Exam 1 - PSYC. 3600

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"Every stimulus pattern is seen in such a way that the resulting structure is as simple as possible" refers to which Gestalt law? a. Good figure b. Similarity c. Familiarity d. Common fate

If you are thinking about experiences about a previous vacation, then you are most likely making use of ___ memories.


In Broadbent's flow diagram of attention, messages first enter a(n) ___.


The __________ lobe of the cortex receives information from all of the senses and is responsible for coordination of the senses, as well as higher cognitive functions such as thinking and problem solving.


Which of the following would play a key role in research on the physiology of cognition?

functional magnetic resonance imaging

The predominant theme of the information-processing approach holds that the operation of the mind occurs ___.

in a number of stages

Which of the following has become one of the dominant approaches in contemporary psychology?

information processing

In a classic paper from the 1950s, George Miller argued that the information-processing capacity of the mind is ___.

limited to about 7 items

As Latoya sat down to take her final exam in European History, what did she draw upon to answer the 100 questions?

long-term memory


measure used by Ebbinghaus to determine the magnitude of memory left from initial learning


measurement of electrical responses of the nervous system

Choice reaction time

measurement of how long it takes to react to one of multiple stimuli

Simple reaction time

measurement of how long it takes to respond to a single stimulus

Reaction Time

measurement of how long it takes to respond to presentation of a stimulus

Cognitive map

mental conception of a spatial layout

The use of positron emission tomography enables psychological research to get down to the level of _____.


Scientific revolution

occurs when there is a shift in thinking from one scientific paradigm to another

Joe and Meg are doing a study in psychology. Joe is asked to push a button as soon as he sees a red light, whereas Meg is asked to push a red button if she sees a red light and a green button if she sees a green light. From the information, who appear(s) to be involved in a task measuring choice reaction time?

only Meg

Classical conditioning

pairing of a stimulus with a neutral stimulus changes the response to the neutral stimulus

The decline in shopping at brick-and-mortar stores and the explosion of online shopping can be considered a shift in _____.


Savings curve

plot showing the amount remembered versus he time between initial learning and testing

The notion that every stimulus pattern is seen in such a way that the resulting structure is as simple as possible is called the law of a. continuity b. pragnanz c. similarity d. common fate


Celia loved to knit when she was a young girl, but she hadn't done it in years. So she was excited when she joined a group making blankets for homeless kids and started knitting like she had just done it yesterday. What did Celia access to start knitting again?

procedural memory

Analytic introspection

procedure in which trained participants described their experiences and thought processes in response to stimuli

Which of the following terms best reflects the concept of cognition?


The fusiform face area (FFA) in the brain is often damaged in patients with


Cognitive psychology

scientific study of the mind and mental processes

Cognitive revolution

shift in psychology from the behaviorist approach to explaining behavior in terms of the mind


study of the behavior of people with brain damage


system of ideas that dominate science at a particular time

Brain imaging

technique that creates pictures of the brain

Artificial intelligence

the ability of a computer to perform tasks usually associated with the human mind

Operant conditioning

theory that behavior is strengthened by presentation of positive reinforcers or withdrawal of negative reinforcers

The United Negro College fund organization once used the marketing slogan "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." Conceptually, the organization was stating that the human mind is _________.


Which of the following would best fit Watson's approach to psychological research?

watching people react to a scary movie


"Perceiving machines" are used by the US postal service to "read" the addresses on letters and sort them quickly to their correct destinations. Sometimes, these machines cannot read an address, because the writing on the envelope is not sufficiently clear for the machine to match the writing to an example it has stored in memory. Human postal workers are much more successful at reading unclear addresses, most likely because of a. Bottom-up processing b. Top-down processing c. Their in-depth understanding of principles of perception d. Repeated practice at the task

You studied a lot of information to ace this quiz. According to Ebbinghaus, when will the rate at which you begin to forget the information begin to level off?

2 days

According to Miller, which of the following would be the shortest password that a person would have difficulty remembering?


Which of the following is true about perception? a. it occurs separately form action b. it involves rapid processes c. it is mostly automatic d. it is the result of many cognitions such as creating memories, acquiring knowledge, and solving problems.



According to the textbook, perception goes beyond the simple receipt of sensory information. It is involved in many different cognitive skills. Which of the following is not one of those skills as noted by the chapter? a. Solving problems b. Experiencing neuromodulation c. Communicating with other people d. Answering questions


Amhad is doing an experiment in which he has to choose between the object he has been shown previously (the target object) and another object. Choosing the target object will result in a reward. What sort of task is he doing? a. Landmark discrimination problem b. Dissociation task c. Greeble recognition task d. Object discrimination problem

Which of the following are conceptually similar?

Atkinson and Shiffrin's short-term memory and Broadbent's flow diagram filter

Nick has perfected the skill of tuning out his mother's lectures about cleaning his room while still being able to text his friends and listen to music. What concept is Nick displaying?

Broadbent's filter


Computer programs have been designed that can recognize matching human faces with the same accuracy as a human being, but the computer loses its efficiency at this process when a. Animal faces are substituted for human faces b. The faces are of children c. The faces are viewed from an angle d. The faces are of people with scars or deformities


Damage to the temporal lobe makes the __________ more difficult. a. Object discrimination problem b. Landmark discrimination problem c. Double dissociation problem d. Single dissociation problem

In an experiment, a rat can choose between hitting a blue button (which provides a snack) or a yellow button (which provides a shock). In each round of the experiment, the buttons may or may not switch colors. This experiment combines elements of which two researchers?

Donders and Skinner


During a baseball game, a ball is hit down the first baseline toward the foul line. If it goes to the right of the pole it will be a foul, if it goes to the left, it will be a home run. The umpire making this call will have the most difficulty making the judgement because a. The umpire will be looking right at the foul pole instead of viewing it from an angle b. The human visual perceptual system is simply inefficient at making judgments in cases where the visual stimuli are more than a few feet away c. It can be very difficult to distinguish one item from another when there is overlap between the two d. The ball will probably disappear from view whether it goes in front of or behind the foul pole

Which one of these early pioneers in cognitive psychology was the first to undertake quantitative measurements of mental processes?



Established the first laboratory of scientific psychology


Evidence for the role of top-down processing in perception is shown by which of the following examples? a. When someone can easily select a target that has a feature distinct from distractors b. When someone cannot read an illegible word in a written sentence c. When someone easily identifies an object even though that object is unexpected in that context (ex. identifying a telephone in a refrigerator) d. When someone accurately identifies a word in a song on a radio broadcast despite static interfering with reception


Experience resulting from stimulation of the senses and information from the senses that can help guide our actions is called a. Perception b. Sensation c. Transduction d. Consolidation


First psychology textbook; some of his observations are still valid today

physiologist who performed the first cognitive psychology experiment

Franciscus Donders


Gauthier and coworkers experiment on experience-dependent plasticity showed that after extensive "Greeble recognition" training sessions, FFA neurons had a(n) _________ response to faces and an ___________ response to Greebles. a. Unvaried; unvaried b. Decreased; increased c. Unvaried; increased d. Increased; increased


If a word is identified more easily when it is in a sentence than when it is presented alone, this would be an example of ___________ processing. a. Top-down b. Bottom-up c. Serial d. Sequential


In the "finding faces in a landscape" demonstration in the text, once you perceive a particular grouping of rocks as a face, it is often difficult not to perceive them this way. This is due to a. The inverse problem b. Shift in your attentional focus c. A recency effect d. Your prior knowledge


In the text's use of the Olympic Rings example, which Gestalt law contributes to the correct perception of five interlocking circles? a. Simplicity b. Contiguity c. Figure-ground d. Common fate

Being able to hear a friend talk to you while at a noisy party reflects concepts studied by which of the following?

James and Cherry

Which of the following correctly pairs a researcher with a core concept of their work?


___ founded behaviorism which ___ the study of inner mental processes.

John Watson; rejected


Maria took a drink from a container marked "milk". Suprised, she quickly spit out the liquid because it turned out the container was filled with orange juice. Maria likes orange juice, so why did she have such a negative reaction to it? Her response was most affected by a. Reception of the stimulus b. Bottom-up processing c. Top-down processing d. Focused attention


Mental processes involved in perception, attention, memory, language, problem solving, reasoning, and decision making


Palmer's experiment, in which he asked people to identify objects in a kitchen, showed how __________ can affect perception. a. Illusory conjunctions b. Context c. Naming associations d. Attention


People perceive vertical and horizontal orientations more easily than other orientations according to the a. Principle of size constancy b. Oblique effect c. Law of pragnanz d. Law of good continuation


Quantitative measurement of mental processes


Some perceptions result from assumptions we make about the environment that we are not even aware of. This theory of unconscious inference was developed by a. Goldstein b. Gestalt psychologists c. Helmholtz d. Gibson


Speech segmentation is defined as a. Creating a sentence from a series of spoken words b. Ignoring the spaces between the spoken words of a sentence c. Organizing the sounds of speech into individual words d. Recognizing a few words out of many when hearing a largely unfamiliar language


System that creates mental representations of the world and controls mental functions


The "textured wall" example from the text illustrates a. Semantic regularities b. The oblique effect c. Size constancy d. The light-from-above heuristic


The demonstration in the text that asks to visualize such scenes as an office, often result in more details in the scene than the same scene with a lion or microscope. The latter two tend to have fewer details because most individuals from modern society have less knowledge of __________ in those scenes. a. Physical regularities b. Semantic regularities c. Pragnanz d. Double dissociation


The likelihood principle states that a. We perceive the object that is most likely to have caused the pattern of stimuli we have received b. We perceive size to remain the same size even when objects move to different distances c. It is easier to perceive vertical and horizontal orientations d. Feature detectors are likely to create a clear perception of an object


The notion that every stimulus pattern is seen in such a way that the resulting structure is as simple as possible is called the law of a. Common fate b. Similarity c. Pragnanz d. Continuity


The pathway leading from the striate cortex to the parietal lobe is known as the a. What pathway b. Where pathway c. Landmark pathway d. Action pathway


The perception pathway corresponds to the __________ pathway , while the action pathway corresponds to the __________ pathway. a. Where; what b. What; where c. Size; distance d. Distance; size


The process by which small objects become perceptually grouped to form larger objects is the principle of a. Conjunction b. Perceptual organization c. Perceptual discriminability d. Perceptual fusion


The results of Gautheir's "Greeble" experiment illustrate a. That neurons specialized to respond to faces are present in our brains when we are born b. That training a monkey to recognize the difference between common objects can influence how the monkey's neuron's fire to these objects c. An effect of experience-dependent plasticity d. That our nervous systems remain fairly stable in different environments


The sequence of steps that includes the images on the retina, changing the image into electrical signals, this neural processing is an example of ___________ processing. a. Bottom-up b. Top-down c. Sequential d. Serial


The study of the behavior of humans with brain damage is called a. Neuropsychology b. Functional localization c. Position emission tomography d. The subtraction technique


The task of determining the object responsible for a particular image on one's retina is called the a. Radiated wavelength paradox b. Inverse projection problem c. Serial location task d. Fusiform face role


The theory of unconscious inference includes the a. oblique effect b. Likelihood principle c. Principle of componential recovery d. Principle of speech segmentation


Viewpoint ___________ is the ability to recognize the same object even if it is seen from different perspectives a. Consistency b. Resistance c. Constancy d. Invariance

Which of the following researchers would most likely subscribe to the adage that "seeing is believing"?



When Carlos moved to the US, he didn't understand any English. Phrases like "Anna Mary Can Pi And I Scream Class Hick," didn't make any sense. Now that he has been learning English, he recognizes this phrase as "An American Pie and Ice Cream, Classic." This example illustrates that Carlos was not capable of ___________ in English. a. Speech segmentation b. The likelihood principle c. Bottom-up processing d. Algorithm


When you listen to someone speaking in a foreign language that you don't know, the words may all seem to sound the same. You may find yourself wondering how the speakers are communicating, when they are using the same words over and over again. The Gestalt law that is affecting you here is the law of a. Similarity b. Familiarity c. Nearness d. Good continuation


Which of the following is NOT an example of physical regularity in the text? a. The oblique effect b. The light-from-above assumption c. Angled orientation d. Having one object that is partially covered by another "come out the other side"


Which of the following is an example of an effect of top-down processing? a. Speech segmentation b. Seeing a flask of lightning in a thunderstorm c. The response of a feature detector d. Perceiving all of the birds in a flock as belonging together


Which statement best summarizes the focus of the Gestalt psychologists? a. We must understand the basic components of perception b. We need to identify the number of geons needed for object recognition c. We want to understand how elements are added up to create sensations d. We need to identify the neurons that create perception

The periodic table that identifies iron as having the symbol FE and an atomic number of 26 is conceptually similar to which of the following?

Wundt's structural sensations


You are at a parade where there are a number of marching bands. You perceive the bands that are all in the same uniforms as being grouped together. You have this perceptual experience because of the law of a. Simplicity b. Similarity c. Pragnanz d. Familiarity


You look at a rope coiled on a beach and are able to perceive it as a single strand because of the law of a. Good continuation b. Simplicity c. Familiarity d. Good figure

The likelihood principle state that: a.we perceive the object that is most likely to have caused the pattern of stimuli we have received. b. it is easier to perceive vertical and horizontal orientations. c.feature detectors are likely to create a clear perception of an object. d.we perceive size to remain the same size even when objects move to different distances.


An animal might learn how to navigate a maze through the use of ___.

a cognitive map

The perception pathway corresponds to the _____ pathway, while the action pathway corresponds to the _____ pathway. a. what, where b.size, distance c. where, what d. distance, size


The theory of unconscious inference includes the; a. likelihood principle b. oblique effect c. principle of speech segmentation d. principle of componential recovery


Which of the following word strings all refer to the same pathway? a. dorsal, where, action b. perception, dorsal, what c. where, ventral, perception d. what, action, dorsal

a. Dorsal pathway: where/action, occipital lobe to parietal. Ventral pathway: what/perception, parietal to temporal lobe

The existence of transitional probabilities adds a(n) ________ quality to learning and using language. a. anticipator b. intellectual c. reductive d. cultural

a. Transitional probabilitites: the likelihood that one sound will follow another within a word.

Who is likely to be most active in cycling information through their short-term memory?

an actor


approach by John Watson stating that observable conduct provides the only valid data for psychology


approach to psychology that explained perception as the combination of small elementary units called sensations

While George takes the bus home, he is thinking about how to resolve a difficult issue at work. This is an example of the mind ___.

as a problem solver

According to your textbook, perception goes beyond the simple receipt of sensory information. It is involved in many different cognitive skills. Which of the following is NOT one of those skills as noted by the chapter? a. communicating with others b. experiencing neuromodulaiton c. answering questions d. solving problems


Speech segmentation is defined as: a.ignoring the spaces between the spoken words of a sentence. b.organizing the sounds of speech into individual words. c.creating a sentence from a series of spoken words. d.recognizing a few words out of many when hearing a largely unfamiliar language.


The task of determining the object responsible for a particular image on one's retina is called the _____. a. radiated wavelength paradox b. inverse projection problem c. serial location task d. fusiform face role


The landmark discrimination problem is more difficult to do if you have damage to your _____ lobe. a. temporal b. parietal c. frontal d. occipital

b. Landmark: problem in which the task is to remember an object's location and to choose that location after a delay. Associated with research on where processing streams.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a physical regularity in your text? a.Having one object that is partially covered by another "come out the other side" b.Angled orientation c.The light-from-above assumption d.the oblique effect

b. Physical regularity: regularly occuring physical properties of the environment. Oblique effect: people can perceive horizontals and verticals more easily than other orientations. Light-from-above assumption: assume that light is coming from above, because light in our environment including the sun an dmost artificial light, usually comes from above

Percetion is not essential for: a. solving problems b.improving empath c. creating memories d. acquiring knowledge

b.improving empathy

Noam Chomsky argued that language development was primarily determined by ___.

biological processes

Which of the following is NOT considered a starting point for perception? a. feeling b. seeing c. thinking d. hearing


Evidence for the role of top-down processing in perception is shown by which of the following examples? a.When someone can easily select a target that has a feature distinct from distracters b.When someone cannot read an illegible word in a written sentence c.When someone accurately identifies a word in a song on a radio broadcast despite static interfering with reception d.When someone easily identifies an object even though that object is unexpected in that context (e.g., identifying a telephone inside a refrigerator)


The process by which small objects become perceptually grouped to form larger objects is the principle of perceptual a. conjunction b. fusion c. organization d. discrminability


Amhad is doing an experiment in which he has to choose between the object he has been shown previously (the target object) and another object. Choosing the target object will result in a reward. What sort of task is Amhad doing? a. Landmark discrimination problem b. greeble recognition task c. object discrimination problem d. dissociation task

c. Object: problem in which the task is to remember an object based on its shape and choose it when presented with another object after a delay. What processing stream

Which term best reflects what we do with an image projected onto our retina? a. interpret it b. confirm it c. reverse it d. infer it

c. x

Paradigm shift

change of a system of ideas that dominate science at a particular time

Information-processing approach

concept of psychology that describes the mind as processing data through a sequence of stages

Cedric is participating in a university research study inspired by the work of Stephen Palmer. The study is likely focused on measuring Cedric's level of _____.

contextual knowledge

If a word is identified more easily when it is in a sentence than when it is presented alone, this would be an example of _____ processing. a. bottom-up b. sequential c. serial d. top-down


When Carlos moved to the United States, he did not understand any English. Phrases like "Anna Mary Can Pi and I Scream Class Hick" didn't make any sense to him. Now that Carlos has been learning English, he recognizes this phrase as "An American Pie and Ice Cream Classic." This example illustrates that Carlos was not capable of ____ in English. a. algorithms b. the likelihood principle c. bottom up processing d. speech segementation


When does bottom-up processing start? a.When the brain encodes information received by the receptors b.When an electrical signal is passed to the brain c.When motor neurons at the extremities are activated d.When environmental energy stimulates the receptors


Which of the following is a basic principle of Gestalt psychology? a. Truth is relative b. many parts make up a whole c. apparent motion is due to sensation. d. The whole is different from the sum of its parts


Which of the following would have the most semantic regularities: a. skyscraper b. forest c. toll booth d. shopping mall

d. Are the characteristics associated with the function carried out in different types of scenes. Meaning of a scene.

A person with strong ________ would likely have a deeper experience of Bayesian influence. a. principles b. eyesight b. sensation d. beliefs

d. Bayesian influence: our estimate of the probability of an outcom is determined by : the prior probability, prior, which is our initial belief about the probability of an outcome and the extent to which the available evidience is consistent with the outcome, likelihood.

How does the phenomenon of apparent movement work? a.The retina sends overlapping electrical signals to the brain when motion is perceived. b.The perceptual system detects stationary images more slowly than motion is perceived. c.The perceptual system slows when flashing objects are introduced. d.The perceptual system creates the perception of movement from stationary images. Next

d. Light flashes one point then another, perceive movement.

Which of the following is an example of an effect of top-down processing? a.Seeing a flash of lightning in a thunderstorm b.Walking all around a car and always knowing it's a car c.Perceiving all of the birds in a flock as belonging together d. Recognizing a crying friend's sounds as words in a sentence

d. speech segmentation

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