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Why was Haman angry with Mordecai, according to Esther 3:5?

Mordecai would not bowed to him (or reverence him).

Who did Haman lead through the city on the king's horse, wearing the king's robe, to show honor to him, according to Esther 6:11?


Who did king Ahasuerus have in mind to honor when he asked Haman, what should be done to the man the king wants to honor, in Esther 6:6?


Who told Esther she had come to the kingdom "for such a time as this," in Esther 4:14?


Who raised Esther as his own daughter, when her parents were dead, according to Esther 2:7?

Mordecia.(her cousin -- uncle would be incorrect)

Who was the king of Babylon that carried the people of Jerusalem into captivity, according to Esther 2:6?


What was the name of the first month of the year, according to Esther 3:7?


When the king read the record of the chronicles, what honor had been shown to Mordecia for revealing the conspiracy against the king, according to Esther 6:3?

Nothing had been done.

After Esther revealed Haman's plot, in what inapproriate place did King Ahasuerus find Haman when he came into the banquet room, according to Esther 7:8?

On the bed or couch where Esther was.

What did Memucan, one of the princes of Persia, say would be the effect of Vashti's refusal to obey the king's command, in Esther 1:16-18?

Other women in the kingdom would disreprect their husbands.

What two nations comprised the empire of king Ahasuerus, in Esther 1:3?

Persia & Media

The celebration called Purim came from what word that meant, the lot, according to Esther 3:7 and 9:26?


What is the name of the Jewish holiday established in Esther 9:26?


What was the law concerning any person that came unto the king in the inner court, who had not been called, according to Esther 4:11?

Put to death (unless the king held out the golden scepter).

Who did Ahasuerus command to be brought to his feast, in Esther 1:11?

Queen Vashti.

What type of clothing was not permitted to be worn by one who entered the king's gate, according to Esther 4:2?


How many chamberlains or eunuchs did Ahasuerus send to bring Vashti to his feast, in Esther 1:10?


How many enemies of the Jews were killed throughout the provinces of Persia, according to Esther 9:16?

Seventy-five thousand.

Where was the palace of king Ahasuerus, according to Esther 1:2

Shushan or Susa

What did Haman offer to pay so that the Jews would be destroyed, according to Esther 3:9?

Ten thousand talents of silver.

How many sons did Haman have, according to Esther 9:10?


What did Harbonah recommend be done to Haman in response to his treachery against Esther and her people, according to Esther 7:9?

That Haman be hung on gallows he had built for Mordecia.

What reason did Moredecai give for not bowing to Haman, according to Esther 3:4?

That he was a Jew.

What was Esther's request at the first banquet she had prepared for the king and Haman, according to Esther 5:6?

That the king and Haman attend another banquet (tomorrow).

What request did Esther make when she was accepted by the king into the inner court, in Esther 5:4?

That the king and Haman come to a banquet she had prepared.

What two days of the month Adar were established as an annual holiday, in Esther 9:21?

The 14th & 15th.

What did Haman use as a seal in the name of king Ahasuerus, according to Esther 3:12?

The king's ring.

What month was chosen by Haman for the Jews to be killed, according to Esther 3:13?

the twelfth month.

Name one of the two chamberlains or eunuchs that conspired to harm king Ahasuerus, according to Esther 2:21?

(either one) Bigthan or Teresh.

What portion of his kingdom did king Ahasuerus offer, to grant the request of Esther, according to Esther 5:3?

(up to) Half.

What was the significance that Haman was an Agagite and Mordecia was a Jew in Esther 3:4?

Agagites were descendants of Agag, the Amalekite, the enemy of the Jews (1 Samuel 15)

What was the name of the king mentioned in Esther 1:1?


Instead of taking vengeance against Mordecai alone, who did Haman seek to destroy, according to Esther 3:6?

All the Jews.

Why did king Ahasuerus want to honor Mordecia, according to Esther 6:3?

Because Mordecia's report of the conspiracty against the king had not been rewarded.

Of which tribe of Israel was Mordecai descended, according to Esther 2:5?


What relation was Mordecia to Esther, based on Esther 2:7?

Cousin (his uncle's daughter).

Who was made queen of Persia in the place of Vashti, according to Esther 2:17?


How frequently did Mordecai walk by the court of the women's house to check on Esther, according to Esther 2:11?

Every day.

What did Esther ask of all the Jews in Shushan before she went to see the king, according to Esther 4:16?

Fast (for three days) [If "prayer" is included in the answer it is incorrect.]

How high was the gallows Haman made for Mordecia, according to Esther 5:14?

Fifty cubits.

How many enemies of the Jews were killed in Shushan on the thirteenth of Adar, according to Esther 9:6?

Five hundred men.

Esther 4:14

For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Esther 4:14

What did king Ahasuerus do with the ring that he took from Haman, according to Esther 8:2?

Gave it to Mordecia.

What is the Hebrew name by which Esther is first identified in Esther 2:7?


What Agagite did king Ahasuerus promote above all the princes of Persia, in Esther 3:1?


Who told king Ahasuerus that there was a certain people scattered throughout his kingdom that did not keep the king's laws, in Esther 3:8?


Who was in the court when the king discovered that honor was due to Mordecia, according to Esther 6:4?


What was the name of the king's chamberlain or eunuch that was appointed to serve queen Esther, according to Esther 4:5


Why did king Ahasuerus command the book of records of the chronicles be read to him, according to Esther 6:1?

He could not sleep.

What two symbols of grief were displayed by Mordecia when he learned of Haman's plans against the Jews, according to Esther 4:1?

He rent (or tore) his clothes and put on sackcloth (with ashes).

How was Haman put to death, according to Esther 7:10?

He was hanged (on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai).

What officer of the king's house showed favor to Esther when she first arrived in the palace, according to Esther 2:9?

Hegai, the eunuch who took care of all the young women.

Who did Haman think the king wanted to honor when the king asked what should be done to the man the king wants to honor, in Esther 6:6?

Himself (Haman).

What did king Ahasuerus hold out to Esther when he saw her standing in the court, according to Esther 5:2?

His golden scepter.

What did king Ahasuerus give to Haman as a symbol of his authority and permission, in Esther 3:10?

His ring.

Who suggested to Haman that a gallows be made for Mordecia, according to Esther 5:14?

His wife (Zeresh & his friends).

What two countries are listed as the extent of the reign of king Ahasuerus, in Esther 1:1?

India & Ehtiopia

Where did king Ahasuerus go when he first heard of Haman's plot against the Jews and queen Esther, according to Esther 7:7?

Into the palace garden.

Who was the king of Judah when the people of Jerusalem were carried into captivity to Babylon, according to Esther 2:6?


What did king Ahasuerus discover written in the record of the chronicles concerning Mordecia, in Esther 6:2?

Mordecai had told of the chamberlains/eunuchs (door keepers) plans against the king.

How did King Ahasuerus learn of the conspiracy against him by two of his servants, in Esther 2:22?

Mordecai told Esther and Esther told the king.

Why did Esther not reveal her nationality, according to Esther 2:10?

Mordecai told her not to.

How long was the purification process for each young woman before she was presented to the king, according to Esther 2:12?

Twelve months.

What Persian queen was replaced by Esther, according to Esther 2:17?


What was the name of the queen of Persia that refused the command of king Ahasuerus, in Esther 1:12?


How many provinces did king Ahasuerus reign over, according to Esther 1:1?


What was the name of Esther's father, according to Esther 2:15?


What was the name of the twelfth month of the year, according to Esther 3:7?


For whom in the royal house did Vashti make a feast, according to Esther 1:9?

The women.

What was done immediately to Haman as soon as the king questioned, "Will he force or assault the queen in his house, in Esther 7:8?

They covered Haman's face.

What punishment was given to the two chamberlains/eunuchs that conspired against king Ahasuerus, according to Esther 2:23?

They were hanged.

In what year of the reign of Ahasuerus did he make a feast to show the glory of his kingdom, according to Esther 1:3?

Third year.

What day of the chosen month was selected by Haman as the day for the Jews to be killed, according to Esther 3:13?

Thirteenth day.

How long had it been since Esther had been called unto the king, when Mordecia advised her to go to the king on behalf of her people, according to Esther 4:11?

Thirty days.

How many enemies of the Jews were killed in Shushan on the fourteenth day of Adar, according to Esther 9:15?

Three hundred men.

To whom did king Ahasuerus give the house of Haman, according to Esther 8:1?

To Esther.

Why did Ahasuerus want Queen Vashti to attend his feast, according to Esther 1:11?

To show her beauty.

Why had Haman come to the king's house on the morning before the second banquet with the queen, according to Esther 6:4?

To speak to the king about hanging Mordecia.

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