Exam 2 - Communication and Conflict Resolution

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What is non-assertive communication?

Also called submissive; they allow their rights to be violated by others. Their requests and demands are surrendered to others without regard to their own feelings and needs. Seen as a protective mechanism that helps insecure people maintain their self esteem by avoiding negative criticism and disagreement. May also be a means of manipulation by way of passive-aggressive behavior. Every communication by a submissive person becomes an "I lose, you win" situation. However, subconsciously it is more of a "you may think you win, but really I am winning because I'm getting what I want or need"

What is communication?

An interactive sharing of information. It requires a sender, a message, and a receiver. After the sender sends the message, the receiver has a responsibility to listen to, process, and understand (encode) the information and then to respond to the sender by giving feedback (decoding)The encoding process occurs when the receiver thinks about the information, understands it, and forms an idea based on the message.

What are examples of environmental communication blockers?

Experiencing change, grief experiences, stressful situations, policy change, tension and anxiety

What are the risks for being an assertive communicator?

People fear they may not choose the "perfect" assertive response, but everyone makes mistakes and the person who is new to assertive communication needs to recognize it is a skill that takes practice. Another risk factor is the impact that it has on those who know the person best. Change always produces a degree of stress. Those closes to the person may feel uncomfortable because they have gotten used to the old communication styles and behaviors. They can no longer anticipate and depend on the person responding/acting in the usual way. In addition, they will have to develop new communication patterns of their own to match the changes caused by assertive communications. They may feel so uncomfortable they try to sabotage the person's attempts. It is important to know and periodically review the rights/responsibilities of assertiveness. Although a confrontation always produces anxiety, it should be used as a learning tool.

What are benefits to clear communication?

clear expectation, understanding, forgiveness, recognized leadership, companionship, respect, independence, realistic self image, acceptance, clear direction, trusting relations, self control, comfort, motivation or energy, security, increased tolerance, increased knowledge, concentration

What are the skills of negotiation?

1) do research, particularly if negotiating with management or administration 2) clearly identify objectives/goals 3) avoid taking criticism personally 4) avoid making personal attacks 5) negotiate in good faith 6) respect other sides' goals/objectives 7) pre-plan what elements of the negotiation list that can be sacrificed 8) attend workshops on negotiation

What are verbal communication blockers?

Automatic defensiveness, asking closed-ended questions, accusing or blaming, using sarcasm, constant interruptions, judging/name-calling/diagnosing, stating opinions as proven facts, making generalizations, being patronizing, and offering vague reassurances, telling people how they should feel, changing the subject, expecting mind reading, shaking or pointing a finger while speaking, and walking away.

What are environmental communication builders?

Calm, nonthreatening environment

What is negotiation?

Can be between nurse and pt, nurse and nurse, nurse manager and staff, or nurse manager and administration. It is the process of give anad take between individuals or groups with the goal of reaching an agreement acceptable to both sides. It is a specialized two way communication skill where people with differing needs settle on a middle ground that may not totally please either party. cooperative atmosphere from both sides that recognizes the similarity of each sides demands will be most productive in reaching a satisfactory solution. Informal negotiation between individual nurses can be used to resolve conflicts that if left to fester will cause disharmony and lower morale

What are techniques to reduce stress?

Can range from simple measures everyone can use, such as distraction with music or simple activities, exercise, or reduction in stimuli, to more advanced techniques such as meditation, biofeedback, and even antianxiety medications. Eliminate the situation; identify situations that produce stress, recognize the symptoms shown by someone in a stressful situation, know how to reduce stress, and be able to use appropriate communication techniques with someone under stress. If possible, the best way to reduce stress is to eliminate the stressful situation

What are conflicting powers of negotiation?

During negotiations each side is reluctant to give up power or control of key factors such as money or rights.

What are verbal communication builders?

Encouraging words, asking open-ended questions, use "I" rather than "you" messages, asking clarification questions, reflecting feelings and emotions, repeating what was just said, never interrupting the speaker, reviewing what was said, and acknowledging what was said.

What are non-verbal communication builders?

Eye contact (although some native Americans see it as an attempt to take the spirit and some Hispanics see it as hostile). Stop what you're doing. Nod the head. Positive facial expressions. Sit or stand in close proximity (no closer than 18-24 inches otherwise you violate personal space, also people from India and middle east don't mind being really close). Open posture, directly facing. Listening empathically. Light touch. Being aware of the speakers nonverbal and paraverbal communication

Is anger always negative?

It can be either positive or negative. When anger is used in a positive, productive manner, it can promote change and release tension. Can also be used positively to increase others' attention, initiate communication, problem solve and energize the change process. Anger that is used negatively is very destructive, hinders communication, makes coworkers fearful and erodes relationships with others. Anger expressed by abusive behaviors such as pounding on the nurse's station, is never acceptable and may lead to civil or criminal action against the perpetrator. Negative expression may cause the person who is the object of the anger to retaliate or seek revenge, but the most destructive form of negative anger can take is when it is internalized and suppressed. Long term suppressed anger has been associated with physiological and psychological problems, ranging from gastric ulcers and hypertension to myocardial infarctions, strokes and psychotic rage episodes.

What are the rules for being an assertive communicator?

It is a learned skill, takes practice, requires a desire and motivation to change, requires a willingness to make mistakes and try again, requires an understanding that not every outcome sought will be obtained, and requires strong self-esteem. Self-reqard for change and a positive outcome is essential. Listening to self is needed for identifying needs. Constant re-examination of outcomes helps assess progress. Role playing before the interaction builds skill and confidence. Goals for assertiveness growth need to be established beforehand. Assertiveness requires recognition that change is a gradual process. Others should be allowed to make mistakes.

How is anger a communication blocker?

It is key in understanding and dealing with difficult people, it is one of the stages of the grief process, and is a sx of personal frustration, lack of control, fear of change, or feelings of hopelessness. It is a strong primitive emotion that helps individuals protect themselves against a variety of external threats. People make loud sounds, puff themselves up, bar/grit their teeth and stare as warning behavior. Although everyone experiences anger, how it is expressed often depends on the person's family and ethnic background, life experiences, and personal values. In some cultures, loud and physically expressive outbursts are the norm whereas in other cultures anger is internalized and expressed only as "controlled rage".

What are assertive communication suggestions?

Maintain eye contact, convey empathy; stating your feelings do not mean sympathy or agreement, keep body position erect, shoulders and back straight, speak clearly and audibly; be direct and descriptive, be comfortable with silence, use gestures and facial expressions for emphasis, use appropriate location, use appropriate timing, focus on behaviors and issues, don't attack the person.

What factors can interfere with the encoding process?

On the sender's side - unclear speech, convoluted and confused message, monotone voice, poor sentence structure, inappropriate use of terminology or jargon, or lack of knowledge about the topic. On the receiver's side - lack of attention, prejudice and bias, preoccupation with another problem, or even physical factors such as pain, dorwsiness, or impirment of the senses.

What is problem solving?

One primary activity for nurses in the work setting is problem-solving using the nursing process; it doesn't matter if the problem is pt centered, management oriented or an interpersonal issue; the nursing process is an excellent framework for problem resolution. It focuses on goals of mutual interaction and communication to establish trust and respect. Using the process of assessment, analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation helps the nurse organize and structure interpersonal interactions that will produce an "I win, you win" situation. The basic problem-solving steps of the nursing process form the framework for successful conflict management.

What is diversity?

People are different; multifaceted and includes culture, values, life experiences, instinctual responses, learned behaviors, personal strengths and weaknesses, and native abilities or skills. To communicate well both parties need to understand they're different, how the differences affect communication and finally accept/build on the differences.

What is insecurity and lack of skills?

People do not know how to deal with them or feel threatened by the thought of confronting another person. Some reasons for not resolving conflicts before they get out of hand include: fear of retaliation, fear of ridicule, fear of alienating others, mistaken belief that they are unable to handle the conflict situation, feeling that they do not have the right to speak up, past negative experiences with conflict situations, family background and experiences, lack of education and skills in conflict resolution.

How do you resolve conflicts?

People who use an assertive style of communication and incorporate the communication builders have much greater success in the positive resolution of conflicts. Ignore the conflict - submissive personality; avoids bringing up the issue r/t fear of retaliation or ridicule if they express honest feelings. Assertive; never something they will do. Aggressive; they won't bring up the conflict becuase the other person is "too stupid to understand" and it would be a waste of time. Confront the conflict - submissive; doesn't handle conflict directly but refers the problem to a supervisor or another person to resolve. Assertive; sets up a time/place for a one on one meeting where two parties focus on what caused the conflict to negotiate and define goals. if conflict is more severe the parties may negotiate or use mediation. Aggressive; does it loudly, in front of an audience and attacks the person's personality instead of the issue; communication is one sided and very negative Postpone the conflict - submissive; keeps track of the issues until they reach a critical point then dumps all issues at one time on offender in an aggressive way and the person usually has no idea why they are being attached and respond with anger or submission. Assertive; hardly ever uses except to allow other person to cool down and become more receptive to what others have to say. Aggressive; waits until they can use the incident as a threat or blackmail or fight in front of an audience.

What is conflict resolution?

Problem solving is often perceived as less emotional and more structured whereas conflict management is considered to be more emotionally charged, with the potential to produce hostility. However, the steps of conflict management and problem solving are almost identical to those of the nursing process with one additional element that must be included in conflict resolution which is the ability to use assertive behaviors and communication when discussing the issues.

What are para-verbal communication builders?

Silence and tone

What are symptoms of unresolved conflicts?

Tension and anxiety manifested as sudden angry outbursts, generalized distrust among the staff members, gossiping and rumor spreading, intentional work sabotage, backstabbing and lack of cooperation, isolation of certain staff members, division and polarization of staff, low rated peer evaluation reports.

What are examples of para-verbal communication blockers?

Threatening, ordering, or getting in someone's face, yelling, calling names or hurling insults, nonstop, and rapid talking

What are the rights and responsibilities of assertiveness?

To act in a way that promotes your dignity and self respect. To be treated with respect. To experience and express your thoughts and feelings. To slow down and make conscious decisions before you act. To ask for what you want. To say no. To change your mind. To make mistakes. To not be perfect. To feel important and good about yourself. To be treated as an individual with special values, skills, and needs. To be unique. to have your own feelings and opinions. To say "I don't know". To feel angry, hurt, and frustrated. To make decisions regarding your life. To recognize that your needs are as important as others.

what is the goal of assertive communication?

To prevent an "I win, you lose" situation and to encourage an "I win, you win" outcome. It is achieved when both parties have the ability and willingness to negotiate even thought they do to get all they want.

What sets people off?

Understanding what makes yourself and other people angry are better able to avoid anger producing situations or cope effectively with their own anger or with that of others. Some situations will almost always evoke an angry response with hospitalized pts including serving meals that are cold or poorly cooked, not answering call lights in a timely manner, waking up soundly sleeping pts at midnight to give them a sleeping pill or taking 10 attempts to start an IV. Some things unit managers and hospital administrators do that will almost always produce an angry response from the staff include unilateral changes in the work schedule, additional paperwork, reduction in staffing levels, or refusal of requests for vacation or time off. It is important that we understand anger is normal and should be dealt with then let go

What are contributing factors to conflict?

Understanding what motivates a person's behavior lets them appreciate the full scope of the conflict. Conflict is often a symptom of some deeper problem, and the conflict really never gets resolved without dealing with the underlying issues. Understanding the person's motives never excuses unacceptable behaviors such as sarcasm, angry outbursts, and abusive language but it allows for direct confrontation of the behavior in a more controlled and less emotional way.

What are the three primary methods of communication?

Verbal - communication is either written or spoken and constitutes only about 7% of the communicated message. Nonverbal - makes up other 55% and includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, physical appearance, touch, and spatial territory (personal space). Para-verbal - the tone, pitch, and dictation used when delivering a verbal message. Makes up about 38% When all three are congruent, the message is more easily encoded and understood. If conflicting, the para-verbal and nonverbal are most reliable as these are more unconscious and more difficult to lie with.

What is mediation or arbitration?

When sides are unable to reach a resolution to their differences, they may resort to mediation which is a form of alternative dispute resolution that can be formal or informal. Arbitration is another form of alternative dispute resolution and usually the last step before the dispute is taken to court for litigation. Can be either nonbinding or binding in which case both parties agree ahead of time to comply with whatever decision is reached by the arbitrator. In a formal setting, an arbitrator with binding power is appointed; it is a neutral third party who, like the mediator, investigates the conflict, meets with both sides and makes a recommendation for settlement. Binding arbitration is not appropriate for informal negotiation

What is aggressive communication?

Whereas assertive communication permits individuals to honestly express their ideas and ioinions while respecting the other's rights, ideas, and opinions, aggressive communication strongly asserts the speakers legitimate rights and opinions with little regard or respect for the rights and opinions of others. It easily becomes a communication blocker. Aggressive communication is used to humiliate, dominate, control, or embarrass the other person or lower that person's self esteem. it creates an "I win, you lose" situation. This person may be perceived as making personal attacks. Some think this mechanism compensates for a person's won insecurities and other view it as bullying. Can take several forms, including screaming, sarcasm, rudeness, belittling jokes, and even direct personal insults. It is an expression of negative feelings of power, domination, and low self esteem. Outwardly they seem in control but they are merely reacting to the situation to protect their self esteem.

What is diversity recognition?

You want to use diversity to promote teamwork, improve communication, and increase productivity. Recognizing diversity helps people better understand each other as well as themselves; ultimate goal is to use everyone's strengths rather than emphasize weakness and build a stronger, more self confident and productive environment.

What are the three styles of communication?

assertive, non-assertive and aggressive. People usually have one predominant style of communication but can switch or combine depending on the situation. Recognizing which style a person is using as well as one's own style, is important in making communication clear and effective

What are non-verbal communication blockers?

eye rolling, arm and leg folding, slouching, hunching and turning away, fidgeting, deep, loud sighs, multiple watch or clock checks, continuing with an activity when

How do you improve communication skills?

if situation is cleared up at an early stage, it prevents the development of the symptoms of unresolved conflict and improves staff relationships. People have more confidence and better self esteem and improves communication skills which are practiced and become easier to use. resolving conflicts based on diversity issues can be hard especially wen people feel insecure about their own skills and they may revert to submissive or aggressive behavior or communication to hide their weakness. Assertive people are comfortable with diversity because they know everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

What is assertive communication?

preferred style in most settings. Involves interpersonal behaviors that permit people to defend and maintain their legitimate rights in a respectful manner that does not violate the rights of others. It is honest and direct and accurately expresses the person's feelings, beliefs, ideas, and opinions. Respect for self and others constitutes the basis for and result of this style. Encourages trust/teamwork by communicating to others that they have the right to and are encouraged to express their opinions in open/respectful atmosphere. Disagreement/discussion is thought of as healthy and negotiating is positive mechanism for problem solving, learning, and personal growth. Always implies the person has the choice to voice an opinion, sometimes forcefully, and not to say anything at all. One of the keys is that the person is in control of the communication and not reacting to someone else's emotions

What are emotions?

primary contributing factors to the development of conflicts. Common situation that causes conflict is a nurse's feeling of being overworked or overwhelmed by assignments. Poor communication and lack of direct, respectful conflict resolution produces tension among workers, deterioration's of working relationships, decreased efficiency, and lower quality pt care.

What is bargaining?

special type of negotiation used when money related issues are being discussed. Collective bargaining is a formal process used by groups of workers represented by a union or negotiating body to solve workplace environment and hiring practices. Formal contract negotiation is key in collective bargaining and requires the two sides designate negotiating teams selected by management and employee groups.

What are barriers to clear communication?

unclear or unexpressed expectations, confusion, retaliation, desire for power, control of others, negative reputation, manipulation, low self esteem, bias, inattention, mistrust, anger, fear or anxiety, stress, insecurity, prejudice, interruptions, preoccupation

What is required for effective communication?

understanding that the perceptions, emotions, and participation of both parties are interactive and have an effect on the transmission of the message. Nurses often encounter situations that require clarification of the info for accuracy and encoding.

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