English Exam

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Who took Elie's gold tooth? Why did Elie give it up?

Franek, the foreman, wanted the tooth. When Elie refused, Franek began tormenting Elie's father. After two weeks, Elie gave him the tooth.

Why was Moshe the Beadle important to Elie Wiesel?

Moshe became his cabbalist, or instructor in the mystical aspects of the Jewish faith

Explain how the father/son roles had been reversed between Elie and his father?

Mr. Wiesel had become childlike, frightened, and fragile. Elie now had to take care of him and encourage him to go on.

Explain who Cheryl is and what happened to Wes and Cheryl.

Cheryl is Wes's girlfriend, who he had two children with. She is older than Wes, and he met her when he lived in Dundee Village. She was addicted to heroin.

Describe the scene with the soup cauldrons.

There was an alert at the camp, due to American planes flying overhead. The prisoners were forced to stay in the barracks. One prisoner snuck out to get to the soup and was soon shot for it.

Explain what happened at J. Browns Jewelers.

There was an armed robbery and $438,000 worth of watches and jewels were stolen. The two masked robbers held the security guard, Sergeant Bruce Prothero, at gun point until they could escape. Prothero was forced to the ground but immediately got up and ran after them once they left the store. While ducking behind cards in the parking lot, Prothero was shot twice in the chest and once in the head by one of the men who were hiding in one of the two getaway cars. Sergeant Prothero lost his life that day.

Describe why Shea and Wes are picked up by the police and what effect it had on Wes. (author)

Wes (Author) and Shay are picked up for "tagging" (spraying graffiti) on a building. Wes realized that getting in trouble with the law would take away his freedom and his destiny to become a better person.

Where did the author attend school?

Wes (Author) goes to Riverdale Country School. His mother wanted him to have more opportunities (educational) and to have a safe place to go to school.

On page 67, explain what Wes means when he says, "I guess it's hard sometimes to distinguish between second chances and last chances." (author)

Wes (Author) means that a second chance might be your only chance. You need to not waste any opportunity to change.

Explain what happens to Wes during the football game and Describe what Wes does after running home from the football game and why it is significant.

Wes (Inmate) gets in a fight with a smaller boy, and the boy punches him and draws blood. He runs home and gets a long-bladed knife. He is taking Tony's advice which is, "Rule number one: If someone disrespects you, you send a message so fierce that they won't have a chance to do it again," (Moore 33).

Describe Wes's new job and predict what impact it will have on his family. (other)

Wes (Inmate) is now a "lookout" for the drug dealers. He warns them and lets them know that the Police are around.

Who does Wes meet at the end of chapter 1 and how does he react? (other)

Wes (Inmate) meets his father while he is at his grandmothers' house. Wes was confused and felt the tension from his mother. He was also afraid of this "man" that he had never met.

What did Wes learn after trying the marijuana? (other)

Wes (Inmate) realized how powerful drugs were, because he also felt that he had become more mature because of this experience. The drugs had made him forget his poverty, loneliness, and lack of self-esteem.

What does Wes say made him feel like a man? (other)

Wes (Inmate) said he felt like a man when he stopped focusing on himself and began caring about other people.

Who does Wes see at his aunt's house and how does he react?

Wes (Inmate) sees his father who is asleep on the couch. When he awakens him his dad doesn't know who he is so he didn't know how to feel. Wes thinks about hitting him but realizes it isn't worth it.

Explain what happened when Wes got home. after Mary searched his room

Wes (Inmate) was angry with his mom for flushing $4,000 worth of drugs down the toilet. She told him to stop selling, but he wanted to be able to pay back the people he owed, so he devised a plan to sell more! He did not take advantage of the change to stop (2nd chances)! He went to his girlfriend's house, and she offered to let him to sell drugs from her house.

What role was Wes selected for at Valley Forge and why was it an important position?

Wes was the regimental commander for the 70th Corps of Cadets. He was the highest ranking cadet in the entire corps of over 700 people! He was responsible for their training, health, welfare, moral, and success.

Explain how Wes's thoughts contradicted his actions. (other)

Wes was tired of watching those around him being destroyed by drugs. He was tired of being in constant danger and at risk of being arrested. Wes was part of the problem because he was the one selling drugs to those who were addicted.

What does Wes find in his mother's closet? (other)


Run on sentences

2 independent clauses with no punctuation

What kind of identification was used on the prisoners?

A letter and number was tattooed on their arm. Elie's was A-7713

Explain the circumstances under which the two Wes Moore's meet.

Author Wes was in South Africa when a newspaper showed his name and that Inmate Wes killed a man in an armed robbery. The Author wrote the other Wes a letter in prison. The Author's mom told him about the other Wes and that the police were searching for him.

What was the first horrifying sight that Elie first disbelieved?

Babies were being thrown into a fire! Adults were also being thrown into the fire.

What did Elie Wiesel do when Idek hit his father? What was he thinking?

Elie did not do anything to help his father. He was trying to keep from getting hit himself. He was angry at his father for not avoiding Idek's punishment.

Explain what Elie meant when he said, "Never shall I forget these flames which consumed my faith forever."

Elie says he will never forget his experience in the camp. The flame is referring to the people that have been/will be killed. The fire consumed his father, he thought that God had failed him.

What did Elie think of the advice given to him by the head of the block?

Elie thought the advice was selfish but true for a few second because there was nothing left for him to do for his father.

Why was Elie's father being beaten?

Elie's father was being beaten because he could not go outside to relieve himself and he smelled. He was also being too loud while calling Elie to get him water. He was also being beaten so that others could get his ration of bread.

What was the name of the camp to which the men walked?


Summarize the story Moshe the Beadle told on his return from being deported. Why did he say he had returned to Sighet?

He and other foreign Jews had been taken through Hungary and into Poland. They were taken to dig graves. The Gestapo killed them. Moshe escaped because he had been mistaken for dead. He said he returned to tell the Jews to prepare themselves before it was too late

How did Zalman die?

He could no longer run because he began to have stomach cramps and needed to relieve himself. He fell into the snow, and Elie believed that he was trampled by others.

What did Elie do when the gypsy struck his father? Why? What was his father's response?

He did not do anything. He felt remorse, and thought he would never forgive the gypsy. His father whispered that the blow did not hurt.

What was Elie's decision about fasting on Yom Kippur? Why did he make that decision?

He did not fast. One reason was because his father had forbidden him to fast because he was already weak from having too little food on a day to day basis. The other reason was that he saw his gesture as an act of rebellion against God.

How did Elie feel while the others were praying?

He felt strong, and said he had stopped pleading. He was not able to feel sorrow. He observed the prayer service like a stranger.

What happened to Mr. Wiesel, Elie's father?

He had dysentery and was very ill for a week. Then he died (at Buchenwald) on January 29, 1945.

What did Elie dream of when he dreamed of a better world?

He imagined a world with no bells.

Describe Tony.

He is Wes's (Inmate) older half-brother who spends most of his time with his maternal grandmother (on his mother's side) or his dad at Murphy Homes Projects.

What was the last thing the head of the block ordered the men to do before they evacuated? Why?

He ordered them to clean the block. He said he wanted the liberating army to know the men who had lived there were not pigs. This is ironic because he and his men had forced them to live like pigs, but now did not want the enemy to know the truth.

What did Elie realize about Rabbi Eliahou and his son?

He realized that the son had been trying to lose his father as the men were all running during the evacuation. At the same time, the Rabbi was looking for his son.

How did Wiesel say he felt about the Hungarian police?

He said he began to hate them because they were his and his community's first oppressors

To what did Wiesel compare the world?

He said it was a cattle wagon hermetically sealed.

What do you think Elie meant when he said, "From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me. The look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left me" (Wiesel 115).

He separates himself so that he can coexist with faith in both God and man. The person in the mirror is another person, different from the innocent boy in Sighet. Without hope and faith, he might as well be dead.

Why did Elie tell Stein from Antwerp that his wife and children were fine?

He wanted to give him hope so that he would continue to fight to stay alive.

Who was Meir Katz? What happened to him?

He was a friend of Wiesel's. He had been the gardener at Buna. His son had been taken during the first selection, but he had remained sane. Now he was cracking up. When Eliezer was being strangled on the train, Mr. Wiesel called on Meir Katz to help them. He died in the train just before the men were unloaded at Buchenwald.

Describe Elie Wiesel's father. What was his occupation?

He was cultured and unsentimental. He had more concern for outsiders than for his own family. He and his wife were storekeepers.

When questioned by the SS Officer, why did Elie lie about his age and occupation?

He was encouraged to lie so that he and his father could stay together. If he were older and his father were younger, they might be chosen for the selection.

What happened to the young man from Warsaw? Why?

He was hanged for stealing during the air-raid.

What advice was Elie given to pass the selection process?

He was told to get up and move around so that he would have color in his face. He was also told to run as fast as he could when running by the SS Officers.

Describe Moshe the Beadle.

He worked at the Hasidic synagogue. He was able to make himself seem insignificant, almost invisible. He did not speak much.

Why was Elie placed in a hospital?

His foot was swollen because of the cold weather, and he needed surgery.

Where did the train stop?

It arrived at Birkenau, the reception center for Auschwitz.

When did Wiesel say the travelers left their illusions behind?

It was when they left the train at Birkenau. They left their cherished objects and illusions behind on the train.

What was the deeper reason why Joy, Wes's mother, was upset that Wes hit Nikki when he was three years old? How will this shape his future? (author)

Joy, Wes's mom, was abused by Nikki's dad and the situation with Wes hitting Nikki brought up all of those negative memories of mom's struggle through that difficult time. Joy did not want Wes to follow in Nikki's dad, her first husband's footsteps.



Who was Maria? What happened when she visited the Wiesel family in the ghetto?

Martha was a former servant of the Wiesel family. She visited the family in the ghetto and offered them safe refuge in her village. Elie's father refused to leave. He told Elie and his sisters they could go, but they refused to be separated.

Explain why Mary, the other Wes's mother, has to quit college and how this affects her.

Mary, Inmate Wes's mother, had to quit college because her Pell grant was terminated, and she can no longer afford tuition. She has to quit her lifelong dream of graduating from college and her part-time job at Bayview Medical Center becomes her full-time job.

Describe what Mary found when she searched Wes's room and what she did with it.

Mary, Wes's (Inmate) mom, found pills, marijuana, cocaine, and crack that he was selling to make money. She flushed the drugs down the toilet.

What agreement does Wes have with Mrs. Downs? (author)

Mrs. Downs and Wes (Author) have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. She did not care if he showed up for class or not. Class seemed to run smoother without him present.

Describe, in order, the events that happened from the last day of Passover until Pentecost.

On the seventh day of Passover the Germans arrested the Jewish community leaders. The Jewish residents were not allowed to leave their houses for three days. At the end of the three days the Jews had to start wearing the yellow star. Then two ghettos were set up. On the Saturday before Pentecost, Stern attended an extraordinary meeting of the council. When he returned he told the others they were all to be deported, starting the next day.

How many men started out in the train? How many were left when they arrived at Buchenwald?

One hundred men started out. About twelve were left.

What was the public reaction to Moshe's story?

People refused to believe him. Some would not even listen to him. They said he just wanted their pity

Explain what happened between Wes and Ray. Explain how the incident ends.

Ray catches his "girl" with Wes (Inmate). Ray beats up Wes and Wes gets a 9mm Beretta and chases after Ray. He wanted to "send a message". One of Wes's drug partners joins Wes in chasing down Ray. He also has a gun, and when they spot Ray, they begin to fire at him. They shot Ray and assumed he was dead. Wes runs home and hides the gun in an aquarium. The police show up and take Wes to jail.

Describe what Sergeant Austin gives to Wes and what happened because of this "gift."

Sergeant Austin gives Wes (Author) a guidon with a map to the train station. It is fake and causes him to get lost.

What did Madame Schächter see in her vision?

She said she saw a fire - a furnace, with huge flames.

Describe Ty Hill.

Ty Hill is a black male, 5'10" tall, 210 pounds, teenager, neatly dressed with a serious look on his face.

How did the other people in the car react to Madame Schächter?

Some of the young men tied her up and gagged her. Then they hit her. The others encouraged the young men

Explain why Wes calls the basketball court in the Bronx the "neutral ground." (author)

The "neutral ground" is a place where all types of young men from the neighborhood meet. Everyone puts aside their differences and accepts one another form an alliance - a brotherhood (pgs. 44-45)

Describe Elie's encounter with the dentist.

The dentist wanted to take out Elie's gold tooth. Twice Elie said he was ill, and the dentist did not take the tooth. Then the dentist was arrested and his office was closed.

What two things prompted Mary to move to Baltimore County? (other)

The first thing was that Tony was shot in the chest during a drug deal that had gone wrong. The second thing was that Wes (Inmate) failed 6th grade at Chinquapin and had to repeat it.

While running, an idea began to fascinate Elie. What was the idea? What kept him from carrying out his idea?

The idea of death began to fascinate him. The only thing that kept him from trying to die was his father's presence.

What was Elie's "inheritance" from his father? Why was his father giving it to him?

The inheritance was a knife and spoon. Mr. Wiesel had been selected. He was giving his only possessions to his son before his death.

What happened on April 5, 1945?

There was a roll call, and the Germans were planning on shooting all Jews. Also, some prisoners were released, and they never came back.

What did the prisoners do when they were freed?

The only thought of the prisoners once they were freed was about food. They didn't even consider revenge.

Describe the conditions in the train.

The people were packed eighty to a car with only tiny windows and very little food and water

Describe Elie's meeting with Juliek.

The prisoners had arrived at Gleiwitz, and were moving into the barracks. Men were pushing and trampling over each other. Elie heard a voice that he recognized. It was Juliek, the musician from Warsaw who had played the violin at Buna. They spoke for a few seconds. Juliek then played a Beethoven concerto on his violin. The next morning Juliek was dead and the violin had been trampled.

What was the resistance movement? What did they do?

The resistance movement involved Polish prisoners who planned an uprising with the SS Officers in order to save other prisoners. They hid guns and grenades and were able to defeat the SS Officers in order to save 20,000 prisoners in Buchenwald on April 10, 9145.

What was the setting and the year for the first section of the book? What was the world condition at the time?

The year was 1942. The story started out in the town of Sighet in Transylvania. World War II was in progress. The author mentions 1943, and then describes events in 1944. The Fascist party had taken power.

What was Elie's first impression of Auschwitz III (Monowitz-Buna)?

There were cement buildings instead of wooden barracks, gardens spread throughout the camp, and hot showers. The block leader had kind words for them - the first kind words that he had heard.

What did the men do on the eve of Rosh Hashana?

They held their prayer service and later wished each other a Happy New Year.

Which notorious SS officer did they meet at Auschwitz?

They met Dr. Mengele - known as the Angel of Death in popular history for performing selections at Auschwitz and doing medical experiments on prisoners.

What did the Jews in the train car discover when they looked out the window?

They saw flames gushing out of a tall chimney in to the sky

How long were Elie and his father at Auschwitz? Where did they go after that?

They were at Auschwitz for about three weeks. Then they went to Buna.

How long were they at Gleiwitz? Where did they go next?

They were at Gleiwitz for three days. Then they traveled by train for ten days until they reached Buchenwald.

What happened to the patients who stayed in the hospital instead of being evacuated?

They were liberated by the Russians two days after the others left.

What prayer were the people saying? Why was it unusual?

They were reciting the Kaddish. It was unusual because they were saying the prayer for the dead for themselves. Elie refused to pray because he believed that God was being silent by letting people die.

During one hanging, Elie and the other prisoners cried. What made this hanging different from the others?

This hanging was the first time a young boy, pipel, was hung in front of the camp. Because the boy weighed less than a man, it took much longer for the boy to die and all prisoners had to watch the boy suffer.

Explain what Tony finds so amusing at his brother's first birthday party.

Tony finds it amusing that he has a one year old brother, he has a new baby, and Wes (Inmate) and Alicia are pregnant.

Describe where Tony lives.

Tony spends most of his time in Murphy Homes (aka "Murder Homes"). It is dirty, covered in graffiti and dard. Drugs were sold here, and many teenagers had guns.

Explain what sacrifice Wes's mother and family made for him and why.

Wes's (Author) family members gave money, and his grandparents took the money they had in their home to pay for his first year. They felt this was his only chance to change.

Why did Wes's mom slap him? (author)

Wes's (Author) mom slapped him because he hit his sister, Shani, in the mouth. Also, she had just gotten a phone call from school, and Wes is on probation.

Who watches Wes most of the time when he is little? (other)

Wes, inmate, is watched by his grandmother and other family members, as well as Mary's friends while he is little.

Describe one of Idek's bouts of madness

When Elie saw Idek with a girl, Idek gave him 25 lashes in front of everyone and then wanted him to get up on his own afterwards.

What was one of the first things that Wes saw as they entered the Bronx? (author)

a drug deal

Non essential affirmatives

extra information about a person, place, or thing

Sentence Fragment

incomplete thoughts

Comma Splice

is the use of a comma to join two independent clauses without a conjunction

How did Elie say the soup tasted the night the pipel (young servant boy) was hanged?

it tasted of corpses

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

Sudden infant death syndrome SIDS

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