EXAM 1 Quiz Questions (thanks yall)

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_______ is a condition in which the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is reduced a. Leukopenia b. Polycythemia c. Thrombocytopenia d. Leukemia e. Anemia


The hormone that does the opposite of calcitonin is a. Parathyroid hormone b. Insulin c. Glucagon d. Thyroid hormone e. Growth hormone

Parathyroid hormone

The pituitary hormone that triggers the release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland is TSH. ACTH. FSH. LH. GH.


The intrinsic pathway of coagulation is activated by the - sticking of platelets to damaged tissue. - release of heparin from the liver. - release of tissue factor (Factor III) by - damaged endothelium. - activation of proenzymes exposed to collagen. - conversion of prothrombin to thrombin.

activation of proenzymes (factor XII) exposed to collagen.

Which of these descriptions best matches the term platelets? - kill bacteria using hydrogen peroxide - often elevated in allergic individuals - produce antibodies in response to antigens - helper cells are one type - adhere to collagen beneath endothelium

adhere to collagen beneath endothelium.

in which of the following situations would you expect the blood level of bilirubin to be elevated a an alcoholic with a damaged liver b low blood volume c iron deficient diet d low hematocrit e during coagulation

a alcoholic

Antigens of the surface of red blood cells are also called ________ and antibodies in the blood plasma are also called ________. agglutinogens, agglutinins or agglutinins, agglutinogens

agglutinogens, agglutinins

Hormones known as "catecholamines" are amino acid derivatives. steroids. lipids. derivatives of reproductive glands. peptides.

amino acid derivatives

the phase of hemostasis that involves blood clotting is called


________ involves a cascade of reactions leading to the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. retraction the platelet phase coagulation fibrinolysis


The chief difference between plasma and interstitial fluid involves the a concentration of nitrogen wastes b concentration of electrolytes c concentration of proteins d concentration of glucose e concentration of water

concentration of proteins

The outer layer of the adrenal gland is the a. Infundibulum b. Cortex c. Medulla d. Lobe e. Follicle


A hormone that promotes glucose formation in the liver is: thymosin. cortisol. aldosterone. parathormone. erythropoietin.

cortisol !

which of the following is not true of monocytes a can phagocytize bacteria b can enter tissues and wander c become macrophages d are about the same size as basophils e are long lived

d are about the same size as basophils

the average life span of a red blood cell is a one month b many years d four months e 24 hours

d four months (>120 days)

Plasma proteins essential in body defense are the immunoglobulins. albumins. fibrinogens. platelets. transport proteins


The pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar levels to fall is a. Glucagon b. Somatotropin c. Aldosterone d. Cortisol e. Insulin


The pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar levels to fall is somatotropin. cortisol. glucagon. aldosterone. insulin.


Hormones that produce different but complementary results are called antagonistic. agonistic. integrative. permissive. additive


Plasma is closest in composition to a interstitial fluid b csf c sterile water d isotonic saline solution e urine

interstitial fluid

Thyroid hormone contains the element iron. iodine. zinc. chlorine. fluorine.


Platelets are pinched off from giant multinucleated cells in the bone marrow called erythroblasts normoblasts megakaryocytes myeloblasts


____ are large phagocytic white cells that spend most of their time outside the blood as fixed and free phagocytic cells neutrophils. eosinophils. basophils. lymphocytes. monocytes.


During a bacterial infection you would expect to see increased numbers ofneutrophils. eosinophils. basophils. lymphocytes. monocytes.


Two hormones that have additive effects are called antagonists. agonists. synergists. permissive. co-factors.


Most of the protein factors that are required for clotting are synthesized by the spleen the liver platelets the kidneys

the liver

The inner portion of the adrenal gland is the: lobe. infundibulum. medulla. follicle. cortex.

the medulla

the level of erythropoietin in the blood would rise due to all the following, except A) During Periods of Fasting B) When Blood Flow to the Kidneys is Disrupted C) As a consequence of hemorrhage D) During Anemia E) At high Altitudes

A) During Periods of Fasting

A patient has an infected puncture would to her food, which type of WBC would you expect to be elevated in a differential WBC count a) lymphocytes b) Basophls C) eosinophils D) neutrophils E) monocytes

D) Neutrophils

A person's blood type is determined largely by the a. Size of the RBCs b. Volume of the RBCs c. Shape of the RBCs d. Presence of specific glycoproteins on the cell membrane e.Chemical character of the hemoglobin

Presence of specific glycoproteins on the cell membrane

the most abundant proteins in blood plasma are a lipoproteins b globulins c fibrinogens d transport proteins e albumins


Cells of the adrenal cortex produce norepinephrine. aldosterone. angiotensin. ACTH. epinephrine.


which of the following is true of basophils granules contain histamine attract other defense cells granules contain heparin constitute 1% wbcs all the above

all the above

Two hormones that have opposing effects are called antagonists. synergists. agonists. permissive. additive.


Which of these is not one of the formed elements of blood? RBCs lymphocytes platelets basophils antibodies


When hormones interact they can produce any of the following kinds of effects except permissive. integrative. synergistic. antagonistic. apoptosis


a substance that activates plasminogen might be useful to cause clots to form faster initiate clot formation mimic heparin recruit neutrophils to an infection cause clot dissolution to proceed faster

cause clot dissolution to proceed faster

non-specific immunity, such a sphagocytosis is a function of which blood cellls a basophils and eosinophils b platelets c lymphocytes and monocytes d neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes

d neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes

surgical removal of the stomach could cause a thrombocytopenia b hemophilia c jaundice d pernicious anemia e leukocytosis

d pernicious anemia

If a diabetic patient received too much insulin, the low blood sugar could be corrected by injecting GHIH. aldosterone. thyroid hormone. antidiuretic hormone. glucagon


which organ secretes most of the plasma proteins a kidney b heart c pancreas d liver e brain


All of the following are components of the cardiovascular system except Capillaries. Arteries. Lymph vessels. Blood. Heart.

lymph vessels

the wbcs involved in specific immunity are the neutrophils. eosinophils. basophils. lymphocytes. monocytes.


The hormone(s) that may be slower administered by intravenous drip to accelerate labor and delivery is/are a. Prolactin b. Luteinizing hormone c. Oxytocin d. Oxytocin and luteinizing hormone


the extrinsic pathway of coagulation is initiated by - sticking of platelets to damaged tissue -release of tissue factor 3 by damaged endothelium -activation of factor VII exposed to collagen - release of heparin from the liver - conversion of prothrombin to thrombin

release of tissue factor 3 by damaged endothelium

All target cells: A) have hormone receptors. B) respond to electrical signals. C) secrete hormones. D) produce their own hormones. E) are in the blood.

have hormone receptors (and can respond to chemical signals)

The percent fraction of formed elements relative to whole blood is the a. Hematocrit b. Differential cell count c. Specific gravity d. Viscosity e. Packed volume


Some rat poisons contain a toxin that blocks the liver's ability to utilize vitamin K. Animals that consume this poison would die of anemia. acidosis. hemorrhage. starvation. thrombocytopenia.


After brain surgery, a patient receiving postoperative care in an intensive care unit began to pass large volumes of very dilute urine. The ICU nurse administered a medicine that mimics which of the following hormones? epinephrine cortisol ADH aldosterone renin


Changes in blood osmotic pressure would most affect the secretion of OXT. TSH. ADH. LH. ACTH.


The pituitary hormone that causes the kidney to reduce water loss is ADH. FSH. ACTH. TSH. OXT.


The posterior pituitary gland secretes ACTH. MSH ADH TSH. FSH.


When blood glucose levels fall, Protein synthesis increases. Glucagon is released and protein synthesis increases. Insulin is released. glucagon is released Peripheral cells take up more glucose..

Glucagon is released

The pituitary hormone that stimulates cell growth and replication by accelerating protein synthesis is

Growth hormone!

a person with untreated diabetes mellitus may exhibit all of the following symptoms exceptE Excessive thirst. Glucosuria. Polyuria. Hyperglycemia. Hypoglycemia.


Which of the following vitamins is needed for the formation of clotting factors?? A B K D E


The pituitary hormone that promotes ovarian secretion of progesterone and testicular secretion of testosterone is: TSH. ACTH. FSH. LH. GH.


Secretory cells of the adenohypophysis release all of the following except OXT. FSH. LH. GH. TSH.


which of the following combinations may result in the hemolytic disease of the newborn a. a mother rh positivw, baby rh negative b. a mother rh negative, a baby rh positive c. none of these


which is not true about neutrophils a attracted to complement coated bacteria b less abundant than lymphocytes c can exit capillaries d can make hydrogen peroxide e can destroy bacteria

b less abundant than lymphocytes

the function of platelets is to assist in the a) immune response during infection b) Process called Hemostasis c) Removal of worn out red blood cells d) destruction of bacteria e) transport of blood gasses

b) Process called Hemostasis

steroid hormones: bind to receptors in the nucleus of their target cells are proteins are transported in the blood dissolved in plasma remain in circulation for relatively short periods of time

bind to receptors in the nucleus of their target cells.

Erythropoiesis is stimulated when a blood pressure increases b oxygen levels in the blood increase c blood flow to the kidney declines d carbon dioxide levels in the blood decrease e coagulation begins

blood flow to kidney declines

The C cells of the thyroid gland produce calcitonin. thyroxine. PTH. TSH. triiodothyronine.


The exocrine portion of the pancreas produces insulin. glucagon. somatotropin. digestive enzymes. bile.

digestive enzymes.

Whole blood for testing in a clinical laboratory is usually collected from a a capillary b an arteriole c the heart d a superficial artery e a superficial vein

e a superficial vein

The yellow color that is visible in the eyes and skin in jaundice results from a destruction of hemoglobin b excessive amounts of bilirubin in the plasma c the recycling of hemoglobin d extensive breakdown of rbcs e all de above

e all de above

When a person who lives at sea level vacations in the Rocky Mountains, you would expect a the release of erythropoetin b an increase in red blood cell production c a drop in oxygen levels d a rise in hematocrit e all the above

e all the above

excess iron is stored in the liver and spleen as a hemoglobin b hemosiderin c ferritin d transferrin e hemosiderin and ferritin

e hemosiderin and ferretin

pernicious anemia is caused by lack of intrinsic factor is specifically treated by injections of iron oral doses of iron c blood transfusion d oral doses of vitamin b12 e injections of vitamin b12

e injections of vitamin b12

The functional organization of the nervous system parallels that of the _______ system in many ways a. Endocrine b. Cardiovascular c. Integumentary d. Muscular e. Body


Which of the following hormones increases production of red blood cells? cortisol thymosin aldosterone erythropoietin atrial natriuretic peptide

erythropoetin (A kidney derived hormone)

The process of red blood cell production is called hemocytosis. erythropenia. hematopenia. erythropoiesis. erythrocytosis.


The ovaries secrete _______ when stimulated by FSH a. oxytosin b. Estrogen c. Gonadotropins d. Progesterone e. Testosterone


Tissue factor (Factor III) is a factor in the ________ pathway. A) extrinsic B) intrinsic C) common D) retraction E) fibrinolytic


A plasma protein essential for blood coagulation is Immunoglobulin A. Albumin alpha. Transport proteins. Platelets. Fibrinogen.


When one hormone is needed for a second hormone to produce an effect, it is called agonistic. antagonistic. permissive additive. synergistic.


The enzyme that can digest fibrin and dissolve a clot is heparin. thrombin. fibrinase. phosphokinase .plasmin.


If the blood types of a donor and recipient are compatible, then a.the donor's antigens bind with the recepients antigents b.the donors antibodies bind with the recipients antibodies c.the donors antibodies bind with the recipients antigens d. the donors antigens bind with the recpients antibodies e there is no reaction between antibodies and antigens

theres no reaction

The most abundant component of plasma is ions. gases. proteins. nutrients. water.


The combination of plasma and formed elements is called whole blood extracellular fluid. packed blood. serum. lymph

whole blood

The function of hemoglobin is to carry______

A) carry dissolved blood gases. (oxygen and co2)

Eosinophils function in: A) destroying antibody-labeled antigens B) blood coagulation C) production of surface antigens for red blood cells D) antibody production E) production of heparin

A) destroying antibody-labeled antigens

Red blood cell production is regulated by the hormone _________ which is mostly produced in the _____ Thymosin; thymus Erythropoietin; liver Angiotensin; lungs Erythropoietin; kidneys Renin; kidneys

Erythropoietin; kidneys

An obstruction in blood flow to the kidneys would ultimately result in a. Decreased erythropoiesis b. Increased sensitivity to vitamin K c. Increased erythropoiesis d. Renal anemia e. Decreased iron absorption

Increased erythropoiesis

When a catecholamine or peptide hormone binds to receptors on the surface of a cell theAnswers: -cell membrane becomes depolarized. -hormone receptor complex moves into the cytoplasm. -second messenger appears in the cytoplasm. - hormone is transported to the nucleus where it alters the activity of DNA. -cell becomes inactive.

Second messenger appears in the cytoplasm.

The normal pH of blood is a. Extremely alkaline b. Neutral c. Extremely acidic d. Slightly acidic e. Slightly alkaline

Slightly alkaline

The testes produce LH. Testosterone. Progesterone. FSH. Estrogen


Sensitization during hemolytic disease of the newborn refers to:

The mother's immune system producing antibodies against the fetus' RBC, the fetal immune system producing antibodies against the fetus' RBC's.

If the blood types of a donor and recipient are compatible, then a. The donor's antigens bind with the recipient's antigens b. The donor's antibodies bind with the recipient's antigens c. The donor's antigens bind with the recipient's antibodies d. There is no reaction between antibodies and antigens e. The donor's antibodies bind with the recipient's antibodies

There is no reaction between antibodies and antigens

Most of the iron that is removed from degraded hemoglobin is a recycled to the red bone marrow b excreted by the kidneys c stored in the yellow bone marrow d excreted by the intestines e excreted by the liver

a recycled to the red bone marrow

All of the following are true of the nervous system, except that it doesn't a. Function independently of the endocrine system b. Communicate by the release of neurotransmitters c. Respond specifically to stimuli d. Respond rapidly to stimuli e. Respond with motor output

a. Function independently of the endocrine system

RBCs typically live about 120 days. The main reason for this short lifespan in RBCs is their a. Lack of nucleus b. Flexibility c. Concentration of Hb d. Large urbane area-to-volume ratio e. Cell shape

a. Lack of nucleus

TSH plays a key role in ________ of thyroid hormones. only the release only the inhibition only the production both inhibition and production both production and release

both production and release .

all of the following are true of neutrophils except that they are a active in fighting bacterial infections b granular leukocytes c important in coagulation also known as polymorphonuclear leukocytes e phagocytic

c coagulation

1. ________ are chemical messengers that are released in one tissue and transported in the bloodstream to alter the activities of specific cells in other tissues a. Neuropeptides b. Parading factors c. Hormones d. Neurotransmitters e. None of the answers is correct

c hormones

A bruise appears as a greenish spot in the skin because a dead wbcs b hemoglobin has leaked from the blood into the injury and hemoglobin has green color c bilirubin from hemoglobin recycling has built-up in the bruise d the heme group in the hemoglobin has broken down into the biliverdin

d the heme group in the hemoglobin has broken down into the biliverdin

The primary function of ADH is to -decrease the amount of water lost at the kidneys. -increase digestive absorption. delay urination. -increase the amount of sodium lost at the kidneys. -decrease blood pressure.

decrease the amount of water lost at the kidneys

In case of hemorrhage, platelets are stored as a reserve in A) the spleen B) the kidneys. C) cytoplasmic fragments of large cells. D) the thymus gland. E) bone marrow.

the spleen

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