Exam 2- chapter 12-15 quizzes

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A survey technique that asks a jury of experts to respond to a series of questionnaires in order to reach a consensus about important issues is the

Delphi survey method

In the context of historical research, secondary sources are the original accounts. TRUE OR FALSE?


In a meta-analysis, the researcher found that the mean for the experimental group in a study was 14 and the mean for the control group was 10. The standard deviation of the control group was 5. From these data, what is the ES?


In a meta-analysis of 100 studies that compared boys' and girls' knowledge of AIDS, an average ES of 0.50 was found. This number represents

a difference of 0.50 standard deviation units

Reasoning that moves from a limited number of specific observations to general conclusions is termed ______ reasoning.


The type of criticism that seeks to determine the accuracy (or credibility) of a primary source is

internal criticism

In meta-analysis, the ES for the experimental versus control groups was 0.68, which represents a percentile equivalent of 75. This means that

the average score of the experimental group was better than 75% of the control group's scores.

In a meta-analysis, the researcher found that the mean for the experimental group in a study was 14 and the mean for the control group was 10. The standard deviation of the control group was 5. From these data, what is the ES?

the description of the coding of study characteristics and criteria for excluding studies

Reasoning that describes lived experiences and relies on descriptions of observations is termed _____ reasoning.


The greatest weakness of ______ methodology is the effect internal biases have on how participants see the world.


The practice of taking a small random sample of nonrespondents to a survey is primarily intended to

determine whether the nonrespondents are a different population from the respondents.

The correct sequence for developing a questionnaire

determining objectives, delimiting the sample, writing items, pilot testing

Which of the following represent(s) a primary source regarding a fight at a ball game?

notes taken by a spectator at the game

Which of the following are most difficult to analyze in a questionnaire study?

open-ended items

It is common to encounter extreme or unusual scores in a distribution that could have a misleading effect on the results. These extreme scores are termed


A scholar's set of assumptions about the world, definitions of theory and data, and possible questions that can be pursued.


The framework that contains a historical scholar's beliefs and assumptions about the world and the past as well as the scholar's own views is called a(n)


A method of philosophy that is designed to liberate people from the claims of traditional claims of the other branches falls under the heading of deconstructionism, and is called


The fundamental goal of philosophy is to examine reality primarily through

reflective procedures

Understanding that most historical sources such as records and newspaper stories are not complete accounts of an event represents which of the following "rules" that needs to be applied in internal criticism?

rule of omission

When a national poll reports that its survey has a margin of error of 3%, it is referring to error due to


To help ensure an acceptable return rate in a questionnaire study, the researcher should

use follow-up letters or email and use follow-up phone calls

Which of the three branches of philosophy focuses on the value of things?


In meta-analysis, the results of various studies on a topic are quantified using a standard measure (ES) that is called

effect size

Which of the three branches of philosophy focuses on knowledge?


The first step in conducting a questionnaire is to

list specific objectives to be achieved

Which of the three branches of philosophy focuses on the nature of things?


A researcher tests the knowledge about nutrition of 10,000 school children from the southwestern United States, and the scores are transformed into percentiles by grade level. This type of research is a ________ survey study.


In calculating ES for a treatment effect between a pretest and a posttest, the text recommends the use of which standard deviation?

the pretest standard deviation

The most frequent and severe criticism of meta-analysis is that

the studies represent wide differences in methodologies, designs, and measurements

In historical research, the conditions (e.g., facts, meanings) in which evidence existed.


Consider the following questionnaire item (which uses a yes/no format): "Do you use objective test items or essay items?" What rule regarding item construction does it violate?

Do not use items that have two or more separate ideas in the same item

Historical research is designed to answer a systematic layout of questions. However, they are structurally dissimilar to scientific research designs. TRUE OR FALSE?


Speculation is an activity commonly used to show reasoning errors, faulty claims, and misplaced beliefs. TRUE OR FALSE?


Scaled responses to questionnaire items such as strongly agree, agree, no opinion, and so on are referred to as ______ scale items.


For a historical researcher, one of the important goals when determining what the evidence "is evidence of" is knowing what information they cannot obtain from a source. TRUE OR FALSE?


The inclusion criteria in a meta-analysis are very much like


The historical research process that attempts to establish whether a document is authentic is called

external criticism

A major difference in the purpose of a meta-analysis and a review of literature for a research paper is that the meta-analysis uses the literature

for empirical and theoretical conclusions

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