cheerful host turned pilgrim

Harry Bailly

cheerful host turned pilgrim

Harry Bailly


He administers the sacraments in his town, especially those of marriage and confession. However, he has taken to accepting bribes.

the Summoner

He brings people accused of violating the Church law to court. He uses his power corruptly for his own gain. He gets drunk frequently, is irritable, and is not particularly qualified for his position. He spouts the few words of Latin he knows in an attempt to sound educated.

In "The Wife of Bath's Tale," after the knight and the old woman are married, the old woman gives him two choices. What are they?

He can have an old, faithful wife or a young wife who is unfaithful.

After the complement, what does Chanticleer do?

He crows for the fox

the Miller

He drunkenly insists on telling the second tale. He steals grain from his customers. His tale is about how Nicholas tricks the Carpenter into thinking a flood is coming so he can sleep with Allison, the Carpenter's wife. This story is meant as a dig to the Reeve.

In "The Wife of Bath's Tale," the knight decides to return to the queen and meet his fate even before he meets the old woman. Why?

He gave his word he would return.

Where was Chaucer buried?

He is buried in the Westminster Abbey

What is Chaucer called and why?

He is called the father of English poetry because he made the English language respectable

Nun's Priest

He is not described in the General Prologue. He tells a story of Chanticleer and the Fox. The moral of the story is never to trust a flatterer.

What type of work does the reeve perform?

He is the superintendent of a farm.

How does the old man personify death?

He personifies death as a mother, suggesting warmth and welcoming.

In what way does Chaucer employ satire?

He pokes at the faults and shortcomings of the pilgrims.

In "The Wife of Bath's Tale," what does the knight do after hearing the queen's question and leaving her presence?

He searches all over and asks every woman he finds for the answer.

What can you infer from these words of the Pardoner in "The Pardoner's Tale"? For my exclusive purpose is to win / And not at all to castigate their sin. / Once dead what matter how their souls may fare? / They can go blackberrying, for all I care!

He wants his parishioners to give him plenty of their money.

Reread these lines that are spoken by the old man in "The Pardoner's Tale." What does he mean? About the earth, which is my mother's gate, / Knock-knocking with my staff from night to noon / And crying, 'Mother, open to me soon! / Look at me, mother, won't you let me in?'

He wants to die.

What do we know about his professional life?

He was a relatively important government service. He wrote a great deal sometimes for personal advancement. Chaucer also wrote great allegorical poems and love stories.



called "Beauclerc"

Henry I

set up the forerunner of the modern grand jury

Henry II

Hrothgar's hall


Hrothgars hall


the Prioress

Her table manners are dainty, she knows (improper) French, and she is charitable and compassionate. She wears a veil to symbolize the front that puts on. "Love conquers all". Her tale is about a little Christian boy who is murdered by Jews but still continues to sing. The story is actually about hate and not love, which is irony and appearance vs. reality.

Pertelote intends to gather some ___ to help Chanticleer


Pertelote says she will get ____ for Chanticleer



Hermia's father, who brings a complaint against his daughter to Theseus: he has given Demetrius permission to marry Hermia, but Hermia, in love with Lysander, refuses to marry Demetrius. His severe insistence that Hermia either respect his wishes or be held accountable to Athenian law places him squarely outside the whimsical dream realm of the forest.

The period between the Norman conquest AD 1066 and the age of Chaucer the 1350s was a time of change referred to as

High middle ages

the Pardoner

His job is to grant papal indulgences, but he collected profits for themselves. He admits to charging money to see fake relics. His tale is about three greedy men who find gold while searching for death and all try to conspire against each other. They all end up dying. The moral is that the root of evil is greed.

the Reeve

His job was similar to a steward of a manor. However, he steals from his master. His story is about John and Alan who trick the miller into sleeping with his wife and daughter. This is to get back at the Miller. Talks about 4 live coals- lies, boasting, greed, and rage.

What was the summoner's job?

His job was to find offenders of sexual relations and deliver them to the Archdeacon for punishment

What was the job of the reef?

His job was to inspect everything and impose fines if he found anything wrong

Who tries to avenge Grendel

His mother

What with the knights original sentence to having sexual relations with the maiden?

His original sentence was death by decapitation

Harry bailly

Host of the Tabard Inn in Canterbury Tales

The MLA citation is double-spaced with first line being a hanging indent, and the annotation is also double-spaced but indented.

How is an MLA annotation formatted?

King of the Danes


is the king of the Danes in Beowulf.


king of the Danes



Hrothgar's elder son, he stands to inherit the Danish throne, but his older cousin Hrothulf will prevent him from doing so. Beowulf offers to support the youngster's prospect of becoming king by hosting him in Geatland and giving him guidance.


Hrothgar's nephew, he betrays and usurps his cousin, Hrethic, the rightful heir to the Danish throne. His treachery contrasts with Beowulf's loyalty to Hygelac in helping his son to the throne.


Hrothgar's trusted adviser.


Hrothgar's wife, the gracious queen of the Danes

King of Geats


To whom does Beowulf give the treasures he has earned


To whom does Beowulf give the treasures he has earned?


king of the Geats



Hygelac's wife, the young, beautiful, and intelligent queen of the Geats. She is contrasted with Queen Modthryth.


I'm the Germanic tradition the relationship between a leader and his warriors or a king and his lords

Where are the three young rioters?

In Flanders at a bar

What does the wife of Bath's tale take place?

In King Arthur's Day

A. Biases B. Misleading statistics

In an opponent's essay, what are some significant weaknesses to look for that can be worth refuting:

What is the job of a prioress?

In charge of other nuns and under oath not leave her charges

Where are words of Anglo-Saxon origin commonly used

In everyday speech and writing


In feudal society the land held from the Lord in return for service


In the Germanic tradition, the relationship between a leader and his warriors, or a king and his lords

What is the physiognomic interpretation of high four head?

Intelligence, breeding- Nun

Means of change in early england



Is social economic and political system in the middle ages in which vassals give military service in return for land and protection from the Lord

What is the ballad stanza

It consists of four lines of iambic tetrameter lines one and three have four accents lines two and four have three accents lines two and four rhyme

What is the moral of "The Wife of Bath's Tale"?

It is best for husbands and wives when women rule the marriage.

Which of the statements best describes comitatus?

It was closely linked with pagan warriors.

Why is the History of the Kings of Britain unusual?

It was written in Latin.

The merchants Tale

Januarie decides to get married for shallow reasons and settles on May. At their wedding another man falls in love with her and she agrees to have sex with him. Januarie is struck with blindness which transforms him into an Ernest husband. He builds a beautiful garden for his wife. Her lover meets them there and has sex in the pear tree while Januarie is present. Pluto restores his sight in anger at the woman. Persephone is mad at Pluto for intervening and grants may the power to talk herself out of the situation

an unpopular king


Confessio Amantis

John Gower

Confessio amantis

John Gower

lost most English possessions in France

King John


King of the Danes in Beowulf

The wife of Bath's tale

Knight is rapist and sentenced to death. Gwenevere intercedes and promises to spare his life if he can answer what a woman truly wishes. Searches for a year has no clue. An old woman meets him on his last day and promises to help him in exchange for a favor unnamed. He agrees. He tells the queen that women want sovereignty over their husbands. He is pardoned but forced to marry his hag. He is repulsed by her so she give him a choice. Have her ugly and loyal or pretty and unfaithful. He lets her decide and she chooses pretty and faithful.

What was the job of a yeoman?

Knight's servant

A franklin was a medieval


Medieval French resembled


what language was literature normally written in

Latin or french

Chaucer tries to give greater truthfulness to the tale by stating that this tale of Chanticleer is as true as the book of _______________________.

Launcelot of the Lake

Chaucer tried to give greater truthfulness to the tale by stating it's as true as the book

Launcelot of the lake



Who wrote Brut and what is the poem about?

Layamon wrote about Britain's history, tracing it back to Troy and a hero, Brut, who supposedly founded England.

What is the physiognomic interpretation of pus filled sores?

Lechery and drunkenness- Summoner/ Cook

What is the physiognomic interpretation of goat like appearance?

Lechery- Miller

Each tale is

Linked to the one before it

Mock heroic

Literary form that treats trivial matters in an epic style


Literary form that treats trivial matters in an epic style

Two areas of study which gives us the primary information about early English history are

Literature and archeology

What is the physiognomic interpretation of White neck?

Looseness or immortality- Prioress/ Friar

Pertelote believes the dream to be caused by _____

Madness of the sort

A skillful cheat



Manorial land held by the Lord attached to the manor house and not held by serfs or freeman THE BEST LAND ON THE MANOR


Manorial land held by the lord, attached to the manor house, and not held by serfs or freemen

Which of the following best describes the relationship between paganism and Christianity during the time of the Anglo-Saxons?

Many pagan warrior traditions were kept and given Christian purpose.

What happened to many manuscripts of Anglo-Saxon literature

Many were destroyed by Danish raids but some were taken out of the country to save them

why is the name of the ship ironic

Maudelayne means Magdalene who is the patron saint of the repentant sinner exposes his corruption

Chanticleer declares his state of perfect happiness in what month?


Successful tradesmen


Red beard like a fox


A ____ writing style is a literary form that treats trivial matters in epic style

Mock heroic

The "Nun's priest's tale" is written in _____ style

Mock heroic

The chaos that follows when the fox captures Chanticleer seems to emulate

Mock heroic

The physician dressed in silk and seemed to love ___ more than the people for whom he cared




The ___ was a worldly person who enjoyed hunting and riding even though those pastime were against church law


Based on "The Wife of Bath's Tale," is the Wife of Bath a modern women? How well would she fit in twenty-first century America? Do her views of the role of women in society match those of most women today? How would today's men regard her views? In an essay, explore these questions. Give at least two examples from "The Wife of Bath's Tale" to support your opinions.

Most students will agree that the Wife of Bath shares some of the convictions of twenty-first century women but may not have quite the same views. According to her story, what women want most is to rule their husbands. In return, she implies that women should be willing to do anything to satisfy their husbands. Many modern women might say they do not want to control their husbands but to have equality with them. They might also argue that they prefer having their husband's respect rather than trying to satisfy their husbands' every wish. Men, of course, would generally object to allowing themselves to be ruled by their wives, but they would also appreciate having beautiful and faithful wives who were willing to do anything to make them happy.

The moral of the story is ______

Never trust a flatterer

The major event that changed the course of Anglo-Saxon culture, language, and art was the

Norman conquest, in the year 1066

What is the personification?

Not human object or quality talked about as if it were human

Which of the following fourteenth century works contain dream visions?

Nuns priests tale Pearl Book of the duchesse

Stonehenge May have served as ___ or ___ to calculate seasons and eclipses

Observatory and calendar

The Millers Tale

Old carpenter is cuckholded by his young wife. Her lover tricks her husband into sleeping in tubs at night to have her. Another admirer is spurned by the young wife and accidentally informs her husband who looks like a fool

What three objections does the knight raise?

Old, plain, poor

How many stories were barely started?

One tale barely started

How many tales were unfinished?

One unfinished

In early cultures beliefs and history were passed through the _____ tradition


Before written history was used to record events, a spoken tradition was used to pass on stories

Oral tradition

Original form of Beowulf story

Oral tradition

What are guilds?

Organization of trades people who got their trade to apprentices

Ship burial site

Oseburg norway

ship burial site

Oseburg, Norway





Dream vision


The Knights Tale

Palamon and Arcite, cousins, fall in love with the same woman, Emily. They both escape bondage and try and woo her. Fight ensues but is interrupted and a tournament to find her husband is suggested. Emily prays to Diana to be single or find true love. Palamon prays to Venus for Emily to be his wife. Arcite prays to Mars for victory. Arcite wins the tournament but is struck down by Saturn just after. Palamon marries Emily and truly loves her so everyone gets prayers answered

Hair as yellow as wax


The pilgrim portrayed as immoral and avaricious is the


Which two characters are the ideal of Christian charity and humility

Parson and plowman

What is the physiognomic interpretation of flaring or open nostrils?




What was the serfs place on the manor

Peasant, lowest class

Chanticleer was in love with


In the final lines of this section, Chaucer summarizes some of his society's beliefs. Whom does he blame for Chanticleer's apparent fate?


The Nun's Priest's Tale Who dismisses his dreams?


The Nun's Priest's Tale Who is Chanticleer's prettiest wife?


Who does Chanticleer love the most?


Who scolds Chanticleer for letting the dream get the best of him?


Whom does Chauncey blame for Chanticleers fate


What was the tribe that painted themselves blue called


Who tells the story of the Canterbury tales?

Pilgrim-poet narrator possibly Chaucer

In the Canterbury tales a ____ to the shrine of Thomas à becket forms the large framework


What does the narrator mean in saying these lines from the Prologue? But first I beg of you, in courtesy, / Not to condemn me as unmannerly / If I speak plainly and with no concealings / And give account of all their words and dealings.

Please do not blame me if I tell you the truth about what they said and did.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Plot is divided in 4 parts (fitts): The Challenge: green knight challenges Arthur's court to a duel that night and another in a years time. Gawain accepts and chops of the Knights head. Knight picks it up and runs away The Quest: Gawain goes on a quest gets lost finds a castle where he is welcomed by a lord his wife and a Hag. The host offers three days of activities after which he and Gawain will exchange the tokens they won. Temptation: each day Gawain wins a series of kisses from the mans wife. One day she gives him a sash that preserves the wearers life. He does not give up the sash. The return Blow: the host is the knight and learns that Morgan le fey devised the scheme to corrupt him and dishonor the court

Where was Beowulf when Grendel burst into the hall

Pretending to be asleep

What does hrothgar caution Beowulf against


Madame Eglantyne


5 members of the regular clergy

Prioress nuns priest friar monk second nun

List of characters and settings


William Caxton

Publisher who brought the press to England. Famous for reproducing Canterbury tales and Le Mort Darthur

clearly cited, using the MLA parenthetical form of citations

References and quotations in your post, must be

Feudalism was not a ___ system



Repetition of initial sounds

Handlyng Synne

Robert Mannying

Who was not a fourteenth-century English author

Rolle Grower *DANTE Chaucer

Chanticleer was a




Founded danish royal line

Scyld Scefing

founded Danish royal line

Scyld Scefing

What stage is the Squire?

Second stage of knighthood

What are open couplets?

Sentences do not necessarily end at the conclusion of the couplet but rather run over into subsequent lines

As a military man the yeoman is a


Lawyer of high rank

Sergeant of laws

According to "The Wife of Bath's Tale," why does the knight agree to marry the old woman?

She promises him that she knows the secret to what all women want.

According to "The Wife of Bath's Tale," why does the queen give the knight a chance to save his life?

She thinks it is more important to teach him a lesson than to kill him.

Why does the queen ask the king not to kill the knight in "The Wife of Bath's Tale"?

She thinks justice will be better served if he learns a lesson.

The name Chaucer comes from the word that means


Folk ballad characteristics

Simple story, told through dialogue, involves repetition, has a regular rhyme scheme

Meaning of Chanticleer?

Sing clearly

Breton lay

Sir Orfeo

What is the physiognomic interpretation of fox like appearance?

Slyness- Manciple, Skipper, Pardoner, Summoner

Who do some critics think influence the woman the beside Bath city?

Some critics think that the wife of Bath is based on Chaucer's paternal grandmother who had three husbands

Which three members are of the chivalric and military group

Squire knight and yeoman

The early Britons created __________, a monument probably used as an astronomical calendar.


What is the physiognomic interpretation of rawlike appearance?

Strength- Miller

In "The Pardoner's Tale," the Pardoner says that he uses this story of the three rioters to get his congregation to give him their money. In an essay, explain how this process works. Why do his parishioners give him money? How does this story help the Pardoner achieve his goal? Use information from "The Pardoner's Tale" to help you in your response.

Students should include that the Pardoner's job is to preach to his congregation about sin and to get them to ask for a pardon. The Pardoner can offer parishioners a pardon, which means their sins are forgiven, but he only offers the pardon if they pay him a fee. By teaching a lesson about how the love of money is the root of all evil, he reminds his listeners about the evil things they have done for money. To get forgiveness, they pay him their ill-gotten money to receive a pardon.

56. What is the moral message that the allegory of "The Pardoner's Tale" coveys? In a brief essay, state the moral message of the tale. Then use information from "The Pardoner's Tale" to show how several details work together to help build the message.

Students should recognize that the message is "Love of money is the root of all evil" and that the three rioters die because they greedily try to kill one another to get a larger share of gold. Students may explore the symbolic meanings of characters like Death and may recognize that the rioters themselves represent not merely greed but also disloyalty and treachery.

the order of the information in your citations

Style manuals instruct you on

Diseased and morally repulsive


Home of Geats and Beowulf


home of Geats and Beowulf



T/F: A paraphrase uses an author's idea, but expresses it in your own words - without quotation marks, since it's no longer a word-for-word quotation.


T/F: A quotation uses exactly the same words and puts them in quotation marks.


T/F: According to MLA style, On a Works Cited page, if there is no author, you begin the citation with the title.


T/F: An annotated bibliography is the same as a Work Cited Page.


T/F: Commercial citation generators that you find on the web to do the work for you almost never make mistakes.


T/F: Copying a direct quotation into your paper, placing quotation marks around it, and crediting the source is plagiarism.


T/F: Having a friend write a section of a paper on a topic that they have a lot of knowledge about is not plagiarism.


T/F: Immediately following a quotation from a source or a paraphrase of a source's ideas, you place the author's name followed by a space and the relevant page number(s).


T/F: In MLA style, referring to the works of others in your text is done by using what's known as parenthetical citation.


T/F: It is important to know how to develop a good summary in order to create a good annotated bibliography.


T/F: Taking someone's ideas or words, putting them into your own words, and crediting the source is not plagiarism.


T/F: The Works Cited page lists entries in alphabetical order according to author.


T/F: The following sentence is a properly cited in-text citation according to MLA style: Human beings have been described as "symbol-using animals" (3).


T/F: The sources in an annotated bibliography are listed in order of the relevance of the information they contain.


T/F: The thesis and topic sentences should be the strongest, most analytical sentences in your essay.


T/F: The web is public domain -don't worry about plagiarizing from a website.


T/F: There are clear guidelines showing how to document sources in the major styles in the "Writing, Style & Citation Guides" section of your subject's library.


T/F: You do not need to provide documentation for a source that you have not directly quoted, such as summaries or paraphrases of a source.


T/F: You have not committed plagiarism if you copy a direct quotation into your paper, properly credit the source, but simply fail to put quotation marks around the borrowed material.


T/F: Your in-text citation does not have to have a corresponding entry in your Works Cited page.


T/F: show titles are underlined or italicized and episodes are within quotation marks

At what inn did the pilgrims meet


At what inn did the pilgrims meet?


Bob and Wheel

The "bob" is a very short line, sometimes of only two syllables, followed by the "wheel," longer lines with internal rhyme. Used in Middle English poetry

The Anglo-Saxon chronicle was

The 1st account of English history written in English, the oldest extant national chronicle

The Nun's Priest's Tale What other things does Chanticleer mention?

The Book of Daniel and The Iliad

What does the narrator mean in the Prologue when he says the following about the Friar? But anywhere a profit might accrue / Courteous he was and lowly of service too.

The Friar helps people when he can make money doing it.


The Geatish king who took Beowulf in as a ward after the death of Ecgtheow, Beowulf's father.

What is Old English

The Germanic language used in Anglo-Saxon england


The Knight's son and apprentice. He is curly-haired, youthfully handsome, and loves dancing and courting. He is a lady's man.

Where are the pilgrims in the Canterbury tales going?

The Pilgrims travel from London by horseback to the shrine of martyrs St. Thomas A Becket at Canterbury Cathedral

where did the pilgrims all meet

The Tabard

What is physiognomy?

The art and science discovering the predominant temper, and other characteristic qualities of the mind, by the outward appearance, especially by the features of the face

What is direct characterization?

The author tells the reader about a character personality

Which person was not in the pilgrimage in the prologue to the Canterbury tales

The baker


The beautiful queen of the fairies, she resists the attempts of her husband, Oberon, to make a knight of the young Indian prince that she has been given. Her brief, potion-induced love for Bottom, whose head Puck has transformed into that of an ass, yields the play's foremost example of the contrast motif.

Chaucer's French period

The book of the Duchess Parliament of fowls Romance of the Rose

What Geoffrey Chaucer's best known work

The canterburry tales

Alphabetically by author

The citations on an end-of-text citation page are arranged

Which character in this group of pilgrims appears the most disgusting

The cook

1. Title of the film in italics 2. Name of the director 3. Name of the lead actors 4. Name of the distributor 5. Date of the film's release, and the medium

The correct way to cite a film in MLA format is as follows:

1. Known as the reference list, works-cited list, or bibliography 2. Gives the complete information about the source. 3. Reference list is arranged in alphabetical order according to author 4. Appears at the end of the research paper

The end-of-text citation is


The father of Hrothgar, Heorogar, Halga, and an unnamed daughter who married a king of the Swedes, he succeeded Beow as ruler of the Danes.

Wycliff Bible

The first bible written in English 1382, it was named after John Wycliffe who wanted religions power checked

the Knight

The first pilgrim Chaucer describes in the General Prologue, and the teller of the first tale. He represents the ideal of a medieval Christian man-at-arms. He has participated in no less than fifteen of the great crusades of his era. Brave, experienced, and prudent, the narrator greatly admires him.

Author, title, city, publishing company, year

The following is the correct order of information for a book, MLA style.

author, title of work, web page name, date updated, medium, and the date you accessed it.

The following is the correct order of information for a website, MLA style:

- Citing sources to credit others for their work - Get to know your citation style guide. - Quote and cite phrases, sentences, and paragraphs taken directly from the original source. - Quote and cite statistics, charts, graphs, and drawings taken directly from the original source. - When you paraphrase or summarize, give credit to the original author.

The following will help you avoid plagiarism:

What does the fox say to give Chanticleer confidence?

The fox complements his crowing

What is a frame story?

The frame story is a story that includes any number of different narratives.


The heroic duke of Athens, engaged to Hippolyta. He represents power and order throughout the play. He appears only at the beginning and end of the story, removed from the dreamlike events of the forest.

What happens at the end of the pardoner's tale?

The host refuses to fail for the Pardoner's trick and would rather me cursed then be repented. The knight then tells the Pardoner to be more cheerful and the pilgrimage continues.

parenthetical citation

The in-text citation is also known as a


The king of the Danes. He enjoys military success and prosperity until Grendel terrorizes his realm. A wise and aged ruler, he represents a different kind of leadership from that exhibited by the youthful warrior Beowulf. He is a father figure to Beowulf and a model for the kind of king that Beowulf becomes.


The king of the fairies, he is initially at odds with his wife, Titania, because she refuses to relinquish control of a young Indian prince whom he wants for a knight. His desire for revenge on Titania leads him to send Puck to obtain the love-potion flower that creates so much of the play's confusion.

Which of these vocabulary words is incorrectly used?

The knight rebuked his wife for her help and relied on her judgment in all things.

According to "The Wife of Bath's Tale," near the end of the story, the knight correctly answers the queen's question. Why does the old woman suddenly leap up and claim her reward in front of the queen?

The knight will not be able back out on his promise.

Shield Sheafson

The legendary Danish king from whom Hrothgar is descended, he is the mythical founder who inaugurates a long line of Danish rulers and embodies the Danish tribe's highest values of heroism and leadership. The poem opens with a brief account of his rise from orphan to warrior-king, concluding, "That was one good king" (11).


The legendary queen of the Amazons, engaged to Theseus. Like Theseus, she symbolizes order.

1.Topic sentence to state the main point 2. Evidence to prove the main point 3. Analysis to explain the evidence and show how it proves the main point 4. Conclusion.

The main body paragraphs in an argument essay must include the following in chronology:

What is the main idea of the pardoners tale?

The main idea is money is the root of all evil.

What becomes clearer when rereading the following passage from "The Pardoner's Tale"? ... if it be your design / To find out Death, turn up this crooked way / Towards that grove. I left him there today / Under a tree, and there you'll find him waiting.

The man is directing the three rioters toward their own deaths.


The narrator and protagonist of the story. Although his vivid and detailed style of narration makes it clear that he is intelligent and well educated, his perceptions are naïve and gullible. He never thinks that the absurdities he encounters are funny and never makes the satiric connections between the lands he visits and his own home. His naïveté makes the satire possible, as we pick up on things that he does not notice.

How does the wife and Midas differ from the original story?

The original story is told by a barber. In this story a woman is telling the story.


The overconfident weaver chosen to play Pyramus in the craftsmen's play for Theseus's marriage celebration. He is full of advice and self-confidence but frequently makes silly mistakes and misuses language. His simultaneous nonchalance about the beautiful Titania's sudden love for him and unawareness of the fact that Puck has transformed his head into that of an ass mark the pinnacle of his foolish arrogance.


The owl and the nightingale

Who violated the hair?

The pardoner by having long hair

Why does the pardoner preach?

The pardoner preaches because he gains money through preaching and selling false relics

a short indication (in the body of your paper) that a source is cited

The parenthetical citation is


The pause or break in a line of Anglo-Saxon poetry

Who and what do the pilgrims represent?

The pilgrims represent mankind through the pilgrimage of life.

Explain the importance of the prologue.

The prologue sets the stage in purposes where the story is going.


The protagonist of the epic, he is a Geatish hero who fights the monster Grendel, Grendel's mother, and a fire-breathing dragon. His boasts and encounters reveal him to be the strongest, ablest warrior around. In his youth, he personifies all of the best values of the heroic culture. In his old age, he proves a wise and effective ruler.

the Emperor

The ruler of Lilliput. Like all Lilliputians, he is fewer than six inches tall. His power and majesty impress Gulliver deeply. Because of his tiny size, his belief that he can control Gulliver seems silly, but his willingness to execute his subjects for minor reasons of politics or honor gives him a frightening aspect. He is proud but he is also quite hospitable, spending a fortune on his captive's food. The emperor is both a satire of the autocratic ruler and a strangely serious portrait of political power.


The second king listed in the genealogy of Danish rulers with which the poem begins. He is the son of Shield Sheafson and father of Halfdane. The narrator presents him as a gift from God to a people in need of a leader. He exemplifies the maxim, "Behavior that's admired / is the path to power among people everywhere" (24-25).

What do the descriptions of the knight's and squire's appearances indicate about the difference between these characters?

The squire is more vain than the knight.

What is covetousness?

The state of being eagerly desirous

What does Chanticleer say to try to convince Pertelote that the dream was important?

The story of men who dreamed of murder and then were killed

Which sentence incorrectly uses the italicized vocabulary word?

The successful knight showed great misalliance in battle.

In "The Prologue" of The Canterbury Tales, the narrator gives some background about the Wife of Bath. He describes her as follows: "She'd had five husbands, all at the church door, / Apart from other company in youth; / No need just now to speak of that, forsooth." In an essay, explain how his description is consistent with the story she tells in "The Wife of Bath's Tale." Do you think the theme is one she would have a strong opinion about? Why? Give reasons and examples from the text to support your ideas.

The tale told by the Wife of Bath is consistent with the background given about her in the Prologue. She is a wife with lots of experience with marriage and husbands, as well as with other men during her youth. She has the experience to talk about what women really want out of a marriage and how they are treated by men. She certainly would have a strong opinion about the relationship between husbands and wives.

A: Statement of the position that you are taking on the topic B. Key points that you will use to prove the position/argument

The thesis statement in an argument essay must include the following:

The main ideas in the thesis

The topic sentences in the body of the essay are determined by what elements of the thesis?

The most colorful of this group seems to be

The wife of bath

What do you young men think of death versus the old man?

The young men want to kill death and the old man wants to embrace death.

Established monastic school in Canterbury

Theodore and Hadrian

style manuals

There are formats, or rules, to follow for citing sources, and these formats are described in publications called

What is the Wife of Bath's opinion of holy friars, according to "The Wife of Bath's Tale"?

They are a danger to women.

In what way is the sergeant-at-law similar to the Wife of Bath?

They are both concerned with appearing important.

Which option best describes both the manciple and the reeve?

They are clever and scheming.

In the two stories Chanticleer tells, refusal to heed a dream of warning had what result?

They both died.

What is ironic about the pledge the rioters make in these lines of "The Pardoner's Tale"? They made their bargain, swore with appetite. / These three, to live and die for one another / As brother-born might swear to his born brother.

They later plot to kill one another to get a larger share of the gold.

What actions do the Miller's do to overcharge the customers?

They put their thumbs on the scale.

shrine at Canterbury

Thomas à Becket

the archbishop of Canterbury

Thomas à Becket

Shrine at Canterbury

Thomas à becket

Chaucer is believed to have __ kids


The pardoner's tale

Three sinners seek to kill death. They are told where he will be but when they arrive only treasure is there. One man is sent to buy food while the others guard the loot. The two plan to kill the other when he returns the one poisons the food. All the men die

Pertelote believes dreams are

To be ignored and are a result of an unhealthy body

A. Credibility of the source B. How the information in the source is relevant for the argument you are making C. What point(s) in your essay this source support will support

To evaluate a source, you must include the following in the annotation:

Why do people go on pilgrimages?

To improve their chances of salvation, to gain the healing touch supposedly found in the relics of Saints, to atone for their sins, to avoid the shame of publicly confessing their sins at home

The Nun's Priest's Tale Why does Chaucer purposefully translate "Mulier est hominus confusio" incorrectly?

To insult Pertelote/Prioress without them knowing

1. Introduce the opposing argument 2. Acknowledge the valid point of the counter argument 3. Counter the argument 4. Conclude the paragraph

To make an effective opposing argument in an argument essay, what are the four necessay parts that should be included in chronology?

Why does Chanticleer tell Pertelote this story?

To make known that murder reveals itself in dreams

What caused feudalism to decline

Trade increased cities grew and a middle class was created the system was no longer necessary

Who were members of the new middle class

Tradesmen merchants and shopkeepers

What did SCOPS help to preserve


The theme of many religious lyrics was the ____ of life


What is the physiognomic interpretation of Women with a gap between your teeth?

Travel far, bold, especially suited for love- Wife of Bath


Tribe that Hrothgar is king of, attacked by a series of monsters

Italian period

Troilus and Cressida The house of Fame The Legend of Good Women

Chaucer's language was the language of London. True False


Chivalry influenced French and English literature during the thirteenth century


Danish vikings invaded England from about AD 787 to about AD 1017


Feudalism originated after charlamanges death


Freemen could hire serfs and rent land


Geoffrey Chaucer used the language that was used in London called the late Middle English


Gh is pronounced ch in Middle English


Gh is pronounced ch in Middle English. True False


In Middle English, silent consonants appeared only in words of French origin. True False


In oral tradition every telling of a story is different from the last


Middle English differs from Modern English in pronunciation of long vowels, some diphthongs, and some consonants. True False


Middle English differs from modern English in pronunciation of long vowels some diphthongs and some consonants


Serfs were bound to the land and manor


Southeast Midland is a dialect of Middle English. True False


Southeast midland is a dialect of Middle English


The Church was essential to life of medieval men


Sermons sayings and history

Twelfth century literature


Type of religious order that taught and ministered to the poor

The Lollard movement

United by the idea that the church had obscured the simplicity of the gospel. They lived poor lives and preached their message in the English tongue.

The 14th century was a time of ___

Upheaval and change

What is Chaucer's style?

Use of the vernacular, use of iambic pentameter, use of couplets

Father of English history

Venerable Bede

What was the Friar's duty?

Waiting to the world as beggars to preach, help the poor, ensure the sick. One duty was to hear peoples confessions and to absolve or forgive them with a penance or penalty of prayer or doing good works.


Was a list written by William the conqueror for taxes

What is the best summary of Beowulf's last words

We are members of a great proud and dying group of people I too must die

Which of the following is the best summary of Beowulf's last words?

We are members of a great, proud, and dying group of people. I, too, must die.

Hrothgar's queen


Hrothgars queen


The inhabitants of Wessex were called

West Saxons

Opening text of Canterbury Tales

Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote The droghte of March hath perced to the roote, And bathed every veyne in swich licour Of which vertu engendred is the flour; Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth Inspired hath in every holt and heeth The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne Hath in the Ram his halve cours yronne, And smale fowles maken melodye, That slepen al the nyght with open ye (So priketh hem nature in hir corages), Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages.

Introduction, body of the essay, and conclusion

What are the three key elements of an essay?

What question does the queen ask the knight in "The Wife of Bath's Tale"?

What do all women desire above everything?

To counter the argument means to offer a good rebuttal, regardless of whether you concede to the argument or oppose it.

What does it mean to 'counter' the opposing viewpoint?

To tell the reader whose ideas are included in your paper and where these ideas were found.

What does it mean to cite or document a source?

the topic, purpose, and main ideas of the essay

What does the thesis statement determine in the essay?

1. Signal 2. State 3. Support 4. Summarize

What four steps in chronological order make a good refutation?

-author(s) -editor(s) -edition -complete title -place of publication -name of publisher -date of publication

What information is needed to write a citation for Books?

•author(s) •article title •beginning and ending pages •elements of the book described earlier

What information is needed to write a citation for anthologies and articles from books

-author(s) -article title -beginning and ending pages (not always available in subscription databases) -name of journal, newspaper, or magazine -volume, issue, and number journal, newspaper, or magazine -year of publication -name of database (if article is full-text) and name of company that owns the database -date article was retrieved from database

What information is needed to write a citation for articles from journals, newspapers, and magazines?

Erroneous reasoning in a point that makes the argument unsound

What is a fallacy in an argument essay?

a single declarative sentence that states what you want your readers to know, believe, or understand after having read your essay.

What is a thesis statement?

1. Name of the reviewer 2. Title of the review in quotation marks, followed by the words, 3. "rev. of" 4. Title of the film in italics 5. Name of the director 6. Name of the publication in which the review is published 7. Publication information

What is the correct MLA format to cite a film review from a print source?

At the end of the Introduction

What is the most effective place for the thesis statement of the essay?

They introduce the paragraph and dictate all the information in the paragraph.

What is the purpose of the topic sentences?

approximately 150 words

What is the usual length of an annotation in a bibliography?

Three paragraphs: introduction, body, conclusion

What minimum number of paragraphs must an essay contain?

Popular question posed in medieval lyrics

Where are they?

(Jackson 12)

Which of the following is a correct in-text citation of a book with one author?:


Which part of an essay contains at least three body paragraphs that begin with topic sentences (supporting arguments) that prove your thesis. Each topic sentence should be a reason why your thesis is true.


Which part of an essay introduces the subject/s being analyzed and, in a thesis statement, states the reason for the analysis and the main ideas/claims that support that reason. Your thesis should be the last sentence in the introduction paragraph.


Which part of an essay summarizes the analysis and explains new understanding.

Philippa Roet was Chaucer's


a Norman


the "Conqueror"


Piers Plowman

William Langland

Even though the knight won fame and honors he was also very


According to "The Wife of Bath's Tale," in the story of Midas, his wife tells her secret to the water. What is the point of this story?

Women cannot keep secrets to themselves

What are the six objects the pardoner intends to have?

Women, money, wool, cheese, wheat, wine

Early British products included

Wool and bronze

What is satire?

Writing that really cools human weakness, vice, a folly in order to bring about social reform

Piers plowman

Written between 1370 to 1390 the story of will falling asleep and dreaming of piers plowman Peter and a perfected search for salvation Depicts the corruption of English life and the suffering of people. Slogans in the Peasants revolt were often drawn from this poem

Le Morte Darthur

Written by Sir Thomas Malory the work collects and tells the stories of King Arthur and his Knights. Published in 1485


Written in the 1300s the poem is a dream allegory lamenting the death of the poets daughter and his vision of heaven.


Y/N: An inclusion of an opposing argument or a counter argument weakens the essay.


Y/N: If you are required to develop an annotated bibliography for your researched sources, then the final draft of your essay you must also include this whole bibliography with annotations.


Y/N: In an argument essay, your thesis statement must clearly state your position on the topic.


Y/N: Is it necessary to have both an in-text citation and an end-of-text citation?


Y/N: It is more effective to refute a specific idea within the essay than the conclusion of the essay


Y/N: The analysis of a subpoint in a key idea can include examples, details, facts, critical views that need not be related to the topic sentence of the key idea. As long as the subpoint relates to the general idea of the essay, it is okay.


Y/N: The conclusion of an essay should end with either a question or a new idea to "hook" the reader.


Y/N: The thesis statement can be a question.


Y/N: The thesis statement includes the topic, purpose, and main ideas of the essay.

In "The Wife of Bath's Tale," the old woman insists the knight marry her as her reward. What does the word misalliance mean in his reply? 'My love?' said he. 'By Heaven, my damnation! / Alas that any of my race and station / Should ever make so foul a misalliance!' / Yet in the end his pleading and defiance / All went for nothing, he was forced to wed.

a bad marriage

middle english

a combination of anlgo-saxon english and norman enlgish

what does corruption does chaucer reveal through the description of the oxford cleric

a corruption in the church in the fact that they have a monopoly in education not that the oxford cleric is corrupt


a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

What is the best example for alliteration?

a glorious gift God had guided

What is the best definition for an epic?

a long narrative poem dealing with heroic characters and heroic actions

The Nun's Priest's Tale What is the first story Chanticleer tells?

a man receives a dream of a friend telling him to he will be murdered; because he does not believe in dreams his friend is found dead the next morning


a man whose wife is unfaithful


a martyr


a noble holding a fief from another noble of higher rank


a person who pretends to be what he or she is not or better than he or she really is; a two-faced person

Who is a scop?

a poet

The Nun's Priest's Tale Who is Chanticleer?

a rooster

Based on the context, what is the meaning of the word churl in this sentence from "The Wife of Bath's Tale"? You are no gentleman, though duke or earl. / Vice and bad manners are what make a churl.

a rude and mean person


a social and economic system in the Middle Ages


a social, economic, and political system in the Middle Ages in which vassals gave military service in return for land and protection from a lord


a story that sets an example or has a lesson

urban legend

a story with an ironic twist that sounds realistic but is false

How did the Anglo-Saxons regard life?

a transitory occurrence

how does the pardoner describe himself in the prologue

admits that he is greedy says he only preaches for money

The Nun's Priest's Tale What are the five terms to describe this tale?

allegory parable fable mock epic exemplum

a repetition of initial sounds in two or more words of a line of poetry


folk ballad

an anonymous song passed on through the oral tradition; several four-lined stanzas written in iambic pentameter

what is the pardoner's tale?

an exemplum

what is "U /" called

an iamb or a foot

The hero in an epic is _____.

an ideal

What is Chanticleer's dream about?

an orange hound-like beast who threatens to kill him in the yard

When "The Pardoner's Tale" opens, what has caused Death to stalk the land?

an outbreak of plague

What is exemplum?

anecdote or example inserted into sermon to teach a moral lesson

The ____ sold the young rioter a strong poison that he mixed with wine. a. pallor b. tarry c. prating d. apothecary


Pertelote believes that dreams _____.

are the result of bad body secretions

Pertelote believes that dreams

are to be ignored are the result of bad body secretions


are written in four lines per stanza

appearance of the knight

armor with smudges stained clothes

How was Chanticleer's crowing described?

as regular as a clock

Which word or phrase is most nearly the same in meaning as avouches?

asserts positively

The Nun's Priest's Tale Where does this take place?

at the cottage of an old widow

what is the main thing that the pardoner preaches against


poetic justice

bad characters are punished and good characters are rewarded

What is the physiognomic interpretation of thin, fastidious type?

bad temper, irritability- Cleric

why is this ironic

because he himself is avarice and it is what he makes a living off of

what is the pardoner's message

beware of greed greed leads to death

what is chaucer's message

beware of hypocrites and people who dont practice what they preach watch who you take advice from or listen to

behavior of the oxford cleric

borrowed money but always payed it back love to read and learn not very religious but he prays too poor to educate himself so he has to become a priest because it was a form of free education

Which heroic quality was Beowulf not eulogized as having?


appearance of the summoner

bushy brows narrow eyes pimples on his face thin beard not attractive possibly may have an STD

behavior of the reeve

buys the lord gifts with the lords money snitch rode at the back of the line to watch the other pilgrims

how does the summoner mock the idea view of a knight

by standing outside of an alehouse with a sword doesnt fight for a lord but rather for ale

the pause or break in a line of Anglo-Saxon poetry


appearance of the lawyer

cares alot about his appearance clothing is very bright wears a silk belt

The narrator joins the group of pilgrims as a result of _____.

chance or pure accident

why is the trinket and charm ironic

charm wards off worldly temptation but this thing that she cares so much about is a worldly thing itself

what does chaucer think of the franklin

chaucer admires the franklin for his generosity and his genuine spirits

how does chaucer feel about the miller

chaucer does not like him says this guy is a creep and is foul

how does chaucer feel about the doctor

chaucer the pilgrim admires and respects the doctor chaucer the author does not like him

behavior of the summoner

cheats people out of their money blackmailed people very lustful and had sexual desires drinks ALOT speaks latin to appear educated hypocrite stands outside of an alehouse with a sword

What word means almost the same as sanguine? decorated untruthful cheerful respectful


poor student


how is the knight jesus-like

comes straight from fighting in the crusades to the pilgrimage

What was not a major influence upon the Middle Ages?


in the Germanic tradition, the relationship between a leader and his warriors, or a king and his lords


Select all of the characteristics that best describe the squire.

composes music and poetry aspires to courtly love fought in political wars fought in France

the middle class

cook shipman physician wife of bath

behavior of the skipper

cruel, mean, and very agressive mericiless best captain and was very good at his job not honest

details of appearance of the squire

curly hair that looks like it was pressed

Pearl presents a vision of a man's ________________.

dead child

What kenning is used in the description of Grendel's end?


"Body and Soul"


Pertelote was courteous, "discreet and _________________."


manorial land held by the lord, attached to the manor house, and not held by serfs or freemen


Which option best characterizes the pardon-seller?


how does his clothes indirectly characterize the knight

didn't stop to change out of his clothes from battle for Christianity and went straight to the pilgrimage for Christianity

The miller in the fourteenth century was generally a(n)_____.

dishonest man

appearance of the plowman

does not care about material things rides a poor man's horse



who writes the character prologue

each pilgrim self description before the pilgrim's tale in the pilgrim's voice

Select three common forms of Anglo-Saxon literature.

epic elegy ballad

if you died bearing one of these sins, what were you subjected to

eternal damnation

behavior of the miller

exaggerated stories stole people's money by making the grain weigh more thief boastful and arrogant cheats people thumb of gold


exposed corruption in society through humor

A humorous tale that was popular in France is a _____.


A caesura is a primary accent.


A fief is a noble.


Beowulf was probably written in the early 1200s.


Chanticleer agrees with Pertelote and with Cato.


England had three dialects of Middle English.


Final e is silent in Middle English.


In Middle English, h and gn are not silent in words of French origin.


Manorialism was a system of government.


We have learned about English history mostly through religion and architecture


appearance of the monk

fat and bald wears a fur coat wears a gold chain instead of a cross owns horses and greyhounds




feasting hall

a social, economic, and political system in the Middle Ages in which vassals gave military service in return for land and protection from a lord


agreement between nobles about land and service


in feudal society, the land held from a lord in return for service


Based on how Chanticleer was caught and escaped, what is a theme of the Nun's Priest's Tale?


The Nun's Priest's Tale What was the fox's strategy?


What is the manciple?

food buyer or steward for law school


form of literature in which the poet can tell a story within a story; the poet often falls asleep and has a dream, which becomes his story

Select all of the characteristics that best describe the knight.

fought in religious wars combines wisdom and strength loyal to God, king, and country fought in Spain strong spiritual ideals

Chaucer's intention was for each traveler to tell how many tales?


newly rich




behavior of the franklin

generous and jolly hospitable judge at court meetings county representative in parliament the sheriff works hard gives back to the community

explain is gold rusts then what will iron do

gold- parson iron- parishioners shows that the parson practices what he preaches

appearance of the nun

good presentation beautiful has a pet wears a trinket and a charm

Which character trait leads to the downfall of the three rioters in "The Pardoner's Tale"?


Which words best describe the three rioters in "The Pardoner's Tale"?

greedy and rough


guaranteed entrance into the Heaven

What were trade associations called?


The other pilgrims knew that the five _________________ were successful because they had silver rather than brass trim on their_______________ .

guildsmen; knives

how does chaucer feel about the manciple

he admires the fact that he is smart does not like the fact that he uses his smarts for evil

What does Chaucer think of the nun

he does not hate her but does not think that she is the greatest he sees her as flawed and vain

how is the reeve corrupt in his job

he does not honorably keep track of the animals but rather cheats his lord by pocketing money that should have gone to the king

what does chaucer think of the lawyer

he does not like him exposes his corruption and sees straight through him

what does chaucer think of the friar

he does not like him because he is corrupt and greedy

how does chaucer feel about the skipper

he does not like the skipper

how does he not use his educaiton in a moral way

he is friends with apothecareis prescribes medicine to people that they dont need in order to make money

how does chaucer feel about the oxford cleric

he likes him and the fact that he is quiet

how is the manciple naturally smart

he looks for savings in the market and pockets the savings for himself

how is the plowman jesus-like

he obeys jesus's 2 most important commandments : 1. love the lord god with all your heart 3. love your neighbor as yourself

what is Chaucer's tone toward him

he really likes him

what does chaucer think of the plowman

he really likes him thinks he and the parson are siblings chaucer makes him seem saint like

what does chaucer think of the parson

he really likes him says there was never a better priest

what does Chaucer think of the yeoman

he really likes the yeoman because he takes his job seriously

why was the skipper not honest

he stole wine while the traders were asleep

What does the fox try to do (again)?

he tries to flatter Chanticleer into coming down the tree

how is the summoner a hypocrite

he wears a garland on his head garland represents kings so he mocks to the religious hierarchy

how is the fact that the manciple is illiterate ironic

he, uneducated, is naturally smarter than the educated lawyers


head of a convent in Canterbury Tales

King Charlemagne

helped bring learning to medieval England

Pertelote intends to gather some __________to help Chanticleer rid himself of his dream-inducing malady.


Who tries to avenge Grendel's death?

his mother

The Nun's Priest's Tale What is Chanticleer vain about?

his singing

behavior of the plowman

honest worker does charity loves god and loves his neighbors


humorous tale with loud, absurd, and exaggerated action; dirty language

behavior of the monk

hunts considered a sin for a monk to hunt rides horses impatient not a monastery praying

Which word has the same meaning as tarry? a. hesitate b. hurry c. refuse d. chatter


Read the excerpt below and answer the question. There was also a nun, a prioress, Who, in her smiling, modest was and coy; Her greatest oath was but By Saint Eloy! ... At table she had been well taught withal, And never from her lips let morsels fall, Nor dipped her fingers deep in sauce, but ate With so much care the food upon her plate That never driblet fell upon her breast. In courtesy she had delight and zest. The excerpt above helps demonstrate the nun's


What is the dominant meter of the Canterbury tales?

iambic pentameter

what was geogry chaucer known for

iambic pentatmeter rhyming couplets satire

how was he corrupt in his job

if someone paid him a bribe, he wouldnt bring the person to court allowed men to keep their concubines for money

behavior of the manciple

illiterate naturally smart but does not use this gift for good

Which vocabulary word best completes this sentence? The knight ____ every woman he met to tell him what women most desired.


Which vocabulary word best completes this sentence? The knight ____ the old woman to tell him how he could save his life.


Chaucer describes the Pardoner's hair as "rat-tails" primarily to

imply moral corruption.

The Nun's Priest's Tale Why does the fox drop Chanticleer?

in order to taunt those chasing him

what did pardoner's have the power to give


Which character proposes the story-telling competition that frames the remainder of The Canterbury Tales?


Read the excerpt below and answer the question. He was a jester and could poetize, But mostly all of sin and ribaldries. Based on its context in the description of the miller, what does the narrator mean by ribaldries?

insulting or scandalous


introductory remarks in a speech, play or literary work, introductory action

ceremony in which the vassal declares his loyalty to his lord and receives his fief


In "The Pardoner's Tale" the three rioters are sure that they can destroy Death, and yet they fail to see that they are falling into his trap. This is an example of ____.


Satire can best be defined as the literary form or technique in which humor and ___________ are used to criticize one's vices.


"Sir Orfeo"

is Breton lay

The Twa Sisters

is a ballad

"The Owl and the Nightingale"

is a debate

A gnome

is a proverb


is an epic

why is the story itself sinful

it is beautiful literarily and is pleasing to the ear which was considered sinful writing in the middle ages

a double metaphor, usually hyphenated. Example, "swan-road" for sea


Which was not a method used by scops to help them remember the stories?



king of Swedes; father of Onela & Ohthere; killed Geat king (Haethcyn); killed by Eofor

the aristocracy

knight squire prioress nun's priest second nun yeoman monk friar

The mock-heroic nature of this tale is shown in the section introducing the fox. Which lines demonstrate a manner of speaking appropriate to a far more serious and tragic content?

lines 408 to 412

Each tale is _____.

linked to the one before it


literary form that treats trivial matters in an epic style

King Arthur

lived around 500 A.D.

appearance of the parson

looks like everything a priest should be puts no important in money or in appearance

what did he do tot eh english language

made it a respectable literary language

a skillful cheat


the degraded lower class

manciple miller reeve summoner pardoner

a social and economic system in the Middle Ages


agreement between noble and serf about land and service


Pearl presents a vision of a man's

mans dead child

successful tradesman


the upper class

merchant man of law clerk franklin

what was the english of the time

middle english

Lines 13 - 26 describe the widow's diet. What two things did she not lack? Lines 13 - 26 describe the widow's diet. What two things did she not lack?

milk and bread

red beard like a fox


The chaos that follows when the fox captures Chanticleer seems to emulate what writing style?


The physician dressed in silk and seemed to love_______ more than the people for whom he cared.




The _________ was a worldly person who enjoyed hunting and riding, even though those pastimes were against Church Law.


appearance of the merchant

motley gown rides a horse wears a flemish beaver hat wore elegant boots forked beard fashionista

Does anyone know the order of the Canterbury tales?

no one knows the order

appearance of the oxford cleric

not too fat, very thin hollow in look and sober in stare very young very dedicated to his education

why is the pet ironic

nuns take a vow of poverty which shows that she a bad nun because pets were expensive

appearance of the doctor

old garmets of taffeta blood red clothing

appearance of the reeve

old yellow bile around his mouth very thin short hair rusty sword on his side good carpenter

original form of Beowulf story

oral tradition

The pilgrim portrayed as immoral and avaricious is the _______.


hair as yellow as wax


the virtuous lower class

parson plowman

What three Pilgrims are liked by the narrator?

parson, plowmen, and clerk

how does he look out for his parishioners

parsons could excommunicate parishioners if they didnt pay tides or taxes to the church and the parson did not abide by this rule

job of a summoner

person who summons people to appear in church courts

The Nun's Priest's Tale What is it called when things that don't usually talk speak?


In the Canterbury Tales, a ___________ to the shrine of Thomas à Becket forms the large framework.


behavior of the friar

plays the harp very jolly gives absolutions for money spends a lot of time in the bars instead of poor begged for money from the poor messes around with women friar of the fransicans -- known for their work with the poor

behavior of the nun

prays and does her duties cries over sad things so she has a good heart swears by st.maur compassionate but only for animals dreams of a romantic version of life with a prince

why does the miller have a thumb of gold

presses his thumb on the scale while weighing the grain so he charged 3x the amount and therefore made 3x the money

Where was Beowulf when Grendel burst into the hall?

pretending to be asleep

What does Hrothgar caution Beowulf against?


Madame Eglentyne


what was the style of writing in the middle ages

puritanical style direct and right to the point

The Nun's Priest's Tale What colors are on Chanticleer?

red, black, gold, azure, white


remained faithful to Beowulf until he died

Wiglaf was different from Beowulf's other retainers because he _____.

remained loyal to Beowulf until the end

behavior of the parson

represents the teachings of the church looks out for his parishioners poor in money but rich in thought and deed practices what he preaches compared to a shepherd


rooster from "Nun's Priest Tale" who listened to flattery

what does this scene do

satirizes the corrupt clergymen

What does the word reprove mean in these lines from "The Wife of Bath's Tale"? Some say the things we most desire are these: Freedom to do exactly as we please, With no one to reprove our faults and lies, Rather to have one call us good and wise.


What answer does the Knight give to the queen?

selfsame sovereignty

As a military man, the yeoman is a ____________.


lawyer of high rank

sergeant of laws

The Nun's Priest's Tale How many hens were there?


behavior of the knight

shows truth, honor, generousness, courtesy, and chivalry skillful and experienced in battle true and perfect gentlemen wise and modest

Many consonants

silent today were pronounced in Middle English

why does just Chaucer begin with the knight

so that the reader will judge everyone else against the knight

Why does the old man send the three rioters to the tree in "The Pardoner's Tale"?

so the three rioters will not kill him

behavior of the merchant

spoke pompously money changer acted like he wasnt but was in debt

why is swearing by st. maur ironic and what does this show

st. maur is the saint who is known for not swearing shows that she is a bad nun

diseased and morally repulsive


job of the pardoner and how is he corrupt in his job

summoner and pardoner rode together like birds of a feather flock together possibly a relationship between the two sells pardons for people's sins and pockets the money

appearnce of the yeoman

sword and sheild with arrows and bow LOOKS LIKE ROBIN HOOD green hood face was brown--tan so he spends alot of time outdoors

What was the symbol a short hair with a shave spot at the top?

symbolizes humility

How does Chanticleer get out of the fox's mouth?

tells the fox that he should brag to the others about catching him, the fox opens his mouth, and Chanticleer flies into a tree

what does the pardoner tell the host and what is the host's reaction

tells the host that he is pretty sinful and should buy something from him the host says no and begins to fight with the pardoner

what does the pardoner say after the tale

that he has relics and pardons if anyone is willing to purchase one even though he just stated the truth about himself in the prologue

What was Chanticleer's dream?

that he was attacked and killed by a strange doglike beast

The Nun's Priest's Tale What is Chanticleer's dream of?

that something tried to eat him

what were people of the time deathly afraid of being stuck with when they die

the 7 deadly sins

Whom do the pilgrims accept as their leader in the Prologue?

the Host

Chanticleer's love was ___________.

the Mistress Pertelote

In 1066

the Normans conquered England

The most colorful of this group of pilgrims seems to be __________.

the Wife of Bath

what are the social classes

the aristocracy the upper class the middle class the virtuous lower class the degraded lower class

Read the excerpt below and answer the question. And what's more, he would cite this saying too: If gold can rust, then what will iron do? Based on its use in this context, the word gold in this sentence about the parson most likely represents _____.

the clergy

Which character in this group of pilgrims appears the most disgusting?

the cook

the 3 estates

the feudal estate the merchant estate the church estate

what is the most famous part of the canterbury tales

the first 18 lines of the prologue

What ruins Chanticleer's happiness?

the fox

The Nun's Priest's Tale Why does Chanticleer allow the fox to stay?

the fox compliments his and his father's singing

What happens to Chanticleer while crowing?

the fox grabs his neck and runs into the woods w/ him

What is Chaucer's primary theme in the Prologue?

the great variety of human nature

who breaks up the fight

the knight

who is the ideal pilgrim from the feudal estate

the knight

the feudal estate

the knight the squire the franklin those who fight


the land held from a lord in return for service

the church estate

the monk the nun the friar the parson those who pray

what does Chaucer think of the monk

the monk is corrupt chaucer the author is not fond of him but chaucer the pilgrim thinks hes funny


the monster who fought Beowulf

who is the ideal pilgrim from the church estate

the parson

Which two characters are the ideal of Christian charity and humility?

the parson and the plowman

how is the parson jesus-like

the parson is compared to jesus through the shepherd and sheep metaphor

Which character holds views that appear the most superstitious and antiquated to modern readers?

the physician

who is the ideal pilgrim for the professional estate

the plowman

The Nun's Priest's Tale Who tells the Nun's Priest's tale?

the priest traveling with the prioress

Which five are members of the regular clergy?

the prioress, the nun's priest, the friar, the monk, the second nun

Which three are members of the chivalric and military group?

the squire, the knight, the yeoman

In "The Pardoner's Tale," which character or characters does the Pardoner most closely resemble?

the three rioters

What is one characteristic of an allegory that is found in "The Pardoner's Tale"?

the use of characters to stand for ideas


the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.


the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning

By positioning his description of the Miller almost immediately after that of the Plowman, Chaucer accentuates

the virtues of the Plowman as well as the buffoonishness and criminality of the Miller.

Who chases after the fox and Chanticleer?

the widow, widow's daughters, the dogs, and then the entire barn

the merchant estate

the wife of bath the guildsmen the lawyer the doctor

what was it ironic that the rioters called it Fortune

they are personifying it ironic because they fortune is their death fortune is not always good

what do all 3 of these pilgrims have in common

they have genuinly care for the members of society they all work for the members of society they all love god all follow the 2 most important commandments all expose corrupt church and clergymen

why did these lead to corruption

they were given by the pope and were being give out for money instead of penance

merchant estate

those who work

Which of the following is not an accurate description of Grendel?

three rows of blood-thirsty teeth

what is the job of a manciple

to buy food and things for the temple and for his masters works for lawyers

job of the reeve

to count all people's animals on the manner to keep everything running smoothly for the lord

What is Chaucer's main reason for writing about the pilgrimage in the Prologue?

to create a setting for telling stories by different characters


to find out by reasoning; to arrive at a conclusion on the basis of thought; to hint, suggest, imply

Use the strategy for analyzing difficult sentences to analyze the following lines from the Prologue. What was the purpose of the trip? It happened in that season that one day / In Southwark, at The Tabard, as I lay / Ready to go on pilgrimage and start / For Canterbury, most devout at heart, / At night there came into that hostelry / Some nine and twenty in a company / Of sundry folk happening then to fall / In fellowship, and they were pilgrims all / That towards Canterbury meant to ride.

to go on a pilgrimage

In "The Pardoner's Tale," what do the two rioters decide to do after they have sent their friend for food and wine?

to kill their friend when he returns

Based on the context of "The Wife of Bath's Tale," what is the meaning of the word extort in these lines? 'I will concede you this: you are to go / A twelvemonth and a day to seek and learn / Sufficient answer, then you shall return. / I shall take gages from you to extort / Surrender of your body to the court.'

to obtain by threat

What does the young rioter decide while on his way into town for food and wine in "The Pardoner's Tale"?

to poison his friends

Where are the pilgrims going in the Prologue?

to the cathedral in Canterbury

Based on the context of this sentence from "The Wife of Bath's Tale," what is the meaning of the word anguish? Great was the anguish churning in his head / When he and she were piloted to bed; / He wallowed back and forth in desperate style. / His ancient wife lay smiling all the while ...


From the list of options below, choose the factors influencing why towns began to grow in Medieval England. Select all that apply.

trade industry the Crusades

Who were members of the new middle class?

tradesmen, merchants, and shopkeepers

A poet fell asleep and had a dream and his dream became a story. This story is called a dream-vision.


Chaucer's language was the language of London.


Feudalism originated after Charlemagne's death.


Freemen could rent land and hire serfs.


Geoffrey Chaucer used the language that was used in London or what was called the Late Middle English.


Gh is pronounced ch in Middle English.


In the oral tradition, each telling or singing of a story differed from the last.


Kenning is a double metaphor, usually hyphenated.


Middle English differs from Modern English in pronunciation of long vowels, some diphthongs, and some consonants.


Serfs were bound to the land and to the manor.


Southeast Midland is a dialect of Middle English.


The church was central to the life of medieval man.


The demesne is the best land on the manor.


details of behavior of the squire

trying to be like his father, the knight, but does not measure up to him vain

What are couplets?

two consecutive lines supposed to read that rhyme

According to the Prologue, how many tales will each pilgrim tell on the journey?

two going there and two coming back

The Nun's Priest's Tale What is the second story Chanticleer tells?

two men were about to go on a sea voyage. One has a dream about a storm, but the other dismisses it; they die out at sea

what does chaucer think of the pardoner

uses irony to describe him says he is a rat, dirty, creepy, and coniving calls him a neutered man

a noble holding a fief from another noble of higher rank


appearance of the miller

very big guy red hair and beard warn on his nose mouth like a furnace door (horrible hot breath) not good appearance bad hygiene

appearance of the skipper

very tan from being on a ship so much has a beard good appearance has a ship called the Maudelayne

behavior of the lawyer

wants to make himself seem more important than he really is seems wise but is not used his position to gain property for himself used his job to higher his social status

"The Bookworm"

was a riddle

The Squire

was more interested in courtly love than in spiritual ideals


was the King of the Danes

The church

was the center of learning in medieval England

behavior of the yeoman

watches and guards the land for his lord takes his job seriously jack of all trades

appearance of the pardoner

wax hair very unkempt and unclean bulging eyes like a rabbit --sees everything and watches everything for a bad reason relic on his hat wallet on his lap full of pardons- most important thing to him small voice as a goat no beard has many relics and they are all fake

appearance of the friar

wears double-worsted wool --high quality wore very nice habit carried pocket pins and trinkets to give to ladies

behavior of the wife of bath

wears red tights to mass has 5 husbands that all died deaf seamstress and very good at it travels alot gap-teeth --bold dominant in all romantic relationships

What do you all the pilgrims that are members of the church have in common?

weight, interest in worldly possessions, not adhering to vows

Chanticleer and Pertelote

were the main characters of the Nun's Priest tale

The Parson and Plowman

were two characters who were humble Christians

The tales in the Canterbury Tales

were written in verse

When does Chanticleer 1st notice the fox?

while watching a butterfly

appearance of the franklin

white beard rosy cheeks old man resembles santa claus carries a dagger to show his authority owns a horse

Even though the knight won fame and honors, he was also very __________.


behavior of the doctor

wise passionate about his job doesnt use his education in a moral way cares more about money than he does about people made alot of money during the plague

Council of retainers


In "The Pardoner's Tale," how do the rioters treat the old man when they first meet him?

with contempt

behavior of the pardoner

works for the church not trustworthy sells pardons a eunuch sells fake relics to poor priests and uneducated people


would mine tin and then make their weapons out of bronze


wrote during the fourteenth century

The word most nearly opposite in meaning to hoary is ____.


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