Eugenics, IAH 207 Midterm

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What was rediscovered during this time? What happened as a result?

- Gregor Mendel's law of heredity - Two camps of eugenics, one directed by statisticians and the other by biologists

What was the ultimate goal of eugenics?

- To terminate these familial lines through segregation (institutionalization) and sterilization - Many states got on board with this concept and by 1912 laws had been passed in 34 states that prevented the insane the right to marry

Who is Marie Kopp? According to Kühl, why is she significant?

-Studied German race policy and did alot to propagate advantages of Nazi race politics within eugenics movement -Influenced debate about eugenic measures by publishing speechs & articles in major eugenic, medical, sociological, and criminological journals

What role does the idea of degeneracy play in eugenics?

-based on the premise that certain (lower) social classes and races were predisposed to various neurological and mental illnesses due to bad heredity, resulting in social degradation

eugenicist fear and want to stop racial "intermixing?

-could cause great societal harm

What did Plato's concept revolve around?

A "fixed lottery"

(Kant) Natural Division

Based upon identifying distinct lines of descent that divide according to reproductive relations. Allows us to bring different kinds of things under different kinds of laws. Wants natural division. What reproduces with what, not what it looks like.


Being Practical

The arrival of what seemed to changing force promoting a love for all God's creatures and a mandate for compassion?



Exchanging gifts for benefits; golden rule

(Darwin) Gradation of Differences Test

Fertility tests make no sense. Different species can have babies together - Variations too radical, can't draw a line based on physical differences. - Physical/visual conceptions of race- technically Gobinaeu is this. PHYSICAL VISUAL CONCEPTION OF RACE DOES NOT WORK BECAUSE OF THE GRADATION PROBLEM.

(Passing) Role of denial

Generally: our own self, delusion that race is something that we can see is what makes passing possible Specifically: Irene deceives herself.

(Kant) Resemblances

Hereditary marks of descent when they agree with the origin.

(Darwin) Side-by-side Sterility Test

Inconclusive The degree of sterility do not coincide strictly with the degrees of difference in external structure or habits of life" (59)

(Passing) Characters

Irene Redfield, Bryan Redfield, Junior, Ted, Clare Kendry, John Bellew, Margery Bellew, Felise Freeland, Gertrude Martin, Zulena, Hugh Wentworth

(Locke) Principle of cultural relativity

One should respect a given culture's own organic interpretation (intrinsic values) as a vital mode of living which should be combined if possible with a historical account of its development and derivation (98). Once you understand that you need to respect those values and how they see themselves and judge them based on their way of life, not yours.

(Kant) Why does race not equal species?

Over time, deviations and degenerates come along. They can make babies together. Race happens because of constantly preserved deviations which come about because of migration or interbreeding.

(Voltaire) Kind of difference Voltaire relies on for his racial categories

Physical differences

(Kant) Natural Predispositions

Responsive to the environment. Both naturally there and determined by the environment.

Who was the half-cousin of Charles Darwin?

Sir Francis Galton

(Alcoff) The challenge to what we think we learn from race

- About your behavior in respect to these people. How do we treat people according to their race - A body that is racialist then is over determined through racial classifications and their associated attributions (stereotypes/assumptions)

What book did Galton read? What did it present?

- Origin of the Species - Presented a myriad of beliefs regarding the disadvantages entailed by societies that sought to protect their weak members

Which ancient societies wanted to subscribe certain ideas? What ideas were these?

- Rome, Athens, Sparta - Subscribed to the idea of eliminating infants that were deemed too compromised to function in society - Methods: by exposure to the elements or drowning - Decisions were seen as pragmatic

Reform eugenicists

-Roswell H. Johnson and Ellsworth Huntington -argued that biological difference between groups were negligible compared to much more significant biological difference existing between individuals -

difference between "eugenic science" and "eugenic ideology"

-relationship to science -pseudoscience (collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method) in order to support strongly biased political position -

(Gobineau) Two implications of Tribes to Nation thesis

1. Conquered are offered new and better opportunities. "Share in a new and better destiny" (49) 2. Conquerors open themselves up for mixing with a weak people. "A sovereign people, with the usual strong propensities of such a people to cross its blood with another's, finds itself henceforth in close contact with a race whose inferiority is shown, not only by defeat, but also by the lack of attributes that may be seen in the conquerors." (49)

(Gobineau) Three levels of racial blood values (i.e. 3 stages of social organization)

1. Embryo Societies: Live independently (don't form alliances). Never occurs to this group to unite one's collective forces either by war or peace. Live as groups of humans. Primitive. 2. Brigand Societies (Tribal): More of these than nations. Realize a need to bring neighbors under their influence (through war or peace.) War is easier because it creates slaves, masters, class structure, structure for industry. Live as a little people. Established & semi-developed people. 3. Nations (Not a slave society, get a whole bunch of people of different identities to identify with one nation. No whips, chains, direct rule requires. Mental bondage. America as an example. People identify more with the nation than with their own needs.) More imaginative, assumes the rights of ownership over inhabitants and land of a great area. More abstract rule. Live as a great people. Requires refined blood. Developed people.

(Dawn) Lilith's fears

1. First is fearful of the Oankali 2. Then is fearful of not being able to survive herself 3. Then is fearful of the human race not continuing

Negative Eugenics

Aimed at discouraging those with poor traits from having offspring by paying them to undergo voluntary sterilization

Who was Charles Davenport?

An American who helped establish the Biological Experiment Station at Cold Spring Harbor in 1904

Colonizing Instinct (Darwin vs Gobineau)

Darwin thinks everybody has colonizing instinct (human nature). Gobineau thinks good people have colonizing instinct (value)

Positive Eugenics

Encouraged those with the best traits to reproduce more through a system of rewards or bonuses

List the surprising names of famous Americans in history who had connections with the American eugenics movement

Margaret Sanger, H. G. Wells, Theodore Roosevelt, John Harvey Kellogg, Alexander Graham Bell, John Maybard Keynes,Charles B. Davenport,Charles W. Elliot,David Starr Jordan,Harry H. Laughlin

(Alcoff) The Suture example

Movie about one black brother and one white brother. Black brother gets hurt. Everyone thinks it is the white brother who is hurt. She is trying to show what race on identity and recognition model may look like. Everybody sees him as white and he thinks of himself as white so he becomes white.

How was the concerned fueled?

Much of the concern was fueled by an awareness that women described as "feeble" minded" were giving birth to children that also were seen as having the same intellectual defects

(Dawn) Differences between Oankali and Humanity

Oankali: no eyes, ears or noses. Sensory tentacles on their entire bodies with which they can perceive the world much better than a human can. Three sexes (male, female, ooloi). Can perceive biochemistry down to a genetic level. Can manipulate genetic material. Can mutate and evolve any living thing they touch and build offspring gene by gene using genetic material from their male and female mates. Ooloi are visually repulsive, but sexually arousing and alluring.

(Gobineau) Extinction Thesis

Once blood is mixed and you can't figure out who had the colonizing blood, then you have lost purity of the blood and the race is extinct.

(Locke) Principle of Organic Interpretation

One should analyze and describe a culture in terms of its own culture elements. Look at them according to how they see themselves

What are the two camps of thinking?

Positive Eugenics and Negative Eugenics

Aryan Race

Pure race, no ethnic crossing

Theory 5

Race is a category that establishes the potential and value of a group of humans/people by indicating the propensity for social organization or civilization contained in the group or people's blood (Gobineau)

Theory 2

Race is a thinly veiled attempt at justifying personal gain (Voltaire)

Theory 8

Race is the attempt to define human beings by visible differences or through scientific methods and to distinguish them physically, psychologically, intellectually, socially, or culturally. (Kuhl)

(Kant) Comparative Difference

Something is always different in reference to the origin stock.

(Kant) Comparative Similarity

Something is always the same in reference to the origin stock

(Galton) Target of Eugenics (i.e. population control)

The aim of eugenics is to represent each class of sect by its best species; that done, to leave to work out their common civilization in their own way. The practice of Eugenics should raise the average quality of the nation to that of its better moiety at the present day and consider the gain. (Control who has babies by suppressing undesirable people, control the elements generating adaptability in society). Bring as many influences as can be reasonably employed to cause the useful classes in the community to contribute more than their proportion to the next generation. Get it into the national imaginary so it will become a reality.

(Kant) Seeds

The causes lying in the nature of an organic body that account for a specific development (deviation). Can be activated and suppressed by environment. Add something to the reproductive power of the body. Diet can impact seeds. Distinctions can disappear within one generation. Can be comparable to early conceptions of human genetics.

What did eugenics reject?

The idea that humans are a product of their environment (nurture) and totally dependent on hereditary traits (nature)

(Darwin) Mutual Sterility Test

The mutual fertility of all races has not been fully proven but even if it was proven it would not be proof of their specific identity. So throw out everything Kant thought was valuable. Any fertility test is inconclusive or irrelevant

(Darwin) Racial Extinction Thesis

The partial and complete extinction of many races and subraces of man are historically known events. happened before, will happen again. (top of page 71) adaptation, if you can't change your ways or habits to adapt to the environment quickly enough, then you die.

(Galton) Eugenics

The science which deals with all influences that improve the inborn qualities of a race; also with those that develop them to the utmost advantage.

(Kant) Area of study proposed

The study of natural history to establish the seed and investigate the existence of the seed.

(Passing) Idea of a racial instinct or sense of race

The way that the characters in passing were talking about race is not like they were basing it on their skin tone. They were basing it on a shared value set.

What did supporters who supported eugenics think?

They saw these individuals as the source of crime, violence, and poverty, and their elimination would thus result in a better society for the majority

(Kant) Objective Reality of Race

Wants to establish the objective reality of race through the seed theory. If Kant's seed theory is true, then race is objectively real since it is a reality beyond mere opinion or belief. It would identify the origin of race in nature or int he world in a way that is necessary to identify the actual existence of race beyond mere opinion.

(Kant) Degeneration

When the deviation can no longer produce the original formation of the line. Can go far enough to where we can look so different that we create artificial differences, but not natural differences.

(Montagu) Process of race-making (Omelet Analogy)

You do not see the individual traits anymore, you just see one single race even if the traits do not match within the race.

(Dawn) Lilith's work

enlightening the other humans about what is going on basically being the mother to the rebirth of the human race

(Kuhl) Reform Eugenicists

"...Advocated selection on an individual rather than an ethnic basis (6:5a) "Biological differences between groups were negligible compared to the much more significant biological differences existing between individuals" (6;6a)

(Kuhl) Mainline Eugenicists

"...Favored the elimination of degenrate elements within the white race and argued for preventing miscegenation between races" (6:5a) Mainline eugenicists explained the inequality between races as the result of superior adaption by some groups in the struggle for existence (6:5b) - Darwin talked about superior adaptation In other words whites were viewed as more advanced than others in the evolutionary process They feared that Nazi anti-Semitism would dominate the perception of eugenics in the US and would overshadow the more acceptable measure such as sterilization marriage restrictions for handicap people and special support for the procreation of worthy couples (6:5b)

(Montagu) Race as a concept of convenience

"At the very outset the term race was understood to be purely arbitrary and a simple convenience." (102) Evidence: 1. Blumenbach warned that race is just supposed to be used as convenience to help with memory and foresaw the danger of it being taken too far (101). 2. Buffon also recognized that race was a mere convenience to distinguish between certain demographic groups of men since men are the same species.

Who did Plato's concept predetermine?

"Good candidates" who would magically be given high numbers and would be matched with like candidates who were also assigned high numbers

Eugenics (definition)

"Human selective reproduction with an intent to create children with desirable traits"

(Galton) Rejection of a golden age of eugenic science

"Over zeal leading to hasty action would do harm by holding out expectations of a near golden age which will certainly be falsified and cause the science to be discredited." (83) A desire to create a near golden age will falsify the science because the pursuit is unrealistic, impossible, doomed to be riddled by unbridled prejudice?

(Darwin) External Parasite Test

"Races of man being infested by parasites which appear to be specifically distinct, might fairly be urged as an argument that the races themselves ought to be classified as distinct species" (58)

(Montagu) Overall argument

"The concept of race is nothing but a whited sepulcher, a concept which in the light of modern experimental genetics is utterly erroneous and meaningless, and that it should therefore be dropped from the vocabulary of the anthropologist, for it has done an infinite amount of harm and no good at all." (101) Basically, race is actually meaningless and causes more harm than good since we try to make it have meaning and we should get rid of it.

(Kant) Natural Genus

(Natural Division) Species connected

When was forced sterilization made illegal in the US? Result?

- 1970s - 60,000 Americans had been sterilized without their consent

Origin of the Species

-1859 by Darwin - Theory of natural selection - Concept of the theory: struggle of existent

Theory 4

A race is a group characterized by a shared national culture, language and geographical location that sometimes affects the group but does not destroy its ancestral origin (Herder)

Theory 3

A race is a group that can perpetuate itself and produce half-breed children when intermarrying with other groups that can also perpetuate themselves. (Kant)

Theory 7

A race is a group with inborn qualities that can either improve or degenerate (Galton)

Theory 6

A race is a subspecies that designates forms within a species that possess many differences that would potentially create a species designation, but which differences actually fall short of drawing such as a distinction (Darwin)

Mainline eugenicists

-believed in white superiority, but argued white race also needed further improvement -explain inequality between race as result of -superior adaption by some groups in struggle for existence -agreed with eugenic racism and principle with ethnic -anti-Semitic & sought to redirect public attention to exemplary eugenic measures and tried to minimize anti-Semitic of Nazi Germany -Harry H Laughlin and Leon F Whitney

What are some of the problems with combining politics and biology? Is it possible to develop a theory of race that does not attempt to combine politics with biology? Why or why not? What is Kühl's position here?

-did not regard politics aspect of their work as problematic because viewed application of eugenics as stemming logically and directly from a science basis -No almost all scientific and political aspects of eugenic are interrelated -it's essential to retain appreciation for different between various branches. distinguish analytically between mainline, racial anthro, and reform eug -kuhl created socialist eugenist which had weak/slight connections to the organized eugenic movement in US

Difference American and German eugenics movements around sterilization policies

-first motive was to further study and understand how traits were passed down from generation to generation. -it was important to scientists to further understand how the traits that weren't thought of as perfection could be passed down. With the understanding of these traits as either desirable or undesirable, a social hierarchy was formed to create the idea that some individuals are more valuable than others. - to have some basis to explain why some social problems exist. -This sounds pretty similar to the German Nazi party associating Jewish individuals as "aliens" in their society that, in the Nazis opinion, caused issues. -The ending goal was also extremely similar in that the U.S. wanted to have the "Nordic race, targeting the genetic impurities within it." -This sounds identical to the idea of Germany creating the Master race[2]. Each group of people believed in the "racial and cultural superiority of Caucasians."[3]

(Voltaire) Racial Categories

1. Black Race: Inherently black, cannot be lost. Their skin is not due to the climate since they can still be transported to cold climates and keep black skin. 2. Albino Race: if there is a black race, there has to be an albino race. 1 in every 3,000 Africans is albino. If blackness is determined by inherent blackness but two inherently black people create a white baby, this must be a different race. Albinism is inherited but not in the same way as race, but that's what he thought. Faulty conception of race 3. American Race

(Dawn) Events/Plot

1. Book opens at the onset of World War III and thermonuclear was across the planet. Earth is uninhabitable. 2. Lillith awakens at some point in the future in a barren white room composed of foreign materials. Investigates her holding cell, no entrance or exit. She eats an edible substance provided for her in a bowl on the floor. This continues for 200 years unbeknownst to her. She is slowly being acclimated and cured to face what and who lied ahead. 3. At the end of her acclimation period, Lilith is awoken by one of her rescuers, healers, jailers- an Oankali. She is repulsed by his appearance. He wakes her to help her understand what has happened and what will happen. 4. Slowly Lilith acclimates to the sight of her Oankali keeper. He informs her that she is one of few survivors who have been rescued from Earth and healed upon their ship where she has been for over 200 years. He then tells her that the Earth is being reborn and their plan is to repopulate the Earth with those who they deem appropriate. She is the first to be awakened and she will be trained and educated in order to prepare the other humans for their repopulation. 5. Lilith is trained over time, genetically manipulated (speed & strength to handle the conscious humans). A small number of other humans are awakened and told the truth. Not all believe. Some rebel.

(Locke) Three positions on the connection between race and culture

1. OLD VIEW- Inherent connection between race and culture...but what kind of connection? Think Gobineau's colonizing culture= race determines culture. People only develop a culture because of race. 2. RACIAL LIMITIVIST, LOWIE- Because we can't draw this connection between race and biology, lets just get rid of race. Culture and race aren't connected at all 3. LOCKE- Race & culture are connected but culture defines your idea of race. Culture causes race.

(Montagu) Motivation for his racial eliminativism (i.e. why does Montagu think that the concept of race should be eliminated? What is his overall argument?)

1. Race started as something that was convenient in the 18th Century. 2. By the 19th Century people started to treat human races the same as they did species of animals. They thought in the same way animal species were fixed, so were races of humans (outside of Darwin's natural selection) 3. Anthropologists have taken 18th century convenience and added terminology and methodology about it that really hasn't been proven. They deceived themselves to believing that race was an objective reality; forgot the original point of race. 4. The omelet concept of race. You do not see the individual traits anymore, you just see one single race even if the traits do not match within the race. It is meaningless.

(Kant) Race

A deviation. Different races are deviations of the origin human genus.

Who is T. U. H. Ellinger? Why, according to Kühl, is he significant?

American geneticist who believed treatment of Jews in Germany had nothing to do with religion -had purpose of eliminating from the nation the hereditary of Semitic(Hebrews/Arabs) race -Ellinger supported gas chambers

(Herder) Method

Complex phenomenon can only be understood by understanding the entire system and the way each part reciprocally interacts with one another (Anti-Reductionism/Holistic)

(Kant) Description of Nature

Condition of nature at the present time which does not suffice to explain the diversity of human deviations

(Darwin) Overall Similarities Test

Darwin's favorite test. "The stone arrow-heads, brought from the most distant parts of the world and manufactured at the most remote periods...are almost identical; and this fact can only be accounted for by the various races having similar inventive or mental power" (66) We are more similar than not.

(Kant) Deviations

Divergences from one another (in the same species/natural genus/line of descent) when they are inheritable. If a deviation can no longer produce fertile offspring, you are no longer a part of the species.

What was the attempt in Plato's concept?

Early attempt to mathematically calculate the possibilities of genetic inheritance

(Herder) Two common conditions of human beings

Humans are interconnected to all elements of nature/not independent substances Humans are always transforming/Continuing metamorphosis/Instability

(Voltaire) Theory of albinism as a race

If there is a black race, there has to be an albino race. If blackness is determined by inherent blackness, but two inherently black people can create a white baby, this must be a different race for them. Albinism is inherited but not in the same way he was thinking race was inherited.

(Kant) Seed Theory

If you need something due to the environment then your body will respond and give you what you need

(Darwin) Cross-Breeding Sterility Test

Inquiry: Whether races of men, when crossed, were in any degree sterile. (The belief is that half breed children cannot have children) Conclusion: "Again, it has often been said that when mulattoes intermarry they produce few may be partly accounted for by the degraded and anomalous position of the class, and by profligacy of the women. A certain amount of absorption of mulattoes into negroes must always be in progress; and this would lead to an apparent diminution of the former" (58-59) - Mixed children do still have children who are mixed but they are probably considered black. - Denying the Kantian theory, we can cross breed but that is not a proper measure of being the same species. These qualities are affected by changed conditions of life.

(Kant) Objective reality of race

Kant believes in race, but wants to discover a science behind it to prove that its a thing. What does it mean to study race (not enough to say the evidence of your eyes). What type of arguments do you have to make to establish the objective grounds for the idea of race. Wants race to lose origin as cultural consolidation of different groups, not just what people want to believe, but what people must believe- fact, not opinion. Not just a manifestation of an idea. Wants to make it a legitimate object of study. Wants to use seeds to establish objective reality. Ironically he has a pretty circular argument... At this point race is the product of opinion/belief: K: Racial differences in the form of deviations exist D: How do you know K: Because racial differences are caused by the environment, migration and inter-breeding D: Why should I believe in the power of the environment, migration and inter-breeding? K: Because the environment, migration and inter-breeding create racial differences.

(Dawn) Characters

Lilith- begins as a prejudice, belligerent person. She is open minded and sensitive but she begins to understand beings different from her own kind. Oankali assign her to an ooloi who is still a child and she loves him with maternal response that later turns to passion and pleasure. Paul Titus- tries to rape her, aggressive, hits her when she rejects his mating advances. The Oankali- perfect by definition. Explain and reflect their society. Nikanj- Jdhaya's child, an ooloi. Heals illness and genetic defects. Links mates for sexual pleasure and generation. Lilith helps it through its metamorphosis. She becomes its mate. Sharad Jdhaya Tediin

(Kant) Artificial Division

Negative because they are based upon classes and divides things up according to similarities, but help us memorize. Race up to this point was according to artificial divisions.

(Passing) Events

Part 1: Irene gets the letter from Clare and talks about Clare's past their meeting in Chicago in the restaurant and then gain at Clare's house where she learns about Clare's passing Part 2: Irene is back in New York and Clare shows up when her husband goes out of town. Clare goes to a variety of events with the Redfields. Part 3: Irene comes up with the idea of Brian and Clare having an affair. Irene runs into John Belle while out with Felise. Clare goes to the Freeland party and her husband shows up, irate. Irene rushes to Clare. She dies by falling out of the window.

(Montagu) Race as a concept confused with erroneous ideas of fixed species

People for some time used race and species interchangeably and thus applied the idea Fixity of Species to the idea of race. (102) Evidence: 1. Animals can be group and classified based upon how they look. This yielded the idea of Fixity of Species. (102) 2. 18th Century anthropologists: convenience 19th Century anthropologists: utilized Cuvier's idea of grouping people upon the basis of common physical characteristics that don't change (outside of Darwin's Natural Selection) (102) 3. "As far as the anthropological conception of race is concerned, the anthropologist who can afford to pass by the findings of experimental genetics, still thinks of race as the scholastics thought of species, as a knowable fixed whole the essence of which could be defined per genus, species, propria et accidens." (102)

Social Darwinism

People taking the ideas of natural selection and tries to apply them on society; these people were limiting the reproduction of superiors; Spencer and Galton used the term "survival of the fittest" to promote the idea; Davenport comes up with a creed of eugenics, managed to get marriage laws, sterilization laws

(Alcoff) Racism as an equal opportunity interpreter across the five senses

Perceiving: using 5 senses to take in information Seeing: perceiving plus interpretation We think when we see race we are just perceiving but she thinks that when we see race there is already a process of interpreting going on.

(Herder) Area of study proposed

Physical-geographic history of humanity. Historical/cultural view of race rather than something within people that separates them. National culture theory of race.

Who purported to be a supporter of a state controlled system of reproduction?


(Galton) Positive Eugenic Program

Positive Reinforcement Thesis: To encourage the many factors that promote propagation of useful classes (i.e. contribute more).

Theory 10

Race is a meaningless concept that should be eliminated because it is artificial, inaccurate, and perpetuates error (Montagu)

Theory 1

Race is aimed at grouping people by identifiable, inheritable, permanent, physical differences. (Bernier)

(Montagu) Race as a meaningless concept

Race is artificial, we made it up for our own good. Because there is no basis in fact, it only leads to confusion. Not objective

Theory 9

Race is inherited like tradition as preferred traits and values are the media by which, culturally speaking, ethnic remolding can take place (Locke).

Boas' overall argument

Race is not constant. People change so race changes.

(Locke) Rejection of evolutionary theories of race

Rejecting that every culture is heading in the same direction. Instead different cultures are on different paths. Therefore they could not be headed in the same direction

(Darwin) Character of Mixed Offspring Test

Supports races as different species designations. What kind of babies can they/do they have? "I have come to the conclusion that no general rules of this kind can be trusted. Thus with making the offspring of distinct races resemble in all respects the offspring of true species and of varieties. This shown, for instance, by the manner in which the characters of both parents are blended and by one form of absorbing another through repeated crosses." - So Kant's theories (species vs varieties) do not help us.

(Locke) Traits of Locke's concept of race

Takes aim at how race and culture are tied together. He is trying to construct a cultural conception to race without worrying about objective reality. He removed organic and causal connections. Stressed Values- Different cultures will have different things they value and that is how we tell them apart. Races are coming from cultures. People should group themselves together on their own. The groups that they come up with themselves should be their own race

Worst eugenics project during the 19th and 20th century

The Holocaust

(Kant) Method

The way to understand the world is to divide it into parts so as to understand the whole. Cannot be an analysis. Transform the artificial system for the description of nature into a physical system for understanding. Break a system into its fundamental parts of analyzing its parts aids in understanding the system. (Reductionism/Analytic)

(Alcoff) Why can't racial identity be shed easily? (Alcoff's rejection of colorblindness as a solution to racism).

There are systemic issues that divide race. When you cut the lights off everybody is the same color or whatever but when you cut the back on the problems that divide race still lie.

(Alcoff) Why does race need to be seen

We can unlearn to see race. Visual race makes this assumption that we are seeing something that is out there in the world, but really we are making this interpretation. Perceiving: literally using your sense to take in information Seeing: using your sense to take in information plus interpretation. we think when we see race we are just perceiving but she thinks that when we see race there is already a process of interpreting going on (How to treat people based on their race)

Ethnic racism

application of hierarchical standards to taxonomy of human racial groups Based on typological, morphological or anthropological

Eugenic racism

based on genetic understanding of race unity of procreation, preservation, and development

Herbert Spencer

coined the term "survival of the fittest"

(Darwin) Existence of Isolatable Traits in Races Test

ll of the different variations we see are gradual changes, they blend all together so you can't draw lines.

overlap racism

osborn term to describe direction he favored for American Eugenics

(Kuhl) Ethnic Racism

represents classical racism, the application of hierarchical standards to the taxonomy of human racial groups.

(Kuhl) Eugenic Racism

the demarcation of certain elements within a particular race followed by attempts to reduce these elements through discriminatory practices

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