Environmental Science FUll

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Where are rain gauges located? a. on or near the ground b. one meter above the ground c. on weather balloons d. on satellites


Which of the following is not a use for a weather radar? a. forecasting weather b. locating precipitation c. determining type of precipitation d. measuring temperature


Predict what will happen to an abandoned strip mine over time.

An abandoned strip mine will partially recover over time. Without human intervention, however, its recovery will be minimal.

Why are a variety of instruments needed to measure change in the climate system? a. A different type of instrument is needed for each different climate. b. The climate system involves a number of different factors that are measured differently. c. Climate is determined over a number of years, rather than a short period of time. d. Different areas have developed different instruments to measure climate change.


Explain how biogeochemical cycles and the rock cycle are important for life on Earth.

Biogeochemical cycles are pathways for the transport and transformation of matter within four categorical areas that make up planet Earth (biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and the atmosphere). Biogeochemical cycles are components of the broader cycle that govern the functioning of planet Earth. The idea of the rock cycle is that the rocks are continually changing from one type to another and back again, as forces inside the earth bring them closer to the surface (where they are weathered, eroded, and compacted) and forces on the earth sink them back down (where they are heated, pressed, and melted).

How can solar irradiance cause coral bleaching?

Coral bleaching occurs when polyps expel algal cells which changes the color of the coral making its appearance white. Solar irradiance warms the water which causes the coral to expel algal cells.

How do landfills contribute to global warming? a. They keep people from recycling. b. Animals become dependent on landfills for resources. c. They take up valuable space. d. They produce methane, a greenhouse gas.


Which of the following is not an advantage to tracking changes in the climate system? a. forecasting weather b. predicting natural disasters c. tracking human impact on climate d. preventing weather events


Explain what differentiates the Earth's crust and lithosphere.

Earth's crust is the outermost solid shell of a rocky planet or natural satellite, which is chemically distinct from the underlying mantle. The crusts of Earth, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Io, and other planetary bodies have been generated largely by igneous processes, and these crusts are richer in incompatible elements than their respective mantles. The lithosphere is the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle. They have many differentiates.

Explain how the need for energy is the driving force of the oxygen cycle.

Energy is necessary for all living organisms. Everything needs energy to happen

Explain how human impact can lead to succession in ecosystems.

Extreme logging can cause a habitat to be destroyed. After this happens shrubs and bushes usually grow back thinner.

Continental crust is younger than oceanic crust.


Crust and lithosphere refer to the same layer of the Earth.


Long-term mineral extraction has no lasting consequences.


The layers of the Earth are described by their composition but not their mechanical properties.


There is a single instrument to measure climate change.


There is only one possible path for each stage in the rock cycle.


What is a possible consequence of fertilizer runoff in aquatic ecosystems?

Fertilizers contain nutrients, especially phosphorous and nitrogen, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. Since fertilizers help plants grow, they also cause algal blooms in aquatic ecosystems.

Explain how fossil fuels found in the Earth's crust are ultimately the result of biological processes.

Fossil fuels were formed from plants and animals that lived up to about 300 million years ago. The Sun passed solar energy to the plants, and plants were eaten by animals. When the plants and animals died and started decaying, some of them got buried deep under the ground for many millions of years, where they turned into fossil fuels like coal, gas and crude oil. We burn that coal and oil to turn them into heat energy. Heat energy is transformed in power plants into electricity that goes through the power lines to our homes, then powers our televisions, computers, etc. There are three basic categories of fossil fuels: coal, petroleum (or crude oil), and natural gas The sun gives solar energy to the plants, when the plants die, they get dug under ground for many years. Then they turn into a fossil fuel like coal. Hear is an example what it is usually used for: when the fossil fuel turns into coal, we burn that coal to turn into heat energy. Heat energy, goes through the power lines, then leads to our television.What we watch today, works because of this system. Ultimately the result of biological processes.

Explain how oceanic crust is continuously created at mid-ocean ridges.

Mid-ocean ridges are a long, seismically active submarine ridge system situated in the middle of an ocean basin and marking the site of the upwelling of magma associated with seafloor spreading. An example is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Mid-ocean ridges continuously create crust.

Explain how ocean ridges and trenches are formed.

Mid-ocean ridges are where new crust is formed and trenches are where crust is destroyed by subduction. As new crust is formed continuously it gets further and further from the mid-ocean ridge (like a conveyor belt), is "rusting" (aqueous minerals form), it becomes heavier and heavier, colder, less buoyant, and eventually it sinks into the mantle, aided by the weight of the sediment from the continents as well, and a new trench forms.

Explain why mining has such a large impact on the environment.

Mining has a large impact on the environment because minerals are contained within the Earth. Earth must be removed in order to extract the minerals. When the minerals are close to the surface, the earth is removed, causing destruction to the shape of the land and the flora and fauna living in that area.

Explain why a variety of instruments are needed to measure change in the climate system.

More than one instrument is needed to measure change in the climate system because its complexity. The climate system involves the interaction of the atmosphere, land masses, and bodies of water. Because there are a variety of factors that influence climate, a variety of instruments are needed to measure changes in the climate system.

At higher elevations, the boiling point of water decreases, due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure. As a result, what could be said about hard boiling an egg? a. At higher elevations, it would take less time to hard boil an egg, because there is less atmospheric pressure. b. At higher elevations, it would take longer to hard boil an egg, because there is a lower boiling point, so the egg is boiling in water at a lower temperature. c. At higher elevations, it would take less time to hard boil an egg, because there is a lower boiling point. Therefore it would take less time to achieve the boiling point. d. At higher elevations, it would take longer to hard boil an egg, because it would take longer to achieve the boiling point

Not a, maybe b

Which of the following statements about biogeochemical cycles is not true? a. Biogeochemical cycles include living and nonliving elements. b. The rock cycle is a biogeochemical cycle. c. Biogeochemical cycles are an important part of the Earth system. d. Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen cycles are biogeochemical cycles.

Not d

Explain how fluctuations in abiotic cycles can influence populations.

Populations are influenced by fluctuations in any of the abiotic cycles. The fluctuations of seasonal cycles can cause populations to hibernate, migrate, or breed. Organisms breed as a result of seasonal fluctucations that cause them to have a limited resource supply. Fluctuations in the phosphorus cycle can cause changes to aquatic ecosystems, either positive or negative.

How are primary and secondary succession similar and how are they different?

Primary and secondary succession both happen when plant life begins to grow again in a habitat that was once destroyed or is recovering. Secondary succession happens at an increased rate and often the plants grow thicker. An example of secondary succession is a wildfire. Primary succession happens after a habitat is completely destroyed and it finally starts to grow back but is much thinner. Plants that grow here are shrubs and bushes.

Compare primitive communities to climax communities.

Primary succession occurs on novel areas such as volcanic ash, glacial deposits, or bare rock, areas which have not previously supported a community. In such harsh, unstable environments, pioneer colonizing organisms must have wide ranges of ecological tolerance to survive. In contrast, secondary succession is initiated by disturbance such as fire, which removes a previous community from an area. Pioneer species are here constrained not by the physical environment but by their ability to enter and exploit the vacant area rapidly.

Explain how ecosystems are sustained through succession.

Succession allows ecosystems to recover from events. Even ecosystems that have no soil, such as those that have been destroyed by volcanic activity, can return to a stable and sustainable state. Primary succession occurs in these ecosystems. Pioneer species are found in areas undergoing primary succession. These pioneer species help reform soil over time. After soil is present, new species can move into an area during secondary succession. After a longer period of time, climax communities can be reached.

Cycles are essential to all living organisms.


Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into forms of nitrogen that living things can use. Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Plants in the rainforest contribute to precipitation there through transpiration.


What is the purpose of the radiosonde?

The Radiosonde is used to measure temperatures, humidity, and pressure of the upper atmosphere. It can take measurements at up to 30 km.

Explain the role of organisms in the carbon cycle.

The carbon cycle is one of the major biogeochemical cycles describing the flow of essential elements from the environent to living organisms and back to the environment again.

Explain how the carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen cycles are similar.

The carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen cycles are all biogeochemical cycles. They show the movement of elements through living and nonliving components of the Earth. Carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen, are essential components of life that pass through organisms and nonliving components, but are never used up.

Compare the use of coal to the use of petroleum from 1800 to 2004.

The use of coal has steadily increased from 1800 to 2004. Burning coal was the leading cause of global fossil carbon emissions until around 1970, when the petroleum became the leading cause of global fossil carbon emissions. Petroleum use rose quickly after 1950.

What are some advantages of tracking changes in the climate system?

Tracking changes in the climate system can help forecast weather conditions. It can also help predict natural disasters, such as hurricanes. Another advantage of tracking changes in the climate system is the ability to determine human impact on the climate system.

Earth's crust sits on top of the mantle.


Graphing recorded data from a chart or table would be helpful for interpreting trends or patterns.


In Arizona, monsoon season generally runs during the summer months heading into September. The heaviest rainfall in Arizona usually occurs during the months of July or August. Therefore, there is a correlation between rainfall amount and the monsoon season in Arizona.


Landfills produce methane, which is a greenhouse gas and contributes to global warming.


The Mohorovicic discontinuity was discovered by monitoring the speed of seismic waves through Earth.


The amount of sunlight received at Earth's surface fluctuates more at the poles than the equator.


The invention of the automobile contributed to the increase of urban sprawl


The radiosonde can be used to measure upper air temperature.


Unexpected consequences can result from human interference or manipulation of any sufficiently complicated natural system.


What are some possible causes of succession in ecosystems?

Wilfires, ice ages, drought, extreme logging.

Explain how zooxanthellae have a symbiotic relationship with coral.

Zooxanthellae provides CO2. It needs cora, for photosynthesis. Most coral are unable to live without zooxanthellae.It provides coral with vital nutrients for survival and allows reef-building.

The continental crust covers _______ of the Earth's surface. a. 40% b. 50% c. 60% d. 70%

a. 40%

Which of the following regions has the highest population living in rural areas? a. Asia b. Africa c. North America d. Europe

a. Asia

Which of the following best explains why clear-cutting forests is more destructive than selectively cutting down trees in forests? a. Clear-cutting eliminates all trees leaving none behind to maintain soil fertility or house native animals. b. Clear-cutting places the land at greater risk for wildfires. c. Clear-cutting makes land more attractive for human development. d. Clear-cutting causes less soil erosion than selective cutting.

a. Clear-cutting eliminates all trees leaving none behind to maintain soil fertility or house native animals.

What is the main advantage to using satellites to measure climate change? a. They can measure aspects of climate globally. b. They are unaffected by the weather conditions they measure. c. They are a universal tool for measuring all factors of climate. d. They can measure the amount of rainfall a specific area receives.

a. They can measure aspects of climate globally.

Where is oceanic crust thickest? a. at mid-ocean ridges b. in the center of ocean plains c. at deep-sea trenches d. none of the above

a. at mid-ocean ridges

Fluctuations in the phosphorus cycle in aquatic ecosystems _______. a. can lead to changes in the growth rates of aquatic populations b. are never caused by human impact on the environment c. lead to a decrease in the amount of phosphorus found in sediment d. never occur naturally

a. can lead to changes in the growth rates of aquatic populations

Harlequin shrimp _______. a. control starfish populations b. clean parasites from select fish species c. control tubeworm populations d. hide within coral using their special camouflage

a. control starfish populations

Plants in the desert _______. a. effectively conserve and retain water b. have high levels of transpiration c. release 50-80% of water back into the ecosystem d. make their own precipitation

a. effectively conserve and retain water

Which of the following is a use for a weather radar? a. forecasting weather b. preventing precipitation c. measuring rainfall d. measuring temperature

a. forecasting weather

Succession occurs because _______. a. organisms gradually change the environment b. climax communities are not possible c. dominant organisms drive out pioneer species d. ecosystems never reach a sustainable point

a. organisms gradually change the environment

Which of the following is not one of the three major structures of coral reefs?

a. planulae

Which of the following is an example of a nonmetallic mineral? a. sulfur b. lead c. aluminum d. gold

a. sulfur

Rheology is best described as the study of _______. a. the flow of matter b. the Earth's crust c. magma d. the Earth's core

a. the flow of matter

What is the purpose of a rain gauge? a. to measure the amount of rainfall b. to predict how much rain is going to fall c. to predict whether or not it is going to rain d. to measure the temperature of the rain

a. to measure the amount of rainfall

Which of the following statements about secondary succession is true? a. Secondary succession occurs in ecosystems that have no vegetation. b. Secondary succession affects ecosystems that are already established. c. Ecosystems require pioneer species to undergo secondary succession. d. Secondary succession can occur in areas without soil.

b. Secondary succession affects ecosystems that are already established.

Tracy took a road trip out west where she had a chance to visit both the north and south rims of the Grand Canyon. She observed more wildlife and a greater variety of views from the south rim, but enjoyed a less crowded more peaceful experience at the north rim. She was able to hike several trails at both locations and found the staff to be helpful. What would be the best way for Tracy to categorize her observations? a. Similarities = variety of views, crowds, peaceful Differences = amount of wildlife, hiking trails, staff b. Similarities = helpful staff, ability to hike Differences = variety of views, crowds, peacefulness, wildlife sightings c. Similarities = helpful staff, views, amount of wildlife Differences = difficulty levels of hiking trails, crowds, peacefulness d. Similarities = Both crowded, excellent views, ability to hike Differences = peacefulness, staff availability, amount of wildlife

b. Similarities = helpful staff, ability to hike Differences = variety of views, crowds, peacefulness, wildlife sightings

Which of the following best explains the importance of Earth's crust to living organisms? a. The continental crust allowed the evolution of life on land. b. The crust provides raw materials necessary for life. c. The crust allowed the formation of fossil fuels. d. The rock cycle recycles sedimentary rocks formed from animal shells.

b. The crust provides raw materials necessary for life.

Succession is _______. a. harmful to ecosystems b. a natural recovery process c. unnecessary for ecosystem recovery d. a one-time event

b. a natural recovery process

The crust's role in _______ allows it to provide the raw materials necessary for life on earth. a. the rock cycle b. biogeochemical cycles c. fossil fuel discovery d. the water cycle

b. biogeochemical cycles

Scavengers living in the coral reef _______. a. control tubeworm populations b. clean up algae and decayed matter c. maintain fish populations d. all of the above

b. clean up algae and decayed matter

The Earth's crust is principally composed of _______. a. granitic and sedimentary minerals b. granitic and basaltic minerals c. basaltic and sedimentary minerals d. none of the above

b. granitic and basaltic minerals

Which of the following is not a possible consequence of surface mining? a. increased pollution b. improved ecosystem health c. destruction of flora and fauna d. erosion of soil

b. improved ecosystem health

Ocean ridges form as a result of _______. a. slab pull b. the upwelling of magma from the asthenosphere c. sediment being deposited from the ocean d. all of the above

b. the upwelling of magma from the asthenosphere

Hibernation is _______. a. an example of an abiotic cycle b. triggered by changes in the weather c. caused only by biotic factors d. triggered by breeding patterns

b. triggered by changes in the weather

Biological pest control involves _______. a. eliminating pests with pesticides b. using biological mechanisms to eliminate pests c. planting a new crop every year d. burning crops

b. using biological mechanisms to eliminate pests

There are four boys in Paul's family. By the age of nineteen, all of them are over six feet tall. The data table below shows their height at different ages: What can be said about the growth trend for boys in Paul's family? a. All four boys grew at a steady, consistent rate between the ages of 8 and 24. b. All four boys had a growth spurt around the age of 20. c. Between the ages of 12 and 16, all four boys had the biggest jump in height. d. Between the ages of 8 and 12, all four boys had the biggest jump in height.

c. Between the ages of 12 and 16, all four boys had the biggest jump in height.

The boundary where crust gives way to mantle is called the _______. a. asthenosphere b. mesosphere c. Mohorovicic discontinuity d. Vernian divide

c. Mohorovicic discontinuity

Which of the following is not true concerning the layers of the Earth? a. The core is mostly composed of metals. b. The mantle has both solid and liquid regions. c. The layers of Earth are uniform in thickness. d. The lithosphere includes both the crust and upper, solid mantle.

c. The layers of Earth are uniform in thickness.

Which of the following cities has experienced more upward growth than urban sprawl? a. Los Angeles, California b. Bangkok, Thailand c. Tokyo, Japan d. Jakarta, Indonesia

c. Tokyo, Japan

Which of the following does not take place in the water cycle? a. precipitation b. evaporation c. carbonation d. condensation

c. carbonation

Placer mining involves _______ to extract minerals. a. removing the top layer of earth b. tunneling under the earth c. dredging sediments from the water bottom d. none of the above

c. dredging sediments from the water bottom

Which layers of the Earth are common to both the compositional and mechanical descriptions? a. crust and mantle b. lithosphere and mesosphere c. inner and outer core d. crust and lithosphere

c. inner and outer core

The core of the Earth is mostly composed of _______. a. magnesium and silicon b. aluminum and silicon c. nickel and iron d. aluminum and iron

c. nickel and iron

Primary succession ________. a. is caused solely by human events b. occurs on preexisting soil c. occurs in areas without soil d. becomes normalized by climax species

c. occurs in areas without soil

Which type of mining is likely the least harmful to the environment? a. surface mining b. placer mining c. subsurface mining d. none of the above

c. subsurface mining

Which of the following statements about the phosphorus cycle is true? a. In living organisms, phosphorus can be found in nucleic acids. b. Phosphorus in aquatic ecosystems is only found in sediment. c. Elevated levels of phosphorus in aquatic ecosystems is always beneficial. d. The soil plays no part in the phosphorus cycle.

cycle is true? a. In living organisms, phosphorus can be found in nucleic acids.

Which of the following statements is true? a. The nitrogen cycle is the most important cycle for life. b. The oxygen cycle is the least important cycle for life. c. Life can be sustained without any of the cycles for life present. d. All cycles of matter are equally important for life to be sustained.

d. All cycles of matter are equally important for life to be sustained.

How are the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen cycles similar? a. They are all biogeochemical cycles. b. They all involve an interaction between living and nonliving elements. c. They are all part of the Earth system. d. All of the above.

d. All of the above.

Which of the following statements about biogeochemical cycles is true? a. Biogeochemical cycles are cycles involving only nonliving components. b. The rock cycle is a biogeochemical cycle. c. Biogeochemical cycles are not an important part of the Earth system. d. Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen cycles are biogeochemical cycles.

d. Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen cycles are biogeochemical cycles.

How is the phosphorus cycle different from the oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon cycles? a. It occurs at the fastest rate. b. It is not essential to life. c. It does not occur naturally. d. It does not involve the atmosphere.

d. It does not involve the atmosphere.

Which of the following is true concerning continental crust? a. It does not contain radioactive elements. b. It mostly contains heavier and denser minerals than the mantle. c. It efficiently transfers heat from the mantle to the surface. d. None of the above

d. None of the above

Which of the following best describes the compositional layers of the earth? a. All layers of the Earth below the crust are liquid. b. The only liquid layer of the earth is the mantle. c. The crust floats on top of the outer core. d. Some layers of the earth are liquid, and some are solid.

d. Some layers of the earth are liquid, and some are solid.

Which of the following would you expect to find in a primitive community? a. deer b. trees c. shrubs d. algae

d. algae

In the carbon cycle, carbon is found in _______. a. the atmosphere b. the soil c. living organisms d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Succession allows ecosystems to _______. a. recover from disruptive events b. reach a stable and sustainable point c. establish complex communities d. all of the above

d. all of the above

The long term effects of mining include _______. a. acid drainage b. erosion c. dust emissions d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following stages of urban development contributed to an increase in suburban living? a. preindustrial b. industrial c. pedestrian d. automobiles

d. automobiles

The Mohorovicic discontinuity is the _______. a. division between the lithosphere and asthenosphere b. boundary between solid and molten rock c. transition from granitic to basaltic crust d. boundary where crust gives way to mantle

d. boundary where crust gives way to mantle

Which of the following is not a way in which carbon gases are introduced into the atmosphere? a. forest fires b. respiration c. photosynthesis d. burning of fossil fuels

d. burning of fossil fuels

Which of the following does not have an impact on Earth's climate? a. the movement of the ocean b. greenhouse gases c. burning fossil fuels d. none of the above

d. none of the above

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