ENVS 1126 practice exam 1, 2016 Fall ENVS 1126 for Edward Laws Test 2

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$40 Trillion

1) The annual global value of ecosystem services performed by all types of ecosystems on the earth has been estimated to be about ________ per year.

Six trees required to treat one patient for a year.

10) Taxol, the most prescribed antitumor drug, was originally isolated from the bark of the Pacific yew tree. Why is taxol now obtained from the leaves of English yew trees?

Current rates of extinction of species are estimated to be roughly ___________ rates of extinction prior to the Anthropocene. 1-10 10-100 100-1000 1000-10,000


Convention on Biological Diversity

11) Which of the following has never been approved by the United States Senate

Open access

13) The tragedy of the commons is a consequence of which one of the following kinds of tenure over the land and water where resources are found?

Conversion of forest to pastures and agricultural land

14) Most deforestation can be attributed to


15) The increase in the harvest of marine fish since 1980 has been based almost entirely on which one of the following?

They are lower on the food chain

16) From the standpoint of efficient use of ecosystem services, why is the aquaculture of herbivorous fish and shellfish preferable to the culture of carnivorous species such as shrimp and salmon?


17) Overfishing of cod stocks on the Grand Banks by Canadian fishermen continued long after fisheries biologists warned that the cod stocks were seriously depleted. By 1991 the cod stock was 1% of its former size, and the fishery was closed in 1992, the result being that 35,000 fishermen lost their jobs. What is the explanation for the fact that the fishing continued long after it had become apparent that the cod stocks were in serious trouble?


19) The region of the world where the area of forests increased by the greatest amount between 2000 and 2010 was

Pangaea began to break up about 225 million years ago. If the Atlantic Ocean is now about 4500 kilometers wide, how fast has the width of the Atlantic Ocean been increasing during the last 225 million years a. 20 centimeters per year b. 2 centimeters per year c. 2 meters pear year d. 2 millimeters per year

2 cm per year

3.7 Billion

2) In the United States, cats kill as many as ____________ birds annually.


20) Since 1990 ecosystem management of forests by the United States Forest Service has involved cutting trees at intervals of ___________ years.

The ice on the Arctic Ocean is melting

22) By the end of this century, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is projecting that temperatures will rise much more at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere than anywhere else on Earth. This projection is based on the fact that

its really high

23) The estimated cost of complying with environmental regulations in the U.S is about the same as the cost of

Parabola in the positive direction

24) What represents of the ratio of the benefits to the costs of pollution controls versus time?

An ecotone

25) A marsh is an example of _______________.


26) A bag of fertilizer is labeled 12-18-20. What is the percentage of nitrogen in the fertilizer?

Adaptation Speciation Natural selection

27) Several million years ago, North American foxes were a single species. However, the fox population became separated into geographically isolated sub-populations during periods of glaciation, and eventually the high-latitude and temperate-latitude sub-populations became distinct species with characteristics best suited to the environments in which they lived. This evolution of two species from a single species is an example of which ones of the following?

a) Adaptation b) Acclimation c) Speciation d) Natural selection e) All of the above --> f) None of the above

28) The fact that the number of California condors has increased from fewer than 50 individuals in 1985 to more than 400 today is an example of

a) Primary carnivores b) Detritivores c) Secondary carnivores d) Herbivores e) All of the above ---> f) None of the above

29) Which of the following kinds of organisms are autotrophs?

a. Source of medicine b. Source of food c. Recreational resource d. Scientific value e. Source of raw materials

3) Which of the following are examples of the instrumental value of a species?


30) The increase in the harvest of marine fish since 1980 has been based almost entirely on which one of the following?

25 . . . . 10

31) At the present time birth rates and death rates in developed countries are both about 10 per thousand people per year. In developing countries, birth rates are about _______ and death rates are about ______ per thousand people per year.

Epidemiological transition

32) The medical revolution is closely associated with the

Louis Pasteur

33) The person responsible for developing the germ theory of disease was

a) From 1960 to 2010, average income per capita more than tripled b) From 1960 to 2010, life expectancy rose from 53 to 69 c) From 1960 to 2010, infant mortality was reduced by a factor of 10 ---> d) All of the above e) None of the above

34) Which of the following statements is/are true about the world?


35) The continent with the lowest fertility rate at the present time is

Assignment of most agricultural land to small-scale farmers

36) Beginning in 1978 China's agricultural output increased by more than 6% per year for the next 15 years. The principal reason for this rapid growth after 1978 was

1 billion

37) At the present time the number of people in the world without access to clean water is about

d) India

38) Which major country has a very low median age?

United States

39) Which major country took a very long time for the fertility rate to decline from more than 6 children to less than 3?


4) The recovery of the bald eagle population in the United States during the 1980s and 1990s has been attributed to discontinuation of the use of __________.

a) China b) Afghanistan c) Burkina Faso d) Bangladesh --> e) India

40) Which one of the following countries has the largest illiterate population in the world?


41) Of the contributions from the United States to developing countries, the greatest amount of money is accounted for by

The loans are short-term The loans average less than $500 The payback rate has been greater than 97%

42) What is true of the following statements are true about loans made by the Grameen Bank?

Reduce child mortality

43) The Millenium Development Goal that was most difficult to meet by the target year (2015) was

Sub-Saharan Africa

44) The region of the world where the greatest proportion of people live on less than $1.25 per day is

United States

45) What major superpower has an extremely high maternal mortality rate (i.e., mother deaths per 100,000 live births)?

Job priority for only child Housing preferences for single-child families Bonuses received for the first child must be repaid to the government if a second child is born A tax must be paid for having a second child

46) What is true about the Chinese "one-child policy"?


47) Globally, about what percentage of pregnancies is terminated by induced abortions?


48) Between 1958 and 1960 approximately 20-40 million persons died in China as a result of

Equator 60 degrees

49) If Earth rotated in the opposite direction, at which two of the following latitudes would you expect to find the greatest amounts of rainfall?

Corn (maize), rice, and wheet

5) About 50% of global food production is accounted for by three crops:

30 degrees south and the equator

50) The Trade winds blow out of the southeast between which of the following latitudes?

Flood Center pivot

51) Most irrigation of crops in the world is currently done by one or another of which two of the following methods?

There is none

52) In the United States, the federal agency charged with providing oversight of the quantity of freshwater use is the


53) Most dams in the United States are located in which part of the country?


54) The dust bowl in the United States is associated with which one of the following decades?


55) Which one of the following soil horizons consists primarily of humus?


56) Which one of the following kinds of soil is associated with the smallest particles?

Hydric soils

57) Anaerobic conditions are most likely to be found in which one of the following kinds of soils

Center Pivot Flood

58) The two most inefficient and wasteful forms of irrigation are

Roots and fungi

59) Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations involving

Habitat Destruction

6) The fact that an estimated 100 million to 1 billion birds die each year from crashing into glass windows is an example of which one of the HIPPO problems?


60) Salinization is most often associated with unwise irrigation practices on which one of the following kinds of soils?

Iron Vitamin A

63) Golden rice is a GMO intended to improve human nutrition with respect to which two of the following?


64) Approximately what fraction of the world's croplands is used to grow crops to feed domestic animals?

Corn Soybeans Canola Cotton

65) Which four of the following crops account for most of the commercial production of GMO crops?


66) If the average caloric supply of a region of the world is 100% of the minimum daily requirement, about what percent of the population would you expect to have calorie-deficient diets?


67) Where would you go to find a cryptogamic crust?

To provide a place where pests that are not resistant to the Bt toxin can thrive. The idea is to prevent the pest population from becoming dominated by Bt-resistant pests.

68) Why are farmers who grow Bt cotton required to plant non-Bt cotton adjacent to fields where they are growing Bt cotton?

The human body will start to catabolize protein if it does not get enough calories.

69) Why does a diet with an inadequate number of calories sometimes lead to health problems associated with protein deficiency?

Kudzu, Fire ants, House cats

7) Animals and plants that are not native to North America and whose presence has had serious negative impacts on some native species include which ones of the following:

Aquatic animals are cold blooded and therefore expend little energy on regulating their body temperature. Their bodies are also supported by the water that surrounds them, so they need to invest little energy in supporting their body mass.

70) Ecological efficiencies are the efficiencies with which food consumed by a trophic level is converted into biomass. What two reasons account for the fact that ecological efficiencies tend to be higher in aquatic than terrestrial food chains?

Farmers in the U.S. Have become more efficient in the use of irrigation water—primarily by switching from center pivot to center pivot with droplines.

71) What is the explanation for the fact that use of freshwater in the United States has declined since 1980 despite the fact that the population of the United States has continued to increase?

Overdrafting of groundwater, reliance on fossil fuels for mechanization, use of pesticides that pests may eventually become resistant to.

72) List two reasons that current agricultural practices in developed countries are not sustainable.

cultural eutrophication

73) Assume that University Lake completely fills up with sediments over a timeframe of several decades as a result of enrichment with nutrients and organic matter that are discharged into the lake from the numerous storm sewers that route street runoff into the lake. If that happened, it would be an example of ______________ _______________.

primary succession

74) Assume that there is a massive eruption of the Kilauea Volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii. Lava comes pouring out continuously over a period of 10 years and covers the entire island. Nothing is left alive. After the eruption subsides, subsequent recovery of a biological community on the Big Island would be an example of ____________.


75) Pumping groundwater out of the ground faster than it is replaced by natural processes is referred to as

wind-blown soil

77) Loess is ______________.


78) Plants that contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their root nodules are called _______________.


79) The cost of bottled water in Baton Rouge is about x times the cost of tap water.

Fertilizer runoff from agricultural fields

8) The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is the result of

Their horns are valued as a traditional medicine

9) Illegal killing of rhinoceros species has been motivated by the fact that

The gradual decrease of global average temperatures from 1940 to 1980 was caused by a. Change in albedo of the Arctic Ocean b. Milankovitch cycles c. sunspot cycles d. Aerosols emitted by coal-burning power plants

Aerosols emitted by coal-burning power plants

Overfishing for which one of the following fish on the Grand Banks and Georges Bank resulted in the collapse of the fisheries during the period from 1980 to 2000? Cod Tuna Herring Anchovies



COVID-19 is a disease caused by a coronavirus that was transmitted from _________ to humans in 2019.

A bag of fertilizer is labeled 12-20-15. This label tells you that the percentage of organic matter in the fertilizer is 12% 20% 15% Can't tell

Can't tell

Which one of the following is not an example of a parasite? Cattle egret Mistletoe Sea lamprey Athlete's foot fungus

Cattle egret

The outbreak of Southern Corn Leaf Blight in 1970 in the United States was dealt with by importing corn from _____________ that was resistant to the fungus that causes the disease. Mexico China Brazil Germany


Which of the following areas experienced a net gain of forest area between 2000 and 2010? China and Europe Europe and North America North America and South America South America and China

China and Europe

The Montreal Protocol was an international agreement to phase out the production of DDT Chlorofluorocarbons Greenhouse gases Neonicotinoid insecticides


Which one of the following accounts for the smallest percentage of the US federal budget? Compliance with environmental regulations National defense and international security Medicare, Medicaid, and children's health insurance program Social security

Compliance with environmental regulations

Which one of the following explains why the global fish harvest almost doubled from 1985 to 2010? Dramatic increase in aquaculture production Restrictions on bottom trawling, which had previously destroyed benthic habitats Implementation of total allowable catch (TAC) quotas in important fisheries Warmer water temperatures at high latitudes due to climate change

Dramatic increase in aquaculture production

Which one of the following is not involved in maintaining population equilibrium? a. Drought b. Food supply c. Predation d. Disease


Which one of the following is not an example of a mechanism to escape predation? a. Exotic plumage of peacock b. Speed of rabbit c. Bad smell of skunk d. Thorns on a plant

Exotic plumage of peacock

Public policy with respect to long-term disposal of nuclear wastes from commercial nuclear power plants is currently in the ____________________ stage. Recognition Formulation Implementation Control


Slow the hydrologic cycle and speed up the thermohaline circulation of the ocean

Global warming during the 21st century is expected to

Over the past 40 years, human well-being has been steadily improving, while natural ecosystems, from which we derive many goods and services, have been declining. Which one of the following does not help to explain this so-called environmentalist's paradox? Food production, a crucial ecosystem service that has been enhanced, outweighs the effects of declines in other ecosystem services Human technology, such as irrigation and synthetic fertilizers, makes us less dependent on ecosystem services The measurements of human well-being have been flawed; it is actually declining There is a time lag between ecosystem decline and human well-being; the worst is yet to come

Human technology, such as irrigation and synthetic fertilizers, makes us less dependent on ecosystem services

Consider the following statements: (I) In any energy conversion, some of the usable energy is always lost (II) Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it may be converted from one form to another, (III) Systems will go spontaneously in one direction only, toward increasing entropy. Which of these are statements of the second law of thermodynamics? a. II and III b. I, II, and III c. I and II d. I and III

I and III


If the the quantity for younger people is gradually larger than the rest of the population then the population of a country is ___________.

Which one of the following problems is not attributable to habitat destruction? In Texas, fire ants are estimated to kill 20% of songbird babies before they leave the nest Telecommunication towers kill an estimated 5-50 million birds each year in the U.S. More than a million animals per day become roadkill in the U.S. Between 100 million and 1 billion birds die each year by crashing into glass windows

In Texas, fire ants are estimated to kill 20% of songbird babies before they leave the nest

Which one of the following is an example of primary succession? After a forest fire, pine trees grow from seeds that were protected beneath pine needles Grasses emerge from the soil after saltwater from a tsunami kills all above-ground vegetation in a meadow Trees reappear on the slopes of Mount St. Helens after the fallout of volcanic ash kills all the above-ground vegetation Lichens appear on basalt rock 50 years after a volcanic eruption on the Big Island of Hawaii

Lichens appear on basalt rock 50 years after a volcanic eruption on the Big Island of Hawaii

Which one of the following is not an example of resource partitioning? Several different bird species feed in different parts of the same trees Male songbirds sing to defend their territory during the nesting season Bats eat insects at night, and swallows eat insects during the day Wildflowers in temperate forests sprout in the early spring before the trees grow leaves to avoid competition with the trees for light

Male songbirds sing to defend their territory during the nesting season

Which one of the following nations has the greatest abundance of phosphate rock? Morocco United States China India


Nitrogen-fixing organisms convert which one of the following forms of nitrogen into a form that can be used by all photosynthetic organisms? Nitrogen gas (N2) Nitrous oxide (N2O) Nitric oxide (NO) Urea

Nitrogen gas (N2)


Ocean acidification is a serious threat to calcifying organisms such as corals, clams, and oysters because it is associated with a reduction of the concentration of ____________ ions in the water.

Which of the following are autotrophic organisms? Herbivores and omnivores Omnivores and plants Plants and chemosynthetic bacteria Chemosynthetic bacteria and herbivores

Plants and chemosynthetic bacteria

Climate moderation is an example of which one of the following kinds of ecosystem services? Provisioning Regulating Cultural Supporting


Which one of the following is not an example of a keystone species? Starfish Reindeer Sea otter beaver


Which one of the following is not one of the vital concepts that move societies toward a sustainable future? Security Sound science Sustainability Stewardship


Which of the following is the environmentally preferred form of silviculture? Clear-cutting and shelter-wood cutting Shelter-wood cutting and selective cutting Selective cutting and even-aged management Even-aged management and clear-cutting

Shelter-wood cutting and selective cutting

Amensalism is an example of Commensalism Symbiosis Predation Competition


guinea worms

The Carter Center is presently trying to eradicate which one of the following disease-causing organisms?

Which one of the following international agreements assures that wealthy nations cannot mine the genetic resources of other countries and then patent products that indigenous people have used for millennia? The Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora The Nagoya Protocol The Convention on Biological Diversity

The Convention on Biological Diversity

The 1854 cholera outbreak near Broad Street in London came to an end when Treatment of the public water supply was initiated Bottled water became available It became mandatory to boil water before drinking it The handle was removed from the Broad Street pump

The handle was removed from the Broad Street pump


The lifestyle-related activity/problem that causes the greatest number of deaths every year in the United States is ___________.


The organ in your body that is primarily responsible for rendering harmless the ethanol that you consume when you drink alcoholic beverages is your ____________.


The percentage of adults who smoke in the United States is currently __________.

Childhood leukemia

The pink flower has been a source of a chemical compound used to treat


The protein that human beings use with the greatest efficiency comes from

Which one of the following reasons accounts for the fact that timber sales from national forests in the United States declined by about 80% during the 1990s? The biomass of trees had seriously declined during previous decades because the trees had been harvested at a rate that was not sustainable The Forest Service made no effort to extinguish fires started by lightning in national forests on the assumption that fires, although temporarily destructive, in the long run exerted a positive influence on the forests Outbreaks of gypsy moths and tussock moths caused widespread defoliation of trees before an effective biological control was identified The strategy of managing the forests changed: trees are now harvested at much longer time intervals

The strategy of managing the forests changed: trees are now harvested at much longer time intervals


The substance in cigarette smoke that is addictive is ______________.

Which one of the following statements is not one of the four basic assumptions of the scientific method? The total entropy of an isolated system can never decrease over time Every result has a cause, and every event in turn will cause other events What we perceive with our five senses represents an objective reality, not some kind of dream or mirage Through our powers of observation, manipulation, and reason, we can discover and understand the basic principles and natural laws by which the universe functions

The total entropy of an isolated system can never decrease over time

Which one of the following accounts for the fact that the abundance of mangroves along the Louisiana coast has increased dramatically in the last 20 years? Warmer winters Warmer summers Planting of seedlings by environmentalists Higher nutrient concentrations in the Mississippi River due to runoff of fertilizer in the midwest

Warmer winters

North America

What continent in the western hemisphere is not a net importer of grain?

water vapor

Which one of the following gases accounts for the greatest percentage of the greenhouse effect globally?

unsafe sex

Which one of the following is among the 10 leading risk factors as a percentage of the causes of disease burden in high-income, intermediate-income, and low-income countries?

a. R-strategists have high biotic potential and poor recruitment most of the time b. R-strategists have low biotic potential and good recruitment most of the time c. R-strategists have low biotic potential and poor recruitment most of the time d. R-strategists have high biotic potential and good recruitment most of the time


The ecological efficiency in a food chain is 15%. A pollutant (X) is transferred from one trophic level to the next with an efficiency of 45%. The concentration of X on trophic level 2 is 4 ppm. What is the concentration of X on trophic level 5? Select one: a. 108 b. 72 c. 36 d. 144

a. 108

A population is growing exponentially with a doubling time of 10 years. If the size of the population now is 50, what will be the size of the population 30 years from now? Select one: a. 400 b. 300 c. 200 d. 500

a. 400

The greatest decreases of forest area between 1990 and 2010 occurred in Select one: a. Africa and South America b. North America and China c. South America and North America d. China and Africa

a. Africa and South America

Which one of the following is not one of the three major components of a nation's capital that determines its wealth? Select one: a. Financial capital b. produced capital c. intangible capital d. natural capital

a. Financial capital

Which of the following types of organisms are both consumers? a. Herbivores and carnivores b. chemosynthetic bacteria and plants c. plants and herbivores d. carnivores and chemosynthetic bacteria

a. Herbivores and carnivores

Which one of the following is an example of an ecotone? Select one: a. Salt marsh b. Grassland c. Lake Erie d. Deciduous forest

a. Salt marsh

chapter 7 : Which of the following kinds of property rights are associated with the Tragedy of the Commons? Select one: a. open access b. private ownership c. state ownership d. communal ownership

a. open access

Of the CO2 that has been emitted to the atmosphere as a result of human activities since the start of the industrial revolution, approximately what percentage is currently in the atmosphere? Select one: a. 25 b. 50 c. 90 d. 75

b. 50

Deterioration of which of the following ecosystems has been attributed in part to extensive changes of the inputs of water to or withdrawals of water from the system? a. Lake Erie and Chesapeake Bay b. Rio Grande River and Florida Everglades c. Florida Everglades and Lake Erie d. Chesapeake Bay and Rio Grande River

b. Rio Grande River and Florida Everglades

Rosy periwinkles produce two compounds that have been used to treat Select one: a. depression b. childhood leukemia c. dementia d. pancreatic cancer

b. childhood leukemia

Which one of the following is not one of the three main trophic categories? a. consumer b. transformer c. decomposer d. producer

b. transformer

Which one of the following is not an example of a species that has become invasive? a. water hyacinths b. buffalo c. starling d. house cat


Which one of the following is the definition of a biome? a. A cluster of interacting ecosystems like forests, open meadows, and rivers together b. An interactive complex of communities and the abiotic environment affecting them within a particular area c. A large area of Earth's surface that shares climate and has similar vegetation d. The individuals of a certain species that live within a given area

c. A large area of Earth's surface that shares climate and has similar vegetation

Which one of the following is not an example of mutualism? Select one: a. Bees and flowering plants b. Lichens c. Cattle egrets and water buffalo d. Plants and fungi that grow on their roots

c. Cattle egrets and water buffalo

Which of the following countries have centrally planned economies? a. North Korea and China b. China and Russia c. Cuba and North Korea d. Russia and Cuba

c. Cuba and North Korea

Which of the following countries are continuing commercial whaling despite the 1986 moratorium on whaling imposed by the International Whaling Commission? Select one: a. Norway and Iceland b. Iceland and Spain c. Japan and Norway d. Spain and Japan

c. Japan and Norway

Which one of the following countries has the highest fertility rate? Select one: a. Sweden b. China c. United States d. Canada

c. United States

The cost/benefit ratio associated with the implementation of environmental regulations Select one: a. increases with time b. Initially increases with time, goes through a maximum, and then decreases c. decreases with time d. Initially decreases with time, goes through a minimum, and then increases

c. decreases with time

Which one of the following non-sustainable practices of the Easter Islanders led to their downfall? Select one: a. overdrafting of aquifers to irrigate crops b. consumption of rats as a source of protein c. deforestation d. overfishing

c. deforestation

The three crops that account for about 50% of global food demands are a. wheat, corn, and soybeans b. corn, soybeans, and rice c. rice, wheat, and corn d. soybeans, rice, and wheat

c. rice, wheat, and corn

Which one of the following is not an example of consumptive use? Select one: a. Firewood is collected to boil water and cook food b. Fruits and nuts are collected to supplement the food needs of local people c. Wild game is killed to provide food for a family d. Fish are caught and sold on the international market

d. Fish are caught and sold on the international market

In the United States today, the principal use of mercury is Select one: a. Thermometers and barometers b. Anti-fungicide coating on seed grain c. Catalyst for production of chlorine and sodium hydroxide d. dental fillings

d. dental fillings

In regions where various types of vegetation coexist and compete, periodic fires do not tip the balance in favor of a. pine trees b. redwood trees c. grasses d. oak trees

oak trees

Which one of the following species is currently protected under the auspices of the U.S. Endangered Species Act? a. Bald eagle b. whooping crane c. Lake Erie water snake d. Peregrine falcon

whooping crane

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