Ethics unit 1-2

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it is obligation morals or all out objective and good absolutism and in conclusion is


it is the thing that individuals really accept to be correct or wrong and it thinks about various moral standards utilized in over a wide span of time

Descriptive Ethics,

four parts of Ethics

Descriptive Ethics, Normative Ethics, Meta Ethics Applied Ethics

three levels of moral dilemma

Individual Dilemma Organizational Dilemma Structural Dilemma.

developed the Six Stages of Moral Development that hopes to understand how moral reasoning changes as a person grows old and matures

Lawrence Kohlberg

this dilemma is encountered by institutions, business, or organizations in their decision-making process, at this level the dilemmas that the organizations' experiences usually affect more than one person and they can be part of the internal group or part of an external stakeholder.

Organizational Dilemma

in this stage right and wrong is determined by punishment and authority, the physical and mental consequences of action indicate the goodness or badness of behavior, and Moral rightness is equivalent to obedience.

Stage 1 - Obedience and Punishment Orientation

that affect a network of institutions and operative theoretical paradigms like universal care, juvenile laws, and immigration

Structural Dilemma.

Your individual acts become your habits which molds your ______ ________. Meanwhile, your _______ _________ is manifested in your decisions, attitudes and acts.

moral character

Strengths of Filipino Moral Character

pakikipag-kapwa tao, family orientation, joy and humor, flexibility, adaptability, and creativity, hard work and industry, faith and religiosity, ability to survive

basic concepts of Moral Dilemma

personal advocates, society, culture religion, family and friends education and experiences

in Moral standards it is rely on reasoning and not on authoritative individuals to support and justify their cause while in Non-Moral perspective it is in the context of law and religion they do not need to be based on a valid and sound reasoning

reliance on reasoning and not on authority

It also involves ideals, moral obligations and prohibitions that people have to observe, follow and respect.

Ethics or moral philosophy

It discusses the different systems of moral values and principles that determine what are acceptable and unacceptable behaviors.

Ethics or moral philosophy

is a branch of philosophy that deals with the questions and standards of what is right and what is wrong

Ethics or moral philosophy

individual interaction of people with situations in their daily lives. In this level, conflict arrives when a person is asked to choose between two important values for him or her for example, choosing between one's duties to his or her family one's love for another person

Individual Dilemma

common universal values

Integrity, Peace, Freedom, Human Dignity, Social Progress, Equal rights, Responsibility, Compassion, Loyalty, Innovativeness, and Intuitiveness

which means the distribution of resources equally and fairly.


age 9 years old and below, in this level the primary focus of an individual is the self, people don't have a personal code of Morality yet, they follow the standards and rules that adults teach to them, the Moral codes are mostly dependent on the avoidance of punishment, under this level is the Stage 1 and Stage 2 of Moral Development.

Level 1 Pre-Conventional Morality

under adolescence to middle age, people start to internalize the moral standards of the groups they belong to and reasoning is usually based on the norms of their groups, under this level is the Stage 3 and Stage 4 of Moral Development.

Level 2 Conventional Morality

individual judgment is based on self-chosen principles and moral reasoning is based on individual rights and justice, under this level is the Stage 5 and Stage 6 of Moral Development.

Level 3 Post-Conventional Morality

it doubts the significance of goodness, morals and profound quality including how individuals can realize what is valid or bogus and ultimately is

Meta Ethics

is a situation that begs an agent to choose between two alternatives with equal weight wherein both alternatives are either good or both are evil, but the agent cannot do both or all actions. In this situation, no matter what the agent chooses you will be left with a moral failure but not choosing anything impose greater harm or loss for the agent

Moral Dilemma

refer to the rules or set of guidelines that affect the choices of a person and his or her belief system and decision-making process in problems and situations that beg the question of what is morally right and wrong.

Moral Standards

So, should we completely refrain from listening to our feelings?

NO. We should learn how to balance our feelings and rational mind. Our feelings let us get in touch with our humanity. It helps us in empathizing with other people and thinking about how a certain action would most probably affect them. On the other hand, reason and impartiality make us see things clearer as it pushes us to be objective and detach ourselves from our selfish desires.

Consequently, they can also affect the way a person develops her moral principles and guidelines but they do not necessarily have moral implications.

Non-Moral Standards

aesthetics, rules in games, laws, personal experiences and principles, etiquette, recipe or formula, religion and lastly traditions or norms,

Non-Moral Standards

refer to the rules that affect the choice of a person but are not linked to moral or ethical considerations, similar with ethics people use value judgment in dealing with these aspects.

Non-Moral Standards

it is the avoidance of any unjustifiable and unnecessary harm


it is the thing that individuals should do, a prescriptive morals and it talks about how individuals can settle on what is ethically right

Normative Ethics,

the take precedence over other standards and considerations like non-moral standards and self-interest

Overriding or Hegemonic

it means the acknowledgement that every person has the right to make choices to hold views and to act based on one's value and beliefs as long as the person is conscious and has proper understanding of the matter on hand

Respect to Autonomy

Four Principles in terms of Normative Ethics

Respect to Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and Justice

start to learn about individuality and satisfaction of one's desire, moral rightness is equivalent to the idea of giving and take, the principle of equality and resolution of conflicts.

Stage 2 - Individualism and Exchange

the right and wrong is determined by the approval of others and conformity to norms, good behavior is determined by praise, peer pressure is also prominent at this stage and deviance and indifference are treated as sins and Moral rightness is equivalent to "conformity and acceptance".

Stage 3 - Good Interpersonal Relationship

a person becomes more aware of laws and societal norms and wants to be a good citizen.

Stage 4 - Maintaining the Social Order

you understand that even if norms and laws exist they might not be always morally right, you learn how to use logic, abstract thinking, and moral principles to determine what is right and wrong.

Stage 5 - Social Contract and Individual Rights

you develop your own ethical guidelines and the willingness to defend it even if it means going against the majority of the people, you believe that a person is not mean but an end and a very few numbers of people have reached this level.

Stage 6 the Universal Principles

Examples of this are the lifting of eyebrows when stunned, the gnarling of teeth when furious, and sneer when enrage.

The Principle of Functional Habits

states that emotional responses are useful expressive habits based on experience. They are functional.

The Principle of Functional Habits

had Four Principles in terms of Normative Ethics

Thomas Beauchamp and James Childress

it simply means that there is no exemption to the moral standards, if A is morally right for a certain person P, then it is morally right for anybody relevantly similar to P

impartial, fair and just

is meant the purpose for which the act is willed, which may be the act itself (as one of loving God) or some other purpose for which a person acts (as reading to learn).


moral standards are associated with special emotions such as guilt, remorse, and shame and vocabulary such as right, good, wrong, evil, moral, amoral and immoral.

special emotions and vocabulary

The gaping mouth shows wonder or lack of understanding and the shrugging of shoulders indicates passive expressions are examples of this principle.

the Principle of Antagonistic-Thesis

entails that the purpose of these emotional responses is for communication clarity. It is the opposite of serviceable habits.

the Principle of Antagonistic-Thesis

which says that the nervous system needs to discharge excess energy. The amusement is a quasi-convulsive motion that explodes an overflow of nervous energy that was induced by either physical/psychological tension.

the Principle of Involvement of the Enthused Nervous System

three principles to consider in understanding the emotions as a response to an experience

the principle of functional habits, the principle of antagonistic-thesis, and the principle of involvement of the enthused nervous system

These three answer the questions of the badness or the goodness of the human actions.

three such determinants of morality

are values that have the same worth or level of importance across cultures and ethical principles. In principle, these ______ _______ are conducts that every rational person wants to follow

universal values

So, why do we have feelings?

"Human creatures are the most self-conscious animals" which allow them to develop "basic emotional responses" and generate more rational methods to help them survive.

Requirements of morality

1. The reason is the capacity to see the interconnectedness of things and the logic behind the processes involved. With reason, one looks for the causes and effects of actions and provides supports for a hypothesis. 2. Impartiality is the principle of detaching oneself from any form of bias and prejudice in order to come up with an objective criterion that is free from unfair and unequal treatment of one type of person to another.

it is the utilization of moral hypotheses in various open and private issues like medication, business and so on.

Applied Ethics

it is the promotion of doing as much goodness as possible refers to the acts of kindness, compassion and generosity


According to _______ _______, there are three principles to consider in understanding the emotions as a response to an experience.

Charles Darwin

According to him, aside from survival, we also use our feelings to communicate with one another.

Charles Darwin

was one of the people to research into human feelings or emotional responses.

Charles Darwin

it is centers around the outcomes of an activity


It expresses that there is nothing of the sort as general realities in light of the fact that various perspectives and esteeming.

Cultural Relativism

is the disposition that sees a general public's way of life inside the setting of the general public's issues and openings

Cultural Relativism

pushes people to look beyond their own cultures and be less xenocentric and ethnocentric as they can see the similarities and differences of the culture.

Cultural Relativism

like what happened during the time of the crusades when Western cultures destroyed native cultures under the name of religion and politics are considered wrong because it is wrong to see one culture as inferior to another, hence, promoting cultural preservation at the same time

Cultural reformation

is the shared and learned patterns of behaviors, interactions, symbolisms, and values of a group of people that manifest in your religion, food, clothing, language, marriage, social habits, music, arts and customs. It reflects the identity of a particular group of people. There are many cultures in the world and they can be different from each other.


weaknesses of the Filipino Moral Character

extreme personalism, extreme family-centeredness, lack of discipline, passivity and lack of initiative, colonial mentality kanya-kanya syndrome

In order to understand how you can develop virtue as a habit, you need to understand these three topics;

Universal Values, Moral Character, and Moral Development

which is centers around one's character and kindness

Virtue Ethics

three segments of Normative morals

Virtue Ethics Deontology Consequentialism

is meant what the free will chooses to do--in thought, word, or deed-or chooses not to do.

act itself

three such determinants of morality

act itself intention circumstances

ethos means

character or moral nature

greatly affected by his or her personal principles and experiences by the belief and value system of his or her surroundings.

character or moral nature of a person

are meant all the elements that surround a human action and affect its morality without belonging to its essence.


in moral standards it deals with matters that can seriously injure or benefit the welfare of beings such as in war, child abuse, rape, fraud, murder, and theft while in Non-moral standards it talks about what is wrong but their concerns do not necessarily affect one's life or wellbeing

concern with the welfare of beings

characteristics of Moral Standards

concern with the welfare of beings, reliance on reasoning and not on authority, overriding or hegemonic, impartial, fair and just, special emotions and vocabulary.

choosing between two difficult choices


Ethics came from the Latin word


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