Exam 2 study guide

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Thatcher Illusion

A phenomenon in which people have difficulty noticing local feature changes (e.g., upside down eyes or mouth) in an upside down face.

Early attachment

All infants have a fundamental need to form strong connections with caretakers

Zygotic Period

First two weeks of natal development. Begins with fertilization and ends with implantation

free will

God's gift to human beings of the freedom and ability to choose what to do

ambivalent attachment

Pattern in which an infant becomes anxious before the primary caregiver leaves, is extremely upset during his or her absence, and both seeks and resists contact on his or her return.

What is the primary function of norepinephrine

Plays a role in body's stress response, mood regulation, attention, and overall physiological and psychological functions.

prenatal development

The baby's development during a pregnancy

REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep because the

The person's body is asleep, but the person's brain is active.

Development Psychology

a branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the life span

What is the McGurk effect?

a perceptual phenomenon that demonstrates an interaction between hearing and vision in speech perception. The illusion occurs when the auditory component of one sound is paired with the visual component of another sound, leading to the perception of a third sound.

secure attachment

a relationship in which an infant obtains both comfort and confidence from the presence of his or her caregiver

When Kate's grandma leans over the crib with a toy in her hand, eight-month-old Kate grasps it and pulls on it. When Kate's mom hangs a set of animals across the crib, Kate reaches up, grabs them, and pulls them down. Kate seems to be working on ________ for grasping and pulling.

a schema

A neurotransmitter that is important in muscle contraction is


You tell your friend Betty about a dream in which you were a giant cupcake. Betty tells you the dream was meaningless and was only caused by random neural firings during sleep. Based on this you know that Betty most likely believes in the ________ theory of dreaming.

activation- synthesis

What is the primary function of serotonin

acts as a neurotransmitter for mood, sleep , and apatite/ digestion


agents, such as chemicals and viruses, that can reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development and cause harm

sensory development as infants

an infant can obtain information from the world by hearing, seeing, smelling , tasting , and touch

Mary and Eric are outside playing one day when Eric looks up and asks, "What's that big bright ball in the sky?" Mary replies that it is the sun. That night, Eric looks out his bedroom window and sees a big, bright ball in the sky. "Look, Mary, it is the sun!" he exclaims. This example shows that Eric has used ________ for his new knowledge.


insecure attachment

attachments marked by anxiety or ambivalence

Jane is taking a long road trip to visit her family, and she's been driving for hours. She suddenly realizes that she's feeling very tired and her heart rate is increasing. Concerned, she pulls over at a rest area. As she sits in her car and tries to relax, her heart rate gradually returns to normal, and she starts feeling more awake. (which part of the nervous system helped)


two types of insecure attachment

avoidant and anxious/ambivalent

What is the long, slender projection of a neuron that conducts electrical impulses away from the cell body and transmits information to other cells in the nervous system?


Each eye sees more of the world on its own side of the visual field. A combination of the views from the two eyes creates the depth cue of

binocular disparity

According to the ________ model of conceptual processing, the recognition of patterns occurs because data are relayed from a lower level to a higher level of processing in the brain.

bottom up processing

What is the term for the main part of a neuron that contains the nucleus and most of the organelles, playing a crucial role in signal integration and neuronal function?

cell body

The spinal cord is part of the __________ nervous system


What nervous system is responsible for coordination, balance, and speech?

central nervous system

The coiled, bony, fluid-filled tube in the inner ear that houses the sensory receptors is called the


What is the primary function of the somatic system in the body?

control voluntary muscle movements and transmit sensory information from the body's external environment to the central nervous system

What is the specialized part of a neuron that receives incoming signals from other neurons or sensory receptors and plays a crucial role in transmitting these signals to the cell body?"


aviodant attachment

doesn't care if mom leaves the room or not. Not aware of moms presence. This is a parents centered home, childs needs are not met.

Lionel has Parkinson's disease and has difficulty starting motor movements because the neurons involved with dopamine activity are

dying off and decreasing activity

fetal period

end of month 2-9 months after conception, massive physical growth, ends at 40 weeks with birth


genetically wired involuntary responses that are crucial for survival

According to ________, we perceive a car as a whole unit rather than perceiving it as a group of distinct entities (such as metal, tires, glass, door handles, hubcaps, and fenders)

gestalt theory

The brain structure that is associated with the formation of memories is the


Nicholas is an infant researcher and wants to use the strange-situation test in his work. Nicholas is most likely interested in seeing

how infants respond to separation and reunion with their caregivers


inability to recognize faces

Basic survival functions such as heart rate are controlled by the hindbrain structure called the


Harlow Wire monkey experiment result

monkey babies liked the cloth mother

Ainsworth Strange Situation (Paradigm)

mother and child playing together, strangers enters , mother leaves , then mother returns and stranger leaves , stranger enters the room and child interacts with stranger

what two criterial ways do infants develop

myelinated axons form synapses with other neurons, second over time and with experience , the synaptic connections are refined to preserve the most important

The basic building blocks of the nervous system are the


Eleven-month-old Luis watches as his mother comes in and out of his bedroom while she is putting away laundry. Luis does not get upset when his mother leaves the room since he seems to know that his mother is still in the house, even if he cannot see her. Luis is demonstrating which of the following?

object permanence

longitudinal designs

one group of participants are studied over a long period of time


our awareness of ourselves and our environment

illusion of conscious will

people believe their consciousness is controlling their actions when it isn't

anxious attachment

people constantly crave acceptance but remain vigilant to signs of possible rejection

avoidant attachment

people experience discomfort getting close to others and use avoidant strategies to maintain distance from others


physical development of the brain and body that prepares an infant for voluntary movement, such as rolling over, sitting, and walking

What is the primary function of epinephrine

prepares the body for a "fight or flight" response in stressful or emergency situations

subliminal perception

processing of sensory information without conscious awareness

what is the fusiform gyrus

region of the temporal lobe that responds when faces are present in the visual field

What is the primary function of the cerebellum in the human brain

regulate voluntary muscle movements, balance, posture, and motor learning

What is the primary function of the thalamus in the human brain

relay station for sensory information

cross-sectional design

research design that examines people of different ages at a single point in time

What is the primary function of the peripheral nervous system in the body?

responsible for relaying information between the body's internal and external environments and the central control center (CNS), allowing for the regulation and coordination of various bodily functions and responses.

"What is the primary function of the parasympathetic nervous system in the body?

rest and digest

What do visual illusions help

reveal normal perceptual processes

example of a controlled process?

roller-skating for the first time

Which style of attachment shown by 60-65 percent of infants indicates that they are readily comforted by the caregiver during times of distress and are comfortable playing in an unfamiliar environment as long as the caregiver is present?


The sense organs' detection of external physical stimuli is called ________, whereas further processing, organizing, and interpreting of those stimuli in the brain is called ________.

sensation and perception

If you want to increase the production of melatonin, you should

sit in a dark room

Odin is asleep when his neighbor starts banging on his window. Odin barely moves, and when he does finally wake up, he is confused and disoriented. Before he was awakened, Odin was most likely in ________ sleep.

slow wave

Grant wants to do everything he can to keep his wife healthy during her pregnancy. He frequently gives her folic acid because he knows that this helps development of the ________ during the ________ period.

spine and brain; embryonic

Mark is nervous for his test ,As a result, his heart rate increases, his palms become sweaty, and he starts to feel jittery.(what nervous system is involved )


The site where communication occurs between neurons through the release of chemicals is called the


Julia is pregnant and she wants to keep healthy throughout her pregnancy. Since her house is old, she has it checked for lead paint because she is afraid of the effect of ________ on the fetus.


A post office receives lots of incoming mail, organizes it, and then sends it out to various locations. Which part of the brain is a lot like a post office?


infant attachment

the close emotional bond between an infant and its caregiver

stanger anxiety

the fear of strangers that infants commonly display, beginning by about 8 months of age

infantile amnesia

the inability to remember events from early childhood

embryonic period

the period from two to eight weeks after fertilization, during which the major organs and structures of the organism develop


the philosophy that holds that every event, action, and decision results from something independent of the human will

What is Weber's Law?

the principle that states that the just-noticeable difference between two stimuli is a function of the magnitude of the original stimulus

Circadian rhythms can best be described as

the regulation of biological cycles into regular, daily patterns.

Sally is playing ball with her friend Anne. When Anne leaves the ball on the couch and goes to the bathroom, Sally hides the ball behind the TV. Sally expects Anne to look for the ball on the couch when she comes back because Anne does not know the ball was moved while she was in the bathroom. Sally is demonstrating that she understands Anne has her own thoughts and intentions that are different from Sally's. Sally has developed

theory of mind

Allie has just gone through puberty, and the rapid development of her frontal cortex is causing her to

think more flexibly and critically but with some difficulty

critical periods

time when developing organs are most susceptible to birth defects

Daniel is learning how to read, and because the box just delivered to his door contains a pizza, he realizes that the unfamiliar word he sees on the box must be pizza. Daniel is using

top down processing

When sensory receptors change physical stimuli into signals that the brain can understand, this is called


Gretchen is excited when her son Brian demonstrates that he has developed theory of mind and will now be able to

understand that his mom has intentions that guide her actions

Visible light consists of waves that are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The two main features of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum are

wavelength and amplitude

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