Exam 2 Social Psychology Chapter 5

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According to social-role theory, gender differences in social behavior are the result of a. the unequal gender-based division of labor. b. unrealistic expectations about how men and women should behave. c. biologically based differences in social dominance. d. the forces of natural selection.


According to the self-regulation of prejudiced responses model, _____ motivated individuals may learn to control their prejudices _____ effectively over time. a. internally; more b. internally; less c. externally; more d. externally; evenly


In their study of sexism in 19 different countries, Glick et al. (2000) found that countries with the greatest degree of political and economic inequality exhibited a. the highest levels of both hostile and benevolent sexism. b. the lowest levels of both hostile and benevolent sexism. c. high levels of hostile sexism but low levels of benevolent sexism. d. low levels of hostile sexism but high levels of benevolent sexism.


Research indicates that Caucasian individuals' concern about appearing prejudiced during interracial interactions can a. lead them to try to avoid such interactions altogether. b. lead them to sit closer to African-American conversation partners in the effort to make a good impression. c. lead them to go out of their way to demonstrate how often they think about and notice race-related issues. d. All of these


Stereotypes appear to bias perceptions a. even when we don't endorse them. b. for outgroup members, but not for ingroup members. c. only when we are aware that the stereotype was activated. d. only when the stereotype was unconsciously activated.


The fundamental attribution error may promote stereotypes because a. observers see stereotype-consistent behavior as dispositional. b. it is so prevalent that it is unaffected by personal motivations. c. the more a stereotype is violated, the more observers cling to that stereotype. d. we often perceive members of outgroups as having ulterior motives.


A junior high coach decides to separate his basketball players into an A team and a B team. These two teams regularly play each other and compete for rewards, such as time at the drinking fountain and use of the new basketballs. The Robbers Cave experiment would suggest that the coach's new arrangement is likely to a. promote team unity. b. lead to animosity between the A team and the B team. c. encourage the development of leadership skills. d. lead to less vigorous practices.


A stereotype exists in many cultures that men are better than women at math. Ramya is about to take a diagnostic achievement test in math. According to research on stereotype threat, under which of the following conditions is Ramya most likely to perform poorly on the test? a. Ramya does not believe that the test is an accurate measure of math ability. b. Ramya is asked to indicate her gender at the beginning of the test. c. Ramya does not include math as an important part of her identity. d. Ramya has been raised in a cave by a mathematical genius and is unaware of the cultural stereotype concerning gender and math.


All of the following are mechanisms that perpetuate stereotypes except a. illusory correlations. b. the jigsaw classroom. c. subtyping. d. self-fulfilling prophecies.


Aronson's jigsaw classroom work is similar to Sherif's Robbers Cave experiment because both illustrated how a. social roles can influence the use of stereotypes. b. superordinate goals can reduce prejudice. c. social identification with a group can increase ingroup favoritism. d. overcoming feelings of relative deprivation can decrease prejudice.


Being asked to think about one's mortality tends to a. decrease ingroup bias. b. increase ingroup bias. c. have no impact on ingroup bias. d. promote intergroup harmony.


Racism that operates unconsciously and unintentionally is called a. modern racism. b. implicit racism. c. benevolent racism. d. ambivalent racism.


Self-fulfilling prophecies perpetuate stereotypes by a. increasing the likelihood that perceivers create subtypes. b. eliciting stereotype-confirming behavior from targets. c. threatening individual self-esteem. d. reducing ingroup favoritism.


The ABCs of social psychology are affect, behavior, and cognition. Put the three major concepts of Chapter 5 in this ABC order by considering whether they correspond to affect, behavior, or cognition. a. Stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination b. Prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping c. Discrimination, prejudice, stereotyping d. Stereotyping, discrimination, prejudice


The belief "they're all the same" best epitomizes which of the following concepts? a. Minimal group effect b. Outgroup homogeneity effect c. Ingroup heterogeneity effect d. Contrast effect


The stereotype content model of Cuddy, Fiske, and colleagues groups stereotypes along the two dimensions of a. intelligence and morality. b. competence and warmth. c. directness and indirectness. d. dehumanization and impulsivity.


Which of the following is not predicted by social identity theory? a. Self-esteem is derived from positive ingroup associations. b. Threats to self-esteem tend to decrease ingroup favoritism. c. Expressions of ingroup favoritism tend to increase self-esteem. d. Self-esteem is increased to the extent that the ingroup is perceived as better than the outgroup.


Affectionate feelings toward women based on the belief that women need protection are referred to as _____ sexism. a. ambivalent b. patronizing c. benevolent d. hostile


Gunner thinks that Jews are particularly funny. He overestimates the association between being a stand-up comedian and being Jewish because both characteristics are very distinctive from the normal population. This demonstrates a. a contrast effect. b. the outgroup homogeneity effect. c. an illusory correlation. d. social-role theory.


Social categorization is advantageous because it a. leads to more accurate social perception. b. encourages us to take longer to make judgments about others. c. frees up cognitive resources. d. is generally based on realistic assumptions.


All of the following result from social categorization except a. overestimation of differences between groups. b. underestimation of differences within groups. c. increased confidence that differences between groups are biologically based. d. increased tendency to notice behaviors inconsistent with group stereotype.


Latrell is not satisfied with his $5 million annual salary because he feels that other basketball All-Stars are paid far more money. Latrell's dissatisfaction is most likely the result of a. realistic conflict theory. b. ingroup favoritism. c. outgroup homogeneity. d. relative deprivation.


Research by Bodenhausen (1990) on the cognitive functioning of "morning people" vs. "night people" demonstrates that the influence of stereotypes depends on the a. personal information a perceiver has about a target. b. motivation of the perceiver. c. age of the perceiver. d. cognitive resources available to the perceiver.


Which of the following has been demonstrated through the use of minimal groups? a. Competition for limited resources is necessary for ingroup favoritism. b. Ingroup favoritism will not occur in trivial laboratory groups. c. Ingroup cohesion is necessary to produce ingroup favoritism. d. Mere categorization is sufficient to produce ingroup favoritism.


Which of the following is an example of a superordinate goal? a. A girl trying to set a new school record for running the mile b. Two friends playing tennis against each other c. A man trying to pick up a woman at a bar d. Athletes who normally compete against each who are now on the same relay team


Which of the following is not one of the conditions deemed ideal for contact to serve as a treatment for racism? a. Equal status b. Cooperative activities c. Personal interaction d. Pleasant environmental conditions


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