Exam 1

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John L bar room boast

"My name is John L. Sullivan and I can lick any son-of-a-bitch alive"

salary cap

$2000 max salary


America wants bans prize fighting, prohibits the sale of fight films, directed to keep Americans from seeing a black man pummel a white man prosecute Johnson under the white slave traffic act (Mann), marries white woman who kills herself due to his infidelity, he then remarries another white woman, her mother accuses Johnson of white slavery (prostitution across state lines) use vague language of white slavery act to prosecute anything FBI deemed as immoral, arrest Johnson in Chicago 1912, Johnson flees country after posting bail

Ty Cobb

Georgia Peach, greatest hitter, most famous baseball player in America, from backcountry of Georgia, father was Georgia senator who wanted him to be educated, "don't come back a failure (the family name)", goes to play semi-pro ball in Augusta, honor is a possession in southern culture, Mr. Cobb faked leaving because of Ms. Cobb being unfaithful and Ms. Cobb shoots Mr. Cobb when he is snooping around in yard, when Ty played baseball he was playing to honor his family name, seen as. incredible scientific baseball player, social darwinist, huge ego, intensely driven, introverted and didn't get along with many people, in Cobbs mind it was if the civil war never ended, proving worth and toughness, violent temper, men believe nerve was an essential masculine behavior

Second coming of Ali

Georgia allows fight to take place for the first time since draft dodging allegations (3.5 years)

Jim Thorpe Athletics

Excelled in amateur and pro track and field, football and baseball, first American to win the Olympic Gold Medal in the Decathlon, and the only athlete to win the gold medal in decathlon and pentathlon, first college football player to reach national recognition, led pro team to three world championships and then became president of the American Pro Football Association (which became NFL), Played pro baseball for Cincinnati Reds and NY Giants and Boston Braves, named greatest football player and all around male athlete of the first half of the 20th century

Football's Place in American Culture

Controversy, Social Darwinism, Risk, Changes in College student stereotypes

the cage game

A court would have a cage around it and there were no out of bounds, it was a rough game that never stopped. Players were called cagers players who last touched ball got to keep it it stayed this way until early 30s, slow plotting game, center jump rule was allowed

Dawes Act

1887 law that distributed reservation land to individual Native American owners govmt created boarding schools like Carlisle to force youth to assimilate into mainstream society

Sullivan vs. Kilrain (1889)

Mississippi, who is really heavyweight champ (Sullivan's title was stripped before fight because Fox was petty), kilrain scores first blood after. 6 rounds, by 40th round kilwain must be lifted up to tow line, 44th round Sullivan vomits uncontrollably, somehow Sullivan outwills Kilrain in 75 rounds, fight was covered in newspapers, authorities trying to arrest both of them and both were arrested, Sullivan gets a year in prison but ends up just paying fine

Carlisle Indian Industrial School

Organized in Pennsylvania to assimilate Indians into the white culture; changed their clothes, hair, language, taught them academics as well as a skill the school in which Jim Thorpe made college football top talent sports for native Americans, all ages young through college age, funded by government to give Indians an education

100%. Americanism

The end of WWI brought about this movement which celebrated all this American and attacked all ideas and people it viewed as foreign or anti American. People were afraid that immigrant ideologies would lure Americans into radically revolting against the government. It also brought about a revival of the KKK and felt that if you were not a white Anglo Saxon protestant you needed to do your best to act like one. baseball seen as counterforce to all this discord, a 100% American place

Johnny's fundamental questions

What happened, Why, What is the significance

bachelor subculture

a particular class of men, working class, mostly Irish, mostly bachelors, young single men who believe women don't belong in their world unless they are sexually available. (prositutes) not interested in settling down and being domesticated, flouted conventions of society, drinking is a. way of proving manhood

American Association

a rougher, wilder baseball league to compete with the National League (beer ball league)

Billy Maharg

another gambler who admits that Eddie Cicotte started deal with gamblers

Sport Sullivan

apparetly the gambler who approached Gandil

America after WWI

at the end of WWI patriotism and the promotion of 100% Americanism, there must be no sagging back from the fight for America after the war ~TR, reflected America's fear both of internal and external threats contributed to a nativist period after the war labor strikes and ethnic tensions became symbols of unAmericanism by the media

Player Unrest

at the same time as baseball owners were trying to make baseball a community building event after WWI to disguise labor unrest elsewhere it was full of labor unrest on the inside, John Montgomery Ward and the American Brotherhood of Baseball player tried to link the skill of pro players to that of skilled artisans, created the Players' League in attempt to make a fairer system for players but was defeated after two seasons, creation of AL didn't help things at all

The Game of the Century

changed the interests of TV networks, UCLA vs Houston Cougars, played Jan 1968 in the Houston Astrodome (huge built for everything), most watched basketball game in history, first regular season game broadcast primetime in color, people wanted to watch because of UCLA dominance and Alcindor, Wooden didn't want to do it at first, NBC recognized the popularity and began to broadcast more basketball especially in March

penny press

cheap newspapers containing sensationalized (drugs, violence, sex) stories sold to members of the working class in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, gave prize fighting a national audience

White Sox Sentence

considered not guilty, baseball players should come back or not?, urban working class Americans identify. more with the. players. and. thus think they should be able to come back to play but rural do not

John Montgomery Ward

created failed Baseball Brotherhood (union of payers) to try to combat unjustness for players, tried to organize a strike but the brotherhood wasnt organized enough for this, went against reserve clause when he refused to get traded from the Giants to the Nationals

Jim Thorpe Olympics

depections of Jim as all american athlete and as indian prodigy reach multi national status through this, won pentathlon and decathlon in summer olympics, stockholm sweden, papers describe Jim as greatest athlete in the world and also as carlisle indian schoolboy, conveniently omitted from newspapers was the fact that technically Thorpe wasnt an American citizen since Native Americans were not given full citizenship at the time, Taft (president at the time) recognized Thorpe

John Wooden

greatest coach in the history of college basketball, never lost a national championship game, born in 1910 as son of farmer in Indiana, household of traditional values (god family and basketball), 2 sets of 3 lesson from his father (never lie, cheat or steal and don't whine, complain or make excuses), believed he had a moral obligation instill values into his players, coached at a high school and Indiana state before UCLA, when he gets to UCLA in 1948 they are horrible, UCLA was a commuter school a southern branch of Cal


gymnastics in public schools in Germany


hennan traveled to england to battle british sayers right before civil war, lasted 42 rounds and ended in draw, occupied attention of both sides of Atlantic english speakers, everything is covered in newspapers and everyone is talking and betting on it

Victorian Culture

high society, had an influence on American life, middle class wants to imitate English elite cherished values of self control, these are who were currently in office in 19th century

Robeson Outcomes

his radical ideas paved the way and allowed much more difference to be made for race in America than Thorpe ever was able to do

Why study boxing

history of violence, gender, notions of manhood, ethnicity (American Culture) the rules and ceremonies also tell us about culture fighting was something debated for most of 19th century, was illegal

Clay vs America

illegal wire tap of phone call between King and Clay


in 12 seasons, UCLA won 10 national basketball championships, 7 consecutive titles, 4 undefeated seasons, 88 game winning streak, 38 straight NCAA Tournament Wins

Baseball and Race Relations

leagues were intentionally all white which reflected American values, considered a workplace and should be segregated as such, kept black men from winning over white men in baseball

black sox scandal and baseball in 1919

led to the loss of the American faith in the purity of baseball and America, symbol of post-war tensions over labor relations, race, ethnicity and nationalism, interpreted as foreign threats against the wholesomeness of America baseball in 1919 was the battleground with which Americans saw the meanings of Americanism and democracy and loyalty

Johnson's Fast Life

lived the high life, the life of heavyweight champ, defying and testing white authority in every way, white sports writers immaculate him at every turn even though he is the heavyweight champ call him lazy, natural talent he didn't work for

The Wizard of Westwood

more point shaving scandals come out, no big stain at UCLA, college basketball is seen as corrupt in the 60s, players only out for the buck, Wooden is seen as the antidote to this, embraced by sportswriters as a moral paradigm installing character driven traits in players


most segregated city in America, King goes there and campaigns for integrated America, Malcom X rejects this idea


national association of base ball players, made up of 14 fraternal clubs, standardized rules


nations Olympic committee would decide on athletes they will bring, made countries think of as nationalist events first women in 1904 (archers) in Saint Louis

Gangs of NY

nativists (WASPS) get in fight with Irish guy, civil war age, fighting seemed common place, people immediately started betting, no rules, shows that violence is a part of everyday life

Radio and newsreels

nearly everyone had one at the end of the decade, a vehicle for advertising


nervous exhaustion (the worry that men were exhibiting more nervousness) Cobb had little nerve, always seen as picking fights with people, didn't take anything from anybody, having nerve meant having courage

London Prize Ring Rules (1835/1853)

no gloves, round lasted until someone hit the ground (people could go down on purpose to catch breath), after someone went down they had 30 seconds to tow the line and raise fists, fights were burtal and would last hours and could lead to death

The guided age and muscular christianity

early 1900s, immigration in northeast, urbanization, industrialization, more young single women outside the home (moral crusaders worried about this i.e. Mann Act), people worried about young boys not being supervised, men leaving church. and the church is becoming feminized, thus muscular Christianity, church doesn't promote the strenuous life

Jones' Retirement

films reel films which are instructional films for golf, merchandizing his talents, wrote books, newspapers, etc. Jones had vision for great American golf course, designs Augusta national golf course which would become home to the masters, the premier golfing event in the world, part of Jones' legacy

Jackie Robinson

first African American to play in Major League Baseball (broke color barrier in 47), Hollywood creates propaganda around him tried to argue racial inclusiveness and rip into roberson's remarks, similarly his life is told through the lens of the white man, hollywood provided a moving narrative that ideologically challenged American race narratives while at the same time holding up American class inequalities, this movie predated the Jim Thorpe film


first black degree at Harvard souls of black folk: the problem of the 20th century is that of the color line double consciousness: sense of always looking at oneself through the eyes of others, he is an American and a Negro which both conflict, he has a longing to combine these two into a better and truer self you look everywhere and see segregation which indicate a citizens value, the constitution was color blind but America was not unforgivable blackness: points out the hypocrisy of Johnson's unfair treatment as boxers for years have acted worse than him

NY knickerbockers

first fraternal club in Manhattan, WASP professionals who got together to play during free time, came up with a set of rules, it was a gentlemanly game, socialized after games, poor couldn't play because they didnt have the time to

Sullivan vs Corbett (1892)

first heavyweight fight under Queensbury rules, first come first serve fighters who are white, never have fought a negro and never shall, draws color line, if heavyweight champion is king of men it is not possible to entertain notion of black challenger, Corbett had attended college a "Gentleman" very defensive style, opposite of Sullivan, Sullivan is out of shape, Corbett KOs 21st round, first time Sullivan lost match in 10 years, first celebrity athlete in America

Cincinnati Red Stockings

first paid pro team


games that are fixed by the players, gamblers would approach players before the game to try to make this happen

William Lyon Phelps

gentlemanly scholar at Yale, respect for those who can be of no possible value to him, came from a religious fam, read newspaper to elderly father and happened upon info about Sullivan vs. Corbett, thought father wouldn't care about the story but he wanted it read round by round (showed WASPs cared about fighting now, John L. Sullivan was symbol of this new world)

Sullivans grand tour (1883-84)

goes around country challenging men to fight him (4 rounds for $1000 if you can beat him), earned $90,000 on tour (more than president, unheard of amount of money for athlete, throws around money and people want to hang with him), becomes national icon people learn about him. all around the country, word of mouth, myth separates from who he really was (people talk him up and exaggerate)

Cobb and Race

great grandfather was abolitionist who refused to fight for confederates and father stopped lynching from taking place, Ty Cobb grew up in Jim Crow south, Cobb would become incredibly volatile around black people, black grounds keeper went to shake Cobb's hand and Cobb began to beat him, defending honor of the south was intertwined with race, later said he believed black players should be able to play

Sports Crisis

older white coaches are panicked that communists, blacks and counter culture was going to destroy sports in America, white athletes are beginning to get involved as well, NCAA passes rule that any member institution could terminate financial aid if he has gone against campus policies, social norms of being seen playing and not heard are being disrupted, Wooden is seen as even more of a symbol of exemplifying Nixon's silent majority, the conservatives who believed in law and order (the white Americans tired of protests and the anti-war movement)

Christy Mathewson

one of the best pitchers. helped. Fullerton pick apart series to see if it was fixed

reserve clause

owner has the option to resign a player as many times as he pleases for the same salary, and can trade players as he pleases

Aaron Chapman

owner of the red stockings, starts rivalry with Buckeyes to try to get more publicity and money

Charles Comiskey

owner of white sox who exploited players and. arguably became root cause of black sox scandal (reserve clause)

Johnson's Early Life

parents were enslaved, incredibly poor, fighting could make him some money (battle royals, a group of adult white men who would fight blindfolded black boys last standing would win) degrading and humiliating experience fighting for pennies, Johnson gets arrested for fighting white man in early 20s. (this was when prizefighting was illegal), goes west and fights in California and Colorado (where its. legal), premier black fighter in America, black heavyweight champ low fighting style, played games with opponents

Albert Spalding

patriot who believed Chadwick was wrong and baseball was a purely American sport

American response to NIAA rules

people are saying this will reduce popularity and manliness of the sport

Louisville Sponsoring Group

rich white dudes who invest in Cassius Clay

The dozens

roasting during fights, demonstration of mental acuity as well as physical

Joe Jackson

second best player, White sox

Scientific Baseball

small ball, the dead ball era, all about acquiring bases, hit and run, bunt, steal, no home runs, a thinking mans game, all about strategy and risk

Senda Berenson

smith college instructor comes up with rules to make basketball acceptable for women, reflected the ideas of separate spheres: divided in to three zones, players couldn't leave zone (women confined to space just like society), players couldn't snatch ball from offensive player (keep from getting to aggressive), could only hole ball for 3 seconds.(promote cooperation), sport an basketball should be designed to promote women health not to promote competition

John L. Sullivan

son of Irish catholic immigrants, Boston Strong boy, made boxing more popular in guilded age, didn't want to be reduced to unfulfilling job like father, dropped out of school at middle school education, great athlete, turned down pro baseball offer, loved to fight made him feel like somebody, people recognized him for his fighting ability, super strong, full blown alcoholic, set out to make career which no one had done in boxing, earned reputation and started making money in NY

Grantland Rice

sports journalist, gee-wiz journalism

Hugh Fullerton

sports writer of the era, makes the scandal go public and says baseball itself is a gambling sport, removes the purity of baseball. heard. rumors of fix approaches Comiskey about this who ignores this in hopes of protecting his business and baseball

Formative Years of College Football

started as a college only game in north east, first college game Princeton and Rutgers 1869, combination of rugby and soccer, 50 players on field IFA

Golf History

started as an amateur sport, game for men of privilege, not open to pros, not open to working class, 1916 PGA for pro golf, most of pros had working class backgrounds, pro golfers were to sell golf equipment and teach golf, not to associate with club members, golf clubs dramatically grow during 20s

Thorpe and movies

started out in stupid rules which dimeaned his native american heritage, struggled with the fact that he had to speak through the white media which twisted things to how they wanted it and not to his needs, his struggles became what Americans thought of the struggles of all native americans,

Women and cycling

super controversial, revolutionary technology, mobility (freedom), where are the women going?, they dont have a chaperone and are going too fast, became a symbol of gender equality and feminism, doctors concerned about reproductive system, moralists worried about masturbation with bicycle, don't appear to be up on records, don't compete, danger in an all female congregation

Social Darwinism

take Darwins natural selection and apply to society, believe that men need to prove that they are the most fit

Team Play

team play was huge and should be praised, many linked team play to the industrial work process, nothing teaches team play, fair play and American ideals to foreign youngsters like baseball

The Championship of the World

the 9 round fight in which Paddy Ryan was crushed by Sullivan, first heavyweight championship, promoted by Fox and the National Police Gazette

Jack Johnson

the face of white fear, first black boxer to box heavyweight champion for $30,000 and not a penny less against champion Burns, dominated unit referee stepped in, taunted and held up Burns during fight so he could keep torturing him, he was still not thought of as great anywhere because he was black, thought of Jim Jeffries still as holder of the crown, sparked new interest as Americans wanted to see the black man go down, liked to live lavish with white women after he won (most prosties)

Walter Camp

the father of American football, first modern football coach, student at Yale, medical school, responsible for important rule changes, builds Yale into first football powerhouse, distinguished sport from rugby Line of scrimmage, 3 downs to gain 5 yards, legalized tackling below the waist

1919 World Series

the first world series since WWI (added to nationalism), the free market during the war with disloyal players made players regret coming back to the leagues after WWI, White Sox had some of the best players yet lowest salaries small food allotments and players had to pay to launder uniforms, White sox touted as clear favorites to win, lost first game and series, baseball promoters try to reassert purity of the game, fix confirmed at grand jury in 1920 (many others came out around this time as well), exposed ties to gambling and prizefighting

heavyweight championship

the symbol of the toughest man in the world, a symbol of what every white man at the time wanted to be reinvigorate masculinity, social darwinism, strongest man in the world, most boxers were born in to adversary, respected for deeds

Bill Walton

the white hope, three time college basketball player of the year, seen as great white star when he arrives at UCLA, suddenly people see that not all the best players are black, selfless player, incredibly active in anti-war movement, got arrested demonstrating, viewed as radical, people believe he is trying to destroy UCLA

Walt Whitman

baseball is a representation of America and has become an institution comparable to the constitutions and laws of America

Mark Twain

baseball is shaped by the industrialization of cities, it is rugged and individualistic

American Outlooks on Native Americans in early 20th century

basically super racist view of them on horses shouting war cry and shit, when the all indian football team would win newspapers would equate their play to the traditional idians going off to war

3 stages of baseball

bat and ball, fraternization, commercialization

Muscular Christian

believes physical exertion has ability to uplift young men and save societies morals

Bobby Jones

best golfer in the world from Atlanta, embodied the ideas of amateurism, refused to turn pro, family was very wealthy so he didn't have to, very smart, family man, had another job which made him look like a natural at golf who didn't get to practice much, didn't have to prepare his shots but. instead himself, adored throughout America, believed he as a mad of principle, celebrated by Gee-Wiz Journalist it doesn't matter that you win or lose but how you play

Richard Kyle Fox

biggest boxing promoter in America, wanted to sell newspaper (National Police Gazette), wanted to do this by. bringing legitimacy. to the sport of boxing, put big money behind fights and clean up sport, establish champions who would wear belts (heavyweight middleweight and lightweight), more than one weight class allows him to have more fights and more income, Paddy Ryan (heighvyweigt champion)

Paul Robeson

black athlete who also was a non-white man bringing cultural significance to sports in the 1940s, while Thorpe went on to be a shitty Hollywood producer, Robeson went on to be an acclaimed International actor, this went south for him tho because he started to talk down the US for its racism and commend communism during the beginnings of the cold war, said that American blacks should never go to war against the soviets, NAACP like his remarks, he was banned from a bunch of news networks

George Dixon

black featherweight champion defends title on undercard at Sullivan vs Corbett and white southern men are outraged New Orleans bars interracial boxing

Jim Thorpe film ending

blames wife in drunken rage for everything and the death of his first born and says it would have been better if he had stayed on the reservation, causes wife to leave relationship and he drowns himself in alcohol, serves as a cautionary tale against communism that when people lose their livelihood they come unhinged, narrator tells him somewhere you picked up that the world owes you something but it doesn't owe you a thing, these words resonate with Jim as the character in the movie and he picks himself back up, we see everything come together and affirm racial includedness

black socks and the steel strike

both didn't bring to light the issues at hand but instead sparked controversy over whether they were American things to do, nativists just targeted foreigners in both cases with gamblers and working class employees, those who didn't fit in with American homogeneity and industrial capitalism were considered Anti-American

Kennesaw Mountain Landis

federal judge, first commissioner of MLB, embodied puritan attitude, owners gave him unlimited authority, bans all 8 players for lifetime, no way for players to appeal this decision

Baseball popularity

was easy to play, could get a group of people in an urban environment together and was a social activity


when Sullivan was on tour Fox started printing that Kilrain was the big deal now, Sullivan was out of shape from touring (but trained hard for the match and was in good shape), fought by London Prize rules even though it was illegal, last bare knuckle heavyweight championship, Kilrain scored first blood but got hit hard by Sullivan so he went on the defensive from Sullivans powerful right and started to go down before being hit or thrown (trying to prolong the fight), by the 40th round Kilrain was still staying patient but had been hit and was having to be helped up, Sullivan puked and Kilrain refused to hit him while puking, Sullivan rushed him again after puking made Sullivan an unrivaled hero, regardless of the fact that he was a drunk

Jack Johnson vs John L.

while Sullivan wanted to be known as one with boy spirit that stung the blacks like a whip as they were but a generation removed from slavery, Sullivan also wanted to use slang while Johnson took pride in self educating himself, Johnson was quick with words and not just with physical prowess

Americas Reaction to AAU

while he may be good athletically he is amoral, while others say how can he be faulted for just trying to pay his way through school, brings to light what amateurism means at the time and starts debate about this, he moves from being an object of physical protection to a symbol of American pity


whipped the culture of native Americans, failed in actually assimilating them, civilizing native Americans

Sullivan vs. Fox

won't get put to talk to Fox, neither man budges, Fox believes he made Sullivan through his promotion, Fox sets up fight with Kiltrain in attempt to uproot Sullivan as heavyweight champ

Know-nothing party

...Anti Catholic secret society

Plessy. Ferguson and the. age of Jim Crow

1896, supreme court ruled separate but equal is legal segregation based on white fears, control mechanism a reminder that blacks are not truly American black man couldn't shake hands with white man, black man couldn't have eye contact with white woman, black citizens defer social interaction to whites, blacks and whites do not eat together, a black person couldn't laugh or curse at a white person (which suggested a white person was inferior, dishonest or violated the law), address whites using curtesy titles (last name Mr./Mrs,) only 3% of blacks were voting in the south Lynchings reinforced these rules, putting bodies on display to send a message to other blacks, often because lynched. men were accused of being with white women

papa jack

1908-1915 heavyweight champ, most hated black man in America, and most famous, egotistical, ignored color line and challenged it several ways inside and outside ring, taunted and violated Jim Crow

Prizewinning Transition, Queensbury Rules (1867)

3 min rounds, 1 min rest in between, if fighter didn't rise in 10. seconds KO declared, bared from ask wresting, predetermined number of rounds, fighters wore gloves (less damage with each punch but allows fighter to throw more punches) boxers initially resisted rules as they thought of them as unmanly

Grand Jury

3 of 8. players thought they had immunity. and admitted to taking money, confessions disappear, case against everyone gets dropped, no evidence, had to be clear evidence that the players intended to harm Comiskey or the public prosecutor charges with conspiracy to defraud the public, very difficult to prove (prosecution has to prove conspiracy agreement and overt act to prove it, evidence)

Palmer Raids

A 1920 operation coordinated by Attorney General Mitchel Palmer in which federal marshals raided the homes of suspected radicals and the headquarters of radical organization in 32 cities, outsides are ruining American society

Racism and AAU

AAU decision was more about international perception than race and was more of a political than racially fueled decision, public reacted sympathetically and not racially against him, America still liked him with or without his gold medals


Ali says he doesnt have anything against Vietcong, says they weren't racist like Americans, refuses to go when drafted, if he says he believes in now harming people he doesnt have to serve, sentenced to 5 years in prison and fined $10,000, says his decision is because of the nation of islam


Association built by muscular christians to try. to use sports to bring boys into the church promote mind, body, spirit of a man (what Gullick believed was the whole man) organized track and field events, swimming, etc. hundreds but the 1890s

William Hulbert

Czar of baseball, created of National League to compete with NABBP, tries to make baseball more appealing to the elite crowd by making it less corrupt, makes price expensive, only allowed to have teams in large cities, no alcohol, etc.

Great Stadium Boom

Ebbets Field, Brooklyn Dodgers Fenway Park, Boston Red Socks owners realize that revenues are rising and there is incentive to build larger parks, important land marks for the cities, changes the way Americans experience sports in larger crowds, bring people together

Death and Reform

Harold Moore (Union vs NYU) dies, something must be done to save football, Yale, Harvard, Princeton and Penn have always made rules, but its time for everyone to help out in reform NIAA: National Intercollegiate Athletic Association (now NCAA), not looking for infractions, just to standardize rules, 62 charter member schools, rule changes below, players still getting hurt tho (): illegal to push ball. carrier, 5 men allowed in offensive back field, first down is 10 yards & forward pass (teams will take risk and thus there will be less contact, most teams still wanted to runt the ball), reduced time of game to 60 min

Movie of Thorpe's life story

Hird young star Burt Lancaster to play thorpe and thorpe was brought on as an advisor, the movie became a primary way that Americans thought of native Americans during the time period, the image of native Americans more than any other ethnic group has been greatly changed by movies, in the movie they oversee Thorpe's there marriages as just one love story and bypass his 7 children and just focus on his relationship with his first born, film is told through white narrator and definitely through the white mans eyes, running with the wild grace of a deer, father in movie tells him let the white man show you his ways, shows reservation life as being shit, confirms white man as being preferred over native american, continuously tells the message that a native american must rid himself of his culture and get a white education


Intercollegiate Football Association: Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Harvard trying to make football more American and less like rugby, standardized rules, championship, greater emphasis on winning, very violent, not a lot of protection

TV sports, inc

JD Morgan UCLA athletic director who wanted UCLA basketball on TV,


Jack Johnson takes down a bunch of fighters white people try to put him up against, Jeffries is brought out of retirement to fight him, Rickard offered huge amount of money to both fighters in Reno, Jeffries lost bad from the beginning amongst a crowd which was a mixture of an independence day party and KKK meeting, Johnson demonstrated that by being an intellectual blacks could still make it to the top, started a bunch of lynchings and violence towards blacks

Search for the great white hope

Jeffries called to come out of retirement, Please save us Mr. Jeffries!, the future young generations of women needed to be saved from black men, keep more black men from trying to do the same

Pottawatomic Giant vs Johnson

Jess Willard, Johnson dominates for 20 rounds until he goes down in 26th round, he fakes a KO, agreed to throw the fight and give up title in exchange for a lesser sentence from the federal govmt, no evidence to support this, he is on the run for five more years after this so this makes the claim even more strange, not another black champion until Joe Lewis

Hattie McClay

Jim Jeffries gives up boxing, lack of money and legality in the sport, Tommy Burns and Hart succeed him, Johnson hires white manager, begins traveling openly with white women, McClay would travel with him, he. chased burns all over and. fought him in Australia so big he couldn't refuse the offer $35,000 Tommy gets $30,000 no matter what, he was running out of. real contenders, Johnson dominates and toyed with Burns, becomes heavyweight champ of world for the first time in world

Jack London

Jim Jeffries must reemerge and remove Johnson, the white man must be rescued

Johnson's Married Life

Johnson's first wife shot herself and 3 months later Johnson married his mistress, brought outbursts of white supremacists who hated the fact that Johnson was with white women

Lucille Cameron

Johnsons second wife whose mother raised hell over marriage, admits she was never forced into anything with Johnson and ruins case of justice department, causes them to go to one of his other affairs (Belle Scheiber)

Gail Goodrich

Lethal left handed jump shooter who replaces Hazzard as the star of UCLA, team comes to embody the image of fun, pop culture made in CA embodies the self gratification, entertainment and UCLA basketball is in this as entertainment, rapid pace of play was exciting and captivating

Jim Thorpe

Most recognizable name in native americans in the 20th century, came at a time when most Americans never heard about native Americans so he was their only outlet into the culture, his athlethic prowess, movie and then honors cemented his legacy born in Oklahoma Indian Territory to Irish Father and one quarter french mother, he was a source of pride to native americans, his success caused America to better accept the native Americans as one of their own, organized first all indian football team, has town named after him in PA

Cassius Clay

Muhammad Ali, born in segregated Louisville, KY, baptist, father was frustrated artist, "don't trust the white man", develops interest in boxing and starts training at 12, nimble, not a good student, fights at Rome olympics, sees a world where there is no color line at Olympics, deferential on civil rights (defers to others to fight the battle), believed as a successful boxer he could be insulated from the problems of racism, "good negro" (no radical edges, reads bible, etc.), won gold medal at olympics, "a white mans heaven is a black mans hell" song gave him the ideas of nation of islam as well

3 Ms of Muscular Christians

Muscles Morals Manliness

Black Sox Scandal Eddie Cicotte, Joe Jackson, Lefty Williams, Chick Gandil

Post WWI (1919) labor strikes, race riots, unemployed veterans, demonstrations and the red scare, baseball is a mythical island of tranquility in a sea of turmoil people viewed baseball as leisure and not labor so it couldn't be about labor unrest like everyone else Gandil was at the center of this, had known relationships with many gamblers, Boston gambler Sport Sullivan approached him

Why Pro Heavyweight boxing mattered to Americans

Prizefighting began to embody tenacity, showed nation how to confront danger, absorb punishment, win with grace and lose with dignity, mirrored the danger of working class men in the late 1800s, a more violent spirited popular culture continued to take shape throughout the 1800s (the strenuous age), a seismic shift in what it meant to be a white man (ideas of masculinity were not attributed to you just because you were a man and that determined his place in society) this was probably so strong because it was the opposite of the Victorian man which many American men began to become disgusted with, thus John L. Sullivan really appealed to the masses (he spoke to what it meant to be a man in the TR era), by the turn of the century people stopped caring, boxing became a sport of criminals again John L. Sullivan changed the sport suddenly and dramatically, he got respect more than money at first, Queensburry rules started to take over around the time Sullivan had his first important fights, Sullivan preferred the new rules but occasionally fought by London rules like Paddy Ryan, pioneered the landscape for 20th century celebrities

Walter Hagen

Professional Golfer, dropped out of school, middle class family, became golf pro at club, first one to make money actually playing golf and not just teaching, as he continues winning this happens for him, arrogant, flamboyant, drew attention to himself, broke 11 of 10 commandments

Sam Cooke

R and B singer, wrote A change is gonna come which was an anthem of the civil rights movement, telling a story about the future of black America,

Fight of the Century

Reno fight between Jeffries and Johnson on Independence Day, Reno was a gambling divorce spot known for its corruption, biggest sporting event in American history, largest purse in the history of boxing 101, 000 winner gets $70,000 plus fight film proceeds, Jeffries had never been knocked down but had not been fighting for 5 years, Johnson came into the fight with Sambo cartoons burned into his mind, used language to beat him and get in his head since they couldn't beat him physically, if he wins will they let him survive, Jack Johnson destroys Jeffries playing with the out of shape Jeffries, makes Johnson super wealthy great white hope has fallen

Babe Ruth and Home Run

Ruth constantly wants his salary doubled, sold to Yankee's owner, Red Sox sent to shit after this (the curse of the bambino), Ruth won 4 wold series titles for yankees singlehandedly revolutionized baseball, changed the scientific game (defined by Cobb), manufactures of baseballs now used a cork center lighter than the old rubber center, ball would behave livelier, MLB also outlawed certain pitches (spitball), games started to be played with multiple baseballs per game, home run hitters were the stars of the show who make more money, he would hold the bat at the knob and would swing upward

1919 Steel Strike

Strike centered in Chicago that united 365 immigrant workers demanding unions higher wages an an 8 hour workday, strike occurred when steel industry tried to undermine the leaps made in the industry during WWI, strikers painted by media as disloyal Americans, foreigners are painted out to be the majority of people who strike, conspiracy theorists said that strikers were trying to undermine America

Paddy Ryan and. Sullivan

Sullivan (182 lb), Ryan (190 lb), London bare knuckle rules, for heavyweight champion of the world, Fox uses wealth to promote fight in Mississippi city, in 9 rounds Ryan was knocked out, Sullivan fulfills ambition and is in a position to profit


Sullivan was old and it was clear from the beginning that the much younger and very talented fighter would win Sullivan stands up and addresses audience that he stepped into the ring one time to many and that he was happy it was an American that beat hum and that he will remain their warm and personal friend

Football and the Strenuous Life

T Roosevelt: loved sports, wrote "the strenuous life", glorifying the hard life, success comes to those who don't shrink from danger and hardship sacrifice for larger cause, big change from values of Victorian era, men need to reclaim their manhood in a world of confrontation, challenging image of what a college man is, no longer is a college man a frail nerdy type sitting in library

UCLA "Pleasure Ethic"

Team, unity, and conditioning (fast break style of offense) are the fundamentals, success should be measured through your effort

Richard Henry Pratt

The man in charge of giving the captured Native Americans a Western Education head of Carlisle Indian School, designed to strip native Americans of their tribal identity, forced christianity, etc.

After the film

Thorpe got hardly any money from the film and died of a heart attack a year after, then the honors started to pour in memorials and stories of his life popped up everywhere

Race and the confession

Thorpe used the rules I am just an Indian Schoolboy and I was not very wise in the ways of the world which were kind of self deprecating towards all of native americans, caused America to think of him with a child like nature

Jim Thorpe file summary

Thorpe's life was remarkable but the film was anything but, because it was portrayed not from indians it has just as much if not more to say about whites during the time as it does about native Americans, most Americans cannot name native Americans before 1900, thorpe was malleable to the ideas of America at the time he was considered Indian for the most part but when he won the olympics he was strictly referred to as American and when he was disgraced and his medals were taken away he was referred to as Indian (the press referred to him how it looked good for them), nevertheless Thorpe is still considered an icon in the native american world then and now


WASPs who hated outsiders in 1850s, thought Irish were lazy, loyal to pope not to America, violent

Battle of the Century

Walter Hagen vs Bobby Jones, pro vs amateur, Jones will donate prize money if he wins, Hagan wins by a lot, worst defeat of Jones' career

The Game of Industrial Production

Walter camp coaches based on Taylor's scientific management industrial production protocols, football demanded the same allegiance to machine like system where each player was specialized Taylor's protocols: labor tasks are organized, tasks are timed, standardization, specialization

Arnold Rostein

a jewish man blamed for black sox scandal, bet on everything

Building the Dynasty with Black Talent

Wooden used to not recruit players, but Willie Naulls calls Walt Hazzard, Hazzard develops into a star, drove Wooden nuts because he felt hazzard was being attention hungry, he was actually just trying to distract the defense, leads to the first championship in 1964, suffocating zone press defense and fast break offense are what are making them so good

Henry Chadwick

a journalist in America who was originally from Britain, baseball is just an evolution of British sports, muscular christian, wrote extensively about baseball and helped to popularize the game, first to use statistics which allowed people to put value on some players over others, advocate of standardization of the rules of the game

Mann Act

a law prohibiting transportation of women for immoral purposes, they tried to come after Johnson with this because its language was so broad, she married him however so they found another prostitute and arrested him, he got prison for a year and a fine, the federal government punished him for living as a free man the same way John L. did

Mills Commission

a lazy investigation into the origins of baseball, they came up with a false story that Abner Doubleday (american war hero) created baseball, however, apart from this commission it is true that America had bat and ball games before they were seen in Europe

Victorian Era Man

a man who was the opposite of a boy, cared about career and repressed urges which took away from it (more of the loving type than fighting)

Malcom X

a minister in the nation of islam, chief spokesperson, captivating and fearless, former convict, but got saved and built up his life, becomes national figure

Belle Schreiber

a new white prostitute he was traveling with, the prostitute who gets Johnson convicted under Mann act

Federal League

a MLB league which sued the NL and AL for violating Sherman Anti-Trust Act, after they were unable to compete effectively for players against the two leagues and argued that the reserve clause barred fair play, judge of supreme court never offered a verdict because he didn't want to forever change baseball

Sims Bill

a bill put together by four members of congress signed in to law by Taft that prohibited the viewing of taped interracial fights, took a lot of Johnson's profits away from him

Compensatory Heroes

affirming of collective values, celebrated in the media, merchandized

Judge Landis

an American jurist who served as a federal judge from 1905 to 1922, and subsequently as the first commissioner of Major League Baseball, banned players who cheated in scandal, refused to confront the actual reason gambling was prevalent (labor unrest amongst players)

Sullivan and foreigners

bring them I would rather whoop one of them than one of my own countrymen, but I will never fight a negro (he Jim Crowed the entire masculinity from blacks when he said this, started a precedence of no heavyweight fighter allowing a black fighter to fight with them)

Gee-whiz journalism

bringing the game to life for the reader, vivid detail and descriptions, exaggeration of accomplishments, selling story about heroes to the public, appealing to American values and character


brings nationalism to baseball for the first time, ensure that baseball is identified with patriotism

Harry Edwards

creates OPHR (olympic project for human rights) a movement against the exploitation of black athletes to make democracy seem better to the rest of the world, What good is it for black athletes to be winning awards when blacks in America are being put down, holds meeting in LA with only men to boycott Mexico City Olympics, Alcindor gives a speech about how a police officer in NY opened fire on blacks for no reason says this is a moment we need to take a stand however still didn't commit to boycotting the games, Alcindor gets death threats over speaking out about this, black athletes decided for themselves how they would demonstrate (Tommie smith and John Carlos readied right hand and left hand and arch of unity and power to show the poverty and problems for black America), redefined where protest is acceptable, Alcindor did not participate saying he would fall behind in his studies

Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad

creates movement, claims he is the messenger of Allah, supreme minister in the nation of Islam, Allah is a black man who taught him the black man is divine and the white man is the devil, there can be no peace between the black and white man, used American slavery as evidence of white mans devilish behavior, creates religious cult out of different religious ideas, fabricated out of bible, quaran, etc. for his followers, he preached the gospel of black nationalism (we are a nation within a nation), rejection of integration, we must be totally independent of whites, pride in blackness, self determination, many followers were former convicts, gained International appeal because of his "Islamic" faith, Clay prolongs fight with patterns on to inflict more torture, Ali exemplified freedom most black men didn't enjoy (he could beat up people who didn't call him by new name)

Ban Johnson

creates the American league from a western minor league he owned, tries to make AL a competitor of NL but NL refuses as they think it will hurt profits, Johnson says he will pay players $500 more than NL so NL concedes and accepts AL as an equal

Luther Gullick

creator of YMCA, muscular christian

National Police Gazette

filled with articles about political scandal, nude women, contraceptives when they were illegal, violence, etc. great form of entertainment to Americans


enclosure movement, William Cammeyer, NY Mutuals are the first to do this


enforced by aristocrats who didn't want to include working class. in leisure activities, controlled IOC, defined as anyone who did any kind of manual labor, had nothing to do with sports, reserved Olympics for the richer socioeconomic classes, IOC redefined in 1908. to consider anyone who was paid to play a sport as a violation

Press during Pro Career

even though he is doing amazing feats press doesnt cover him like he used to, in the 1920s his skills begin to ebb and he reluctantly retires, through it all though he never complained or asked for pity

Ruth as cultural Icon

even when he missed crowd would aww, even in failure he was awesome, all power, antithesis of scientific game, all about just smashing ball, advertisers realize no one is more recognizable than babe ruth, shapes consumer culture of buy now and pay later, Ruth spend money frivolously, slept around, always on the go, always looking for pleasure, Americans didn't see all the bad things

Modern Olympics and Pierre de Coubertin

exclusively male, politically fueled, envisioned as an opportunity for reconciliation between waring nations, De Coupertain wonders why Germans are superior after France lost war with Germany, Turnen made them better soldiers, competition can restore manhood, organizes International Olympic Committee in Paris 1894 fist Olympic games in Athens 1896

Natives at the time of the movie

federal govmt was trying to get natives out of reservations and to assimilate as normal americans in society, tired of having to pay for and support reservations and the lives that took place on them

Football Crisis of 1905

in 1905, nearly every death can be traced back to unnecessary roughness, internal injuries or concussion Muckrakers find corruption in football, politicians join call for abolishment of the sport, some universities shut down programs, Roosevelt intervenes, Roosevelt was a progressive president, believed he had responsibility to protect the public, met with representatives from Ivy League schools, urged colleges to make new rules, Muckrakers: progressives, investigative journalists, want to expose issues, people who were college educated, believed college educated people could solve the worlds problems, government intervention, rejected hands off govmt

disloyal players

in 1918 all men were called to work or fight and some players got around this by playing baseball on company teams, people concerned these company teams would undermine the reserve clause

Race Riots

in dozens of cities, whites assaulted celebrating blacks, blame put on blacks for daring to act freely, shows how important heavyweight championship was, never this big again until MLK is assassinated

James Naismith

instructor at Springfield YMCA, needs winter game for the boys, needed safe game that promoted christian values, nailed peach baskets up on. both ends of the gym and created basketball 9 players on each side, two 15 minute halves, 5 min in between, ball can be thrown any. direction, no traveling, no holding, not a physical violent game

William Pickens

it is better for Johnson to win and a few negros to be killed than for Johnson to lose and all negros to lose in spirit

Sullivan the icon

man of action, emperor of masculinity, creator or popular culture, strenuous age (teddy rosevelts term) violent time in America, tons of protests, football becomes popular an age of incredible competition where men need to prove themselves

Jim Thorpe and the media

media portrayed him as this larger than life figure, constantly putting out myths of how great he was quit carlisle indians after their win agains west point because he was sick of all the myths and attention he was getting in the media, said he never played sports for money but always did so for fun, AAU rescinds Jim Thorpe's amateur status and Olympic Committee expunged his wins from the records as it was discovered he played baseball for money while he was supposed to be an amateur`


men bet on games and corruption starts to take place because of this, begins to draw the Victorian types away from the games

boxing in guilded age

middle class is tired of sport, strong gambling influence causes fixed fights, gradual disinterest in sport, lawmakers cracking down on it as well

Football, Community, Spectacle

military leaders at the time thought of football as good preparation for military football brings diverse people together, became more than just the game itself, fans are invested in the game, larger stadiums begin to. be built, can charge fans, becoming business, by 1890 Thanksgiving had become a holiday for football games in north-east, created communal experience, ties between students alumni and faculty, keeps graduates connected, form of mass entertainment, sells newspapers

Abe Attel, Billy Burns

more known gamblers telling players they would pay to fix the series billy burns told Hugh Fullerton to bet on Reds Abe Attel gets drunk and admits to conspiracy of fixing game

After the news broke of the fix

people calling upon the players to be punished for ruining the sports and American ideals especially for young boys', all 8 baseball players took responsibility for crimes but later retracted, players get away free as prosecution lost the accounts and the jury cannot find evidence of defrauding the public, blame then slowly shifted from the players to the gamblers (players salaries got out and they began to be portrayed as the victims), gamblers portrayed as outsiders (Jews), the scandal ruined pro baseball by bringing up suspicions of the past, baseball escaped the scandal unscathed because America didn't question allegiance to the belief that American institutions were pure and full of integrity

Babe Ruth

personified 1920s, began career as pitcher for Boston Red Sox, working class son of German Immigrants, stole lots of things as a boy, father drops Ruth off at reformatory school (St. Mary's Baltimore), cut off from family, never really grew up, became most dominant pitcher in baseball, World Series titles for Red Sox in 1915, 1916, 1918, during the Great War there was a lack of pitchers, this allows him to start becoming a hitter, breaks AL home run record in 1919. loves to swing war club

First World Series (1903)

played between AL Pirates and NL Red Sox

nativist vs irish fights

player don inner working class rivalries

Player Revolt

players revolted due to salary cap and reserve clause, but through backroom deals ended up back in the national league

Football and Violence

players would punch and kick in piles, no helmets or head gear or shoulder pads until 1900s, some wore nose guards, after Von Gammons death we see tons of critics calling football barbaric, the game that kills boys UGA vs Virginia: Von Gammon was killed (UGA), caused Georgia to almost ban football statewide (1897), doesn't end up happening (mom fights for it because her son loved it), example of the dangers of football David Sarr Jordan: Stanford, footballs strengths of brotherhood, manliness outweigh its dangers William Rainey Harper: U. Chicago, If we sacrifice life for commercial game why not for football and to put manliness on the alter (at the time working class was super dangerous) Ringer: someone who was not a student at the school but was paid to just play football (becoming professionalized) Edwin Dexter: U. Illinois, number of injuries in press are exaggerated, only 2% of college football players had been seriously injured, only 3 had died as direct result of play, super. soclal darwinist (if there wasn't football there would be no way for men to become men)

Meaning of baseball and American culture

playing by the rules is a representation of being a good American

bare knuckle fighting and criticisms of prize fighting

poor, come from margins of society, gangs, gamblers, day laborers spontaneous, glorifying individual, opposite of victorian culture, gambling is what attracted people to the sport, consider amoral by Victorian culture brawls could break out when betters intervened in fights

Civil War

popularized the sport a lot, hundreds of baseball clubs after the war, the north wanted to play baseball as a way of distinguishing themselves from the south back home, and during the war confederate men (prisoners mostly) began to see baseball because of northern troops playing it

Civil war

prizefighting lost its allure amongst working class and became criminal class activity, penny press lost interest

Themes of the 20s

prohibition, conspicuous consumption, a time of big celebrity athletes, national advertising becomes popular, urbanization, self-gratification disillusioned: loss of faith, what was the war all for, war created a sense of loss, search for return to normalcy during 20s, small government, middle class felt they no longer mattered which put more emphasis on celebrity heroes

basketball for women

promoted fun movement in a gym, distinctly different from men, not about competition and winning like mens, women is on healthy exercise and participation and cooperation critics against this, WASPs worried about birth rate, more immigrants making natives anxious, women shouldn't exert themselves because they need to protect reproductive system, might cause women to become too manly (feel they have more of a voice in society)

Lew Alcindor (Kareem Abdul Jabbar)

the greatest college player in history, decides he wants to go to UCLA because Wooden treats him with respect (wanted to be seen as a man not a kid), UCLA also had a history of African American excellence, had offers from the south but was not interested in being a pioneer of breaking segregation, NCAA rules committee decides to ban the dunk calling it the Alcindor rule, the whole reason it is believed the rule was created was to slow down Alcindor and UCLA, Alcindor felt targeted saying that majority of dunkers are black, dunking was seen as an expression of freedom over white men for the most part

Moses "Fleetwood" Walker

the last black player in pro baseball before all were banned

articles objective (thorpe)

the media ultimately shapes the way people take sides and the outcome of major people and events and white people have dominated the way this has taken place throughout the 20th century

race and the scandal

the naming of the scandal the black sox also showed the racial rhetoric and underlying white American views at the time

Irish Fighters

top fighters brought culture form Ireland, Catholics, believed to be corrupt by nativists, boxing promoters would make more money by lining up nativists with Irish fighters

origins of basketball

used in late. 1800s to bring young men to the church later to assimilate immigrant children (political uses as well)


was an extreme sterotype of slaves. the sambo acted out the role that the white world expected them to. This was in most cases, only an act in front of the white people

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