English Comp II - Midterm Review

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build authority — for you as a writer and for your annotations.

A concise description in an annotated bibliography will help to:


A thesis statement is a(n) ____________________________

the reader's values

An argumentative essay must appeal to _________________.


An argumentative essay must have a ______________ tone.

other's opinions

An argumentative essay must have careful consideration of ________________.

clear and arguable

An argumentative essay must include a _______________ position.


An argumentative essay must include good _______________ evidence.


An argumentative essay must include good _______________ for the writer's position.

background information

An argumentative essay must include necessary _____________________.

at least two

An argumentative essay must present ______________ point(s) of view.

False: they can be brief OR several sentences or paragraphs.

Annotated bibliographies must be brief. True/Fales?

create common ground between the reader and the writer

Appealing to a reader's values helps the writer to ________________.

attacking the person holding the position or bringing up a competing position that no one seriously entertains.

Avoid the fallacy of ________________________ when considering opposing viewpoints in an argumentative essay.

States a claim that supports your thesis Provides evidence that supports your claim Explains to readers how the evidence supports your claim

Each supporting paragraph in you researched essay must do the following:

listed alphabetically within each category.

If an annotated bibliography is separated into categories, the entries are

relevant to your purpose and audience.

If you write an evaluative bibliography, your comments should be _________________.

it may not be the right or only conclusion.

In an argumentative essay, you should qualify your thesis because _______________

lead them from point to point as you build it.

In order to build your case in an argumentative essay, you should be able to

demonstrating that you know what you're talking about.

One way of winning the trust of a reader in an argumentative essay is by __________________.

in certain circumstances, with certain conditions, with these limitations

Some words that can be used to qualify a position include:

several categories

Sometimes an annotated bibliography needs to be organized into ______________

plausible, not necessarily correct

Sometimes in an argumentative essay, you may be asked to argue that a view is ____________________.


TRUE/FALSE A student can avoid plagiarism by acknowledging sources by quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing carefully.


TRUE/FALSE A student needs only to cite an author's words, not that author's idea.


TRUE/FALSE Research and using sources in your writing is important because building on sources can make your own ideas better.


TRUE/FALSE Synthesizing means making connections among information and ideas from texts and from your own experience.

In APA style for a work with three to five authors, the signal phrase includes all the authors' last names the first time the source is cited. For subsequent citations of the source, "et al." is used after the first author's name.

The student is summarizing information from a 2001 article by Gary E. R. Schwartz, Linda G. S. Russek, Lonnie A. Nelson, and Christopher Barentsen. This is the first citation of the source in the paper. Why is this an incorrect APA in text citation? Schwartz et al. (2001) insisted that the study had eliminated fraud and coincidence as possible explanations for the success of the mediums tested.

In APA style, For a source without a date, the abbreviation "n.d." is used in the parenthetical citation.

The student is summarizing information from an undated online article by Ray Hyman. The article has no paragraph or page numbers. Why is this an incorrect APA in text citation? Hyman pointed out that no medium has ever managed to demonstrate psychic abilities under controlled laboratory conditions, even though large cash prizes have been offered to anyone who succeeds.

It does not include the author in the paragraph or the citation

Why is this paraphrase ineffective in reference to its source? Original passage With a top speed of 60 miles per hour, adult pronghorn can easily outrun any predator. But they are reluctant jumpers. A fence no more than a few feet high can hinder their movement. Ordinarily, pronghorn will crawl under or between the strands of barbed wire. Sometimes, they can't get through at all. It is not uncommon for small bands to starve while plenty of forage is available only a few feet away on the other side of a fence.--Kim Berger, "Pronghorn in Peril," Wildlife Conservation July/Aug. 2003: 40. PARAPHRASE: According to Berger, adult pronghorn easily outrun their predators, having a top speed of 60 miles per hour. A fence, however, of just a few feet high can hinder their movement. Small bands of pronghorn commonly starve with plenty of available forage only a few feet away on the other side of a fence. For the future health and survival of pronghorn populations, it is essential that we remove any fences or similar barriers from any land on which pronghorn are known to travel (40).

to make sure that a student has done sufficient research on a topic

Why would a student be asked to write an annotated bibliography?

call to action, a restatement of your thesis, or a statement of implications.

You should end your argumentative essay with a ________________________.

should not

You should/should not include every source into your annotated bibliography.


You should/should not include permalinks in your annotated bibliography.

your attitude towards the topic, how do you want to be perceived (similar or different?)

Your stance in an argumentative essay can include:

your position on the question you are raising about your topic

Your thesis statement announces _______________.

the same order you will cover it.

Your thesis statement shows your audience exactly what your essay will cover, often in ___________________.


___________ annotations offer opinions on a source as well as describe it.

Descriptive, short

_____________ annotations simply summarize the contents of each work, without comment or evaluation and are _______________ in length.

In a book title in an APA reference list, only the first word of the title and the first word of the subtitle (and any proper nouns) are capitalized.

The student has included material from a book, Water Wars: Drought, Flood, Folly, and the Politics of Thirst, by Diane Raines Ward. It was published in New York by Riverhead Books in 2002. Why is this an incorrect APA reference list entry? Ward, D. R. (2002). Water Wars: Drought, Flood, Folly, and the Politics of Thirst. New York, NY: Riverhead Books.

For a work with two authors in an APA reference list, both authors' names are given last name first, followed by initial(s).

The student has paraphrased material from a book, Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World's Water, by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke. It was published in 2003 in New York by New Press. Why is this an incorrect APA reference list entry? Barlow, M., & T. Clarke. (2003). Blue gold: The fight to stop the corporate theft of the world's water. New York, NY: New Press.

statement of scope, complete bibliographic information, a concise description of the work, relevant commentary, consistent presentation

What are the key features of an annotated bibliography?


TRUE/FALSE The goal of writing a research paper is to summarize another author's argument while avoiding your own opinion and ideas.

what questions a potential reader might have about each source.

The best way to achieve relevance is to consider _________________.

An APA reference list entry for a review of a book contains the words "Review of the book," followed by the title and author of the book, in square brackets.

The paper cites a review of the book Water Wars: Drought, Flood, Folly, and the Politics of Thirst, by Diane Raines Ward. The review, titled "Over the Dam," was written by Ann Finkbeiner on October 27, 2002. The writer retrieved the article on the Web site of The New York Times, http://nytimes.com/. Why is this an incorrect APA reference list entry? Finkbeiner, a. (2002, October 27). Over the dam. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://nytimes.com/

In APA style, the URL for an online magazine article should be for the home page of the magazine.

The paper cites an article, "Not a Drop to Drink," by Suzy Hansen, from the online magazine Salon.com (home page http://www.salon.com/). The article is dated August 28, 2002, and is at the URL http://dir.salon.com/story/books/int/2002/08/28/ward/index.html. Why is this an incorrect APA reference list entry? Hansen, S. (2002, August 28). Not a drop to drink. Salon.com. Retrieved from http://dir.salon.com/story/books/int/2002/08/28/ward/index.html

In APA style, The issue number is not given when a magazine is paginated continuously throughout the volume.

The paper cites an article, "Tales of the Undammed," by Edna Francisco. It appears on pages 235-237 of the April 10, 2004, edition of the magazine Science News (volume 165, no. 15). The magazine is paginated continuously throughout the volume. Why is this an incorrect APA reference list entry? Francisco, E. (2004, April 10). Tales of the undammed. Science News, 165(15), 235-237.

establish a context for the bibliography and announcing the purpose for compiling it.

The purpose of a statement of scope in an annotated bibliography is to:

In APA style, the date should appear in parentheses immediately after the author's name:According to Kidder (1989) "teachers learn through experience, but they learn without much guidance" (p. 51).

Why is this an incorrect APA in-text quotation? According to Kidder, "teachers learn through experience, but they learn without much guidance" (1989, p. 51).

The student has failed to integrate the quotation in a grammatical sentence. Both the student's sentence and the quotation lack a verb. The following is an acceptable revision:In the view of Kidder (1989), it's not unusual for a teacher to have "a theory built on grudges" (p. 51).

Why is this an incorrect APA in-text quotation? In the view of Kidder (1989), it's not unusual for a teacher "with a theory built on grudges" (p. 51).

present an overview of the published literature on a topic.

The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to

In APA style, When a source has six authors or fewer, all of the authors' names are given in an APA reference list. The abbreviation "et al." is not used.

The student has cited an article, "Survival of Fishes after Impingement on Traveling Screens at Hudson River Power Plants," by Paul H. Muessig, Jay B. Hutchinson, Jr., Lawrence R. King, Rebecca J. Ligotino, and Martin Daley. The article appears in the book Science, Law, and Hudson River Power Plants, edited by Lawrence W. Barnthouse, Ronald J. Klauda, Douglas S. Vaughan, and Robert L. Kendall. The book was published in Bethesda, Maryland, by American Fisheries Society in 1998. Why is this an incorrect APA reference list entry? Muessig, P. H., et al. (1998). Survival of fishes after impingement on traveling screens at Hudson River power plants. In L. W. Barnthouse, R. J. Klauda, D. S. Vaughan, & R. L. Kendall (Eds.), Science, law, and Hudson River power plants. Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.

Personal communications are cited in the text of an APA paper, but they are not included in the reference list.

The paper includes a quotation from an e-mail message sent to the writer by Diane Raines Ward. It was received on May 23, 2004. Why is this an incorrect APA reference list entry? Ward, D. R. (2004, May 23). Personal communication.

In APA style, If an article accessed through a database service does not have a DOI (digital object identifier), then the URL for the home page of the magazine should be given in the reference list entry.

The paper includes material from an article titled "Water: An Imminent Global Crisis," written by Fred Pearce and published in the periodical Geographical in 2004 (volume 76, issue 8) on pages 34-36. The writer accessed the article using the InfoTrac database (article number A120128508). The writer also found the Geographical home page at http://www.geographical.co.uk/. Why is this an incorrect APA reference list entry? Pearce, F. (2004). Water: An imminent global crisis. Geographical, 76(8), 34-36.

When a paper cites more than one work by an author in the same year, the works are arranged alphabetically by title in the APA reference list. The year in parentheses is followed by lowercase letters beginning with "a," "b," and so on.

The student has quoted from a book, Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit, by Vandana Shiva. It was published in 2002 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by South End Press. The paper cites another book by Shiva from the same year, Protect or Plunder? Understanding Intellectual Property Rights. Why is this an incorrect APA reference list entry? Shiva, V. (2002a). Water wars: Privatization, pollution, and profit. Cambridge, MA: South End Press.

In APA style, For a newspaper article that does not appear on consecutive pages, the APA reference list entry includes all page numbers on which parts of the article are found.

The student has summarized material from an article, "Drought Settles in, Lake Shrinks, and West's Worries Grow," by Kirk Johnson and Dean E. Murphy. The article appears on pages 1 and 33 of the May 2, 2004, issue of The New York Times. Why is this an incorrect APA reference list entry? Johnson, K., & Murphy, D. E. (2004, May 2). Drought settles in, lake shrinks, and West's worries grow. New York Times, pp. 1+.

In APA style, The National Science Board is listed as the author in the reference list entry, so it appears in the signal phrase introducing the quotation.

The student is quoting from page 12 of a 2000 report by the National Science Board. No individual author is given. The entry in the list of references begins like this: National Science Board. Why is this an incorrect APA in text citation? The National Science Board cautioned that believers in paranormal phenomena are dangerously distanced from reality: "Their beliefs may indicate an absence of critical thinking skills necessary not only for informed decision making in the voting booth and other civic venues (for example, jury duty), but also for making wise choices needed for everyday living" (Anonymous, 2000, p. 12).

In APA style, the period should come after the parenthetical citation, not before the quotation mark.

The student is quoting from page 26 of an article by Peter Greasley published in 2000. Why is this an incorrect APA in text citation? Greasley (2000) pointed out that clients who seek out mediums are so inclined to find the sessions impressive that "few can blame them for leaving the consultation expressing unequivocal satisfaction." (p. 26)

In APA style, the word "and" joins two authors' names in a signal phrase; the ampersand (&) is used in a parenthetical citation.

The student is quoting from page 27 of an article by two authors, Wiseman and O'Keeffe, that was published in 2001. Why is this an incorrect APA in text citation? According to Wiseman & O'Keeffe (2001), "The Schwartz et al. studies suffered from severe methodological problems, namely: (1) the potential for judging bias, (2) the use of an inappropriate control group, and (3) inadequate safeguards against sensory leakage" (p. 27).

In APA style, when the author's name is given in a signal phrase, the name is followed by the date in parentheses. Here it is missing.

The student is quoting from page 29 of an article published in 2000 by Paul Kurtz. Why is this an incorrect APA in text citation? Kurtz has observed that "science has been investigating our ability to communicate with the dead for at least 150 years and it has attempted to discover empirical evidence in support of the claim" (2000, p. 29).

In APA style, two or more works by the same author in the same year are listed alphabetically by title in the list of references. In the parentheses containing the year, a lowercase letter is added, with "a" for the first and "b" for the second reference by the author in that year. The lowercase letter after the year is also used in the in-text citation. The title of the work should not be used.

The student is quoting from page 52 of a 2001 article, "Talking to the Dead," by Leon Jaroff. The list of references contains another article, "The Man Who Loves to Bust Quacks," also written by Jaroff and also published in 2001. Why is this an incorrect APA in text citation? Jaroff (2001) claimed that the medium used "a sophisticated form of the game Twenty Questions, during which the subject, anxious to hear from the dead, seldom realizes that he, not the medium or the departed, is supplying the answers" ("Talking to the Dead," p. 52).

In APA style, when an electronic source has numbered paragraphs but not page numbers, the parenthetical citation includes the abbreviation "para." and the paragraph number.

The student is quoting from paragraph 1 of a 1998 online article by Travis Dacolias. The article has numbered paragraphs but no page numbers. Why is this an incorrect APA in text citation? Dacolias (1998) noted, "Cold reading is a technique used by tarot card readers, psychics, palm readers, astrologers, and even con men to get people to believe that the cold reader knows all about them, even though they have never met."

In an APA parenthetical citation for a work with two authors, an ampersand (&) is placed between the authors' names not the word "and"

The student is summarizing information from page 176 of a 1980 book with two authors, Marks and Kammann. Why is this an incorrect APA in text citation? The psychological phenomenon known as selective exposure occurs when people choose source material and authorities that reflect what they already believe (Marks and Kammann, 1980, p. 176).

In APA style, When information is taken from more than one consecutive page in the source, the entire page span should be given and the first and last pages linked with a hyphen: (pp. 29-30).

The student is summarizing information that begins on page 29 and continues on page 30 in a 2000 article by Paul Kurtz. The student provides a page reference for this summary because the article is long. Why is this an incorrect APA in text citation? Kurtz (2000) argued that mediums claiming to communicate with the dead were aided at the end of the twentieth century by mass media exposure and a credulous American public (pp. 29+).

at or near the end of a text's introduction

Thesis statements are typically positioned _____________

purpose, audience, stance, and media/design

What are four things you should consider when picking a topic for an argumentative essay?

by providing facts, showing that you have some experience with your subject, that you're fair, and of course that you're honest.

What are some examples of showing a reader in an argumentative essay that you know what you are talking about?

to describe, give publication information for, and sometimes evaluate each work on a list of sources.

What are the functions of the annotated bibliography?

clear and arguable position, necessary background information, good reasons for her position, convincing evidence, it appeals to the reader's values, trustworthy tone, and careful consideration of other's opinions.

What are the major components of an argumentative essay?

descriptive and evaluative

What are the two kinds of annotated bibliographies?

B. Reason: The question mark belongs in the quote, not behind the citation. A period belongs behind the citation.

What is the CORRECT MLA in-text citation? The student is quoting from page 27 of an article.Robin, Corey. "Garbage and Gravitas." The Nation 7, June 2010, pp. 21-27. A. Trying to explain Ayn Rand's influence on American politics, Robin wonders how could such "a second-rater exert such a continuing influence on the culture at large" (27)? B. Trying to explain Ayn Rand's influence on American politics, Robin wonders how could such "a second-rater exert such a continuing influence on the culture at large?" (27).

there is no citation at the end with page numbers

What makes this paraphrase ineffective in reference to it's source? Do the citizens of Boston, Massachusetts, Memphis, Tennessee, and Charleston, South Carolina, need to worry quite as much about earthquakes as do the citizens of San Francisco and Los Angeles? Considering only recent events, perhaps not. But destructive tremors struck the Boston area in 1755, Memphis in 1811, and Charleston in 1886—and could well do so again. North Americans would be wise to understand the geological forces that cause phenomena such as earthquakes so that they can prepare for them. With this practical aspect of geology in mind, let us look at what geology is and what geologists do.--Stanely Chernicoff, Geology: An Introduction to Physical Geology (New York: Houghton, 1999), 234. PARAPHRASE: It is important that people who live in Boston, Massachusetts, Memphis, Tennessee, and Charleston, South Carolina, make adequate preparations in case an earthquake occurs. Earthquakes have occurred in those places before and could well do so again. Included in this preparation should be the study of what geology is and what geologists do.

only those sources that you or your readers may find potentially useful in researching your topic

What sources should you include into your bibliography?

change someone's mind, consider alternate views, and to see your argument as plausible

What three things could be the purpose of an argumentative essay?

the text should be read or seen in a certain way.

When you analyze a text through your thesis, you are basically arguing that ______________.

as a question

When you are beginning to write a thesis, you should state your topic __________________.

B. You have to cite the name of the source when no author is included.

Which is the CORRECT MLA in-text citation? The student is citing an online work where the author is unknown."114,000 iPads Hacked." CNN, 10 June 2010, www.cnn.com (Links to an external site.). A. As many as 114,000 new iPad owners were left vulnerable after hackers took advantage of security lapses and gathered private user information. B. As many as 114,000 new iPad owners were left vulnerable after hackers took advantage of security lapses and gathered private user information ("114,000 iPads Hacked").

B. Reason: the author should be included in the citation, not the title.

Which is the CORRECT MLA in-text citation? The student is citing material from an online source that includes no page numbers.Walker, Rob. "Stuck on You." New York Times Magazine, 31 May 2010, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/06/magazine/06fob-consumed-t.html?_r=0 (Links to an external site.). A. According to a 2008 study, drivers with bumper stickers on their cars are much more likely to display road rage ("Stuck on You"). B. According to a 2008 study, drivers with bumper stickers on their cars are much more likely to display road rage (Walker).

B. Reason: The author and a comma should be included in the citation with the page number.

Which is the CORRECT MLA in-text citation? The student is citing material in an essay in an anthology on page 167.Franzen, Jonathan. "David Foster Wallace." Best American Nonrequired Reading 2009, edited by Dave Eggers, Mariner, 2009, pp. 167-71. A. Franzen explains that details for David Foster Wallace were "a way of connecting, on relatively safe middle ground, with another human being" (Eggers, 167). B. Franzen explains that details for David Foster Wallace were "a way of connecting, on relatively safe middle ground, with another human being" (167).

A. When quoting from a source with authors of three or more, you use et al. after the name of the first author.

Which is the CORRECT MLA in-text citation? The student is quoting from page 258 of the article with the following works-cited entry.Reichert, Julie, Brian Solan, Craig Timm, and Summers Kalishman. "Narrative Medicine and Emerging Clinical Practice." Literature and Medicine, vol. 27, no. 2, 2008, pp. 248-71. A. Many medical students participating in the study "commented on the ways that writing helped them become more observant and thoughtful" (Reichert et al. 258). B. Many medical students participating in the study "commented on the ways that writing helped them become more observant and thoughtful" (Reichert, Solan, Timm, and Kalishman 258).

A. When quoting one of two works by the same author, you include the author's name, a comma, the source you are quoting, and the page number.

Which is the CORRECT MLA in-text citation? The student is quoting one of two works by the same author that appear in the list of works cited.Fallows, James. "Cyber Warriors." Atlantic Monthly, Mar. 2010, pp. 58-63. A. Some worry about a cyber threat to American security, "that organizations or individuals may be spying on, tampering with, or preparing to inflict damage on America's electronic networks" (Fallows, "Cyber" 60). B. Some worry about a cyber threat to American security, "that organizations or individuals may be spying on, tampering with, or preparing to inflict damage on America's electronic networks" ("Cyber" 60).

A. When working with two works by the same author, you include the name of the author, the title of the work your are citing, and a page number.

Which is the CORRECT MLA in-text citation? The student is quoting page 194. The student's project includes two works by the same author in the list of works cited. Tannen, Deborah. You're Wearing That?: Understanding Mothers and Daughters in Conversation. Ballantine, 2006. A. Tannen claims that in some cases a new medium such as email "just substitutes a new form for an old function" (You're Wearing That? 194). B. Tannen claims that in some cases a new medium such as email "just substitutes a new form for an old function" (194).

B. When you are taking a quote that was quoted in the source you are using, qtd. should be included , followed by in *author* *pg*

Which is the CORRECT MLA in-text citation? The student is quoting the words of Thierry Gardere as quoted on page 20 of the source. Korten, Tristram. "Rum and Hope." The Atlantic, May 2010, pp. 19-20. A. For recovery to be a success, Thierry Gardere believes "what we have to do in Haiti to survive is to be completely self-sufficient" (Korten 20). B. For recovery to be a success, Thierry Gardere believes "what we have to do in Haiti to survive is to be completely self-sufficient" (qtd. in Korten 20).

B. When you are citing a source with two authors in the wording of the text, you use the names of both authors, not et al.

Which is the CORRECT MLA in-text citation? The student is summarizing a point from page 139 in an article.Ruzich, Constance M. and A.J. Grant. "Predatory Lending and the Devouring of the American Dream." Journal of American Culture, vol. 32, no. 2, 2009, pp. 137-45. A. Ruzich et al. claim the term predatory lending suggests a metaphor that sheds light on current American attitudes toward credit and the relationships between lending institutions and borrowers (139). B. Ruzich and Grant claim the term predatory lending suggests a metaphor that sheds light on current American attitudes toward credit and the relationships between lending institutions and borrowers (139).

B. The period goes after the citation.

Which is the correct MLA in-text citation? The student is quoting from page 210 of an essay in a book.George, Diana. "Changing the Face of Poverty: Nonprofits and the Problem of Representation." Popular Literacy: Studies in Cultural Practices and Poetics, edited by John Trimbur, U of Pittsburgh P, pp. 209-28. A. George examines videos for Habitat for Humanity and explores whether "reliance on stereotypes of poverty can, in fact, work against the aims of the organization producing them." (210) B. George examines videos for Habitat for Humanity and explores whether "reliance on stereotypes of poverty can, in fact, work against the aims of the organization producing them" (210).

When you present both sides of the argument, it makes your own argument stronger.

Why is it important to bring in sources that do not agree with your central thesis or argument?

there are no page numbers at the end, there is no mention of the author in the paragraph or the citation

Why is the following paraphrase ineffective in reference to its source? Original passage Based on what we now know about the military history of the American Revolution, if the British commanders had prosecuted the war more vigorously in its earliest stages, the Continental Army might very well have been destroyed at the start and the movement for American independence nipped in the bud. The signers of the Declaration would then have been hunted down, tried, and executed for treason, and American history would have flowed forward in a wholly different direction.--Joseph J. Ellis, Founding Brothers (New York: Knopf, 2000), 76. PARAPHRASE: The military history of the American Revolution tells us that the British could well have destroyed the Continental Army at the start and cut off the independence movement right from the beginning. This would have enabled the capture and execution of the signers of the Declaration. In order to change the direction of American history, the British commanders only needed to prosecute the war more strongly in its earliest stages.

there is no citation at all either in text or at the end. No pages or author.

Why is the following summary ineffective in reference to its sources and/or content? Original passage After Yorktown diplomats took two years to conclude the war. Peace talks began in Paris in April 1782, but the French and Spanish stalled for time, hoping for a major naval victory or territorial conquest. Their delaying tactics infuriated the American diplomats—Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay—who feared that France might sacrifice American interests. For this reason the Americans negotiated secretly with the British, prepared if necessary to cut their ties to France and sign a separate peace. The British ministry was also eager to obtain a quick settlement, for the war had little support in Parliament and officials feared the loss to France of a rich West Indian sugar island.--From James A. Henretta, et al., America's History (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2004), 46. SUMMARY: It took diplomats two years to conclude the war after Yorktown. The French and Spanish stalled after the peace talks begin in 1782. The infuriated American diplomats secretly bargained with the British to possibly sign a separate peace. The British ministry also wanted to obtain a quick settlement.

the wording is strange and there are no citations at all in text or at the end. no page numbers or author

Why is the following summary ineffective in reference to its sources and/or content? Original passage The oracle of Delphi functioned in a specific place, the adyton, or "no entry" area of the temple's core, and through a specific person, the Pythia, who was chosen to speak, as a possessed medium, for Apollo, the god of prophecy. Extraordinarily for misogynist Greece, the Pythia was a woman. And unlike most Greek priests and priestesses, the Pythia did not inherit her office through noble family connections. Although the Pythia had to be from Delphi, she could be old or young, rich or poor, well educated or illiterate. She went through a long and intense period of conditioning, supported by a sisterhood of Delphic women who tended the eternal sacred fire in the temple.--From John R. Hale, et al., "Questioning the Delphic Oracle," Scientific American August 2003: 67. SUMMARY: The Delphic oracle functioned in a "no entry" part of the temple, and through the Pythia, a possessed medium, who spoke for Apollo, the god of prophecy. The Pythia, who was a woman, studied long and hard, and had to be from Delphi, could be old or young, rich or poor, well educated or illiterate.

It does not include enough information

Why is the following summary ineffective in reference to its sources and/or content? Original passage Vatnajökull, 3,200 frozen square miles overlying Iceland's most active volcanic region, sits, as does the rest of the island, above a mantle plume—a column of hot rock that rises from the depths of Earth and feeds volcanoes with lava. Although it is paradoxical that Iceland's hottest region boasts its biggest ice cap, it is no coincidence: the ice sheet is huge and permanent precisely because lava flowing from the mantle plume has built the mountains so high. . . . During an eruption of any of the island's ice-covered volcanoes, upwelling lava meets hundreds of feet of ice, producing trillions of gallons of meltwater and confronting Icelanders with a three-pronged pestilence of fire, flood, and ice.--From Robert S. White, "The Ice Above, the Fire Below," Natural History June 2002: 43. SUMMARY: The entire island of Iceland sits above a mantle plume—a shaft of hot rock rising from the Earth's depths and feeding lava to volcanoes. According to Robert S. White, it is the lava flowing from the mantle plume that has made the mountains so high (43).

The student has placed borrowed language in quotation marks and has correctly cited the date and page number for the source.

Why is this a CORRECT APA in-text quotation? Kidder (1989) has noted, "Current research holds that most teachers get set in their ways, both their good and bad ones, after about four years of learning by experience" (p. 51).

The student has omitted words (both, can) and changed words (hardens for harden) from the original source without indicating the changes with the ellipsis mark or brackets. The following is an acceptable revision:Kidder (1989) argued that teaching experience, "especially the kind that is . . . repetitious and disappointing, . . . easily harden[s] into narrow pedagogical theories" (p. 51).

Why is this an incorrect APA in-text quotation? Kidder (1989) argued that teaching experience, "especially the kind that is repetitious and disappointing, easily hardens into narrow pedagogical theories" (p. 51).

The student has dropped the quotation into the text without using a signal phrase naming the author. The following is an acceptable revision:Kidder (1989) asserted that most teachers gain experience on the job and develop rigid habits and theories after as few as four years. But, he continued, "many teachers don't last that long" (p. 51).

Why is this an incorrect APA in-text quotation? Most teachers gain experience on the job and develop rigid habits and theories after as few as four years. "Many teachers don't last that long" (Kidder, 1989, p. 51).

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Chapter 43 Lewis questions- Lower GI

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Pharmacology II Prep U Chapter 54: Drugs Acting on the Upper Respiratory Tract

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Bus 381 - Chapter 14: Occupational Health and Safety

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Science Olympiad: Anatomy and Physiology Study Set

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Test 2 Care and prevention of injury in athletes

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Chromosome Structure and Function

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