Exam 2 Review

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Recall suggestions for developing speaking notes

- include supporting material, signposts, and delivery cues - use note cards, a smartphone, or a tablet - use standard outline format - include central idea, not your purpose statement

Recall 6 criteria for evaluating Internet sites

1. Accountability: Who is responsible for the website? - look to see whether the website is signed - follow hyperlinks or search the author's name to determine the author's expertise and authority 2. Accuracy: Is the information correct? - consider whether the author or sponsor is a credible authority - access the care with which the website has been written - conduct additional research into the information on the site 3. Objectivity: Is the website free of bias? - consider the interests, philosophical , or political biases, and source of financial support of the author or sponsor of the website - does the website include advertisements that might influence the content? 4. Date: Is the site current? - look at the bottom of the page on the website for a statement of when the page was posted and when it was last updated - if you cannot find a date on the page of the website, click on the tools menu at the top of your browser screen and go down to Page Info. When you click on the Page Info, you will find the Last Modified date - enter the title of the website in a search engine. The resulting information should include a date 5. Usability: Do the layout and design of the website facilitate its use? - does the website load fairly quickly? - is a fee required to gain access to any of the information on the website? 6. Diversity: Is the site inclusive? - do language and graphics reflect and respect differences in gender, ethnicity, race, and sexual orientation? - do interactive forums invite divergent perspectives? - is the website friendly to people with disabilities (e.g., offering a large print or video option)?

Identify and explain each of the five relational escalation stages (note how the five principles apply to each stage)

1. Pre-interaction awareness - the stage of becoming aware of one's attraction to another person and observing that person but not actually interacting - becoming aware of your attraction to someone and begin to observe that person - PRINCIPLE ONE 2. Initiation stage - the first contact with a person with whom one desires a relationship; usually characterized by asking and answering questions - you initiate contact with the person with whom you want a relationship - PRINCIPLES TWO AND THREE 3. The exploration stage - the stage that involves more in-depth interactions - interactions deepen as questions and answers elicit more information from partners - PRINCIPLES TWO AND THREE 4. Intensification stage - the stage in which partners begin to depend on each other for self-confirmation; characterized by more shared activities, more time spent together, more intimate physical distance and contact, and personalized language - partners begin to depend on each other for confirmation of their self-concepts. They spend more time together, engage in more intimate touch, and personalize their language - PRINCIPLES TWO, THREE, AND FOUR 5. Intimacy stage - the stage in which partners provide primary confirmation of each other's self-concept; characterized by highly personalized and synchronized verbal and nonverbal communication - partners provide primary confirmation of each other's self-concept. Verbally, language is highly personalized; nonverbal behaviors are synchronized -ALL PRINCIPLES

Identify and explain the six relational de-escalation stages

1. Turmoil stage - the stage characterized by increased conflict, less mutual acceptance, a tense communication climate, and an unclear relationship definition - partners take each other for granted and have more conflict. They exhibit less mutual acceptance, their communication climate is tense, and their relationship definition is unclear 2. Stagnation stage - the stage in which a relationship loses its vitality, partners begin to take each other for granted, and communication and physical contact decline - the relationship loses its vitality, partners begin to take each other for granted, and communication and physical contact decline 3. De-intensification stage - the stage involving significantly decreased interaction, increases distance, and decreased dependence on one's partner for self-confirmation - partners significantly decrease their interaction and their dependence on each other for self-confirmation; they increase their physical distance 4. Individualization stage - the stage in which partners define their lives more as individuals and less as a couple - partners define their lives more as individuals and less as a couple 5. Separation stage - the stage in which individuals make an intentional decision to minimize or eliminate further interpersonal interaction - partners make an intentional decision to minimize or eliminate further interpersonal interaction 6. Post-interaction stage - the bottom, or final, stage in relational deescalation, which represents the lasting effects of a relationship on the self - this is the bottom or final level in relational de-escalation; it represents the lasting effects or a relationship on the individuals

Identify the 5 components that enhance the nonverbal delivery of a presentation

1. physical appearance 2. physical delivery (gestures, movement, posture) 3. eye contact 4. facial expression 5. vocal delivery (volume, pitch)

Differentiate between assertive confirmation and aggressive communication

Assertive confirmation: communication that takes a listener's feelings and rights into account. - mix up on plans for the weekend with your friend and you react by expressing your perception of the situation and asking them for their perception of the situation ("Hey, we were supposed to get together last weekend, but you never called. What happened?" Aggressive communication: self-serving communication that does not take a listener's feelings and rights into account. - mix up plans for the weekend with your friend and you react by blowing up on your friend in an aggressive, self-oriented approach, taking your frustration out on them

Explain the significance of being an audience-centered public speaker

Audience-centered public speaker: someone who considers and adapts to the audience at every stage of the public speaking process - The fundamental communication principle of adapting to the audience is central to the success of any speech - They acknowledge that cultural, ethnic, and other traditions affect the way people process messages

Identify the eight step involved in the audience-centered model of the public speaking process

Audience-centered public speaker: someone who considers and adapts to the audience at every stage of the public speaking process 1. Selecting and narrowing a topic 2. Identifying purpose 3. Developing a central idea 4. Generating main ideas 5. Gathering supporting material 6. Organizing your speech 7. Rehearsing your speech 8. Delivering your speech

Be able to identify strategies for making your presentation memorable

BUILDING IN REDUNDANCY - tell them what you are going to tell them - then tell them - then tell them what you have told them USING ADULT LEARNING PRINCIPLES - adult learning principles: preference of adult listeners for what and how they learn - relevant information they can use immediately - active involvement in the learning process - connections between the new information and their life experiences - address their agenda REINFORCING KEY IDEAS VERBALLY - telling your audience how one point is the most important point by saying "this is the most important point" REINFORCING KEY IDEAS NONVERBALLY - gestures - movement - pausing - clear [adding signposts (a nonverbal organizational signal) or statistics] - interesting (being personally interested or your audience is) - memorable (relating key information to listeners and using main ideas to focus that information)

Identify SIX methods of organizing your SUPPORTING MATERIAL for your speech

CHRONOLOGICALLY - organization by time or sequence RECENCY - putting most important material last PRIMARY - putting convincing or least controversial material first COMPLEXITY - from simple to more complex material SPECIFICITY - from specific information to general overview or from general overview to specific information SOFT TO HARD EVIDENCE - from hypothetical illustrations and opinions to facts and statistics

Identify examples of words in a speech that enhance verbal delivery

Concrete words: use words that refer to an object or describes an action in the most specific way possible; avoid abstractions Unbiased words: try not to offend any sexual, racial, cultural, or religious group Vivid words/ verbal illustrations: add color and interest to you language. Show rather than tell or give word structures/pictures Simple words: so they may be understood easily Correct words: enhances your credibility

Identify examples that reflect the guidelines for selecting and narrowing a speech topic

Consider the audience Occasion - like veteran's day speech calls for a patriotic approach Personal interests and experiences - you will know a great deal about it and feel passionate, resulting in your speech being delivered with energy and with genuine enthusiasm

Identify and explain the verbal and nonverbal indicators of the self-absorbed communicator style

Conversational narcissism: a dominating communication style in which one focuses attention on oneself Habitual conversational narcissism: habitual use of narcissistic or self-absorbed communicator style in which one focuses attention on oneself State conversational narcissism: occasional use of narcissistic or self-absorbed communicator style in which one focuses attention on oneself VERBAL - number of times a person says "I" - narcissistic communicators - constantly trying to top someone's story ("oh you think you're tired, let me tell you about the day I had") - experts on a specific topic end up boring the listeners NONVERBAL - increasing volume and dominant body postures - physically block another person from attempting to leave a the conversation - insensitive to nonverbal cues - dominate contributions of others - control the topic of conversation

Identify the five stages of the PUGSS conflict management model

Describe the PROBLEM: - manage emotions by selecting a mutually acceptable time and place a discuss a conflict - use "I" messages - plan your message - monitor nonverbal messages - avoid personal attacks - use self-talk to stay focused and to avoid letting your emotions escalate Achieve UNDERSTANDING: - use effective listening skills while using "I" messages - check your understanding of what others say and do; paraphrase appropriately - don't move on in sorting out the conflict until all parties understand one another Identify GOALS: - identify your goal in the conflict - identify your partner's goal in the conflict - identify where your goals and your partner's goals overlap Brainstorm SOLUTIONS: - generate many possible solutions - separate the evaluation of ideas from the generation of ideas -piggyback off the ideas of your partner -write down all possible solutions Select the best SOLUTION: -review the goals of each person - select the solution that best achieves the goals

Be able to identify the communication behaviors in the PUGSS model

Descriptive vs. Evaluative - using "I" statements instead of "you" - self-disclose your emotions/feelings Self-disclosing Emotions - disclose personal goals and disclose partner's goals - "do you understand why I believe there is a problem?" - "do you understand why I feel this way?" Perception Checking -noticing nonverbal cues to understand if you interpreted the message correctly Paraphrasing - shows you are listening - slows down a rapidly escalating conflict situation Nonverbal Responsiveness -notice nonverbal cues Adapting - try describing the problem from a different angle or perspective if the receiver doesn't understand the conflict at first

Identify examples of effective word structures that enhance verbal delivery

Figurative language: - metaphors (making an implied comparison) - similes (comparison using like or as) - personification (giving human qualities to inanimate objects) Drama: - omission (leaving out nonessential words out of a phrase) - inversion (reversing the normal order of words in a phrase or sentence) - suspension (withholding the key words in a phrase or sentence until the end) Cadence - parallelism, "i came, i saw, i conquered" (same grammatical structure) - antithesis (second part contrasts the meaning of the first) - repetition "I have a dream" (repeating a key word or phrase) - alliteration "We are Warriors" (repeating a consonant sound)

Differentiate the general purpose from the specific purpose statement speech

General purpose: the broad reason for giving a speech: to inform, to persuade, or to entertain an audience Specific purpose: A concise statement of what listeners should be able to do by the time the speaker finishes the speech

Differentiate informative from persuasive

Inform: the share of information with others to enhance their knowledge or understanding of the information, concepts, and ideas you present. Persuasive speech: is a specific type of speech in which the speaker has a goal of convincing the audience to accept his or her point of view. The speech is arranged in such a way as to hopefully cause the audience to accept all or part of the expressed view.

Be able to differentiate between interpersonal and impersonal communication

Interpersonal communication: Communication that occurs between two people who simultaneously attempt to mutually influence each other, usually for the purpose of managing relationships Impersonal communication: Communication that treats people as objects or that respond only to their roles rather than to who they are as unique people

Identify and describe the five components of interpersonal conflict

Interpersonal conflict: " Conflict is an expressed struggle that occurs between at last two people who are interdependent, who perceive incompatible goals, scarce, resources and rewards and experience a climate of competition with the other person." Expressed struggle Perceived incompatible goals Perceived scarce reward/resources Interdependence Climate of competition

Differentiate between the types of conflict

Interpersonal conflict: a struggle that occurs when people cannot agree on a way to meet their needs. -conflict usually relates to unmet needs Constructive conflict: conflict characterized by cooperation in dealing with differences; helps build new insights and patterns in relationship. - can help identify which elements of a relationship need to change or be improved so that new patterns are established Destructive conflict: conflict characterized by a lack of cooperation in dealing with differences; dismantles relationship without restoring them. - a small issue intensifies other and different issues brought into the discussion Pseudoconflict: conflict stemming from a lack of understanding. - one person misunderstands the meaning in a message Simple conflict: conflict over differences in ideas, definitions, perceptions, or goals. Ego conflict: conflict based on personal issues in which people attack each other's self-esteem - conflict gets personal Serial arguments: argumentative episodes focused on the same issue that occur at least twice - same argument over and over again Irresolvable (intractable) conflict: a conflict that one or both parties deem impossible to resolve - tolerating the situation rather than confronting the person and attempting to resolve it

Recall 6 functions of an introduction

Introduction: opening lines of a speech, which must catch the audience's attention, introduce the topic, give the audience a reason to listen, establish the speaker's credibility, state the central idea, and preview the main ideas 1. getting the audience's attention 2. introduce the topic 3. relevancy to the audience 4. establish your credibility 5. state your central idea 6. preview your main ideas

Explain the methods that help speakers manage their anxiety

Know How to Develop a Speech Be Prepared - developing a logical and clear outline Focus on Your Audience Give Yourself a Mental Pep Talk - reminding yourself that you can do it Use Deep-Breathing Techniques - increase the oxygen intake and slow your heart rate, making you feel calmer and controlled Take Advantage of Opportunities to speak - the more you do public speaking, the more comfortable you feel about it Explore Additional Resources - like seeking professional help

Identify and differentiate 4 methods of speech delivery

Manuscript: has to keep an eye on the paper because it is like they are reading it for the first time "cold read. Memorized: you should know it word for word, but you run the risk of losing track of where you are and are not organized because you do not have notes. Extemporaneous: have an outline, use notes, not memorized, what we did for our informative speeches. Impromptu: no organization, on the spot, "improve", just thought of.

Identify and differentiate three different conflict management styles

Nonconfrontational style - a conflict management style that involves backing off, avoiding conflict, or giving in to the other person - a person avoids conflict and may become aloof or given in to another person just to starve off a conflict. This approach can be viewed as a lose-lose framework because issues aren't dealt with and conflict likely to recur Confrontational style - a win-lose approach to conflict management in which one person wants control and to win at the expense of the other - a person wants to manipulate others by blaming and making threats. Win-lose Cooperative conflict - a conflict management style in which conflict is viewed as a set of problem to be solved rather than as a competition in which one person wins and another loses - a person seeks mutually agreeable resolutions to manage differences and works within a win-win framework. It separates people from problems, focuses on shared interests, generates many options to solve problems, and bases decisions on objective criteria

Define and identify examples of nonverbally immediate behaviors and verbal behaviors that directly and indirectly communicate our ATTRACTION towards someone

Nonverbal behaviors > most often communicate this way Immediacy: nonverbal cues, such as eye contact, a forward lean, touch, and open body orientation, that communicate feelings of liking, pleasure, and closeness - sitting close in proximity - increasing our eye contact - increasing our use of touch - leaning forward - keeping an open body orientation rather than a closed off position - using more vocal variety or animation - smiling more - preening (adjusting clothing, playing with our hair) Verbal behaviors - we ask questions too show interest - listen responsively - probe for details when others share information - refer to information shared in past interactions in an attempt to build a history with people

Explain the four quadrants of the Johari Window

Open quadrant: Part of yourself you know and have revealed to another person. Relationship becomes more intimate Blind quadrant: information another person knows about you but you fail to recognize. Usually a small quadrant and it grows larger as the person observes more information in the Unknown Hidden quadrant: information you know about yourself bu haven't shared with another person. Initially fairly large but shrinks as you disclose more and go towards the Open Unknown quadrant: Information about yourself that you and another person have yet to discover or realize. People who aren't very introspective and don't have a very well-developed sense of self

Identify and recall strategies or making your informative presentation interesting to your audience

PRESENTING INFORMATION THAT RELATES YOU YOUR LISTENERS' INTERESTS - think about why your listeners might be interested and why you yourself might be interested too USING ATTENTION-CATCHING SUPPORTING MATERIAL - the into should provide a simple overview with an analogy, model, picture, or vivid description - consider the 5 W's (who, what, when, where, and why) ESTABLISHING A MOTIVE FOR YOUR AUDIENCE TO LISTEN TO YOU - question your listeners - engage them with an anecdote (a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person), statistic, or something else - relate do your listeners may find something valuable USING WORD PICTURES - word pictures: a vivid description that invites listeners to draw on their senses - the 5 senses - describe the emotion of it CREATING INTERESTING PRESENTATION AIDS - summaries of a graph, etc. USING HUMOR - be certain it is appropriate - use it to make a point - poke fun at yourself - use humorous quotations - use cartoons

Identify the 5 Principles of Communication when delivering a presentation

PRINCIPLE 1 - how can you be more aware during delivery? - extemporaneous speaking - be aware of your physical appearance - select correct presentation aids (graphs, models, people, pictures) - rehearse speech PRINCIPLE 2 - how can extemporaneous speaking help and hurt you? - manuscript speaking - extemporaneous speaking - using words well (concrete, unbiased, vivid, simple, and correct) - rehearse speech PRINCIPLE 3 - what comes natural to you? what does not? - extemporaneous speaking - nonverbal delivery (eye contact, physical delivery, facial expression, vocal delivery, and physical appearance) - rehearse speech PRINCIPLE 4 - how can you listen and respond while you're speaking? - use eye contact to determine how your audience is responding to you - if possible, rehearse speech with someone and listen to feedback PRINCIPLE 5 - what "things" can you adapt to your audience? - adapt to audience's expectations - memorized speech can cause people to stiffen and recited, which loses the adaptability - extemporaneous speaking - make sure eye contact is appropriate - making gestures appropriate - adapt cultural expectations - adapt proper posture - appropriate facial expression - adapt vocal delivery - proper appearance - select correct presentation aids (graphs, models, people, pictures)

Identify the 5 Principles of Communication when organizing and outlining a presentation

PRINCIPLE 1 (aware) - creation of preparation outline = increasing communication awareness PRINCIPLE 2 (verbal) - verbal transitions - adding previews, transitions, and summaries - getting the audience's attention - preview your main ideas - reemphasize central idea in conclusion PRINCIPLE 3 (nonverbal) - adding previews, transitions, and summaries PRINCIPLE 4 (listen) - as you listen to speeches , be aware that their organization may reflect patterns considered appropriate in cultures other than your own PRINCIPLE 5 (adapt) - using signposts to adapt your organized message to the audience logically - adding previews, transitions, and summaries - intro and conclusion provide your audience with first and final impressions of you and your speech - give reason for audience to listen/relevancy

Identify the 5 Principles of Communication when speaking to inform

PRINCIPLE 1 (aware) - relate to your listeners' interests - use attention-getting supporting material and be able to answer the 5 W's - use word pictures - use humor that is appropriate PRINCIPLE 2 (verbal) - how you choose to organize your speech to provide a vivid description - making your speech clear through simplifying ideas, pacing your information flow, and relate new information to old - use word pictures - use humorous quotations and poke fun at yourself - build in redundancy (tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you have told them) - reinforce key ideas verbally PRINCIPLE 3 (nonverbal) - reinforce key ideas nonverbally, like pausing right before an important point PRINCIPLE 4 (listen) - before delivering your speech, talk with you audience members and listen to the feedback to customize your speech PRINCIPLE 5 (adapt) - pace your information flow - relate new information to old - relate to your listeners' interests - use adult learning principles (preference of adult listeners for what and how they learn)

Identify communication strategies that reduce uncertainty

Passive strategy: a noncommunicative strategy for reducing uncertainty by observing others and situations - scoping out the situation before getting involved Active strategy: a communicative strategy for reducing uncertainty by getting information from a third party - Ex> you might ask a coworker about your new job or colleagues Interactive strategy: a strategy of communicating directly with the source who has the greatest potential to reduce one's uncertainty - going "straight to the horse's mouth"

Identify and differentiate the types of informative presentations

Presentations about... OBJECTS - presenting information about tangible things - Sample topics: Rosetta Stone, MP3 players PROCEDURES - review how something works or describe a process - Sample topics: how to clone and animal, how to operate a nuclear power plant PEOPLE - describe either a famous person or a personal acquaintance - Sample topics: Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, Your grandma EVENTS - describe an actual event - Sample topics: Chinese New Year, Inauguration Day IDEAS - present abstract information about principles, concepts, theories, or issues - Sample topics: communism, economic theory

Identify when to use the 5 principles of communication as you're developing your presentation

Principle One: the best supporting material reflects self-awareness, taking advantage of your own knowledge and experience - give yourself a mental pep talk - listening and reading topic ideas - having a specific purpose - generating main ideas from a central idea - determined what should be acknowledged for your supporting material Principle Two: effective verbal supporting material is appropriately worded, concrete, and vivid enough that your audience can visualize what you are talking about - focus on your message - complete declarative sentence - direct, specific language - generating main ideas from central ideas - evaluate resources - descriptions and explanations - analogies - having opinions of others, like expert testimony - acknowledge sources in oral citations Principle Three: use visual aids to present statistics - evaluate resources Principle Four: if listeners find a speech boring, the speaker has probably not used the fundamental principles in communication as criteria for selecting supporting material - listening and reading topic ideas Principle Five: Sensitivity to your audience will help you choose the verbal and visual supporting material that is most appropriately adapted to them - audience-centered public speaker - focusing on your audience - questioning who the audience is - listening and reading for topics - having an audience-centered idea - choosing the appropriate supporting material

Differentiate between the three relational conflict

Relational dialectics: a perspective that views interpersonal relationships as constantly changing rather than stable and that revolves around how relational partners manage tensions 1. Integration-separation: autonomy vs. connection - the struggle of balancing the time between your partner and spending time with family and friends outside the relationship 2. Stability-chance: predictability vs novelty - struggling between liking the consistency in the relationship, but also wanting excitement and unpredictability 3. Expression-privacy: openness vs closedness - Ex> one partner might want to reveal and be open about past sexual partners, but the other partner is closed off about that topic. This creates tension

Differentiate a preparation outline and speaking notes

Remember what we did for our informative speech. OUTLINE - preparation outline: a detailed outline of a speech that includes the central idea, main ideas, and supporting material, and may also include the specific purpose, introduction, and conclusion - standard outline format: conventional use of numbered and lettered headings and subheadings to indicate the relationships among parts of speech - use standard numbering - use at least two subdivisions, if any, for each point - line up your outline correctly - within each level, make the heading grammatically parallel SPEAKING NOTES - bullet points of what you need to remember, like supporting material, signposts (verbal or nonverbal cue that indicates one idea from the next), and delivery cues

Identify and recall strategies for making your informative presentation clear

SIMPLE IDEAS RATHER THAN COMPLEX ONES - the simpler your ideas and phrases, the better you audience will remember your speech PACING YOUR INFORMATION FLOW - present your supporting material in an even flow of information so you don't overwhelm the audience RELATING NEW INFORMATION TO OLD INFORMATION - associate a new idea with a familiar one to help your listeners understand

Explain the role of reciprocity and appropriateness in self disclosure

Self-disclosure: voluntarily providing information to others that they would not learn if one did not tell them Reciprocity: sharing information about oneself with another person, with the expectation that the other person will share information that is similar in risk or depth - sharing and receiving helps maintain a balance of power in the relationship Appropriateness -meaning that it can be a mistake to reveal information that is too personal too soon in the development of a relationship. It is inappropriate to do that so you need to know appropriateness

Identify initial previews, transitions, and final summaries

Signposts: a nonverbal organizational signal PREVIEWS - first statement of what is to come - initial preview: first statement of the main ideas of a speech, usually presented with or near the central idea - internal preview: a preview within the speech that introduces ideas still to come VERBAL AND NONVERBAL TRANSITIONS - transition: a word, phrase, or nonverbal cue that indicates movement from one idea to the next or the relationship between ideas - verbal transitions: a word or phrase that indicates the relationship between two ideas - nonverbal transition: a facial expression, vocal cue, or physical movement that indicates that a speaker is moving from one idea to the next SUMMARIES - summary: a recap of what has been said - internal summary: a recap within the speech of what has been said so far - final summary: a recap of all the main points of a speech, usually occurring just before or during the conclusion

Differentiate the factors of impersonal attraction

Similarity: the degree to which one's characteristics, values, attitudes, interests, or personality traits are like those of another person - You are attracted to people with whom you have similarity Physical Attraction: the degree to which one finds another person's physical self appealing - powerful nonverbal cue - appeal to height, size, skin tone, and texture, clothing, hairstyle, makeup, or vocal qualities Sexual Attraction: the desire to have sexual content with a certain person Proximity: the likelihood of being attracted to people who are physically close rather than to those who are farther way - Ex> you are in a long distance relationship and someone new hangs out around more now Complementarity: the degree to which another person's different abilities, interests, and needs balance or round out one's own - if you are disorganized by nature, but you are attracted to a neat person. Basically you compliment each other

Two aspects of the social penetration model of self-disclosure and explain how self-disclosure moves relationship towards intimacy

Social penetration model: a model of self-disclosure that asserts that both the breadth and the depth of information shared with another person increase as the relationship develops - two aspects of the model INCREASE the breadth of the information (the variety of topics discussed) and the depth (the personal significance of what is discussed) HOW THE MODEL WORKS -Outer most circle is the breadth or all the potential information about yourself that you could disclose to someone; like athletic activities, spirituality, family, school, recreational preferences, political attitudes, and values, and fears -Then series of inner circles, which represent the depth of information you could reveal about yourself -The innermost circle represents your most personal information

List and Identify the types of supporting material

Sources of supporting material: - Yourself - the internet - online databases - traditional library holdings Types of supporting material: - Illustrations - Descriptions and Explanations - Definitions - Analogies - Statistics - Opinions

Differentiate the specific purpose statement from the central idea of a speech

Specific Purpose - guides the speaker in preparing a speech - is not stated in the speech Ex> at the end of my speech, the audience will be able to explain two reasons foreign-language education should begin in the elementary grades Central Idea - guides the audience in listening to a speech - is stated at or near the end of the speech introduction Ex> foreign-language education should begin in the elementary grades

Identify the FIVE methods of organizing your MAIN IDEAS of your speech

TOPICALLY - organization determined by the speaker's discretion or by recency, primacy, or complexity. - topics for each of the 3 points - arbitrary arrangement of topics CHRONOLOGICALLY - arranging ideas from simple to more complex - organization by time and sequence SPATIALLY - organization according to location, position, or direction CAUSE AND EFFECT - organization by discussion a situation and its causes, or a situation and its effect PROBLEM AND SOLUTION - organization by discussion first a problem and then providing various solutions

Identify how the PUGSS model uses principle two

Understanding verbal messages means you have to describe your feelings, not evaluate, as well as use direct perception checking - avoid polarizing - don't use trigger words - think before you speak - remember that communication is irreversible

Recall four functions of a conclusion

conclusion: closing lines of a speech, which leave a final impression 1. summarize the speech 2. reemphasize the central idea 3. motivate your audience to respond (persuasive) 4. provide closure (the sense that a speech is finished)

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