Exam 2 214

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A nerve is a structure that may contain: 1. axons 2. blood vessels 3. neuron cell bodies 4. connective tissue 5. myelin 6. oligodendrocytes A) 1,3,5,6 B) 1,4,5 C) 2,3,4 D) 1,2,4,5

A) 1,3,5,6

Which of the following is true of a muscle that is not contracting? A) AChE is present in the synaptic cleft B) released calcium ions are present C) the tendons are taut D) oxygen is depleted E) both A and C

A) AChE is present in the synaptic cleft

The white matter of the CNS is largely made up of A) myelinated axons B) nerve cell bodies C) neuronal nuclei D) sensory neurons only E) none of the above

A) myelinated axons

Select the association that is most closely matched (in the spinal cord) A) posterior- sensory B) anterior- sensory C) anterior- integrative D) posterior- motor E) none of the above match

A) posterior- sensory

The series elastic components of a muscle include all of the following except A) the myofilaments B) the endomysium C) the epimysium D) the perimysium E) the tendons

A) the myofilaments

The embryonic forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain arise from what structure? A) the neural tube B) the neural folds C) the mesoderm D) the neural crest E) the telencephalon

A) the neural tube

The correct order in which these muscles are arranged from superficial to deep is 1. digastric 2. geniohyoid 3. mylohyoid A) 1, 2, and 3 B) 1, 3, and 2 C) 2, 3, and 1

B) 1, 3, and 2

Which of the following is true of myosin? 1. it is located in the A band of the sarcomere 2. it binds to tropomyosin during contraction 3. it forms thick filaments 4. the molecules are helix shaped A) 2,4 B) 1,3 C) 1,2,3,4 D) 1,2,3

B) 1,3

Action potentials result from A) opening of calcium gates B) abrupt changing of the transmembrane potential C) neurons transporting neurotransmitters D) closing of ion channels E) all of the above

B) abrupt changing of the transmembrane potential

Arachnoid villi: A) are projections of dura mater into the arachnoid B) absorb CSF into the venous circulation C) occur along the inferior sagittal sinus D) line the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone E) are or do none of the above

B) absorb CSF into the venous circulation

The neurotransmitter involved in the process of contraction in skeletal muscles is: A) ATP B) acetylcholine C) troponin D) synovial fluid E) none of the above

B) acetylcholine

CSF reenters the circulatory system through the: A) pia mater B) arachnoid villi C) hypothalamus D) cauda equina E) none of the above

B) arachnoid villi

The inferior portion of the prosencephalon becomes the A) medulla B) diencephalon C) cerebrum D) pons E) cerebellum

B) diencephalon

The components of the diencephalon include the: A) hypothalamus, but not the epithalamus B) hypothalamus and thalamus C) thalamus and mammillary bodies D) fornix and hippocampus E) a and c from above

B) hypothalamus and thalamus

Rigor mortis is the consequence of A) lack of acetylcholine B) lack of ATP C) lack of acetylcholinesterase D) lack of actin/myosin E) lack of titin

B) lack of ATP

Which of the following is not a neurotransmitter? A) glutamate B) lipofusein C) gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) D) acetylcholine E) serotonin

B) lipofusein

The cerebral hemispheres are separated by the A) coronal fissure B) longitudinal fissure C) lateral ventricles D) central sulcus E) none of the above

B) longitudinal fissure

What immune disorder results in deterioration of the myelin sheath in the CNS? A) Parkinson's disease B) multiple sclerosis C) anencephaly D) Tay-Sachs disease E) spina bifida

B) multiple sclerosis

The visual cortex is located in the __________ lobe. A) frontal B) occipital C) temporal D) parietal E) insular

B) occipital

Which of the following muscles is not involved in the process of chewing or manipulating food in the mouth? A) hyoglossus B) omohyoid C) pterygoid D) masseter E) temporalis

B) omohyoid

The repeating functional units of thick and thin filaments within a myofibril are called: A) muscle fibers B) sarcomeres C) tropomyosin and troponin D) terminal cisternae E) a or d from above

B) sarcomeres

Calcium ions bind to ______ to allow contraction to take place A) tropomyosin B) troponin C) myosin D) action E) titin

B) troponin

In a sarcomere this is necessary inorder for myosin to detach from actin A) calcium B) potassium C) ATP D) sodium E) a nerve impulse


This band shortens during the contraction of a sarcomere A) M line B) Z disc C) H zone D) actin E) A band

C) H zone

Regeneration of nerve cells in the peripheral nervous system is assisted by A) astrocytes B) bipolar neurons C) Schwann cells D) oligodendrocytes E) synaptic clefts

C) Schwann cells

The primary types of muscle tissue include all of the following except: A) skeletal muscle B) cardiac muscle C) appendicular muscle D) smooth muscle E) no exceptions; all of these are primary muscle types

C) appendicular muscle

Information from peripheral receptors to processing centers in the brain travels along A) motor pathways B) descending pathways C) ascending pathways D) nuclei E) both A and B

C) ascending pathways

The sarcoplasmic reticulum stores A) glycogen B) oxygen C) calcium ions D) glucose E) ATP

C) calcium ions

From which plexus does the phrenic nerve arise? A) thoracic B) sacral C) cervical D) brachial E) lumbar

C) cervical

Which of the following neuroglia produce cerebrospinal fluid? A) astrocytes B) oligodendrocytes C) ependyma D) satellite cells E) microglia

C) ependyma

The very beginning of the axon is called the A) neurofibril B) Nissl body C) initial segment D) axon hillock E) axoplasm

C) initial segment

From which plexus does the femoral nerve arise? A) sacral B) brachial C) lumbar D) cervical E) thoracic

C) lumbar

Which of the following is not a component of a reflex arc? A) integrating center B) somatic receptors C) motor neuron soma in the cerebral cortex D) efferent nerve fibers from the ventral horn of the spinal cord E) afferent neurons

C) motor neuron soma in the cerebral cortex

All the muscle fibers controlled by a single motor neuron constitute a A) sarcomere B) skeletal muscle C) motor unit D) synaptic knob E) tendon organ

C) motor unit

One sarcomere contains all of the following except: A) myosin B) the M line C) myofibrils D) the H zone

C) myofibrils

In what lobe of the cerebrum would you find the primary visual area? A) temporal lobe B) frontal lobe C) occipital lobe D) parietal lobe

C) occipital lobe

Where does one find a neuromuscular junction? A) in smooth muscle B) on each skeletal muscle cell C) on each fascicle D) on the heart E) in cardiac muscle

C) on each fascicle

The muscle that can both flex and adduct the arm is (the) A) latissmus dorsi B) subscapularis C) pectoralis major D) teres major E) none of the above

C) pectoralis major

Myelin consists mainly of A) carbohydrate B) cholesterol C) phospholipid D) protein E) lipofusein

C) phospholipid

The upper motor neurons that control the skeletal muscles are found in A) ventral horn of the spinal cord B) motor association cortex of the cerebrum C) precentral gyrus of cerebrum D) dorsal horn of the spinal cord E) postcentral gyrus of the cerebrum

C) precentral gyrus of cerebrum

The trigger zone of a neuron includes A) each internode B) the dendrites C) the axon hillock D) each node of Ranvier E) the synaptic knobs

C) the axon hillock

Which structure of the neuron is included in the neuromuscular junction? A) the axon hillock B) the dendrites C) the axon terminal D) the perikaryon

C) the axon terminal

Cardiac muscle has the following combination of characteristics 1 uninucleate 2 multinucleate 3 striated 4 unstriated 5 spindle shaped 6 voluntary 7 branched 8 unbranched A) 2, 3, 5, 8 B) 3, 8 C) 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 D) 1, 3, 7 E) 1, 4, 5, 6, 8

D) 1, 3, 7

Two muscles that insert on the angle and ramus of the mandible, and that elevate the mandible are: 1. masseter 2. medial pterygoid 3. lateral pterygoid 4. temporalis A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 1,2

D) 1,2

The ______ band/s become/s ________ when the sarcomere contracts A) H, larger B) A, smaller C) I, larger D) I, smaller E) A, larger

D) I, smaller

The somesthetic center of the postcentral gyrus is part of the ______ of the cerebrum. A) vermis B) insula C) frontal lobe D) parietal lobe E) temporal lobe

D) parietal lobe

The lateral sulcus of the cerebrum separates the _____ from the ________. A) occipital lobe...cerebellum B) frontal lobe...parietal lobe C) temporal lobe...cerebellum D) temporal lobe...parietal lobe E) occipital lobe...parietal lobe

D) temporal lobe...parietal lobe

The attachment of a muscle to a bone is called A) a tendon B) an aponeurosis C) a capsule D) a ligament E) A or B

E) A or B

The _____ muscle extends from the scapula to the thyroid cartilage and acts to depress the larynx. A) thyrohyoid B) sternothyroid C) omohyoid D) sternohyoid E) none of the above

E) none of the above

If there is a stroke in the motor portion of the left side of the brain it affects the right side of the body, Why? A )the fibers of the corticospinal tracts are contralateral B) because the fibers in the motor tracts do not decussate C) the fibers of the corticospinal tracts are ipsilateral D) we do not have enough info E) the fiber of the corticospinal tracts are unilateral

A )the fibers of the corticospinal tracts are contralateral

Region of a sarcomere where actin and myosin overlap A) A band B) Z disc C) big band D) I band E) H band

A) A band

If a nerve becomes less efficient at transmitting impulses, this might indicate damage to which of the following? A) Schwann cells B) ependymal cells C) astrocytes D) satellite cells E) microglia

A) Schwann cells

The internal capsule is a type of A) projection fiber B) fibrous coat surrounding the cerebrum C) covering specifically associated with the cerebellum D) pathway restricted to the spinal cord E) muscle covering

A) projection fiber

The membrane network that surrounds each myofibril in a sleevelike arrangement is the A) sarcoplasmic reticulum B) endomysium C) endoplasmic reticulum D) myoneural junction E) actin

A) sarcoplasmic reticulum

Which muscle inserts on the coronoid process of the mandible? A) temporalis B) zygomaticus major C) omohyoid D) masseter E) lateral pterygoid

A) temporalis

Muscles involved in the protrusion of the lower jaw include A) the lateral pterygoids B) the temporalis muscles acting together C) the medial pterygoids D) the digastric E) the masseters

A) the lateral pterygoids

Which of the following is not a charactersitic of neurons A) conductivity B) ability to undergo mitosis in adults C) presence of nissl bodies D) excitablity E) secretion

B) ability to undergo mitosis in adults

Damage to the hippocampus causes: A) an inability for memory conversion to occur B) an immediate loss of short term, but not long term memory C) no effect on memory D) the hypothalamus to take over its function E) none of the above

B) an immediate loss of short term, but not long term memory

Which white matter fibers connect adjacent gyri? A) commissural B) arcuate fibers C) projection fibers D) longitudinal fasciculi fibers E) association fibers

B) arcuate fibers

spinal nerves extending distal to the conus medullaris are collectively referred to as the A) denticulate ligaments B) cauda equina C) motor neurons D) filum terminale E) spinal meninges

B) cauda equina

The right and left cerebral hemispheres are joined mainly by A) the decussation B) corpus callosum C) association tracts D) the Pons E) the thalamus

B) corpus callosum

The major somatosensory pathways do not include (the) A) spinothalamic pathway B) corticocerebral pathway C) posterior column pathway D) spinocerebellar pathway E) any exceptions; all of the above are included

B) corticocerebral pathway

Sensory neurons: A) form the efferent neurons B) deliver sensory information to the central nervous system C) are a portion of the central nervous system D) a and c from above are true E) none of the other listed options are true

B) deliver sensory information to the central nervous system

Motor fibers travel in the __________ of the spinal cord. A) posterior tract B) descending tract C) ascending tract D) medial tract E) none of the above

B) descending tract

The fiber mass at the middle of a muscle which has a cordlike tendon or an apponeurosis at each end is a: A) fascicle B) muscle belly C) muscle sheath D) convergent muscle E) none of the above

B) muscle belly

Isometric contractions A) are characteristic of cardiac musculature B) produces no movement while the muscle contracts C) are restricted to smooth muscle cells only D) produce no movement while the muscle relaxes E) produce movement without the muscle involved contracting

B) produces no movement while the muscle contracts

Troponin is which of the following types of molecules? A) fibrous B) regulatory C) functional D) enzyme E) maintenance

B) regulatory

Almost all sensory signals pass through the _____ on the way to the cerebrum. A) corpora quadrigemina B) thalamus C) corticospinal tracts D) hypothalamus E) corpus callosum

B) thalamus

Which of the following is not gray matter? A) centers B) tracts C) higher centers D) neural cortex E) nuclei

B) tracts

Which of the following is/are true? 1. synergists are muscles that oppose the agonist 2. agonists contract while the antagonists relax 3. the quadriceps femoris and the hamstrings are antagonists A) 2 only B) 1,2,3 C) 2,3 D) 1,2

C) 2,3

What is the correct sequence of events at a synapse? 1. neurotransmitter release / diffusion 2. generation of action potential in the postsynaptic cell axon 3. arrival of nerve impulse at synaptic knob in presynaptic cells 4. removal of neurotransmitter molecules from receptors 5. binding of neurotransmitter to receptors A) 2, 3, 1, 4, 5 B) 1, 5, 4, 2, 3 C) 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 D) 2, 3, 1, 5, 4 E) 3, 1, 5, 4, 2

C) 3, 1, 5, 2, 4

A typical reflex arc involves the following components: 1. sensory neuron 2. motor neuron 3. receptor 4. one or more interneurons 5. effector The correct order is: A) 3,4,2,5 B) 3,1,2,5 C) 3,1,4,2,5 D) 3,4,1,2,5

C) 3,1,4,2,5

Why are skeletal muscles called voluntary? A) These muscles maintain a constant rhythm of contraction. B) Only these muscles are stimulated to contract by the central nervous system. C) The individual can make a conscious decision to contract these muscles. D) A and C are correct. E) None of the above are reasons skeletal muscles are "voluntary."

C) The individual can make a conscious decision to contract these muscles.

A neuron pool is A) a group of neurons linked by a gap junction B) a group of identical nerve cells C) a group of interconnected neurons with specific functions D) the group of neurons available to regenerate a damaged nerve E) both A and B

C) a group of interconnected neurons with specific functions

In order to flex your fingers, what type of impulse will the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle need to receive? A) afferent B) sensory C) efferent D) visceral

C) efferent

Muscle fiber contraction results from: A) release of tension from the thick and thin filaments B) inflation of the muscle fibers with blood C) interaction of the thick and thin filaments in each sarcomere D) fasicular displacement E) a and b from above

C) interaction of the thick and thin filaments in each sarcomere

The arachnoid mater lies between two fluids: ________ fluid on its outer surface and ________ fluid on its inner surface. A) cerebrospinal, interstitial B) blood, cerebrospinal C) interstitial, cerebrospinal D) interstitial, blood

C) interstitial, cerebrospinal

The most complete description of the gray matter of the cerebrum is A) that it is found both in the superficial cortex and in the deeper nuclei B) It is located in the cerebral cortex C) it consists mainly of nerve cell bodies and unmyelinated fibers and is found both in the superficial cortex and deeper cerebral nuclei D) consists mainly of nerve cell bodies and unmyelinated fibers

C) it consists mainly of nerve cell bodies and unmyelinated fibers and is found boht in the superficial cortex and deeper cerebral nuclei

This muscle is an elevator of the mandible A) omohyoid B) sternocleidomastoid C) lateral pterygoid D) digastric E) mylohyoid

C) lateral pterygoid

A very good marathon runner is likely to have A) average muscles; performance is based solely on training B) more intermediate fibers than average C) more slow twitch fibers than average D) more fast twitch fibers than average E) none of the above

C) more slow twitch fibers than average

The ventral root of a spinal nerve transmits_____ information____ the spinal cord. A) sensory, toward B) sensory, away from C) motor, away from D) motor,toward E) both A and D

C) motor; away from

If a muscle has a tendon that branches within the muscle tissue, it is a A) parallel fibered muscle B) circular muscle C) multipennate muscle D) sphincter muscle E) none of the above

C) multipennate muscle

During contraction in a skeletal muscle fiber: A) actin and myosin molecules contract, causing filaments to shorten B) the sarcomere length does not change C) myosin cross bridges move the thin filaments so that their ends meet or overlap in the center of the sarcomere D) the thick filaments meet at the center of the sarcomere

C) myosin cross bridges move the thin filaments so that their ends meet or overlap in the center of the sarcomere

Characteristic of the trigger zone in a neuron is A) many Schwann cells B) the presence of many Nissl bodies C) numerous voltage-sensitive channels D) the nucleus E) satellite cells

C) numerous voltage-sensitive channels

These muscles can elevate depress and move the mandible side to side A) temporalis and massester B) strap muscles C) pterygoids D) massester only E) suprahyoid muscles

C) pterygoids

Loss of sensation and motor control of the upper and lower limbs is called A) aplegia B) paraplegia C) quadriplegia D) hemiplegia E) none of the above

C) quadriplegia

Neurotransmitters are A) never recycled B) produced by astrocytes C) stored in synaptic vesicles D) produced on command E) released only at electrical synapses

C) stored in synaptic vesicles

Neuroglia in the nervous system function to: A) carry nerve impulses B) process information in the nervous system C) support the neurons D) transfer nerve impulses from the brain to the spinal cord E) all of the above are correct

C) support the neurons

Which is a correct statement? A) a myofiber contains myofibrils B) a myofibril contains thick and thin filaments C) thick and thin filaments are arranged into sarcomeres D) ALL of the above

D) ALL of the above

The arachoid A) is a layer of the epithelium, and inferiorly, collagen and elastic fibers. B) contains the CSF. C) forms the middle layer of the three meningeal layers of the brain and the spinal cord. D) All of the above are true E) Only A and B from above are true.

D) all of the above are true

The spinal cord is surrounded by which vertebral structures? A) pedicle B) lamina C) body D) all of these

D) all of these

Which of the following neuroglia produce cerebrospinal fluid? A) satellite cells B) oligodendrocytes C) microglia D) ependyma E) astrocytes

D) ependyma

Muscles store energy in their A) mitochondria B) terminal cisternae C) myoglobin D) glycogen E) troponin

D) glycogen

The inferior most attachment of the digastric muscle is associated with the A) the mandibular head B) the mastoid process C) the digastric fossa on the mandible D) hyoid bone E) the coronoid process

D) hyoid bone

Which of the following pairs of terms is incorrectly associated? A) oculo -- eye B) cervicis -- neck C) palpebrae -- eyelid D) psoas -- behind the knee E) anconeus -- elbow

D) psoas -- behind the knee

Which of the following is most concerned with vision? A) the insula B) the parietal lobe C) the frontal lobe D) the occipital lobe E) the temporal lobe

D) the occipital lobe

A lesion in the ________ will result in the condition known as Parkinson's disease. A) the hypothalamus B) the hippocampus C) the inferior colliculus D) the substantia nigra E) the pyramidal tract

D) the substantia nigra

Which of the following is not found in the thin filaments of striated muscle? A) calcium receptors B) tropomyosin C) troponin D) titin E) F actin

D) titin

What does the lateral horn of the spinal cord contain? A) spinothalamic tracts B) interneurons C) somas of somatic neurons D) sensory (afferent) neuron somas E) neurons of the sympathetic nervous system

E) neurons of SNS

The different types of neurons, classified according to structure include all of the following except: A) anaxonic B) unipolar C) bipolar D) multipolar E) no exceptions; all of the above are correct

E) no exceptions; all of the above are correct

In a relaxed muscle fiber, active sites of actin are blocked by A) myosin heads B) calcium ions C) elastic fibers D) troponin E) tropomyosin

E) tropomyosin

An action potential runs along the length of an axon and induces the release of the neurotransmitter GABA at the axonal terminal. The post synaptic cleft cell is a) inhibited B) stimulated

a) inhibited

Stacks of sarcomeres arranged in columns along the length of a muscle fiber are known as a) triads b) satellite cells c) myofilaments d) myofibrils e) terminal cisternae

d) myofibrils

The smallest functional unit of a muscle is a a) myofibril b) myofiber c) myofilament d) fascicle e) sarcomere

e) sarcomere

The portion of a sarcomere that contains the thick filaments and the zone of overlap is the A) I band B) Z line C) A band D) H band E) M line

C) A band

Which of the following is not a step in the sliding mechanism of muscle contraction? A) The myosin heads of the thick filaments bind to active sites on the thin filaments B) The cross-bridges detach and return to their original positions C) A carbohydrate molecule is broken down to produce energy. D) Thin filaments are pulled toward the center of the sarcomere E) Myosin heads pivot toward the M line when cross-bridge binding occurs

C) A carbohydrate molecule is broken down to produce energy.

the geniohyoid muscle extends between the A) mandible and the thyroid cartilage B) the hyoid and the scapula C) mandible and the hyoid D) maxilla and the hyoid E) the thyroid cartilage and the scapula

C) Mandible and Hyoid

Which is the only cranial nerve to leave the head and neck region? A) X B) V C) XII D) VII E) all of the above


Actions of the gluteus medius and minimus include: A) extension and lateral rotation of the thigh B) tenses tensor fascia latae C) abducts and medially rotates the thigh D) these muscles share no action in common E) none of the above choices is correct

C) abducts and medially rotates the thigh

Arachnoid granulations A) are projections of the dura mater into the arachnoid B) line the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone C) absorb CSF into the venous circulation D) occur along the inferior sagittal sinus E) none of the above

C) absorb CSF into the venous circulation

Which group of muscles can bring the thighs together, causing the knees to touch? A) quadriceps femoris B) hamstrings C) adductors D) abductors E) lateral rotators

C) adductors

The muscles of the arm (brachium) are divided into which of the following compartments? A) proximal and distal B) superior and inferior C) anterior and posterior D) pronator and supinator E) medial and lateral

C) anterior and posterior

The dorsal root of a spinal nerve contains A) interneurons B) ventral rami C) axons of sensory neurons D) cell bodies of motor neurons E) axons of motor neurons

C) axons of sensory neurons

Nodding of the head as a person falls asleep sitting up involves primarily the muscles of (the) A) upper limb and pectoral girdle B) cervicis region only C) capitis and cervicis regions D) cervicis and thoracis regions E) none of the above

C) capitis and cervicis regions

The groove between the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain is (the) A) longitudinal fissure B) lateral sulcus C) central sulcus D) parieto-occipial sulcus E) none of the above

C) central sulcus

Components of the metencephalon include the A) thalamus and cerebellum B) medulla oblongata C) cerebellum and pons D) cerebrum and cerebellum E) C and D

C) cerebellum and pons

Tracts in the spinal cord form larger groups called A) reverberating neurons B) nuclei C) columns D) spinal nerves E) cranial nerves

C) columns

Growth of the spinal cord A) keeps pace with the spinal column throughout the life of the individual B) continues until the cord reaches and attaches to the end of the spinal canal, near the coccyx C) continues until an individual is approximately four years of age D) is completed in length prior to the appearance of the cervical and lumbar enlargements E) both C and D

C) continues until an individual is approximately four years of age

Most of the functions of muscles emerge from their ability to A) maintain their synapses with other muscle cells B) extend C) contract D) multiply throughout life E) relax

C) contract

A muscle wherein all the fibers come together at a common attachment site, is called a(n): A) unipennate muscle B) multipennate muscle C) convergent muscle D) bipennate muscle E) parallel fibered muscle

C) convergent muscle

Crossover of information between cerebral hemispheres occurs through the A) internal capsule B) fornix C) corpus callosum D) handedness of the individual E) B and C

C) corpus callosum

The structures that protect the brain from suffering an impact against the interior of the cranium are the: A) choroid plexi B) cranial ventricles C) cranial meninges D) denticulate ligaments E) none of the above

C) cranial meninges

The space just outside the dura mater is called the A) subarachnoid space B) subdural space C) epidural space D) peridural space E) supradural space

C) epidural space

The outermost layer of connective tissue that surrounds each nerve and its branches is the A) perineurium B) fascicle C) epineurium D) fasciculus E) endoneurium

C) epineurium

The ability of muscle tissue to be stretched without being damaged is: A) contractility B) excitability C) extensibility D) elasticity

C) extensibility

The process of reverberation involves A) a single repeat of a stimulus prior to extinction B) several neuronal pools processing information at one time C) extension of collateral axons back toward the source of an impulse and further stimulation of the presynaptic neurons D) a negative feedback loop through nerve circuits E) all of the above

C) extension of collateral axons back toward the source of an impulse and further stimulation of the presynaptic neurons

Cranial nerve VII supplies the muscles of A) the anterior neck B) the tongue C) facial expression D) the eye E) mastication

C) facial expression

A very highly stretched muscle will produce a contraction that is A) much greater than average B) optimal C) fairly weak D) slightly stronger than resting position E) none of the above; stretch does not influence contraction strength

C) fairly weak

The primary motor area is part of (the) A) occipital lobe B) parietal lobe C) frontal lobe D) reticular formation E) none of the above

C) frontal lobe

The H-shaped mass in the center of the spinal cord is mostly A) black matter B) white matter C) gray matter D) axons E) none of the above

C) gray matter

The cortical surface of the cerebral hemispheres forms a series of elevated ridges called A) nuclei B) lobes C) gyri D) sulci E) none of the above

C) gyri

The most important function of the soma of a neuron is to A) generate an electrical charge B) allow communication with another neuron C) house organelles that produce energy and synthesize organic molecules D) support the neuroglial cells E) all of the above are correct

C) house organelles that produce energy and synthesize organic molecules

A bodybuilder's muscles become very large due to the process of A) chronic inflammation, or swelling B) recruitment C) hypertrophy D) atrophy E) cell division

C) hypertrophy

An increase (hypertrophy) or decrease (atrophy) in muscle size is due to: A) increased or decreased numbers of muscle cells B) increased or decreased deposition of adipose tissue C) increased or decreased size of skeletal muscle fibers D) both a and c

C) increased or decreased size of skeletal muscle fibers

The cauda equina A) is a bundle of connective tissue fibers that extends from the medullary cone B) innervates structures of the anterior and medial thigh C) is a bundle of nerve fibers that occupies the vertebral canal from L2-S5 D) is synonymous with the medullary cone E) is part of the lumbar enlargement

C) is a bundle of nerve fibers that occupies the vertebral canal from L2-S5

Select the best description of nerve fiber: A) fine processes at the ends of dendrites B) usually short and branched C) may refer to either axons or dendrites D) fine processes at the ends of axons E) join axon to cell body

C) may refer to either axons or dendrites

Cerebellum develops from the embryonic A) diencephalon B) telencephalon C) metencephalon D) mesencephalon E) myelencephalon

C) metencephalon

Which unique function of the brain occurs in the postcentral gyrus? A) provides visceral motor responses, serving as center of the autonomic nervous system B) provides voluntary motor control to the skeletal muscles C) receives primary sensory information of touch, pressure, pain, taste and temperature D) returns cerebrospinal fluid into the circulatory system E) none of the above

C) receives primary sensory information of touch, pressure, pain, taste and temperature

Which unique function of the brain occurs in the postcentral gyrus? A) returns cerebrospinal fluid into the circulatory system B) provides visceral motor responses, serving as the center of the autonomic nervous system C) receives primary sensory information of touch, pressure, pain, taste, and temperature D) provides voluntary motor control to the skeletal muscles E) none of the above

C) receives primary sensory information of touch, pressure, pain, taste, and temperature

The nissl bodies of a neuron consist of A) neurotransmitters B) lipfusein C) rough endoplasmic reticulum D) cytoskeleton E) synaptic Vessicles

C) rough endoplasmic reticulum

The medial partition between the lateral ventricles is (the) A) diaphragma sellae B) intermediate mass C) septum pellucidum D) arachnoid villi E) none of the above

C) septum pellucidum

Which cells have the most mitochondria? A) cardiac myocytes B) multi-unit smooth muscle myocytes C) slow oxidative (SO) fibers D) fast glycolytic (FG) fibers E) single-unit smooth muscle myocytes

C) slow oxidative (SO) fibers

Which of the following ions are essential to muscle depolarization? A) chloride B) acetylcholine C) sodium D) sulfate E) calcium

C) sodium

Voluntary skeletal muscle fibers in the leg are innervated by A) visceral motor fibers B) preganglionic fibers C) somatic motor fibers D) postganglionic fibers E) all of the above

C) somatic motor fibers

Of the muscles that move the forearm: A) all originate on the forearm B) all originate on the humerus C) some originate of the scapula D) some originate on the forearm and all of the others on the humerus E) none originate on the forearm

C) some originate on the scapula

All of the following are actions of the axial musculature except A) moving the rib cage B) positioning the spinal column C) stabilizing the pectoral girdle to allow more precise forelimb movements D) positioning the head E) there are no exceptions; all of the above are true

C) stabilizing the pectoral girdle to allow more precise forelimb movements

A needle used in a spinal tap (to test the CSF) must be inserted until its tip is in the A) subdural space B) arachnoid mater C) subarachnoid space D) peridural space E) epidural space

C) subarachnoid space

If a muscle is exercised past the point where it has sufficient oxygen, it will A) continue to contract at the same rate, but with less force B) no longer contract C) switch to anaerobic production of energy D) continue to contract but at a much slower rate E) none of the above

C) switch to anaerobic production of energy

The structures at the ends of the telodendria that form the synaptic terminals are the A) axon hillocks B) axons C) synaptic knobs D) collateral E) none of the above

C) synaptic knobs

The muscles that form the rotator cuff include: A) supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoid and teres major B) biceps brachii and deltoid C) teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus and subscapularis D) pectoralis major and pectoralis minor and subscapularis E) subclavius, deltoid and pectoralis minor

C) teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus and subscapularis

Action potentials are propagated from the surface to the interior of a muscle fiber by way of A) the endomysium B) the sarcomeres C) the T tubules D) the sarcoplasmic reticulum E) the myofibrils

C) the T tubules

A woman who is in labor during childbirth might be given anesthesia in what area? A) the subarachnoid space B) the cervical enlargement C) the epidural space D) the lumbar cistera E) the lumbar enlargement

C) the epidural space

The greater the number of muscle fibers in each motor unit A) the longer each contraction will last B) the slower the contraction of the muscle will be C) the less precise the control will be D) the greater the number of stimuli required to produce a contraction E) none of the above

C) the less precise the control will be

The sliding mechanism of myofilaments works when A) the sarcomere relaxes and expands B) the filaments detach from the muscle tendon C) the myosin heads of the thick filaments bind to activate sites of the thin filaments D) the myosin heads pivot away from the M-line E) A and B from above

C) the myosin heads of the thick filaments bind to activate sites of the thin filaments

The following are all functions of astrocytes except: A) they participate in brain development B) they help maintain proper K+ balance C) they synthesize neurotransmitters D) they help maintain the blood-brain barrier

C) they synthesize neurotransmitters

The muscles of the quadriceps femoris group insert on the: A) femoral condyles B) head of the fibula C) tibial tuberosity via the patella and the patellar ligament D) anterior inferior iliac spine E) none of the above

C) tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament

The deepest layer of the abdominal muscles is the A) rectus abdominis B) external oblique C) transversus abdominis D) psoas major E) internal oblique

C) transversus abdominis

Extensors of the elbow include (the) A) coracobrachialis and brachioradialis B) brachioradialis and brachialis C) triceps brachii and anconeus D) deltoid and supinator E) none of the above

C) triceps brachii and anconeus

A bipolar neuron has A) one axon and one dendrite arising from the soma B) two somas C) two dendrites arising from the soma D) two axons arising from the soma E) two axons and multiple dendrites arising from the soma

C) two dendrites arising from the soma

The quadriceps femoris includes all of the following parts except A) vastus intermedius B) vastus lateralis C) vastus femoris D) rectus femoris E) vastus medialis

C) vastus femoris

The erector spinae is a group of muscles of the back, including which three of the following groups? 1. iliocostalis 2. spinalis 3. segmental 4. longissimus 5. scalene A) 1,4,5 B) 1,2,3 C) 2,3,5 D) 1,2,4

D) 1,2,4

The roots of which spinal nerves make up the cauda equina? 1. thoracic 2. lumbar 3. sacral 4. coccygeal A) 4 only B) 3,4 C) 1,2,3,4 D) 2,3,4

D) 2,3,4

The direct energy supply produced by the skeletal muscles in order to enable them to contract is A) infinite, as long as muscle activity is required B) derived from fat, carbohydrate and cholesterol C) independent of the supply of oxygen D) ATP E) A and B from above are correct


Damage to which region of the cerebral cortex would impair the ability of a person to regulate the pattern for breathing and vocalization required for speech? A) none; no cerebral area is involved in these patterns B) the general interpretive area C) the primary motor cortex D) Broca's area E) none of the above

D) Broca's area

Your comprehension of these written words involves A) the occipital lobe B) the postcentral gyrus C) the precentral gyrus D) Wernicke area E) the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum

D) Wernicke area

Each end of a sarcomere is marked by A) an A Band B) H band C) terminal cisternae D) Z disc E) I band

D) Z disc

Why are skeletal muscles called voluntary? A) the individual can make a conscious decision to contract these muscles B) these muscles maintain a constant rhythm of contraction C) these muscles are stimulated to contract by the motor nerves of the central nervous system D) a and c from above are correct E) none of these are correct

D) a and c from above are correct

Muscular dystrophy is a condition resulting from dysfunction associated with A) motor nerve sclerosis B) acetylcholinesterase depletion C) neurotransmitter release D) a dysfunctional muscle protein E) problems with the function of the substantia nigra

D) a dysfunctional muscle protein

Neurotransmitter is released by: A) a postsynaptic membrane B) an effector organ C) all areas of the nerve cell D) a presynaptic membrane only E) none of the above

D) a presynaptic membrane only

Over 50 different neurotransmitters have been identified, but the one involved in skeletal muscle contraction is A) norepinephrine B) epinephrine C) glutamate D) acetylcholine E) GABA

D) acetylcholine

A midsagittal section of the brain would pass through which of the following: A) falx cerebri B) longitudinal fissure C) corpus callosum D) all of the above

D) all of the above

A synapse is a junction between: A) a neuron and a glandular cell B) two neurons C) a neuron and a muscle cell D) all of the above

D) all of the above

Actions of the biceps brachii include: A) flexion of the forearm B) supination of the forearm C) opposition of the extension of the forearm D) all of the above E) a and b from above

D) all of the above

Pathways that connect the CNS with the effectors are A) descending pathways B) efferent pathways C) motor pathways D) all of the above E) none of the above

D) all of the above

Pennate muscles: A) have a large number of fascicles attached to the tendon B) have short muscle fibers attached to a tendon that is almost as long as the entire muscle C) have a relatively small range of movement but a greater power than parallel of fusiform muscles D) all of the above

D) all of the above

The extensions of the dura mater that stabilize and support the brain are (the) A) falx cerebri B) falx cerebelli C) tentorium cerebelli D) all of the above E) A and C

D) all of the above

The gray matter of the spinal cord: A) is surrounded by white matter B) contains neuroglia, neuron cell bodies, and unmyelinated axons and dendrites C) is subdivided into regions called horns D) all of the above

D) all of the above

The meninges are layers of connective tissue that: A) are called, in order from external to internal: dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater B) surround the brain and spinal cord C) cover the spinal nerves up to where they exit through the intervertebral foramina D) all of the above

D) all of the above

Which of the following muscles belongs to the group known as "hamstrings"? A) semimembranosus B) semitendinosus C) biceps femoris D) all of the above E) none of the above

D) all of the above

Connective tissue covers A) the muscle cell B) a fascicle C) an entire muscle D) all of the above (a-c) E) a sarcomere

D) all of the above (a-c)

To contact a Schwann cell, where would a microprobe have to be inserted in the nervous system? A) alongside an unmyelinated axon in the CNS B) near or at a neuron cell body C) anywhere in the CNS D) along any axon in the PNS, myelinated or not E) none of the above

D) along any axon in the PNS, myelinated or not

The flexor pollicis longus muscle lies on the ______ part of the forearm, while the flexor hallucis longus muscle lies on the ________ part of the leg. A) anterior, anterior B) posterior, anterior C) posterior, posterior D) anterior, posterior

D) anterior, posterior

Cerebrospinal fluid returns to the bloodstream by A) cauda equina B) pia mater C) choroid plexuses of the brain D) arachnoid villi E) central canal of the spinal cord

D) arachnoid villi

The loss of muscle mass from disuse is called A) myasthenia gravis B) myopathy C) tetanus D) atrophy E) hypoplasia

D) atrophy

The portion of a neuron that carries information in the form of a nerve impulse is called the A) myelin B) Nissl body C) soma D) axon E) dendrite

D) axon

There are three posterior thigh muscles which are antagonistic to the quadriceps femoris muscle. These muscles are known as the hamstring and they are as follows: the semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and the A) triceps femoris B) vastus lateralis C) rectus femoris D) biceps femoris E) vastus intermedius

D) biceps femoris

From which plexus does the axillary nerve arise? A) thoracic B) lumbar C) sacral D) brachial E) cervical

D) brachial

Which of the following events occurs first in a single muscle contraction? A) the myosin head pivots toward the M line B) myosin cross-bridges attach to actin C) calcium binds to troponin D) calcium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum E) the myosin head binds ATP and detaches from actin

D) calcium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

Where are upper motor neurons located A) anterior horn of spinal cord B) posterior horn of the spinal cord C) spinal cord D) cerebral cortex or brainstem E) spiothalamic tract

D) cerebral cortex or brainstem

The epidural space in the spinal column is occupied by A) the dura mater B) the spinal cord C) areolar tissue D) cerebrospinal fluid E) adipose tissue

D) cerebrospinal fluid

The telencephalon becomes the A) midbrain B) medulla C) pons D) cerebrum E) diencephalon

D) cerebrum

Which of the following is not an ascending tract? A) spinocerebellar B) gracile fasciculus C) spinothalamic D) corticospinal E) cuneate fasciculus

D) corticospinal

Serotonin specific reuptake inhibitors, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are drugs typically used to treat A) muscular dystrophy B) Parkinson's disease C) Multiple sclerosis D) depression

D) depression

When a muscle joins a bone and has no visible tendon it is said to have A) retinaculum B) aponeurosis C) hidden insertion D) direct attachment E) indirect attachment

D) direct attachment

Sensory neurons enter the spinal cord through the A) posterior gray horn B) midbrain and hypothalamus C) ventral root D) dorsal root E) anterior gray horn

D) dorsal root

The peripheral is a junction between: A) afferent, central nervous system, muscles B) efferent, muscles, central nervous system C) afferent, muscles, central nervous system D) efferent, central nervous system, muscles

D) efferent, central nervous system, muscles

An accumulation of blood (hematoma) found between the cranial dura mater and the frontal bone as a result of a head injury is termed a: A) subarachnoid hematoma B) subdural hematoma C) pial hematoma D) epidural hematoma

D) epidural hematoma

The process of reverberation involves A) several neuronal pools processing information at one time B) a single repeat of a stimulus prior to extinction C) a negative feedback loop through nerve circuits D) extension of collateral axons back toward the source of an impulse and further stimulation of the presynaptic neurons E) all of the above

D) extension of collateral axons back toward the source of an impulse and further stimulation of the presynaptic neurons

Groups of muscle cells bound by paramecium are known as A) myofilaments B) myofibrils C) sarcomeres D) fascicles E) motor units

D) fasicles

The largest muscle fiber type is A) slow twitch B) cardiac fibers C) smooth fibers D) fast twitch E) intermediate fibers

D) fast twitch

The central canal of the spinal cord is located in the: A) anterior white commissure B) posterior white column C) anterior gray horn D) gray commissure

D) gray commissure

Gray matter of the cerebrum is located: A) only on the superficial aspect of the cerebral hemispheres B) in central locations in cerebral nuclei, similar to the manner in which gray matter is centrally located in the spinal cord C) beneath the neural cortex D) in a superficial layer of cerebral cortex and in deeper cerebral nuclei E) none of the above

D) in a superficial layer of cerebral cortex and in deeper cerebral nuclei

Acetylcholinesterase is found A) in the sarcomere B) in the postsynaptic membrane C) in the sarcoplasmic reticulum D) in the synaptic cleft E) in the presynaptic membrane

D) in the synaptic cleft

After flowing through the dural sinuses, CSF and blood flow into (the) A) external jugular vein B) subdural space C) carotid artery D) internal jugular vein E) none of the above

D) internal jugular vein

The reticular formation A) is only present on a single side of the brain, typically the right B) is activated by stimulation from the thalamus or hypothalamus C) is an interconnected network of brain stem nuclei centered in the metencephalon D) is stimulated to produce heightened alertness and a generalized excitement E) both A and B

D) is stimulated to produce heightened alertness and a generalized excitment

The choroid plexus A) is the site where the spinal nerves first enter the medulla B) is located on the entire surface area of the brain-ventricle interface C) is the site of drainage used cerebrospinal fluid from neural tissues D) is the site of production of the cerebrospinal fluid E) is none of the above

D) is the site of production of the cerebrospinal fluid

What does the name flexor carpi radialis most likely mean? A) the muscle attaches to the wrist B) it is a medial forearm muscle C) the name means nothing D) it is a lateral forearm muscle that bends the wrist E) it is a parallel muscle

D) it is a lateral forearm muscle that bends the wrist

Which plexus gives rise to the sciatic nerve? A) coccygeal B) brachial C) sacral D) lumbar E) cervical

D) lumbar

Different types of glial cells include the: A) astrocytes and parenchymal cells B) apocrine and exocrine cells C) merocrine, platelet and ependymal cells D) microglia, oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells E) none of the above are neuroglia

D) microglia, oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells

The masseter muscle is _____ and acts as a/an _____ A) multipennate; depressor B) bipinnate; depressor C) bipinnate; elevator D) multipennate; elevator E) parallel fibered; elevator

D) multipennate; elevator

The trigeminal nerve controls which group of muscles? A) muscles of the pharynx B) muscles of facial expression C) muscles of the eye D) muscles of mastication E) muscles of the tongue

D) muscles of mastication

The organelle(s) unique to muscle that give(s) it contractile capabilities is (are) the A) Golgi apparatus B) ribosomes C) mitochondria D) myofibril E) endoplasmic reticulum

D) myofibril

Slow twitch fibers appear red due to the intracellular storage of A) blood B) glycogen C) hemoglobin D) myoglobin E) all of the above

D) myoglobin

Dendrites are processes of a neuron that: A) are usually longer than axons B) carry nerve impulses away from the neuron cell body C) are usually myelinated D) none of the above

D) none of the above

Major divisions of the brain include all but which of the following? A) telencephalon B) medulla oblongata C) diencephalon D) parenchyma E) no exceptions; all of the above are included

D) parenchyma

The spinal cord is divided into all of the following regions except A) cervical B) lumbar C) sacral D) pelvic E) thoracic

D) pelvic

Muscle fibers can have various arrangements. The most powerful arrangement is called A) circular B) convergent C) parallel D) pennate E) none of the above

D) pennate

In the case of most neurons, the arrival of a nerve impulse at the synaptic knob immediately triggers A) generation of an action potential in the axon B) a change in the permeability of the postsynaptic cell membrane C) long-lived effects at the synaptic membrane D) release of ACh at the presynaptic membrane E) both A and C

D) release of ACh at the presynaptic membrane

In skeletal muscle, the sarcoplasmic reticulum: A) forms transverse (T) tubules B) is similar to the golgi complex C) contains extracellular fluid D) releases Ca2+ to trigger contraction

D) releases Ca2+ to trigger contraction

The cell membrane of a skeletal muscle fiber that surrounds the cytoplasm is the: A) epimysium B) endomysium C) sarcoplasm D) sarcolemma E) none of the above

D) sarcolemma

The rhomboideus major muscle is named according to: A) relative size and location B) the direction of fibers C) shape and location D) shape and relative size

D) shape and relative size

The muscle that can be felt as a prominent ridge extending superiorly and inferiorly posterior to the ear especially when the head is turned is the: A) levator scapulae B) scalenius C) subclavius D) sternocleidomastoid E) tempotalis

D) sternocleidomastoid

The supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles are both innervated by the A) thoracodorsal nerve B) musculocutaneous nerve C) axillary nerve D) suprascapular nerve E) none of the above

D) suprascapular nerve

The ____ acts synergistically with the massester A) buccinator B) zygomaticus major C) spenius capitus D) temporalis E) levator scapulae

D) temporalis

The muscles that form the rotator cuff include A) subclavius, deltoid and pectoralis minor B) supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoid and teres major C) biceps brachii and deltoid D) teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus and subscapularis E) pectoralis major, pectoralis minor and subscapularis

D) teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus and subscpularis

In what part of the brain would you find the medial and lateral geniculate nuceli? A) cerebrum B) hypothalamus C) medulla oblongata D) thalamus

D) thalamus

The greater the number of muscle fibers in each motor unit: A) the greater the number of stimuli required to produce a contraction B) the longer each contraction will last C) the slower the contraction of the muscle will be D) the less precise the control will be E) none of the above

D) the less precise the control will be

The effects of a neurotransmitter on the postsynaptic membrane include which of the following? A) upon stimulation, the membrane releases more neurotransmitter molecules B) prolonged, excitatory responses are typical C) neurotransmitter molecules are absorbed by the postsynaptic cell D) the membrane contains receptors to which the neurotransmitter binds E) both a and c are true

D) the membrane contains receptors to which the neurotransmitter binds

Which of the following is not true for skeletal muscle fibers? A) the cells are cylindrical and are arranged in parallel fashion B) a skeletal muscle fiber may be up to 30 cm long C) they contain many peripheral nuclei D) the myofibrils are arranged at right angles to the long axis of the cell creating cross-striations

D) the myofibrils are arranged at right angles to the long axis of the cell creating cross-striations

Which of the following is true of the dura mater? A) it contains the subarachnoid space B) it follows precisely and adheres closely to the contours of the brain tissue C) it consists of three layers around the brain only D) the outer (endosteal) layer is fused to the periosteum of the cranial bones E) none of the above are true

D) the outer (endosteal) layer is fused to the periosteum of the cranial bones

The rate of conduction of a nerve impulse depends upon A) the number of cell dendrites B) the type of neurotransmitter present C) properties of the soma of the neuron D) the presence or absence of a myelin sheath E) all of the above

D) the presence or absence of a myelin sheath

Which of the following is considered to be the "functional unit" of skeletal muscle fibers? A) the myofilaments B) the neuromuscular junction C) the Z disc D) the sarcomere E) the sarcoplasmic reticulum

D) the sarcomere

The cerebral cortex concerned with hearing is in A) the parietal lobe B) the precentral gyrus c) the frontal lobe D) the temporal lobe E) the occipital lobe

D) the temporal lobe

In Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy A) more females are affected than males B) muscles atrophy due to loss of fat and scar tissue C) muscles atrophy due to lack of response to actylcholine D) there is a defective gene for the protein called dystrophin E) there is a defective gene for the protein called duchennase

D) there is a defective gene for the protein called dystrophin

What is the result of the loss of the centrioles in neurons during the process of differentiation? A) these cells cannot manufacture additional ribosomes B) the mitochondria produce more energy than with centrioles present C) these cells lose other colors and begin to appear grey D) these cells become incapable of division to replace damaged or lost cells E) b and c from above are true

D) these cells become incapable of division to replace damaged or lost cells

All of the following are true of fast muscle fibers except: A) they contain densely packed myofibrils B) they are large in diameter C) they have large glycogen reserves D) they have many mitochondria E) no exceptions; all of the above are true

D) they have many mitochondria

Which of the following statements is not true regarding oligodendroctyes? A) one oligodendrocyte can myelinate several axons B) They are smaller than astrocytes C) they form myelin sheaths around central nervous system axons D) they line the fluid-filled ventricles of the brain

D) they line the fluid-filled ventricles of the brain

Which of the following features are common to the muscles of mastication? A) they share an oculomotor nerve innervation B) they allow a person to smile C) they are considered among the muscles of facial expression D) they move the mandible at the temporomandibular joint E) a and c are true

D) they move the mandible at the temporomandibular joint

Which of the following nervous system activities do not apply to the neuroglia? A) they isolate neurons B) they provide a supportive framework for the nervous tissues C) they act as phagocytes D) they transmit electrical signals to the axons E) A and B from above

D) they transmit electrical signals to the axons

The dura mater is the A) outermost covering over the brain, but not the spinal cord B) meninx that forms the coccygeal ligament along with components of the filum terminale C) innermost of the meninges D) toughest and thickest of the meninges E) structure that does all of the above

D) toughest and thickest of the meninges

The ______ protein has direct contact with actin in a muscle in the resting state, while the ________ protein has direct contact with actin in a muscle in the contracting state. A) titin; tropomyosin B) myosin; troponin C) troponin; myomesin D) tropomyosin; myosin

D) tropomyosin; myosin

Place the following events in the correct order. 1. ACh is released into the synaptic cleft 2. synaptic vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane 3. a muscle action potential is triggered 4. an action potential arrives at the synaptic end bulb 5. ACh binds to receptors in the motor end plate A) 4,2,1,5,3 B) 2,4,5,1,3 C) 4,3,1,2,5 D) 1,2,4,3,5

A) 4,2,1,5,3

Which condition is associated with decreased production of dopamine? A) Parkinson disease B) tic douloureux C) Alzheimer disease D) glioma E) meningitis

A) Parkinson disease

What role does a first-order neuron play in the passage of a sensory signal in the brain? A) The first-order neuron detects the stimulus and transmits a signal to the spinal cord or brain-stem B) The first-order neuron carries the signal to the sensory area of the cerebral cortex C) The soma of the first-order neuron is in the cerebral cortex and the axon terminates in the spinal cord D) The first-order neuron has no role in sensory signal transmission E) The first-order neuron carries the sensory signal to the thalamus

A) The first-order neuron detects the stimulus and transmits a signal to the spinal cord or brain-stem

The area of a myofibril where actin filaments attach to one another is the A) Z line B) I band C) M line D) A band E) H zone

A) Z line

Arachnoid granulations A) absorb CSF into the venous circulation B) line the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone C) occur along the inferior sagittal sinus D) are projections of the dura matter into the arachnoid E) have none of the above attributes

A) absorb CSF into the venous circulation

The enzyme in the synaptic cleft partly responsible for shutting down a muscle contraction is A) acetylcholinesterase B) calmodulin C) actinase D) epinephrinase E) myosinase

A) acetylcholinesterase

Electrical events that occur at the surface of the sarcolemma ultimately cause a contraction by A) altering the chemical environment around every sarcomere in the muscle fiber B) releasing stored ATP C) moving the thin filaments D) binding myosin heads to the actin molecule body E) none of the above

A) altering the chemical environment around every sarcomere in the muscle fiber

The triceps brachii and biceps brachii are good examples of A) an agonist-antagonist pair B) muscles that flex the elbow C) antagonists D) synergists E) agonists

A) an agonist-antagonist pair

Compounds that diffuse passively across the blood-brain barrier A) are lipid soluble B) move equally freely in both directions C) are water soluble D) do so in proportions equal to their presence in the bloodstream E) do all of the above

A) are lipid soluble

Which neuroglia would be most responsible for helping to prevent pathogens and toxins from entering the brain from the blood? A) astrocytes B) ependymal cells C) neurolemmocytes (Schwann cells) D) oligodendrocytes

A) astrocytes

The arm muscles that are flexors of the forearm include the: A) biceps brachii, brachialis and brachioradialis B) triceps brachii and anconeus C) coracobrachialis and brachioradialis D) muscles which are innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve E) none of the above

A) biceps brachii, brachialis and brachioradialis

Which two muscles provide good examples for use of the term "synergists"? A) biceps femoris and semitendinosus B) latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major C) gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior D) flexor carpi ulnaris and extensor carpi ulnaris

A) biceps femoris and semitendinosus

At the neuromuscular junction, curare prevents muscle contraction by A) blocking ACh receptors on the post synaptic membrane B) increasing the amount of AChE C) interfering with the release of ACh D) blocking the active sites in a sarcomere E) blocking the nerve impulse in the axon

A) blocking ACh receptors on the post synaptic membrane

Caudal extensions of the dura and pia mater that connect to the sacrum and coccyx make up (the) A) coccygeal ligament B) cordosacral ligament C) inferior ligament of the spinal cord D) denticulate ligaments E) none of the above

A) coccygeal ligament

The corpus callosum is composed of A) commissural fibers B) long association fibers C) ascending fibers D) short association fibers E) projection fibers

A) commissural fibers

The white matter of the spinal cord: A) contains sensory and motor, or ascending and descending tracts B) is surrounded by gray matter C) is subdivided into regions called horns D) all of the above

A) contains sensory and motor, or ascending and descending tracts

The body surface region monitored by a specific pair of spinal nerves is called a A) dermatome B) ramus communicans C) ventral ramus D) perineurium E) none of the above

A) dermatome

The muscular partition that separates the abdominopelvic and thoracic cavities is the A) diaphragm B) perineum C) masseter D) transversus abdomini E) rectus abdominis

A) diaphragm

Why does a skeletal muscle fiber have more than one nucleus? A) during development, groups of embryonic cells fuse together to form a single muscle fiber B) during development, the nucleus of each myoblast replicates several times C) during development, the cell membranes of newly formed muscle fibers disintegrate, making many muscle cells into one D) during muscular activity, parts of each muscle fiber break down, and the remaining parts including their nuclei, fuse into new combination fibers E) all of the above are mechanisms whereby multiple nuclei are present in skeletal muscle fibers

A) during development, groups of embryonic cells fuse together to form a single muscle fiber

The muscles of mastication A) elevate the mandible B) move the mandible at the temporomandibular joint C) are innervated by the facial nerve D) act on the hyoid E) depress the mandible

A) elevate the mandible

A bundle of muscle cells within a muscle belly is called a A) fascicle B) perimysium C) myofiber D) myofilament E) muscle sheath

A) fascicle

The thickest muscle fiber type is A) fast twitch B) smooth fibers C) cardiac fibers D) slow twitch E) intermediate fibers

A) fast twitch

Types of muscle fibers in the body include: A) fast, slow and intermediate B) hard and soft C) active and inactive D) no differences; they are all alike

A) fast, slow and intermediate

Which of the following is not a muscle of the lower extemity A) flexor carpi ulnaris B) semitendinosus C) sartorius D) pectineus E) adductor magnus

A) flexor carpi ulnaris

This muscle is said to form the floor of the oral cavity A) geniohyoid B) stylohyoid C) digastric D) genioglossus E) mylohyoid

A) geniohyoid

Compared to skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle differs in that it: A) has branching cells B) contracts for shorter periods of time C) has a short refractory period D) has a different arrangement of thick and thin filaments

A) has branching cells

Gluteus maximus is innervated by (the) A) inferior gluteal nerve B) sciatic nerve C) pudendal nerve D) superior gluteal nerve E) all of the above

A) inferior gluteal nerve

If a neuron loses its centrioles, A) it is rendered incapable of dividing B) it is probable located in the PNS C) it cannot grow as quickly as neurons that retain their centrioles D) it loses its normal ability to produce a myelin sheath E) all of the above

A) it is rendered incapable of dividing

In the process known as Wallerian degeneration, A) macrophages remove the debris of damaged axons B) the axon proximal to the injury degenerates C) Schwann cells completely degenerate D) no trace is left of the path taken by a previous axon E) A and C from above

A) macrophages remove the debris of damaged axons

A main difference between neurons and neuroglia is: A) mature neurons do not normally divide; neuroglia do B) neurons are more numerous than neuroglia C) neurons are generally smaller than neuroglia D) neuroglia are found only in the central nervous nervous system

A) mature neurons do not normally divide; neuroglia do

Information in the optic tract synapses in the A) medial geniculate nucleus B) infundibulum C) ventral posterior nucleus D) pulvinar nucleus E) lateral geniculate nucleus

A) medial geniculate nucleus

Which of the following selections lists only types of glial cells? A) microglia, oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells B) apocrine and exocrine cells C) astrocytes and parenchymal cells D) merocrine, platelet and ependymal cells E) none of the above

A) microglia, oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells

A typical skeletal muscle fiber has about 300 of these, more of them than any other body cells. These are A) mitochondria B) ATP molecules C) thin filaments D) ribosomes E) glycogen granules

A) mitochondria

Each skeletal muscle is controlled by a single A) motor end plate B) synaptic terminal C) transverse tubule D) neuromuscular junction E) brain cell

A) motor end plate

Neurotransmitters receptors are found where on the sarcolemma? A) motor end plate B) sarcoplasmic reticulum C) muscle filaments D) transverse tubules

A) motor end plate

When one motor neuron fires a single action potential the result affects one A) motor unit B) sensory unit C) upper motor neuron D) lower motor neuron E) synaptic cleft

A) motor unit

Which of these orders of muscle structures progresses from the largest to the smallest in diameter? A) muscle, fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibril B) muscle, muscle fiber, myofibril, fascicle C) fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibril, muscle D) muscle, myofibril, fascicle, muscle fiber E) fascicle, myofibril, muscle fiber, filament

A) muscle, fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibril

Skeletal muscle fibers arise from embryonic cells called A) myoblasts B) myotomes C) epimysium D) myomeres E) none of the above

A) myoblasts

If the point of an extremely small probe were passed into a satellite cell, it would be located in which region of the nervous system? A) near a cell body in a ganglion of the PNS B) near the axon of a neuron in the CNS C) near the lining of the ventricles of the brain D) at a neuromuscular junction E) in none of the above locations

A) near a cell body in a ganglion of the PNS

The surface of the brain is called the A) neural cortex B) neuronal nuclei C) basal nuclei D) higher center E) white matter

A) neural cortex

The complex known as the triad consists of A) one transverse tubule and two terminal cisternae B) myofilaments, myofibrils, and sarcomeres C) actin, myosin, and myofilaments D) one sarcomere, one sarcoplasmic reticulum, and one sarcoplasm E) one A band, on H zone and one I band

A) one transverse tubule and two terminal cisternae

Diverging circuits allow for transmission of nerve impulses from ______ neuron(s) to _______ neuron(s). A) one, several B) unipolar, multipolar C) multipolar, unipolar D) several, one

A) one, several

The somatic motor association area, also called the premotor cortex, is responsible for A) patterned, learned activity B) involuntary motor skills C) voluntary skeletal activity D) subconscious, voluntary activity E) none of the above

A) patterned, learned activity

The connective tissue surrounding a single fascicle is called A) perimysium B) an aponeurosis C) epimysium D) a tendon E) endomysium

A) perimysium

The meninges include A) pia mater, arachnoid and dura mater from the inside outward B) two layers of transverse collagen fibers C) pia mater, dura mater and venous sinuses from the outside inward D) different layers for the brain and the spinal cord E) none of the above

A) pia mater, arachnoid and dura mater from the inside outward

All of these structures are derived from the embryonic prosencephalon except A) pons B) diencephalon C) telencephalon D) cerebral hemisphere E) thalamus

A) pons

Sensory information that arrives in the brain from tracts in the spinal cord is relayed by the thalamus along _______ fibers to the cerebral cortex. A) projection B) association C) commissural D) none of the above

A) projection

What structure stores calcium ions that trigger contraction A) sarcoplasmic reticulum B) synaptic vesicles C) myofibrils D) T tubules E) mitochondria

A) sarcoplasmic reticulum

Two prominent tendons you can palpate at the popliteal fossa arise from A) semitendinosus and biceps femoris B) adductor magnus and biceps femoris C) pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi D) teres major and triceps brachii E) sartorius and gracilis

A) semitendinosus and biceps femoris

What information in the carried gracile fasciculus A) sensory signals from below T6 for visceral pain, touch, and proprioception B) signals for light touch, tickle, and temperature from the upper limbs C) descending motor commands to limb muscles for balance and posture D) motor commands for line control of limb muscles E) sensory signals from level T6 and up for pain, touch, and proprioception

A) sensory signals from below T6 for visceral pain, touch, and proprioception

A somatic motor neuron carries A) signals to skeletal muscle fibers B) signals for voluntary contraction of smooth muscle C) sensory signals to CNS D) signals to the viscera of the thoracic and abdominal cavities E) signals to glands, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle

A) signals to skeletal muscle fibers

All of these sinuses associated with duramater except A) slanted sinus B) straight sinus C) inferior sagittal sinus D) sigmoid sinus E) superior sagittal sinus

A) slanted sinus

Receptors may be classified as A) somatic and visceral B) effectors and muscles C) glands and muscles D) voluntary and involuntary E) subconscious and conscious

A) somatic and visceral

Voluntary skeletal muscle fibers in the leg are innervated by A) somatic motor fibers B) visceral motor fibers C) postganglionic fibers D) preganglionic fibers E) all of the above

A) somatic motor fibers

Components of the central nervous system (CNS) include A) spinal cord and brain B) autonomic components only C) peripheral nerves and ganglia D) efferent components only E) none of the above

A) spinal cord and brain

The level of activity of the receptive neuron depends upon the: A) sum of all of the excitatory and inhibitory stimuli arriving at any given moment B) type of neurotransmitter present C) the number of dendrites present in the nerve cell D) type of synapse E) none of the above are true

A) sum of all of the excitatory and inhibitory stimuli arriving at any given moment

The cervical spinal cord A) supplies the shoulder girdle and upper limb B) is smaller in diameter than other regions of the spinal cord C) contains a smaller amount of gray matter than other areas of the spinal cord D) all of the above E) A and B only

A) supplies the shoulder girdle and upper limb

The interaction between myosin heads and the thin filaments is prevented by: A) the active sites being covered by long chains of tropomyosin molecules B) the thin filaments C) an excess of calcium ions present in the tissues D) contraction of the sarcoplasmic reticulum E) a pair of protein strands

A) the active sites being covered by long chains of tropomyosin molecules

A cerebrovascular accident occurs when A) the blood supply to a portion of the brain is cut off B) a descending tract in the spinal cord is severed C) the prefrontal area is damages D) the reticular activating system fails to function E) none of the above describe a cerebrovascular accident

A) the blood supply to a portion of the brain is cut off

The blood-brain barrier exists because: A) the endothelial cells lining the CNS are extensively interconnected by tight junctions B) normal blood flow is at a pressure too high for the delicate brain tissue C) only water-soluble compounds are permitted to enter by passive diffusion D) the hypothalamus regulates the permeability of the blood vessels E) none of the above

A) the endothelial cells lining the CNS are extensively interconnected by tight junctions

All of the following brain regions lack the blood-brain barrier except A) the endothelial linings of the brain capillaries B) no exceptions C) capillaries in the pituitary gland D) portions of the hypothalamus E) the choroid plexus

A) the endothelial linings of the brain capillaries

Regarding a muscle insertion, which of the following is true? A) the insertion moves more than does the origin B) as the force of muscle contraction increases, the origin moves toward the insertion C) as the speed of the muscle movement increases, the insertion moves further from the origin D) the insertion is proximal to the origin E) all of the above are true

A) the insertion moves more than does the origin

The structural classification of a neuron is based upon A) the number of processes that project from the cell body B) the type of chemical neurotransmitter it secretes C) the size of the dendrites D) the number of axons E) A and D above

A) the number of processes that project from the cell body

A gap junction acts to facilitate A) the passage of ions between the cells B) a change in the permeability of the postsynaptic membrane C) the passage of neurotransmitters between cells D) growth of Schwann cells E) all of the above

A) the passage of ions between the cells

The central sulcus separates which of the regions of the cerebrum? A) the sensory and motor areas B) the pyramidal cells and the frontal lobes C) the parietal and occipital lobes D) the temporal and insula lobes E) none of the above

A) the sensory and motor areas

The conus medullaris is: A) the tapering end of the spinal cord inferior to the lumbar enlargement B) the attachment of a spinal nerve to the spinal cord C) the junction between the medulla and the spinal cord D) the inner portion of the spinal cord, seen in cross section

A) the tapering end of the spinal cord inferior to the lumbar enlargement

Which of the following features are unique to smooth muscle fibers? A) they are involuntary and found in the walls of hollow organs B) they are involuntary and found in the heart C) they are voluntary and responsible for the coordinated movements of the body D) they are involuntary and contain many nuclei E) they are voluntary and control digestion

A) they are involuntary and found in the walls of hollow organs

Which of the following is not part of the floor of the oral cavity? A) thyrohyoid B) genioglossus C) digastric D) geniohyoid E) mylohyoid

A) thyrohyoid

White matter includes: A) tracts in the spinal cord B) nuclei in the brain C) ganglia D) a thin outer layer of most of the brain

A) tracts in the spinal cord

The close association of sarcoplasmic reticulum and transverse (T) tubules is called a: A) triad B) cistern C) cross bridge D) sarcomere

A) triad

The insertion of a muscle: 1. in a limb is usually proximal to the origin 2. does not move when the muscle contracts 3. is the movable point of attachment of a muscle 4. attaches a muscle to a bone or skin A) 1,2,3,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,2,4 D) 1,3

B) 3,4

When a sarcomere contracts, which of the following band(s) get(s) smaller? A) A band B) I band C) Z band D) A and Z bands E) M band

B) I band

Which of these processes occurs during the contraction of skeletal muscle? A) Calcium ions dissociate from troponin B) Z discs move closer together C) the myofilaments become shorter D) calcium ions are taken up by the terminal cisternae E) myofibrils slide over each other

B) Z discs move closer together

When skeletal muscles contract involuntarily it is usually the result of A) an autonomic reflex B) a spinal reflex arc C) an accidental signal from the brain D) chemical imbalance E) none of the above

B) a spinal reflex arc

The meshwork of elastic fibers that make the arachnoid mater look "webby" are (the) A) arachnoid extensions B) arachnoid trabeculae C) subarachnoid spaces D) arachnoid granulations E) none of the above

B) arachnoid trabeculae

With white matter fibers connect adjacent gyri? A) commissural fibers B) arcuate fibers C) projection fibers D) association fibers E) longitudinal fasciculi fibers

B) arcuate fibers

The spinothalamic tract is A) efferent B) ascending C) descending D) motor E) transverse

B) ascending

The outermost covering of an unmyelinated axon is called (the) A) neurolemma B) axolemma C) sarcolemma D) internode E) none of the above

B) axolemma

A specialized region that connects the initial segment of the axon to the soma is known as the A) neurofibril B) axon hillock C) axoplasm D) Nissl body E) centrosome complex

B) axon hillock

The ulnar nerve is found in the ________ plexus. A) thoracic B) brachial C) cervical D) sacral E) lumbar

B) brachial

Functions of the cerebrospinal fluid include all of the following except: A) cushioning delicate neural structures B) carrying electrical impulses to stimulate the neural cortex C) supporting the brain D) transporting nutrients E) transporting waste products away from the brain tissues

B) carrying electrical impulses to stimulate the neural cortex

An excitatory response A) makes an action potential less likely B) causes ACh release C) makes an action potential more likely D) directly causes an action potential E) does none of the above

B) causes ACh release

The sarcolemma is (the) A) extension of the skeletal muscle fibers B) cell membrane of skeletal muscle fibers C) endoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle fibers D) cytoplasm of skeletal muscle fibers E) none of the above

B) cell membrane of skeletal muscle fibers

The anatomical subdivisions of the nervous system are the: A) dorsal and ventral nervous systems B) central and peripheral nervous systems C) appendicular and axial nervous systems D) controlling and regulating nervous systems E) none of the above

B) central and peripheral nervous systems

The groove between the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain is the: A) longitudinal fissure B) central sulcus C) lateral sulcus D) parieto-occipital sulcus E) none of the above

B) central sulcus

An action potential is result of A) diffusion of ions across the plasma membrane in the soma B) diffusion of ions across the plasma membrane of the axon C) endocytosis of neurotransmitters D) diffusion of neurotransmitters acros sthe plasma membrane E) exocytosis of potassium ions

B) diffusion of ions across the plasma membrane of the axon

Because of ____ one motor neuron in the brain can ultimately cause thousands of muscle fibers to contract A) parallel after-discharge B) diverging circuits C) recruitment D) long-term potentiation E) converging circuits

B) diverging circuits

The effects of the neurotransmitters on the postsynaptic membrane may be A) variable in rate of action B) either excitatory or inhibitory C) only excitatory D) only inhibitory E) both A and B

B) either excitatory or inhibitory

Which of the following is not a feature of the cranial meninges? A) falx cerebri B) epidural space C) tentorium cerebelli D) falx cerebelli

B) epidural space

The layers of connective tissue surrounding a skeletal muscle from the outside to the inside in correct order are: A) endomysium, perimysium and epimysium B) epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium C) sarcomere, fasicle and endothelium D) tendon, aponeurosis and muscle fibers E) none of the above are correct

B) epimysium, perimysium and endomysium

Cerebrospinal fluid contains all of the following except: A) electrolytes B) erythrocytes C) lymphocytes D) water

B) erythrocytes

In the nervous system, A) all of the postsynaptic membrane-bound protein receptors are excitatory B) excitatory effects promote the generation of nerve impulses C) inhibitory effects upon receptors promote the generation of nerve impulses D) both A and C E) none of the above

B) excitatory effects promote the generation of nerve impulses

The muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh _______ the thigh and _________ the leg. A) adduct, flex B) extend, flex C) abduct, extend D) flex, extend

B) extend, flex

The function of the neuromuscular junction is to: A) generate new muscle fibers if the muscle is damaged B) facilitate chemical communication between the nerve and the muscle fiber with which it is associated C) unite nerves from different muscle fibers to one another D) unknown E) give feedback about muscle activity to nerves

B) facilitate chemical communication between the nerve and the muscle fiber with which it is associated

In contrast to slow oxidative fibers, fast glycolytic fibers A) contain more mitochondria B) fatigue more quickly C) contain more myoglobin D) contract more slowly E) have more capillaries

B) fatigue more quickly

The anterior muscles of the thigh are innervated by the A) saphenous nerve B) femoral nerve C) genitofemoral nerve D) obturator nerve E) iliohypogastric nerve

B) femoral nerve

Select the best description of axon terminals: A) usually short and branched B) fine processes at the ends of axons C) usually myelinated D) join axon to cell body E) stored in synaptic vesicles

B) fine processes at the ends of axons

The flexors of the palm/wrist include: A) flexor carpi radialis, brachialis and flexor carpi ulnaris B) flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus C) supinator and brachioradialis D) a and c from above E) none of the above

B) flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus

The right and left sides of the gray matter of the spinal cord are linked by what structure A) central canal B) gray commissure C) ventral horns D) lateral horns E) dorsal horns

B) gray commissure

Areas of the nervous system that are dense in myelinated axons are referred to as A) arachnoid mater B) gray matter C) dura mater D) white matter E) it doesn't matter

B) gray matter

Axons crossing over in the spinal cord pass through (the) A) anterior white commissure B) gray matter C) anterior gray horns D) posterior white commissure E) none off the above

B) gray matter

The function of T-tubules is to A) bind actin and myosin molecules together B) help distribute the electrical signal to contract throughout the muscle fiber C) separate one muscle fiber from another to facilitate partial contraction of a muscle D) bind muscle fibers together at the neuromuscular junction E) none of the above

B) help distribute the electrical signal to contract throughout the muscle fiber

Areas of myelinated axon that are not covered by myelin are called A) nodes B) internodes C) gray matter D) white matter E) all of the above

B) internodes

The primary purpose of the blood-brain barrier is to A) hook areas of the brain together B) isolate the CNS from the general circulation C) drain blood from the brain D) provide the brain with oxygen E) do none of the above

B) isolate the CNS from general circulation

A neuron might be temporarily unable to transmit an impulse to another if A) the neurons are of different types B) its supply of neurotransmitters is exhausted C) the levels of microglia are too low D) there are too many astrocytes present E) either c or d is the case

B) its supply of neurotransmitters is exhausted

Which of the following does not contribute to the blood brain barrier A) basement membrane B) meninges C) astrocytes D) endothelial E) tight junctions

B) meninges

Where are neurotransmitter receptors found on the sarcolemma? A) transverse tubules B) motor end plate C) sarcoplasmic reticulum D) muscle filaments

B) motor end plate

Myelin is (a) A) special cell that protects neurons B) multilayered membrane around an axon C) cell body D) special area of the brain E) none of the above

B) multilayered membrane around an axon

The structure of the muscle fiber that shorten to cause skeletal muscle fiber contraction are the: A) myoneural junctions B) myofibrils C) sarcoplasm D) a and c from above E) none of the above

B) myofibrils

The structures of the muscle fiber that shorten to cause skeletal muscle fiber contraction are the: A) myoneural junctions B) myofibrils C) sarcoplasm D) a and c from above E) none of the above

B) myofibrils

The structures within the muscle fiber that shorten to cause skeletal muscle fiber contraction are the A) sarcoplasm B) myofibrils C) myoneural junctions D) A and C from above E) none of the above

B) myofibrils

The sensory homunculus is a map that shows (the) A) number of muscles under the skin B) number of sensory units in regions of the body C) relative size of sensory regions in the body D) size of sensory units E) all of the above

B) number of sensory units in regions of the body

A motor unit is A) one myofibril of a muscle fiber B) one neuronal faxon and all the muscle fibers innervated by it C) the distance from one Z disc to the next D) one neuromuscular junction E) one thick filament and all thin filaments with which it forms cross bridges

B) one neuronal faxon and all the muscle fibers innervated by it

The complex known as the triad consist of A) actin, myosin, and myofilaments B) one transverse tubule and two terminal cisternae C) myofilaments, myofibrils, and sarcomere D) one A band, one H zone, and one I band E) one sarcomere, one sarcoplasmic reticulum, and one sarcoplasm

B) one transverse tubule and two terminal cisternae

The nuclei in the spinal cord that contain the cell bodies of the somatic and visceral sensory neurons are located in (the) A) lateral gray horn B) posterior gray horn C) gray commissures D) anterior gray horn E) none of the above

B) posterior gray horn

The botulinum toxin (Botox) is able to prevent muscular contraction by A) increasing the amount of curae in the NMJ B) preventing the release of Acetylcholine at the NMJ C) blocking ACh receptors at the NMJ D) facilitating the action of neostimine E) increasing the amount of acetylcholinesterase at the NMJ

B) preventing the release of Acetylcholine at the NMJ

A bipolar neuron may be found in the A) somatic sensory system B) retina C) somatic motor system D) gut E) autonomic system

B) retina

Posture is maintained by ____ fibers A) type II B) slow oxidative C) white D) fast-twitch E) fast glycolyctic

B) slow oxidative

Microglia are (the) A) least numerous neuroglial cell B) smallest neuroglial cell C) most numerous neuroglial cell D) lagest neuroglial cell E) none of the above

B) smallest neuroglial cell

A motor unit in skeletal muscle is activated by a/an _______. A) parasympathetic motor neuron B) somatic motor neuron C) afferent motor neuron D) sympathetic motor neuron

B) somatic motor neuron

Which muscle has three attachments to bone? A) thyrohyoid B) sternocleidomastoid C) stylohyoid D) sternohyoid E) mylohyoid

B) sternocleidomastoid

Select the best description of neurotransmitter molecules: A) fine processes at the ends of axons B) stored in synaptic vesicles C) usually short branched D) usually myelinated E) accumulates as yellow-brown granules as the cell ages

B) stored in synaptic vesicles

The tectum of the midbrain bears four rounded elevations: A) that transit all sensory and motor information between the upper and lower brain regions B) that control reflex movements in response to visual and auditory stimuli C) that control subconscious muscle activities D) called substantia nigra

B) that control reflex movements in response to visual and auditory stimuli

The third ventricle is located in A) cerebral hemispheres B) diencephalon C) mesencephalon D) anteior to cerebellum E) behind the pons

B) the diencephalon

Which of the following statements about the ventricles of the brain is false? A) the walls of all of the ventricles contain choroid plexuses that produce cerebrospinal fluid B) the lateral ventricles connect to the third ventricle via the lateral apertures C) a membrane called the septum pellucidum separates the anterior portions of the two lateral ventricles D) the third ventricle is between the left and right halves of the thalamus

B) the lateral ventricles connect to the third ventricle via the lateral apertures

The central canal is a remnant of what embryonic structure? A) the neural folds B) the neural tube C) the rhombencephalon D) the neural crest E) the telencephalon

B) the neural tube

The structural classification of a neuron is based upon A) the type of chemical neurotransmitter it secretes B) the number of processes that project from the cell body C) the number of axons D) the size of the dendrites E) A and D

B) the number of processes that project from the cell body

This muscle has attachments to the scapula and the skull A) the stylohyoid B) the omohyoid C) deltoid D) the digastric E) the geniohyoid

B) the omohyoid

What is the neurilemma? A) the body of a Schwann cell B) the outermost layer of a Schwann cell C) another name for the endoneurium D) the entire cell membrane of a neuron E) the outermost layer of an oligodendrocyte

B) the outermost layer of a Schwann cell

A gap junction acts to facilitate A) the passage of neurotransmitters between cells B) the passage of ions between the cells C) growth of Schwann cells D) a change in the permeability of the postsynaptic membrane E) all of the above

B) the passage of ions between the cells

Each skeletal muscle fiber is controlled by A) a tendon extending from the end of the fascicle B) the terminal branch of a motor neuron C) an individual T tubule D) a motor end plate E) both C and D

B) the terminal of a motor neuron

What is the result of the loss of the centrioles in neurons during the process of differentiation? A) these cells cannot manufacture additional ribosomes B) these cells become incapable of division to replace damaged or lost cells C) the mitochondria produce more energy than with centrioles present D) these cells lose other colors and begin to appear gray E) both B and C

B) these cells become incapable of division to replace damaged or lost cells

The capillaries surrounding each muscle fiber are able to withstand the stretching and contracting of the muscle fiber because: A) they are associated with nerve fibers which facilitate their length change B) they are coiled C) they have especially thin walls D) they each have their own tendon E) they have embedded elastic fibrils in their walls

B) they are coiled

Knee extensors, known as the quadriceps femoris, include the A) hamstrings and adductors B) three vastus muscles and the rectus femoris C) popliteus, iliopsoas, and gracilis D) gastrocnemius, tibialis, and fibularis E) biceps femoris, gracilis, and sartorius

B) three vastus muscles and the rectus femoris

The function of T-tubules is to: A) bind muscle fibers together at the myoneural junction B) to help distribute the electrical-chemical signal to contract throughout the muscle fiber C) separate one muscle fiber from another facilitate partial contraction of a muscle D) bind actin and myosin molecules together E) none of the above

B) to help distribute the electrical-chemical signal to contract throughout the muscle fiber

The dura mater is the: A) innermost of the meninges B) toughest and thickest of the meninges C) outermost covering over the brain, but not the spinal cord D) meninx that forms the coccygeal ligament along with components of the filum terminale E) structure that does all of the above

B) toughest and thickest of the meninges

The _________ muscle covers most of the surface of the upper back A) infraspinatus B) trapezius C) rhomboid D) teres major E) none of the above

B) trapezius

Generation of an action potential at an axon of a neuron may be caused by A) stimulation of any portion of the dendrites of the neuron B) input from various presynaptic cells C) a change in the number of Schwann cells surrounding the axon D) all of the above E) A and B

E) A and B

In the absence of ATP or if ATP cannot be produced by a muscle cell A) muscle contraction will not take place B) a muscle will contract using glucose directly instead C) a muscle will use glycogen directly instead D) a muscle will exist in a state of rigor E) A and/or D could occur

E) A and/or D could occur

The portion of a sarcomere that contains the thick filaments and the zone of overlap is the A) M-line B) I band C) H band D) Z-line E) A band

E) A band

The pia mater A) contains the space in which the CSF circulates B) is the delicate innermost meningeal layer C) covers the brain but not the spinal cord D) forms the filum terminale E) B and D from above are true

E) B and D from above are true

The CSF produced by the choroid plexi of the brain circulates through the: A) ventricles of the brain B) central canal of the spinal cord C) dorsal root ganglia of the spinal nerves D) cervical, brachial and lumbosacral plexi E) a and b from above are correct

E) a and b from above are correct

The main nerves and blood vessels supplying the individual muscle fibers are contained within and branch through which of the following? A) epimysium B) endomysium C) perimysium D) the myoblasts E) a and c

E) a and c

Functions of the peripheral nervous system include: A) providing sensory information to the CNS B) making higher order decisions to interpret sensory inputs C) carrying motor commands to the peripheral tissues and systems D) carrying information up and down the spinal cord E) a and c from above are correct

E) a and c from above are correct

All of these except one of the choices is/are either regulated or modified in action by the central nervous system A) smooth muscle B) cardiac muscle C) skeletal muscle D) smooth and cardiac muscle E) all muscle types are either regulated or modified in their actions by the central nervous system

E) all muscle types are either regulated or modified in their actions by the central nervous system

Functions of the nervous system include all of the following except: A) providing information about the internal and external environments B) integrating sensory function C) coordinating voluntary and involuntary motor activities D) controlling and regulating other tissues and systems E) all of the above

E) all of the above

Of the following muscles, which can compress the abdomen? A) transversus abdominis B) internal oblique C) rectus abdominis D) external oblique E) all of the above

E) all of the above

Subdivisions of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) include A) the special sensory receptors B) the somatic nervous system C) the visceral sensory receptors D) the autonomic nervous system E) all of the above

E) all of the above

The spinal meninges function to A) stabilize the spinal cord B) protect the spinal cord C) assist in delivering nutrients and oxygen to the spinal cord D) absorb shocks to the spinal cord E) all of the above

E) all of the above

When contraction occurs, A) the I band begins to disappear B) the Z lines move closer together C) the H band gets smaller D) the A band remains constant E) all of the above happen

E) all of the above happen

This is true of the occipofrontalis muscle A) they are connected by a tendon B) they do not contribute to facial expressions C) they help in the elevation of the jaw D) they both insert on the temporal bone E) an aponeurosis connects them

E) an aponeurosis connects them

Which neural tissue cell type is likely to be malfunctioning if the blood-brain barrier is no longer adequately protecting the brain? A) afferent neurons B) oligodendrocytes C) microglia D) ependymal cells E) astrocytes

E) astrocytes

The portion of a neuron that carries information in the form of a nerve impulse is called the A) Nissl body B) soma C) myelin D) dendrite E) axon

E) axon

Cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and glands are under the control of the A) somatic nervous system B) parasympathetic division C) sympathetic division D) central nervous system E) b and c

E) b and c

A neuron pool is A) a group of interconnected neurons with specific functions B) a group of neurons linked by gap junctions C) a group of identical nerve cells D) the group of neurons available to regenerate a damaged nerve E) both A and B

E) both A and B

Contraction of a sarcomere also causes narrowing of the A) A band B) I band C) H band D) zone of overlap E) both B and C

E) both B and C

Pathways leading from the receptors to the CNS are called A) afferent pathways B) motor pathways C) sensory pathways D) efferent pathways E) both a and c

E) both a and c

Slow fibers primarily use which of the following for energy? A) anaerobic metabolism B) protein C) lipids D) glycogen E) carbohydrates, lipids and proteins through the aerobic pathway

E) carbohydrates, lipids and proteins through the aerobic pathway

Structures formed by the dura mater include all of the following except the A) falx cerebri B) superior sagittal sinus C) tentorium cerebelli D) diaphragm sellae E) cavernous sinus

E) cavernous sinus

What strucutre does cerebrospinal fluid flow through as it passes from the third to the fourth ventricle A) dural sinus B) central canal C) corpus callosum D) interventricular foramen E) cerebral aqueduct

E) cerebral aqueduct

Perimysium is_______ which covers a/an ________. A) connective tissue, myofibril B) epithelial tissue, myofibril C) connective tissue, entire muscle D) epithelial tissue, fascicle E) connective tissue, fascicle

E) connective tissue, fascicle

In a ______ neuronal circuit, input to one neuron leads to output from the multiple neurons. A) converging B) reverberating C) facilitated D) parallel after-discharge circuit E) diverging

E) diverging

When a neural pathway splits to involve many areas of the nervous system, the type of processing is known as A) serial B) reverberating C) converging D) parallel E) diverging

E) diverging

From superficial to deep, the meninges occur in the order A) arachnoid, pia mater, dura mater B) pia mater, arachnoid, dura mater C) dura mater, pia mater, arachnoid D) pia mater, dura mater, arachnoid E) dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater

E) dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater

The subarachnoid space is A) between the arachnoid and the underlying dura mater B) a potential space only C) between the arachnoid and the periosteum D) filled with fat E) filled with cerebrospinal fluid

E) filled with cerebrospinal fluid

Select the best description of the Schwann cells: A) form lining of brain ventricles B) form myelin sheaths in central nervous system C) surround neurons in peripheral nervous system ganglia D) help maintain the blood-brain barrier E) form myelin sheaths of peripheral nervous system

E) form myelin sheaths of peripheral nervous system

One role of the astrocytes is to A) form myelin in the CNS B) circulate cerebrospinal fluid C) produce cerebrospinal fluid D) phagocytize tissue debris E) help form the blood brain barrier

E) help form the blood brain barrier

What muscle inserts on the lesser trochanter of the femur? A) rectus femoris B) adductor magnus C) adductor longus D) vastus medialis E) iliopsoas

E) iliopsoas

When a muscle exerts tension without shortening, the contraction is termed A) isotonic B) spasmodic C) fatigue D) tetanic E) isometric

E) isometric

If the name of a spinal tract begins with the root spino A) it is a motor pathway B) its fibers do not extend beyond the spinal cord C) it consists of descending fibers D) its fibers from a spinal nerve E) it is a sensory pathway

E) it is a sensory pathway

The pterygoid muscles insert on the A) lateral pterygoid plate B) neck of the mandible C) sphenoid D) hyoid E) mandible

E) mandible

A biopsy of infected or injured tissue from the CNS will most likely show an elevated number of A) interneurons B) satellite cells C) ependymal cells D) oligodendrocytes E) microglia

E) microglia

Which is not an infrahyoid muscle? A) thyrohyoid B) sternothyroid C) omohyoid D) sternohyoid E) mylohyoid

E) mylohyoid

The patterns of interactions between neurons include all of the following except A) parallel processing B) convergence C) reverberation D) divergence E) no exceptions; all of the above are correct

E) no exceptions; all of the above are correct

The extensor muscles of the leg at the knee include all of the following except: A) rectus femoris B) vastus intermedius C) vastus medialis D) vastus lateralis E) no exceptions; all of the above are extensors

E) no exceptions; all of the above are extensors

Components of a neuron include all of the following except: A) soma B) one or more dendrites C) an elongate axon D) one or more synaptic terminals E) no exceptions; all of the above are included

E) no exceptions; all of the above are included

Types of synapses include all of the following except A) axoaxonic B) axosomatic C) neuromuscular junctions D) axodendritic E) none of the above are exceptions

E) none of the above are exceptions

Which cranial nerves are responsible for all aspects of eye function? A) IX, XI, XII B) I, II, VII C) V, VII, VIII D) II, III, IV, V, VI E) none of the above combinations

E) none of the above combinations

Adductors of the thigh are controlled by the A) iliohypogastric nerve B) fibular nerve C) tibial nerve D) obturator nerve E) femoral nerve

E) obturator nerve

Smooth muscles are primarily used to A) pump blood through the circulation B) help movements occur smoothly C) move bones D) generate heat E) push substances through tubes

E) push substances through tubes

Select the best description of Nissl bodies: A) accumulates as pellow-brown granules as the cell ages B) usually short and branched C) usually myelinated D) form(s) part of the cytoskeleton E) rough endoplasmic reticulum

E) rough endoplasmic reticulum

The teres major and teres minor originate on the _________ and inserts on the __________. A) tibia; calcaneus and talus B) femur; tibia C) humerus; scapula D) os coxa; femur E) scapula; humerus

E) scapula; humerus

A neuron that ascends the spinal cord or brain stem and usually ends in the thalamus is a(n) A) lower motor neuron B) third-order neuron C) upper motor neuron D) first-order neuron E) second-order neuron

E) second-order neuron

The hypothalamus plays a role in controlling all of the following except A) sleepiness B) sex drive C) blood pressure D) hunger E) speech

E) speech

Which condition occurs when the vertebrae fail to develop a complete neural arch and part of the spinal cord is exposed A) spinal meningitis B) multiple sclerosis C) anencephaly D) microcephaly E) spina bifida

E) spina bifida

Which best describes the sartorius? A) boxer's muscle B) lateral hamstring C) swimmer's muscle D) "workhorse" of the elbow flexors E) tailor's muscle

E) tailor's muscle

Which of the following muscles is part of the rotator cuff? A) rhomboideus major B) serratus anterior C) pectoralis minor D) subclavicus E) teres minor

E) teres minor

You are working with a stroke patient who can understand you when you tell her to do something but she is not able to produce grammatical, comprehensible speech. what specific area of the brain is damaged? A) the globus pallidus B) the limbic system C) the language cortex of the occipital lobe D) the Broca area E) the Wernicke area

E) the Wernicke area

Smooth muscle cells are characteristic of the musculature of/of the A) blood vessels B) antagonistic muscle pairs C) postural muscles D) heart E) the gut

E) the gut

Isadora's regime of weight training had really paid off. She had bigger and stronger muscles. It was pretty obvious that A) the number of fascicles in her muscles had increased B) the satellite cells in her muscle had increased C) the number of fibers in her muscles had increased D) the epimysium in her muscles had increased E) the myofilaments in her muscle had increased

E) the myofilaments in her muscle had increased

Nerve signals A) travel fastest in large unmyelinated fibers B) travel at the same speed in all nerve fibers C) travel fastest in small unmyelinated fibers D) travel fastest in small myelinated fibers E) travel fastest in large myelinated fibers

E) travel fastest in large myelinated fibers

Which of the following is considered to be a regulatory protein of the myofilaments A) titin B) myosin C) G actin D) calcium E) troponin

E) troponin

There is a "homunculus) on the precentral gyrus. The reason why the hand region of the homunculus is so large relates to the fact that A) we have very sensitive fingertips B) the hand is a proportionally large part of the body C) we have very mobile wrists D) our arms require great muscle control E) we have numerous motor units associated with finger movement

E) we have numerous motor units associated with finger movement

In the peripheral nervous syteem the Nodes of Ranvier are bare spots on an axon, the rest being covered by a) Cells of Schwann b) microglia c) ependyma d) oligodendrocytes e) satellite cells

a) Cells of Schwann

This muscle, when contracted on one side, can turn the face to the contralateral side. It is the a) sternocleidomastoid b) sternothyroid c) omohyoid d) sternohyoid e) digastric

a) sternocleidomastoid

If the secretion of the choroid plexus were reduced a) the amount of CSF produces would decrease b) the brain ventricles would swell with fluid c) myelination would be reduced d) synaptic events would be reduced neurotransmitter levels decreasing e) postsynaptic cells would not produce sufficient neuroreceptor molecules

a) the amount of CSP produced would decrease

If a person had problems with balance and equilibrium, the lesion causing this impairment would most likely be found in a) the cerebellum b) the occipital lobes of the cerebrum c) the basal ganglia d) the pons e) Broca's area

a) the cerebellum

The motor homunculus will be "found" in a) pre-central gyrus b) the forebrain c) the occipital lobes d) the post-central gyrus e) the mid-brain

a) the pre-central gyrus

Structures within a muscle responsible for sequestering calcium ions a) the sarcoplasmic reticulum b) the sacromere c) the myofibril d) the T tubule e) the actin

a) the sarcoplasmic reticulum

Found in the transverse sinus is a) dialysates of blood which will form cerebrospinal fluid b) venous blood c) cerebrospinal fluid d) arterial blood

b) venous blood

Arrange the terms: 1. fiber 2. myofibril 3. fascicle 4. sarcomere (from largest to smallest) a) 4, 3, 2, 1 b) 3, 2 ,1 ,4 c) 3, 1, 2, 4 d) 4, 2, 1, 3 e) 1, 2, 3, 4

c) 3, 1, 2, 4

The neurotransmitter used to facilitates transmission of an action potential from an axon to a skeletal muscle a) acetylcholinesterase b) troponin c) acetylcholine d) tropomyosin e) adrenaline f) GABA

c) acetylcholine

The mechanism by which these cells function is principally though phagocytosis a) neuroglia b) satellite cells c) microglia d) ependymal cells e) astrocytes

c) microglia

Central Nervous system cells known as oligodendrocytes are responsible for a) removing cellular debris from nervous tissue b) generation of action potentials c) myelination of axons d) phagocytosis e) production of CSF

c) myelination of axons

The factor most closely associated with exposure of active sites on actin for crossbridge formation is/are a) formation of tropomyosin b) stimulation of the T-tubule c) release of Calcium ions into the sarcoplasm d) presence of ATP e) the action potential on the axon

c) release of Calcium ions into the sarcoplasm

One factor/structure responsible for increasing the rate of nerve impulse conduction a) axoplasm b) telodendria c) the diameter of the axon d) presence of neurofibrials e) centrioles

c) the diameter of the axon

The activity of _____ increase during conditions of traumatic or ischaemic injury of the brain, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and multiple sclerosis. a) ependymal cells b) satellite cells c) oligodendrocytes d) microglia e) schwann cells

d) microglia

The trigeminal neve innervates a) medial pterygoid b) masseter c) later pterygoid d) temporalis e) all of these muscles

e) all of these muscles

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