Enviro 1126 final exam

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Over the next 30 years, roughly what percentage of the world's net population growth is expected to occur in urban areas?


chapter 5 : The ecological efficiency in a food chain is 15%. A pollutant (X) is transferred from one trophic level to the next with an efficiency of 45%. The concentration of X on trophic level 3 is 18 ppm. What is the concentration of X on trophic level 1?


chapter 22 : Suppose that a potentially toxic substance was added to the feed of experimental mice. Which one of the following scenarios would be associated with the largest dose of the toxic substance?

3mg/kg for 20 days

chapter 4 : A population is growing exponentially with a doubling time of 10 years. If the size of the population now is 50, what will be the size of the population 30 years from now?


chapter 4 : A population is growing exponentially with a doubling time of 20 years. If the size of the population now is 100, what will be the size of the population 40 years from now?


chapter 12 : in country x the supply of calories averages 100% of the minimum daily requirement, Of the people living in country x, what percentage is likely to have calorie-deficent diets?


chapter 17 : Which one of the dose-effect curves shown below correctly describes what public health authorities assume to be the relationship between exposure to ionizing radiation and the risk of cancer?

A upward straight line

Which one of the following statements is true about a Hadley cell?

Air rises at the equator and sinks at 30 degrees latitude

chapter 16 : The country with the greatest number of solar hot water heaters is


chapter 2 : Which one of the following is not one of the three major components of a nation's capital that determines its wealth?

Financial capital

chapter 15 : Which of the following countries generates the greatest percentage of its electricity from nuclear power plants?


chapter 6 : Hardening of urban streams in the name of flood control is an example of which one of the letters of the acronym HIPPO?


chapter 2 : The increasing difference between the gross domestic product (GDP) and the genuine progress indicator reflects the fact that much of the increase of the GDP has occurred at the expense of ______________.

Intangible capital and natural capital

chapter 10 : Which of the following reasons explains why most farmers in the United States do not irrigate their crops via drip irrigation?

Irrigation water is cheap, and initial installation costs are high

chapter 17 : which one of the following is not an example of consequences of chronic exposure

Japanese citizens living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the atomic bombs were dropped

Which one of the following is an example of primary succession?

Lichens appear on basalt rock 50 years after a volcanic eruption on the Big Island of Hawaii

chapter 6 : One of the items on the menu in a restaurant in Norway is medallions of whale and seal. In the United States, that would be a violation of which one of the following pieces of legislation?

Marine Mammal Protection Act

Which one of the following mechanisms is expected to cause temperatures during the 21st century to rise more at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere than at high latitudes in the southern hemisphere?

Melting of the ice floating on the Arctic Ocean

chapter 10 : Global warming during the 21st century is expected to

Speed up the hydrologic cycle and slow the thermohaline circulation of the ocean

chapter 15 : which one of the following kinds of radiation is associated with the greatest amount of biological damage per unit of absorbed energy

alpha particles

chapter 20 : If the BOD of raw sewage is 200 ppm, by how much would that water have to be diluted to prevent the oxygen in a stream from dropping from 10 ppm to less than 6 ppm?

at least a factor of 50

chapter 20 : if the BOD. of raw sewage is 200ppm, by how much would that water have to be diluted to prevent oxygen in a stream from dropping from 10ppm to less than 6ppm

at least a factor of 50

chapter 1 : The figure below shows concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere from the late 1950s to the present time. In addition to the long term trend of increasing CO2 concentrations, the concentrations also oscillate up and down by several parts per million on an annual basis. At what time of the year would you expect the concentrations to be lowest?

at the end of summer

chapter 12 : Which one of the following sources of calories in the human diet requires the greatest amount of land per calorie to produce?


chapter 13 : the principal concern with the use of neonicotinoid insecticides is their adverse effects on


chapter 7 : which of the following areas experienced a net gain of forest areas between 2000 and 2010?

china and europe

chapter 21 Which one of the following is the most common form of trash identified by volunteers who participate in annual beach cleanups?

cigarette butts

chapter 17 : Which one of the following drugs is not obtained from opium poppies?


chapter 15 : which one of the following is not one of the purposes of pumping water through the core of a nuclear reactor fueled with uranium-235

control the rate of of the chain reaction

chapter 7 : Most deforestation is the result of _______________ .

conversion of forests into agricultural land for growing crops and pasturing animals

chapter 19 : The catalytic converter on automobiles is not intended to do which one of the following?

convert sulfur dioxide to hydrogen sulfide

chapter 20 : which of the following rivers that discharges into lake Erie has repeatedly caught fire in the past because of the large amounts of industrial organic pollutants that were discharged into it


chapter 7 : Which of the following kinds of property rights is associated with the Tragedy of the Commons?

open access

chapter 13 : Which one of the following kinds of pesticides is responsible for most pesticide poisonings of humans?


Which one of the following air pollutants is not a primary pollutant?


Which one of the following gases is primarily responsible for the fact that the temperature of the stratosphere increases with increasing altitude?


the single largest component of municipal solid waste in the united states is

paper and paperboard

chapter 5 : Terrestrial biomes are groups of ecosystems characterized by similar types of

plants and climate

chapter 3 : Ecologist Eckhard wants to stop the algal blooms in City Park Lake by reducing the inputs of essential nutrients to the lake from stormwater runoff. Which one of the following strategies would have the least effect on the algal blooms?

remove all the carbon dioxide from the stormwater runoff

chapter 12 : a Bt crop is genetically modified crop that is

resistant to many insect pests

chapter 6 : The three crops that account for about 50% of global food demands are

rice, wheat, corn

chapter 7 : Deterioration of which of the following ecosystems has been attributed in part to extensive changes of the inputs of water to or withdrawals of water from the system?

rio grande river and Florida everglades

chapter 1 : Which one of the following is not one of the vital concepts that move societies toward a sustainable future?


chapter 15 : in a nuclear power plant fueled by uranium-235 what is the purpose of the moderator?

slow neurons

chapter 22 : production and/or use of so-called dirty dozen toxic substances was banned or greatly restricted as a result of

the 2004 Stockholm convention

chapter 2 : Taxol, which is used to treat lung, ovarian, and breast cancer, head and neck cancer, and advanced forms of Kaposi's sarcoma, was originally isolated from _____________________ .

the bark of the pacific yew tree

further increase of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere are expected to warm up temperatures more at high latitudes that at low latitudes because

there is less water vapor in the atmosphere at high latitudes than at low latitudes

Which one of the following is not one of the three main tropic categories?


chapter 12 : which one of the following countries have the largest areas of arable land

united states and india

chapter 3 : Which one of the following accounts for the fact that the abundance of mangroves along the Louisiana coast has increased dramatically in the last 20 years?

warmer winters

chapter 2 : The cost/benefit ratio associated with the implementation of environmental regulations

decreases with time

chapter 6 : in the united states today, the principal. use for mercury is ....

dental fillings

Golden eagle populations in England recovered after use of .... was terminated in sheep dips


Which one of the following is not involved in maintaining population equilibrium?


chapter 2 : which one of the following measures of the economic progress of china would you expect to have increased the most since 1980

gross domestic product

chapter 13 : Which two of the following kinds of pesticides account for most use of pesticides in agriculture in the United States?

herbicides and insecticides

chapter 11 : which one of the following kinds of soil would you expect to find in a wetland


chapter 9 : The United States and China have virtually identical fertility rates (1.7) and median ages (38.35). How, then, would you account for the fact that the population of China is projected to decrease between now and the end of this century, whereas the population of the United States is projected to increase?

immigration into the United States

chapter 9 : the. united states and china have virtually identical fertility rates (1.7) and median age (38.35) how then would you account for the fact that the population in china is projected to decrease between now and the end of this century where as the population in the US is projected to increase

immigration into the united states

which of the following countries has the lowest median age


chapter 16 : when plants such as switchgrass are grown as a potential source of liquid fuels, the energy in sunlight is converted to potential energy in the biomes of the plant with efficiency of ....

less than 5%

which one of the following is an example of primary succession

lichens appear on a basalt rock 50 years after a volcanic eruption on the big island of hawaii

at a depth of 200 meters in the Gulf of Mexico, which one of the following factors is most limiting to photosynthetic production of organic matter?


In a flash stream geothermal power plant, water is vaporized by...

lowering the pressure

chapter 11 : topsoil accumulates at a rate ....

1-2 inches per 100 years

chapter 19 : in countries that have not completed the demographic transition, the crude birth rates and crude death rates are both about .... per 1000 people per year


chapter 13 : The Delaney clause concerns which one of the following?

Carcinogenic food additives

chapter 1 : Which one of the following statements is not one of the four basic assumptions of the scientific method?

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed

chapter 16 : Which one of the following regions of the world has the greatest installed PV panel electricity generating capacity?


chapter 7 : Overfishing for which one of the following fish on the Grand Banks and Georges Bank resulted in the collapse of the fisheries during the period from 1980 to 2000?


which of the following accounts for the smallest percentage of the US federal budget?

compliance with environmental regulations

chapter 2 : which of the following countries have centrally planned economies

cuba and north korea

chapter 20 The eutrophication of Lake Washington was mitigated by which one of the following methods?

diverting treated sewage effluents to puget sound

The process by which water vapor passes through stomata from plants to the atmosphere is called


which one of the following scenarios would be characterized as a browfield?

the cite of a formal service station is abandoned because the underground fuel tanks below the cite were found to have developed leaks

chapter 6 : Which one of the following international agreements assures that wealthy nations cannot mine the genetic resources of other countries and then patent products that indigenous people have used for millennia?

the convention on biological diversity

chapter 17 : Which one of the following is the greatest lifestyle-related cause of death in the United States?


chapter 16 : biodiesel is a fuel made from a mixture of normal diesel and oil from ....


Commensalism is an example of


chapter 18 : Which one of the following gases accounts for the greatest percentage of the greenhouse effect globally?

water vapor

chapter 18 : which of the following gasses accounts for the greatest percentage of the greenhouse effect globally

water vapor

the roots of plants accelerate weathering (chemical breakdown) of rocks by releasing

weak acids

chapter 2 : the prohibition by the united states of the importation of products made with child labor has been objected to by which one of the following organizations?

world trade organization

What percentage of municipal solid waste in the united states is recycled?


what are the percentages of sand, silt, and clay in soil with texture indicated by the red square in the figure below

30% sand, 30% silt, 40% clay

the ecological efficiency in a food chain is 10%, a pollutant (x) is transferred from one tropic level to the next with an efficiency of 30%, the consumption of x on trophic level 2 is 12 ppm, what is the concentration of x on trophic level 1


the amount of biomass on successive trophic levels in a food chain from a pyramid in which biomass on trophic level N+1 is only 20%


chapter 20 : In the United States, federal law requires that secondary wastewater treatment plants remove at least ________ percent of the BOD and suspended solids from the raw wastewater.


In which two of the following countries are the greatest numbers of people living on less than $10 per day?

India and China

chapter 17 : Which one of the following is not an example of the consequences of chronic exposure?

Japanese citizens living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the atomic bombs were dropped develop cancer 35 years later as a result of the large doses of radiation they received when the bombs exploded.

The glacial-interglacial cycles that have taken place during the current ice age are believed to be caused by oscillations in the characteristics of Earth's rotation about its rotational axis and in its orbit around the Sun. These cyclic oscillations are called

Milankovitch cycles

Emissions of which one of the following gases as a result of fossil fuel burning leads to the production of ozone in the troposphere?


chapter 19 : Ozone concentrations accumulate in air if volatile organic carbon compounds react with which one of the following?


chapter 14 : Which one of the following sources of energy is not used by electric power plants that generate electricity by boiling water?

Natural gas

chapter 6 : Decimation of the stocks of cod fish off the east coast of Canada by Canadian fishermen is an example of which one of the letters of the acronym HIPPO?


Which one of the following is not in part responsible for the high concentration of presistent organic pollutant (POPS) in wildlife and humans living in the arctic?

POPS are very soluble in water

chapter 4 : Which one of the following statements is true?

R-strategists have high biotic potential and poor recruitment most of the time

chapter 8 : Which one of the following statements is not true?

Since 1960, the percentage of people living in high-income countries has increased.

chapter 8 : Which one of the following statements is true?

The epidemiologic transition has preceded the fertility transition

chapter 1 : The 1854 cholera outbreak near Broad Street in London came to an end when

The handle was removed from the Broad Street pump

Further increases of carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere are expected to warm temperatures more at high latitudes than at low latitudes because

There is less water vapor in the atmosphere at high latitudes than at low latitudes

Chapter 11: A mycorrhiza is _______________.

a symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of a plant

chapter 10 : Which one of the following contains the most liquid freshwater?


which of the following countries generates the greatest percentage of its electricity from nuclear power plants?


chapter 4 : Pangaea began to break up about 225 million years ago. If the Atlantic Ocean is now about 4500 kilometers wide, how fast has the width of the Atlantic Ocean been increasing during the last 225 million years

2 centimeters per year

chapter 8 : In hypothetical country A, everyone dies when they reach the age of 60. In hypothetical country B, which has a better health care system, everyone dies when they reach the age of 80. If the total population of both countries is stable, what percentage of the total population would you expect to be in the age group 32-43 years inclusive?

20% in country A and 15% in country B

chapter 3 : at current rates of use, the worlds supply of phosphate rock is expected to last about....

300-400 years

chapter 12 : Approximately what percentage of the world's croplands are used to feed domestic animals?


Which one of the following is an example of gentrification?

An influx of middle-class displaces poor residents from a formally deteriorating neighborhood where homes and businesses were repaired and rebuild

chapter 13 : Which one of the following has been shown to most adversely affect the reproduction of birds?


chapter 6 : The increase of the number of bald eagles in the United States after 1972 is attributed to termination of the use of ___________ .


chapter 7 : Which of the following is the environmentally preferred form of silviculture?

Shelter-wood cutting and selective cutting

Chapter 9 : Which one of the following statements is not true about the Grameen Bank?

The loans have been found to have the greatest social benefits when focused on men

chapter 9 : Cabbages and Condoms is

The name of a restaurant chain in Thailand

chapter 16 : the. two countries that account for the greatest amount of ethanol production as a fuel are

USA and Brasil

chapter 12 : Golden rice is a cultivar of rice that was genetically modified to address problems associated with diets that are deficient in vitamin A. Golden rice is enriched with which one of the following?

beta carotene

If the relationship between species A and B is mutualistic, __________ .

both A and B benefit from the relationship

chapter 3 : Consider the following statements: (I) In any energy conversion, some of the usable energy is always lost (II) Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it may be converted from one form to another, (III) Systems will go spontaneously in one direction only, toward increasing entropy. Which of these are statements of the second law of thermodynamics?

both I and III

chapter 7 : Which one of the following species of whales is currently being taken in small numbers each year by Alaskan Eskimos?


The nutrients that support plant growth in natural terrestrial ecosystems are supplied mainly by

breakdown of detritus

Biologically available nitrogen can be added to aquatic systems

by nitrogen fixation and lost by either anammox or denitrification

biologically available nitrogen can be added to aquatic systems

by nitrogen fixation and lost by either anammox or denitrification

chapter 16 : Geothermal heat pumps

can be used to heat and cool buildings

chapter 14 : which of the following countries accounts for the most oil imported by the united states?


chapter 14 : which one of the following countries has the lowest per capita energy consumption


chapter 6 : The outbreak of Southern Corn Leaf Blight in 1970 in the United States was dealt with by importing corn from _____________ that was resistant to the fungus that causes the disease.


chapter 2 : Temperatures are projected to rise more at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere by the end of this century because ________________ .

melting the ice on the Arctic Ocean will decrease the albedo of the Arctic Ocean

chapter 14 : Most electric power plants built in the United States since 2000 use which one of the following sources of energy?

natural gas

chapter 19 : The two acids primarily responsible for the high acidity of acid rain are ______________.

nitric acid and sulfuric acid

if the earth rotated in the opposite direction, the trade winds in the northern hemisphere would blow from the


chapter 14 : the US has extensive deposits of .... in Colorado, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming that, if exploited, could yield the equivalent of an estimated 800 billion barrels of oil

oil shale

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