environmental chapter 19

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____ 57. In 1998, chemists developed a foam to convert ____ to a nontoxic form. a. radon b. asbestos c. chlorine d. formaldehyde e. dioxin


____ 59. Radon-222 is a. a nauseating gas. b. a product of organic decay. c. particularly concentrated in underground deposits of limestone and sandstone. d. basically a problem in confined spaces and underground wells over radon-containing deposits. e. not dangerous because it is easily seen and smelled.


____ 65. The people least vulnerable to air pollution are a. infants. b. elderly people. c. adult males. d. people with heart and respiratory disease. e. pregnant women.


____ 92. Particulates can be removed from stack exhaust gases by all of the following methods except a. baghouse filters. b. wet scrubbers. c. mini-incinerators. d. cyclone separators. e. electrostatic precipitator.


____ 53. Pipe insulation and vinyl ceiling and floor tiles may be sources of a. chloroform. b. formaldehyde. c. carbon monoxide. d. asbestos. e. cigarette smoke.


____ 70. Fine and ultrafine particles lodged in the lungs may a. cause lung cancer. b. trigger asthma attacks. c. interfere with gas exchange between the blood and the lungs. d. all of these answers


____ 76. The greatest pollution damage to forests in Europe has occurred in a. Germany. b. Sweden. c. Poland. d. the Czech republic. e. France. __


. There is evidence that humans are ____ ozone in the troposphere and ____ ozone in the stratosphere. a. increasing. . . increasing b. increasing. . . decreasing c. decreasing. . . decreasing d. decreasing. . . increasing e. decreasing . . . steady


____ 86. Which of the following policies prevents industries from moving into those areas with air cleaner than national requirements? a. the Clean Air Act of 1970 b. the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) c. national emission standards d. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) standards e. all of these answers


____ 55. Asbestos has been used for all of the following except a. fireproofing. b. insulation of refrigerators. c. insulation of heaters and pipes. d. wall and ceiling decoration. e. none of these answers


____ 37. Acid deposition is best classified as a a. local problem. b. state problem. c. regional problem. d. national problem. e. international problem.


____ 41. In general, acid deposition has harmful effects for terrestrial ecosystems when it falls below a pH level of a. 3.6. b. 4.6. c. 5.6. d. 6.6. e. 7.6.


____ 2. Lichens are particularly useful for indicating a. water pollution. b. air pollution. c. toxic-waste sites. d. pesticides. e. old growth forests.


____ 33. The city in the United States distinguished by having the toughest pollution control program and the greatest air pollution problem is a. New York City. b. Birmingham, Alabama. c. Los Angeles. d. Boston. e. Atlanta.


____ 34. Tall chimneys a. are expensive ways to disperse pollution. b. cannot carry the pollutants above any local inversion layer. c. are an output approach to pollution. d. increase pollution in upwind areas. e. all of these answers


____ 36. Typical rain in the eastern United States has a pH of a. 3.6. b. 4.6. c. 5.6. d. 6.6. e. 7.6.


____ 90. In 1997, the EPA proposed a voluntary emission trading program involving smog-forming ____ for 22 eastern states. a. ozone b. particulates c. nitrogen oxides d. carbon monoxide e. carbon dioxide


____ 56. There is now general agreement that the best way to treat undamaged asbestos in buildings is to a. remove it immediately. b. treat it with chemicals that will dissolve it. c. burn it. d. seal or wrap it to prevent release of fibers. e. do not bother it.


____ 61. You have been looking for your first house for months. You find one in just the right neighborhood at just the right price for you. In the course of negotiations, you have a radon test done and find that the level is 1 picocurie/liter. A reasonable course of action would be to a. get out of the housing market. b. back out of the deal quickly and look for another house. c. make a purchase offer, but recognize you need to make changes over the course of a few years. d. make a purchase and move in happily ever after. e. call the police and report the homeowner.


____ 69. Fine and ultrafine particles are emitted by a. radial tires. b. wind erosion. c. power and industrial plants. d. wood-burning fireplaces. e. all of these answers


____ 58. Radioactive ____ is a product of uranium decay and an indoor air pollutant. a. radon b. radium c. plutonium d. lead e. hydrogen


____ 82. Most of the 9,000 lakes threatened by excess acidity in the United States are in the a. Northeast and upper Midwest. b. Southeast and lower Midwest. c. Northwest and upper Midwest. d. Southwest and lower Midwest. e. Northeast and lower Midwest.


____ 71. All of the following are chronic diseases adversely affected by ozone in photochemical smog except a. diabetes. b. asthma. c. bronchitis. d. emphysema. e. heart disease.


____ 96. Of the following motor vehicle fuels, the greatest polluter is a. gasoline. b. hydrogen gas. c. alcohol. d. natural gas. e. battery.


____ 17. According to the World Health Organization, one in every ____ persons live in urban areas with air that is unhealthy to breathe. a. two b. five c. ten d. twenty e. fifty


____ 49. Furniture stuffing, paneling, particle board, and foam insulation may be sources of a. chloroform. b. formaldehyde. c. carbon monoxide. d. asbestos. e. sulfur dioxide.


____ 62. You have been looking for your first house for months. You find one in just the right neighborhood at just the right price for you. In the course of negotiations, you have a radon test done and find that the level is 250 picocuries/liter. A reasonable course of action would be to a. get out of the housing market. b. back out of the deal quickly and look for another house. c. make a purchase offer, but recognize you will need to make some changes over the course of a few years. d. make a purchase and move in happily ever after. e. call the police and report the homeowner.


1. A lichen is a mutualistic relationship between a(n) a. alga and a fungus. b. dinoflagellate and a coral. c. coral and a fungus. d. coral and an alga. e. sea anemone and a clown fish.


Most of Earth's weather occurs in the a. troposphere. b. thermosphere. c. mesosphere. d. stratosphere. e. tropopause.


You send up a weather balloon that monitors temperature changes in the atmosphere. Initially, the temperature drops as the balloon rises. Suddenly, there is a reversal and the temperature starts to rise. This boundary would be the a. tropopause. b. stratopause. c. minipause. d. mesopause. e. thermopause.


____ 14. Humans can disrupt Earth's gaseous biogeochemical cycles through a. additions of carbon dioxide from combustion. b. mining limestone. c. emitting waste heat from air conditioners. d. using mister systems to water crops. e. building on the side of streams.


____ 23. Photochemical smog is formed when primary pollutants interact with a. sunlight. b. water vapor. c. sulfur dioxide. d. oxygen. e. carbon.


____ 44. Experts rate indoor air pollution as a a. high-risk health problem for humans. b. medium-risk health problem for humans. c. low-risk health problem for humans. d. high-risk ecological problem. e. none of these answers


____ 51. Exposure to indoor formaldehyde pollution is least likely to cause a. ulcers. b. headaches. c. chronic breathing problems. d. dizziness. e. sore throat.


____ 60. In 1988, the EPA and the U.S. Surgeon General recommended that everyone living in a detached house or the first three floors of an apartment building test for radon. By 2000, ____ of all households had tested for radon. a. 6% b. 12% c. 24% d. 48% e. 36%


____ 73. According to a 1999 study by Australia's Commonwealth Science Council, at least ____ people die prematurely each year from the effects of indoor and outdoor air pollution. a. 1 million b. 3 million c. 5 million d. 10 million e. 25 million


____ 88. Environmentalists criticize the Clean Air Act of 1990 for all of the following except a. failing to establish primary ambient air quality standards. b. failing to increase the fuel-efficiency standards for cars and light trucks. c. doing too little to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. d. relying primarily on pollution cleanup rather than pollution prevention. e. not adequately regulating emissions from inefficient, two-cycle gasoline engines.


____ 98. All of the following are provisions of the California South Coast Air Quality Management District Council's proposals in 1989 to reduce ozone and smog in the Los Angeles area except a. close the airport. b. ban drive-through facilities. c. increase parking fees and assess high fees for multi-vehicle families. d. require gas stations to use a hydrocarbon-vapor recovery system on gas pumps and sell alternative fuels. e. none of these answers


12. Human health depends on having a. low amounts of ozone in the troposphere and stratosphere. b. enough ozone in the stratosphere and little ozone in the troposphere. c. high amounts of ozone in the troposphere and low amounts in the stratosphere. d. high amounts of ozone in the stratosphere. e. high amounts of ozone in the troposphere.


4. The correct sequence of layers of the atmosphere from innermost to outermost is a. mesosphere--stratosphere--thermosphere--troposphere. b. troposphere--stratosphere--mesosphere--thermosphere. c. stratosphere--thermosphere--troposphere--mesosphere. d. thermosphere--stratosphere--mesosphere--troposphere. e. thermosphere--mesosphere--stratosphere--troposphere.


___ 66. Sources of carbon monoxide include all of the following except a. cigarette smoking. b. anaerobic respiration. c. motor vehicles. d. faulty heating systems. e. airplanes.


____ 16. Each of the following is one of the major classes of outdoor pollutants except a. carbon oxides. b. smog. c. nitrogen oxides. d. sulfur oxides. e. photochemical oxidants.


____ 21. Since 1987, the EPA has focused on particulate matter less than 10 microns. If you worked for the air pollution division of EPA, you would be least likely to focus on a. tobacco smoke. b. pollen. c. insecticide dusts. d. oil smoke. e. none of these answers


____ 30. Which of the following statements is true? a. Thermal inversion occurs when a layer of cold air prevents warm air from rising. b. Thermal inversions exacerbate pollution problems. c. Thermal inversions last only a few minutes to a few hours. d. Normally, cool air near Earth's surface expands and rises, carrying pollutants higher into the troposphere. e. Thermal inversions help prevent air pollution.


____ 32. Which of the following areas would be least likely to have a temperature inversion? a. an area near the coast b. an area in the central plains c. a valley surrounded by mountains d. the leeward side of a mountain range e. none of these answers


____ 54. Which of the following occupations is least likely to be associated with asbestosis? a. asbestos miners b. restaurant owners c. pipe fitters d. insulators e. none of these answers


____ 68. Pollutants that can penetrate the lungs' natural defenses include a. large suspended particles. b. fine and ultrafine suspended particles. c. ozone. d. acid rain. e. none of these answers


____ 84. Which of the following would you expect to show the least damage from air pollution? a. clothing b. plastic swimming pool c. marble statue d. exterior paint on a car e. roofing material


____ 89. An emissions trading policy tried on ____ cut U.S. emissions by 30%. a. carbon oxides b. sulfur dioxide c. asbestos d. lead e. carbon dioxide


5. The atmosphere is divided into spherical layers based upon the a. density of each layer. b. concentration of ozone in each layer. c. temperature changes from variations in absorption of solar energy. d. concentration of oxygen in each layer. e. precipitation in each layer.


____ 18. All of the following are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) except a. methane. b. chlorofluorocarbon. c. carbon monoxide. d. benzene. e. propane.


____ 25. Photochemical smog is characteristic of urban areas with many vehicles and a climate that is a. cool, wet, and cloudy. b. cool, dry, and sunny. c. warm, dry, and sunny. d. warm, wet, and cloudy. e. warm, wet, and sunny.


____ 28. Gray-air smog comes from suspended particles of a. carbon dioxide. b. ammonium salts. c. soot. d. carbonic acid. e. ozone.


____ 29. The frequency and severity of smog in an area depends least upon the a. local climate and topography. b. fuels used in industry, heating, and transportation. c. size of the ozone hole over the Arctic. d. density of the population. e. open fires.


____ 31. A thermal inversion is the result of a. precipitation. b. cold air drainage. c. a lid of warm air on top of cooler, stagnant air. d. a cold blanket of air that prevents warm air from rising. e. mixing of cool and warm air.


____ 38. All of the following describe soils that are vulnerable to acid deposition except a. thin. b. low in buffering ions. c. high in hydroxyl (OH-) ions. d. acidic. e. soils that have been depleted by decades of acid deposition.


____ 46. Sick building syndrome is linked to all of the following except a. headaches. b. coughing and sneezing. c. lung cancer. d. chronic fatigue. e. burning eyes.


____ 48. All of the following are on EPA's "four most dangerous indoor air pollutants list" except a. asbestos. b. radon-222. c. sulfur dioxide. d. cigarette smoke. e. formaldehyde.


____ 52. Respiratory illnesses in developing countries are most likely to be caused by a. formaldehyde. b. cigarette smoke. c. particulate matter. d. asbestos. e. chloroform.


____ 67. Carbon monoxide a. causes the blood to carry too much oxygen. b. speeds up reflexes. c. causes headaches and dizziness. d. sharpens thinking and perceptions. e. prevents sleep.


____ 78. Air pollution in the United States has most seriously affected trees a. along the shores of lakes. b. lining major interstate highways. c. on high-elevation slopes facing moving air masses. d. in the low-lying swamps in the Southeast. e. in the central United States.


____ 87. The effectiveness of the pollution prevention approach is best illustrated by the sharp drop in atmospheric a. ozone. b. sulfur dioxide. c. lead. d. carbon monoxide. e. nitrogen oxide.


____ 91. Of the following strategies to reduce emissions of pollutants from stationary sources, the one which is least likely to help over the long run is a. burning low-sulfur coal. b. removing sulfur from coal. c. dispersing pollutants above the thermal inversion layer. d. shifting to less polluting fuels. e. converting coal to a liquid or gaseous fuel.


____ 94. Which of the following would function as a pollution cleanup method for motor vehicles? a. Improve motor efficiency. b. Rely on mass transit and bicycles. c. Use emission-control devices. d. Add a charge to new cars based on the amount of pollution they produce. e. all of these answers


____ 95. Methods to prevent pollution from motor vehicle emissions include all of the following except a. improving fuel efficiency and modifying the internal combustion engine to reduce emissions. b. raising annual registration fees on older, more polluting cars. c. using pollution control devices. d. giving subsidies to car makers for each low-polluting, energy-efficient car they sell. e. restricting driving in polluted areas.


____ 97. Recently, a University of Colorado professor developed a one-second highway test for automobile emissions of a. nitrogen oxides. b. carbon monoxide. c. hydrocarbons. d. all of these answers e. none of these answers


11. Stratospheric ozone a. screens out ultraviolet radiation. b. allowed the evolution of life on land. c. prevents ozone formation in the troposphere. d. helps protect humans from sunburn and cataracts. e. all of these answers


____ 42. Acid deposition has been linked to a. contamination of fish with highly toxic methylmercury. b. excessive soil nitrogen levels. c. reduced nutrient uptake by tree roots. d. weakening trees so they become more susceptible to other types of damage. e. all of these answers


____ 50. Formaldehyde is used in a. particle board. b. paneling. c. plywood. d. foam insulation. e. all of these answers


____ 63. Humans are protected from air pollution by a. sneezing and coughing. b. mucus capturing small particles. c. nasal hairs filtering out large particles. d. tiny mucus-coated hairlike structures called cilia. e. all of these answers


____ 64. Years of smoking and exposure to air pollutants can contribute to the incidence of a. emphysema. b. chronic bronchitis. c. lung cancer. d. asthma. e. all of these answers


____ 99. Indoor air pollution could be sharply reduced by a. modifying building codes to prevent radon infiltration. b. requiring exhaust hoods or vent pipes for stoves, refrigerators, or other appliances burning natural gas or other fossil fuels. c. setting emission standards for building materials. d. using office machines in well-ventilated areas. e. all of these answers


____ 40. Experts rate acid rain as a a. high-risk ecological and human health problem. b. medium-risk ecological problem and high-risk human health problem. c. high-risk ecological and low-risk human health problem. d. medium-risk ecological and human health problem. e. high-risk ecological problem and no-risk human health problem.


____ 47. According to the EPA, at least ____ of all U.S. commercial buildings are considered "sick" from indoor air pollutants. a. 7% b. 17% c. 27% d. 37% e. 47%


7. If the earth were an apple, the lower layer of the atmosphere would be the thickness of a. the core. b. the part of the apple we eat. c. the skin. d. the whole apple. e. a seed.


75. Waldsterben in Europe a. kills small rodents. b. increases plant resistance to drought and disease. c. kills large forests. d. spreads bubonic plague. e. prevents air pollution.


79. U.S. air pollution has most seriously affected trees in the a. Appalachian Mountains. b. Rocky Mountains. c. Olympic Mountains. d. Sierra Nevada Mountains. e. all of these answers


____ 15. Ozone which contributes to the formation of smog is found in the a. troposphere. b. thermosphere. c. mesosphere. d. stratosphere. e. mesopause.


____ 19. All of the following are photochemical oxidants except a. dioxin. b. hydrogen peroxide. c. peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs). d. aldehydes, such as formaldehyde. e. ozone.


10. The troposphere differs from the stratosphere in that it has a. 1,000 times less oxygen by volume. b. 1,000 times more ozone by volume. c. 1,000 times less ozone by volume. d. 1,000 times more nitrogen. e. 1,000 times less moisture by volume.


____ 45. Of the following, the least vulnerable to air pollution are a. sick people. b. pregnant women. c. infants and children. d. white-collar workers. e. smokers.


3. Lichens can track air pollution to its source because they a. live a long time. b. stay in one place. c. are widespread. d. all of these answers e. none of these answers


6. The atmospheric layer containing 75% of the mass of Earth's air is the a. thermosphere. b. mesosphere. c. stratosphere. d. troposphere. e. tropopause.


____ 20. All of the following are suspended particles except a. dust and soot. b. pesticides. c. sulfuric acid. d. chlorofluorocarbons. e. PCBs.


____ 22. Photochemical smog generally requires the presence of a. nitrogen oxides. b. sunlight. c. volatile organic compounds. d. all of these answers e. b and c only


____ 24. You are enjoying a sunny day in Los Angeles. In late afternoon, your respiratory tract becomes irritated. Of the following substances, the one least likely to be causing your problem is a. PANs. b. aldehydes. c. ozone. d. carbon dioxide. e. carbon monoxide.


____ 26. Which of the following statements is false? a. Industrial smog consists of a mixture of sulfur dioxide, suspended droplets of sulfuric acid, and a variety of suspended solid particles. b. Industrial smog is primarily a problem in the winter. c. In the United States, gray-air smog was a greater problem 30 years ago than it is now. d. All industrial countries now use modern technologies to prevent industrial smog. e. none of these answers


____ 27. Primary pollutants from burning coal include all of the following except a. carbon monoxide. b. sulfur dioxide. c. soot. d. ozone. e. carbon dioxide.


____ 35. Acid deposition is properly defined as the ____ deposition of ____ pollutants onto Earth's surface. a. wet . . . secondary b. dry . . . secondary c. wet and dry . . . primary d. wet and dry . . . secondary e. dry . . . primary


____ 39. Western and eastern Europe are the source of most of the acid deposition in a. Israel. b. Iran. c. Canada. d. Austria. e. Germany.


____ 43. Of the following strategies to reduce acid deposition, the least effective is probably a. removing sulfur from coal before it is burned. b. reducing energy use. c. switching to natural gas. d. adding lime to neutralize the acids. e. improving energy efficiency.


____ 72. According to the EPA and the American Lung Association, air pollution in the United States costs at least ____ annually. a. $10 billion b. $15 billion c. $100 billion d. $150 billion e. $200 billion


____ 74. Chronic exposure of tree leaves and needles to air pollutants can a. cause a waxy coating to build up. b. increase uptake of nutrients. c. cause leaves or needles to turn bright red and drop off. d. increase the chance of damage from diseases, pests, drought, and frost. e. reduce susceptibility to pests.


____ 77. As a complex system, Waldsterben best illustrates the concept of a(n) a. positive feedback loop. b. synergistic interaction. c. antagonistic interaction. d. delay. e. negative feedback loop.


____ 80. Air pollution, mostly ozone, has reduced crop production by 5% to 10% especially in a. corn. b. wheat. c. soybeans. d. alfalfa. e. peanuts.


____ 81. Acid shock that damages aquatic life in the Northern Hemisphere is the result of the sudden runoff of acid water with dissolved a. lead. b. chromium. c. fluorine. d. aluminum. e. iron.


____ 83. Acid deposition a. increases the mobility of toxic metals. b. kills many species of fish. c. damages statues, buildings, and car finishes. d. all of these answers e. none of these answers


____ 85. National ambient air quality standards a. have been established for almost 100 air pollutants. b. must be met by 50 major U.S. metropolitan areas that are responsible for implementation plans. c. are established by Congress. d. specify the maximum allowable level, averaged over a specific time period, for a certain outdoor air pollutant. e. specify the minimum allowable level, averaged over a specific time period, for a certain outdoor air pollutant.


____ 93. The EPA estimates that reduced health and other costs would be ____ the cost of compliance to stricter ultrafine particle emission standards. a. one-quarter b. one-half c. the same as d. 2-12 times e. 5-20 times


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