Ex Phys Exam 1 (Ch 13-16)

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Given: A 50-year-old man with a resting heart rate of 70 beats • min-1. What is the target heart rate range as determined by the percentage of maximal heart rate method?

119-144 beats • min-1

Given: A 50-year-old man with a resting heart rate of 70 beats • min-1. What is the target heart rate range as determined by the heart rate reserve method?

130-150 beats • min-1

Endurance exercise training programs (e.g., 3 days/week @ 60% VO2 max for 12 weeks) typically results in a ______.

15-25% improvement in VO2 max

Four-to-ten weeks of anaerobic training (high intensity exercise lasting 10-30 seconds) can increase the peak anaerobic capacity by ______ across individuals.


Following a single bout of resistance exercise training, muscle protein synthesis can remain elevated above sedentary levels for as much as ______ in both trained and untrained individuals.

35-50 hours

The average VO2 max value for the young (e.g., 21 years old) male sedentary population is approximately

45 ml • kg-1 • min-1.

Type I diabetes typically develops early in life and represents about _____% of those with diabetes.


Heritability (i.e., genetics) determines approximately _____% of VO2 max variability in sedentary adults.


High responders to endurance exercise training (i.e., individuals that achieve large increases in VO2 max) can achieve up to ______% improvement in VO2 max following a prolonged and intense training program.


A single bout of resistance exercise training increases muscle protein synthesis by as much as ______% above resting levels?


It is recommended that MVPA should be performed for approximately _____ MET-min/week.


In general, an optimal aerobic exercise training intensity to improve VO2 max is ______.

60-80 VO2 max

Exercise guidelines indicate vigorous-intensity physical activity should be performed at least ____ minutes/week, while moderate-intensity physical activity be performed at least ____ minutes/week.

75; 150

It is estimated that _______% of the differences in muscle mass between individuals can be explained by genetic variation.


The majority of epidemiological studies observe a greater reduction in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease with an aerobic exercise training intensity ______.

>6 mets

In general, the risk of orthopedic and cardiac complications associated with exercise training increases at exercise intensities ____________.

>80% VO2 max

Which of the following factors DO NOT contribute to the decline in VO2 observed during 84 days of detraining?

A decrease in maximal heart rate

Type II diabetics often exhibit a number of risk factors for coronary heart disease including __________________.

All of these answers are correct (hypertension and obesity, high blood cholesterol, and hypertension and inactivity)

Which of the following does NOT summarize a fitness variable that is improved by regularly performing both aerobic exercise and strength exercise?

All of these answers are correct (insulin sensitivity and glucose control, resting metabolic rate, and submaximal exercise rate pressure product and resting BP)

Which of the following statements are true regarding the impact of regular physical activity on health?

All of these answers are correct (physically active people have lower rates of all-cause mortality, a lower risk of breast cancer, and reduced falls in older adults)

It is established that low-grade inflammation is linked to a wide variety of chronic diseases. Which of the following diseases is are directly or indirectly linked to chronic inflammation?

All of these answers are correct (type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension)

Epidemiological studies confirm that regular physical activity

All of these answers are correct. (reduces the risk of developing coronary heart disease., reduces the risk of heart disease in both smokers and hypertensive individuals., and lowers the risk of all-cause mortality.)

Increased production of radicals in skeletal muscles during periods of prolonged inactivity (prolonged bedrest) and promotes muscle atrophy because:

All of these are correct (oxidative stress prevents mTOR activation, oxidative stress activates proteases in muscle fibers, and oxidative stress decreases protein synthesis in muscle fibers)

Which of the following statements are true about the effect of endurance training or detraining on mitochondria volume in human skeletal muscle?

All of these are true. (Five weeks of endurance training can increase skeletal muscle mitochondrial volume by two times about normal., After a period of detraining, approximately 4 weeks of retraining is required to regain the lost mitochondrial volume., and Seven days of detraining can reduce mitochondrial volume by 50% below the trained level)

ch 13


ch 14


ch 15


ch 16


The relative risk ratio (i.e., chance) of developing coronary heart disease due to physical inactivity is about _________.


Which of the following general statements about step counts and physical activity in healthy adults is false?

10,000 is a firm step count goal that all people should achieve on a daily basis

To realize health benefits of physical activity, adults should perform _____________.

Both 150-300 minutes of moderate physical activity per week and 75-150 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week are correct

Which of the following are classified as an inflammatory cytokine and or a biomarker of inflammation?

Both TNF-α and C-reactive protein are correct answers

The addition of myonuclei to growing muscle fibers ______________.

Both appears to be essential for optimal muscle hypertrophy in response to resistance training and is likely required to maintain the high level of transcriptional capacity needed to synthesize muscle proteins and allow muscle fibers to grow during resistance training are correct

In response to an increase in inflammatory factors, the liver releases _______________.

C-reactive protein

Which of the following blood pressure categories is NOT listed correctly below?

Elevated = 120-129 mm Hg or 80-89 mm Hg

The reason that HR can be used to estimate aerobic exercise intensity is that

HR and the VO2 cost of muscular activity are linearly related to workload.

Regular exercise training provides numerous health-related benefits. The two health-related benefits that are the MOST responsive to exercise are

blood pressure and insulin sensitivity.

Prolonged inactivity of skeletal muscle leads to rapid muscle atrophy; this occurs due to:

both a decrease in muscle protein synthesis and increased protein breakdown in muscle fibers are correct

The increase in VO2 max that occurs following 16 months of endurance exercise training results from

both an increase in the maximal a-vO2 difference and an increase in maximal cardiac output are correct.

A 30-year-old woman achieves her target heart rate on a cool day by jogging at 6 mph. If she were to exercise on a very hot day, she would have to ________________________.

decrease the speed of her run to achieve her target heart rate

The risk of cardiac complications during exercise is

directly related to the degree of pre-existing cardiac disease.

Which of the following risk factors for coronary heart disease CANNOT be modified?

family history

Resistance training results in a __________________.

fast-to-slow shift in muscle fiber types

Oxidative stress occurs when

free radicals accumulate and react with cellular components.

Using the FITT principle, the volume of exercise performed can be computed as ____________.

frequency × intensity × time

Which of the following variables is the least sensitive to exercise (training)?

high-density lipoproteins (HDL)

A single bout of resistance exercise training results in an increase in skeletal muscle protein synthesis. This exercise-induced increase in muscle protein synthesis can occur within _____ following the exercise session.


Following an acute bout of endurance exercise training, the increase in mitochondrial biogenesis occurs within _____ following the completion of the exercise session.


Several origins of the metabolic syndrome have been proposed. Which of the following causes is NOT considered a major cause of the metabolic syndrome?


Which of the following risk factors for coronary heart disease CAN be changed?


Which of the following factors DO NOT contribute to the endurance exercise training-induced increases in fat metabolism during exercise?

increased fat storage in the liver

Which of the following endurance training adaptations does NOT result in lower lactate production in the contracting muscles?

increased glycogen utilization

Which of the following physiological factors does NOT contribute to the endurance exercise training-induced increase in the maximal a-vO2 difference?

increased hemoglobin in the blood

Which of the following factors do not contribute to the endurance exercise training-induced improvement in VO2 max?

increased maximal heart rate

Which of the following endurance training adaptations assist in maintaining acid-base balance during exercise?

increased mitochondrial volume in skeletal muscle

Which of the following factors does NOT contribute to the endurance exercise training-induced improvement in stroke volume during exercise?

increased peripheral resistance

Endurance training has been shown to reduce the oxygen deficit in subjects performing a bout of submaximal exercise. This is likely due to

increases in the number of mitochondria and capillaries.

Physical inactivity is considered to be a(n) _____________ risk factor for coronary heart disease.


Atherosclerosis results in the deposition of plaque in the inner lining of an artery. The first steps that "trigger" the initial formation of atherosclerotic plaque include ______________.

inflammation within the artery following by production of adhesion molecules and the attraction of monocytes

Which of the following physical activity intensity categories is listed incorrectly?

Low-intensity physical activity (LPA) = 1 + METs

When compared to resistance exercise training, aerobic exercise training generally results in ____________.

None of these answers is correct (greater improvements in both mitochondrial volume and muscular power, greater increases in both lean body mass and muscle mass, and greater improvements in the reduction of total body fat and muscular strength)

Which of the following training adaptations does NOT occur in skeletal muscles following 4-10 weeks of anaerobic exercise training?

None of these answers is correct (increased activities of myokinase and creatine phosphokinase, increased muscle buffer capacity, and increased activities of key glycolytic enzymes)

The relationship between regular physical activity and cancer prevention is best described by which of the following?

Physically activity individuals can lower their changes of contracting many major forms of cancer by 12%-25%.

The clustering of two or more diseases is called:

a comorbidity

For a given person, 80% of HRR is __________________ to 80% HRmax.

a higher intensity as compared

Which of the following individuals would gain the greatest health benefits from changing their level of physical activity?

a sedentary person who becomes moderately active

Many heart attacks and strokes occur because of

a sudden rupture of plaque that triggers a blood clot.

Several factors contribute to neural drive. Which one of the following factors is NOT a contributor to neural drive?

activation of the Golgi tendon organ

The enhanced capacity of the trained muscle to use fatty acids as a fuel results in

all of these answers are correct. (decreased utilization of muscle glycogen., sparing of blood glucose., and increased uptake of fatty acids.)

The principle of specificity of training refers to the fact that exercise training is specific to

all of these are correct. (the fiber types recruited., the principal energy system (i.e., aerobic vs. anaerobic) involved in the activity., and the muscles involved in the activity.)

A muscle (i.e., prime mover) that results in movement of a limb in the desired direction is labeled as _____________.

an agonist

Resistance training results in an increase in the rate of contractile protein synthesis which is matched by _________________.

an increase in the synthesis of collagen in tendons and ligaments

The term hyperplasia refers to ________________.

an increase in the total number of muscle fibers

Physical activity is defined as

any form of muscular activity.

Risk factors for chronic disease can be divided into three categories. These include _____________.

inherited/biological, environmental, and behavioral

Following an acute bout of endurance exercise training, the rise in the activity of calcinuneurin, calmodulin kinase, and AMP kinases occurs within _____ following the exercise session.


Endurance exercise training results in an increase in mitochondria volume within skeletal muscle fibers. The process of synthesizing mitochondria in cells is called ______.

mitochondrial biogenesis

The removal of damaged mitochondria in skeletal muscle and other cells is called


The phenomenon that previous strength training accelerates the re-acquisition of both muscular strength and hypertrophy is commonly referred to as _________.

muscle memory

During the first 8 weeks of a resistance training program, the initial increase in muscular strength is primarily due to

neural adaptations.

Muscles receive a neural activation signal from motor neurons located in the spinal cord. This neural signal is referred to as ________.

neural drive

Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain why concurrent endurance and resistance (strength) training impedes strength development compared to strength training alone. Which of the following mechanisms have NOT been proposed to explain why concurrent training impedes strength development?

none of these is correct (Neural factors, Depressed muscle protein synthesis, and Overtraining)

The frequency of exercise can be best described in terms of

number of days per week.

A condition that is regarded as a contributing cause of Type 2 diabetes is


The metabolic syndrome describes connections between

obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, and dyslipidemia.

It is established that resistance exercise training promotes an increase in muscle protein synthesis by activating the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) which results in increased protein synthesis. Recent evidence suggests that two signaling molecules interact to directly activate mTOR. These molecules are:

phosphatidic acid and Ras homologue enriched brain (Rheb)

Exercise is defined as ____________.

planned physical activity with the goal of improving or maintaining fitness

A drop in blood pressure in the minutes following a bout of steady state aerobic exercise is called:

post-exercise hypotension

Aging is associated with a decline in strength, with most of the decline occurring after age 50. The loss of strength is due, in part, to a loss of muscle mass; this age-related loss of muscle mass is termed


When an elevation in blood biomarkers highlight one's risk for chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, but are not directly diagnostic for those conditions, it is said that the risk factors are

sensitive but not specific for disease.

Which of the following health issues is NOT directly associated with the Metabolic Syndrome?

skin cancer

By comparison to the rate of detraining following endurance training, the rate of detraining (i.e., loss of muscular strength) following a resistance training program is _________.


Which of the following is an example of an environmental risk factor?

socioeconomic factors

Endurance training results in increased mitochondrial and capillary density in muscle but has no effect on muscle glycolytic capacity. This is an example of what training principle?


Cross-sectional studies demonstrate that the physiological variable responsible for the large variation in VO2 max across the normal (untrained) population is maximal

stroke volume.

Several hormones have the potential to increase muscle protein synthesis. These include:

testosterone, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and growth hormone

According to the FITT principle, the letter "I" signifies

the "intensity" of exercise.

An important physiological factor that may contribute to the inhibition of motor unit activation during resistance training is ____________.

the Golgi tendon organ

Growing evidence reveals that, independent of resistance exercise, ____________ can activate mTOR and promote small increases in muscle protein synthesis.

the amino acid leucine

The slope of the exercise "dose/response" curve provides information about ___________.

the dose of exercise (i.e., minutes/week) required to promote health benefits

Following several weeks of endurance exercise training, the capacity to transport glucose into skeletal muscle fibers is increased. Which of the following training-induced changes contribute to this training effect?

the increase in the number of GLUT4 glucose transporters

Neural drive is defined as ___________________________________.

the magnitude of the efferent neural output from the central nervous system to the motor units and the muscle fibers that they activate

The term cross-education refers to ___________________.

the observation that if one limb engages in resistance training, muscular strength increases in the untrained (contralateral) limb

Resistance training increases the specific force production of ________.

type I muscle fibers

Research reveals that resistance training induced muscle hypertrophy is associated with an increase in myonuclei. The source of these additional myonuclei is _____________.

via satellite cell activation

In theory, concurrent resistance and endurance exercise training can impair muscle protein synthesis following a bout of resistance exercise. The proposed mechanism to explain this inhibition is _____________________________________.

AMP kinase activation of TSC2

An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is used to test the body's acute insulin response to a controlled amount of sugar ingestion. Which of the following does NOT correctly describe the OGTT response in various types of individuals?

All of these responses correctly describe the OGTT response in groups of diabetics and non-diabetics. -----------> - Severe diabetics exhibit a small rise in insulin, but no spike in the hormone. -Prediabetic individuals experience an extended duration insulin spike of several hours. -Normal individuals experience an insulin spike within the first hour of the OGTT.

During the first four months of an endurance exercise training program, the initial increase in VO2 max is primarily due to

Both increases in stroke volume and increases in maximal cardiac output are correct.

Exercise at high altitude (e.g., >7,000 feet above sea level) could result in

Both reduced oxygen bound to hemoglobin and an increase in the heart rate response to a fixed level of exercise are correct.

Which of the following statements about resistance training is NOT true?

Resistance training DOES NOT promote hypertrophy and strength gains in people greater than 65 years old.

Post-exercise hypotension can be clinically problematic when

it produces symptoms such as lightheadedness and dizziness.

When maximal strength gain is the principal goal of the strength training program, current evidence suggests that single-set protocols are

less effective than multiple-set protocols.

A major regulator of protein synthesis and muscle size is ____________.


The Karvonen (or heart rate reserve) method of calculating the "heart rate reserve" is computed as _____________.

maximal heart rate minus resting heart rate

Which of the following is not a method that is useful for prescribing the recommended intensity of exercise training?

the onset of sweating.

The heart rate and ventilatory responses to constant load submaximal exercise are lower (i.e., lower heart rate and lower minute ventilation) following an endurance training program. This training-induced adaptation is primarily due to changes in the

trained skeletal muscles.

In resting skeletal muscle fibers, Ras homologue enriched brain (Rheb) activation of mTOR is inhibited by ______.

tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2)

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