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Chapter 15: Which of the following isotopes of hydrogen would be fused in a fusion nuclear power plant?

1H and 2H

Chapter 8: In hypothetical country A, everyone dies when they reach the age of 60. In hypothetical country B, which has a better health care system, everyone dies when they reach the age of 80. If the total population of both countries is stable, what percentage of the total population would you expect to be in the age group 21-40 years inclusive?

33% in country A and 25% in country B

Chapter 20: In the United States, federal law requires that secondary wastewater treatment plants remove at least ___ percent of BOD and suspended solids from raw wastewater


Chapter 10: Which one of the following is an example of adiabatic heating?

A descending mass of air is warmed as it is compressed

Chapter 10: Which one of the following is a consumptive use of water?

Irrigating crops

Chapter 20: If the BOD of raw sewage is 200 ppm, by how much would that water have to be diluted to prevent the oxygen in a stream from dropping from10 ppm to less than 6 ppm?

at least a factor of 50

Chapter 11: Which of the following are two of the negative aspects of no-till agriculture?

may increase the effects of pests that remain in crop residues and requires use of herbicides

Chapter 12: Golden rice is a cultivar of rice that was genetically modified to address problems associated with diets that are deficient in vitamin A. Golden rice is enriched with which one of the following?

beta carotene

Chapter 7: Which of the following areas experienced a net gain of forest area between 2000 and 2010?

china and europe

Chapter 2: The Montreal Protocol was an international agreement to phase out the production of


Chapter 7: Overfishing for which one of the following fish on the Grand Banks and Georges Bank resulted in the collapse of the fisheries during the period from 1990 to 2000?


Chapter 9: Which one of the following is the major cause of mortality in the least developed countries of the world?

communicable diseases

Chapter 2: Which one of the following accounts for the smallest percentage of the US federal budget?

compliance with environmental regulations

Chapter 14: Which one of the following energy policies would NOT directly impact use of natural gas and oil?

corporate tax rebates for installation of integrated gasification combined cycle power plants

Chapter 13: Which one of the following is NOT a technique use din integrated pest management?

cosmetic spraying

Chapter 7: Which of the following kinds of property rights are associated with the Tragedy of the Commons?

open access

Chapter 11: What is the principal reason that western rangelands in the United States produce less than half the livestock forage that they did in the early 19th century?


Chapter 5: Which of the following are autotrophic organisms?

plants and chemosynthetic bacteria

Chapter 5: Terrestrial biomes are groups of ecosystems characterized by similar types of

plants and climate

Chapter 15: Which one of the following fissionable isotopes is produced in a breeder reactor?


Chapter 8: The fertility rate in Burkino Faso has exceeded the replacement rate for many years and is currently about 5.1 if the fertility rate were to suddenly drop to the replacement rate, why would the population of Burkino Faso continue to increase?

population momentum

Chapter 1: Capture fisheries is an example of which one of the following kinds of ecosystem services?


Chapter 4: Which one the following statements is true?

r strategists have high biotic potential and poor recruitment most of the time

Chapter 15: Which one of the following is the greatest source of exposure to radiation for people in the United States?

radon gas in average house

Chapter 6: The three crops that account for about 50% of global food demands are

rice, wheat, and corn

Chapter 7: Deterioration of which of the following ecosystems has been attributed in part to extensive changes of the inputs of water to or withdrawals of water from the system?

rio grande river and florida everglades

Chapter 3: Which of the following pairs of countries would you visit if you wanted to see taiga?

russia and canada

Chapter 1: Which one of the following is NOT one of the vital concepts that move societies toward a sustainable future?


Chapter 7: Which of the following is the environmentally preferred form of silviculture?

shelter-wood cutting and selective cutting

Chapter 8: Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

since 1960, average income per capita has increased

Chapter 15: In a nuclear power plant fueled with uranium-235, what is the purpose of the moderator?

slow neutrons

Chapter 16: Biodiesel is a fuel made from a mixture of normal diesel fuel and oil from


Chapter 10: Global warming during the 21st century is expected to

speed up the hydrologic cycle and slow the thermohaline circulation of the ocean

Chapter 6: Which one of the following is NOT an example of a species that has become invasive?


Chapter 11: Which one of the following terms is used to characterize the arrangement of soil particles in clumps and aggregates?


Chapter 6: The barrier holding the wastewater from a pulp mill in a treatment lagoon breaks, and the wastewater runs into the Pearl River. The next day, there are thousands of dead fish in the Pearl River. What is the likely cause of the deaths of the fish?


chapter 4 : Amensalism is an example of


Chapter 9: Cabbages and Condoms is

the name of a restaurant chain in Thailand

Chapter 8: The population profile of a hypothetical country is shown below. The vertical axis is age, and the lower and upper dashed lines correspond to ages of 15 and 65, respectively. The horizontal axis indicates the number of males (blue) and females (pink) in the population. This population profile indicates which one of the following:

the population is decreasing

chapter 4 : If the relationship between species A and B is competitive

the relationship has a negative effect on A and B

Chapter 7: Which one of the following reasons accounts for the fact that timber sales from national forests in the United States declined by about 80% during the 1990s?

the strategy of managing the forests changed: trees are now harvested at much longer time intervals

Chapter 1: The deforestation of Easter Island is NOT an example of which one of the following?

try to solve a problem but fail

Chapter 14: Carbon dioxide emissions by which one of the following countries have decreased since 2005?

united states

Chapter 1: In which one of the following countries is life expectancy the lowest?

united states

Chapter 8: Which one of the following countries as the shortest life expectancy?

united states

Chapter 16: The two countries that account for the greatest amount of ethanol production as a fuel are

usa and brazil

Chapter 7: Which one of the following explains why the global fish harvest almost doubled from 1985 to 2010?

dramatic increase in aquaculture production

Chapter 14: Which one of the following is not a primary source of energy?


Chapter 10: On which of the following continents is more water used for industrial purposes than for agriculture?


Chapter 7: Which one of the following is NOT an example of consumptive use?

fish are caught and sold on the international market

Chapter 10: Roughly 99% of crop irrigation globally is done by

flood irrigation and center pivot methods

Chapter 10: In which one of the following states is groundwater NOT being withdrawn faster than it is being naturally jreplenished?


Chapter 6: Hardening of urban streams in the name of flood control is an example of which one of the letters of the acronym HIPPO?


Chapter 8: Which one of the following countries currently has the highest fertility rate?


Chapter 7: Which of the following countries are continuing commercial whaling despite the 1986 moratorium on whaling imposed by the International Whaling Commission?

japan and norway

Chapter 5: The first organisms to colonize solid rock are


Chapter 15: Most of the human deaths attributable to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former Soviet Union were

Firemen who were called in to put out the fires that resulted from the accident

Chapter 15: Which of the following countries generates the greatest percentage of its electricity from nuclear power plants?


Chapter 9: Which one of the following is not among the primary reasons that poor people in developing countries have large families?

Contraceptives are readily available

Chapter 15: Which one of the following is not one of the purposes of pumping water through the core of a nuclear reactor fueled with uranium-235?

Control the rate of the chain reaction

Chapter 12: Which one of the following countries is the only country in the world with extensive government-supported urban agriculture?


Chapter 23: Which one of the following is considered to be the most livable city in Latin America?

Curitiba, Brazil

Chapter 13: Which one of the following has been shown to most adversely affect the reproduction of birds?


Chapter 6: The increase of the number of bald eagles in the United States after 1972 is attributed to termination of the use of


Chapter 9: Which one of the following is not among the conditions conducive to small families?

Early age at marriage

Chapter 14: Which one of the following renewable sources of energy is associated with the highest energy returned on energy invested?

Electricity from wind turbines

Chapter 16: Which one of the following regions of the world has the greatest installed PV panel electricity generating capacity?


Chapter 3: Consider the following statements: (I) in any energy conversion, some of the usable energy is always lost (II) energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it may be converted from one form to another (III) systems will go spontaneously in one direction only, toward increasing entropy Which of these statements of the second law of thermodynamics?

I and III

Chapter 13: Which one of the following is not an example of cultural control of a pest?

Introduction of parasitic wasps to control gypsy moths

Chapter 10: Which of the following reasons explains why few farmers in the United States irrigate their crops via drip irrigation?

Irrigation water is cheap, and initial installation costs are high

Chapter 12: A Bt crop is a genetically modified crop that

Is resistant to many insect pests

Chapter 10: In which one of the following states is groundwater not being withdrawn faster than it is being naturally replenished?


Chapter 11: Soil containing organic matter and having which one of the following textures is ideal for many types of farming?


Chapter 14: The top three primary sources of energy in the United States are

Natural gas, coal, and oil

Chapter 21: The two states that export the greatest amounts of municipal solid waste to other states are

New York and New Jersey

Chapter 10: If Earth rotated in the opposite direction, the Trade Winds in the northern hemisphere would blow from the


Chapter 6: Decimation of the stocks of cod fish off the east coast of Canada by Canadian fishermen is an example of which one of the letters of the acronym HIPPO?


Chapter 11: In a soil profile, the order of horizons from top to bottom is

O, A, E, B, C

Chapter 14: The United States has extensive deposits of _________________ in Colorado, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming that, if exploited, could yield the equivalent of an estimated 800 billion barrels of oil.

Oil shale

Chapter 13: Which one of the following kinds of pesticides is responsible for most pesticide poisonings of humans?


Chapter 10: Which one of the following statements is not true?

Roughly 800 million people do not have access to safe drinking water

Chapter 11: Which one of the following can result from irrigating crops in dryland areas with insufficient water to leach salts down through the soil?


Chapter 13: Which one of the following insect pests has been eliminated from the United States by release of sterile males?

Screwworm flies

Chapter 16: The two forms of renewable energy that have the drawback that they unintentionally kill birds are

Solar towers and wind turbines

Chapter 12: The four crops that account for the most production of genetically modified (GM) crops globally are

Soybeans, corn, canola, and cotton

Chapter 8: Which one of the following is the correct order of these revolutions?

industrial (first), medical (second), green (third)

Chapter 2: Most national wealth is

intangible capital

Chapter 14: Most electric power plants built in the United States since 2000 use which one of the following sources of energy?

natural gas

Chapter 14: Which one of the following sources of energy is NOT used by electric power plants that generate electricity by boiling water?

natural gas

Chapter 16: Electricity produced by which one of the following is NOT an example of green power?

natural gas

Chapter 3: Nitrogen-fixing organisms convert which one of the following forms of nitrogen into a form that can be used by all photosynthetic organisms?

nitrogen gas (N2)

Chapter 14: Which one of the following sources of energy is not used by electric power plants that generate electricity by boiling water?


Chapter 5: In regions where various types of vegetation coexist and compete, periodic fires do NOT tip the balance in favor of

oak trees

Chapter 15: Which one of the following is the greatest source of exposure to radiation for people in the United States?

radon gas in average house

Chapter 7: Climate moderation is an example of which one of the following kinds of ecosystem services?


Chapter 3: Ecologist Eckhard wants to stop the algal blooms in City Park Lake by reducing the inputs of essential nutrients to the lake from stormwater runoff. Which one of the following strategies would have the least effect on the algal blooms?

remove all the carbon dioxide from the stormwater runoff

Chapter 10: Which one of the following is NOT an example of blue water?

taken up by plants

Chapter 2: Taxol, which is used to treat lung, ovarian, and breast cancer, head and neck cancer, and advanced forms of Kaposi's sarcoma, was originally isolated from

the bark of the Pacific yew tree

Chapter 9: Which one of the following statements describes what happens when countries pass through the fertility transition?

the dependency ratio decreases and then increases

Chapter 8: Which one of the following statements is true?

the epidemiologic transition has preceded the fertility transition

Chapter 1: The 1854 cholera outbreak near Broad Street in London came to an end when

the handle was removed from the Broad Street pump

Chapter 15: Which one of the following reasons does NOT contribute to the fact that the cost of producing electricity at nuclear power plants is greater than the cost of producing electricity with fossil fuels?

the lifetimes of nuclear power plants have turned out to be longer than expected

Chapter 9: Which one of the following statements is NOT true about the Grameen Bank?

the loans have been found to have the greatest social benefits when focused on men

Chapter 1: Over the past 40 years, human well-being has been steadily improving, while natural ecosystems, from which we derive many goods and services, have been declining. Which one of the following does NOT help to explain this so-called environmentalist's paradox?

the measurements of human well-being have been flawed; it is actually declining

Chapter 2: The prohibition by the United States of the importation of products made with child labor has been objected by which one of the following organizations?

world trade organization

Chapter 2: In 1997, the flow in which one of the following Chinese rivers was stopped for more than half the year as a result of water withdrawals for irrigation?


Chapter 17: The percentage of adults in the United States who smoke cigarettes is ____, and the percentage of total deaths each year in the United States linked to smoking is ___

15% and 20%

Chapter 1: The human population currently numbers about

8 billion

Chapter 11: Which one of the following soil horizons is also called topsoil?


Chapter 5: The value of the ecosystem services provided by natural ecosystems has been estimated to be about

$40 trillion

Chapter 15: A uranium-235 fueled nuclear power plant emits about ___________ as much radioactivity as a coal-burning power plant that produces the same amount of electricity.

100 times

Chapter 6: Current rates of extinction of species are estimated to be roughly ________ rates of extinction prior to the Anthropocene

100 to 1000

Chapter 1: Of the CO2 that has been emitted to the atmosphere as a result of human activities since the start of the industrial revolution, approx. what percentage is currently in the ocean?


Chapter 8: In hypothetical country A, everyone dies when they reach the age of 60. In hypothetical country B, which has a better health care system, everyone dies when they reach the age of 75. If the total population of both countries is stable, what percentage of the total population would you expect to be in the age group 32-46 years inclusive?

25% in country A and 20% in country B

Chapter 3: At current rates of use, the world's supply of phosphate rock is expected to last for about

300-400 years

Chapter 12: Approx. what percentage of the world's croplands are used to feed domestic animals?


Geothermal power plants provide electricity for _______ people in the United States

5 million

Chapter 10: Which one of the following statements is true about a Hadley cell?

Air rises at the equator and sinks at 30° latitude

Chapter 10: Which one of the following contains the most liquid freshwater?


Chapter 11: Which one of the following soils would you expect to find in a tropical rain forest?


Chapter 12: The three regions of the world that currently account for the most exported grain are

Australia/New Zealand, North America, and Western Europe

Chapter 16: The forms of renewable energy that currently account for the greatest amount of renewable energy production in the United States are

Biomass and hydropower

Chapter 11: The nutrients that support plant growth in natural terrestrial ecosystems are supplied mainly by

Breakdown of detritus

Chapter 11: Which one of the following soil horizons does not contain humus?


Chapter 16: Geothermal heat pumps

Can be used to heat and cool buildings

Chapter 14: Which one of the following countries accounts for the most oil imported by the United States?


Chapter 13: The Delaney clause concerned which one of the following?

Carcinogenic food additives

Chapter 13: Pheromones have not been used to control which one of the following pests?

Cassava mealybug

Chapter 16: The country with the greatest number of solar hot water heaters is


Chapter 22: Which one of the following is NOT true of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

RCRA prohibits the disposal of hazardous wastes in landfills

Chapter 9: Which one of the following accounted for the greatest amount of U.S economic contributions to developing countries in 2010-2011?


Chapter 12: Millennium Development Goal 1 was to reduce by 50% the proportion of children under age five who were moderately or severely underweight. Which one of the following regions had not achieved that goal by 2012?

Sub-Saharan Africa

How was the city of Curitiba able to reduce the time commuters spent traveling into and out of the city?

The city created a very efficient public transportation system based on buses

Chapter 13: Which of the following statements correctly characterizes the results of using pesticides in agriculture globally since the advent of the green revolution?

The quantity of crops lost to pests has increased and the percentage of crops lost to pests has increased

Chapter 22: Which one of the following pieces of environmental legislation has proved to be the least effective in accomplishing what it was intended to do with respect to hazardous chemicals?

Toxic Substances Control Act

Chapter 11: The process by which water vapor passes through stomata from plants to the atmosphere is called


Chapter 12: Which one of the following countries has the largest area of arable land?

United States

Chapter 9: In 2005, representatives from so-called donor countries agreed to raise their Official Development Assistance (ODA) for developing countries to 0.35% of gross national income by 2010. Which one of the following countries had not achieved that goal by 2014?

United States

Chapter 14: Energy policies can be broadly classified as supply-side policies that increase the use of fossil fuels and demand-side policies that lower the use of fossil fuels. Which one of the following is not demand-side policy?

Use tax rebates to encourage people to buy hybrid electric cars

Chapter 16: The fastest-growing forms of renewable energy for electricity production in the world are

Wind and hydroelectric

An Artesian aquifer can be contaminated by

a leak in a pipe used for deep well injection of liquid wastes

Chapter 3: The gradual decrease of global average temperatures from 1940 to 1980 was caused by

aerosols emitted by coal-burning power plants

Chapter 12: Which one of the following sources of calories in the human diet requires the greatest amount of land per calorie to produce?


Chapter 13: The principal concern with the use of neonicotinoid insecticides is their adverse effects on


Chapter 8: The Neolithic Revolution

began in the middle east about 12,000 years ago

Chapter 6: In the United States today, the principal use of mercury is

dental fillings

Chapter 12: Currently irrigated acreage

Accounts for more than half of all cropland but produces less than half of the world's food

Chapter 9: Which one of the following was not part of China's one-child policy?

Additional food rations for same-sex couples

Chapter 7: The greatest decreases of forest area between 1990 and 2010 occurred in

africa and south america

Chapter 15: The site recommended by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for long-term disposal of radioactive waste from the nuclear power industry in the United States is

Yucca Mountain, Nevada

Chapter 3: Which one of the following is the definition of a biome?

a large area of earth's surface that shares climate and has similar vegetation

The roots of plants accelerate the weathering (chemical breakdown) of rocks by releasing

a weak acid

Chapter 9: Which one of the following millennium development goals has been achieved?

between 1990 and 2015, reduce the half proportion of people whose income is less than $1.25 per day

Chapter 4: If the relationship between species A and B is mutualistic

both A and B benefit from the relationship

Chapter 3: A bag of fertilizer is labeled 12-20-15. This label tells you that the percentage of organic matter in fertilizer is

cannot tell

Chapter 4: Which one of the following is NOT an example of a parasite?

cattle egret

Chapter 1: Rosy periwinkles produce two compounds that have been used to treat

childhood leukemia

Chapter 14: Which one of the following countries has the lowest per capita energy consumption?


Chapter 15: The country with the greatest number of nuclear power plants under construction is


Chapter 2: The solution to the corn blight of 1970 in the United States was to import corn from _________ that was immune to the fungus that was causing the blight.


Chapter 12: The three principal greenhouse gases emitted as a result of agricultural activities are

methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide

Chapter 11: Which one of the following is the best soil for agriculture?


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