exam 2 psych

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The public might think the economic situation is not as bad as it really is if the government reported employment at 88 percent, rather than saying that the unemployment rate is 12 percent. Which phenomenon is influencing the public's judgment in this situation?

A framing effect

To test their theory of emotion, Schachter and Singer injected some participants with epinephrine and some with a placebo. If Shachter and Singer conducted a double-blind experiment, then:

Eaach participant would not know whether he or she had received epinephrine or a placebo, and the assistant administering the study would also not know whether a given participant had received epinephrine or a placebo.

Priti is using the method of loci to learn a list of compliance techniques in her social psychology textbook. Priti is using:

Elaborative rehearsal

"Have you ever noticed that when people reminisce, they generally remember the good times, not the bad ones?" Sharon remarks. "That's because people are generally in a good mood when they start reminiscing," Portia explains. Portia's mood congruence theory is MOST directly consistent with the:

Encoding specificity principle

Amelia remarks that she needs to learn the text's section on the structures of the brain for an upcoming test. Brian responds that he couldn't remember the function of the hippocampus on a test the preceding day. Amelia is making reference to the memory process called _____. Brian is referring to the memory process called _____.

Encoding; retrieval

Because she drank too much alcohol, Deanna barely remembers her 21st birthday. That is, her _____ memory is sketchy.


The textbook reviews the case of Henry Molaison, also known as H. M. After brain surgery, H. M. suffered hippocampal damage. Which type of memory was MOST damaged in H. M.'s case?


Kyana is an excellent salesperson because she can usually find a way of connecting with a potential client. Based on this information, in which kind of intelligence would Gardner expect Kyana to be high?


Most students have encountered a parent or a teacher who touted the value of "learning for its own sake." This expression highlights the importance of ______ motivation.


According to the levels of processing framework, which of the following students should retrieve information more successfully on classroom tests?

Irene, who attempts to relate her notes to information she has learned in other classes

Dr. Lynch shows members of a preliterate Andean culture and American college students a series of photos of either Andeans or Americans displaying emotional expressions. She asks Andeans and Americans to identify the emotion displayed in each photo. Based on Ekman's results, what might Dr. Lynch predict?

Participants should identify emotions accurately both when they are displayed by members of their own cultural group and when they are displayed by members of the other group.

Sound is to meaning as _____ is to ______.

Phoneme; morpheme

Compared to more typical individuals, the intellectually gifted are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

Physical attractiveness.

In terms of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the drive theory of motivation is MOST focused on the importance of ______ needs.


Angie is computing the correlation between the intelligence test scores and the household incomes of a large sample of American adults. Angie should find a ____ correlation.


According to the text, divergent thinking is a component of creativity. Therefore, scores on measures of divergent thinking should be _____ correlated with scores on creativity measures.


With respect to the elements of language reviewed in the textbook, cultural influences are probably MOST apparent at the level of:


Aptitude test is to achievement test as _____ is to ____.

Predicing future performance; assessing past performance

Which sequence correctly arranges the levels of the concept hierarchy from the broadest to the most specific?


The prominent early psychologist _____ argued that instead of crying because we feel sorry, "we feel sorry because we cry."

William James

"She did WHAT??" Sebastian's roommate exclaims as he relates an anecdote about a mutual friend. Sebastian's roommate processes the story using _____ memory.


As Rodolfo works on a complex multiplication problem in his head, the numbers he is manipulating are in his _____ memory, and the multiplication tables he is drawing upon are in his _____ memory.

Working; long-term

Dewey just won a $65 million lotter prize. If he is typical, one year from now, he will be:

About as happy as he was before he won the lottery.

Compared to alcohol intoxication, talking on a cell phone impairs driving to:

About the same extent

With respect to amnesia, "antero-" is to "retro" as _____ is to _____.

After; before

Lori and Monica are looking at the cans of coffee on display at a local supermarket. They are trying to decide which of two different-sized cans is a better buy. Lori attempts to divide the price of each can by the number of ounces of coffee each contains. Monica suggests that "the larger size is usually a better buy." Lori is using a(n) _____; Monica is using a(n) ______.

Algorithm; heuristic

According to Abraham Maslow, a major prerequisite for becoming self-actualized is having:

All of one's lower-order needs fulfilled.

How do bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder differ?

Bulimia nervosa is associated with purging, whereas binge eating disorder is not.

Which hunger or satiety hormone is matched with its origin?


The levels of processing framework:

Suggests that thinking about material leads to better memory than simply repeating the material to oneself.

Consider the concepts "game" and "rational number." Which of these is a formal concept?

"Rational number" is a formal concept

Approximately what proportion of the population as a whole may be described as intellectually disabled?

2 in 100 persons

The organization of long-term memory is MOST nearly analogous to the organization of:

An airline's routes

Which should be identified more quickly as a fruit, an orange or an olive? Why?

An orange should be identified as a fruit more quickly because an orange is more prototypical.

How does the sympathetic nervous system activation associated with anger differ from that associated with fear?

Anger is associated with a greater increase in skin temperature than is fear.

Which statement is true?

Anger is one of the basic emotions.

The textbook describes the case of Henry Molaison, also known as H. M. After brain surgery, H. M could no longer create long-term memories. H. M. suffered from _____ amnesia.


Aretha's BMI is 28. Jolene's is 32. Which statement is true?

Aretha is overweight, and Jolene is obese.

"Human behavior is varied and often seems unpredictable; also, people sometimes seek out extremely stimulating situations and activities." This statement is MOST likely that of a proponent of the _____ theory of motivation.


Stereotypes spring to mind easily. Therefore, people sometimes use them to judge the frequency of certain events, such as crimes in a given neighborhood. This example BEST describes the use of the _____ heuristic.


The misinformation effect highlights the:

Changeability of memory.

Mnemonic strategies facilitate by encouraging:

Chunking and elaborative rehearsal.

Obtaining, converting, and using knowledge is called:


Which theory of emotion is matched with its description?

Cognitive appraisal-Emotion reflects a person's interepretation of situations.

Laverne's scores on different parts of an IQ test are very different from one another. Laverne's profile of scores on the test:

Contradicts the view of intelligence offered by such early theorists as Spearman.

The textbook describes the case of Henry Molaison, also known as H. M. After brain surgery, H. M suffered severe anterograde amnesia. This means that H. M. had difficulty:

Creating new long-term memories

Suppose a researcher uses strong magnets to track changes in blood oxygen levels across the brain when participants are viewing a scene and also when they are imagining the scene. The ______ variable in this study is ______.

Dependent; changes in blood oxygen levels

In one study described in the textbook, participants who experienced a 15-minute period of waking rest showed better retention of newly learned material than did participants who played a game for 15 minutes (Dewar, et al., 2012). In this study, the _____ variable is _____.

Dependent; participants' retention of the material

Which language example is correctly matched with its element?


People are happiest in the morning:

Every day of the week.

Kamika is experiencing an intense positive emotion. Based on the dimensions of emotion described in the textbook, which emotion is Kamika MOST likely feeling?


Bower et al. (1969) asked some participants to learn hierarchically organized words. Other participants were asked to learn the same words arranged randomly. All participants were later required to recall the words. In this study, the group learning the organized words was the _____ group.


In the disco era, Donna Summers working-class heroine "works hard for the money." Most likely, this woman was driven by ______ motivation.


Which of the following statements is false?

Extrinsic motivation may enhance intrinsic motivation.

The 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Princess Diana's death. The Sandy Hook school massacre. People's vivid memories for the moment in which they learned of these events are called _____ memories.


Kent and Kirsten are both trying to reduce their consumer debt. Kent decides to pay the highest-interest debts first and freeze credit-card spending. Kirsten simply pays her largest debt first, because this would seem to be the fastest way to move her debt as close to zero as possible. Kent's plan reflects the problem-solving strategy of _____. Kirsten's method illustrates the strategy of _____.

Forming subgoals; means-end analysis

The stomach is to the pancreas as ______ is to ______.

Ghrelin; insulin

"Convert to a mixed numeral: 18/5," states a problem in a fifth-grade arithmetic text. This problem's _____ state is 3 3/5; it may be solved through a(n) _____.

Goal; algorithm

When one solves a crossword puzzle using certain mental shortcuts, he or she is using cognitive strategies psychologists call:


When blood pH becomes overly acidic, respiration and kidney function change to bring the acidity back to its normal pH level of 7.4. What does this process demonstrate?


The lateral hypothalamus is to _____ as the ventromedial hypothalamus is to ______.

Hunger; satiety

The amygdala is to the hippocampus as _____ memory is to ______ memory.

Implicit memory; explicit memory

In Schachter and Singer's classic experiment, participants were injected with epinephrine and then exposed to either an angry and hostile confederate, or an exuberantly happy confederate. Participants were then asked to describe their own emotional states. Which choice names and identifies a variable in this experiment?

Independent variable-Type of confederate

The popular phrase "gut feeling" suggests that emotions may reflect the body's reactions. This idea is MOST consistent with the _____ theory of emotion.


Mandy, a true believer in astrology, reads in her horoscope that today is her lucky day. She gets so excited that she spills coffee all over herself, necessitating a change of clothes. As a result, she is late for work and for a very important meeting, which in turn gets her into serious trouble with her boss. That evening, her brother is taken to the emergency room. On her way to visit him, Mandy finds a dime in the hospital parking lot. What does research on the confirmation bias suggest that Mandy will do?

Mandy will seize on the dime she found as evidence of astrology's accuracy.

When an emotional stimulus is encountered, the amygdala alerts the sympathetic nervous system and the endocrine system via connections with the _____ and the _____.

Medulla; hypothalamus

With respect to the repressed memory debate, the American Psychological Association released a 1998 statement affirming that:

Memories are subject to change.

Dr. Handy is a psychologist who studies how the brain collects, stores, and retrieves information for later use. Which is the BEST term for Dr. Handy's area of interest?


Kayley just feels happy today. She can't remember exactly when the feeling started, and she can't think of a particular reason she should feel this way. Kayley is experiencing a(n):


What does Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve demonstrate about the way people forget material over time?

Most forgetting happens immediately after people learn material: the rate of forgetting slows down as time goes by.

A persisting issue or controversy in psychology that is especially relevant to the study of intelligence is that of:

Nature vs. nurture

As a condition for a test's validity, a test's reliability is:


Junco and Cotten (2012) found a _____ correlation between college students' GPA and the amount of time they spend texting and using Facebook.


Preliminary evidence suggests that levels of physical and mental activity are both _____ correlated with the severity of the cognitive decline seen in Alzheimer's disease.


In the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, physiological responses _____ emotional experiences.

Occur simultaneously with

"Cat food, cola, toothpaste." Ned's roommate recites items over the phone as he throws his books in the backseat and gets into his car. Ned is supposed to stop at the store on the way home. The roommate continues to list a few more items. Finally, he wraps up, "Coffee creamer, spaghetti sauce, dish soap, and ice tea mix." Ned forgets a couple of things, but he does get the cat food, cola, and toothpaste. His memory for these items reflects the _____ effect.


Owen has trouble remembering a friend's new phone number; he keeps recalling the old number instead. Completing a rental application, Pippa finds she can't recall one of her previous addresses, as she's had several addresses since. Owen is experiencing _____interference. Pippa is experiencing ____ interference.

Proactive; retroactive

Knowing how to serve a badminton birdie is an example of a(n) ________ memory.


In the retrieval phase of Godden and Baddeley's (1975) "scuba diver" study of the encoding specificity principle, participants were asked to supply all the words they could remember from the encoding condition. This was a _____ measure of memory.


Morton moved from Alabama to Georgia ten years ago. "My fifth-grade teacher made us memorize the names of all the counties in Alabama," he tells his friend Rory. Rory tests Morton by giving him a list of thirty counties—15 Alabama counties, mixed in with 15 counties from other states. "Ok, pick out the Alabama counties," Rory challenges Morton. Which method does Rory's test use?


An "oldie" playing on the radio reminds Donald of events that occurred when the song was current. For Donald, the song is acting as a(n):

Retrieval cue

A psychological scientist states that she is interested in a brief type of memory store she calls "olfactory memory," which is a type of _____ memory.


Before going home, Dr. Rosen tries to flesh out his patient notes. He can remember the first and last sessions of the day, but his memory of the middle ones is a bit fuzzy. Dr. Rosen is a victim of the _____ effect.

Serial position

Making several minor household repairs, Alyssa uses a shoe as a hammer and a butter knife as a screwdriver. Which of the following statements BEST characterizes Alyssa's problem solving?

She is not constrained by functional fixedness

Which statement about the information processing model of memory is true?

Short-term memory has the smallest capacity of the three stages.

The textbook describes the case of Clive Wearing, who suffered a brain infection called encephalitis. After the infection, Clive could not retain new information for more than a few seconds. His memory process of _____ was impaired.


The textbook states that early psychologists often used introspection to study cognition. These psychologists probably reflected the ______ perspective.


Drew is unable to recall whether Lincoln's head faces left or right on the penny. Which of the following is the BEST explanation for Drew's memory failure?

The information was not encoded, because Drew never really paid attention to Lincoln's head on the penny.

George Sperling conducted a study in which he varied the interval between the presentation of a letter matrix and an auditory recall cue. Sperling measured the proportion of letters participants could recall from the matrix. Which statement regarding this study is false?

The interval between the matrix and the cue is a dependent variable.

Why does a woman have trouble remembering the license plate number of a car that she just saw ten minutes ago?

The number was probably never encoded in the first place.

In a memory experiment, Dr. Aziz gives one group of participants a recognition test of a list of words they had seen earlier; another group is asked to recall the words. What would be a reasonable prediction regarding the relative performance of the two groups on the memory test?

The recognition group should outperform the recall group

Critics of the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion contend that:

The thalamus cannot carry out complex emotional processing on its own.

"I know it! It's um . . . um . . . It starts with 'G'," begins a trivia game contestant excitedly. The contestant is falling prey to the _____ phenomenon.


A researcher develops a questionnaire to assess the personality trait of impulsivity among adults. In a journal article, she presents evidence that college students tend to get essentially the same score if they take the test twice, 2 months apart. She also presents the average score, the highest score, and the lowest score obtained by two large samples: one done with 2,000 college students and another done with 750 adults who are not in college. However, when one reviews the sample questionnaire items, it seems clear that they relate more to whether a person is sociable, outgoing, and fun than to whether an individual is impulsive. As a result, one would question the _____ of the researcher's questionnaire.


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