Exam 2

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Asian Americans emphasize ______ as a means of achieving upward mobility.


Which groups have historically lacked equality in the United States? -English Americans -Asian Americans -Catholics -property owners -women

-Asian Americans -Catholics -women

Select all that apply Which two presidential candidates lost by overwhelming landslides in part because they diverged too far from the middle of the ideological spectrum? -George McGovern -Barry Goldwater -Mitt Romney -Jimmy Carter -Al Gore

-George McGovern -Barry Goldwater

Select all that apply Which of the following are true about women's equality in the workplace? -Younger women have trouble getting jobs that are equal in pay because fewer young women than young men have college degrees. -Jobs traditionally held by women pay less than many of the jobs traditionally held by men. -The average pay for women workers is only 82 percent of the amount earned by male workers. -About half of major U.S. corporations have women in the top executive position.

-Jobs traditionally held by women pay less than many of the jobs traditionally held by men. -The average pay for women workers is only 82 percent of the amount earned by male workers.

Select all that apply Which of the following states have closed/partially closed primaries? -Texas -Kansas -Nevada -North Carolina -Florida

-Nevada -North Carolina -Florida

Select all that apply Which of the following are true of grassroots parties? -They are open to all citizens. -They operate at the local level. -They are illegal organizations. -They are controlled by the social elite.

-They are open to all citizens. -They operate at the local level.

Select all that apply To date, the Internet has proven itself to be better than television as a medium for which of the following political actions? (Choose every correct answer.) -reaching less-interested voters -building name recognition -fundraising -mobilizing supporters

-fundraising -mobilizing supporters

Select all that apply On which issues have regional differences persisted to the present day? -social welfare -western expansion -defense policy -civil rights

-social welfare -civil rights

Which one of the following occurred after the Brown decision?

All of these answers are correct.

What relationship does the national Democratic or Republican Party have with the state and local parties?

All three levels are independent but work together.

Which voting demographic, despite being conservative on issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage, sides heavily with the Democratic Party?


What has happened to the New England states since the 1980s?

They have shifted toward the Democrats.

The central issue in the Bakke case was

affirmative action.

One characteristic of political socialization is that its effects are ______.


Which type of discrimination is based on the law?

de jure discrimination

Primary agents of socialization influence a person most

during childhood.

In general, Americans who believe that the government should not interfere with the free market are ______.

economic conservatives

About two-thirds of Independents

lean toward the Republicans or the Democrats.

People who have the least power in the marketplace have the

least power in the political arena.

National party organizations can dictate the day-to-day decisions of

neither local nor state party organizations.

The process by which people acquire their political opinions, beliefs, and values is called

political socialization.

Voting for a candidate's promises rather than his or her past actions is an example of what is called ______ voting.


What has prompted increased calls for gun control in the United States?

record-setting numbers of gun-related deaths

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution extended voting rights to eighteen-year-olds?

the Twenty-Sixth Amendment

What demographic group is most likely to support same-sex marriage?

younger adults

What demographic is most likely to support the new party during a major party realignment?

younger voters

Select all that apply Which of the following groups are currently most likely part of the Democratic coalition? -fundamentalist Christians -African Americans -18-29 year olds -white middle class -union members

-African Americans -18-29 year olds -union members

Select all that apply Why is participation in local organizations twice as high in the United States as it is in Europe? -Americans care more about what is happening in their towns and communities than Europeans do. -Americans enjoy arguing with one another about policy, whereas Europeans prefer to avoid such arguments. -Americans have an incentive to participate because there is more local control over policy in the United States than in Europe. -Americans are more likely to attend church and engage in church-related community work.

-Americans have an incentive to participate because there is more local control over policy in the United States than in Europe. -Americans are more likely to attend church and engage in church-related community work.

Select all that apply Which of the following result from the fact in the United States candidates rather than parties control their campaigns? -Candidates are obligated to support all aspects of their party's national platform. -Candidates don't need the party's approval to seek a nomination via a primary. -Candidates rely heavily on the parties to advise them as they run their primary campaigns. -Candidates are free to act as they please once in office, as long as they retain their constituents' support.

-Candidates don't need the party's approval to seek a nomination via a primary. -Candidates are free to act as they please once in office, as long as they retain their constituents' support.

Select all that apply Which two political parties were competitive during the first party system? -Progressives -Federalists -Democratic-Republicans -Whigs

-Federalists -Democratic-Republicans

Select all that apply Which of the following limit government officials' ability to govern solely according to public opinion? -Few people have opinions about economic issues. -Few people are well informed on public affairs. -Public polls have become rarer and are used less frequently in the Internet age. -Many people support policies that are inconsistent with each other. -Many people have opinions on issues they know little about

-Few people are well informed on public affairs. -Many people support policies that are inconsistent with each other. -Many people have opinions on issues they know little about.

Select all that apply Which of the following are among the legacies of the practice of redlining? -Racially based neighborhood covenants—promises required of prospective purchasers—still exist. -Hispanics and African Americans still have difficulty obtaining mortgages (compared to whites). -Segregated neighborhoods still exist. -Some inner-city neighborhoods have become more expensive for long-time residents.

-Hispanics and African Americans still have difficulty obtaining mortgages (compared to whites). -Segregated neighborhoods still exist.

Select all that apply Which of the following are examples of the effect economic class has on political opinion? -Support for collective bargaining is higher among farmers than factory workers. -Income levels affect Americans' opinions on some public policy issues. -Business regulation has more support than tax cuts among higher-income Americans. -Welfare assistance has higher support among lower-income Americans than higher-income Americans.

-Income levels affect Americans' opinions on some public policy issues. -Welfare assistance has higher support among lower-income Americans than higher-income Americans.

Select all that apply What purpose does party competition serve in American politics? -It allows groups of voters to act in unison. -It narrows down options for voters. -It allows the three branches of government to check each other. -It gives the government greater control over voters.

-It allows groups of voters to act in unison. -It narrows down options for voters.

Select all that apply Which of the following statements about the Americans with Disabilities Act are true? -It grants certain employment protections to persons with disabilities. -It provides for the health care and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. -It was passed by Congress in the aftermath of World War II. -It requires government agencies to take steps to make their buildings accessible to persons with disabilities.

-It grants certain employment protections to persons with disabilities. -It requires government agencies to take steps to make their buildings accessible to persons with disabilities.

Select all that apply Within the past 10 years, Supreme Court decisions have expanded LGBTQ rights in which of the following ways? -LGBTQ couples can adopt children throughout the United States. -LGBTQ couples now have the right to marry throughout the United States. -LGBTQ people are protected from discrimination by religious denominations. -LGBTQ people are now protected from job discrimination under the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

-LGBTQ couples now have the right to marry throughout the United States. -LGBTQ people are now protected from job discrimination under the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Select all that apply Which of the following statements about affirmative action are true? -The percentage of whites and the percentage of Hispanics who support preference programs is about the same. -Most Americans support programs to give equal treatment to groups that have been disadvantaged historically. -Most Americans oppose programs that give preferential treatment to groups that have been disadvantaged historically. -Preference programs have greater support among whites than among African Americans.

-Most Americans support programs to give equal treatment to groups that have been disadvantaged historically. -Most Americans oppose programs that give preferential treatment to groups that have been disadvantaged historically.

Select all that apply Which of the following statements about negative ads and negative campaigning are true? (Choose every correct answer.) -Badly misleading campaign ads are not permitted on television. -Negative campaigning in presidential elections was used as long ago as when Thomas Jefferson ran for office. -Abraham Lincoln was the target of insulting comments about his appearance during election campaigns. -The use of negative television campaign ads has decreased since the late 1990s.

-Negative campaigning in presidential elections was used as long ago as when Thomas Jefferson ran for office. -Abraham Lincoln was the target of insulting comments about his appearance during election campaigns.

Select all that apply Which of the following Hispanic politicians were top contenders for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016? -Ted Cruz -Sonia Sotomayor -Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -Marco Rubio

-Ted Cruz -Marco Rubio

Select all that apply Which of the following statements are accurate representations of the Hispanic population in the United States? (Choose every correct answer.) -They make up 5 percent of the total U.S. population. -The majority are immigrants from Mexico and the Caribbean islands. -Their numbers have more than doubled in the past twenty years. -They make up 25 percent of the total U.S. population.

-The majority are immigrants from Mexico and the Caribbean islands. -Their numbers have more than doubled in the past twenty years.

Select all that apply Which of the statements below are true of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program? -The program was established by the Obama administration in 2012. -Congress has succeeded in passing legislation to give those who benefit from the program a path to citizenship. -The DACA program is scheduled to end in 2025. -The Trump administration's attempt to rescind the program was invalidated by the Supreme Court.

-The program was established by the Obama administration in 2012. -The Trump administration's attempt to rescind the program was invalidated by the Supreme Court.

Select all that apply Which of the following accurately describes Native Americans today? -They are less than half as likely as other Americans to have completed college. -Casino gambling has raised Native Americans' average income level, but it is still far below the national average. -Their infant mortality rates are finally about the same as that of white Americans. -A majority of members of the larger Native American nations speak native languages at home.

-They are less than half as likely as other Americans to have completed college. -Casino gambling has raised Native Americans' average income level, but it is still far below the national average.

Select all that apply Which of the following are true of Hispanic voters in the United States? (Choose every correct answer.) -They lean heavily toward the Democratic Party, except for Cuban Americans. -Hispanics tend to be liberal on economic issues and conservative on social issues. -Hispanics strongly favor the Republican Party. -Hispanics tend to be liberal on social issues and conservative on economic issues.

-They lean heavily toward the Democratic Party, except for Cuban Americans. -Hispanics tend to be liberal on economic issues and conservative on social issues.

Select all that apply Identify the statements that are true of schemas. (More than one option may be correct.) -When citizens share a frame of reference, they find it easier to work together. -They provide an indication of how people think politically. -They tend to obscure how Americans think politically. -They lead to individually unique political ideologies.

-When citizens share a frame of reference, they find it easier to work together. -They provide an indication of how people think politically.

Select all that apply Which of the following statements are true of young voters? -Young voters who initially voted Democratic in presidential elections have remained loyal to the Democratic Party. -Voters born after 2000 are increasingly voting for third-party candidates in presidential elections. -Voters under 30 have preferred the Democratic candidate for the past five presidential elections. -Young voters are becoming more apathetic about important issues, especially gun rights and climate change.

-Young voters who initially voted Democratic in presidential elections have remained loyal to the Democratic Party. -Voters under 30 have preferred the Democratic candidate for the past five presidential elections.

Select all that apply Over 70 percent of Americans' political participation via community activities takes place in which of the following? -partisan organizations -church-related groups -school-related groups -civic organizations

-church-related groups -school-related groups -civic organizations

Select all that apply Which of the following forms of political participation require citizens to spend a comparatively large amount of personal resources? -displaying a sign for a political candidate -demonstrating for political causes -volunteering in a political campaign -voting in a political campaign

-demonstrating for political causes -volunteering in a political campaign

Select all that apply Even if a third-party candidate fails to win an election, the candidate will sometimes accomplish which of the following? -draw attention to an issue previously ignored by the two major candidates -encourage one or both major parties to address issues introduced by the third party -hold a political convention for the third party in order to resemble a major party -convince voters that third parties are viable choices in future elections

-draw attention to an issue previously ignored by the two major candidates -encourage one or both major parties to address issues introduced by the third party

Which of the following are included in the concept of equal rights, or civil rights? -equal access to public facilities -equal access to the opportunities society provides -the right of every person to equal protection under the law -the right of citizens to corporate profits

-equal access to public facilities -equal access to the opportunities society provides -the right of every person to equal protection under the law

Select all that apply What three sources of division in the United States are now most closely linked to partisanship? (More than one option may be correct.) -occupation -geography -race -income level -religion

-geography -race -religion

Select all that apply The promise made by the phrase "all men are created equal" has done which of the following? -been deemed too abstract as to have any real meaning -given moral strength to diverse movements -inspired a hope for eventual equality -been foundational in legal decisions

-given moral strength to diverse movements -inspired a hope for eventual equality -been foundational in legal decisions

Select all that apply Asian Americans are more likely than other minority groups to Blank______. -hold a criminal record -be in political office -have a high median income -be college educated

-have a high median income -be college educated

Select all that apply Americans' opinions about politics are formed in large measure through which of the following frames of reference? -leaning toward particular ideologies -identifying with political parties -shunning group attachments -adopting impartial viewpoints

-leaning toward particular ideologies -identifying with political parties

Select all that apply Which of the following are ways that American children are taught patriotism in schools? -learning to admire the Founding Fathers -participating in cultural exchange programs -having a food drive for the homeless -reciting the Pledge of Allegiance

-learning to admire the Founding Fathers -reciting the Pledge of Allegiance

Select all that apply Which of the following tactics were used to disenfranchise Blacks in the post-Civil War South despite the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment? -nighttime voting -literacy tests -proof of citizenship requirements -publicized lists of voters

-literacy tests -publicized lists of voters

Select all that apply Which of the following tactics were used to disenfranchise Blacks in the post-Civil War South despite the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment? -proof of citizenship requirements -literacy tests -publicized lists of voters -nighttime voting

-literacy tests -publicized lists of voters

Select all that apply Today's political campaigns rely on which of the following to be successful? -media producers -national party chairmen -campaign strategists -pollsters -state party directors

-media producers -campaign strategists -pollsters

Select all that apply Which of the following would be considered expressions of public opinion? (More than one option may be correct.) -participating in a telephone poll concerning candidates for a national election -turnout at a political rally -ignoring politics altogether in favor of other interests -watching a televised debate alone at your home -approval ratings for a city's mayor

-participating in a telephone poll concerning candidates for a national election -turnout at a political rally -approval ratings for a city's mayor

Select all that apply Southern states used a number of devices to prevent African Americans from voting, including which of the following? -intelligence tests -poll taxes -literacy tests -whites-only primaries -blood tests

-poll taxes -literacy tests -whites-only primaries

Select all that apply Which of the following are current policy issues for Native Americans? -preserving their culture and languages -competing with other minority groups for elected office -keeping gambling casinos off of tribal lands -obtaining economic self-sufficiency -preventing casino gambling from eroding tribal traditions

-preserving their culture and languages -obtaining economic self-sufficiency -preventing casino gambling from eroding tribal traditions

Select all that apply Which of the following are part of the money chase of politics? -raising funds -donating to charity -pursuing wealthy patrons -allocating budgets

-raising funds -pursuing wealthy patrons

Select all that apply Which of the following are primary socializing agents for children that can have a formative influence on children's beliefs? -religion -politics -school -family

-religion -school -family

Select all that apply Political scientists focus on which of the following dimensions when evaluating public opinion? (Choose every correct answer.) -longevity -salience -direction -intensity -accuracy

-salience -direction -intensity

Select all that apply Which of the following events had a lasting influence on the political views of younger citizens in particular? -the terrorist attacks in 2001 -the Great Depression of the 1930s -the Clinton impeachment (1998-1999) -World War II (1939-1945) -the first Gulf War (1991)

-the terrorist attacks in 2001 -the Great Depression of the 1930s -World War II (1939-1945)

Select all that apply Which of the following are roles that national political parties have? -to seek media coverage of party -positions and activities -to raise money for presidential campaigns -to select candidates for county offices -to raise money for congressional campaigns -to run the nationwide system of primaries

-to seek media coverage of party positions and activities -to raise money for presidential campaigns -to raise money for congressional campaigns

Select all that apply Which of these groups vote at above average rates? -college students -lower-income Americans -upper-income Americans -college-educated individuals

-upper-income Americans -college-educated individuals

Select all that apply State parties are involved with which of the following activities? -election of town and city councils -election of mayors -voter registration -election of governors -election of U.S. senators

-voter registration -election of governors -election of U.S. senators

Select all that apply Which of the following factors are said to adversely affect voter turnout in the United States? -voter registration laws -infrequent elections -vague voter requirements -frequent elections

-voter registration laws -frequent elections

What sample size is the minimum necessary to bestow confidence on public poll results in the United States?


How many Asian Americans currently serve in Congress?


In a properly drawn sample with a 3-percent sample error, 20 percent of 100 respondents indicate they intend to vote for a ballot measure. This means that there is high probability that between ______ percent of all voters actually plan to vote for the ballot measure.

17 and 23

Ticket splitting was most recently prominent during which decade?


In which year did the Supreme Court rule that forced busing violated student's constitutional right to equal protection under the law?


Of the 500 largest U.S. corporations, about ______ percent are headed by women.


In the past two decades, the level of turnout in presidential elections has averaged about

60 percent.

In the United States, more than _____ percent of volunteer participation takes place through church- and school-related groups and civic organizations.


What percentage of states hold their gubernatorial elections in nonpresidential years?

75 percent

Black Americans are an important part of the Democratic Party's coalition; nearly ______ percent of them regularly vote for Democrats.


The Supreme Court halted the general use of reserved funding in the granting of federal contracts to minority businesses in the 1995 case of

Adarand v. Peña.

All of the following are reasonable explanations for the discrepancy between presidential and midterm election turnout EXCEPT -the media focus far more attention on federal elections when there is a presidential race. -voters feel there is more at stake in presidential elections than in midterm elections. -African American turnout is far higher for presidential races. -parties spend more on presidential races than on any individual congressional race.

African American turnout is far higher for presidential races. Correct

Which of the following is true? -Public schools are more racially segregated now than they were at the beginning of forced busing programs. -The Supreme Court prohibited forced busing across school district lines in cases where those lines were not drawn deliberately to keep races apart. -All these answers are correct. -The migration of large numbers of white families from urban to suburban schools has made it more difficult to desegregate urban schools. -Busing was found to improve student's racial attitudes and minority students' performance on standardized tests.

All of these answers are correct

Americans are more likely than European citizens to -support political groups through monetary contributions. -contact public officials and attend public rallies. -get involved in political campaigns. -join neighborhood and church-related organizations. -All of these answers are correct.

All of these answers are correct.

National and state party organizations provide which of the following to assist their candidates? -polling -voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts -fundraising -issue and group research -All of these answers are correct.

All of these answers are correct.

Which of the following are secondary agents of socialization, having an impact on citizen's political socialization later in life? -Media -Peers -Political events -All of these answers are correct.

All of these answers are correct.

Which of the following might decrease an opinion poll's accuracy? -questions about sensitive topics for which people might give socially acceptable answers rather than expose their true beliefs. -unrepresentative samples. -respondents' lack of knowledge or interest in the issue. -poorly worded questions. -All of these answers are correct.

All of these answers are correct.

Native Americans -All these answers are correct. are less than half as likely to finish college as other Americans. -have a far higher infant mortality rate than the national average. -can now teach children exclusively in their native language in schools run by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. -today number more than 2 million.

All these answers are correct

Political parties serve to -bring numerous candidates for office under a common label. -offer citizens a choice in the direction of their government. -allow a coalition of common interests join together for a political purpose. -All these answers are correct. -offer the public a choice between policies and leaders.

All these answers are correct.

Which of the following is a reason that Americans are more likely to work for a political campaign than are citizens in Europe?

America's federal system provides more campaign opportunities.

Friedrich Engels believed that communism would not take root in the United States because

American workers lacked sufficient class consciousness.

Which of the following is true of Americans' pride in their democracy? -Americans' pride in their democracy has decreased rapidly in recent decades, largely as a result of increasing partisanship. -Americans' pride in their democracy has decreased rapidly in recent decades, largely as a result of the ongoing difficulty of participation in foreign wars. -Americans' pride in their democracy is relatively low compared to most other countries. -Americans' pride in their democracy has increased slightly in recent decades, largely as a result of participation in foreign wars. -Americans' pride in their democracy has stayed relatively consistent in recent decades and is comparatively high compared to most other countries.

Americans' pride in their democracy has decreased rapidly in recent decades, largely as a result of increasing partisanship.

Why do proportional representation systems support greater numbers of political parties?

Because even smaller parties can win and maintain seats.

Which of the following countries has had the highest estimated voter turnout in recent national elections?


Which of the following nations has the highest average voter turnout rate?


Why are Black Americans dying from COVID-19 at twice the rate of white Americans?

Black Americans have a higher incidence of poverty-related comorbidity factors.

Which recent political movement sought to change not just the behavior of law enforcement officers but also the public agenda broadly?

Black Lives Matter

What protest movement of the modern era has had the most lasting effect?

Black civil rights

Following the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment, states enacted all of the following voting restrictions EXCEPT

Black primaries.

Which of the following was the 1954 landmark case that ended segregation in public schools?

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

In 1912, a candidate for which minor party managed to earn more votes than one of his major party opponents?

Bull Moose

The most electorally successful factional party in U.S. history was the ______.

Bull Moose Party

What was the first result of the national boycott of California lettuce and grapes that was launched by Cesar Chavez?

California passed a law giving migrant workers the right to bargain collectively.

Which would be an example of a biased poll question?

Can you believe what a bad job the president is doing?

All of the following are "resolutions" in the document except -Congress must pass a law guaranteeing women equal pay. -women must secure the right to vote. -women must be allowed to become religious leaders. -women should have equal responsibilities, as well as rights, to those of men.

Congress must pass a law guaranteeing women equal pay.

Opponents of voter ID laws tend to be Blank______.


Since 1854, what have been the two major political parties?

Democrats and Republicans

Currently, the greatest percentage of Americans identify as

Democrats or leaning Democrat.

______ refers to whether people have a pro or con position on an issue.


________ was the only Republican elected president from 1932 to 1964.

Dwight Eisenhower

When did Congress start to regulate the flow of money from groups to candidates for public office?

Early twentieth century

What was the goal of the Fourteenth Amendment?

Ensuring equal treatment under the law

Which proposed amendment to the Constitution was passed by the Congress in the early 1970s but failed to receive the necessary three-fourths majority?

Equal Rights Amendment

What was the result of the Citizens United v. FEC decision?

Erasing limits on independent expenditures

True or false: The Internet has overtaken television as the principal medium of election politics.


True or false: The idea that "all men are created equal," as stated in the Declaration of Independence, has always been understood to include all people in the United States.


What is the most important agent of socialization in which citizens are first exposed to political events and ideas?


African American men technically gained suffrage with passage of the ________ Amendment.


Which amendment passed after the Civil War granted African American men the right to vote?


Which of the following amendments prohibited government from denying citizens the right to vote based on their race, creed or condition of previous servitude?


To what extent does religious denomination affect views about public policy?

For many individuals, religion plays a significant role in their political opinions.

Which sociologist authored the book An American Dilemma?

Gunnar Myrdal

How did Thomas Jefferson define the meaning of "all men are created equal"?

He did not believe there was a precise meaning.

Which of the following groups of people is considered the key to the future of both the Democratic and Republican parties?


Which of the following has the lowest voting rates?


In 1968 Congress passed a law, the ______, that granted Native Americans constitutional rights similar to those held by other Americans.

Indian Civil Rights Act

Who uses electioneering?

Interest groups

What is the significance of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

It empowered federal agents to register voters in states and localities with a history of voter discrimination.

Passage of the Nineteenth Amendment created which significant change in American society?

It gave women the right to vote.

Which of the following statements is true about hard money?

It is raised by candidates from political parties, interest groups, and individuals.

How did the United States Supreme Court respond to the Trump administration's cancellation of the DACA program?

It overruled the administration on the grounds that it had not provided an adequate justification for its policy.

In 1964, how did the federal government respond to demands for equal rights for African Americans?

It passed the Civil Rights Act, which entitles all persons to equal access to public accommodations.

Which of the following statements about affirmative action is TRUE?

It sought to alleviate de facto discrimination.

How did the Supreme Court rule on the Indiana law requiring citizens to obtain a government-issued voter identification card in order to vote?

It upheld the Indiana law.

Why did the communist movement fail in America?

Its goals were too at odds with American values.

Which laws, passed in a number of states following the Civil War, required strict separation of the races in all public accommodations including schools, hospitals and hotels?

Jim Crow

De jure segregation is allowed by what?


Which of the following statements is true of age discrimination in the United States? -Hiring bias on the basis of age is still allowed by all private companies but has been mostly abolished in government and public agencies. -Age discrimination is among the forms of discrimination prohibited by the U.S. Constitution. -The courts have not given government and employers any leeway in establishing age-based policies. -Mandatory retirement ages for most jobs have been eliminated by law. -Forced retirement for reasons of age is not permissible even if justified by the nature of a particular job or the performance of a particular employee.

Mandatory retirement ages for most jobs have been eliminated by law.

The movement against gun violence had a relatively low profile until the mass killing at ______.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

During the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the important speech about the dream of an America where people are judged by character and not skin color was delivered by

Martin Luther King Jr.

Which agent of socialization is responsible for setting the national agenda, signaling to Americans that an issue is important and should be taken up by government?


Which of the following statements about African American children in the United States is true?

More than half grow up in a single-parent family.

Which of the following is an accurate representation of the public's opinion about leaders and their accountability?

Most citizens have a low opinion of Congress as a whole but say they have confidence in their local representative in Congress.

Which of the following is true of people who consider themselves political independents?

Most of them lean toward one party or the other.

Which of the following is the most reasonable explanation for the discrepancy between turnout in the 1996 and 2008 elections? -Party competitiveness increased in the 2008 presidential race. -The 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act alleviated Americans' cynicism about politics. -Undercard local races were more competitive in 2008 than in 1996. -Labor unions did not work to get out the vote in 1996.

Party competitiveness increased in the 2008 presidential race.

_____ refers to a person's sense of loyalty to a political party.

Party identification

What role does party loyalty play in voting?

Party loyalty heightens interest in voting.

_________ happen(s) when political parties reorganize in response to a period of crisis, drawing upon new public philosophies, policies, and bases of support.

Party realignments

Why does de facto segregation typically occur?

People choose to live with others who share their racial and ethnic characteristics.

The original regional divide between the North and South has been decreased by which of the following?

People from less conservative areas have relocated to the South.

The "separate but equal" doctrine was established by which Supreme Court decision?

Plessy v. Ferguson

What U.S. Supreme Court ruling became a justification for the separate and unequal treatment of African Americans?

Plessy v. Ferguson

In a proportional representation system, which of the following is true?

Political parties win a number of seats in the legislature according to the percentage of the vote each party receives.

________ elections tend to draw the largest percentage of voters in the U.S.


___________ agents are those that citizens interact with closely and regularly and include family, school, and religion and have an impact early in life, during childhood.


________ representation systems are those in which seats in the legislature are allocated according to each political party's share of the popular vote.


________ is based on judgment about what candidates promise to do if elected.

Prospective voting

Which statement best describes the prevalent view of the public concerning protest activists in the United States?

Protest activity should be tolerated.

Which of the following is FALSE? -Public opinion on same-sex marriage has not changed significantly in the last 20 years. -Gays and lesbians have gained more legal protections than any other group in the last decade. -In 2015, the Supreme Court ordered an end to all state bans on same-sex marriage. -Younger Americans are more accepting of same-sex marriage than older adults. -Today, more than 60 percent of Americans show support for same-sex marriage.

Public opinion on same-sex marriage has not changed significantly in the last 20 years.

_____ is the key to scientific polling, which is theoretically based on probability sampling.

Random selection

Which party benefited from the 1896 realignment, which was triggered by an economic depression following a banking crisis under President Grover Cleveland?

Republican Party

Which party was at a historic low in trust in 2010?

Republican Party

Voter identification laws find the most support among


Which president appointed the first woman to the Supreme Court?

Ronald Reagan

The party realignment that began in the 1960s was completed during ______ presidency.

Ronald Reagan's

Which of the following statements is FALSE? -The socialization process is lifelong and cumulative. -Secondary agents of socialization have greater influence later in our lives. -Schools and the media serve as the most powerful primary agents of socialization. -Our preference for the Republican or Democratic Party is a learned response. -The beliefs learned in childhood shape our political outlook throughout our lives.

Schools and the media serve as the most powerful primary agents of socialization.

What was politically significant about Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election?

She became the first woman to head the national ticket of a major political party.

In this 2013 case, the Supreme Court overturned the formula used by Congress to determine which states required preclearance of their state redistricting plans?

Shelby v. Holder

Which of the following arguments drew large support for passing the Twenty-Sixth Amendment, granting eighteen-year-olds the right to vote?

Since eighteen-year-olds were eligible for the draft, they should also be able to vote.

Which of the following is NOT a common public opinion poll topic? -Presidential approval -Election tracking -Partisan identification -Sports team loyalty

Sports team loyalty

The Supreme Court ruled that the forced busing of children for the purpose of achieving racially integrated schools was constitutional in ______.

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg County

After what document is the Seneca Falls Convention Declaration of Sentiments modeled?

The Declaration of Independence

Concerning the New Deal realignment, which of the following is TRUE?

The Democratic Party was made up of low- to moderate-income groups.

Which is a reason that some scholars think we have moved into a new party alignment?

The Republican Party has become stronger in the South and the Democratic Party had become stronger in the Northeast.

Which of the following statements is true regarding a single-member district electoral system?

The candidate with more votes than any opponent wins the election in the district.

What was the outcome of the 2008 Supreme Court challenge to Indiana's voter ID law?

The court upheld the law, noting that states have a valid interest in deterring fraud.

_____ have(has) authority over Native Americans living on reservations.

The federal government, according to the terms of its treaty with the tribe,

Which of the following is FALSE? -The percentage of Black elected officials is still far below the proportion of African Americans in the population. -Roughly 35 percent of Black children live in households below the poverty line. -More than half of all Black children grow up in single-parent households. -The median net worth of households headed by retired Black people is less than $20,000, compared with roughly $200,000 for retired White people. -The jobless rate for African Americans and White Americans is about the same.

The jobless rate for African Americans and White Americans is about the same.

Which of the following is associated with retrospective voting?

The party in power almost always loses votes under a weak economy.

Which is true of the margin of error in a poll?

The smaller the margin, the higher the sampling quality.

What condition must be met if a PAC spends money to support a particular candidacy?

The spending effort cannot be coordinated with the candidate

Why do men and women differ in their political opinions?

Their political opinions reflect their gendered positions in society, which tend to differ.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about party-centered campaigns?

They are characterized by a high chance of members getting voted out of office when problems surface since voters hold the majority party responsible.

Which of the following is a primary reason for low voter-turnout rates among young adults?

They change addresses frequently and need to re-register.

Which of the following is true about candidate-centered campaigns?

They encourage national officeholders to be responsive to local interests.

Which of the following statements about political participation and lower-income Americans is true?

They need the most government help but are least likely to engage in collective action to seek it.

Which of the following statements about televised debates in presidential campaigns is true?

They seldom influence voters' choices in the polls.

How did many of the founders of the United States view political parties?

They viewed political parties with suspicion.

In 1972, Native Americans organized a caravan titled the ______ that journeyed from California to Washington, DC, to protest federal policy.

Trail of Broken Treaties

True or false: The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which banned segregation in public accommodations such as restaurants and movie theaters, is based on Congress's power to regulate commerce.


True or false: Women working in nonprofessional fields often cannot find jobs that pay enough to cover child-care expenses as well as other expenses.


______ are representatives who take their constituents' desires into account when taking positions on policy issues, but do not always do exactly as their constituents wish.


What is the main reason for our persistent two-party system?

Winner-take-all electoral rules

Which statement about women's rights is correct? -All these answers are correct. -The women's rights movement began in the era of World War I and within a few years achieved voting rights for women. -Women have made clear gains in the areas of appointive and elective offices. -"Comparable worth polices" that might have benefited women workers have been invalidated by the Supreme Court. -The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was ratified by the necessary 38 states in 1982.

Women have made clear gains in the areas of appointive and elective offices.

________ once said that he spent nearly all his adult life in government and yet had never seen a government.

Woodrow Wilson

What attitude is described in Arlie Russell Hochschild's Strangers in Their Own Land?

Working-class whites blame working-class minorities and immigrants for their failure to realize the American Dream.

Why does the author think it possible that at some point in the future the Democratic Party will come to dominate U.S. elections?

Young voters have remained loyal to the Democratic Party as they have become more educated.

The party realignment in 1896 was in part caused by ______.

a banking crisis that led to a depression

As distinct from alienation, apathy is

a general lack of interest in politics.

Current election laws in the United States favor ______.

a two-party system

Which of the following actions first made Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a national symbol for the civil rights movement and earned him national media attention?

a year-long bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama

Indicate whether each of the following people is more or less likely to vote. a. A 70-year-old retiree b. A 22-year-old college student c. A dockworker earning $30,000 a year d. A laborer with only a high school education e. A social scientist with a PhD f. A lawyer earning $180,000 a year

a. more likely b. less likely c. less likely d. less likely e. more likely f. more likely

Read each statement and indicate whether it's an argument for the decline or resurgence of the two-party system. a. The Republican and Democratic parties have endured assassinations and internal divisions for over a hundred years to remain competitive. b. Candidate-centered campaigns focus on the individual running for office and employ professional campaign workers. c. Parties no longer award jobs to loyal members through a patronage system. d. Civic engagement in politics is only marginally related to third parties and relies on the Democrats and Republicans to engage voters. e. The independent mass media has replaced political parties as the major source of information to the public. f. A third party has not been able to attract large numbers with a cohesive ideology in more than a century. g. Organized primaries have put the power to nominate candidates directly into the hands of voters.

a. resurgence b. decline c. decline d. resurgence e. decline f. resurgence g. decline

As part of what movement did advocates for women's suffrage (voting rights) become active on a large scale?

abolitionist movement

Which policy requires the federal government to implement measures aimed at reinforcing equal access to employment by mandating recruitment procedures that gave qualified minority workers an equal opportunity to gain government jobs?

affirmative action

Generally, protests ______ have not been popular in the United States.

against U.S. military action

The political socialization process takes place through ______ of socialization.


In the words of Abraham Lincoln, the United States is a nation dedicated to the proposition that

all men are created equal.

In general, the Supreme Court has held that gender discrimination in law is Blank______.

almost always unconstitutional

A general belief about the role and purpose of government is called

an ideology.

The landmark case of Lau v. Nichols (1974) resulted in many states offering ______ education in their public schools.


All party organizations have a responsibility to ______.

build support among voters

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was aimed at eliminating discrimination

by private individuals in their employment practices and in their operation of public accommodations (e.g., hotels, restaurants).

Although party organizations still manage many tasks related to elections, the lead role in elections now lies with the ______.


Political parties and their ability to control politics in the United States have been weakened by ______-centered campaigns.


Political scientist Darrell West uses the term air wars to describe ______.

candidates' use of televised ads

Which of the following would NOT be considered a secondary socializing agent? -church -peers -the media -leaders -None of these answers are correct, as all represent secondary socializing agents.


Native Americans were not considered to be ______ until 1924.


People who believe that citizens ought to participate in political affairs are likely to describe voting as an exercise in ______.

civic duty

In order for an affirmative action program to be upheld as constitutional, the Supreme Court requires that government prove what kind of governmental interest?


What group was most concerned about what Scammon and Wattenberg called the "social issue"?

conservative Christians

In general, which political values do white evangelical Protestants support?

conservative values

Housing in America

continues to evidence a high degree of racial segregation.

Which of the following refers to a situation in which multiple group loyalties diminish a person's identification with a single group?


In general, Americans who believe that lifestyle choice is up to the individual are ______.

cultural liberals

A ______ is a representative who acts in response to what their constituencies say they want, no matter their own personal opinion.


Serving the United States in the fight against Nazism in World War II led African American soldiers to ______.

demand their civil rights

The overlap between groups has ______ in America's residential neighborhoods and workplaces.


According to Swedish sociologist Gunnar Myrdal, _____ is America's curse.


What is "America's curse," according to the author of An American Dilemma?


Women have more liberal views than men on the issue of


In order to expand employment opportunities for traditionally disadvantaged groups, the federal government requires agencies and businesses that receive federal funds or contracts to ______.

establish policies aimed at ensuring that all job applicants are treated fairly

During the Trump presidency, the opinions of and policies supported by congressional Republicans regarding a specific issue changed, illustrating how abrupt shifts in public opinion can alter the boundaries of acceptable action. On which issue did Republicans change their opinion?

free trade

In Rostker v. Goldberg (1980) the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of ______ classifications even though such classifications need to be scrutinized more closely than classifications by age or income.

gender, sex, or gender-based

Primary elections were introduced to

give control of nominations to the voters.

The accuracy of polling is diminished when respondents

give what they regard as the socially correct response to certain questions even though they think differently.

The Occupy Wall Street movement, which began in 2011, was inspired by anger at the ______.

government bailout of the financial industry during the financial crisis of 2008

The Fourteenth Amendment applies to discriminatory action by

government only.

Candidate-centered politics encourages all of the following EXCEPT

greater accountability for policy decisions.

Which group of Americans have the highest level of voter participation?

highest 20 percent of income earners

A disadvantage of conducting primaries is that they

hinder the building of strong party organizations.

Massive shifts in party identification are -most likely to occur ______. -at the turn of the century -in response to major events -as one generation gives way to another -after every presidential election

in response to major events

Since 1968, the Republican Party has made its most significant gains

in the South.

Hispanics who have immigrated to the U.S. are generally concentrated ______.

in their states of entry

The Occupy Wall Street movement was aimed predominantly at which issue?

income inequality

In the United States, the primary responsibility for registration of the individual voter rests with the


Most Americans are not very active in politics because of which aspect of American culture?


For a movement to succeed, it must ______.

institutionalize its goals

Voter participation in the United States

is lower than in nearly every other democracy.

Early in the COVID-19 crisis, despite media coverage and official announcements, a third of American adults mistakenly believed the disease

is no more dangerous than the flu.

The policy of affirmative action arose when

it became apparent that disadvantaged Americans would not attain equal employment through the 1964 Civil Rights Act alone or through individual lawsuits.

The Supreme Court concept of suspect classifications suggests that

laws that classify people differently on the basis of their race or ethnicity are presumed to have discrimination as their purpose.

Manufactured consent occurs when

leaders succeed in persuading the public to accept their point of view.

Compared to European parties, parties in the United States exercise ______ control over candidates who are running for office.


What percentage of voters today cast a split ticket?

less than 20 percent

Catherine believes that a country's government has the power to assist the financially disadvantaged sections of society. She believes that a government should work toward introducing policies that aim at distributing wealth equally among all strata of society. She does not believe that a government should leave the distribution of economic benefits largely to the workings of the free market. By contrast, she believes that government should refrain from interfering in people's lives by leaving lifestyle choices to the individual. On the basis of her economic and cultural preferences, Catherine is said to be a


Select all that apply Which of the following are advantages in raising money for campaigns that incumbents often have over their challengers? -lists of contributors to past campaigns -use of email and Facebook for fundraising - access to party resources -policy influence sought by donors

lists of contributors to past campaigns policy influence sought by donors

Roughly 95 percent of all party activists work within

local party organizations.

Which of the following groups is least likely to engage in collective action?

lower-income Americans

Dramatic change in party identification is uncommon and is almost always a consequence of

major upheaval.

Historically, dramatic change in party identification is uncommon and is almost always a consequence of

major upheaval.

Senior citizens in the United States have a ______ rate of voter turnout than voters under the age of 30 do.

much higher

A ______ political system is made up of at least three political parties.


In a 1930s Supreme Court case that challenged the application of the separate-but-equal doctrine, the Court ruled that Blacks ______ public facilities reserved for whites in those cases where they didn't have separate facilities.

must be allowed to use

The Supreme Court has stated that in order for an affirmative action program to be upheld, the program must be ______.

narrowly tailored

How many states ratified the Equal Rights Amendment?

nearly three-fourths

When a political party makes a(n) ______ for an elected office, it selects a person to run as the party's candidate in the general election for that office.


When respondents answer a question about an unfamiliar issue in order not to appear uninformed, their responses are labeled as


When it comes to protest activities, a majority of Americans are

not as supportive of protest as they are of voting.

When it comes to protest activities, a majority of Americans are

not highly supportive of such activities, despite America's tradition of free expression.

Negative television campaign ads

now constitute the largest share of political ads.

The preclearance provision of the Voting Rights Act states that designated states and counties must Blank______.

obtain federal permission before making changes that might adversely affect a minority group

About ______ single-parent families, which are usually headed by women, live below the poverty line.

one in four

If a minor party gains a large following, it is almost certain that

one or both major parties will absorb its issue, and the minor party will lose support.

Some states have eased the registration and voting processes implementing all of these EXCEPT

online voting.

The political power of Hispanic groups continues to be limited because

only about half of all Hispanics are registered to vote.

Local party organizations generally play an active role ______.

only during campaign periods

The majority of Americans

only vote in national general elections.

In the run-up to the elections, United Steelworkers union members work to highlight the policy positions of their preferred presidential candidate. To capitalize on this, the party's campaign consultants call their candidate "the best friend of union workers" in Internet ads, and they telecast a 30-minute documentary on the candidate's personal life, educational background, and record of supporting unions. The campaign consultants in this fictitious scenario are involved in


One's sense of civic duty and sense of apathy are attitudes that are usually acquired from one's


Voters in the political center are not as important as they once were because ______ cause(s) parties to avoid the risk of alienating their core voters.

party polarization

Which of the following is a secondary socializing agent? -peers -school -religion -family -None of these are secondary socializing agents.


Political scientists Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page found that on issues of low salience to the public,

policymakers were more responsive to economic elites and groups representing business interests.

A sustained action taken by citizens disenchanted with government in order to express their opposition and work to bring about social or political change is a

political movement.

Organizations that nominate and seek to elect candidates to government office are known as ______.

political parties

The history of democratic government is virtually inseparable from the history of

political parties.

What is the process by which we develop our political values and opinions?

political socialization

The process by which individuals acquire their political opinions is called

political socialization.

Which of the following accurately ranks the amount of media coverage of candidates from highest to lowest?

presidential candidates, Senate candidates, House candidates

Internet political participation peaks during which of the following?

presidential elections

In Israel's March 2020 election, the Blue and White Party received roughly 27 percent of the national vote and, therefore, roughly 27 percent of the seats in the Knesset, which is Israel's legislature. This is an example of a ______ system

proportional representation

The form of election system in which seats in the legislature are allocated according to a party's share of the popular vote is known as the _____ system.

proportional representation

At one time, banks engaged in a practice known as ______, refusing to grant mortgage loans to people who lived in certain neighborhoods, especially those neighborhoods with large Black populations.


What is the degree of accuracy of a public opinion poll called?

sampling error

The accuracy of a poll is usually expressed in terms of

sampling error.

The adoption of voter identification laws by a number of states

serves to discourage voter turnout.

The function that the national party organizations perform in relation to congressional candidates can best be described as a

service role—helping candidates conduct their personal campaigns.

In general, public opinion

sets limits on government action.

All of the following tend to decrease voter turnout EXCEPT

sharp policy differences between major parties.

The social media hashtag #MeToo was intended to ______.

show the extent to which women are subject to sexual assault and harassment

The tendency of people to pay more attention to issues highlighted in the media is an example of ______.


Mina calls herself an independent. During elections, she votes for candidates on the basis of their previous performances and achievements rather than their political affiliations. In the recently concluded general elections that follow a plurality system, she voted for the presidential candidate of one party and a congressional candidate from the opposition party. In this fictitious scenario, Mina is involved in _____ voting.


According to the Supreme Court, laws that discriminate between people based on their race or ethnicity are laws that make use of ______.

suspect classifications

Unlike participation through interest groups or political parties, participation in political movements ______.

takes place largely outside established institutions

What was the primary cause for an increase in the public's support for a military invasion of Iraq during the six-month period leading to the start of the war?

the Bush administration's efforts to press the case for war

Which of the following led to the political party realignment in the 1930s that benefited the Democratic Party?

the Great Depression

In which of the following is the impact of public opinion felt most clearly? -the judiciary -the presidency -the Senate only -the House only -the House and Senate

the House and Senate

The most obvious sign of the party realignment of recent decades has been the strong tendency of

the South to vote Republican.

To date, what is the most successful of the recent political movements?

the Tea Party movement

The citizens of ________ are most likely to participate as campaign volunteers during an election.

the United States

The citizens of ________ are most likely to take an active part in campaigns during an election.

the United States

More people in the United States participate in election campaigns than people in other countries do because ______.

the United States has more elected posts than other countries do

In terms of the direction of public opinion on gun control,

the majority favors stricter gun control laws.

The focus of civil liberties is ________, and the focus of civil rights is ________.

the rights of individuals protected from infringement by the government; equal rights in the treatment of members of differing groups

To accurately poll the citizens of the United States as opposed to the citizens of a single state,

the sample requirements will be nearly the same.

Occupy Wall Street's main target has been

the widening income gap between the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans and the rest of society.

What accounts for the fact that Hispanics are healthier and have a longer life expectancy than would be predicted based on their education and income levels?

their family structure

The communist and anarchist political movements failed in the United States because

their goals were at odds with American values.

The views of younger citizens in particular are affected by major events because ______.

their opinions are not yet deeply rooted

How did the Democratic Party gain the confidence of the American people after winning the presidency in 1932?

through economic recovery programs

Why do pollsters rely most on the scientific method of random sampling?

to ensure that everyone has an equal chance of being included in the sample

What was the intention of the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling?

to maintain segregation while claiming equality

Why did states start registering voters?

to prevent individuals from voting multiple times in the same election

The degree to which education level and income are so closely tied to voter participating in the United States is ______ when compared to European countries.


The Supreme Court decision in Grutter v. Bollinger (2003) ______ affirmative action.


Which of the following results from a high frequency of elections, such as having primary, general, and referenda elections?

voter fatigue

Which of the following voting restrictions increases the burden on citizens who move frequently?

voter registration requirements

The most common form of participation by Americans is

voting in elections.

Which of the following would NOT be considered a superficial difference? -wealth and political power -skin color -national origin -religion -gender

wealth and political power

Native Americans

were not given citizenship status en masse until the 20th century.

When does a national party committee defer to the president to choose a national chair?

when the party controls the White House

According to the poll report, which factor contributes to Republicans' or Democrats' level of trust in government?

which party has control of the White House

Which of the following groups is LEAST likely to identify with the Democratic Party? -white women -white southerners -Black Americans -Hispanics -white northerners

white southerners

What is another name for the plurality system?

winner-take-all system

Despite the persisting issues of institutional racism, one area in which African Americans have made significant gains is in ______.

winning elective office

All of the following are injustices mentioned in the document's "declarations" except -women lack the right to vote. -women are not considered fit to run for office. -women are paid less than men. -there is a double standard for sexual promiscuity between women and men.

women are not considered fit to run for office.

Of the following age groups, the political views of which one are most likely to be influenced when a major historical event occurs, such as a war or an economic depression?

young people

Major events often have the greatest impact on the political beliefs of

younger citizens.

On average, how much money must a U.S. senator raise every week of his or her six-year term in order to acquire enough to launch a competitive bid for reelection?


In determining that it was unconstitutional to reserve 10 percent of federally funded construction projects for minority-owned firms in Adarand v. Peña (1995), the Supreme Court used what part of the test it applies to affirmative action cases?

"narrowly tailored"

Select all that apply Which of the following are examples of de jure discrimination? -An inner-city neighborhood has increasing numbers of minority residents and "white flight" from that neighborhood results. -A state requires separate public bathrooms for Black and white people. -A public school in a majority-Black neighborhood is majority Black as well. -Women are not allowed to vote in federal elections.

-A state requires separate public bathrooms for Black and white people. -Women are not allowed to vote in federal elections.

Select all that apply The mass killings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School resulted in which of the following? -a federal ban on military-style assault rifles -National School Walkout Day -March for Our Lives demonstrations -a federal ban on "bump stocks" for semi-automatic weapons

-National School Walkout Day -March for Our Lives demonstrations

Select all that apply The Civil Rights Act of 1964 classified which of the following as legally protected groups? -homosexuals -individuals with disabilities -minorities -women -older Americans

-minorities -women

In the United States, the voter turnout rate in presidential elections tends to hover around ______ percent.


Which of the following groups is most closely aligned with the Democratic Party, voting roughly nine-to-one Democratic in presidential elections?

African Americans

Which statement best describes the political engagement of most Asian Americans in the 1960s?

Asian Americans were not politically active to any great extent.

Where in American politics is the impact of public opinion felt most clearly?


True or false: Americans in the lowest 20 percent of income earners have the highest levels of participation in the United States.


True or false: Asian Americans are well represented in managerial positions in the technology industry.


True or false: Local party organizations are stronger today than they were in the days of the political machines.


True or false: Members of minority groups, secular-minded people, and people living in urban areas lean heavily toward the Republican Party.


True or false: The #MeToo movement did not have much of an impact on the people whose behavior it was targeting.


True or false: When the United States was founded, all white men were given the right to vote.


________ warned Americans of the "baneful effects" of factions (political parties) in his 1797 farewell address.

George Washington

Political parties in the United States originated partly as a political feud between

Hamilton and Jefferson.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using the Internet for political campaigning?

It lets voters easily ignore or delete unsolicited ads.

_____ refers to the selection of the individual who will run as the party's candidate in the general election.


When the United States first came into being, married women were permitted to -hold office. -None of these answers are correct. -serve on juries. -vote. -own and dispense property without the husband's consent.

None of these answers are correct.

What problem has recently arisen in using telephone polling?

Nonresponse rates have increased sharply.

Under plurality voting, what is required for victory?

One more vote than any of the alternatives

What usually happens after a third party is relatively successful in attracting votes during a U.S. national election?

One or both major parties will try to co-opt the issue or issues that made the third party successful.

The issue of slavery gave birth to the ________ party as a major political party.


What is the current status of de jure segregation in the United States?

Segregation is not permitted anywhere.

The first large and well-organized attempt to promote women's rights came in 1848 in

Seneca Falls, New York.

How many unique periods of party competition have existed since 1800?


________ does not have a competitive multiparty system.

The United States

True or false: The Tea Party movement was opposed to higher taxes to support government programs.


When a realignment in the electorate occurs, which of the following happens?

The parties reorganize themselves.

Which of the following provides an explanation for the different levels of campaign involvement between U.S. and European citizens?

The use of primary elections in the United States creates longer political campaigns.

Which of the following is TRUE of letter writers and demonstrators?

Their opinions are more intense and usually more extreme than those of most citizens.

True or false: Americans are often inconsistent in their preferences with regard to government policy.


True or false: The accuracy of a poll is reduced when respondents express an opinion on an issue even though they have not thought about the issue before.


Americans aged 18, 19, and 20 were granted voting rights during the

Vietnam War.

Which of the following is not an electioneering strategy?


Which law, passed by Congress in 1965, outlawed discriminatory voting restrictions such as the grandfather clause and literacy test?

Voting Rights Act

State party organizations are usually small and are directed by ______.

a full-time chairperson

The nature of polling includes information about which of the following?

When the poll was administered and who was polled

What is a key difference between 527 and 501(c)(4) groups?

Whether they must disclose their donors

The main opposition to the Democratic Party in the 1830s and 1840s was the ______ Party, which eventually died out.


Which party, formed during the 1830s, was competitive against the Jacksonian Democratic Party?

Whig Party

The attitudes of _______ differ greatly from the general public on the issues of abortion and school prayer, and they are more than twice as likely as other Americans to oppose gay rights.

White evangelical Protestants

In public opinion polls, a sample refers to

a relatively few individuals who are interviewed in order to estimate the opinions of a whole population.

What portion of congressional seats are held by women?

about a quarter

Imagine that the People's Union Party and the National Reformist Party are competing against each other in the upcoming elections. Because both parties understand the importance of televised ads, they allocate more than half of their funds toward the making and production of such ads. In an attempt to rebut the other party's negative ads, each party rapidly responds to those ads by creating and broadcasting new ads within hours. According to political scientist Darrell West, which of the following terms best describes the campaign strategy adopted by the two parties in this fictitious scenario?

air wars

Which of the following refers to a total lack of interest, such as a total lack of interest in politics?


In the case of Shelby County v. Holder (2013), the majority held that the formula for identifying states and counties subject to federal oversight of changes related to voting was ______.

based on obsolete statistics

How do Americans participate virtually in politics?

by using resources and joining discussions on social media

All of the following ideological types are prevalent in the United States EXCEPT -populists. -liberals. -conservatives. -communists. -libertarians.


In the 2020 election, MoveOn.org concentrated on supporting Democratic candidates in

congressional elections.

Literacy tests were used to

disenfranchise African Americans in the South.

The Black Lives Matter movement has sought, primarily, to highlight ______.

disparities in local officials' treatment of Black and white citizens

Higher levels of all of the following except which tend to produce higher voter turnout?


Journalist Walter Lippmann suggested that

effective government cannot be run by politicians who base their public opinions on poll results.

One area in which African Americans have made substantial progress in obtaining equality of representation since the 1960s is

elective office.

Students are most likely to hear stories about America's heroes and greatness when they are in

elementary school.

Which of the following factors has led to the emergence of Asian Americans as the group with the highest median family income?

emphasis on educational attainment

Research indicates that peer influence can ______.

encourage those without strong opinions to conform to the group

Which clause of the U.S. Constitution was at the center of the argument in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka?

equal-protection clause

The most important minor parties in the 20th century have been ______ parties.


The overrepresentation of single-parent families headed by women living below the poverty line as a result of low wages is known as the

feminization of poverty.

When white settlers first arrived in what is now the United States, there were approximately 5 to 10 million Native American inhabitants. By 1900, there were ______.

fewer than 1 million

In the 1967 decision in Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court

first explicitly applied the strict-scrutiny test.

In the era of Jacksonian democracy, the efforts of local party organizations, along with the extension of voting rights to citizens without property, contributed to an almost ______ increase in election turnout.


In terms of party identification, slightly more than half of adults call themselves

fully Republican or Democrat.

The Civil Rights Act of 1968 was introduced to prohibit discrimination in


The failed attempt to privatize part of Social Security under President George W. Bush demonstrates

how politicians must learn to operate within the boundaries set by public opinion.

A person's sense of loyalty to a political party is known as party ______.


Which type of third party is organized around a framework concerning the nature and role of government in society?

ideologically oriented parties

Most local governments in the United States hold elections

in odd-numbered years.

The current U.S. policy for Native Americans on reservations aims at

increasing economic self-sufficiency.

As compared to those on television, ______ have greater control over campaign messages on the Internet.

individual users

The chief obstacle to Americans' participation in community activities is the

lack of personal motivation to get involved.

The Tea Party's 2010 "Contract for America" called for

large reductions in federal spending.

Which of the following lawmakers were the original targets of the Tea Party movement?

lawmakers who supported federal spending and higher taxes

Compared to citizens in Europe, Americans are ______ likely to contribute time and money to political campaigns.


As compared to other democracies, how likely are Americans to contribute time and money to political and community organizations?

more likely

Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann's "spiral of silence" theory contends that

most individuals are reluctant to speak out against the dominant opinion.

A state that permits all registered voters, regardless of party affiliation, to vote in a primary election has what type of primary system?


A(n) ______ primary is one in which any registered voter, regardless of party affiliation, may vote.


The Tea Party's key initial issue was

opposition to high taxes.

The highlighting of candidates' attributes and policy positions to appeal to voters is called ______.


A public opinion ________ is designed to estimate the views or sentiments of the public.


An advantage of candidate-centered campaigns is that they

provide more opportunities and are more open for newcomers to gain office quickly.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act outlawed discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in

public accommodations such as hotels and restaurants.

The politically relevant views that people hold and express openly are known as ______.

public opinion

Which method of sampling gives everyone in a population an equal chance of being interviewed?

random sampling

A permanent shift in party allegiances or electoral support is known as a party ______.


Neighborhoods and workplaces today are less diverse, and more Americans receive their news from "information cocoons," all of which serve to

reduce the influence of crosscutting groups.

A(n) ________ party is a minor party that bases its appeal on the claim that partisan politics is having a corrupting influence on government and policy.


Which type of third party arises from a belief that partisan politics is a corrupting influence that needs to be changed?

reform parties

Scholars have done the least to study the political influence of which primary socializing agent on American citizens?


Americans participate in community groups at more than twice the rate of Europeans because

religion plays a larger role in American society.

Public opinion polls measure ________ when they ask respondents what they regard as the country's most important issue.


In a public opinion poll, a ______ is a portion of the ______.

sample; population

The degree to which an opinion poll's results might differ from what the population actually thinks is known as _____ error.


to register these people for the vote through their mechanisms

state chairperson.

Many voters cast a ______, where they only vote for candidates of one party.

straight ticket

Which of the following may negatively impact the probability of someone voting?

strict voter ID requirements

Any law that treats individuals differently based on race is subject to the Blank______ test.


According to a recent Pew Research Center poll, young adults are substantially more likely than senior citizens to support

stronger environmental regulations.

Which of the following acts was passed as a direct result of the pressure placed by the Black civil rights movement on lawmakers?

the 1965 Voting Rights Act

Sixty-two-year-old Emily was a professor at a university in Canada. She resigned from her job recently to relocate with her family to the United States. When she applied for the post of professor in one of the local universities, the management at the university refused to accept her application. They thought that Emily was too old for the job and would not be effective as a professor. In this scenario, which of the following acts will protect Emily against this type of discrimination?

the Age Discrimination Act of 1975

Which of the following provides for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for employees to care for a new baby or a seriously ill family member?

the Family and Medical Leave Act

The in-party's chances of staying in power has historically depended primarily on ______.

the condition of the economy

English theorist Edmund Burke disagreed with

the delegate view of representation.

The major reason for the persistence of the American two-party system is

the existence of single-member election districts.

In terms of political socialization, which of the following is considered a primary agent?

the family

The killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis in 2020 led to ______.

the largest protests yet of police violence against Black Americans

The groups and interests that support a party are collectively referred to as

the party coalition.

Disadvantaged Americans have generally gained their rights

through struggle against entrenched interests.

Why did the Trump and Biden campaigns spend millions of dollars to amass huge voter lists?

to register these people for the vote through their mechanisms

States with the most restrictive voter registration laws also have

turnout rates well below the national average.

How many major political parties are there in the United States today?


Which of the following is considered a limited form of political participation?


Voter turnout is LOWEST in which age group?

young adults

The Great Depression brought about a transfer of loyalties by many to the Democratic Party as led by Roosevelt, especially among _____ voters.


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