Exam 1: Individual Skills & Drills

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*True* or *False*: If a player is strong enough to throw the ball over the net overhand from the end line, then they can learn how to execute the float serve.


*True* or *False*: The underhand serve is not legal in all levels of competition.


*True* or *False*: Without a pass as the initial ball control, an accurate set and effective attack are unlikely.

does not

A float serve is a serve that *does* or *does not* spin.


A topspin serve spins rapidly forward from the top. The server tosses the ball a little higher than normal, strikes the ball towards the top of the back in a down and outward motion and then follows through with his or her swing. This has a much more predictable movement than the float serve, but it can still be very difficult to handle because of the quick _____.


Always contact the ball with _____ arms. Do not reach out with one arm to play the ball.


An especially good passer will usually play balls in the gray areas if there is any question of who should pass the ball.


An underhand serve is a type of serve in which the player holds the ball in one hand, swings the other in an arc motion below the waist, and strikes the ball from the _____ with a fist to put it in play without a toss.


Another passing tip is to think the serve is coming to you _____ time.


Back Row Attacks (Red, White, Blue): -Similar to spike -Hitter must take off from behind the ____ line. Setter should set the ball to an area the hitter makes the necessary adjustments. The set is generally to the 8' to 10' line. -Jump can be vertical, but may also be horizontal fly if the setter sets the ball in front of the 10' line. -Contact the ball further in front of the body than normal. -The arm swing is modified to hit long, not sharp.


Ball _____ Warm-Up Drills include: -Self pass to partner -Self pass 1/4 turn -Self pass 1/2 turn -Self pass full turn -Self pass, set to partner -Self pass, self set, tip to partner -Self pass, self set, jump tip to partner -Short/Deep - net to baseline -3X to self sideline back pass to partner -3X to self run around your partner -Backpedal/toss = coach tosses overhead, over net, weight forward while back pedaling, 2 people at a time -Pass movement - lateral slide step - one group of 3 perfect vs. other grouping -10-10-10 -Shfufle pass down court, back peddle


Block Timing: -Set _____ 2 feet of net, blocker begins to jump as attacker's hand is crossing in front of face on back swing -Set high & more than 2 feet off net, blocker jumps as attacker's hand is coming forward to contact the ball

not to

Blocking Philosophy: -Block aggressively & in control -Evaluate each situation -Know when *to* or *not to* block -Avoid errors


Blocking is the *least* or *most* tactical part of the game.


Blocking: Hand & Arm Position: -Hands above & in front of shoulders -Hands penetrate top of net immediately -Jump must be _____ up -Final move stretch all the way up from the abdomen, extend arms, hands, & fingers


Common Hitting Faults: -Player runs _____ the ball: caused by a poor body relationship. Broad jumping too close to the net/in the players mind they cannot see the proper contact. -Improper timing at the start of the approach: For the outside attack, the hitter should not start the approach until the ball is at the height of the set. Poor and inconsistent setting also a result of poor timing. -Player punches the ball, has stiff wrist, stops arm action after hitting the ball, hand leads elbow:Player should work on swinging with a high elbow and hitting with the arm fully extended -Player drops the non-hitting arm: In the approach, the player should swing both arms up to the ball -No Power - Player waves the hitting arm before swinging at the ball: poor arm swing - leading with the hand, improper contact point, & stiff wrist.


Concentrate only on the ball as the server prepares to contact and serve.


Cut Shot: -Approach and components are the same as the spike. -Contact is made in front of the hitting shoulder on the inside of the top of the ball. Turn the wrist in the direction and keep shoulders _____ to the net. -Follow through is away and down to the side of the body.


Defense Responsibilities: -Wing (L or R) Defenders: All dumps & first tempo balls hit around block between 10 & ___ feet. -Middle backs: Shaded left on 1 & right on 3, have all balls 25-30 feet & 1 step away.


During ball contact (passing): -Occurs 2-__ inches above the wrists -Arms remain at the same angle (no swinging) -Legs & shoulders adjust and move forward through ball -Contact ball in the low zone between knees and waist -Freeze to target -Balls to left, right, high maintain good body position


Effective blocking depends on player mastery of these 8 skills: -Recognition of when to block -Proper footwork -Correct body position -Correct hand & arm position -Reading visual _____ -Good timing -Smooth coordination among multiple blockers -Careful study of the opposing hitters


Elements of an Effective Serve: -Accurate _____ -Unpredictable movement -High velocity


Every offensive play begins with a pass, idealistically.


Every server should: -Always pause several seconds before serving to prepare _____ -Develop a serving pattern -Attempt to direct serve approximately 2 feet above net -Work towards 100% serves as a team - 10% aces, 10% bad passes


Feet Planting for Hitting Take-Off: -Right foot should be planted as a ___-degree angle to net -Right foot plants heel-toe slightly, or flat -Left foot is parallel to centerline -Left foot plants on toe - momentum is already going up as center of gravity rises -Take-off should be at least an arm's length behind the ball


Footwork: Slide Step or Cross Step? -Slide step: when lateral distance to be covered is 6 feet or ____, or when the ball is set high and there is plenty of time to get into position -Cross step: mainly used by middle blocker to get to outside in a hurry on a low set


High Digs: -Certain situations will have the defender take the ball above their shoulders - high position -Players use a _____-like dig.


Hitting Approach: -First Part: _____ Step -Second Part: Hop +Hop has to be consistent +For right-handed players, take-off is left foot +Length of hop depends on the directional step +Ability to convert horizontal momentum into vertical jump is important -Horizontal momentum is stopped mainly by the first step in the hop


Hitting Basics: Approach:: -___ Step Approach: Left, right, left -Weight on right foot to start, then left heel to toe, then right heal to toe -Slow to fast -Come in at an angle to setter -Convert horizontal movement to vertical


Hitting Basics: Arm Swing:: -_____ both arms up -Right arm cocked position -Left arm straight up -Elbow above shoulder -Wrist snap -Ball out in front of you -Good angle to see ball


Hitting Tactics: -When in trouble on a trap set (one that will almost certainly be blocked), it *is* or *is not* effective to hit the set off the blocker's fingertips -Know the opponent's defensive system - hit weak areas -Know opponent's skill - hit weak player -Know the number of blockers up -Know blocker's positioning (line or angle) -Develop arsenal of shots -Practice control of shots -Tip when you spot an open area -Tip early in game to determine how the official will call -Tip on good sets as well as difficult to spike sets -A tip may be good after several hard attacks -A tip on a quick set may catch the defense offguard -Hit the ball in the court, even on bad sets -HIt to the opponent's disadvantage


Hitting Tips: -Watch block & defensive movement of opponents as leaving floor -Vary direction & speed of hits -Make block work for you, wipe off block, & vary spike swing timing -Be able to hit anywhere on opponent's court -Be powerful, smart, & effective -Most important objective when playing a bad set is to keep the ball in play. Next objective is to make it difficult for the opponent to play the ball easily. Players must determine capability of playing a bad ball aggressively. -If your percentage is high in keeping ball in play, then you can afford to be aggressive & spike the ball or hit it hard. If not, keep it in play. -Two variables in attack are speed & direction -Skill must be developed to hit every type of set

60, 60

Hitting: Angles of Approach: -Left Front Attack: +RH = 45 degrees +LH = 70 degrees -Middle Front Attack: +RH = ___ degrees +LH = ___ degrees -Right Front Attack: +RH = 70 degrees +LH = 45 degrees


Hitting: Arms & Spiking Action: -The spiking action is like throwing a ball - Hands are in position in front of body at _____ level -Arm must complete follow through to body following the wrist snap over the ball -A slow arm swing on quick sets can only be hit across the body -All hitters should learn to hit all angles from any particular approach


Hitting: Hand Contact on the Ball: -Hitter must line up the ball in front of the hitting shoulder -Contact ball with full heel of hand on upper half of ball -Wrist snaps foward with the palm and fingers covering ball that creates topspin -Fingers will be spread for control and mroe cupped for power -Contact ball as high as possible: ___ to 1 & 1/2 feet in front of hitting shoulder


Hitting: Transitioning: -Backing off net following an approach -Hitter should turn & run to retreat from net -Backpedaling is much slower than pivoting, turning, & running -Always pivot and step back with the _____ foot so that you are facing the court


How to Change the Direction of the Attack: -Change your angle of approach. -Change the _____ of your body at takeoff. -Turn your body in the air.


If someone is using a top-spin serve, automatically take one or two steps forward, as the ball will drop more quickly.


If you make a poor pass in a game situation, _____ it immediately and concentrate on the proper technique that you will use next ball. There is a high probability that the next serve will be coming right back to you.


In every serve reception formation, a minimum of four potential passers must divide the area in a pre-_____ patter. Each player must know his/her court responsibilities and realize that there are gray areas where territories overlap slightly, in which certain rules as to who takes the ball must be established. Extensive practice is necessary so that in every rotation these responsibilites become automatic.


In order to become a _____ passer one must receive a great number of serves daily.


Individual Defense: -Requires discipline & attitude, effort & execution -Goal: Get ball up - Read the game -______: Keep the hands out and move at the ankles -Palms up and hands out -Be stopped and balanced: Keep toes & shoulders square -Feet slightly wider than shoulders -Elbows equal with knees & hands up -Shoot: Throw the platform to the ball, rather than pre-lock -Hips low -Drive platform flat to the ground with bent elbows post contact


Individual passing skills mean nothing if there is no discipline and _____ among team members.


Keys to remember when teaching the passing progression: -Do not _____ your players -Movement drills without the ball are effective in spotting passing technique faults -Do not allow players to get away with sloppy techniques -Try to keep the movement smooth and controlled -The least amount of movement, the better -Do not allow players to adopt flamboyant non-productive movements -Work on passing often as games are won on consistent accurate passing


Low Digs: -Players execute ___% of the defense from the low position. -7 of 10 balls will be received below knees and within 3 feet of athletes ready position.


Make defense a _____ instead of a punishment. Build the technique for security, push the effort for tenacity, & demand performance for tranquility.


Mechanics of Topspin Serve: -Left foot forward -Toss ball high -Right arm & hand open to prepare to hit -Shoulders rotate so left shoulder faces net & weight on back foot -Ball starts to descend, shoulders twist forward, elbow leads as arm begins to straighten -Ball is contacted in center or lower midsection -Heel of hand first contacts ball, then wrist _____ rolls the hand over the ball putting spin on top -Similar action as downball


Medium Digs: -Balls received between the knees and shoulders are in the mid-range. -Player takes the ball in front of their body or _____ of their body.


Mental Qualities for Digging: -Always _____ after every ball; never give up on any ball. -Anticipate plays & move quickly; never hesitate. -Go to the floor for a ball as naturally as you play any other phase of the game. -Make the practice drills resemble actual game situations as much as possible.


Off Speed/Roll Shot: -Approach & jump same as spike. -As you get ready to hit, a soft spiking action motion with contact as high as possible. -Jump to _____. -Don't give away that you are not going to hit hard.


Offensive Combinations: -First of two digits naming the set designates attack position along the net, and the second refers to the _____ of the set above the net. -There are 9 attack zones on the net. -Sets are made to attack zones of designated width, and if eh set is within the zone, its acceptable. -1 = is a ball set right next to the setter so that the hitter can attack it on the way up rather than on the way down. -2 = about 2 feet above the net height.


One common fault of passing is that many will stand striaght legged and _____ at the ball.


Overhand Passing & Setting Cues: -Feet in _____ position -Right foot forward -Knee angle between 120-160 degrees -Posture erect with a slight forward lean -Weight forward on balls of feet with more on front foot than back -Turn & run to position body under ball -Always complete movement with a hop finish -Hands up early waiting for the ball -Thumbs back so they will contact behind not under the ball -Hands ready in the shape of the ball -Fingers relaxed, not tense -Approximately 90 degree elbow angle -Shoulders relaxed so that elbows are in comfortable position away from body -Wrists slightly back, but not cocked at spring tension -Feet & hips face target -Contact ball 4-6" from forehead -Start to extend the elbows to initiate contact jsut before the ball reaches the hands. Do not push the wrists forwardto initiate contact. -Make the elbow extension a quick drive -Adjsut drive length & power to control the actual travel distance of set. Do not adjust the speed of the setting motion -Adjust drive angle to control height & linear distance of set -Use whole hand except for the palms to contact the ball -Allow the ball to push back on the wrists creating a reflex action which starts the wrist back forward -snap the wrists & thumbs forward for a front set; snap the wrists outward and thumbs upward for a back set -Arms follow through along path intended for ball -Drive legs upward & forward to add power to the set


Overhand Passing & Setting Progression: 1. Have player assume posture. Check footing, weight distribution, & angles of knees & back 2. Have player firmly grip ball around 3 panels of leather positioned vertically, then lift ball to position __-6" above the forehead. Remove ball and have the player visually & mentally focus on this hand position. Replace & remove the ball several times while player maintains hand position. 3. Have player assume posture with hands in ready position then bend over & pick up ball from ground without adjusting hands. Repeat. 4. Have 2 players of equal height assume posture facing each other and position hands on opposite sides of ball. Then have players rock the ball back # forth without moving their elbows to generate a feel for the wrist reflex. Next, have simultaneously push on the ball. Finally, have both try to pull the ball from other's grip. 5. Have player assume posture & rise hands in ready position. Hold a ball with one hand & drive it in to the player's waiting hands until the wrists are reflexed. As the ball reflexes out the player should follow through along the flight of the ball and snap the wrists toward target. 6. Have the player assume posture & raise hands gripping ball in ready position so that ball is 6 inches from a smooth wall. Have player dribble ball against wall moving wrists back and forth as rapidly as possible but keeping elbows locked at 90 degrees. ...7-12 Continued...


Overhand Passing & Setting Progressions: 7-12 Continued: 7. Practice foot movement in all directions with varying distances always finishing with a _____. 8. Have player self-toss a ball, position under it with hands in ready position, close eyes when ball is 1-3' away. Player should immediately start driving the arms by straightening the elbows, allowing the wrists to reflex as the ball hists the hands then snap them forward in the follow through. Player opens eyes to catch the ball. 9. Toss a ball to player who initiates contact by driving the arms & legs forward while wrists reflex. 10. Repeat, but move the toss around making the player move one step in all directions. Be sure that toss is plenty high enough to allow movement without rushing the pass. 11. Continue but increase the distance moved. 12. Pair players up & have them pass (set) back and forth calling every ball.


Passing Drills & Activities: -Pass & Shuffle - from net, over net -Passing footwork w/ ball from boxes -_____ Passing -Long & Narrow Passing -Circle Passing -Rapid Passing -Passer vs. Servers 1, 2, 3 -# Perfect Passes -Pass 10 & Rotate (Full Court Serve Receive - 3 passers vs. 3 servers - passers must make 10 perfect passes to setter in 2 minutes) -3 Minute Passing (Full Court Serve Receive Tri-Line): Passers count number of good passes to setter in 3 minutes. Team goes back to 0 if ball drops. -10-4: 3 passers vs. servers - passers must make 10 perfect passes before servers get 4 ace serves -Tri-Line passing -Swing Hit passing -Giant Rotation -30 Side-Outs - 6 on 6 - Team scrimmage working both side out patterns. Team B serves to Team A (rotates every 5 serves) then switch & repeat -Baseball - Outs - Missed serve, side out or winning rally +Can only score when serving - serving team wins the rally - they can get free ball to score points - opponent stops - team continues to serve


Passing Progression Drills: 1. Concentrate on feet & _____ the ball 2. Let ball ht forearms that are facing target 3. Stroke ball to target and freeze (no follow through) 4. Pass to side, drop shoulders toward target 5. Pass ball short/inside 10 ft. line 6. Two person passing underhand toss, progress to serve


Patterns of movement for passing include: -Quickness & coordination -Small, quick steps while keeping in ready position -Do not _____ up -Shuffling small steps on toes -Keep body weight forward & head stationary -Running used for greater than 12' away -Pivot & turn to face direction of movement -Run forward, reach point, break with inside foot so toe pivots in direction the player wishes to face -Backward movement includes shuffling, backpedaling, crossover, turn and run


Physical Qualities of Digging: -Knees slightly ahead of toes, bent at ___-120 degrees -Waist bent forward, so the shoulders are in front of the knees -Arm relaxed & ready to come together. -Head up, eyes following the ball. -Low center of gravity.


Play the ball on the _____ of the pivoting (inside) leg. This provides maximum control and freedom of movement.


Players can dig balls at low, medium, and high heights.


Poor _____ is the main cause of serving errors: -Tossing too high -Tossing off to one side -Tossing behind the head -Tossing too far in front of the body


Practice Principles for Serving: -No screwing around during serving drills -Practice serving under pressure & game-like situations -Serve under different situations, such as: +When _____ +At beginning of practice +After different types of drills +Demand 100% concentration during serving drills +In practice game, server must tell the rest of the players where she is going to serve and why.


Seam Shot: Find the blockers inside hands.


Selected Hitting Drills: -Two players stand 30 ft apart & with two hands over heads, use good body snap while throwing the ball, once bounce to their partner. -Player stands on _____ at net, places ball in front of hitting shoulder & works on arm swing. -Partner tosses to player on box, arms up, & follow through working on fast arm swing. -Players practice a right step, left step-together, two-foot approach jump. -Coach stands on a box and holds the ball. Player works on approaching and hitting the ball out of the coach's hands. (No net needed) -Coach tosses ball to outside hitter. Players work on timing their approach. The player starts approach when the ball is at the height of the set. The player then catches the ball with both hands above the hitting shoulder and slightly out in front of the body. -Same as above except player hits the ball over the net. Coaches should watch that the player hits with a high elbow and good wrist snap. -Coach tosses to the setter who sets the ball to the outside position.


Serving Drills & Games: -Intersecting Lines: Work on toss, find line, have partner watch toss -10' Line Serving to Partners: Move back after designated time. -Target Serving: Place cones or hoops to serve at. -Deep Corner Freeze: Serve to area 5 & 1; freeze hand toward target -Serve & Chase: Emphasize routine & serving to area -Serve & Dig: Serve and run to defensive position -Pac-Man: Teams of 6+; line up one team in serving area & the other on opposite 10' line. On go serving team attempts to serve & hit other team as they walk as tight unit zig zagging through court. -Serve 'Em Over: Players in positions 6 on 6. Played like Newcomb, but players catch ball and serves back over from that spot. Players continue until ball hits floor or goes out. Team making error is given a point. Lowest score wins. -Elastic: Attach elastic band between tops of antennae. Serve under elastic. -21: Place targets on each side of the court with numbers. Higher number values designate a more difficult serve. Small target 5pts, large target 3, in court 1, out of bounds 0. First to 21 wins. -Server vs. Passer: Have server serve to certain serve receive areas. -X serves in a row -Around the World: Starting w/ area 1, server must get 3 in a row before moving to area 2, must get 3 in a row before moving to area 4, must get 3 in area 4 before area 5 -Horse: Played like Bball horse: one player selects & serves at target. If ball lands in target, other player must duplicate serve. -Golf: Each serves to each area. Count number of times it takes to serve that area. Add scores for each area & lowest wins. -Dead Fish: Divide players in 2 equal groups, both serve. When a player misses they have to lie down on the opposite court .A player can return to the server side when one of their teammates can hit them with a serve. After a certain time, the team with most servers wins. -Dead Fish 2.0: One fisherman (server), all other players go lay down on opposite side of court. Server tries to get all fish out of the pond by serving. Fish can get to serving side by catching a serve.


Serving Goals: -Control the game as VB is ruled by the _____ Effect & serving is the first domino. -Never let up, each serve is crucial. -Serve streaks. Score 3+ points 3X a game. This can be done with serving hard-harder-hardest at a consistent level.


Serving Starting Points: -Power server: deep at baseline -Control server: close to baseline -Serving cross court: close to sideline -Serving line: about ____ feet in from the sideline


Serving Strategies: -Serve the toughest possible serve. -Serve the _____ passer. -Serve the most likely attacker. -Serve to interrupt the offense. -Serve short & deep. -Serve a substitute.


Setting Technique: Body Position:: -Moves from left front, back court, or right back -Sprint to ball -Essential to _____ momentum toward net and get weight balanced before contacting the ball -Right foot comes around & plant left right -Hips face left front antenna -Beat ball to placement of pass; don't meet as it starts to descend

should not

Setting Technique: Contact:: -Wrists *should* or *should not* e rotated back until the ball is in hands -Setting is quick catch & throw -Cushioning & ball placement is done with wrists


Setting Technique: Follow Through:: -Critical to consistent, efficient set, w/o extra motion -Legs bent with hands above head -Ball in hands, already cushioned with wrists -Arms & legs push ball up -As arms extend, imagine hands going _____ the center of the ball, not around, under, beside, etc. -Push up and through after ball until your elbows are straight +Guarantees even push & more consistent set


Setting Technique: Hands:: -Should cover good part of ball -8 Fingers should be rounded like ball shape -Thumbs straight ______ -Contact is on pads of fingers & outside part of thumbs +Thumb pad contact means pressing forward, locking wrists from movement to cushion the ball


Teaching Progression: Serving a Floater:: 1. Have player assume posture * check foot position and step, weight shift, & distribution & direction. 2. Have player hold ball and check for hand and elbow position 3. Have player practice placing ball in air, allowing to drop to check alignment with & distance from hitting shoulder & repeat until placement becomes consistently accurate 4. Without a ball, have the player mime the placement of the ball, arm swing, & weight shift - _____ feedback 5. Have player stand in front of net or wall so that placement of the ball will take it 2-3" from the wall. Player should go through serving motion attempting to pin ball between hitting hand & wall. This will help focus attention on contacting the ball just below center & directly behind. 6. Have player stand at 3 meter line across from a partner. They should serve back and forth aiming for each other's chests. 7. Continue as in 6, but have players take a step back every 5-10 serves if they are managing the distance & maintaining directional accuracy. 8. Have player stand in service area & practice serving to different target areas on the court. Focus feedback on body alignment and body follow through toward the target without twisting or falling away.


Team passing requires a great deal of work so that ______ responsibilities are clear. Once the passer knows that the serve is his/hers, (s)/he can concentrate on executing the individual correctly.


The 5 types of serves are: -_____ Serve -Overhand Float Serve -Jump Float Serve -Topspin Serve -Jump Serve


The _____ back passer is generally the aggressor on serves that go middle of the court.


The fifth common fault in passing technique is: Ball consistently hit on hands +Caused by player failing to make positive movement towards ball +Often players lean back on heels because afraid to pass, resulting in ball hitting hands and ball passes target +Correction: Have the player take a _____ before they play the ball +Helps get player into position +Should be timed so that the player is not moving when playing ball


The fifth step in the passing progression is to have player one toss the ball to player two's left and right. Key points are: -When passing to the right, the left foot should be forward -When passing to the left, the right foot should be forward -Drop _____ towards target


The first common fault in passing technique is: Staggered stance +Should be shoulder-width in heel-toe stance *Heel-toe stance: front heel should be no farther forward than the toe of the back foot. +When in staggered, the player's ability to move *medially* or *laterally* is reduced. +Correction: Act as a mirror for the player and constantly remind them of the proper base position


The first progression of teaching passing after describing the technique and showing the sills, have participants go through the movement *with* or *without* a ball.


The float serve is often referred to as a floater because it moves in extremely _____ ways, which makes it difficult to receive, corral, and pass. It catches the air and can move to the right or left, or it can drop suddenly.


The following are the 5 most important aspects of defense: -Hard Work: Move feet, stay alert. -Discipline: Balance, base position, shortstop position. -Concentration: Know the hitters. Know tendencies. -Desire: An attitude that _____ will hit the floor. -Pride: Defense is what wins the big points.


The fourth common fault in passing technique is: Player swings _____ the body +Player is trying to pass to a target but is facing the wrong way +Feed or base position is major fault +If player needs to pass right, then left foot should be forward +Forces them to turn their hips and shoulders towards the target +If target is to the left, then the right foot should be forward


The fourth step in the passing progression is when player one _____ the ball and player two must pass to player one. Key points to emphasize: -Get to ball quickly -Contact ball between your knees and waist -Keep the pass low


The hand and arm position for passing is as follows: -Outer edges of hands are pressure positions on hands -Methods of holding hands include hand over hand and thumbs pointing down at floor -Elbows close together and straight -Shoulders forward -Upper body relaxed -Ball contacts arms away from body -Arms remain _____ to the floor -Use legs to adjust to the high or low balls -Thought sequence: Straighten Together Play


The jump floater serve is the same as the standing floater except there is an approach and jump to make contact with the ball. This type of serve allows the server to contact the ball at a *lower* or *higher* point, making the trajectory of the serve flatter over the net and keeping the ball in the air for a shorter period, giving the passer less time to react and adjust to the serve.


The jump serve utilizes the highest toss and more of an attack approach, jumping and striking the ball in the air. -The extra motion generated allows the server to put more power on the ball. -Drawback: The extra motion can lead to a higher incidence of serving _____. -Jump serves are at times difficult to control for the server and can tire the server out.


The most common serve is the _____ floater serve.


The most difficult element of passing is obtaining the needed confidence. If a teammate is having trouble passing, give him/her _____ and maybe offer to take a little more court on the next serve.


The most important unspoken rules of serving: 1. *Never* or *always* make the target passer move. 2. Never serve an error when the other team has called a time out. 3. Never serve an error after you have won a great rally. 4. Never serve an error after the previous server served out. 5. Never serve an error when you just enter a game. 6. Never serve an error when you are the first server of the game.


The overhand float serve is hit with a momentary point of contact & very little follow through, just below the center of the ball, causing it to wiggle or float. -Left foot starts about ___ inches in front of the right foot (r-handed) -Weight placed on right foot -Ball held at arm length in front of right hitting shoulder & parallel to floor -Right elbow high & behind ear, hand facing court, fingers wide & hand tight and firm -Toss ball straight up and down, w/no extreme bending -Don't lower left arm when tossing -Ball should land 18-24" in front of hitting shoulder if untouched -Immediately after toss, step forward with left foot about 6" and transfer weight to left foot -Right arm swings with elbow leading high & contact with palm +Keep wrist back and firm to keep ball from spinning so it can float -Step and hand follow through and faces where you want ball to go -Little movement as possible to minimize errors


The ready position for passing is as follows: -Feet balanced -Body momentum stopped -Right foot can be slightly ahead, but not too staggered -Feet a little more than shoulder length apart -Toes & knees in -Weight on balls of feet -Arms inside the body/out front -Arms at angle outside body, _____ inside shoulder -Head looking at position from which ball is originating -Track ball early -Face square to the originating point of the ball -Hips facing server


The second common fault in passing technique is: Swinging from _____ +Most common underhand passing fault +Result of swinging is the contact with ball usually made when arms are too high and pass is short of target. +Shoulder Shrug: can be taught to compensate for this fault. +Instead, arms and shoulders come forward as a unit +Shoulders end up by the ears


The second step in the passing progression of teaching is have the players pair up. One player should hold the ball about _____ high while the second player goes through the passing movements, but only contacts the ball.


The six step in the passing progression is to have player one toss the ball over the net to player two who should quickly move into position and passes the ball to the right _____ target. Key points to emphasize are: -Be ready to move -See the arch of the ball in your mind -See yourself performing the skill successfully


The size and jumping ability of players make it essential to use the opponent;s block to _____ hitters against only one blocker.


The third common fault in passing technique is: Contacting the ball too _____ on the arms +Main problem is lack of concentration +Should be contacted at narrow part of arms above wrists +Correction: pair player with a tosser and work on form passing ++If doesn't work, have one player hold the ball and the other player pass the ball out of his/her hands


The third step in the passing progression is have on eplayer bounce the ball and the partner pass the ball. Make sure to emphasize: -Stay low -Arms out away from body and parallel to floor -Use _____ to make adjustments -Do not swing arms -Keep the pass low and in control


The three main uses of the _____ pass include receiving the serve, receiving balls lower than waist level, and receiving hard driven spikes.


The underhand serve is the easiest to learn and control, requires very little strength, and is recommended for ___ grade and younger.


Tipping: -Spiking action is identical to spike. -Prior to contacting the ball, the arm swing is slowed down almost to a stop. -Fingers are spread and move forward to form a _____. The action simulates the one hand set. -Pads of finger tips contact the ball and the wrist is used to give direction. -The change-up in speed & direction makes this effective. -Ball should be contacted at height of jump.


Today's power game has created an even greater need for exact, ______ passing.


Types of Tips: -Soft Tip: Place the hand under the ball, fingers only. Best done as deception. Best to tip to the direction of the opening rather than over the block. -Fast Tip: Shove the ball. Setter can deliver a very fast ball, it is not hit, but the fingers spread and push the ball downward toward the floor. -Throw: Throw the ball to the _____ corners of the court. Elbow high & keep the ball in front of you. When hitting the deep shot, the ball must be struck while the body is ascending.


Underhand serves *are* or *are not* often much easier to receive and hit compared to other serve styles.


When blocking start finger-to-elbow distance from the net. -Too close causes: +Net touches +Inability to penetrate & seal net *Difficulty in movement & adjustment -Too far away causes: +Balls to be hit between you & net +Net _____ resulting from broad jumping


When blocking, never: -Touch the _____ -Let the ball be hit between you & net -Be tooled (?) -Jump with backrow setter -Get faked terribly


When in the starting pass position, do not have hands on knees or clasped together, as this will ______ movement to the ball.


Wipe-Off Shot: -When the ball is set ______ to the net & the block is up, put the palm around the ball and shove it off the block to the outside. -There is more control than hitting off the block. -Aim at the outside arm of the outside blocker. -If the bblock is on top of you, hit the ball up and off the blocker's hands.


___% of all attacks are hit in the direction of the hitter's approach.


_____ among team members is always necessary and should become standard policy, including calling the ball in, out, mine, short, and deep as soon as they know.


_____ passing is required so that the setter has choice of several quick play-sets and is not forced to always go outside where a big two-person block is waiting.


is the most widely used skill in volleyball, redirecting the ball in a game of angles.


serving Philosophy: -The first serve should always be _____, a tough serve, and without error. -The second serve should add a little toughness (90% of best serve). -The third serve if two points are sored, it is the 100% serve which produces the greatest number of aces, but also the greatest numbers of errors. -Forth (& on) Serves: Repeat!

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