Euro Test 1 (Chapter 2)

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Section 2.10


Section 2.5


Section 2.6


Section 2.7


Section 2.8


Section 2.9


How did the specific and mathematical interests of the northern Renaissance resemble Italian Renaissance ideas?

About 14 universities were created in Germany alone, showing the Renaissance promotion of a good education. Nicholas Copernicus created the theory that the Earth rotates around the Sun, showing secularism among other ideas. Da Vinci created multiple inventions to further humanity, again relating to the Renaissance's idea of pushing your own limits.

What are the most striking features of the population trends shown in the chart on p.52 and how does the illustration on p.54 demonstrate the religious anxieties of the age?

Although the population steeply dropped, it increased very quickly, overtaking its precious numbers quickly. The image on p.54 shows the brutal and depressing angst during this time. People would hurt themselves to show their support and remorse to God. There was true desperation.

What common doctrines and beliefs were shared by all Protestants? What observations may be made about the results of the Protestant Reformation in Europe by 1560?

As a collective, Protestants rejected Papal authority, had no international organization, and rejected the priesthood. They also reduced sacraments, had no nuns or monks, and clergy could marry. By 1560, Protestantism had been established across Europe, and many basic ideals were unified, however, the Roman Church was still fighting against it.

Explain the new attitudes and new conception of life itself that arose in Renaissance Italy. How would you contrast Renaissance attitudes with those of the Middle Ages?

Before the Renaissance, people focused on what they could do to help god and their neighbors, and viewed having wealth/money as dirty and anti-God. In the Renaissance, there was a far more secular attitude. People focused on themselves instead of each other and God. Wealth became a priority for people, as well as fluency in the arts.

How did Calvin differ from Luther in training, background, and personality? How did Calvinism resemble and differ from Lutheranism?

Calvin was a generation younger than Lutheran, and also was fluent in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. He was a firm leader, and very well defined the laws in which he created. Calvinism was far stricter than Lutheranism, and also believed in predestination, saying that God has already chosen who gets salvation and who doesn't.

Describe the changes in Catholicism with respect to new religious attitudes, missionary activities, the role of the Jesuits, and the reforming popes.

Catholicism became a far more dynamic religion after this. They worked hard to regain followers, and also to collect more money to do so. Missionaries were sent around Europe, especially to heavily Protestant areas. They were also sent to Spanish-America to spread the word there, making their base even larger. Then, the Jesuits came in. Their role was to stop the spread of Protestantism, and they did this by teaching schoolchildren these ways, along with fighting against those who opposed the Pope. The Popes continued to use these people, and tried to accommodate converting Protestants.

Explain the contributions of Erasmus to his age. How does Holbein's portrait of Erasmus depict Erasmus as a scholar and as a person?

Erasmus recreated the new testament in Greek and Latin, and also urged people to read in in their vernacular. He wrote various books about how to civilize your children, go through world issues as a devout Christian, and parodied the church. The portrait with him in it shows that he was a scholar, and very devoted to his ideals.

How did Charles become the most powerful rule of his day? What attitudes did Europeans take toward the Habsburg Supremacy?

He was a Habsburg, so by controlling Austria and being King of Germany, he had significant funds and land already. He was crowned holy Roman Emperor by the Pope, and could thus expand out even more. Europeans did not like all of the power Charles V had, and there were frequent conflicts because of it.

How were Italian Renaissance attitudes reflected in humanism? What attitude did the humanists take toward the Middle Ages? toward the Greeks and Romans? Why?

In Humanism, it was explained that someone should reach their full potential and gain as much wealth as they can before they die. Humanists thought that the Middle Ages were outdated and misleading,as they taught that having wealth was frowned upon and had poor art.

How did the Renaissance in Europe north of the Alps differ from the Renaissance in Italy?

In northern Europe, the Renaissance was far less revolutionary. Although new ideas and innovations came their way, the secularism of the movement was far less than before. The movement still had humanists, but their ideals were far less radical.

How does the painting on p.77 illustrate religious policies in Spain in this era.? What effect did these policies have?

It shows how little religious tolerance was in Spain, and how many peoples lives they ruined or killed. Theses policies caused the Moors and the Jews to leave or be wiped out. Later, Protestants were murdered, also.

What political and nonpolitical developments may be cited as important to the emergence of Protestantism?

Kings were tired of answer to the Pope and listening to his rule, and also disliked his economical sanctions, causing them to want a change, which was Protestantism. Another aspect of it was the religious view. People hated the odd rules and taxes they had to pay to the Papacy, and were still distrusting the church after they abandoned the people during the Black Plague. They wanted to not be held hostage by them, and Protestantism was the solution.

What was revolutionary about Luther's position on religious authority? What political support did he find for his program?

Luther believed that all religious authority came from the Bible. This was contrary to the idea that the Pope held the most religious authority. Various princes in and around Germany supported his ideals, and offered him protection. He could write, and explain his new idea for religion, and this quickly spread throughout all of Europe.

Discuss the special contributions made by Machiavelli to politics and political thought. What motivated his writings? How would you evaluate his conclusions?

Machiavelli thought that to have an effective leader, he must first look out for his own interests. Others would not help his nation, but he could. This would make his people respect him. I think that this can be true to an extent. After doing so many things that hurt the people but help the country before they would overthrow him.

What special religious aspects were there to the northern Renaissance? Of what significance were the spread of mysticism and the development of religious groups outside of Europe?

Mysticism was even more religious than groups in the Middle Ages. They surrendered everything to God in order to become one with him. There were other lay religious groups, where people still helped the poor and taught, making for another religious movement to get the authority of the Pope.

Describe the origins, nature, and accomplishments of the New Monarchies in England, France, Spain, and the Holy Roman empire.

New Monarchies were designed to save money by ordering lords to have their own private militaries, and also claimed parts of them for themselves. In England, Tudor Henry VII started this, and held power for a long time. In France, Louis XI employed the same strategy, and increased the French borders by leaps and bounds. He also gained control of the national Catholic church. In Spain, Aragon and Castile united, and lead a crusade against the Moors. The Holy Roman Empire continued to increase their reign of power into Eastern Europe, making a large kingdom even bigger.

What were the social and political consequences of the Black Death? Consider its effects on the peasants, the upper classes, royal governments, and European population trends.

Peasants were the first to die, as they had poor medical care, however, after the affliction, their salary and lifestyles greatly improved. The upper classes had fewer deaths, but could not trade as much and risked danger if they were merchants. Royal governments were temporarily crippled because they lost major funding due to all of the death. Europe's population steeply dropped from 70,000,000 to 45,000,000.

How were European religious divisions and religious wars eventually resolved?

People began accepting these changes, and as more and more new kingdoms established power, it was seen that both religions were going to stay, forcing the two to accept each other and learn to live with it.

Describe the sources of dissatisfaction that contributed to the sixteenth-century religious upheaval.

People disliked having to pay for indulgences and other church taxes, and were tired of its burdensome rule. Then, Martin Luther released his theses, and people began following Protestantism instead of Catholicism.

How did Lutheranism became involved in political and social upheaval? How did Luther modify his position in the face of these events?

People used Lutheranism to rebel against leadership in General. There was the Peasants war, which was an uprising, and it killed many people. In response, Luther stated his stern opposition to these movements, and thought that his teachings should not be used in politics.

How was a fusion of civic consciousness and humanism demonstrated in the careers of the Salutati and Bruni?

Salutati and Bruni were both chancellors of Florence. They fused humanism and government to great a feeling of patriotism and unity within the people, and manipulating their aggressors. All this kept a calm and controlling government without anyone noticing it.

Summarize the disasters that afflicted European society in the fourteenth century.

The Black Plague. Wiped out almost half of Europe, and drastically changed economy and religion. There were also multiple famines, killing many more people. The Hundred Year's War ensued between France and England.

What is the difference between the Catholic Reformation and Counter Reformation?

The Catholic Reformation was designed to fix the abuses and efficiency of the Church. It redefined laws and made new laws and guidelines. The Counter Reformation was designed to fight Protestants, with Jesuits and war.

Explain the purpose, nature, and accomplishments of the Council of Trent. How did it reaffirm Catholic doctrine? How did it attempt to reform church abuses?

The Council of Trent was meant to correct abuses and change doctrine, and many more topics were discussed. It was attended by few, They redefined doctrine, and also indulgences. and also that bishops should set up seminary in their dioceses. Bishops also could not own more than one office.

What difficulties and challenges did the church and Papacy face in the fourteenth century? How were those challenges and difficulties resolved?

The French King was ignoring the Papacy's orders, so the king arrested the Pope. The Papacy was then moved so the King could keep a better eye on it, creating a multitude of new problems. To combat this, a Papacy was set up in the Vatican, making two of them. This schism caused confusion, and essentially both were kicked out and an entire new one was started.

Discuss the impact of the Renaissance on education and on personal manners. What kinds of ideals regarding the courtier and the gentlemen emerged in this age?

The Renaissance caused the creation of the secondary school, and separate classes for students by achievement and age level. Due to the Courtier by Castiglione, people learned how to utilize manners and words to work and seem elegant to all others.

Why is the Renaissance in some ways an erroneous term? What relationship may be pointed out between the modern world and the Middle Ages? the modern world and the Renaissance?

The Renaissance occurred, but many amazing inventions occurred before it came to fruition. The basis of the modern world came from the Middle Ages. Farming and basic education systems were put into place, along with central governments. In the Renaissance, less important things came to be, like art, architecture, and literature.

Discuss the aims, accomplishments, and outcome of the conciliar movement.

The goals here were to end the great schism. This council elected a 3rd Pope, but this made a triple schism, as no one would quit. They kicked all three out and started another Papacy. They also wanted to avoid heresy, so they made an example of a few by burning them at the stake.

How do the illustrations on p. 82, 87, and 92 supplement the discussion of the reformation?

These illustrations show a variety of things. The revolt in 82 shows the political unrest after the Protestant Reformation and how people were using it politically. On 87, we see John Calvin, a very important Protestant leader, researching. This showcases his credibility, and also his deep research. The picture on 92 showed a very large family, showcasing the new view on children after the Protestant Reformation.

How do the illustrations in this section convey a sense of the art, the social, cultural, and civic life of this era?

They show how people created new art in a secular way, and how people appreciated it. Cultural and Social themes showcased humanist writers and people engaging in intellectual debates. In civic life, we see various chancellors/humanist leaders, and their glorification.

What role did the following play in the growth of royal authority: towns, new weapons, and the revival of Roman law?

Towns were used to further the economic growth of the economy, allowing kings to tax and sell in the markets. Advanced weaponry allowed them to fight against revolutionaries, and other countries. Roman Law allowed them to be more brutal in punishment, setting an example for anyone who did not follow their laws.

Explain the special course of the Reformation in England. What changes occurred under Henry VIII? Edward VI? Mary? Elizabeth? How is Elizabeth depicted in the portrait on p.90?

Under Henry VIII, the church remained Catholic, but he was the head of the Church. This was called the Anglican Church. Under Edward VI, the church became Protestant. Mary (Bloody Mary) returned it to Catholic, and burned about 300 people at the stake for being heretical. Finally, Elizabeth returned to church to Protestant, and was organized like a Lutheran church.

Discuss the idea that the chief motivation for the Protestant Reformation was economic. Do you agree or disagree with this theory?

Under the Pope, many economic rules were put into place. People could not bank, and there was strict rules on trading. Some believe that the Protestant Reformation occurred so that these restrictions would be lifted and the economy would improve. I disagree with this theory, as Peasants did not have any of these concerns, and also because the Papacy was a tyrannical controlling organization, allowing for multiple other reasons to start the Protestant Reformation.

How did the religious changes of this era affect the role of women in society and attitudes about marriage and the family?

Women had more power, as they wrote hymns, and even preached in the church. Having children was an honor, and so was marriage, so people would try to have many children. Celibacy was no longer seen as necessary, so the church prospered greatly because of this.

What may be said about the role of women in the Renaissance? Of what significance were marriage and family patterns?

Women were still mainly child-bearers in this age, but they could also write and be involved in intellectual debates. They would also be used to unite families. When their husbands died, they would take over his estate and run it.

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