English final

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logical fallacies • Ad hominem

"against the man"—attack the person rather than the position of that person.

elements of thesis statement

-identifies point of view -is specific and sticks to topic -explains how will back up point of view with main points

comma splice

A comma splice occurs either when independent clauses are joined only by a comma and no coordinating conjunction or when a comma is used instead of a semicolon between two independent clauses.

types of evidence

Examples Explanations and details Personal Experiences Research facts and data Expert opinions

logical fallacies-scare tactics

It is the essence of demagoguery to reduce complicated issues to threats or to exaggerate a possible danger well beyond its statistical likelihood.

things to discuss in visual analysis

Its overt meaning; Use of visual and rhetorical devices, including "visual elements," audience, rhetorical appeals, and logical fallacies; Underlying (cultural) assumptions; Possibly implications.

how outlines help

Keep you on track Develop topic sentences Find gaps in your ideas Prevent writer's block

Choose the correct version: #2

My father said when he was only six, he won the school's swimming competition.

For your argument paper, should you choose a topic that most people agree on or not? Choose the best answer.

No, because the point of the paper is to debate the topic.

unnecessary shifts- mood

Shifts in mood often occur with directions, where the mood shifts from indicative to imperative or from imperative to indicative. error-take two aspirins, and then you should call me in the morning error corrected- take two aspirins, and then call me in the morning

Find the correct punctuation for the following sentence: The Final Four is famous for office pools many people fill out brackets to see who can guess who is going to win.

The Final Four is famous for office pools. Many people fill out brackets to see who can guess who is going to win.

parallelism- choose the correct answer

The Food and Drug administration has admitted that sodium nitrite can deform the fetus of pregnant women and cause serious harm to anemic persons.

body- paragraph 1

Topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph and transitions from the paragraph before it Supporting details defend or strengthen the topic sentence. Students should use at least two supporting details in each paragraph. Supporting details can include facts, examples, and expert opinions about a specific subject. IF primary or secondary sources are used, students must use MLA parenthetical citations.

questions for introduction

What key points do I want to make in my paper? What issues do I want to address? What is the purpose of my paper (to inform, to express feelings, or to persuade)? What kind of evidence do I have?

Choose whether the sentence is correct, a run-on sentence, or a comma splice. 1. Not everyone goes to the store for purchases in fact more and more people are shopping from home.

a run-on sentence

logical fallacies - begging the question

assuming something as a given that has not been proven

logical fallacies-• Equivocation

gives a lie an honest appearance

example of text analysis thesis

grose begins building her credibility with personal facts and reputable sources, citing convincing facts and statistics, and successfully employing emotional appeals; however, toward the end of the article, her attempts to appeal to readers' emotions weaken her credibility and ultimately, her argument.


imitations and in this context refer to limitations in delivery or communication. Constraints pertain to the medium, language, and length, for example.

parallelism lists examples

incorrect- the dictionary can be uses to find these: word meanings, pronunciations, correct, spellings, and looking up irregular verbs. correct- the dictionary can be used to find these, word meanings, pronunciations, correct spellings, and irregular verbs.

misplaced modifier

is a work, phrase or clause that is improperly separated from the work it modifies / describes. Because of the separation, sentences with this error often sound awkward, ridiculous, or confusing. Furthermore, they can be downright illogical. With misplaced modifiers, we look for words that the modifier grammatically modifies.


is when you put a passage from the original source material into your own words. As with a quotation, you must do an in-text citation attributing the information back to the original source at the end of the paraphrased section. Paraphrasing usually means the section is shorter than the original passage because it is condensed.

run on sentences

occurs when two independent clause are joined without any marker.

what outlines do

organize your ideas with headings and subheadings Include reference points and examples

Critical reading helps you focus and better remember what you're reading. Choose one method that does not necessarily help to read a text critically:

reading the text aloud

For a long time, shopping meant having to travel the only other way to make purchases from home was to call a phone number today many people shop online.

run-on sentence

logical fallacies-• Moral equivalence

suggesting that serious wrongdoings don't differ in kind from more minor offenses.

logical fallacies • Post hoc, ergo propter hoc

suggests that because A happened before B, A has caused B.

Visual arguments ...

visually argue a position

Logical Fallacies

An error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid in arguments are flawed by their very nature or structure; as such, you should avoid them in your own writing and question them in arguments you read

Choose the sentence in which the modifier refers to a word or word group it can logically describe.

At her deathbed, he promised never to remarry

Logical Fallacies: Hasty Generalization

Based on insufficient evidence. Ex: Because my Honda broke down, all Hondas must be junk. It also forms the basis of stereotypes about people.

Choose the correct version:

Exhausted from battling the tide and the undertow, the swimmer noticed a welcome respite--the beach!

How do you best deal with the opposing viewpoint (counterarguments)?

It's best to address the counterarguments directly and early on in your essay and then to refute them by identifying the shortcomings of the opposing position.


The repetition of similar grammatical or syntactical patterns. like swimming, hiking, etc do not mix forms

elements of rhetorical analysis

What is the text's purpose: What message is it trying to convey? Who is the intended audience: How does the text speak to this particular target audience? Consider context: where the text is located; how is it meant to be read, what surrounds it; this necessitates cultural knowledge. What rhetorical choices did the writer make in order to convey his or her message? What do you know about the rhetorical situation?

logical fallacies-• False dilemma and Either-Or-Choices

writer implies we have only two choices; writer reduces a complicated issue to excessively simple terms or deliberately obscures other alternatives.

another common logical fallacies

• Inadequate or biased sampling

sentance fragment

• It refers to an incomplete sentence. A sentence is a group of words with at least one independent clause. An independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence because it doesn't depend on anything else to complete the thought. It has, at the very least, a complete verb and subject, plus an object or complement if needed.

common splice example- In Econ 150, students meet in small groups for an extra hour each week, this helps them learn from each other.

. In Econ 150, students meet in small groups for an extra hour each week. This helps them learn from each other. 2. In Econ 150, students meet in small groups for an extra hour each week; this helps them learn from each other. 3. In Econ 150, students meet in small groups for an extra hour each week, which helps them learn from each other

annotated bibliography

A list of the sources used for research and a one paragraph summary of each source helps learn about the research, create preliminary thesis, and to help other researchers

components of annotations

Summarize- main arguments, point of book or article, what topics are covered evaluate- is this a useful source, how does it compare with other sources, is information reliable, biased or objective, what is goal of source reflect- how does it fit with current research, how source can be used in research

body-paragraph 2 and 3

Topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph and transitions from the paragraph before it Supporting details defend or strengthen the topic sentence.

thesis statement

Your paper needs to have a central idea, a thesis that needs proving. It should be stated clearly at the end of the first paragraph, your introduction. Keep your thesis clearly before the reader throughout the paper (do this by adducing evidence, not simply by repeating the assertion). The thesis statement should clearly identify your major points and help readers follow your analysis. Make it specific and engaging.

techniques for beginning your essay-Anecdote

a very short story related to your essay topic - stories are very effective because they provide a context for your issue and create a scene that readers will visualize.

common rules of writing essay

an introduction that suggests your topic and the direction it will take; at the end of your introduction state a claim/ thesis statement that makes a point that the essay will support; body paragraphs that develop your examples to illustrate the essay's main points; demonstration of your awareness of your audience and its needs and interests; clear transitions from one idea/ piece of evidence to the next; a conclusion that reinforces the essay's main ideas and perhaps restates the thesis.


are identical in every way from the original. You use a section from the original source document and follow it word for word in quotation marks. After the quote, there will always be an in-text citation attributing it to the original source.

Textual rhetoric analyses essays

begin by reading the text critically


is when the main ideas are put into your own words. This means that the main points of the information you are using are reworked into your own words, but the rest of it is left out. As the other two, this information also needs to be cited at the end.

depending on your paper's thesis

to inform, convey feelings, or persuade—your body paragraphs will contain certain types of information.

invention techniques

understand assignment and instructions, freewriting, lists, clustering, asking questions, journaling


Restate thesis statement. Students should reword the thesis statement. Summarize main points. Students should reword topic sentences. Tie to Opening. Students should relate their conclusion to the opening of the essay.

Now computers make shopping from home a possibility, these machines connect shoppers to the stores.

comma splice

A rhetorical analysis of a text

concentrates on how the text is crafted

techniques for beginning your essay- question

draw readers in because we have an innate need to answer questions we encounter.

When analyzing visual arguments, I would focus on ...

elements of visual rhetoric

logical fallacies -• False analogy

erroneous suggestion that two cases are comparable.

logical fallacies- straw man

false target—misstatement of opponent's view and then attack that misstatement instead of the real argument


identify a topic through such strategies as listing, clustering, freewriting, asking questions, and journaling. Test its suitability by considering your readers' interest and knowledge of the topic, your knowledge on the topic. Planning: Inventory of what you have, such as details, written passages, ideas for expansion, personal impressions, and significance. Outlining: list the main examples in order, noting what details you need to describe and how else you will illustrate your main points—this is a critical step because the structure of essays can be tricky Drafting Begin to write. Try to immerse yourself and avoid any distraction. At best, write the essay in one sitting and go back to it again later when you check it for logic, structure, diction and grammar, style, varied sentence length, tense and time cues.

pick from following responses, annotated bibliography is

list of summarized sources consulted in my research and an overview and evaluation of source

Anticipate objections to your thesis

refute them early in the paper, then proceed to the evidence that supports you. The thesis should be firmly in your mind as you begin each fresh paragraph; avoid the tendency to orient yourself to the thesis at the ends of paragraphs. A good approach is to develop your thesis in terms of several major points, each subdivided into constituent or supporting elements. The thesis should be formally restated (in different, perhaps broader, language) at the beginning of the last paragraph.

logical fallacies-bandwagon appeals

urge people to follow the same path everyone else is taking; pressure to conform.

Consider the effects of the following on the onlooker

Appeals to Logos, Pathos, and Ethos: reason/ facts, values and emotions invoked Logical fallacies: errors in logic Underlying cultural assumptions or messages: What are the underlying assumptions or cultural messages (what matters in this culture; what cultural values does the visual evoke and rely on; which ones does it promote?)

techniques for beginning your essay- interesting fact or statistic

As long as these facts or statistics foreshadow the topic of your essay, they help set the stage for your argument and suggest that your paper is well researched.

Stephen Toulmin developed a method that analyzes the strategies a writer uses to provoke a reader's response to an argument. This method focuses on three parts:

Claim: the assertion a text makes, it's often a statement of opinion. Grounds: the support for the claim, e.g., evidence, emotions, or values (appeals to logos, pathos, and ethos). Warrant: Underlying cultural assumptions or messages that link the grounds to the claim. Warrants are what is not explicitly stated (but can be stated overtly) in the text but is expected to be understood by the intended audience .

Conclusions have three important functions:

Clarify: summarize your essay's main points; Stress the importance: answer the "so what?" question; Call to further thinking or call to action: suggest that your paper does not end the discussion but there are implications or further questions to think about. A call to action asks that readers get involved and do something about the issue your paper has explored.

techniques for beginning your essay-surprising statement

Confront your readers with something unexpected or information that may be new to them.

Logical Fallacies: Slippery Slope

arguing against an action on the unsupported assertion that it will inevitably lead to a much worse condition argument that one first step will inevitably lead to further disastrous consequences.

examples of parallelism in clauses

incorrect- the coaches told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and to do warm up exercises before game. correct- the coach told the players that they should get good sleep, that they should eat a healthy diet, and that they should do warm up exercises before each game. incorrect- the man expected that he would have time to present the information, that he would show his slide presentation, and that questions would be asked of him. correct- the man expected that he would present the product, that he would have time to do his slide presentation, and that perspective buyers would ask him questions.

examples of parallelism

not parallel- mary likes hiking, swimming, and to ride a bycycle parallel- mary likes hiking, swimming, and biking

objectives of visual analysis

obvious message of the visual (what is it saying? What is it promoting?); techniques it uses to get its message across (see the list of visual elements further down); the underlying cultural message.

dangling modifier

s a word or phrase that refers to (or modifies) another word or phrase in the sentence. When an introductory phrase does not name the doer of the action, the phrase refers to (or modifies) the subject of the independent clause that follows. With dangling modifiers, look for the subject of a clause. If there is none, the clause borrows the subject from the independent clause. Characteristics: They most frequently occur at the beginning of sentences but can also appear at the end. They often have an -ing or a to + verb phrase near the start of the whole phrase

When writing a paper, report, presentation, business letter, or any other formal text, you need to see what information or knowledge you have. Invention and prewriting techniques help you with this task and, in turn, assists you in organizing your thoughts and in learning what you still need to find out and research. Click on the description below that does not adequately describe invention and prewriting techniques: Invention and prewriting...

should occur exclusively at the beginning of a writing task

objectives of text analysis

similar to the first module, you will focus on analyzing rhetoric in your essay. First you will demonstrate your understanding of the text's meaning and then discuss how it creates this meaning. You may also consider how successfully it conveys its meaning(s) and whether is uses manipulative tactics like logical fallacies. Thus, in your paper you will examine the text's obvious message (what is it saying? What is it promoting?); techniques it uses to get its message across (see the list of questions above); the underlying cultural message.


All essays consist of three parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. If you write a research paper, you need to add a fourth part, the "Works Cited" list. There are no fast and firm rules about the length of each part, though there are certain expectations: If you're asked to write a 1-2-page essay, you will have five short paragraphs (note that readers expect at least three body paragraphs in an essay). For a 3-4-page essay, you will likely expand your paragraphs and include a fourth and fifth body paragraph. If your length requirements are 10-12 pages, you might decide on a longer introduction of two paragraphs (no longer than two, though) and 15-20 body paragraphs. Never forget to add a conclusion at the end.


Appeal to emotion subject matter-crying baby color triggers- think about red or black contrast- black or white, shadow or light, red and green


Appeal to logic use of graphs and charts that convey information efficiently. titles, headings, and subheadings that help group ideas effectively

parallelism 2- choose the correct answer

Bill finds it harder to be fair to himself than to be fair to others.


Creative opening to catch the audience's attention. Students can use quotes, interesting facts and figures, joke or anecdotes, etc. Background information Preview of the main points of the essay. Thesis Statement affirms the main idea of the essay.


Distinguish between the intended and actual audience: Intended audiences could address the exigence, that what has caused the writing and to whom the text ideally is addressed. Real or actual readers are those who read the text, whether they stumbled upon it or were assigned the text, though real readers are often also the intended audience. But if you receive a text message reacting to a dentist appointment today (the exigence) and asking you to "take the kids to the dentist," but you don't have any kids, you're not the intended audience, and you were sent this message accidentally. You are, however, the real reader. What do you know about your text's audience? What can you infer about your audience from reading the text: from its language and style, from references and explanations, and from the medium?

unnecessary shifts- tense

Except for special cases where the intended meaning requires a change in tense, maintain the same tense within a sentence. error- she caught the ball and then throws it to the catcher correct- she caught the ball and threw it to the catcher

Read the incorrect sentence. Choose all of the options that are correct. Incorrect: Lake Tahoe is a magical place, every time that I'm having a bad day, all I have to do is look back upon those memories, and it brings a smile to my face.

Lake Tahoe is a magical place; every time that I'm having a bad day, all I have to do is look back upon those memories, and it brings a smile to my face.

elements of visual analysis

Purpose- objective of the visual; Audience- who is the intended audience? How does the visual speak to this particular target audience? Consider Context: where the text is located; how is it meant to be read, what surrounds it; necessitates cultural knowledge; the visual's caption can help. Meaning/ Claims: Think about all the choices the designer, artist, or photographer had to make in order to convey his or her message.

things to consider with analyzing a visual

Purpose: Does the visual try to inform, make a claim, encourage to buy something, illustrate a point made elsewhere, delight, educate, etc.? Message: What claims does the visual make? What idea does the visual seek to bring across? Cultural assumptions: What assumptions underlie the message? Evidence: What evidence is used to back up the claims? Medium/ media used: print, video, screen, photographs, drawings, charts, graphs, etc. Subject matter: what is portrayed? Audience: whom does the visual address? This determines the rhetorical elements used and How they are used; Keep in mind that the intended audience's knowledge and cultural background decide what kind of assumptions the visual makes.

techniques for ending essay

Review your main points; Suggest the implications of your argument; Recommend a course of action; Add a relevant quotation. Note that some of these are required elements of your conclusion, not choices.

Choose the version in which the modifier correctly modifies its referent

The Secret Service was falsely accused by the media of mishandling the attempted assassination.

Find the correct punctuation for the following sentence: 4. The end of the college basketball season in the United States is marked by the Final Four, it is very popular among even casual sports fans.

The end of the college basketball season in the United States is marked by the Final Four, which is very popular among even casual sports fans.

unnecessary shifts- voice

The voice of a verb may be either active or passive in a sentence. When a sentence contains two or more verbs, both verbs should maintain the same voice. error-she turned on the tv, a buzzing sound was heard correct- she turned on the tv, and heard a buzzing sound two men escaped from prison, but were captured immediately

run on sentence example-These fuels pollute the air we take in and the water we drink they have a huge impact on the environment.

These fuels pollute the air we take in and the water we drink. They have a huge impact on the environment.


This aspect focuses on the reasons that have caused the writer to compose the text. To what circumstances is this text responding? Why is this the best possible medium (essay, letter, email, blog, tweet, etc.) to respond to the perceived need?

example of visual analysis thesis

This photograph portrays a feeling of unity and strength through contrast, emotional appeals, arrangement, and verbal messages so that onlookers clearly see America's strength.


Throughout the process of thinking about, outlining, and drafting your paper, continue to gather evidence, which can come from different perspectives and be of different kinds: Opinions from experts in the field; Facts and data from surveys and research understand that even number-based research is not necessarily unbiased; The Internet (and you already know that you cannot trust just any website); News outlets (with varying credibility); The library: make sure your trustworthy library source is peer reviewed.

A Body Paragraph as a Unit—Three Key Characteristics: Body Paragraphs Are

Unified: topic sentences introduce a paragraph's main idea, and each sentence should be focused on this one main idea. Coherent: sentences and ideas are connected to each other. You can achieve coherence with transitions, for example, pronouns used to avoid repetition and keywords. Well developed: enough evidence is provided.

things to consider when analyzing a text

What kind of textual rhetoric do I have? Why is it important that this medium was chosen over another? What can the medium do? What are its limitations? What are its requirements? What do I need to consider when analyzing a text? What is the rhetorical situation? Who is the intended audience? What do I know about them: age, values, experiences, beliefs, concerns, education, etc.? Who is the author? Is the author an expert in the field, frequently published and cited? How does the author present herself through language, personal information, even images, personal websites, and videos? What is the purpose of the text? What claims does it make? How does it back up the claims (grounds), and what are the underlying assumptions (warrants)? How does the text use appeals? Are there any logical fallacies that the author uses to manipulate the audience? How successful is the text in conveying its message? Evaluate evidence and logic.

parallelism lists

be sure to keep all elements in the list in the same form

more examples of parallelism

incorrect- he was asked to write is paper quickly, accurately, and in a detailed manner correct- he was asked to write the paper quickly, accurately, and thoroughly incorrect- the teacher said the student was a poor student because he waited until the last minute to complete his paper, completed work in careless manner, and motivation was low correct- the teacher said he was a poor student because he waited until the last minute to study for exam, completed his work in a careless manner, and lacked motivation.

logical fallacies-• Non sequitur

lapse in logic—"it does not follow"

Which of the following statements illustrates the logical fallacy known as hasty generalization

neighbor and I both find gardening to be a relaxing hobby. People everywhere will benefit from time spent gardening

Parallelism of clauses

use same clauses throughout sentence. changing to another pattern or changing voice of the verb, from active to passive or vice versa, will break the paralellism


visual arguments based on a character, level of professionalism through logos and emblems, choice of color, medium, illustration

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