ETHN 212 EXAM 3.

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Even in the United States—an urbanized society with relatively few marriage restrictions—people tend to marry within their __________.

class and geographic area

A number of researchers predict that the world will eventually __________.

come to be politically integrated

In societies like the United States, membership in voluntary associations, such as a political party, charity, or trade union, is usually based on __________.

common, achieved interests

Oaths and ordeals are associated with __________.

complex societies where political leaders lack the power to enforce judicial decisions

In societies that recognize bilateral kinship, members of the household use the same kinship terms for both __________ and __________ kin.

consanguineal; affinal

Cross-cultural evidence shows that frequent warfare is __________.

correlated with many other types of aggression

In the United States, what factor was considered to make a political candidate look more competent, after controlling for age and attractiveness?

A bigger chin

What is the key distinction between tribes and chiefdoms?

A chiefdom has some formal structure that integrates communities into a political unit

What was the most common motivation for adoption among Samoans during Melvin Ember's fieldwork?

A child's natural family needed help to feed and care for him/her.

Which of the following is a common characteristic of associations?

A common purpose among members

How does the degree of political participation relate to warfare?

Democratically governed nations rarely go to war with one another.

Which of the following situations is an example of a community action against a transgressor?

expulsion for failing to heed a taboo

What is the prevailing family type in over half of all societies known to anthropologists?

extended family

What example from the Japanese in the 1950s and 1960s could be employed to relieve some of the financial pressure on Social Security in the United States?

extended family living

In general, the incest taboo in unilineal societies is __________.

extended to all presumed unilineal relatives

In a matrilineal descent group, __________.

females rarely exercise authority in their kin groups

In states with more collective action, rulers __________.

finance public works projects

Which of the following voluntary associations has members with both achieved and ascribed qualities?


Which relatively recent development could be viewed as a form of association or interest group?


What is a common element in ceremonies marking the onset of marriage?


How many separate political units exist in the world today?

Fewer than 200

In contrast to band societies, groups with tribal organizations tend to be __________.

Food Producers

Which type of society is particularly likely to make use of avoidance as a conflict resolution technique?


Degree of political participation seems to be __________.

high in small-scale societies and in modern nation-states, but low in between

Which of the following is an example of an exogamous marriage tradition?

marrying outside of a particular kin group

Although avunculocal residence is rare, nearly all avunculocal societies are __________.


What function do the nonvoluntary women's associations of the Ijaw serve?

mediators in disputes

Level of political integration refers to the __________.

largest territorial group on whose behalf political activities are organized

Patrilineal societies, but not matrilineal societies, tend to be __________.

locally exogamous

Which of these features is characteristic of a band?

low population density

Among foraging societies, what factor favors a bilocal residence pattern?

low rainfall

Marital residence largely predicts the __________.

types of kin groups found in a society

In what situation did Azande warriors traditionally take on "boy-wives"?

when they could not afford wives

A long postpartum sex taboo is most likely to occur in societies __________.

where people depend on crops that are low in protein

Warfare in preindustrial societies is most likely to be found __________.

where people fear unpredictable natural disasters that will destroy their food supply

What factor predicts male-female bonding among birds and mammals?

whether or not a female can simultaneously provide for herself and her babies

Societies that practice dowry tend to be those in which __________.

women contribute little to primary subsistence

In the modern world, __________.

every society has been incorporated into some larger, centralized political system

How many societies in the ethnographic record were only informally organized at the time they were first described by anthropologists?


Why is an ambilineal society not divided into separate kin groups, as in unilineal systems?

A person belongs to more than one group and cannot live in several places at once.

Which of the following statements is true of state organization?

A state may include more than one society, and a society may contain more than one state.

Upon receiving a master's degree, it could be said that a student had gained a(n) __________ quality.


Bride price occurs all over the world but is particularly common in __________.


The Karimojong of northeast Uganda use what type of system as the basis of their political organization?

Age-set association

What hypothesis has S. N. Eisenstadt developed to explain the creation of age-set associations?

Age-set systems arise when kinship groups fail to carry out important political or economic functions.

What modern factor is making it less common for people to seek help from their kindred?

Aid from the State

1. Why do anthropologists hold that families are universal?

All societies have parent-child groups.

What do anthropologists mean when they speak of the universality of law?

All societies have some means of social control, whether formal or informal.

What is the primary contrast between avunculocal and matrilocal societies?

Avunculocal societies fight internally, while matrilocal societies fight externally.

Which of the following is the most common economic marriage transaction cross-culturally?

Bride Price

In a bilateral system, your __________ shares your exact kin group.


Which type of society is most likely to incorporate nonvoluntary associations?


In what type of society would you most often find ritual apology ceremonies?


Among which group did anthropologist James Watson study a modern use of kinship relationships?

Chinese migrants

Societies with higher levels of political integration are also likely to exhibit __________.

Class distinction

__________ suggest that when the state relies more heavily on resources from taxpayers, the rulers must give the public more in return or else face noncompliance and rebellion.

Collection action theorists

Some anthropologists suggest that __________, rather than increasing production and population size, is the driving factor behind political integration.

Competition between groups

Societies that practice bride exchange tend to __________.

Depend on a relatively high contribution of women to primary subsistence

The Kafaina groups of Papua New Guinea are considered to be multiethnic associations as well as savings-and-loan associations because they link thousands of women from __________.

Different tribal areas

Societies with __________ descent have two rules of descent, each traced through links of one sex only, operating at the same time.


Societies with tribal political organization are similar to band societies in their tendency to be __________.


Caste societies typically have __________ marriages


Which of the following is a common feature of a voluntary military association?

Experience in war

Which family structure would likely predispose a person to a high degree of political participation?

Extended family

Which system of kinship terminology is the least complex?


Among the Chuukese, who have a matrilineal system, a mother may receive aid from whom when disciplining her adolescent child?

Her Brother

Most recent foragers had band organizations. What does this fact tell us about the political organization of our ancestors?

It does not tell us much, because modern foragers live in marginal environments and, therefore, may not represent the ancestral pattern.

Why is matrilocal residence not quite a mirror image of patrilocal residence?

In matrilocal societies, the husband's kin often are not far away

Which of the following statements is true of the relationship between family and household?

In simpler societies, the family and household are indistinguishable, but in more complex societies they may diverge.

A single mother and her son, living together, would be an example of a(n) __________ family.


What feature of unilineal descent groups enables them to act as separate and distinct units?

Individual membership in a group is very clear.

How does the Samoan ambilineal system differ from unilineal systems?

Individuals may belong to a number of ambilineal groups.

In rank societies and some state societies such as monarchies, rulers gain their authority through __________.


Which of these specific features allows for the emergence of cities in state-level organizations?

Intensive agriculture

American society has an abundance of __________ that display the general characteristics of an association.

Interest groups

Which kinship terminology system is used by most North Americans?


How common is the neolocal residence pattern practiced by most North Americans?

It is very rare, being seen in only about 5 percent of known societies.

What effect do NGOs operating in different countries have on those countries' relationships?

It makes war between the two countries less likely.

What function does the age-set system of the Shavante serve for young women?

It provides participation with males at certain ceremonies.

In what modern nation might you still find the practice of dowry?


Which functions are performed by the members of the senior generation-set among the Karimojong?


Because of its ego-centered nature, which of the following is least likely to serve as a permanent or persistent group?


Among the Tiv of Northern Nigeria, political organization is based on __________.


What forms the basis of organization and administration of most noncommercial societies?


In many Western countries there has been a dramatic increase recently in the percentage of one-parent families. What factor is correlated with an increase in single-parent households?

Male Unemployment

Which is true of the descendants of people who started Chinatowns?

Many go to college and move away for a good job.

How has the tradition of arranged marriage changed in recent years?

Marriages are still arranged by families, but couples have more say in the pairing.

What sort of residence pattern is usually seen in societies whose warfare is purely external?


In the United States, what proportion of women under the age of 45 report living together while unmarried?

More than half

Which type of association has most often been involved with independence movements throughout the world?


What was the primary function of the regional associations for Filipino migrants to Hawaii during the plantation period?

Mutual aid societies

In which society did people not marry, but rather lived their whole lives in a residential group made up of maternal kin?


Which of the following societies is most likely to practice bride service?

Native American foragers

Associations are different types of groups based on __________.

Neither kinship not territory

The Nupe king of what is now __________ had ultimate authority over his people by __________ them.

Nigeria; taxing

Entry into an age-set system is generally __________.


Which of these societies is an exception to the pattern that foraging societies are organized at the band level?

Northwest Pacific Native Americans

Which of the following nations has a particularly complex organizational life, with most individuals expected to be active in at least a couple of associations?


Children in all societies are required to marry outside of their __________.

Nuclear family

In which system of kinship terminology are the terms for father and father's brother the same, mother and mother's sister the same, as well as mother and mother's brother's daughter?


Which is by far the most common marital residence pattern (found in 67 percent of all societies) documented by anthropologists?


Of the following forms of marriage, the rarest is __________.


The Chinatowns in many large cities in the United States and Canada are an example of __________, which function to bring together migrants from a common geographical background and help them adapt to new conditions.

Regional associations

Who represents an ambilineal society?


Which of the following is a universally ascribed quality?


In societies that practice matrilineal descent, a man belongs to the same descent group as his __________.

Sister's son

Some polygynous societies try to reduce competition by practicing sororal polygyny, which is when the co-wives are __________.


In which societies are ceremonial expressions of aggression a common part of the marriage ritual?

Societies where the two sets of kin are actual or potential rivals

The Mekranoti have a generally egalitarian society. Despite this, __________ are more likely to become leaders.

Sons of leaders

What explanation has been put forth to explain the legitimacy of power in a state organization?

States must provide people with real or rational advantages.

In what way does an urban street gang differ from an age-set association?

Street gang members do not "graduate" through stages together.

Which of the following is an example of a multistate society that has maintained its unity despite cultural or ethnic variation?


The prominence of women in the politics of Vanatinai is most likely linked to __________.

The absence of war

In which group were incestuous marriages permitted?

The ancient Egyptian royal families

What happened to the rotating credit association, described by Nici Nelson, that was started up by women living in a Nairobi slum?

The members became wealthy enough to open their own bank accounts.

What is the primary weakness of both the gender division-of-labor and prolonged-infant-dependency models for the benefits of marriage?

There are many ways other than marriage for groups of men and women to work together.

How do men's associations differ from age-sets in noncommercial societies?

There are more stages in age-sets than in men's associations.

What keeps members contributing to a rotating credit association?

There is strong social pressure to keep paying regularly.

How do voluntary girls' clubs affect elementary and junior high school girls' attitudes toward or performance in science?

They are more likely to express an interest in scientific careers.

Why is the Tallensi religion considered by anthropologists to be a religion of one's specific descent group?

They believe that one's ancestors are the only force that can plague or protect them.

Why are NGOs sometimes more powerful than government organizations?

They can raise money privately.

How are members of a lineage connected?

They can trace descent from a common ancestor through known links.

While they say they would prefer a "love marriage," why do many South Asian immigrants in the United States and the United Kingdom ultimately have an arranged marriage?

They prefer to meet and marry someone of their own religious or ethnic background.

What does it mean to say that Nigerian tribal associations are extraterritorial?

They recruit members who have left their tribal areas.

What factor has been discovered by Elman Service to explain bilocal residence?

a drastic loss of population because of infectious disease

Why does sexual competition appear to be higher among humans than other primates?

Unlike most other primates, human females are sexually receptive throughout the year.

What is the primary exception to the rule that, in American society, membership in an association is voluntary?

Voluntary draft/conscription

Why do West African occupational clubs also fall under the category of ethnic associations?

West African trade unions are organized along tribal as well as craft lines.

Which theory suggests that the incest taboo was created to ensure that individuals would marry members of other families, thereby creating ties that held communities together?

White and Lévi-Strauss's cooperation theory

Which of the following is an example of a nongovernmental organization?

World Bank

Why are rotating credit associations common in societies with a traditional sharing system?

You are obliged to help when others ask for money, so it's easier to save if you have an obligation to save for your contribution.

Why are young people's attitudes toward marriage now changing among the Na of China?

Young people face social pressure in schools.

Many anthropologists suggest that neolocal residence is related to the presence of __________.

a commercial economy

In which of the following societies would polygyny be least likely to occur?

a society with a balanced sex ratio

In relatively non-stratified societies, associations tend to be based on __________.

age or sex

The term senior citizen would designate what type of group?


Which of the following shows the different descent groups from least to most common?

ambilineal, bilateral, unilateral

The term "totem" refers to __________.

an animal or plant name used to refer to a kin group

Friendly societies differ from tribal unions in that their objectives __________.

are confined for the most part to mutual aid

Into what principal types of political organization did Elman Service suggest most societies could be classified?

bands, tribes, chiefdoms, states

In a unilineal descent system, an individual __________.

belongs to only one line of descent

Which associations are likely to have dramatic initiation ceremonies?

both age-set and unisex associations

As societies grow in size and complexity, the trend is for more __________ organizations to be replaced by more __________ organizations.

broadly based; narrowly based

What factor aided the state-level U.S. society in the defeat and incorporation of Native American societies?

depopulation of native groups

Most societies __________.

disapprove of marriages between first cousins

Cross-cultural research indicates that women's associations __________.

do not appear to increase women's status and access to positions of authority

The North American tradition of giving a child the father's last name __________.

does not denote membership in a particular lineage

The U.S. custom of the bride's family paying for the wedding is most similar to which type of marital exchange?


The Alaskan Federation of Natives was formed as a response to __________.

economic development that threatened native peoples' subsistence resources

Which of the following factors are most responsible for the return of extended-family households among American communities?

economic hardship coupled with a rising divorce rate

The different types of political organization are often strongly linked to variation in __________.

food-getting, economy, and social stratification

The custom of allowing a man to marry more than one woman is __________.

found in most of the societies known to anthropology

The presence of patrilocal residence pattern can often be predicted in societies that __________.

frequently fight with neighboring groups, so the sons are needed close to home for defense

Membership in the Poro and Sande associations __________.

includes scarification for both male and female members

Which of these subsistence patterns would you expect to find in a chiefdom?

intensive agriculture

Large-scale warfare is usually practiced by societies with __________.

intensive agriculture or industrialization

Matrilineal descent affiliates individuals with __________.

kin of both sexes related to them through women

Couples raised together as children following the Chinese tradition of "daughter-in-law raised from childhood" are __________.

more likely to get divorced

The more stratified and complex a society is, the __________.

more voluntary associations it is likely to have

Same-sex marriages are __________.

not typical in any known society

Which of these is an example of a codified law?

paying according to your tax bracket

Which of the following characterizes the Kapauku Papuans?


While there are many different possible combinations of unilineal descent groups, which two types of groups must go together?

phratries and clans

Which of the following explanations for the universality of marriage has the most support from the ethnographic record and comparative animal studies?

postpartum requirements

What is one way in which descent group members support each other economically?

providing food for feasts or ceremonies

Unilineal descent groups, such as clans and moieties, appear to perform which important social function?

regulate who is and who is not a suitable marriage partner

In what type of societies are extended-family households found most frequently?

sedentary agricultural economies

Among the Chukchee, the custom of levirate is __________.

seen as more of an obligation than a right

Complementary opposition is typical of which kind of group?

segmentary lineages

What two major factors do all forms of marriage consider?

sexual and economic

When did most Chinatowns in the United States and Canada develop?

since the mid 19th century

The childhood-familiarity theory also implies that first-cousin marriages should be prohibited in __________.

societies in which cousins grow up together in the same community

In societies with unilineal descent, __________.

some very close biological relatives are excluded from one's kin group

Whether the couple lives with the husband's or wife's kin can have important consequences for the __________.

status of the husband or wife

Secret associations like the Poro and Sande typically __________.

strengthen the hand of existing political authority

The segmentary lineage system proved to be a great military advantage in the conflict between which two culturally similar groups?

the Nuer and the Dinka

Some scholars suggest that the development of street gangs in Mexican-American neighborhoods is a response to __________.

the absence of male models in the household

What particular characteristic of the Mae Enga of Papua New Guinea has gathered a lot of anthropological attention?

the active hostility toward women that runs through their culture

To whom are the goods first transferred in an indirect dowry?

the bride's father

Male-female hostility in the Mae Enga seems to reflect __________.

the broader interclan hostility

The fact that people who are brought up together on the same kibbutz are uninterested in each other as marriage partners, even when the marriages are favored by their parents, supports which theory of the incest taboo?

the childhood-familiarity theory

Which condition predicts a discouragement of romantic love as a basis for marriage?

the husband and wife live in an extended-family household

One study compared the health of children born of familial incest with children of the same mother born of nonincestuous unions and found that __________.

the incestuous group had much higher rates of genetic abnormalities than the nonincestuous group

Cross-cultural research shows that the likelihood of state-level organization is closely associated with __________.

the intensity of agriculture

Lineages are usually designated by __________.

the name of the common ancestor

On what area has anthropological theory and research on political organization focused?

the origins of the first state societies

What distinguishes tribal from band political organization?

the presence of some multilocal, but not usually societywide, integration

In addition to government and politics, political life includes __________.

the resolution of disputes

Which of the following rights may be afforded to the headman or the elders of a clan?

to assign land for use by a clan member

Children of a Nandi female-female marriage will name __________ as their father.

the woman who has the role of husband

In which type of societies are adolescents most likely to be rebellious?

those with neolocal residence and considerable geographic mobility

Depopulation is likely to change a(n) __________ system into a(n) __________ one.

unilineal; ambilineal

A phratry is a __________ descent group composed of supposedly related __________.

unilineal; clans

Where would you be most likely to encounter a wealth of ethnic associations?

urban centers of West Africa

The kin terms of a society are __________.

very resistant to change

When no regular, effective means of resolving a conflict are available, __________.

violence is commonly used to settle a dispute

One of the most important political functions of unilineal descent groups is their role in __________.


In the United States, leaders are generally __________.

wealthier than other citizens

A Karimojong age-set comprises all of the men who __________.

were initiated into manhood within the same five- to six-year span

Many societies around the world, including the Chippewa, regard cross-cousins as suitable marriage partners. In these cultures, whom would you be allowed to marry?

your father's sister's child

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