exam 2

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What advice does professional speaker Vickie K. Sullivan offer?

"If the speech does not convey provocative information, audience members feel their time has been wasted and rightfully will feel offended. They expect their thinking to be challenged."

What is the purpose of presentation aids? What must take center stage?

- They help listeners process information and enhance a speech - the speaker and. message must take center stage, rather than any presentation media

Check out at least five (5) of the potential media sources noted on page 292.

- Youtube - New York times - google videos - Getty images - Soundcloud

Be familiar with the "Strategies for Explaining Complex Information" (bottom of page 315).

- build on prior knowledge - use analogies - define terms in several ways - simplify terminology wherever possible - check for understanding

Explain how a chart works/a flowchart/a table. Be able to identify, as well.

- chart: visual organizes complex information into compact form. - flowchart- diagrams the progression of a process as a sequence or directional flow. - table: systematically groups data in column form, allowing viewers to examine and make comparisons about information quickly.

What are important points to remember about selecting and composing lettering? Know all of the particulars, paying close attention to the bulleted items on page 285.

- check the lettering for legibility - lettering should stand apart from the background - use a common typeface that is simple and easy - use standard upper - use no more than two different typefaces in a single visual aid - use boldface, underlining, and italics sparingly

Study the steps for "Getting Reading to Deliver a Presentation Using Software Tools" (290-291).

- check the venue - locate power sources - computer needs and compatibility - internet access - backup plan - audio - position yourself correctly

How should one avoid copyright infringement, in general? Study the particulars on page 293.

- cite the sources of all copy righted material in your presentation - be wary of whites purporting to offer "royalty free" media objects - when time, resources, and ability allow, create and use your own pictures, videos, or audio for your presentation slides

Understand the "Principles of Simplicity and Continuity"

- concentrate on presenting one major idea per visual aid - apply design decisions consistently to each aid - use type that is large enough for audience members to read comfortably - use color judiciously to highlight key ideas and enhance readability - check that colors contrast rather than clash

What are important tips for incorporating audio and video into your presentations?

- cue the audio or video into your presentation - alert audience members to what they will be hearing or viewing before you play it back - reiterate the relevance of the audio or video clip to your key points once it is over -use the audio or video clip in a manner consistent with copyright

What are important considerations speakers should make when developing a plan?

- decide the contents slides should be - how slides should be arranged -determine the best platform for displaying your slides - determine size of audience for how you show your media - review and edit using slide sorter, light table, or outline, or path tool

What are important tips for successfully using presentation software in your speech? Study the checklist/know the particulars (bottom of page 293).

- dont let technology get in the way - talk o your audience rather then screen - maintain eye contact - have backup plan -if you use a pointer, turn it off or point it down as soon as you made ur point - incorporate the aids into your practice sessions until you are confident

What are important points to remember about using color effectively with presentation aids?

- keep the background color consistent across all slides or pages of your aid - carefully use bold, bright colors - for typeface and graphics, use colors that contrast rather then clash with background - limit colors to no more than three

What are important points to remember about creating effective line, bar, and pie graphs? Study the Checklist on the top of page 280.

- label axes - compare only like variables -clearly label all relevant points - assign clear title to graph

What are important tips to remember about incorporating presentation aids into your speech? Study the Checklist on the bottom of page 281.

- maintain eye contact with audience - talk to your audience rather then the screen or object - practice with aids until confident - be prepared to give ur presentation without aids in case something goes wrong - display the aid only when you are ready to discuss it

What are important points to remember when using a prop or model?

- practice delivering your speech using it - make sure it is big enough for everyone to see (and read, if applicable). - in most cases, keep it hidden until you are ready to use it.

What are some strategies for helping to increase understanding for audience members? Pay close attention to the tips on the bottom of page 309 and the top of page 310.

- prepare a well organized introduction that clearly previews the thesis and main points and conclusion that summarizes them - make liberal use of transition words and phrases - use rhetorical devices - choose an appropriate organizational pattern - use presentation aids

What are some key mistakes some presenters make when it comes to understanding "giving a speech, not a slide show"?

- some speakers hide behind presentation media, focusing attention on their aids rather than on the audience - might mistakenly believe that the display itself is the presentation, or that it will somehow save an otherwise poorly planned speech - get so wrapped up you forget your mission. to communicate with your audience.

What are some guidelines for clearly communicating your informative message? (See top of page 318.)

- tell audience members what you hope they will learn - stress topics reverence to listeners - use definition, description, etc to convey ideas - use analogies - choose organizational pattern for your main points that suits your topic

What are some important tips for avoiding technical glitches? Study the recommendations on page 289.

- verify you have saved the presentation files to reliable source - save all files associated with presentation - familiarize yourself with the presentation computer before hand - check that operating system on computer you will be using - conform that version of the presentation softer used to create the aids corresponds to the software used to present - prepare a digital backup and a set of printed handouts of ur visual aids incase of emergency

What are important tips to remember about a presentation aid's design? Know all of the particulars, including the "six-by-six rule." What about wording? Clutter? Titles?

-6 by 6- use no more than six words in a line and six lines on a slide - word text in active verb form - avoid clutter - create concise titles

Look at the Subject Categories table on the top of page 312 to get an overview of what these specific kinds of informative speeches do, noting some examples.

1. people- athletes, authors, inventors 2. events- battle of Britain, refuge crisis 3. concept- string theory, cybursecurity 4. issues- gun violence, immigration policy, blue on black violence 5. processes- visualization in sports, power-yoga routine 6. objects/phenomena- status of self driving cars, history of heritage sites

Have familiarity with what constitutes speeches about people, events, concepts, issues, process, and objects/phenomena.

1. people- inform audiences about individuals and groups who have made contributions to society 2. events- focus on noteworthy occurrences 3. concepts- focus on abstract or complex thoughts, theories or beliefs and attempt to make them concrete and understandable to an audience 4. issues- problem or matter in dispute 5. processes- refer to a series of steps that lead to finish product or end result 6. objects/phenomena- explore anything that isn't human

How does the number of people in your audience affect the planning for the display?

Depending on how large or small your audience is will determine the best platform for delivering your slides.

In general, how should speakers use presentation aids?

It is used to help listeners understand and retain information that is otherwise difficult or time-consuming to convey to words.

What are examples of presentation software?

Microsoft powerpoint and its apple counterpart, keynote, prezi, prezentit, and sliderocket

Explain what a prop is contrasted/compared to a model. What are some examples?

Prop- any object, inanimate or even live, that helps people demonstrate the speakers points. Model- three dimensional, scale size representation of an object.

What is a flip chart?

a large pad of paper on which a speaker can write or draw

What is Keynote?

a presentation tool by apple that allows users to choose different design themes and offers collaboration tools

What does prezi do?

allows users to flip and zoom within their presentations, allowing for a more controversial presentation

What is reportage?

an account of The Who, what, where, when, and why of the facts

What does it mean to use analogy to avoid confusion? Provide some examples. Look at the ones the textbook showcases on page 314.

by linking unfair with the familiar through an analogy, you will give your listeners an easier way to venture into new territory.

What does it mean to use design elements consistently?

carry your choice of design elements throughout the aid: colors, fonts, general page layout, upper and lower case, etc

Study the explanation about "positioning" in reference to the presentation.

choose a place to stand that gives the audience clear nightlines to you and your slide show. stand such that you can face forward even when changing slides etc.

What is a handout?

conveys information that either is impractical to give to the audience in another format or is intended to be kept by audience members after the presentation


cursive like handwriting, and conveys friendliness, approachability, or creativity.

definition by etymology

defines something by illustrating its root meaning

definition by synonym

defining something by comparing it to something synonymous

definition by example

defining something by providing several concrete examples

operational definiton

defining something by what it does

definition by negation

defining something by what it is not

How does audience analysis affect the speaker's planning/presentation, at least in terms of informative speaking?

depending on what your audience already knows will determine the layout of your speech

pie graphs

depict the division of a whole into slices, with each slice constituting a percentage of the whole

Visual learning style

grasp ideas by viewing visual representations

When do chalkboards/whiteboards typically work well for presenters?

impromptu explanations, such as presenting simple processes that are done in steps, or for engaging the audience in short brainstorming sessions.

serif typeface?

includes small flourishes or strokes, at the tops and bottoms of each letter

Why does color matter with a presentation aid?

it can draw attention to key points, influence the mood of a presentation, and make things easier to see

What is "multimedia," by definition?

it combines stills, sounds, video, text, and data into a single production, requires familiarity with presentation software programs such as windows movie maker and apple movie.

Why does the quality of a speaker's presentation aid matter?

it is a critical factor in the audiences perception of his or her credibility. well-designed presentations aids signal that the speaker is prepared and professional.

What is the "multimedia effect," and why does it matter?

it is the confirmation that people process information when it is presented verbally and visually. If it is not presented well, the audience will become distracted and retain less information than they would without it.

How does informative speaking differ from persuasive speaking?

it stands in contrast to that of a persuasive speech, which explicitly attempts to influence peoples attitudes, values, beliefs, or behavior about an issue. Persuasive speech would seek to modify attitudes or ask audience to adapt certain position.

Look at "normal view" in PowerPoint (288)

just regular slide show

What is a poster?

large paperboards incorporating test, figures, and images alone or in combination

Aural Learning Style

learn best by hearing and speaking

Kinesthetic learning style

learn best from participating in the classroom, benefit from hands-on experience

How does a knowledge of different learning styles impact effective informative speaking

makes you try to include different aids that will provide the different learning styles to benefit ur audience

sans serif typeface

more clocklike and linear; designed without the tiny strokes of serif font.

Read/write learning style

most comfortable processing info through the is text-based.

What should a speaker remember about "overwhelming listeners" with "too much information?"

most people will recall less than half of the information you tell them, so focus on what you want to convey and trim material that is not vital to your central idea

What are some ways you can approach a speech in which you are using definition?

operational definition, definition by negation, definition by example, definition by synonym, definition by etymology

What do "pictures" include? How do they contrast with props or models?

pictures (two-demensional) include photographs, line drawing, diagrams, maps, and posters.

Explain how graphs work, differentiating line graphs, bar and column graphs, pie graphs, and pictograms.

represents relationships among two or more things.

What are typefaces?

specific style of lettering

What is the goal of informative speaking?

the goal is to increase the audiences awareness of some phenomenon and or deep the understanding of it by imparting knowledge

What are some important considerations for "subjective interpretations of color?"

the meanings associated with certain colors may differ across cultures

What is backstory?

the story that leads up to the event that listeners might find interesting

How does a demonstration speech work?

these speeches often rely on an actual object, representations or models of it, or visual aids that diagram it.

What are the liabilities for a speaker who uses a board extensively?

they can force the speaker to turn his or her back to the audience, make listeners wait while you write, and require legible handwriting that will be clear to all viewers

novelty fonts

unique, flash and even cartoonish


use picture symbols to illustrate relationships and trends

bar and column graph

uses bars or varying lengths to compare quantities or magnitudes.

How does digital storytelling work?

uses multimedia to tell a story about yourself or others with resonance for the audience

line graph

uses points connected by lines to demonstrate how something changes or fluctuates over time.

What is "chartjunk"?

visuals jammed with too many graphs, charts, and meaningless design elements that obscure rather than illuminate information.

Why does audience analysis matter?

you need to five your listeners a reason to care about your topic

How does audience analysis work with informative speaking?

you need to gauge what your listeners already know about your informative topic as well as what they want and need to know about it.

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